The Signal, 1914-3-5, Page 5THF SIGNAL (ODERICH oNTARIO
Tllfv1$DAY, $ AID -n 6, 1144 1
Are You Going To Be on the
L! 0 "
An the big events of 1913 were won by
Indians, including
}every Hid Climb iu Ontario and in t hr State'.
National Stock Hold.hampionship, _7• mil's.
All rattan Track Championship's.
4 W New Jr."reHohmann y Hen. ore mile*,
Artdttna Desert Hoed Rect.. til miles.
Denver' »M)-mile'frack Moires. hot 11 eta••
,t'''hese events prove reliability but itt:elan ioti tIri .ugh the us,
..1 the Cradle MPriny; l't•atue they .ore the easiest riding vehicle, on
the 'market. Under no c.rndi'ions ••:In the( rider t.. subjected to
vibrat' as 00 the eld time maihin.i.
Why nal toy :1 -mall deposit en one of there the. tttachitte* and
,• sure of delivr' y .•arly in the spring.
i'huu.• 243 Next Teeri 11611 ' 4 •ud.•l ich
Saints Torn Down
The light ho• on the hill which ie
one of the old lrudm+t•ks rat Galeria'
le being torn down. It will be replac-
ed by .slaotolloihjj; tawtu unou-)11►y.
Unique Experience
'Pu hear a man in 'Stratford tell a
man in Toronto to ge to the etheriel
blue or some place like it, was the
experience of a local Loan Ise" night,
Ile was 'phoning to Toronto when
titrutera "butted in'- and being told
to get "oft the line," replied in an
abrupt manner.
At The Lyric
! t has been said went r Lime that it
is hilly to dabble in stocks and many a
ratan has Ara+i, ruined arotittd the *t'rl
exchange. "Thr Shadow of the
Mountains" ie a Diet ore shuwu at the
Ly'te theatre this work which ,•holes
the tetllo•)/ ofg.autblirlganal1.Y :a picture
with a. guts' un1r;11 lesson attechtel.
Promotion Examinations
Horan county public school pro-
ne/tion examination* will be held on
the seventh, eighth and ,ninth of
..,►chars ere **wielded to sant to
their public %chair' itapea:tor at .ince.
the utuulier of papers required for the
junior anti senior second clads',.. the
junior and %rnierthird el'.**.'s and the
junior fourth cuss.
At The Star, there is nothing so affect-
ing as re -union. After people have
h.wr...•parated for :. number of years,
vuluetarily or otherwise. all ditfer-
enree cease :and -absence make the
heart grow fonder. In the picture
"Hearts." ..-.•n ,et the Star theetre last
night a good illustration of this was
Eureka Criss Meets
The regular monthly [Pertin 'nf the
)?inekit Bible class- of Victoria street
Methodist rhumb wee -held at the
holo. of \1ts. Hutchison, ^Hritennut -
presidtel ted the election of --
toed on Stolidity, evening, )rev. .1. E. -Airs, W. Frank Semidries (Late
i Beers took place as follow.: Pleei- Abigail .3leuo will receive tor the
dent, Mrs. Hut c'hr un : vi.'i-president, first time einre her Item sage. on tinter-
- j Miss Jeesie Fort; s-•••retary, Maid f clay aft Patten); Match Ilth. at "The
We have our .„replete .tock
.f new Wall Papers te.ely tor
:ipiltat derating. Pape:, :ore
very t1•lino l%ah1.' haat Ave
daintier and prettier than eve'.
Priers .Inge front letter toll rap
to ISl.7i per roll. Watch thew
windows for new .le.siyn+ and
Special for Friday and
12o boxes Note Pater. t•egul i'
2.e,• valor,, special 1:*- per box.
Itup..rtt'd panel. regular
and:Etc user box. Ft dey and !Sat-
urday, 91 and 25c per ho..
Parisian lawn Envelopes, sec
alar 1()e per pkg.,-p.•cial 1 pkg-.
for _Lc.
Note Palter to ini'.•h. r.'ruler
I.e• per quire. Fridai qui Maim: -
day. 1 .jeitre-i for 25-.
The Colonial Book Store
(;EU. 1'ul:Ta l:.
have uttered t t make donations toward
*muting a Young \le -'e l:hrietain
aseociatlen but the eoet .•f a site and
building was alw.tys LOU great.
