HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-5, Page 2! TtlgaanaT,', MAstcu 3, 1911
No More
For Me
This can be your
eeperlence K you
use Cttamber-
lein'a Teticth -
they cure head-
aches by remov-
ing the cause -
not by smothering the symp-
tnms-wori.u's serest t're for
wc114en'• most common ailments.,
Try them. 23c. a tootle.
Drugribts and )balers, or by malt
CLarnbcrlain f.Tedisine Co.
• awl Lose. eim.Luo,
at.. 0 1 ....:.n
:.,,. :u'•
•••••••1 • •
a. -Il ^tn.a..
0•40:, nt b r-
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Lon. riser,.. n
.awn r' Alen,. we:
• 401 11'41 rau0. eh et.
.1,.t ,1-,r,, ere,
✓ emora or roue.
Maid ma tabs *1-
s••huM aur m•rre.
blas e e . we .amt f0111M (.11 •••• 1, a4
Oen W awe ewe its be.....,
Aw.:. F
. ab, k Cls ear te• r3 r he toe
fa e•••a serer .art min • era.
.1. r. 0.4,. R, 11.4. 04 a 1:1.01"14s 14'• :.,.o••••
l•�-, r•,� JrV. :.a La). 4:...n.all4 Rayl,
Norma AND PCtrLI*Hsi
ptr.a� onk�IslldRat.�'s1s,
L sew
semi oiITION ruiiia t►se Meller sea lofty
teno uer year: It Wld snotty la advannr O.
1 oiler will be sec oted : sutesolbers 40 the
united re at ee he rete la one Dollar and Flnr
('ents street) in +dve.tee. Subeeel hem who
lull to receive Tit ems al. r.wulal ly toy mail
will confer • favor by w ualettinr the ( blleb-
er of the fart at ■.early militate a. pn.nfbie. When
a change ..f ,.ddre.. 1a dsired, both old asd
too Dew .oldre-. +bnuld be niece. Hemlttattesa
may he made. uy bank dr.. ft, expos. messy
order. r..-soe order. or real.terrd letter.
Sule,c-rtpr inna nyyenmuwnne ed any 1401.
1otao.Huhu Laois. -hare. for display and
metriw•t ad seri {•..m.nl+Will be fiver osappll-
oalkm. Legal And outer-Irnitaradvert ternent.,
ten rent. ler lir•• for fine in.:ertlnn and four
mot* per line for each aubwrquent tn•ertt.e..
Nara-urr.l ley • wale or.0U4 rase,paned -twelve
Ilnrw to an Inch. leonine*. card. of six 44n.•r
and under, rive Pedlar, per year AAvertlee-
.noet. of 140.1. Found. 1Mrw).d. aaue'lon.
Vacant Sit oat Wanted. flour* for Sale or
to It..nr, Farm. for Hale or to Hent, Aril Lee
for .c..le..te., not exceeding eight line-, Tw-nty
dee erne- each lomei lon: c Me Dollar for ar.t
month, Fifty ('eat- fur each .ub.-quest moot it.
Larger advertisement. In proportion. An-
nouncement* tk ordinary rearitne Ivor, ren
4rot.rrr line, No nolicv toe that Twenty -
nee (',ant.. Any pp.dal no•i e. the *Went of
whichthe pecuniary benelh of any lndtvid-
nolo, a.rriotlon, t'. M con-Idered an ad ver
U- Iuent and cher red anoordingly.
To ruaatn., 4S DUN re. -The a. -operation ref
over antes -ether- and modem i- cordially Melt
ed tow sri- making Tim M (..'4Al. It weekly record
of all bawl, county and ell.trlet doter". No cans
mmakwtton will be attended to unto.. it con -
lain. the Ilwm., and uddre., of the writer. not
nece-earlly roe n4th114 u41.n. but se an es 14e114•e
444 good faith. New- leante ahonW trach THE
SIG ••• 4 -oelt.,, not lator than Wedne-diey nam
of each week.
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
cure many common ailments which
are very different, but which all arise
from the sstpre cause -a 'system
ales. Pak
lea to move regularly.
strengthen and stimulate the kidneys
and open up the pores of the skin.
