HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-5, Page 4AI
S THOMaDAy,' MATCH 5. 1911
Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Cape Wolfe, Canada.-'• Last MarcbI
was a complete wreck. 1 had gid en rap
an hope of gttting better ur firing any
length of time, as 1 was such a sufferer
from female troubles. But 1 took Lydia
E. PinkhIun's Vegetable t',.1hpound, and
today f am in gootilhneaith and have a
pair of twin boys two months ofd and
growing finely. 1 sur►+nised doctors and
neighbors for they all know what a
wreck 1 was.
"Now iambeallhy, happyand hearty,
and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's
remedies. You may publish this letter
if you 1,ike. 1 think If more women
natal your remedies .they would have
better health.'' -Mrs. J. T. Cook, Lot
No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.i., Canada.
Because your case is a difticult one, end
doctors having done you no good. do not ST. AUGUSTINE-
continu.• to surfer without giving Lydia
E. 1'inkham'a Vegetable Compound a Mi.a May Redmond. of the I. C.1.,
trial. It surely has remedied many 1 Miss-entaH 61., :t ' in• obey was the guest
cas.•sor female Nts• such a' intlamma- ,,( alias 14. -.sir cAl,..ter this week
tion. ulceration, displacements, tumors, .11,.v };li.w and 11 ..ter G .rtnl lr
( irregularities, periodic pains, backache. Thompson visit %unur,i friend; alis
a:nl it may L.• r..actly what you nerd. week.
• The P:nkham : •torsi is a 'Cite St. .A.a2 w K'enpm's Ii..t i.
Proud and ',ire will !toil i en ni-. I i ., in the ,
•'. Augustine on Match Ilth ,.t
7 lit,1 non prr•Lnt a i. Iein4 prenarwt
iur 1 alt. 1;. H.F 111 •1 b
At, of 0...leiir. twill
{t•. a to ,uIJreas 'ordeal iutjt,t'i..n
Residents Dead
Item more of the old and respect„d
residents of Mealnrth have been railed
liner. Mrs. Andrew Tyreman passed
away un Tu, -,lay of last week at the
gaud age of el nears and :u month..
she did not long survive het hush,nJ,
whn died the flet ed I)eeeu.►-i last.
The second was Mr.. James A.
AnJrrson. who diel a1 the home/ of
her daughter, Mrs %%'illi•.rn Rri.rotr,
un the In day, having o.aeh,t) til..
age .t tit years ;1141 nim•• 11,4n1h•. 31re.
.nderson had suffered nom blindness
for 11 years.
Thrown from Cutter
1 in Thursday of last week AS \Ir.
Andrew Ioii, ie, who lives ethic;. .
utile from Wiugham. was driving into
town his horse suddenh• took fright
projuoprn,ite Mr. Linklw,er'* hoop•,
,•vrrtutuieg the cutter and throwing
air. Currie sum« (Bonne..... Hr 11111111ro.hrtl on thrnueh Lower \Vintrh.uu,
114.441iroada•i/4g the road as h« Went. end t.
up the parr until he re••cheel the inion
street of kVingleon. where h. wn - at
last stonprd. Thr cutter and has news
wet. damaged a•n„whet. enol Mr.
meta-red-redn .ever« shaking up,
but n.t ..riou+inj•u,rr.
an ,
it .11
to ,urn is extended.
peerless one it is
record of Constant
victory over the ob-
etinata•iilsof women
-ills that deal out
despair. It is an es-
tablished fart that
Lydia E. 1':nkharn's
Miss I. 'Williams,. iiitheli.0 1., spout
1!e• w, ek•..nil 51 bona.%
has restored hedlth •s • ser Mt s. P. Ste•mnrt, of (iodet•ich, spent
to thousands of such guttering women. M•r Week at her hunt.' here.
1Mbydon'tr=outtY ifr•if you nail such s ales, F'l.ir Liul.la:rt i. visit jag bar
" aist�r')l• Itastota, at Sebringville.