It is expel ted now that, as le suit
nf lir. 1.l he'��'•
n -nit a/M he vett an mpetit4 that
will result in %towel twviug'l. h.a.l-
*eine Y.M.C.A. before long.
At the present time their r. no plaice,
where young men can gather except
the bot. is and pull rooms, or on the
Bu'r't., and at limos "herd has been
uneiderable comment raised by some
of the Is spleen ilige.
Star Theatre
'tile Homs: of the Mutual
Showing pictures acted and
pre/lured by the heat companies
the worldedrauua taken from
the femora novel* by tbe Than -
ho userComparryare unsurpassed,
a1s•' the Kay -Bee and Hroocho
are leader in the most exciting
%ser pictures shown totley. Key-
stone l omedtes are skleeplit tete.
Between five and six thousand
feet of pictures shown each
ADMISSION 100. Children so
Estelle Clark: tieesul•er, )lies Nlauti
LOCALS== PERSONALS 1I Genera! Brough Chapter Meets
-_MI. S. El. !lift/ arae in Tut unto for
a few.da:'ethis tweet.
i ited
o wn
� Brown \ J. Y
.B v
1'. and .ter
T�•ornto the past week.
--ekes Elsie Farquhar. of Clint•an,
wit, in town over Sunday.
- -Mr. Alex.. McNe*ia of the local
postal eerviee is on the sick list.
-Mies Mary 'Welk.. of Mitchell. is
the %'treat of Miss ?4ar jorieAitkios.
--Mr'. H. S. Roberton, of !Stretford,
W.1-• in town on trusiness yesterday.
-\lies Barker of the local post office
staff was on the sick list this week.
- Mr. Roy 'Walter. of Toroote uni-
versity, was h.rmt. for Clitrweeioterrd.
-- Mew Hildred Met 'oil is able to he
�aroun.l *grin after an attack of grip.
'Ir. A. Roy Adam, arrived home
yesterday after a short trip to Sarnia.
`-Mies Lois Challenger visited with
friends in Listowel during the past
\tin Pinkney, of Seeforth, spent
Sunday with her cousins, the lasses
Misr Helen Doyle left last week
Ion a extended .visit to friends at
i llrooklyu.
-Mrs. \Vm. Tighe his returned
' from a two months' visit t.' her son.
lMr. Edward Tighe. at Galt.
-\lies Ile Allen returned home last
week fret) Toronto, where she spent
a couple of weeks visiting friends.
- ]hiss M u j•"ie Morrow left last
week for Delco t to rename bet. dutie ;
air milliner fur the J. L. Hudson t o.
-III i-01 Mugatrt Hose, of 1trettoral,
gas the guest of her friend. Mtn Eliz-
abeth Proudfout, for a few days hest which rust theta in the neighborhood
week. of Stet.
1 charter haw been granfrom
Lo the New Canada Forward Club
C.!'.K. to build a railway from l,ondnn
through Bayfield %rid Goderich to lkin' The l.therele of %urich and vicinity
c-tr.1 ine.
--Mos E: Edwards went to Toronto
Lest week. where she intends taking a
comer 111 the Dillry :nod Wall t►,aftlnI
and Deigning school.
_The monthly meeting of the
',Wien' Auxilintyof the Y.\I.C.A. will
be held in the T.M.C.A. risen.) on
Set unties, afternoon :.4 4 p.m.
Mr*. 1'. C. V icholeotl end daughter.
Marine. who hive been ai%sting 1.h.
Iwdv'y par•nue Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
fh•terr.g have returned to their home
I in P.nt Huron
- This regular meeting of i lie ('hil-
i dr r s -Aid suer.. y will he held a.a
IT.r.'srtwy, March Illth. at 1.1S ockwk.
`in the court bow... Aoyons interest-
I ed It invited to atter d.
-Mrs- Albert Cox and son. Willer -d,
weer have been vistung the lady's par-
ent•. Mr. and Nr. Rote -rt Elliott.
['teem street. have it -turned 1.. 11x44
Ihome St Morrie. Manitoba.
-Min. }',dweel Straugh.ut. Mr. Joe
�itraughan•and Mies Margaret Irft on
e~s0 -Wee
Save time by using a
sewing Machine
I n ..Jean..• if all other. wit ►" t!le
Yet V• 1 u .t sytpruvements.
