HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-5, Page 7THE SIGNAL i3ODRRICH ONTARIO TatnspAT, I1.t,c* S. 1914 7 Dadwayls £LDead y in lief terser. DM US,. 41.', o • t.r,,hr I ysa ..alert.! n .sI%. 1 Ism der ahead ,,c,. -a ,lure fes Pere that. $ MS le . , nl fes ,.•,weal dlbea[. iz ekajr •.d .•..,armesd It to dal rMrkr. NEVAAL11IA r M• it, tier is Ib. Duet .stw(er ktftset km.wa. awl it,, refers 11 nee Jstufasseat,o, fleet ran 4• end iu fi.eerlala. k as use part *f- ew aim wee gessis soaked alt` 11 ea w rat e5' swan, null! Me la den.a., asill▪ inielath.. even. tit lea ata n.tbWAY & CO.. )looteeal, C... yoU CAN ENTER ANY DAY AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE 0*01 SOUND. ONTAm,O Liege staff of .peeti:alista. [tido idual 111.1 ra.tlna. Position. guaranteed to graduates. C. S. Frt.vxt.u. P C. A. Pi:mend for U. D. FLim s4e, :i;) Para. Secretary. Weise T. Swans 'Bus, Livery ad Back Stables MIiNT1ZNAL MTIcgET JC.rr 01F THE 134/C.tkx e— v orf al 111'SE'i NI ENT .ALL TMALNS AND ; PAS$RSOER : BOAT!( Passengers called for in :any part of the town for all train. at G. T. It. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt eerviee and careful atten- Our Livery and Hack eel vier. will 1e found np- t..-dace in every respect. Your pat rooage solicit ed. T. SWARTS IThune Itr7 Montreal Street PORT ALNFIRT LIICTURE AT TRINITY Miss Winnows Stevenson visited friends in liodetlab tun indite last Rey. J. B. P.ehwing im Streaks m week. Drama and Tragedy u Toronto Mrs. George lame and daughter, el Belfast are visiting ber father, Mr. F. Cunnitlbmen for a few days. Mlle.Ellen Draper returned home on Monday after a ell wee v sit with ',Nativist tet ts fr'atltrAM a5' don, Miss M.rgaret Witoria. of liodurieb. Is the gueet of Mr. and Sire. Jacob Mc - (lee. Mr. Wilfred Stet -metes gave a very esjoyeble deuce to about fifty of hie friends uu Tuesday night. Mrs. Robert Johnston. of Dungan- non, has beset visiting her patents, lir. and Mgrs. James ,)liver. for the pact were k . Mite Genie McGee visited frit/ode in litelerich over tiascday. \Ir. Joe \IeMihan, of Detroit, is 1 visiting his many Iriends in this Mr. NVallace ('tintiiiighe,n wit% hotne from Uoxlerich for the weekend. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Au eatietent .cientipt, the other day, gave his ,.pinion that the most won- derful (Recovery of recent years w:u the diwvvery of Z tor,-Kuk. Just think ! As soon as a single thin layer .4 %nut-litlk he applied to a wound or a sore. such injury is insured agairest blood pti.on ! Nut etre species of microbe bas !.ern feuud that %am-ltak does not hill Then again. .(. soon as Zan -Kut i.. applied to a bore, or a cut or to rain die - ram.. it stops the smarting. That is why hildren are mach Irirn.ls of %am -Bok. rimy cafe hing for the science of the thing, 1l1 they know is that ..snt- Hu. stops their pain. Mothers should never lin-get thtr. Again. Aa soon as 7.atu-Luk is ap- plied to a wound W tea diseased part, the eel!. I.ene:ttb the Skin's emitter are 5',u stimulated that new healthy ti.sue to qui •kly tonne,!. 'Phi. tortu- iog of fle.b healthy timer flow below is %stn-Kuk'• secret of healing. The tissue time fortiwd is worked up to the surface and literally casts utt the diseased ti•aue above it. This is why %.nl-Kuk cures are permanent. Only. the ether day Mr. Marsh. of !nl lrinrinirt• Ave.. Montreal, called upon the %ant-tfuk Cu and told thew chat ter over twenty.flvii years he had been A martyr to ,r•cetua. His hands vette at obs time so covered with sures that he had to bleep in gloves. Four years ago Zee -But was intrn- dnced to him, and in a few months it. Pure' bin. Todey--.aver three years atterhis hs cure of disease he haul for twenty-five years he is still cured, and has had no Dace of any return of the eczema ! All druggists sell Zam-fink at :,0c. box, or ear will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a lc. stamp Ito pay return I..»tage•i. Ad- dre.