HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-3-5, Page 1IICONSIDER
you put into good advertising
nota dollar of expense. but A
dollar invested upon which
you will receive blither div
Ideuda tba.n from any otbet
i.reets teoL
The Sigel 1• taw beet &Sow- .ing
weals= la Karoo County
To renew your subscrip-
tion to The Sigial and
monies ono el this year's
A. Z. HItAD W I N, Postulant
04011071EAUM INal rise,.
SAVE, because -
No. 100
The biggest Make grow from scorns Single dollars m t
into uuhstahtial capital through the medium of r ravings account.
Head take, Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto
General Marga - - - - - - A. H. Walker
Godeteh Breach - - .. - - - - - - A. Porter
Auburn, Ont- Moakton. Ont.
Bayfield, Ont. Seb/1'41olle, Ont
Dungannon, Ont. Varna, Ont.
Wind Blew • Hurricane in Toronto and
Telegraph, and Telephone Compan•
see Suffered in Consequence -
Very Little Damage Done Here but
Hydro Failed Several Times
Meted most assuredly came in like a
lion on Sunday. Not only the shore.
of lake Huron but the whole of On-
tario was swept by a terrific gale
which was said to be the Inoit dimes -
trolls to property wince the ter' Hale
gale of Novewtwr oho l when i't 'ro-
wels and over 250 who's went down to
watery graves.
k However. em foes of life is reported
from Sunday'. swami but telr1ouph
and telephone cuwpauirr were bet nob -
Iv moored In many place..
In Tulonto the wood gradually tore
until it reached the provrtiun 01 a
hurricane and at . intro it 'V said at t rein•
1 ed A velot•il y of ;11 Miler an hour.
There was pi.tciu,'itI - no damage
' `Motte in town with the exceptiuu of au
41.1 pain of glass bring smashed. The
wino w -as pito ciug all day on Sunday
All kinds of Insurance 1 and the nie a ory wee below zrAo all
day. ('on.rtln.•ntly it had A dampen -
'1 ing effect tin the congregations, al -
4 •
though the churches were fairly well
t IF'F1t'E NEXTOANAnt.tN RANK ArcOMMRRCE. (iOUE1tl('ti "Nen, ' -
! Ptunxxa: (FFD i•: al: Hout4E IM'. P.O. Box 31u On Subd.v night about I i,l:, the
light, went. out and the thereon foiled
several timer through the night but
+ ' the lights were aliening bright and
cirar early on Moud:ty woruiug again.
t 141'I(1N SALK (►F -CHEESE mo,,,,;,. ttsrc4 9th. ,.tn.tion s.l. ot term A goad square piano. at once.,- AP-
If.t1Tu1:Y AND PLAN i i 1 P
stock and I .pleluenl-. pr.+pert) of M'.. twee ply at °Kt). HOD MEI VICE Furniture
_- --_ R'Y..•.r. 1.., .,..., I L'._. LL'.. -,. T,..._ lite,
Fpr Sale
.r padre -wool 1141u.datm Of the 1auiN11
lus.se u•d lhal tar I:omp.ent, 1. mood. will uft r
tot -.ir by l ublle auction on 1 he premia+. be,
melba ...Ulla ea -t tamer on Iw earl Itelt of lot
:array -1a. Lake road e,n.x.-1.-n..1.hd.- d..a,
Tbti...ixy. the 1:01 day of Man h. •t •.• luck in
Ike ahem.. it the „dl.,e i g pngrt l y : 1 he
Ihm.•bldarrtir Pe we ty tee. ea a thew,* feet •
min'..peh.'r w lth the boiler awl caber ors
causer, ! b -,sin Lord/sit ed.
The parch ore 1. ru remove the building .end
y. • off th.• !oral.
The follow'. K are the rondo ion. of +al•• • The
pooh yr to iwy len per •-rot tot the dry of the
+'e an the b.4. nor wit hi t Meer day-.
lmnwdlat•• pa.r*•sion can be OW, Imb.
h.rther pw.11.. 1..r. aid r.ndithnwe will be
made known on the de. uta,ale '• way be bad
fns the arder.ia.ra.
I wweed at birder Irk the '1th day of V, Lottery.
Uudeti h. Ontario.
Eotie$anfur1'H4RLIC. tcrIts',.ItT.Liu -,id.
. g MA.CHAR1 E-. 'n 1 o"ret.