Ball Bea inns
Pinch Tecsaon
Dust -proof Beerier.
Automatic Tension Release
Self Threading shuttle
Tension 1odtator
Patent Dress Guard and
P "man Automatic Lt(t
N•,kle-plated Steel Attachments
1.1 fat rash or monthly pa)
menta if preferred
Ary repairs needed procured in
3 !,ours from Hamilton, Ontario
James F. Thomson
Apa'nl f -•r Heinteman k Co.
nerM..v -
ara•..�w'is '�•ls
to employ a poor plumber. An Inside-
nsid► b1.m wbkh will ter fcwtud in an
�jesa,. waste paps to your kitchen sink 4vartl.ameet nn page own. some of
an erose more deaage lbws 1.M phos thy moors of Th. tt►gnal might just
t he well have the priers offered by the
VERY BEST PUJMBING y Plano company ae anybodyy
Perhaps yes Mee Seem trying to ears Pleasant EvewiMg SOa^t
mosey as t is and are s mI,.yel eas the r....l. of F ry Utah
Mail's'" Cambria road.
Writ Give Concert -
The Stewart Orcle.tra which 11.41
LLe•d with se,, mall>' tine concerts
The annual meeting of the General � -R_
He mgh Chappter. 1.0.11.E., will to given in God -rich has decided to give
held et. Monday, \larch 'alb, et :1.,3►►r. concert in the Temperer'' 14.411,
o'clock Ghat!) in the jury room of the North street, on the evening of Fri -
court hoose. .111 the members are day, March 20th. A first-class pro -
earnestly requested to bre present, gramme bay hewn prepared and the
as the officers for the ens • g year following have fiddly cmternt'J to
will t r elected at this meeting. After take port : Mist) Hil• McColl, Mime
the business meeting at Litt o' -lock, !Arica Elliott, Mr. Jame- Thomson,
Dr. Strang will give an address on Mr. Benjamin Winter. Mr. Wilfrid
"Responsible Government and its De- .lkehurst and Mr. Hall, of St. Marys.
ieloprnent.'' -\ good attendance ie re- Al small admission fee will be charged.
quested. - Farmers' Club
Trees Butchered 'L'be Farmer: club of Goderich town-
Kesident' of Brantfot 1 are up in sbipwvtaddiessedatitslastmeeting by
anew over etre reek)'.' rn•sorer ire 'Mr, N'. 1.t! `i 1.-e' *gra*, of Hoftn.dkvrfA',
Which the beautiful trees On some on the subject of poultry. The speaker
McKee it Tay!or
rbc teslJrm of
i Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1..
Taylor, len it :es'tion of A.Jdleld. we,.
the Beene of an lnter4vatiog ceremony
when the wedding of their third dem. A-
ter. Mende atetllr, Rodeo ick McKenzie
wee .ob'uiniced by Rev. J. S. Hartle-
ou \V'e.nesdey, February lath. The
bride was" given away by her brother.
Charlie, and was •uai.t1Pd by
Clower girl. 'lis% Alice: McDonald.
After the wedding ceremony a re-
ception wits held and Mr. and MIs.
\leKrnxie 1,t1. fat their home near
Kiutail. They hate the good w'iahee
of many
Secretary Reports a Successful Yeu at
Annual Meeting
unser) have been butchered by the gave a short review of t be amount of
The amine! meeting of the Mettle
Leaf chapter, 1.0.0.E., was held on
Monday ..(teruuon, Iarelt Lind. The
vi'•a•-regent a•as in Lhe chair and the
report of the se :rotary was tea.: and
ad.Ktted. It war -:-
Gimlet 4 14. March :Cul. 1L1 1
MAD.%'I R)seger ;`)1.r Leonel:,--I
have Mouth pleasure in pre2Wut111X the
titch 4116.11+1 t.-p.nt sitter the Maple
Leaf chapter rieeised stybarter
from being children of the etffpire to
deught.•... of the empire. This year
'h. Ti' has been held seven regular
tueetings and three snerial meetings.