% Z tw -Buk Co., Toronto. GETTING TJ WORK Beard of Trade Council Appoints Com- mittees and Outlines Work The newly -elected council of the __ — Board of Trade hell its fits: -meeting COLLEG E AT HOME Thousand.. of amMtloiue young pre��te are fen pmiming to their own to occupy luerativa-po-ttlooa a. *tenon iphern,bookkaper.., telegrapher.. eirll servants. in fact .very .phere of Huai new Activities You may dant .tt sol l' -,c if eon so wish. Position■ guaran- teed. Minter college any day. Ind it id n"1 instruction. Expert teacher.. Thirty re.o', experience. Large-. trainer. In Canada. Seven allege.. special a»..he for tacker+. Afsliate•d with Cosunierelal Eduon ton' A.neo;at:nn of Caned.. Son.mer Sehool :at famous Snot ton 11 •.eine-s 'Mere. London. Clinton Business tallege Curl. tleort. President. Pnxi:s.l DR. DevM'St•R I401 i r. la. nPillee Ne rt,atlnS ICI for woes_. Es box th-ee i•.r ye. Sold at all Drug Stoma or mailed In any . l•!trwon r.Peept til prise. pas wersar.l. pod o 1 31. (etbaraea. lndano. PHO&'HONOL FOR MEW - . Wity: for Kane and Ili n: Inrreams • •tt ry matter'a Tonle—will build > u up. $3 a tri. M tan for sb at drug as, or by toad e,n reewit V a 5'i... IN. eoo.tu. »mmu co., et Catharines. es. E. Re WIOLE Dai as u.T :Ism 41111,idigelkeases WiGLE S PHARMACY I ioderich, Ontarin waw twwwwwWWItenelineweleeemaree COAL Having purchased the Mew rens intensely conducted by F. Harlow Holme, we par - pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Cement Fire Brick, Lie. We will hmedle Neranton and Lehigh Valley Coal. two lines which are recognised as the hast. We wish to glen the people of Godes-tell and vicinity the heat ,cervine pose alible, and shall he glad to hear from all of Mr. Rohm& aMtrare and any otbera who w.I. anything 1n our Ilnae. All orders left with Jae. Y abs aY est street, promptly Yam= to adlogialiglabill 'Pbatwe Na TO Yards at G. T. R.. Nelsen Street on Monday- evening it the offices of the Awerecan Hoed ltachine Co. Nearly all the mrnsts'rs were present. and there was a true of enthusiasm about the meeting which promises Well for the year's work new being entered upon. In order that the work of the board fright be facilitated, a number of rom- ulittees were struck. each of which will specialize un a certain line of activity. Tbemagu itieui• tees are as follow. Irse !trial—l'. L Moore (chairman.. R. J. Megaw, H. E. litslgene. D. F. Halnllnk and ('. K. Maunders. Tt anepu stat inn—G. L. Parsons (as than I, .1. W. Fraser-, F. R. Hodgens. W. 1f. Robxerts.ro and J. W. Kitts. ('tvie and Publicity -8. C. Runnings (ebairtusu), R. J. Megaw. Wrn. Camp- urn ampurll and Vt . 1'. I'rldham. Menehership sod Finance—H. J. A. \lacEwau (rhaitman I, A. Porter. C. C. Lee, F J. l'ridhanc and Jori. Kidd. Hydro-t:adinls—.t. Perterchairutan), I1. E. H,blgetes and W. H. Robertson. Rev. J.weph Elliott, of town. and Nit, W. U. ('o•Itte. of Big Stone Gap, Vire ginia. wire admitted to mernherehip in the beard. Mr. (' eat: t- who is a former t;ode- ich is,y. nus taken a great interest in the work of the Hoard of 'Trade for rewce year s. The u,.0 ket question was discussed. and a wrnibee suggested that if any- thnig wage done along