I'A1t) OF THANK`{ -Mit. AND
N. Wei,. 'Unite .incl f..mdy d. -ire to rt•
pr's-- ',irk. thank. to their n ,ehlrnrs std
I. trial. for their kiudnes. aro V111 pathy . in
their .ad bel.'arrnw-i'.
I.tnitr Aso firer, twos. --1 G•g to thank
San for vlee-. Ing me arra.. tees a of (:.deriell.
.t. 1 have .fated before 1 will elide ti or to
work for ate beet Intercede of the town w title I
en. in ...Mee.
Yours truly.
W»1EKT IJ 1.1• ITT
!IV Tit E ELEI "I 0119
I.abtas A111, 14raTirts11'.. 1 wish to thank
all or 'oh, "nista. • O ... recent In the rent elec-
tion Mr tees ratite. While defeated. 1 feel that
IM graph ill have esaea rho@ to s.• and iu
tulnysmay atter myw,lf for municipal 'eft toe.
A gats than king you 1 remain.
Your* truly.
1-- r- r-•.vii
One of the beet in the Prot
ince. Fixed rats of aaae-eaineut.
Live Stock imaged at its toll
value whether Oft the farm or
not. Notroubleenmake adjust-
11. McILWAtr.
for Colborne.
.r -
Bddford Shavifnt Parlor
The beet equipped and Moet
iipto.date whop In town.
Firstdams barbers only em-
Thia shop will stand the goy -
el nmont sanitary Inspection.
Outside work done on request.
Ramo and shears put in fleet -
class shape.
Two Una nest all trains.
PPM.ete MI Sbb . peotmpt readd
Way ell sI) ttMe'e.
Illessesobb Wow.
RstlR 4wt 'heBe So. al
lil'Mllltl. NWI/011.• •r.
Vero.tt. March e:tth. Auction ..1r nt fret,
+lurk Ind t.n per nte•d-, ppropwtly of Mit Jas
n.w, lot eons.-'•m1.aw
Wan,.11. '11n.w.t.l
L1tsLK1. •Uct innee•r.
Musnay. \larch lath. ,t'learin: auction
• raa t Ion Netts owl t.bw.sera- erwp.uy...'L
.110. JA ya. Tartan. lot s. is , l ClibU.'ne.
1 'era. i.L'11•at , etwi t,neer.
Tra-t,.r. \larch I:tu. Auction vile of farm
. tock and iu,plensut-. pr.perty ur 111:. Jnai1
Fns -.i it. renow-/on 1. .t.1. livid fit, rything
win be •Ohl. as prop.1*tor•M t(at..K w'e-t. i .I. t..
UUNDO( y,aac. r.
tytl.Stbari T. March Ift.h.-.tuctton .dr of
tares -tack and itnyleinani... property of Mr.
Jn11, t1rt.IJAw., it Nwauu.h. 1,•e... 1:t
* .ret louver.
14 isl,tm..e. March 11th. -('denting auct;•41
.ale til farm .lase 0.6.1 props. •y of
MIL .1 ear-. MA,z►:. eine. 1, .t -hooka. 1,.•'r)'
thing molt bt•dl.p,-ed of. 1'.un .uW. l u•-.
1.11 ,.PIs". auctioneer.
Ti .'•n it Mart h:hit. Ma. Do go Jrvs.,s
will Wil a0 ws faros .W k sad ,wt11eurcotat
set H.
cis. 1. WawresaL He M Klvloe up
farm. 1 n.... t: s t u n 1. auctioneer.
THUntnt.. alrr,b ISte. .lucttm.....1. of
eba.a* factory anti phut: at thi- pr..ni.e•. lot
▪ . lair told conc.-.in, A.hrield. A. 3tum
n uu r -.:.not •rt.
✓ SERVANTS. --Perroo. ....miring farm help
•twuMappl! u Once to lbI1.1.1.1Al Mtt+llL-
1.1N. Dominion Gutmoment 1.n plo)-rneat
Agent, tet. Helene. 1mt. Video leh with H. D.
Wooled, St. Hahne.. e.. Out-. OW tetetye prompt
dt ntmu.
L1 • -NCH FOR tiALE.-e2 FOOT
I hot, lame. ruse) need.l : h. p.. e nr ttrn.e .
e•a10 44/410 u Ieae*44/410ad
n radioed tut Oast cosiest*
ur bolls. Isarate. IL T. WATSON. Uederieh.
Agent kr (tray ereare. 94-11.