-- _ _• eatir. )}sb Miley n•t$g al Is t- Week%
• lb ('hirago atter a month's visiir' .with •
bis mother. s
Sll. ('. Stewart tt busy hauling
gravel. He i* prepnripg to raise his
l:.arn next summer
The ladies tit the Missionary society I
of Leehurn Presbyterian church in-
tend holding an oyster supper and
concert in the church on Tuesday, 0
March 17th. St. Patrick's day. Some
outride talent has been secured and a
good time is expected.
The undetsige•ed win pay toe
highest rash prices for all kinds
of g logs ,delivered at the
Mi11, foot of Anglesea
Street, (toderich.
Custom sawing and general
mill work dune ft,omptly.
Every M t.,a-eh shoe it n
,:oll•rtion .4 h tnl-to-w-e a -out
part. put 1.•g.• tier •in the most
suh•t.ntial soil-cieuteflc 11ua4uier
Che three •, 1114. 4010 1e.V het,
the li •i..g , e..• v .Ingle part it
arleeu w) f•1''•t. ,nog hire.. ;tall
11(14,4* for the function it Is
tilelt41• 144 te•i 1,. .u.
They .e, .n .t re.wotiable in
Dnwnins; & 11acVicar
I'hot..• 220 hst,: s.
Sp rials This Week
11 a•1[-, per 11), lite•
Miter' rt,., le't'' lb. 1. •
TOnderlfn, 0e1 II..:*h•
J.IIt,d h•• ft. per 1h. aa•
t• Into.,
per lb 3.a•
Shoulder p .. k. per Ih. lee
1'r a ro.-r. young pork,
pr. 1h. taw
Head ehrra.., iter 11, 12.•
Houiue.n..•I44 hOk)gna, per
Its 124e
Liter ns usage, per lb. ite
A eho.e, lin, of young fat
herf always In stork.
Halibut, per Ib. 15•
Ra/mon. ter Ib. Ilk•
Finnan Heddle, per Ih. lie
Whit.. Front Meet Market
Eon 14t rompt Dy
pbotw sl
GILLETTE LYE rFirst Annual Report
Miss Emily Itoutledge 1a vi.itirtg
Vier. Lizaie 1Veaton, of Hayfield.
been visa nig her sinter, )les. !'hot
Ma•..1 ,hnrton, of (i'.lerich, t.as 1
eng4.10.1 ;it tin the *hop for 31 t. U.
noire:, who i• unable to work.
His. \l Ionia Johnston et ur
home last %eerie after .tit entre.
visit with her sister. Mrs. Taloa-,
t txford t`entre.
Sirs. /'. Johnston and Miro M
Pickard, of 1' •r .tits, are in the ,tri
iw;.1r•hemil, having iwen e.al;..d here
attend 1hr 1 trt••ral of :heir - sew
r: 1'ioit a rd.
Dunt forget, the irtx sr:.•dal to
heId In the !•alar moot of 1.0.1.
Pei •at Sib 41011 on Moudny even.
)larch !.h. A gia.1 "'programme
n.swrd. Everybody sel••u14,e. Ev
I .dy .and go I atom, Poet: to hriog
b ,- r with her. • Dont forget the .1a
Programme to stair at eight u'el
sheep. •
Thu Standard Reliance Mortgage
Corporation of Toronto held its annual
meeting of shareholders on Monday,
March L', 1914, in tete offices of the
company at 8493 King Street !Gist.
Toronto. Tke folt•,wing report ..as
submitted and approved:-
Yocr Metiers 'hew. much pleasure
in submitting herewith the tirat .An-
nual Report and statement for t!,•
past year accompanied by the Ron,
Sheri to December 311'. 1!113, she
1rs .o.. jrc,Wt of the company's op.:
The Pirrctors are pleased to sUbtr''
the First Annual Report and Ilq!an. ,
Sheet of the Corporation tor the In :-
IA 4 c urban. J.ia4 ui .,December, 15113.