These organs immediately throw off
the accumulated impurities, and BW -
oneness, I ndli o1aon Liver Complaint,
Kidney Troubles, Headaches, RRbbeetulm-
atiam and similar ailments vanish.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills la
Save DoctorV suis
Robert Wildon, Massey -Harris
Agent, baa a full line of Farm
Machinery always on hand. '.V..
brave we think the cheapest
and hest Gasoline Engine. on
the Market.
Aho some beautiful Steel
R.snge• from Tudhope and .Ari.l-
ersem of Orillia Jost.tbr thing
for a fernier • kitchen.
% ,• have in stock
Horse ltlanaet.
1'i e...w, parauree
u Milking 11a -(Fosses
- 1)r,cing ,Harness
Aced one 11,1n.Ir••.1 ..*l' "'Mae
Other things, a .,DIM .41 and a.•,•
US at the
Massey -Harris 'Shop
IlAlio:ten '•4..
This familiar weaving is most
applicable try Shoe* ! A Shne
may hr very pretty, very stylish,
heel and toe correct, material
and finish of the held, hut if it
ramps the foot, if is little too
Hight, or even tai !aloe, it won't
Right here is where the shoe
dealer enn>ra in. If anxious to
plwM he will find a perf.et fit,
•a that eonsfott w111 go hand in
had with t h• correct appear-
an4r of your footwear.
THI RSIAY. MARCH :ern 1014
Nose that the elections are ever, i4
thst nu.nhering of the. house* hcheine
going to elle- out enliiely % We
Pollee niI• thing, witho•,t throwing
i:trd sit anybody, that there it each
year a number of .*piling counckhors
who are going to Aeooniplish wonder-
ful things, that is, before they get Into
office, but th:tt is the only time they
intend to alt) it.
h-erytrshy can see that the number-
ing of the houses in this town is most
essential to the town's growth and
everybody whalives in a town and is
not interested in its growth should
not live there but lits) miles beyond
say that Goderkh and Cllatosa ought
to feet honored that their sous sod
daughters have so highly distinguished
themselves as to do the highest
possihle service for their country, to
save the lives of their fellow citizens. I
The Parcel poet +patent in Canada
has now been on trial three weeks and
during that time bas proven more or
lees of a frost. '1'h. re has been so far
no rush to take advantage of the new
rate. and the pn.tuamter-g.nerel, Hon.
L. P. Pelletier, himself has intimated
that he doe* not think there will be
any great r tteb for .once time,th clne,
and that the competition offered by
the tweet porn system is not intended
to he a vets severe 16111 10 the ezprera
companies. The contrast between the
Canadian rates on parcel post and the
rates in forte in the United Stat.•.
giver ,ground for Mr. Pelletier's ex-
portation*. that there will be no very
streuuuus objections from the railways
or express compenaei. lte the United
Stater where parcel post has become
iluutenrly p.pulor the first cone at for
*tart was :111 mile. and it has since begin
extended to I50 mile.. The weight of
parcels hes been raised to 51 pounds,
while in Canada for the tiro. three
months the weight. ie limited to eix
pounds for a Oft -mile zone and after the
first (hire months the maximum of
weight accepted will be 11 pounds.
Moreover there are provincial corupli-
etati0ns in the Canadian system feint
which. the United States system is
Erre. in the United St stem 11 cost', 11
vete to send a panel 10.4 miles by
parcel pont. In Canada under the
new rates it ceoto 411 cents to send the
same perch the *Arne distance. The
express euu)p.unies iu Canada would
carry it for I.1 cents or six cents cbelep-'
er than it .0.18 to send it by parcel
port- A'. a :latter of practical wotk-
ing out lot• only read ad ventage of the
present parcel post system will be
within the liwaed 29 -mile zone.
Beyond that distance the parcel post
taste will not •.eriu.isly compete with
!slating express rates.