[,N f It SALE.-IA/'T11. CON. 12,
L W:D. Colborne. await Ir at re* ,.It cleared
sod iw meas. bank barn and frame ew dU
mss gears ware -bows at G.l'.It. 1:o0erW.
awve propert.e. ware owned by the tact
Jeb v..t.drew•. Late tltuck limier. Apply
to V1441Ct)b'ahlr. HAYS & KILUiKAN. `/e-
lation 1..r Ktecutns. Mics. 1.. .. M. tN'
liana Feb. 1314.
Putt MALI:
The u.der.iltne•i will iRt i for Private ...i at
se Noe. nwo Wile east and one half sub north
I of (lederwit. the felMw Ing .
Brows sae. 11 yeah i . toy bore. ti yawn
W. Jeep aser .
. 3 year. old. he -b. Joetr)
Ohm. 4 year. eve. froth r July . IIulataln row.
3 years oh:. herb in April . teartnie : ealf :
Walla raw. dM la Alia:',m: wrw dee►
Ialleat ter. tory serossa I . rAr[!e►..t3r'1K tecta
low ew- sand 0110 , hog d lumber
v7 sem. Ms sal- saesswNM. H..rftrP.
w hew re 4 >1for sib O P *thi. tis 1 ca• .
.Me,atnlssd .thee ewellrsr• end a f.w fermi
MRUt-DtYMyr. NAYI t 1tiLL(4KA.\ tOtede
rise til _
Ab PAL A :M i Asfrtiwna
our Moa.
minereseit s
MiNFa M1 141 o ha:t with
r.g/atf 01 fM11 IMrat n[naa. UMef th M.. P 4.
is ftes.ossblo terse. P. J.
*N :24f
✓ yyi d 1 eaa M til 111srth 000000-
' dvlMaa of . tsws.blp .f orm
ellia fin
Mss til nice TO.batidin,e.in.
fleawa Wow Tribe:
jljjt*N. e.♦er 1PIWV W't)tlf'. N A S'it t 4
Loll h. W,t rf
Cy1 Ot VOIR BAL L-1 Mee W plowed with
i..szase ssei strew sies t to
'si'"` ii«tt"' ''" we tri...
yob i
A '1 4I
N[ FOR Os m HUN.Cob
FARM. il iDE•ttIt 11 fltw.MH11'
Ilommton lrnnuyrattw. Aare... Fatale..
oohing help .uuutd ...end 'u thein rroui.luuu•
:.+ early ea. p•, --that. W.lt.• what you want or;
a pont card and anthem.. i' to ILK. ho. 1. 'wit
irich._____ --
►J 7111 w. J. H •Lt'S t'o., 'tomato. Our
new nor of well paper wimple book, tr in the
hand-fttour tto\ derlch.reprr.entatiee. Mit. A.
n %EL Uvo't fad to .•r.. !brut before buy
Ing. by lwarlea thew v'• t to your hours. Bos
_Meir rams. 1.110. /4 u, nWI• well- per null. We
hay all expass thence•. to e;odertch. We will
,10 your pointing and osoenne. - -
l ll1YPic%Y.Liatlr11)
B•. I.4w C11100t1.. l401 ATI(' (4ITV. eh Or VICE
Byr-.w Nrwrre. USI-
Whereas the head °Mee of The fie,ctich
Rural 1'e L'phone lua,pauy Limited. M in tar
tow u of U.duricb in the county of Muton. ai, l
province of 001.rlu. .
And where/4.0,. •leemr.t evpedient that the
-ame .hould be rhni _ed W the elllagv 4.1 Our.
Imams'in •ard county.
Therefore The G dr1 ich Korai Tetepbuuc
Coi.pa.•y. Omlu d, nowt. ate (••Ilow.'
1. that lb. Ise.., tA5oe of The 1 :vderich
Kura! telephone 4 wnla.ny. Limu.oter ata
he .arae 1. hereby changed iron Ih• awn of
'werich to th count) til Nun,o. 10 the 1.11•
IaKe of l)uugannon .n the .aid count'.
that this bylaw, be..biomes with rill due
dLpsteb for the went., ton of the .harabWdera
of tae t,ewp*ny at ti Rosetta' n1, clition the Ivor
to be called for considering the .atue.
Plowed thin Mtn day of Januar) . A.1 t. I:IL:.
Sig .ell
JAMEsit, i•'uNRTJ4. tvM. HILL.
Wiese ary. President.
Certified under tie Seel of the said Company
to the Howur.u,e the rens snood Secrrtar y.
lnwnttu, - PRI!.