T,be Order -In -Commit approving of
the merger of the (4taudard Loan 'ono
at patty and tl-e Reliance !.nail and Sao-
Ins- , u'"., a y- of Or.tario was pas...1
has on the sat dray of April last, and the
1,11 actual merging took place ou the first
day of May. u
Wert h 1.‘!:1 be noted the. alter saying
W. all fi1••d etprge. and expenses. In•.
rlud'1ry outlays crlteytient up'ou the,
red .4t,.,lt:,u:l
::.en, the balance avail/thin
led for di, button Lia- t,., •t s;:fl!cL n
of al!... ,! ttayntf , .' tke rota!
reds to Inv Shari . 'l••r-. and art 1
stud diff, r. r • ! 1.(..000 ro ; ;.• in•serve Eno -
t t ! ' stands at $(4o N, O.
to \1 pleased t,, , t:b to repo..'
tri, t rt. 1 t nt!al Ines• 1. !.e Thin :
tu.e.c .c-.1 by ti: : n aro) ,
h0 to th • •-r'Ingeh Ar 1:r r.
N.., e1 1h1> t .r :oda! • . rte::
ng. over f ;.1ho,tuW, c • , n. • • :.
9300.01,0 store ri:•• .. err- and u:• -
ery •:01 ra.r:,i.^t•q of file t'orpernl.on'are
a. soot. r' : 0.er root... than the eut:U
r. bin. ,: - earnings of the two Com-
• p• p' n! .rl to Illy •:n,ulganlatton
I .-hs
Toe held h.: the Corporation
the Tkn,reossrt L -tel,. Iiy!Id(t.g er•!
Savi:.gs -company. limited, represent
*septa conslstirg of real estate having
an actual value Iareely in excess. of
er ('helper valor at lahlch the shares ar
ti Ola. dal .'yt^R ou the books. .
Mt•s. Wm. King wa, confined to
lied the peat week,
air. Stiueon Partes h Is hiebrrth
from Mirhigin'viaiting hint .it pa'rure
!'heirs harvest is over forthis
en, the supply being perked_
Rev. H. A. Stiller attended the
ninion .At lienee convention in Torun
art week.
Mr. 0. Mellvetrn, of Watford. w
visiting at )Ir. A. Askwith s reaiden
ver Sunday.
Mr. 1% in. Evans is wearing a ve
broad smile. A little daughter h
arrived to gladden his home.
Mr. Peter Patterson and iomit y.lea
Tuesduv Inc their home in Alberto
be ready for spriug,wo=k openirtg; uq
11TI eruben Taylor and family le
n Thursday for their home in Aber
een, Saskatchewan, after a please
Wit with their parents here.
Mr. F: tweed Lest• has moved to t
ni. " To flfl'-- %leant.), lu the Dire-tcrats
eine the amalgamation. Dr. E. Jnssop,
lastef 5t t•athartnes, a targe and tni'luen
tial -han•no! ter in the Company, uta
to Sine. the last Annual Meting o
�14,ts Litims Plark spear the- week--•
end at 1Vesttielll. o
)bra. Jwrne. Ramage visited %Vbite d
church over Sunday. • v
Mr. Joynt basengaged Mr. Andrews,
of Kincxrdi
the Rtan4ard Loan Company. now sa
as Integral rart of the amalgat.,atiun, the
to death of one of the most distinguished
an: d!mos. Lord Str•athcor.a, ha. taken
1y place. We feel sure that all our share
as holders d •plore the great los. which
the Dominion of Canada has su.tafue•l
ve by tits, passing of one of the Most not-
able figure* In the history of our roue:
•try Fir see. et eroet)nre erhleefeenth.ft
F Direetor of this Corporation.
- w".• take great pleasure In bearing
rat tewttmonp to the etftc,ency displayed
he by the (Acta)" ■rid seen[. of the ('nr
for the season. f
Miss .lean Wells is spending a few tic
days with Miss Myrtle Wehster. s
Friends are pleased to know that w
Mrs. W. J. Humphrey is itnproving in
health. t
\tis. Margaret Gilles, of White- 0
church. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. it. so
McGuire. w
Mia* Elizabeth Rothe! ford returned h
to Linwood no Monday to resume her
sehool duties. 1
Mr, and Mrs. \V. 1. Miller andHelenare spending a few days visiting
friends at Uorlerieh.
