The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 8• TIP tst)AT F. It►. 11►K Great Big Sale OF THE SIGNAL ': GODERICH ONTARIO HAND BAGS 1. irgc sine Hand Bags, black o•dy, 'eviller $1.60, clearing bale pricy , 500 Grliane Leather Hand B -.trig. o le hum size. regular $1.e0 end $I. . clearing sale pricy, chute lot 500 Alt Leather Heed Bag, lar - ger snit, regular $1 'Li rod S I.60, carieel during sale.... elle Alt Leather Hand Bag.. . _-1►tt detou and $.t fie, e'en, i .a sale price, ... 9543 n1)(1111.50 lirttoine Seal Hand Bag-, regular epi -50 and $7 r,U, ale price, chose $4.90 1 ere tole Seal Hand Il g, regular $S.Ito, clearing ease pi ice $4.10 1)ne only Meal Hand Ba.:, trgnl.'- $1000, cleating sate price .. .... $e.50 The Colonial Book Store POI{T=:K, Poo.. (lode ich THE Star Theatre You can't skate all the time. Mum you :tel you want a rhaoae, drop in at the Star Theatre and see our special of feting of pictures this week. The Star Theatre 'The People's Flay 1, .sat' 1'rIict• . 1 J. A. CULVER •• t re ;ry .,ue,..4 sept, s'Ve:.t 'DIES Ire ti.. tt,o .a 11.1 Kurd. ::er Ylrst choice.–bee East 1 tholce.–.cud her cholcr at all Genes. . "11' FAVORITES" ..n e-t,rparnrt eat p m'. �•�r. James A. Campbell I'hm. 5. CI•:\•TKAI, DRUG STIIItF North s:. and Seri ,1e, ( ,drtich PHONE 90 Only a Few L eft 1i:mg-s and Hna•,•• . vt birh .e a .e1 selling at Reduced Prices (Inc No 4) zo Empire (Zinser, regular $41 00. for. . $34.00 One No g -o Penn Esther with reaerveer. Regular $38.00, for 931.00 One No es Good Cheer Art with oven. Regular $43 eo. for *39.00 One \, r56 Good Cheer flak. double heater Regular 12300, for $14.00 W. R. FINDER I •lomI.int;. heating, Tinstuit h• ing, Eleet,i- %Vire, g sn•1 (.eneral Repair t.' , k• I'hone I :, IPoutlt n Street PRETTY IS AS PRETTY DOES This fat,,ii,er snving is most applicable t . Shiea' A Shoe nosy he vt. y pert ty. very . tVlish. hrrl and toe •'rn'r•evi materiel and tioieh - f the i ant, hut if it cramps the foot, it a little too tight, or evtu too large, it won't do!. !tight herr 1. where the shoe dealer eumee in. If aox.0os to pleas•• he will find a perfect fit, that c .rotary will go hand in h mil with the correct appear- ance of yonr footwear. Snarmau the Shoe Mao GOOD HEALTH Vim and Vitality n Are assured if you will cleanse your stoma.hof u.idigest•d focal and foul Mows: sheexo•s-bile from the liver and the waste nt.ttter four, the intes- tines and bowel. hy,the nse of FIG PILLS the great fruit, kidney, liver, stornath Anil ►s.wel .tinedv. At all dealer- •'i ant 51► cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Cr., St. 'Phoma., (Int. IKedd iu (italetich by E. I:. %Vigle. druagut . SPECIAL SALE OF FANCY GOODS Commencing Saturday, Feb- ruary 7th, for two weeks - Ten per cent. off on following items :— Stamped Cushions, Scarfs and Centres in all kinds of Embroidery, white or colored. LINENS . .. Fane white Punch sere k, Hardanger, Pillowslip. Plain (3atin Damask, Towelling, Tan Feu vanen, (:r.wm Bulgarian, Tao Crash. Brown (ratmtol Cloth and If terame Unen—by the yard. FRINGES AND LACES Newest p.Uerns to ru och linens. Matle'ame cord for knotted Al&crams. fringe. I WRITE STAMPED GOODS ('"none, Tray Clothe. serviettes, Lunch Cloths, Children's sad Infanta' Drea.ea, Bites, Fteen,eete, Kltnonaa, Waists, Oltreet Dover,, Nightgown.. 1'onlhinalioi• on Lingerie ('r•epe and Lnosdat.. LADIES' NECKWEAR in Fi3tu, Collars and C A hare, Uuiops, Yoker, Ties, Fancy Pens. LADI S' PARTY CAPS Houd.1r (r(r Rr,sh.d Wool Gape, Baily Wool Bonnet.. Spectaltles ,n Haley w.•ar. SPECIAL DISCOUNT r,n Wool, Woollen (l.de scab as Daps, Fascinator'. p�� s, Childs,. • tion..tr, Silks and D.M.O. Threads le all .bads. for alt kinds of work. Free lessons on Embroidery MRS. TAPE Singer • Store i NEWS OF SPORT WHAT THE LOCAL. FANS ARE DO- ING AND THINKING Printers Trim Barbers in Good Game and Scholars Defeat Bankers in a Exceedingly Swift Game --Mitchell and Goder,ch Play Exhibition Game Here Tomorrow Night Victorious Printers The tooaorial artist, found the ptint- ers ink was ton morn fur them and although they attempted to shote the stool off the typesetters they Lound it was Ib. worst hair cut they had ever tried. The game took place ou Tues- day. However, both sides put up a very good fight. but the printers "bobbed" up or: top by the. act re of r eft, The teams : Printers --Frank Townsend, goal: Swart* and Beck. defence ; Bert Town- send. rover ; Tutford. centre ; Mc- Ikduald and i'retbewry. wings. Barbera i1-nt. 1.umby. goal ; Match and Smith, defence ; Snazel, rover : Felker, centre; %Valtess and Itpy Lunrby, wings. I{efettye--Lorne McDonald. Scholars Won Nearly a tbrrble iron- was the result of the hockey game played on Tt.eeday- afternoon between the local bankers and the scholata of the G.C.I. The plat- was std fast that. the specta- tors had exttetue difficulty in keeping themselves from getting dizzy and the 1 referee with great til utile man-' rtged to follow the epvit; game. The goal keeper for th.