The a tar* as tri. h our chapter h is un-
d.•rt alru i+ tnt•nishing eoutftrte end
neceen.ars' f: r Ilid operating room of
the Alex intim Cenci al and 31.11in')
h.' - pita" for which object we held an. l
AMA' eur vamdev411 •. 011 F't e:tary iced,
?hit, when a hanrt,nme stem wee rest-
ized. \\'illi this amount we purchase
ed an anaestheti•: table. a glass 'up
table wi h tw141g, a W.E. stuo: and a
wheel strrteher. We also this year
have continued our work of helping
an inmate of the Industrial home,
who le blind. At aster. Thanka-
g,vii•g and Christmas we sent her
remerubianees and comforts on be -
hell of the chapter and w.' hod touch
pleasure tot receiving delightful lettere
front the 1'.:ipieuL. (lar chapter is to
he congratulated upon haying s most
succe.nfnl year red all the member,
have worked enthusiastically. Our
.nemttership numbers sixteen.
Respectfully submitted.
1k. 2dLEi.t`e 3ftrD* n xl Pr
A Strong. lar -readily
• A `This local office of the Union
Bank of (' • ads Is I.-tt one
OF CANADA J c1. the 300 Branches of a
organizat.on whose Tota!
Assets exceed $70,000,000. Our tanking service cover,
C.....±t. and through our'ecnne.cticn_. we are prepared to tratfcsct
Hi-jrtess In any part of the ctvi?izca wor-t..
confidence of Canadians in the Sank. is atte:;ted by'ov• e-
aty sulci Dollars of L'epc jt:. Yours-,oul,1 triakc a visa
ielcome sdditlon•
C:,e,i ich Branch -F. Wt;'OLLCOM1I3E1
r t tteiCkeN COM
The II/ •••,;,-g of Chp Dungannon
Mad. i s • \fete •11.4 1110 m,.' w,:
'Id it •'e. • ,.l••nt of the 31.''h'ctti.t
hnrelr .• '1•t,ttt-sdsy• 1'rtcreerV 31th,
hen • , profitaht.• and pleasant
ime w ( • *;+ 01 lay all pt-eeent. Mr*
Siren) Alt*, 1411+41w grrske• 011
•Ilrea.l . , : i;i-•'Lit M .king." Atter a'
hors el a light Ittru'h was
evert' • membership of the iu-
titut•• un•s' forty and Ilhe
idles king furwer.i to some
ery ,t •.•> 111, uee.•tinns. Hrg.iI.•
moot if :• be helti en the 1e,'
Thur.: ,t• .. a •••il uv,
ll•'.i<, etes.-Welehe.4Lustful. eh:t•
peat frac... 'K ,u •1, • for T•.t'nntn i
Satur' Oersliels et timothy 64•••11
of the civic hydro-elet•tric business done by hie company (Gunn• - -
department. and some prosecutions letnl;loisof\tontreal)frutnHolme%cine
are ear e o r i
in their t,tgerness to install the street poultry and Itbt,tlJl)dozen o[ eggs had We,. Former tZoirerr'ots•G..eral
l hting system on the avenue the been shipped from that locality. H- nada.-Hon. Charles Davila r
1 I to result. 1.t It is charged (.bat sbttl<m He stated Lha! 17.1,004, lbs. of
hydro employes abseiled away at the declared that glut; tt)t)hnd ir'en rexliz• -
trees it•l* pecttve of whether or net rat} from poultry by these (4trmere. The Earl sof Minto, former Go,.rne[-,
the work was necessary for the pro- The addre*s was most interesting. /emend of ('anado, ase Vie. ray
per stringing of the wirer The apes kers next week fluff be Mestere beta, died at Hawtek. Sootlanl ase
Charlet. AI
Ashfield, who was committed for trial. Newspaper Directory Administration, died at Aylmer,
by Magistrate Wm. Bailie here to The newspaper dlrc4 o1.} and ad- r, on Sunday, aged 66. He was at',
police court on January eighth, nn :r yertis..ri manual jet issued by the Dene time Canadian Ooh. 11.oner to
charge of stealing six turkeys valued (ieo. M. !savage Ad.ertising Agent y, Ireland and afterwards was a member
et 924 from John Hutchison, of fort Detroit. contains a list of the period- art lanthe British a Hoose of Gemstone.