Mis. M. E. Salkeld returned to
(loderich on Saturday after spending
a week with Mends here.
A gond numher of our young people
took in Mi.. May Cameron'* concert
on Friday evening at Donnybrook.
air. \Yill Rutherford, Mr. lleorge
alcloherts and- Mr. Will Uonelly are
in the county town attendiug the
Mr. Frank Todd purposes com-
mencing sawing this week. He bas
his mill -wart well filled and has mine -
where about 10.).1lllfl feet of timber in
It present.
Mr. W. (;rnigu,ile a ha his. been
engaged with Mr. John Jnynt on the
farm for the la•t Otter year. left for
\brodeen. Scotland, on Monday. Mr.
It. liiheon, the genial "Scotch ditch-
er .' is also taking a trip across the dr
.ocean. wi
Next Sabbath evening in Calvin I wi
ehtir•cl1 Iter. Win. McIntosh will cogive a special address on •'iwvanar.
of*." 'I'bie is the hest of four !sootier. ni
un ',peat reformers to her delivered h•under the .oirpicrt td the Bible clans. two
There will be a special offering• th
saw be recently Nought on the 131
,nce.eion of Mullett, During h
herr stay here be prayed himself
orthy ci. i -o n.
Hr. Wm. Hutch and family h•
nosed their household effects
[triton to reside. While many a
rry to lose citizens like them, the thein prosperity in their ne
While working in Messrs. How
,awsou's saw mill. Mr. Andrew tee
guson was struck on the bead by
slab coming in contact with the b
saw which rendered him uneonscinu
He ie doing as Weil as can beexpectedquiet wedding was solemntz••d
the home in this village of Mr. an
Mrs. Edmund Lear, when the
daughter, Elsie, became the wife
Mr. Stanley ('hellew, one of Blythoa.p
pcerous young bu.inens men. Th
ceremony wits performed by Re
George Jewitt, of IiIyth, in the pre
once of the immediate friends of th
rontracting parties. The bride, wh
was unattended, was gowned in
heautiful dress of silk crepe melt
white natio hemmed with head pearl
After the ceremony was performed,
sumptuous wedding dinner was tern
ed. The newly 'married couple left T.
Toronto, where they will spend w fel
days before taking up their middenin Rlyth. The bride's going away
e.s uta. n navy blue tailored suit
rt, hat in nintch, The Signal joins.
th their many friends in extending
ngratulat lexis.
After an inners covering a period of
ne weeks. there passed away at her
ane on Int 15, rote -elusion seven, Con
rne, on Taeeday morning. one of
e urn,[ highly re•.pr•eted residents of
this aertioil, in the person of Emmet P
Yule', beloved wife of Mr. Jam
Howatt. The dr.-ea»etl, who was
daughter of Mr. arid Mee. Salle., of
Auburn, was born in Pickering town.
ship in the year 14,81 and r:4Ptsegnentl
was in the l'th year of her age at th
time of her demise. !the eam• t
Mullett township with her parent
when two years rat age and has lived
jn l,djs neegtrllo.ises rvew*:mer:..
was *serried to James ffowar t 16 years
n, the result of such union being
•son, who with the, herseured father
reiv,a. Deceased was a staunch
ember of the Methnolist church,
burn, and was of a kind and lovirg
:tion and• belayed by all whn
the pleasure of her acquaintance.
wide* her here,'ved husband and
there is left to mOSO-ti her lots.,
r parents, Mr. and Mr.. M, Satles,
torn ; one sister, Mr.. Evan•, Alt-
horn, and one hr•Mher. Norman Marin,
of Ne•epwwa, Manitoba. The funeral
look place lent Thursday t., Balla
cemetery. The aorrowisg husband.
sow, parents, brother and mister, have
the sympathy of the community at
large in their twveavetnent.