Perhaps the two boxes of cigars
which Hon. Mr. Pelletier teceived via'
parcel poet on the day the system was
pentyl each carne from an express
sot -down. The cry is 1 aired that such
n scherne i+ expensive Inst we do not
believe that it, would he. We believe
further that if some plan was laid 0
out eatch r.-eident would number his
own house. The coot. to each house-
holder would not be more than about
Li cents and we are sure no person
would object to such a trivial sum as
1Vhatever it emits 9 would greatly
enhance the town And why not do it
At once without soy more cheat on the
The other day a vnung eau was
banged u. Canada tidier distressing
cireumatan e.. No doubt he wee
justly punished for his crime which
was. deliberate and cold blooded mur-
de•c, though not more deliberate or
rola-Llerlded than oo. cow witted
sou. •ome agn .n t)ntatriu, f..r which
a mesa wteserd to death w:s respit-
e& end is wow is prison. Public opin-
ion* dmwi.�ede.l this tsan'e respite. It
clamored sed Mooted for it -end it
get it. Pubis.• opine et is given to
woad rrotl urs•. of bumaniterianisw
serer)- n.. -w end then. and when fed up
wttb .t bele way of retiring to some
pure' Mere lite a wild bra -t atter a
kill tesleep it off For one Cuntwu-
tat.,e of � o caner.. it wall are a acme go
tea lh.s gaet.ew• wuhrirt w ward.
The .Iree.tsen of whether we ought
to luminous capital punishment or
not ,s nor that ta always cropping up.
:.nil • toad legit 4.1 pros en.ura ; the
taa(w•vs petot pros ala! eon.. Every-
body (eta trot ea his side. and then
the b.'tt,.eu demo 'rut of the Argument
it a ever bell rase al�.l we slumber
-again. Bot whether we b...beim sir not
in • ser: al punish!, n4, and supposing
we lay' miser that runtentem for the
moment -why should we execide the
r•riminal in the tr•rritle way we do
tits treaty who telt u, that the, day.
of ..tor Are user we would kik.• to
.*.' 1.. then1 that they du not know
what they are talking shout and to
sq nrrt ew. .eche •istlds,ss that Itis days
hav.' not Lasted, w'.• would point out
that they here not in (ioderich at any
rate and that by the efforts of bier of
our y g De'••plAnd one young lady
front Clinton three lives were sewed
from drowning in thi• vicinity last
summer. Thew beroes--for they are
nothing else, if we know the proper
definition of the word hero, which we
interpret a s meaning A breve person
were simply children stud the oldest
was only a boy approaching .manhood.
Of mantle, they looked upon the work
which they did as their dutjl. It was,
and they d1d it.
The writer Carlyle held up to us the
Viking. of the North in lila Heng sod
tlsroworwblp am examples of courage
and bravery and the world now -allays
la Inclined to worship the hero and
tightly. too, for it being, before us the
fallacy of the belief that the human
rare la degenerating, morally, spirit-
ually. bodily and physically.
By all means bet ns entourage Ilia
mad d alsoboud for besides being
mealy it is highly obel.tien and we
A Simple Remedy Which Favors
You set as though you just won-
dered how you are going to get
through this trying steam and do
your wort.
You may be overworked or have
had a bad cold whkh has left you
without ■trength. ambition or much
inhcre: 1 in life; In fact you are all
rL n -down.
Let us 1141 you that Vlnol, our dell-
ous eod liver and iron tonic, Is just
the remedy you need to rebuild want-
ing tteener and replace weakness
with strength.
A prominent Boeton lawyer says:
"My mother, who la 76 years of age•
owes her good health to Vinol as
rinre taking it ebe can walk farther
and do more than she has for years.
I consider it a wonderful blood
1 making and strength creating tonic."
We have such faith in Vinbl that
If It does not quickly build you up,
more your strength and make you
feel well again. we will return your
money. Try Vinod on our guarantee.
WC. Dunlop, Druggist, dueler ich.Unt.
��sseaa�ass �
I A Birds=eye View I
by The Hawk
-Well,- says The Hawk, "if the I
people of Pori Albert have men rt
robin already thio year. they must
have had their sprctiielee• on," for he
declares he can't sp of that real breast.'
Cl.1rvuyaney 411111 . irtd irnaginarinn
may be beneficial wnn.'tttne- and no
doubt it is having :a goo*1 effect on the
weather at any rate for it hay certain-
ly been werv,epringlike ? tosses.