Alberti on December =ad, appeared teals published in the United States', before Judge Holt on Saturday last. their territories and other possessions, Lieut. -Col. R. H. Sylvester. a promin-
As he has made restitution he was Dominion of Canada and Newfound- eat cilium of Ltndasy. died en Some
allowed to go on suspended sePtence' lend, arranged alphabetically by day. aced 67.
Ethers were involved in the rase and states. eLv., giving the population of Str John `rennisl, who for forty
they have also made good the dental., ewch state, prowinee and city, with years contributed the weekly cartoon
the character, frequency of issue. and to London "Punch" died last week
circulation of each periodical. Tuthis aged Y4
is added list, of the leading prtblica- John Beam, tnc'entor of the thresh -
tions in the territory named above, ing machine that bears his name, diad
cies/titled according to character. The In his chair in an old building be
infnrrnatinn, which is comprised in a had used fur a home fur tawny years
volnn,e of compo" and handy form. et Baden. Ont.
will prove of great value to all ad- Junes Dunn, a Oowganda miner was
vertisers blown to plocea when he fell one hun-
dred feet down a shaft with a stick
The executive of the %Vest 11urnn of dynaniae in his hand.
Teacher.' a..oeiation.mM in the Medd After several weeks' Sister
school, Clinton, on Vu erday last fu, feblicttas died at St. Johns Hospital,
thep,irpoxe of arranging a pmgra . Guelph Her fernier raae o was Mar -
for the next te'arher.. institute. which gue% (''tahtrtg.s
will be held in Goderich. It we,, de-
cided to regisest the education J.•part• MORE POWER FOR HYDRO
ment to fix the d •(r of the c.myentioo '
in May rind to serol Pod. Ma•.t:read of _� _
Guelph, to deliver a number of ad- Mon. Adan Beck Expects to Develop
dresser'. A lined p'-ogrettnme of other Energy of New Welland Canal
minders was prepared. The Strath. --
emus Trust \\'- rk .•••minittee Alm mel The &at.ouncement that }:e hoped to
:and made arrsugen..•nts for the carry- laps a scheme before the tartaric'
!ng on of tie work along phesic"l ent whereby the Itydro-
line+. Mac/tete Commission would secure at
'Che following ne'm ers of 1110 ear least a quarter of a million additional
caul ave carte prea.nt : l'ie+idem, Ree• Sorsepower for peak -load purprlwes,
Ross, Dungannon : G. S.
H erste'.
'Lmrich : George Shiwestn. Exeter : leas made by }inn. Adam Beck In
1Vm. McKinley, Nam►all: W. H. ad♦resat°= the Associated Hoards of
iebneet� e. Kippen : itoimt3toc..$e'u slide at. their banquet- In Terwase.
acts+ Ik,•'i r f.dhjc• (inder4eM wrM l!Mir- ?Y0 speaker rtfirr.t to the ftict
C. Vusfwrand J. Nunley, i-.'etet. at oke cunsumptlon of hyi ro pourer
beconee an great that the )(silt aft
e 'Sind for Y M.C.A. in Listowel {be present prgdactvtn was being a}.
IAn', rutin hour, on tht• •yh 't " Hope for Comnl.te Restoration in an effort to pent idea proper plat. ,rMebed. and thfa fact trade 1t ttecsa-
"Injurious Insect Life to Harrtievt Nr Hobert Henry, ex \I.P., wla•, for ymmg•mrn.and keep them oft the Wiry that mime os taken to aecnpt
lure. on
"Mrs. Joseph }:Ili•,ft left ore 1`she few week{ alto inettotrtasrper h pita' I hotels, Mete er.. i not -
Sof mith. a wealthy 'tad a elsionDply Mr. Bork sald hip
or tbn future when 14dryl
bachelor {firs•...r re'idtnjt stone .on t.h power would tie used all over the
of Wallace town.his. ).•Dynes for hest, lighting and npesgis
on Thursday late made an offer of as a` radials. He bas in =tee tee da)
vahsahle site in the centre of Listowel. rabpmeat of a q,larter-mill1n't�eett�
on which to Prime e Y 1l.C.A. and al red horsepower by the mat sjej roar
s nr'fd to give lee loads of send an deltas' of the new Wetland chat,
hal louts of gray..l to help the building
The offer has ar•nasaed much enthnalaso.