The annual meeting of the G.A.-rich
township R.fle Aasoriation will he
bead In the used place on Wednesday,
Nareh 11th. 1914. All members en
requested tof he present T. R. Rer-
At the last meeting of the: Pareere
club held on Wsdttn.da ,
:'.6th, Its the Drumm . WI Mr February
Salkeld and Mr. Charles Whitely Have
splendid oddness on •l'b. DEAL_
tiea d aural Owtu4o." Other mem-
bers aaslstrld In the diocese'... 'The
a:eeative embed for a roll alit endgames
at the neat wtits(f o. WedMeday,
Math 111h, when a report r the
d wast seed bourse mmietattese of seed a be rs.et.shum s
h poratlon in performing their resper-
ttve duties.
,al Respectfully submitted on behalf of
a the hoard.
.signed) X. H. STEVENS.
ve President.
to hated. Toronto. 13th February, 1914.
yII Balance Sheet ac nn December
31s'. 1913.
Mortgages and 9e• unties
against Real E. ate... $4,2:.5.220 4,^,
Loans 313-6 C2
Stocks, Bonds rrd De-
benture, at cost 411.716 60
Real Estate, foreclosure 88.162 95
Offlee Prem'ses 171.550 5::
Office Furniture 5,1104'04
54R 84
Mr. and Slr'. W J. Lane visited
Ripley friend. nn 'fhurvday Iasi.
Rev. .1. 1. Durrant visited 'tome of
hi. people ,around Lane* Iw.t w.ek.
Hr. ani Mrs. W. 1'. Reed •p11eent a
• few days of last w-rk wit h•hippo•n
I t feasts.
tt r. and Mrs. Charles It oil) were
t het• gwosreterd1tU4e- ty .44Wa' `raw
av evettit.g Inst.
Mir.. ti. W. Lane spent last. week c o
the guest of her father. %Ir. Francis su
l'unninghana .3 Po, t Albert.
Mrs. Samuel Morrison, of Lucknow Au
vicinity, wan the guest of her meths, die�w.w
Mrs. 11. K. Alton, the boa few day.. had
The mild weather of the peat few tie
ilsys hos eosin ended in a very stormy son
time. Harsh should go out like w he
taunt. thi. year. .'Au
Mrs J. E. Andrews, of lateknnw,
and het daughter. Mrs. J. McKeith, .f
Burlington. were the guests of Mrs.
Bohert Ritchie the past week.
Mr. Joseph deacon. .•f Holland,
Manitoba, and Mr. Joseph Cbamney,
of Donnybrook, were the guests of
Mr. James Lone on Ftiday last. Mr.
Deleon *eye this ie bM fleet trip horde
since he left thirty-three yeses ago.
The (utaer•I of te late David little
took piste on Thursday of lust week
to the Kintail censet.r•y. Nr. tittle
was one of the old pioneer. of Ash•
fldd who carved out for himself not
Daly • films* but also • nose. H,
was very highlyrespected by all whn
know hien and a homble, itsoffew-
stirs` ebrl.tiaa life. His ia
life pewieseaard him but • short t111as.
NM. Ma reached a ripe old afro, ox -
seedling �the three score year. ,tad ten
by tbwLasa years. Rev. Wm. Mo-
t= aft for. Halesa tttwduet.d the
rw.se.i wy the AaM1, Mva the
Mon& and
.eigfhbor.le *Mr ea/ berea ems
Accrued Rentals
Agents' Balances ....... 3,357 97
Munlclpal Debenturea,at
cost 33,6ti:: 32
cash t.n Hand ' In
Barks 106,765 06
65,110x..'.2 S1
To the Pnb'Ic •
Debentures with Accrued
Interest ,62.11:'.'•!(? •:,
f* posits with Accrued
Interest 51n-.87;
Mortgages Assumed fa,195 53
Unelahnrd I4eidt•nda 61.9 62
Recounts Payable !, •1 , 40
1)!v!dend, No. Payable
January _. 1924 [,3.225 n1
62.:11.1'•.', 2tl
To the Shareholders
• capital Stork SnhsrrPied . o7e.R14 00
Jame Esso 1'npaid thereon l5F.7ef; 7_
Y Messrs.. Fund
e Balance at credit, !.res
ni and Gain
61,91;004 2R
41,0,)04) e4
14.031 25
interest on Debenture- •
and Deposits $12..521 14
lHNdends No.. 1 and _ 118.471 88
Transferred to Reser...