thi• line it would he well to secure the property in the tear of the town hall for market. (wrya.asee- Another expressed the opinion that the whole metbed of doing basin'%% was being change -d by t ural wail uelivei v and the parcel post. and it might be well to delay ashes with respect to the market until it should he seen what effect thea. changes would beer. The [natter wttana•oraMeigtr &tomp(dMr- tbwps. - en!. questions in regard to trwnsp ni In- tiou, iudtsh ial expansion and other ucattere wire discussed tied lines of action suggested for the edvanerwent of the town's intere.ts. KEP1IALDOL The Positive, Saftr Cure for Headache and Neuralgia - vutterer, from these torturing ail- ments will welcome the coming to Canada of tbe well-known European remedy. Di. Stohr's KephakloL Hitherto the nee of most so-called remedies bas been attended with tbe �vest danger c n aernunt of their iu- ous effect ne the heart and other organ.. Kepbeldol usay he takan with absolute bidet y. In thoneanda of caw Kephaldol set. Instantaneously set. whore other remedies have proved melees. Yet Its use is never attended by any ill titter - 'Mete. It has been tr'.+cc.gnrtiteed MI a perfectly harmless Purdy by 5'M needles! profession, wbe have made regular and prolonged crisis of it is their clinics, on tbwnssads of patients- IfTon would met gulch and safe rte 11df from those distressing pilus !Jti tube... get a 31k telb. ee R tablets front your drlegal ` . and never be without a seppty.)1 Limited. 31 Latour St., MaettnaL '•Like a grate full of make, 1 glow, when • great, full ball 1 see," 'vegan Col. MacQueen, Introducing Rev. J. B. Futhertwghaw to the audience which bad awsa 1i hats his Lamm uu -Othello and K hug Lear Compared." nod tilled Trinity's Convocation hall on Saturday. \I v. Fotheringh am, who speaks with a biting intensity of the Scotch- uia)n roused, began by warning hia hearers s.galast the comwon misuse of the w'., -ds "Tragedy" and -drama." Shakespeare used neither word ill its modeler 5401,5'. 'There pathos, tccisery or disaster are not tragedy, which is -really a struggler between the powers Of good and evil, with the dtepiqure- utartur overthrow ut good. The char- acter or characters concerned must he above the common level, and built 0n an heroes acute, not necessarily good nos lovable, but essentially pow- erful. True, drama is not description of an event or mites of events, but most deal with beings in motion. working ou steadily to a definite crisis, those engaged is it depicting the eternal conflict and its issue. Infinitely Hoer than any of Shr.ke- speare's other plays, thinks Mr. Fotb- eringbaru, are King Lear and Othello. Better illustrations are they of human nature, more direct in approach, free Irani underplots and excursions, tLey grasp the mind with a toaster band. Their painful intensity is comparable only ta. the PIormts of the tropical zone, in which there are no silences. lirief sutumttries of tragedy as shown in tbe lives of the nutatanding tigures in the two plays followed, popular conceptions lrring diar,egerd- sd. !ages villainy was tragical be - Caller of the wavy el•-tncnta in his chant,ter which go to th) making of an ideal titan; 0!hello's jeeluualy con- tained' uothiiig petty, but touched the ultimate and infinite ; the love of C.mleli i and of De.demona, though Lound in woven of differing types, was the love that triumphs to the fere of death. the beam of light which lies acrom the dismal !decimetre of the platys. revealing taIe ultimata victory of good and truth. CELEBRATED GOLDEN WEDDING Old Huron