in Listowel and M syor llimie has
called a public meetingof citizen% and
young men in particuar to discuss the
jtrt. in the past, several citizens
lowed to Go Isaac t3alkeld, James Connolly, of elt listttdd7 morn'.nr, aged %1x17+1r.
and George Sowerhy. Hon. Charles Ramsay Devlin, Minta-
Victnr Whitely, of the too stabil'. of of Colooisa•lon and ]tinea In th��
have de.:idad to form a Canada for-
wartt Club and are enthusiastic over
the prospects of interesting the young
nee of the dietrict in the extension of
}.ahem' principles. Mr. A. Hess w*s
eh"•en` nrenident pro tem.. and 1►r.
McKinnet secretary pro tem.. and
they will canvass the Liberals with e
view to permanently 'establishing the
new club. Ir it rxpe'-ted to have plane
auffleiently rnnnpleie to hold a trig
Public nter'11.g this month. and be
rep a -entad et the federation's annual
meeting at Easter.
Penny Hanks inaugurated
Prof M. A. Meckeneie,Toronto.was
in town on Friday inaugurating the
penny hank system in the public
schools. A Targe number of the pupils
made their Cant, tanning from
ore cent to one dollar, and from the
interest manifested by pupil• and tea-
cher* the iortovation has every menin-
ges of being a aua'cees Prof. 'sleeken.
tie was art4nl(tanied in his visit to the
Wednesday for itundu whets' they •. bawls by Di. (iallnty of the school
will visit for a /►w .1. • trf.x�r�plk tang I trustee tnaar,1. Mr. Mar:kyusie was
saltVheir-lsurwnat'wr �.idAa► • 119k:teotllliif511,T.rdw'w )Luff%
- iI,-uI }tial ffnelr yersity and 14 a wet' -known autlront)-
!i•,.•irt nn M"'rwlw' ori economic subjects.
Horti'ulteral y
teem in the offer, a.( 1Mr. Wt�,
r 'lt:r Only 2
iii'•«_:; lO'11 and 11th
1n . Special Feature
'Th^ Prisoner of Zelda''
w7T I
James K. Racket in the title role
Pewtia.vr of the beat refer
Pee aver pieserttell
.A ria. ' a;,•I " in Motion Picture
Pli.tngr•a phy
Splendidly. )-tnged and heauti-
fulh- portrayed
special and appropriate music
Undtn,bt,•dly one of the hest
eyeful:;; 1. • ntei tainmenl you
own f:-•--ibly see anywhere
Theanaleof''bI Thee tNee/we s
Being in Picture:: -"Quality"
lu \1,tsic-"Harrnony"
in 'Theatre -"Corot -,t t"
Also other Comedy Pictures will
b•' shown
An up-to-d•,te and first-class
programme guaranteed
Comnienc'ng 7:11) sharp
Prices will bees uslial. ilk and 3c
Everybody mote early
Don't anima Chia end then feel
4M Ty
needle for Mont real. w e t
will visit her son, and then probably Detroit, was removed to his haute at
go nn to tilssgow. Her. Joseph Elliott Windsor legit work ll very
mu he the ruse
will he in Toronto duting Mrs. Elliott's ed. Mr. Henry
absence. of hie eye for smite weeks yet, Mut
physicians who attended hire' are
Enjoyable Outing pleased with ' he results of she opera -
On Thursday evening last the young tion, and 1o..k for a complete restore -
people of the N.wth street Methodist thin of eight.
church held a most enjo.yabls sleigh Mr. Henry is well known here aa, !.e
drive. Ablaut f1 y.nung people took and bis family cine here every sum-
lot the outing and a plewMat nee fax a'M.e Mo. His raspy friends
vans ager Mire will no don t be glad to hear of
time was ef�ent his recovery.
1t Costs Nothing to Try
1t costa nothing to try to solve "bee House of Refuge Committee Meets
Uwe am seem real plumb .ant evening
A O Uof
-r. w [ors hwlooe. ingf es the home
FRED HUNT end a;s
wegr-tow'. w.. »{glean.
obn P1ngland Aheat 4Osaemberew.
.i fit ert he pr ogenmree the Aietrke lep-
ung. Mr. 0. J. Morri-e_. Gnk the Moak.