Fund 100.000 00
Il.alaner carried Forward 14,035 25
$356,02$ 27
Ralanee., Dec. 31, 1212 $ 3.601 72
Net earnings atter 0. -
duction of expenses of
management and pro-
vision for all known
fosse.... 251.334 58
WAnarso1 J ".
lelleadig innate.
How's 1 hist �.r
we attar Ute Y.sdred Dollars Its= er
Errs «cum ma tam ea••ea be
Wa fr.I MEN SY a co.. tine F O
t3 oars k..w.i. J.
le yd _
111 *NM wit ear
a e•, Is ..1:461 !•aliyh
uta. ltiWs. q
sow. one
dnis� Mes•����r "irrstlp+Itsi �
These four new Spring, selections are among the newest weaves for spring.
Now for the Spring, '1'.n rhnn. ('linty', Yhadow
•tad Vali. Shadow trout 1 to 1s inches wide.
Vols. ('hoary tool T.reboni a big showing.
:.111) yard* and more of lace insertions. were
lc to ICgIIInt, stew one rent a yard. No edg-
ings to match i* the reason for selling at per soled
We have just pa:+«A into .took a eeeond ship-
ment of throe goods. Fur newnew of Isattern• and
iwt•tectnen. of workmanship th.•y are not excelled
at ottl• prices. Ask to see them.
Window Curtains
!'attain Net... ly endow S• rims, window
1'itiles mud Saks)lairni. lwautihll pattern.: and
....twines. Purrs flow per yard.. ...111e to 8Oo
Ladies' Dress Suits •
Thi. le It new brow+ ,n our hu•ins.s. A,
1 his is 1 lir flat atioeho Ili Rend 4 to -%Neat• finite.
you are wale to get the very I strut styles and naafi
of the newt-st wrterlals.
lla,r Spring !'rials an herr rand our •,took isit
anything better than ever. Coed brand and
• ..torsguarmee-e•d to be fail. 31 to 32 inches rid,•
ill peryatll 14',c
Over seas -[•air lot of rel -wool •'nrking,. a drat,
up purchaser learn it 111111 1'bi• is the grate-,
hoe..rry 'imposition this .1. re h tut ever off. red.
You can wee -owe of thew 110 u•n window. One
third off regular price..
Many learned with feeling. of dee
regret anti sincere 141/111§W ' 4 t he dew
of 'ill. Jame. l.itol•Iuno 1514, anoth
one of the pioneer settlers of Ilut,
1.011111y. which oecu•rrd en Sunda
tit,' fling, February ';bud. at het hu
p airs. H. 'Phomas i. it 1tt•eserat -rr-
to Mustyill and two )I
of r. '11 'm..:
er sisters (1'0111 !Pater 1w. are et pts-rtit'
' here.
v Mr. (leorge Iti.•hntoud, who ter• ntly
sold. his (arra. tat M14..ris to Mr. Wm
a Gibson. intends lensing tor the west,
h where he haw a gruel fart11.
h- ljuite a number from herr attended
d, the sale of Mr. Admit Elliott's tote
el! stock on Fr4day and deport rattle
w priers very high, hitt Lane's act so
ar • hitch.
in I 31r. ,Nunes Bap•on, who some bene
N. ago purchased the .tock of Loots.
1•. 'shoes, groceries, etc., from FsIr. T. W.