Reiideots Live Many Years in Clay -voile, Penna. The following is au extract ot the Claysvillt. Recorder con.erning the golden wedding of Dr. and Mrs. George Calder, who were warriel at Burnside, \IcK.11op township, some years ago :— Un February 10th, Pell, the mar- riage of Miss Mary Scott to Ur. George Crider•, and of Ries Elizabeth Scott to Mr. Archibald Dickson, took place in e. double wedding at the Scott country home at Burnside, Ontario. It was 'luite an important ueighbothood event stud theta axere-utway etitreeaaea to the ceteufony uniting the four lives. i)r. and Sirs. Calder, who have been residents of Claysville for :iti year., tire vet living and celebrated the golden wedding on Friday evening at their home un !lain street. Four children and all their grandchildren except Miss Carrie Calder, who is in Les .togeles. Cal., were present. Mies (Piece E. Scott, who as a younger sis- ter of the brides, got up on the stair- way to witness the marriage, is one of the many yet living who were at the wedding and on Friday evening related interesting incidents of the tine. enlivening the occasion with her anecdotes. Miss Ella Dickson, who Dame from ('..lumbus, Ohin, with her cousin, Miss Elizabeth McGregor, is a daught•or of Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, both tet whom passed away some years ago. The event was ceiehiated quietly with a substantial dinner and pleasaut social hour. Ther, were presept Mr. and lira. James Calder, daughter Catherine and son (aeolge ;. Dr. and lis. Frank Fish and sons (;alder and Livingston ; Rev. Rehm t L. Cal- der, member of the faculty ot Grove City college, with Mrs. Calder and their daughter., Mary, Priscilla and Helen ; Mr. anal Mtn R. H. O. Sic I)onough, of W+.shing.on. To De. and Mr-. Gilder is extend.sl the warme-temigre., elation.' and trust that they rimy Nice mere happy years added to their fifty etsars of married life PAINTER, GRAINER AN° PAPERHANGER . ' E. W. JEROME C -o. MU. N A Kt.1.lw nwtit street lies'. workman -hip. leek. • meterat,._ Pattern Hooks .iii atMlea.tta. Nen IQ_, twesessesesteeinereereenesettesewarsieWleisentr • The Tortures. . of Rheumatism are aggravated &ring Asiatic changes be- cause the impure blood is incapable resistance and ordinary treatment seems useless—but the .fame of Scott's Emtlilsiam for relieving rheumatism is based on logical prinaipks and scientific facts. This oil -food promptly makes active, red, }ifs -sustaining blood corpuscles and its bods buildiftg properties regulate the functions to eotpel poisonous acids. s Vdelas, with careful diet For one mouth. will relieve die lame miseries and stiffened fists and subdue the unbeara- ble sharp pains when other remedies fail. •ever• of oleaAsir init.raas ow/ iuitale the many ofSCOTTS. A7 ALi. OI,J ur.,w L,AURIER Mr. Ueu. F. M.Naim spent the week- end at Ms boom tete. Mr. Thoma. Tboburn is the guest of Mr. K. 1). McIaesan. Mr. H. McLean bas sold his the driver to Mr. Thor. %Vela ). Mr. Russell Bissett spent an evening at Point Clark last, Seek. Mrs. A. MeDonalrls visiting; Kt the home of ber parents in l.nthui). Mrs. Dan. McNaln in the guest of her son, Mr. James McNair, tor a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. McKenzie visited at the h of Mine Lilly McKey one day hart week. Mr. Thomas Johnstone took asleiKb- load of young folk to the house of 1Vm. Johnstone. Kistail. one averring last week and all bad as good time. 8ENMILLER Mr Wtu. Vaustene has 'teen vety ill the pait week or two. The young son u( Mr ,and Mrs. T. Pfrimtner has been very sick. Mies Lottie