The Hawk has •.ften watched the e
golden sun 'letting or. a sou of Woe on I i
uld Laky Huron mi.l ha- noticed a 1
"red lane '• over the wetter from him to
the sun. He has often wondered if
that "red Line" bas any relation to the
one he asked to hear al*,sit when he
was young or is in any way associated
with the Lanes of Oo.derich.
"I wouldn't drink out of that cup,"
said The Hawk to s visitor tecently.
"That's Lizee . cu d h '
iChe .Cetterbox
Li CS 1
TO the Ldnor of The :
ensue Sin, --1 hese just been read-
ing iti one ot the agricultural journals
r review of the horse market situation
which oxontltore in a striking way the
atatewrute made hy our friend Mr. A.
M. Polley during the reciprocity Mur-
cia -ohm of 1911. It will be remember-
ed that the anti-reciproatista declared
that the 1Vwtern market was the
mainstay of the Ontario horse busi-
ness and tliat reciprocity would de-
prive Outsrio of this market. Mr.
Pulley stated that the 11'e.teru mar-
ket was practically gone, :toy way, as
the Werterner•e would won he able to
sui.ply their own wants. The article
which I have born reading rays:
•'Naw the fear is that the NVeat.ru
market for Ontario horse. i.* gone for
good. That fear is Oat groundless, as
the %Vert today appears to be about
in a position to meet its own demands
in the matter of'horeetlt•.h. in 19011
only 3i per cent of the horses in all
Canada were 1041041 west of the Great
Likes. 1.e.st year the proportion -lied
increased to 50 per rent. Half the
horsy tx•pulation of the Dominion is
aow found beyond the bend of Lake
Superior. ...The increase- in horse pro-
duction in the West has shut off the
demand front there. Neantimr, me-
lee to the closing of that. outlet. sup-
plies have Leen itccuuotletiag ice thts
province, es indicated by an increase
lot 190,119) in four years. No wonder
pricer have elnwped."
The article goes on to 'att. shut On-
tario horsemen oust look to the Kest.
tern State. as an motet This also
was painted out by Mr. (Polley over
two yeses ago. It is not often that
the a.ivueates of a national fiscal policy
hay.' their ra+.• *0 atrougly and quick.
ly endorsed by the farts as has been
the case in the matter of teciprociit : v,
r 1V. hlR.
--Quite & brge drove of cattle were
Iriven iti fraun the eternity arunnd
Kincardine on Saturday for shipment
.y train. Four of these e. ere vete
melamineeste'.re. which only brought
147 cu per cwt.
Pi am s e A very
It in certainly very uotieeable th
disrespect which has anti is -being con
tinually shown to the playing ot ring
ing of the Natio!aal Anthers.. .tudien
ere. not only in this town, but in roan
of the cities, Towns and villages in obi
province. atter an entertainment rue
out of the building in wbiel. -hr enter
tainment is given, instead of reverent
ly waiting, until the performance is en
tirely over. it is all the same, whet
er it is a concert. a dramatic perform
ance or at a skating rink, there is re
reverence, but a general sbutfl• u
made fur the wraps and then for tie
exit'. and apparently all seeru to vee
with each other to see who can get out
particular whit) drinks out of it.-
; "Ah," said the caller. as he drained .!
the cup, ' •U'feel honored to drink out of ' ;
Lizzie. cup. Lizzie is your ynunseat
e sister, isn't she?'
"Not much • Lizzie is my dog," said
The Hawk.
• Two young men were having a re-
s cent discussion on the fitness of things
• in toweral, wL.e The Hawk asked :
h it a young roan takes his best girl to
- a grand open. spends $1.3o ort a cup-
- per after the performance, anal thew
takes her honor In a taxi. should be
- kiss her good night
one of the meta-nterposd, "1 Esti
) think she ought t., .xpeet it. %Pogo
to we be has duet. *11.1. 4A flee her.",
The Hawk ,- • 1414444004)4 fond of
courtesy *nil t.efore be forgets it h.
It certainly shows s lack of patriot
ism when the National Anthem is eo
lightly regarded and simply put on the
level of •referee's brit or the final cur-
tain --simply the end. To us it *seine
like an insult to the Pat' and to the
king who rules the realm, which
might have, in early days. been deem-
ed lest•-u1.jeetr --a modified form of
treason. 1'ndorlhtedly it does not seem
consistent for people to almost create
a► disterbanre when through the ir-
•trumen t,slity of the National .Anthem)
the people ate asking the creator to
blew their ruler. Ofconrse, if It is look •
ed upon as at mere fora) and said with
the laps only, and heard with the ears
u a► passing jest, its reality and boast,
is forevea Inst.