J.4M a Juttaaru\ WM. HILL
tall were.ary. PreaWent.
.soOee is hereby glint that an application
«111 tit tele to til Leona/oars se tae • memo,
of Uatarw at the hex. ....awn thereof by the
memrolptllty of tae town of tosses, it.
bosh of bead std the other smt.q-.'°ee
ebbs hay, reurablaed ate r.ond. of t' s On-
tario New When 14ueray (amebas. ter eaand.
to revive tae ret of tatoreorauan ed Raid ww-
p..ay, being 1 outward :. chapter 1tseammend
sysah.eq•wst teuraM*e. std sateadt5gtie
tune fur tae voa.pet ion or the unestaaalg K
aid !Wrw..yy .,..araey.
fatted at (Jade ice Lets 17t1 day et Febrwary.
A.D. rent.
yrs n.11cttor roe Aselso tal1t.
4 PPPnOtT101r 1) THE LBtiiB-
Notice ie hereby gives that ao seelleui0a
will be wads to the Legislative A. 04y of
tie Prevlas, .f Ontario et the next ~ion
threat. for as alt to incorporate a company to
h kwwa w the 1•oedo.. Uraad teed aid
Hirstlord Mallory or ouch other masa as wry
be given to It by the leeielyire Aa.esbly.
with power to oow.ttue' and operate a Una of
relies, In Octane form the city of Carden
ae thweiaerly through the township of Lon•
dos: thaws sorthwr'.tsrty through the t.ww
ehipsof Labe. Flet WliHama and Wast WU-
Itasa. to Parkhill or to Point sear Parkhill:
thew••@ nortbsa.terty through lie t.wnehlpe.1
Mdntlllyray aria Paephen to thud lewd:
these. earterty to a went at or wear bar:
thereto lassie, et dpaderd: thanes wroth
weat.rns u the dry of Iasden, wed wim psw,•r
le nwspiste besesies er esterase's. et the ..44
railway. and to eosse'rt ceps say r1Uways one
built or to M balk at any paesta slew tele nes
se rsHwaya...4 with pewee to epersts said
railway by .tees. eleetragy sir etbwwl..; and
with tower to wake a..essenta ter We or
sw.Ms.atles with ether esepealwti W ter
rises friar pewees as are nweany wives le mil-
eiD wempeetne and ter .sett muse se see
semseere w mens eseyssd.s tar elheme ly
emersion an tae bwrnew of a railway 4..15.1•
Learode5 Dendless.thmate. Nenwmoe for the
it>•1u- at Teases elle ?Pte 4ty el euro..
AAD. NM tag
Penny Bank System Inaugurated in the
Local Schools
%ViLh a bare quorum the monthly
meeting of lbe Public School hoard
war be -W ouMonday night last in the
board Itour 01 Victoria rcbutd. Chair-
man 1),. Ballow presided and Trurteee
J. %V. Craigir, A. D McLean, Alex.
Sounder. and K. H. Cott were present.
The very fact 'hat th.ougti the in-
strumentality ..f the penny hanks 21_2
pupils had (drpor,te.1 $IS.i•: by Mon-
day was highly encouraging to the in-
ougalu's of the scheme. The banking
Mayr will be every Monday in future.
Trustee Coil rep,rt.J that the cadet
work would le, Cowlneticed immedi-
ately. lu Central school Copt. H. C.
-1)wllup would commence drill the fol-
lowing day. The prioowp al, had re-
ported that there were tt2 boys train
Central school and 123 from Victoria
scored who wetly .1,1e for l be drill.
Chairman Uallow repo, led that a
eiwIUILI e'r appoint ed tt, look into the
loaner of rai..ny the t.•iii here' solar -
nes was making pi out es-.
Thr report of PiMeiji 11 Long, of Vic -
t olio retail 1, show ed a t • 4al so t endoure
of 275; It15Isy.r.dIfs) girls. Tit -ti
was rho average a. tend .ice of :f12: ill.
lasing Is,). a..J 1:111 lwh.g gn 1.. Nr 01 -
plains -it that the asmugs atteuduiir
during the win. ei ine.ntlis In-ing sower
than .'round war dor to ,he tact that
the kiudrrga.1' n a•tembinew fell off
in the wane:. Mr J .wee McClinton
bud-tipp•lird he p1..er of Mies Le fon-
ze1 dui,. g her illness,
A. p:•ui ipa, of 1'.'ntr:d ,drool Mi..
Sharma. ••1sn:rd' it toot' Att.-n I-
anCr Uf 212: 112 hnya and 141) clrin.