Scott, has moved to town and taken
'•\\'o,aiball,' Tuckersntrth. When
young girl she came to Canada wit
her parents, \Ir. end )tut. Wm. Ric
ard.on, front (ialloway.hire,Scotian
in the year 1852, in it sailing vers
which took six weeks to reach Ne
York. They settled on a farm n.•
Fergus and in 11457 she was married
(io'ericb to the late James Land
borough, of Tuekerumith, and eodu
es 411 the hardships of pioneer life
and made Inc thewselven a beeetutif
home on the second concession
Tnckersmitb, where she resided tint
her death. Although of a retiring di
!Petition site made manv warm frieod
Iter loving memory will long be trees
urea -9,y yowngg and' rrh) la the twig*.
borbood where she lived for to man
years. Out of a family of twelve chi
dren, only six survive. Although no
of a robust constitution of later years
til , poeiaassinn. Mr. Scott will assist hire
of + in the store Inc some time.
it I The farmers in this locality- ate
s- I forced this year to ship in bay, sotue-
g. I thing they have not dune fur yet
. i but on account of the dry season Lot
' 'errr[hetrstorki are alt :awed up. fu
y l couseyuence the additional expeu- is
a heavy one. As a rule the farmers
t herr have .i considerable awonnt to
. I sell.
she was always able to be around un-
til the beginning of the year, when
alto bad the misfortune to fall and
beak her collar hone. Owing to her
advanced age the shock proved fatal.
but she bare ber suffering with chris-
tian resignation, and was a worthy
cbriaisn wotnan, who was esteemed
by all who knew her and much heloy-
ed in her awn family rirelr. The fun-'
eral was largely attended and w
conducted by her pastor, Rev. D. K.
Grant, of Clinton, who spoke very
feelingly of the derraded'a influence oa
all she cant, in contact with, and the
unremitting attention bestowed upon
her by her immediate rir: le of friends
during her long illness. The most love
1v Hnral offerings were Pent after her
Needless Use Parisian
Now that Pnrisisn Sage own be had
at any Jrnt; counter it is c.•rtainly
needier,. to have thin, brit le. matted,
stringy or faded hair. No matter
haw unsightly the hair, how badly it
is falling, er how much dandy uff, Peri-
rinn Sage is ail th .t iw neetlwl. Fre.
quent "pollen' ions and well robbed
into the.cwlp will do wonders --it acts
like magic. Tit.• heir root. are noun
i.hed, and stimulated to grow new
hair. itching aealp, .1 indn•ff and fall-
ing hair cease -your bead feels fro..
Re.' of all, the hair become* .o(1,
fluffy. ahar.dnnt and radiant with life
end beauty.
Yon will be surprised and delighted
n ith Parisian Sage Try at least un
fifty .ant bottle from E. R. Wigle, Hr
will refund the purcbrae mice if you
are not satisfied.
A concert will be held in the •.chuol
Nouse at S. 5. N0. 3, on Friday. Mar•eb
13 b. comwencans et 7,300..• - •4,a elm
eellrtiii• po•ostmete r• h* being. prepay.
come one, come all. Admission 15
One of the mast ewe and repulsive inter d
Kidney Disease w
�which Dodd. lOd..y
aro. la Deeare time p Me Kid-
neys are actually Wash
ro ••d the maser, which
be eapelled in the
term of Ueb1A. demo tack
and ledges le the calls of
the Sri sod
est the
Ada 1taew
aofla logs
which - e
the this deals.Ramon 110_
1t7ia , N-/tsl._ ttr
air. and Mrs. 1t. Adawe, who have
been highly respected residents tit
L,endesbnro for a gnat Inany y erre.
are removing to Myth. where they -
intend spending the balance of their
days. Hr. Adeline has sold his general
stone buriuess in Londrrt,orn to Mt.
D. (ieudes, of Ilelgrave, who has taken
poesession and who will have the best
wishes of many friends for Noreen'.
On account of for are light dynamo
rat the electric light plant hre,kint;.
the streets are now in der'kae.., but
we understand it it not the intention
of the routteil to put in anew dynamo,
but instead string the incaude.cent
lights on the Streets as ,soon as the
weather it suitable. Their purpose in
40 doing is not to incur any more extra
expense than possible, as they expect
before long that the hydro will go
through Lere aril their plant would
tut put out of cornmission.
.1 number of the citizens atrange•u a
local talent concert in aid of a wi•low
instil two -children, is bo were in desti
kite cir'clilnwtance/I and wanted to get
started in housekeeping. The 'COM', 71
'line off on \Vrdnesstnv night it,
Indentry hall, with a l-itge altenJancr,
: Dr. Milne, reeve of 141) th,,tecupiad the
eheir and the programme, which we.
local talent and consisted of vocal
aml instrumental m11SiC and te,'ite-
tion••, evas listened to with a gnat den!