Ina 1 eceat lecture Res. J. A. KA h-
-rinwhan, rector of Ht. Ueorge's
cbnreh. lamented the fact that there
was not more petrioti re shown hy
Canaoliana and comparing the zeal
which the Neotchu.+n (eel for the land
of his birth said that it W411 one of
the .errsts of his greatness!, his love of
Wyant ry.
Also Principal Hume, of else Earle -1
calleginje i13lt tuts.f t a b
eineart, tried to Rffpr•►.e ',Fc•n
the audience the nes'eseity of waiting
until the performance was over and
held .op as an example the people of
B..wmanville, where, h.• said, the Ne-
t ional .1 n them was observed and where
the people rune and stood while it was
being played. These gentlemen are
highly deserving of mueb prise in at•
tempting to morn th•• tide of forget-
fulness, bream* we belie.,. it Is purely
rareleassse.s on the part of offender..
Tows is dee place, however. Where
respect to this anthem is inculcated
anti that is in the army. There the
soldier is Liught love fgg his king and
hie country. it is a rat pity that
this love was not more widespread.
To cleanse the system of undigested
food. foul games• exeeas bile in the
liver and "rause matter in the bowels
will Impnlr sewer hetalth. The best uric acid cannot possibly exist. Khan -
=regulator is F10 PILLA. Al sac caste only 1.oe fuse a berge bottle
erg Yi and tl0 emit& or The F1g heft F. J. &itimi or dim& MI
Fel i e.. tet- Thomas. Ont. Mold Ito dbaglee pewpaid from oB. V Markin;
Oodericb by R. It Wigle, druggist. Co.. Br4ai rR. Gst.
a0 til to M v (13.44 110 baa MOW abet
Much cnurteou• ofh.-iela aw h. lair tact an
the court hour and taw tows
Front tau Judge t. • the Janney •M'
the Mayor to tb.• Magistrate they w ;
all first rate tallows, be Kasen
Wby certainly it pseple wast to
din-. 1 h t:raga let flares donee it.
The Hawk .. serioe04y onwaidering
t+t.rig lee.0ree u. the adorns perpeadie
Pier terpise horse to alt. wllddt tawas a
dancing on your bead. Mut ie a fees ;
remoter and any per..cyi hes a right to
do as they like. b. entreat.
• • •
1V b et ne n t he . • been the eowabvaa- ,
tion of th• hmidewg a-tora and acts•.
set of the 1:,I L *ben ..et Friday atter-
noon they sat lt,ela,•d,' net rn the
read but in th.. .latch near Carlow.
whitse their- emoted .reads. tired e(
hauling talent.., t. Itet en their jou"-
ourney- *lone. Some of them were inclin-
ed to Manu the young ,Inver but it
was not bio fault but the Hydro rats
the animals had bran eating. 713•
horses trete 00.49 captured and the
journey was "o"iipk•trtl without any
further incident. -Accidents. will hap-
pen.- The Hawk declare•*, sou he i+
very glad t hat nobody w*. s i iou.ly
bwrsINPreiigb thesp1N•
ihe hos her .boon his teeth already
rho nth. lire Hawk has teen
wat.'hing him shipping at many ua*es
and toes, het he is hoping that his
gory mane will soon change into the
larch wool. The monarch of the for
set may be all right in his native clime
in Africa or Asia. hot there ie nothing
in The Hawk'* opinion so eluted to the
productive elopes of fair Canada a. the
juvenile mutton head.
g standing your
No matter how 1
case may be, .don't tllsrpulr, gets bottle
ref Rbenmo today. F. J. Hatlasd malls
It with a guanr.tee to benefit yea.