no overage w ... 141: boy* * 1(11. artel
gods sal. Tt.t rept r n sited the. Airs
Ila Allen filled ire pl..ee of Miss Rio -
rut for two days and one day for Mies
A her of arcing) s were retro red
to the Moaner.- ance euuundire vv•tt1 p•,w-r
to MCI ,f found en• leer. The hoard
trausaiiw: a lot .4 bu-Incas in a vett'
spurt tier mid adj toned et an early
Hon. Charles Devlin Passes Away in
Alymer, Que.
Ut.ubvw. - M.,avb- ('w *les
Ramsay Urvlin, M,nut. r of Colonlzu-
I,ntl and Mi.•e.. •tl . he Qm -1sec A4niitl-
i-tiM o'. a ed a his (.thrr'N home iu
Ay'Iwrt. Que , nu Sunday morning.
The late M,. U. -VIII. had teeen seriuli.-
ly ill dot tug last wt. k, but it War not
expected his illus a. Would e2til.uihate
in his Ma 11, Uri .1 ea,Iy Flhlity even'
ing, woe.. he show. d segos tit sinking.
l)tt S.Lurday lie 'tyre,/ 10t0 0 state
Of COW.,
The tuuelel took place Wednesday
mooning et 10 •'crock tai St. Pawed
Homan UxtLul.• . hutch, A) Imes. Br-
eide% snag, d tulhr. • h•n widow, right
yu,mg chiW/ru. guru sisters and four
lIrulhers rurvnvr.
Roman Catholic B•shop Says so in Sault
Ste. Mae to Recently
Misters James and Graham Ross are
Prevented with Scout Medals by
Mr. H. G. Hammond, Provincial
Secretary, at Fine Banquet Given by
Ladies Auxiliary on Tuesday Night
The annual 1'.Z11.U.A banquet was
held ou 'Tuesday 0. euiug, Match :lid,
in the club rooms "eel' the limon
bank. A very good Innch wa. prn-
vlded by the ladies ants was enjoyed
by all present. An interesting pro -
grannie was prepared. It was open-
ed by singing "Stand up, Stand up,
for ,lrru, " which wan t"11.. •eJ by the
"Menu. Fodor.' Master John' 1'inder
made a short adders* on the prohibit-
ing law's placed •.n h .v...
The boys sang "Nellie (bay." Three
new recruit., namely, Ted Pridhau►,
John McDonald and Andrew Murray,
were own, it i The. three boys re-
peated the scoot pledge. which is :
-1 in any bun le I rouler todu r ii• p i t
duty to Uiwl end tl.e KIng.; to help
others at all Limes; to utwy the scout
tow. -
Willie 13 Jib, one of the patrol lead-
ers. held the 11 •g and 1)r. Hayden
saner In the re'.roils. - -
Maatrr Reber Powell. the retiring
juuior piesioent, woofed a vote of
shanks to the Nieto-who provided -tins
Inn.•h. it was-treon.ted M• -,1t•aster Ora-
h• , Koss. M. • Car. it , president of
the Lilies Auxiliary, replied saying
that of the hotyr enjoyed heir lunch 44
well no the auxiliary enjoyed tusking
it they were' well 'Oros. d.
Willie Babb and Bert Cott grave a
pistil, duet. Cecil M'tchell gave a
trading on the des', netton of Johns-
town. The hov..•'U's then sang their
Scout anthem. and Lau. ie Fraser gave a
i -et itation t. 1titled "Barbra'. Fretch,.'.-
Mr. A. M. R her -••n give a short
address on the new movement which
is to start shortly its the ehurrhea. lie
extended a cur ia1 Metter ion to all to
cattle up. W the Chita vuuletew -aa14.1 tilit411
they ate (pen.
An exhibition in -plicing was given
by Malvin Peicv Beatty, Harold Cur-
tin and GI•ahane Ko -it, who did the
long, short and eye splicing respec-
Mr. H. G. Ii'tuuuond, provincial
, secretary. pace A short. address slat-
; ing th.t he w.s sorry to hear that it
friend of her, namely. "Billy" Sander-
! sem had ;noised away. He sail, that
he believed in giving a boy a fighting
chiellce and not j •.Iglog 111111 100 11 arsh•
It- Hegave a few instaneeiz(If boys who
though reputed to 1s' bad had often
turned out to le. good boys, The boys.