HAWLIONSTftla[T aODBR1CML and aim -(1.N
P11110111111 1811
The Homes of Refuge committee of
the county of Huron met on Monday
last (0 Cltn10nf0,tb.PlrP0S15(4*t
Ing the aerostats in cnnnteetins with
that testAtntin.. Amounts amount-
ing to 111,8114t.72 wet'' pared.
It was found that the team of
bonne fwd by the institution bad
Dern said at a (gond figure sed the
eomeaNtee Iaste.eesd the eheire.n of
the eetelail[t-e ..d the {teepee to por-
thole 4Yet*r Mems. also *cow.
t •eYewefne 1 he tnal.tetr of elect Hint
motor for the lose itat Inn the warder%
awl {aspects r ware asked to reprwt
the iistsstisr. A .tett �y M bulbetide,
tat 111101111411sad ,.r'
Canada* bat eetattmtmll teabidast
aliass1 • *hatband M Zttasteryk�
�/1 *Mee /�a rpytvs�t•f�
"11121aat jq��W E 1)as'are*:
stow tilt • view sneer at ent
raaw. Yet esL 0110 e‘1111161101. aM •4441
IOW ss� as her ora.
D. t. 111(LACIIICAN, Pdweipl
ArnakIcan and Gelman Subjects Naw
hought to hi re ben Killed
The Mexican alumtfon as. broader.
ed when Owns' Garrott at ?sew)
faredo, visa Instructed to Inentre le
the basalts by Mestean Ired.,.1.
elements Vsraara, an American
see- Vergers was kidnapped by this
llexlesm sddiers and hie body wee
,Rerwarts found riddled wttb whits
and beagles to a tow
A German 'admen sewed Moen le
alam believed to kier bees nomad/
by Was CenetibetlesatIste at Juana.
''bee ter emend inns baa gt.a ea
attefextnry w.hwsRt rlf fbe MOM MI
Wne R Damon the British
wane.. aasaWnatl.a Y
late by the AaerNra f)
Used in conjunction.
with Nyal's Pinol Ex-
pector nt this Plaster
is very effective, es-
pecially suitable for
relieving Children's
We have all aha se.aa•n»►•Ip
hon-eh'•Id R. en .ti. - and Meth -
61)(05 fire uo supply v ur need,.
James A. CampbJl,
Phm. 6.
North et. and Swore, (ltd. -licit
PH0N14 so
tote, watch
\\ is c.ut u sorts•-'
"ga.nL.i,or lof_nay
titre, or ti.:ittiag alar
gethrr. bring it to our
watch hoioas!.
We are watch epeciakids aria
sal soon'roalte your watch as
good as new. -1h.. cats t. we'll
tell you so Lcfc(e Wt: Mitt.
OurWor't L Guaranteed
A watch drat "wont e• u keeps
"load boats is a taivaace, Fray
thai sick wa..a in iaday sr!
w fa s-' .'gu't' s
a for you.
1. F. Day.;
“esset e
•.;,.'t -ii- h
'eesse s -
Call and see our
1-8 h p. Racine
Smal%.Ptaw.r Astor
Get our prices, the best
to be had, on Motors
of all sizes, for
1=2 h.p. to 10 h.p.
I'lurnbing. Heating. Tinsmith
ing, Elect,is Wiring
Metal Work.
Phone 155 Hamilton Sireei
Each Tres'aay, March 3rd to October
37th inclutive, via Chi. ago. S' Paul
or Duluth
WINNIPEG and return
EDMONTON and return
13.5 0".
From r.••) 1 . a 11 $4.1111. ' :.NLL .rel
W e.& I T naive. P.wr..+l'sate low tare
team a a' Me- Leat of Tomtit°.
Return liter, two mai'::
Fut p afro .. a. O and 11 on.. T •• •
.Moa..". * 11.1). C H,rltNINU P.i• .
'1 asar'1. N a
F. r. L'. WHENCE R S0Ns, Tow... a- e
a r and T ekot Air rat.. i'bnne:.
Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we
are prepared to supple builders and the trade lvittl •
in any quantities and of any material for buildic,.t.
A large stock of Lumber on hand of stanch rd
Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath.
We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work
on short notice.
Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord.
1 ie Paget Grail Door Co., DLit