Jona. w:ts the recipient of a nice present at a large surprise party on Friday evening on her ...av- lug that fatuity with whom she bas spent a ronsider;tble tines. On Sunday ntorning at Benmill r cbuteh the pastor on behalf of the Cb.ietian friends in the church and adult Hible chum Demented Mies Lot- tie June% with a beautifully hound Bible end Methodist hymn book. The occasion was made dorthly inter- esting as tbe presented in was made in a reception sort•iee et whieh the young Indy in question was iareived into full membership of the Methodist church along with ether candidates. She expects to go west in the near tutu' P. BRUCEFIELD The griw reaperef death once more visited this coinwaltlity nn Sabbath evening bust, Fehrusry srfcd, when Andrew Davidson, one of the mo -t highly respected residents of this,dis- trict, was called suddenly to his long house. The deceased had been enjoy- ing splendid'he.tlth ter many month, past, in feet, was a span who knew but little of the real mtesning of illness. It was on Friday. etvewng. Fetuuar*. Pith, wheat he trade the Ret com- plaint. He retired, however, at the usual hour, but during the night a heavy fever set in upon him. All tbe symptoms et that time pointed to le grippe and it was duly taken to r granted that la grippe was the true disease at fault. A day or so later, however, and the patient was wrapp- ed in intense pain, arse! medical aid was speedily summoned. The phy.i- cian in charge pr000unrel it. erysipe- las. Day by defy paused and despite the cl)st st medical attention and tend- er care the deceased gradually sank, until 7.30 Sunday night, when he pass- ed into the arms of his creator. The de- ceased was widely known throughtout Baron county and Tuckersmlth t`osin- ship, ot which he had been a resideut for over half a century. He was the fourth eon of the late Jamey Davidson and was born in the retiring of the veer 1f157, on the Wen now owned by Mr. John Dutot and adjoining that of the deceased. He was a loving hus- band and a devoted father, and not alone admitted by his family, but by the community at large. lie proved a general lavortte with all who knew him : as a neighhor 'he was ever will. ing to lend a helping band—no one in need did ever go front his door in dis- appointment. The name and memory of Andrew David ton will long remain green in the neighborhood and county, where he for about .17 years did dwell. In religion he WAS a Pe'.sbytrrian and in politics a staunch Liberal. He leaves to mourn hie lose • Sorrowing widow, three sons and three daugh- ters, the eldest, Clutt, it step -son, of Pennant. Saskatchewan : James, Scott and John, at home ; Marjorie, of Regina, and Atice,and another little girl, at home. interment w:as trade in Haird's cemetery. The syuipethy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved fancily in this heir time of deep sorrow and /nletion. EAST WAWANOSH Mr. Walter Jaeohe, who has been living on his father's farm in East Wawann.h f )r a cnupin of year.. has disposed of the suer to a party froth southern Ontario ao.t intends holding t sale of his stock in .t nilple .1 when he and tris fancily will leave for ('alifornia, where: his parents me en- gaged in orange growing. There passed away on Fehr.tary a)th another of the few retraining pioneers of Rut Wawanosh• in the person et George Dalgarno. after a abort illness. The d..-ea.erl was horn in I'7 in the I.artsi'of Old Derr, Aberdeen. eseetlaerl. and came to ( &nada in INK.- being eve week. and them wtws�,riis, masked }�MsMer� aster tawse to East 1Vawat.o.b in I II. where be ',sided until he reth.ri from firming, mewling to ii.