Ileo sang "For Hr's iN s Jolly (Wad
Fellow " Rev. George E. Koss gave an
address saying that the community
owed mole t0 Mt. A. M. Robertson
concerning the Ivry scout movement
in Gwrderich than to any of her Iran.
James and Gr .h ..n Roos were pre-
sented with the "Silver ()toss" by Mr.
Hammond. p•uv,ncjd itecrelat'y. who
stilted that a boy who kept is level
head and didn't gel aswelled head was
the hest one in the end.
Lassie Fraser sod Reginald King
sang a duet. 1)r. Hayden. who is chief
scout. master in (locier,ch, gave a abort
address on the h y scout movement
explaining why the churches had tea, -
en it over.
Bert Curt fu:nisbrd the music and
pl.yed many salon.
Among the geutlemen present were :
Rev. %V. K. Hager, Rev. Janiew
Hamilton, Rev, J. B. Fotheringhaln,
Rev. J. E. Ford, Key. George E. Robe,
Dr. W. Y. Hayden, Dr. W. F. Gallow,
Mr. C. McDonald, MI. F. J. Pridham.
ter. W. C. Pridh.so, air. to n Storey,
Mr. H. G. Hernonond, Mr. W. J.
Powell. Mr. A. M. Robertson, and
Mr. James Mitchell.
the ladies present were :
Mrs a E. Rows, Mrs. J. E.
Ford, Mn. J. M. Field. Mn. W. T.
Murrey, Mr.. W. J. Powell, Mrs.
%Nark, Mr. W Y. Hayden, Mrs. ('ae-
rie. Misr Mkimings, Mrs. and Mies
Mitchell. •
Sault S, e. Mat le, JL..n•h
L. J. beeolla.d, 01 Bay. upeut 1
tor: new os. JI., y'. scltuol bete ou Sun-
Speaaii,g in favor of Houten Catbo-
day atteruuuu.
lies b•Iug edu.:a:ed At sepu1 etc schools
rather luau rt meta/oho Sur bis -
bop woo, "There 1s uii laud til Ole
yublic sa:uuuls, all they leech to. re-
Four Mumcipalaues WIII Apply for Ex -
miasma of Charter
Belies too that the Wert Sbote rail-
way. wh,co brie sunk tuuu,.an-h. of
dollars tut due aluni.Clpaltties m tbla
pert of tow couotry, will yet be a
valuable arm., four WuUIctpal'tres,
township. ot AshtlrMi. Howes and the
towns tit Klucar.lue ..,d Omen lCh
will soca appy to the Lrgulalttre l0
have 1h0 Clark. ter. to Itch expires 6n
April 13, cassew,et Sur Wetting tate
years. baler• 11 repo?* agar IMMO
muntcipaliIMoad he.pe to ionise the
Hydro eau way W eatend Its tine from
London Liss tuella lioder.eb to Kincar-
dine. 1•o aceuatp4i.h taw. at a special
meeting of the Godes
lca town counetl
e a no edreftewlsed'1tillo Les id aterr t
Councillor Heed rad uuncillor Wm.
Proudfoot, were appointed w go with
Mr. H. K. Hodges, from the local
Board a Trade. in London today
on the occasiou of tbs Radial Field
day brims bete there.
The *natter of changing the police-
man en that each would do day and
night duly alternately mute up
in committee afterwards and it was
decided to deal with the matter to
open council probably at the regular
meeting tomorrow might.
and Mct.IMyu. mon a. Ord newt Maessio wei-
gh hW/n,. Inst
k v •ervar,t Appt) IL' 144. CN L 'K. Eich av,nu . It.
11/ Nerd waeeet MelAedlsa ih.reb Demo
h r r lose 1tt el rgeam ).plepgts. /ae-
toms waste yrs• wast N et Beats
04.i1M tl4 until .me. en Nest even
AL 1 A'fel4 rwewoalt or.
,eL -beab A..beo tae eyelg . M
la 'In=
'IM. GDw'Alf, /
flalsrla M.
pebling gin WwY - 5 al em 1~w IvtgR til a tel. 01 - Ah
rIOR Ili' w,
A small meeting war , held after -
weeds when Mr. Hammond spoke soh
explained* few important things to the
officers shoat discipline. badge,. or-
ganization, management, etc. What
to do with the smaller boys has become
Mr. Robert Elliott Again VWTuw Reeve.
ship by Big Majority
)I r. 11 tarlt Elliott. who recently
tebigne.l the reevesbip. when ex -peeve
11 C. 'mooingy instituted legal pone
tosdiugs to have hien novated. was
re-elected reeve of Uuderich on Tues-
day last by • majority of Zit) votes.