'of interest. Receipt.. amounted to
about $1S: which, with what i Indy
had received in presents, wilt help
really in enabling her t,. get a -tart.
Wool ha. been receie,..I t,.•. • -
nnuncingR the death in loot..." , . ,
igno: of Mr. Harry A. 5 .i..e•, e... .
one• time conducted a 1e•., deo, 1
114.44 in thin village. lir wit• tto.
youngest web of the late Ma I Sear -
lett, of McKillop, and wan leen in )lc•
Kil'op ort Septemher4th. fw17. When
he tiro left the old home he went to
Blyth and perehased the harlwarr
business of Cllr. Charles Hemline:,
which he rontlurtett for a few yea's.
Som.• eighteen years ago he went
west. settling in Dauphin. Hrinitot•a.
At the rinse of bin death he war eyssagi
dasrtaf,amrrl/•h •
1AuoContpany in Portland He had
' pl�� y `cetwee t it.
been :ailing for about two Yearn with
Bright's disease, However, on the
day he died he was nut of the house,
:down town and Cute home feeling
about the Sallie n. he did for a fete
days previous. 110 was rending the
paper when he was taken with a faint-
ing spell and only live.! a few minutes.
Ile leaves to mourn his I.M. a Nile. son
and daughter, beside.. his brother.
John and Robert in McKillop. 11 itlis,n
in Ieodon, namuel and Janw. in
Alberta, and three sister., Ni', E.
Neat Tett and ala..1. (i. 111 leve in Mc•
lollop, and Mew (lento. Kelly in Mor -:14. 7be
reaming 'were irnught east'
and theUafuneral was cond14,•ted under+
Mmorartieee from the *ole of bi• ,
hrntaer, M t . Robert Rau lett, east o f
Winthrop, and was largely attended.
Inane of the youthful friends of tae
deceased attewdlag to par • last trib-
ute of r.apert to the eeawlry of an
e'rsomed e+o0paaiota of earlier day.
The remain www laid to sort in the
Maisie ndbaak °.smiley, nil otih.
Acether OrM Stye
of guaranteed n.111411N derrsd
tac and r.
Wei lame ter enly $1111. triennia a
sfw h
gleet woe to r ar'oitu
g1. . w rtyw:e w.t fnr' 11 si M.l. . T wr.1R1
Nar•eh 1lh, and will ll
Nevelt 14th. (hsee y. purr's
ART y_ f,•
For t:crying mothers
Na-Dra-Co Laxatives
eller the important atk-aut -
age that they du nut_distur
the rest of the system ur
affect the child.
25e. a box at your
llasigs.1 tag ..d rissisied Ce.
■ ofG...d..t.Visa& t7: ■
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates --the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose,
Empire .Domestic
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
StandArd Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
Vi ' tl 'rill Kindling.
Peter Mac Ewan Estate
r I oh,., e es
PAC I F1 c
Fa• • Tuesday March 7 toO,teber 27 Indio, -
Winniperp and Return - 5.55.400
Edmonton and Return - 43.0
Prato Tomato. land Rtatiame Wart sett
%awta of Teras.. Praporrienst• fare.
lrosa Sestinas east et Toronto.
Return Limit Lou months.
REQt1(,t. SETTLERS' il*aIs. 4
Kum AY,tM(ARC.R AND anti'
Vettrere trarrlliax eta the stock ■r
TRAIN which Maws Were shoultake SRto a t,,,h
Tuesday during MARCH and Argo
after arrir,l regular 10.20 0 . trdn h••,,
Toronto Delon Station
Settlers awl IaaWies wttho.t live at.. k
should tat RtOt1LAR TRAINS. le.v,,,,
T,w.ato 10,15 p.. DAILY. 'Renter:,
Cdo.l.t sod Tame Showa
wr jorr7rp= o
a11000Y . Tomato.