Itheumn is wonderful in its quick
setkon, the rain eener•s, the =melee
and bones are rid 0f soreness and
stiffness, and very soon a Ithehmo
patient is able to have the same
strength and vita/Ay of youth. Rhew-
mo builds blond so rleb estd thick that
▪ as 111.Mrt
If you have $ 100
lint or .,,ore in the 5.-.,. B.nk as 3 per
cern. is pr.rt4callr dleon ie is .00
Vann( run the reader, a should. Rate every
artee of ..4047. your .honey will Oink
Standar• d "acme i
you rse! it is rLe
«rsag.(:orporaocni e
per Cent.
They are ab•derely secure. They beer
M 3 per cen4 rocwp05 r.r.,44.ia4411-•••ety. Thom 48 e
.heads 13, •.e.ag,i j '0
Your weans•• a•rs • good iM ogee. W
1•• •• • spec.' Accw--.t•sed Iseerew r
plea el nab'....m w• would like y,o
the mon e•o•fa•,•." sad o -T'
eb.• s.•y el meshes shone".
Paid -no Capital - $2,000,000.00
Assets - - - - $5,000,000.00
Cen.sa," a.v ,d(•6le •d"... re -
se ...mow of lame or omen s.m..
Iwo mrt,ote Debearurm mailed oo re-
Ny.IOwr y7 EMT 1011011170
W. L HORTON, Goderich
1114aidest Domeier
Exceptional Values is
The final dip in prices in Furs and Coats is
here quoted
In.4t.e Fur Trimmed Coats, quilted lined. Ile'2.00. for
l.adies' Cloth (:oats, A11 sizes. cel. to 1t1:.OU, for... S.00
Men's Mark Fur ('oats, No 1 qu:dity and with Iamb
collar. Up to:'M.111, fur.... .. , 22.00
Meter Corduroy Coat., sheep skin lined. $211A0. for
Men's Fur Lined ('oats with otter collars, 1ZRi,110, for
Ladies' Furs
large Mink or Sohl.' Muffs, select skins. at each.. 5.00
Mink or Snide Scarfs ur Boas, large new shaper,
1k;...' and NOM for 4.00
Ladies' New Kid Gloves
Our gat trunteed quality Kid ((loves. "douse Listen-
ers and guasetted Hugel., in tans. black or whiff. All
sizes at ler pair .76
Spring Dress Goods
New EEerges and tiaberdeen,, Ll i•,. her wide. in tans,
greys, .n:td.,nua. king's blue mud navy., hr,tuliful aa eaves
lied eery- Lew, at per y'ant 61.00. 61.25 and 1.50
Showing .mr neo 1.'11rtains in P..iut .Arch aid Irish
Point, very handsome and eplrndid velure :it per lair
64.00, 65.00 and 7.60
puts the ee's (ease) in sweeping
Cleans Carpets
Brightens Floors
Orderla tin -today at your gro:ers or from
hardwart man
Don't ask for sweeping compound
As an adrer5sement we well give these a..ards obsolete' -- 1 •- ,",• •ionally free to the persons sending in the
NEATEST correct .slstioe sf the • TWENTY-SEVF ' There is positively no lot or chance
ceoaected wren the sabobee of this problem. It is a mutest - .TEST correct solution of the problem
*Ji be awarded for Piano. and the other awards will b• n :he order of merit. Everybody who
tomb in a correct aohtioo will be awarded a prize.
First Award
A Beautifs1 Doherty Upright
Value 6426
Strood Award
A loos Upriebt Piano for
TMet Aasssen
A ;375 Upright Piano for
Fourth Award
A B-autiful Violin, complete
with case
Fifth Award
A Handsome Guitar, complete
with case
And old ad.l.ha al armada .
to tie next lig neatest '
correct sotatio•s
DIRECTIONS -Take the numbers from 5 to to inclusive• and place them w the squares so that when added
together vertically, 1eetzeotally and diagonaflye the total will be TWENTY-SEVEN. No number can be
rased twice. Use this or a separate piece of paper or other material.
The gentleman tubo have consented to act a, Jsdges are a guarantee that the awards will be distributed
to those entitled to thein
In case of a be, the Judges beteg un�nle
equal awards.
to decide between any
two solutions, each will receive
Don't delay, send is your solrtioo grsckly, yor say get this beautify! haw
All answers oust be in our store on or before Thursday. March Itth, 1914
Mail or brio( veer tion to Department A