Hi: opponent. was Mr. A. J. Coops.'.
a prominent I:oercbaut of the town.
It is 'the general opinion thst Mr.
Klhott was elected on the aym(Mathetic
vote and the mai ,rity .if the ratr-
1 pay err believed that be was the
choice of public opinion last January.
However, as compared with the last
election there w is a entailer vote
polled. and the last rale -lion exceeded
this one by 1411 vote,. At the January
eIa. tion lhet e were 1134 and on Ttie'edav
only ;SI votes cast.
The vote 1.> poll, era :
Pulls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 total
A. J. Cooper MI 41 3U 51 :3l1 43 1'2 277
Hohn. Elliott tr 75 52 97 51 75 00 507
--- - ►
Ile was re-elected on Tuesday by a big
majority. -
Local Photographer Goa to Algonquin
Park to do Work for Railway
On Tuswdoy last Hr. R. H. Stllnws
left for Algouyuin National park to
do some photographic worn for the
(:rand Trunk. Mr. S.11owr has lu.tde
several excursions to that pails on the
same errand and saline ot hi, photos
have been publishe4 and sent all over
Canada aid parts of the 'United
States. 1 h wotk which Mr. Sallow%
mid do this time will be to take a
number of photos for booklet work.
He expects to 1•e back about the end
of this week.
Wm. Hanna Aquitted of Theft Charge
by judge Holt
On Friday lust (:.o. H,..Rose and Wm.
Hanna. of the township of Stephen,
appeareal before Hie 41.010 1. Judge
Holt at a special sitting of the county
judges et binned court un a charge of
rteitling Foxe."' fl mu George McDonald,
of that township, on Lh•renehnr 27th,
1911 As the evidence did not warrant
a conviction Hanna was acquitted but
Hir Honor re.erved judgment. until
March 1st in the case of Hose, as there
were some acknowledgements alleged
to have been made by Har.
WT1II M• IM,\ALD. - At Knox ehwr-h
maawr. •:olerich. at. Februay site. Ly
Her. Deo. K Ha.. (1 j).. Joh.. W Id, all
!q, Oat-. and Minarets )Ll1 rnald da
Inc of Mr. and MR Job.. McDarald. (e4e
rich. not.
K1TT1MO H1X AtKwteburca.aaee hiode
rite, oo March rid.. by Kee. U.v be,
(4.1) Walter John Eiden and Ethel Eli.
both of Norwich. England.
• question of importance. Atter some
more discussion the meeting adjourn-
ed and it wan decided to meet oo the
third Friday in every quarter besin
ning with March.
The oMeer. elected were
Algiengeoft _'•• mt His Womb*
Mayor ayor : veceidOMMe. A, •I>ft
erteoa : vice-president Dr. W. F. (fel-
low : secretary. Dr. W. Y. Hayden
treasurer. tttr. W. I. Horton ; exacta
tire. Dr. L. M. Mabee and Mr. J. C.
Comparatively Short Docket But Occu-
Pied Considerable Time-- Four
Cases Disposed ot and One Settled
-Laymen Handles His Own Case
in Court
The Spriog Assizes uprated here on
Tuesday atterutw)u at 2 o'clock with
Mr. Justice H. M. Meredith, a member
tit the Supreule (o.trt ot U.•iotou, pre-
•,tdiug. '!'here was a *hurt docket to
be disputant of, but the CAW. took
Linger Wait war anticipated and the
Cunt t root. .11 u rid act yesterday after-
Thr first CHAP on the duck. t 41140 an
action Sur libel, M ongol e.y Tuuwae
anal Mgt y 1V alt ers air.. i u.t J eedie Kerr.
M i . L. E. Laucey app•a. ed for the
plaintiff and MI. %Van. I't..tw hoot. K.
iepeeeentesl theti.-Irud,u,t. 'there
was considerable evidence !mann and
the jit.y allowed each 01 111t• lr+ain[iUr
4111 and the coals amouittug to t'1I111,
Two ie-ititute of the township of
McKillop se-cup,enl the tutentiun of the
Court 101- suave cunsWerahle time,
Joseph Nicholson charged leie neigh-
bor Ernest Campbell .l..H W,t:o -Linder
The p4riantl4T . aue,µW ',hat._ Campbell
-Cireulalyd ' irjtas the; he stole
the drlet:dant."grain. ..MV. d,hu L.
lies., tit Sralul'th rept, erntt el the
plaspt,f and Mr. wm Proudfoot
appc.ted for the defendant. The jury
await d. the pl,.ntitf 151 daw,ges.