•Igrsre in ifass. In Pill he married 1,rsee Cameron. of i'us- linch township, e ho metier -eased hitu in 1108, To the marriage there were lex children, (:hn.titia, who died in PSC: James, died is ltiN : aln. J. 'P. Scott, died in 1:1I(1 ; Mr...l►tetee ('lark. of (lu.lpb ; Mrs Geos ge T. Robertson, lVingh.m : Mrs. James A. Scott, East R'•waooeh, at whore home de• ceased pawed away. lir. Dalgarno was • wonderful mut in runny weys. He was a min )(steeling character, wart.stoeak.d by a very large circle. of (visualised his ,nosy wets of kiodses. and words of eisiviee will not soon he forgotten. Ne wast life-long metnler of the Presbyterian -hutch, and was coos.etetl with bath Helgnce and Calvin churche during his residence in ashtray* and East Waw&nosb. Fie was a great reader and bad a wonder- ful msstoty. When in his moth year, Mr. Dnlaaewo recited tam aborter cate- chism from memory, h )t h in the asters' way end backward., asking the questions himscli and then give tlas.nvve.% ansmers. )'or this wern- tisrfsl aeootnplishm.nt for a maty of his age, the Presbyterian general raseiblr gave bin a beautiful corti- Bsatd. Is ponel.v Mr. Dalgarno was a stasseh "Annal. The funeral took illass to II/Ingham cemetery. The mRvtrQ ware eendn .Mal by Rev. A. M. �sAew. R . enwwoM.rwwi4es O nus rJe.0,.*nTCtMiau As.pa, l .1a.w.• . e taosobs Ntewtn and George T NEARLY BEI IF STONEITIE WIDER GIN PILLS SAVED HIM 513 JANES: W., Halslrrog, Oere. "Five years ago. I was taken dam!" •ith what tits tiueiseta called iallt lkl tion of The Bladder- intense it ns In back and loins, and difficulty 1. urin- ating, and the attacks, which became more [reverie, amounted to unbearable agony. I became w weak that I could not walk at row. the floor. Myt wife read In the papers about GIN PI 1-1, and seat for a box. Prom tbe very first, I felt that GIN )'ILLS erre tlottlg Stir good. 'rite pain was relieved at once and the attacks. were leas frequent. in six weeks, the Stone in the Bladder canoe away. \thrn 1 rec.Jl how I suffered and how now 1 ant healthy and able to wurk, 1 cannot express myself strongly enqugh when I speak of what GIN I'11.LS have done for me." JOHN HF.KYAN. 578 GIN PiLt,Saresoldat SocaIx.,- Gfor f2.so. Sent on receipt of price If your dealer does not handle them. Sample box freed you write us, mentioningthis paper. )honey back, if GIN YII.LS do not give satisfaction. National I)rng & chem. Co. of Canada. Liutittd, Toronto. EXAMINATIONS ANNOUNCED Entrance ,jExaminationa Will Start m June isth The ex:uninlcti ,n Inc end .tree to high school and innior public school graduat ion will be on .l use 13th to lt)tb, according to instructions just issued by the depa.•tmoot of teluertiou. The junior high wheel entrance examin- ations 'nett on June I:th, cu::tinuing until the 10th, while the g radu- etion examinations eotitin tie trout the !tele to the 10th. April 1St hist he latest date on which nntiticei ion can Its sent to the public signed inspectors directly err though the inincipAI .1 the school. WHOLE COUNTRY IS RINGING WITH IT Wonderful Cure of Rheumatism by Dodd's Kidney Pills . Dutfha:s:aur:=Murdb- Zed.=;tipti iul).--llissisquoi county is ringing with the story of Site. G. M. Hutchins, who atter suffering from rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia, l> again a strung,,hearty woman. In an inter- view Mrs. Hutchins says : "1 was affected with rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago. II limbs would swell ; my wusciss would cramp ; 1 was nervous and had a heavy dragging sensation across the loins. I could not even walk across the room. Then 1 started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills and after taking six boxes found myself in the hest of health as well as ever I was in my life." Mee. Eittrrttiwi tsowbie.. -wee- all caused by kidney disease. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured them so completely and quickly. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Tonre t VN,111 s'treet•. Toronto. Ont.. is the pioneer nigh grade Huainan School of Canada. Under new management 1t 1. doing better work than ever. Write a. ifou want to ere - pare toe a 10:13.X1 position. Henry, C. Ward. PrinetpaL 'Y1ET THE BEST! iT PAYS! Writlfor tM Cstaiogne et . ! _EJOTT Toreet,. (bre. It eeclaii,s fully the many ad %antheee offered by th•. well known -chooi College open all ye sr. omr,.eo.:e now. "1n One Hour 1 Learned to Play the Piano at Home" W1th07t • Lesicti cr K.notvl lege I 'tusk Yon Can Play the Piano a Organ in One Hour. Mf naerfal New System That bM a •bHd C;n Ua.s neeawnoweenmenewwwwwwwwwWeInfir Our New Styles ..:• OF THE LATEST HATS ARE VERY NOBBY AND NEAT We.have also a choice tot of ARROW COLLARS and EASTER NECKWEAR TO CHOOSE FROM McLean Bros. The Square, God^rich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents aur earhartt Vveralls, S:anfiticts Underwear, Fitwc:. I:1: Arrow Brand Corers and Cuffs. 1 Are You Troubled With -COLD FEET? o you aresuT•t'n• � e. -displeasure. 1 t t t.eedl , y, s Huy Shoes that tit'ike the Ever Right or Hartt and se e comfort of waren feet. Good substantial reductions on certain lines of Lethel' Gentlemen's Shoes to make roow for New Spring Stock. J. H. McCLINTON leaf TWA. 1 N..er Teethed a we. asters to eselbM ,00 met Ent as peeve It st pne etpenaa. We elft tench you to may Me piano or organ and will DOS auk one Sent ttnw you San play. A musical err,lt1. from riflemen had tnvrot..l • world. rtul . ).tom eller. bye •,7- ese ran Intra (o piny rho Plano er Organ le ane hoar. With Ihte n. w Method >aa deal bare 10 know one note from an..thee. yet to an Mor of pro. t lea you eon he 01a71ae your faeorlta !Tingle with all the Salers of loth hnnds and playing it well. Teo tees -titian se so simple flat 'wee a a��aii11dd sun now ms.trr smote without" rasa? te.treetsa. Anyone sea bave this now Lisboa ea a tn•e trialmerely ter asking. wefts es ung. -fiend me the near Waft Mousse as danatrs.sa be MEE iss�tpMAL sermon tropism ssro Vilb wWWI WdM�il1 Ntka n.syq e at.rtp kalebnasi asdty all IS. We ars ievs t• 1t r. • a are tree .abLs Irn nemeetiena N este as sere se stat. stein eeeaM fMAsnew rear go7 i'Lea A 11 ~e Ce. v1I *Wee koberteoe. =Tomato. t.waads. OUR RAZORS WILL GIVE YO') A SMOOTH. CLIGAN SHAVE. WE "SHAVED" OUR PRICES WHEN WE MARKED OUR HARDWARE.. • . /. FOOT WARMERS WE SELL THE "CLARK" INDESTRUCTIBLE r 4)OT WARMER FOR FARMERS, AUTOISTS, DELL F -R1. MEN AND RURAL MAIL DRIVERS. WILL KEEP "MK FEET WARM ON THE COLDEST DAY. STOVE kiARGAINS IF YOU NEED A STOVE IT WILL PAY Vt.. TO BUY FROM VS NOW. CALL AT THE STOMP. A''•f) • WL WILL BL PLEASED TO SHOW YOV OUR f.15.F. OF STOVES AT RLDVCED PRICES. SLL OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS LN MIT 1 S. TEA POTS. WASH BASINS. SHOVELS. LTC. DO NOT FORGET THAT WE CARRY A PVLL LINE OF HARD COAL (PEA. CHESTNUT. STOVE AND EGG). SOLVAY COKE, DOMESTIC LUMP. CANNEL �AND BLACKSMITHING COAL. HARDWARE, PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRIC WIRING PROMPT ATTENTiON GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. CHAS. Zw''. L E