There Weir three 11..0-ju, y caws, 141
UM the • tit d vs, l'ut,k was
;settled and two carr of Mot a 11041 414
Killoran and Morrison v Robertson
soul of hers were tired • igel het, there
was Icaily only one uutr-ju.y , ase for
It is tore that it layman handles his
own case i1. Court, yet such war the
Idose re /leer Mr. Dort. .t.rrr f_ir,n of the
towtish.p of Stephen sutel J. L. Kellar -
an foe damages for not pi oteeul ing &
case when a w ret of ejection Weal bring
tissued by a loan cowpony in connec-
tion with 101110 land Mot rinotl owned.
The case against Mr. H S. Hobe' twin of
Sirat ford, was a of monist natal. , and
'1.,i rosin alleged that Itilwt•teon woe
lax in prosecuting his case and he
• thereby had lost cei tam lands.
The judge 1n giving jmigement held
that bufar as he could se the defend-
ants in both cases were rot Iespnnsible
for not prosecuting the erase het question
and dismissed both these .sae. with
diets. Especially referring to Mr.
Homer Loons d:il€e the judge .ells, that
he th..ught it had 'been handled very
well and wished that all cases were as
Tllhe case. of, Huard vs. Cook. which
season action to recover damages the
result of alleged nil.repo-0otatu,n in
the case 0t a c:u losd of Hour which
shipped to Qiietwc wan se, Hatt. It haat
been pending for wore time.
Two Boy Smote whose+ bromory of het asurep r Iwo entitle It Una' to
Neon ludede which were prrwnteti to tbea N!. 11. G. Hammed here es
T..Nay eight • T&ey se. sos. of Her. Oempsoll. nese.
Opening Day Very Successful and Many
Buyers Present
The horse markets open rd here 00
Wednesday and theta. was a large at-
tendance. 'There were *holt, ioahintels
offered for rale and alah sito buyers
were plentiful the high p' . es of last
year were not reclosed and have de-
eressed about 23 per cent.
Hamilton .tort we. a.tir all day
seed proved bow a m to het w ould help
the business of the tovru. The market
was highly ■uccpseful.
ill Knox church on Snnd ty ./netting
Use subject discus:ed will be. "The
lbs Practice of Public Worship- end at
evening, "Selling Our Ri.•th Right."
Ile.. George F. R..s41 will he the
preacher at hoih servicer.
On this Friday. March sixth, Mr.
W ,rr,rytal-hn
tn w111 conduct a haepy hour
ebildcvn a •erv,a at 4.15 p.w. The
viceoo T_yesdaJ via ahem led by a
fit+[ ::.-Ai jSti stdry bet
girl in town is welcome. Serrior
will be closed at eye o'clock ebarp.
Special meeting. of a evangelical
n ature have been conducted by Rev.
W. H. WrigbtoN to the Baptist rhurcb
.very sight this week. The meetl'og
have been generally blessed and man,
comverte have been ,'wade.
The mid -week services during Leat
are well attended in x1. George's
church. A Iat'ge numher tinned out
last night. On Sendsy morning Holy
Coeumuninn trill be celebrated at eight
Ther will he a special evangelistic
service on Sunday night in the Bap-
tist church The hymn's will be select-
ed from Hanky's hymn hock. As
those who enjoy bright, hearty sing-
ing of these old favorite hymn are
cordially invited to join in this service.
Rev. Wm. H. Wriihtou will preach
the (impel rummage both morning ant
The public are again reminded of
the rials of Dr. (1`rnlan, the "time
Woofed" general superintendent of
the Methodist church. to the °negre-
gation of the Victoria street chore&
on March lith and Nth. He will preach
twice os Senday end sive one of ids
ebwrseta.Mie inessetrat lbe'teawNwb
log 05 ' ieg ***sake. Mk is also
the " r tteeday 14 Vitoria
*eget chunk. lbw. J. B.
reed, will prom&
end er g. silt el0frs
laselar.img will h q "direst thea Mf
floeseiona,' and i• the eveniedgmal boh,
"Faith and Nome of Its Remake -
e .iti.-