• hankers was hard preeeed on many urrastone and although he did some jowl .v cu k, eight; goals managed to pica, uy him. Their; defence was NotneLimes e wicked reed but succeeded in battltug Lhr exbolses� 0o many occa.ionr. "(iuhnrt" Wad.' lace shot from centre lie a regular trooper and'bis pal no rover urged trim c on with, "dote eon.- vutnt,ber Hoag would persist in hogging the puck and s made many a•pectucular stouts while s his other wing ('airy took care not to lag when he was teeui,•td to work. s The pedagogues were also up-to-date f and showed their metal although the k banks allege they weer.• a little rough. c The goal tender prided himself in side- r Irackin the shots and lie did his work i effectively. The defence kept up hur- 1 iug and beating and drove back their assailants. Fora' youngster "Buckle Babb" made the centre hunt until the whole team revolved around hive, The lover 'Would persist in jotting down the.bankers much to their dis- comfort bitto the complete satisfac- lion of hie own team The wings reminded one of the old myths for the Cunning King was a god combina- tion Peat wet.. responsible toe the loan - kers cashing their chr•1ae Poor Ernie Pridhaw, one of the hest referees in town. managed to keep things tight and the game finished witbrut any !.rokea bones or temsets. The tram+ : Bankers—Prest, goal ; Reid and Wickens, defence : �1oteon, rover : �VallAce, .centre : Carry and Hoag, w• in I(., Scehotare--1'ridhaua. goal: Beattie and Mcliwan. defence : ,donee. lover : Babb, rent : Cunningham and King, wing.. Double Header Hockey .enthusiasts will no doubt all be uu Land for the d. nrhle header which wit! be played at the local rink to- morrow night. The feature will be an exhibition match between Goderich and Pioche!! and previous to this the Painter. Barbers will play an ex- hibition amine from seven to eight o'clock. Titer, will be skating until 10.;,t, one It Was a Tie m Last night a tie of 3-:: resulted when th the ('ub, and Goderich townshipmeas- urid swords. Both, however, were ex the same length and they were each e found that be bad tern boldi,:g the po.blhou illegally. Eleven ease were also nominated to fill rix su the p.Ule school board. election was made oe y ryes discovery recently that the OIi eeuu ll had i�eetod beyond Its powers in iog the school board and w iMe bo• ard wean N ally to e the mayor IVY a member of it. This totted him to resign frau, the position of chief magistrate and run again. Al the sante time member* were nomin- ated for the restored school board. Mr- Mills b:►s since withdrawn from the contest and De. Irwin is te-elected by acclamation. Mrs- Symington Dead Mn. .lames Symington. aged t( year+, nee Margaret Duncao,one of the oldest aid moat highly respected real - dents of l'olborne township, died at her r•esideoce there on February 11th, atter a week's illneet,. She was hosts in West Kilbride. Scotland, in 182' and cause to Canada in 1863 settling in West '1V'awanosh. Previous to rooting to Canada she was married in Ula.gow the year before. In religion she was a Presbyterian and a member of Knox church, Auburn tier husband pi•t-deceesed her 11 yearn, ago. Surviving her are two daaghtera, Miss 1 ordelia at home. and Mts. John Graham. of Blyth, and one son, John, at home in l'olhorne. The funeral took place to Friday to Oolborne cemetery. Iter. A. Laing, of Auburn. officiated and the hearers were 'tleesrs. Alex. Young, Hetry Mori is,J.,ii sStraughan,John Young, Wui. U. Robinson and Robert Huston. It was hugely attended. How to Secure Farm Help Farmers in this district wit, wish to secure hi -Ip for the coming season should communicate with Mr tieot•ge Laitltwaite (GoJeti. h P.O.), Muting their requirements, and Mr. Iatith waits, who i. a 1 l',mirliorl i.'1I11igsatinn agent, w ill endeavor to secure a suit- able person leer emit applicant- It would be sell if fermi -re coelJ ere their way clear to keep their help the -rat• round. Many good men will not tone to this country utiles. assured of a position for winter as well as for atutuer. and it is ouch easier to retire good men fur the farmers who diet a twelve-month- contract. it Mudd be to the advantage of the armee, too, if he gets a go,dd man. to eel him year after year instead of hanging each season and running the ilk of getting inferior service. tiiv- ng a good than a permanent job is the best guaren'et• of continued good service. 1f a married couple is re. mitred. the provision of a house. n ids a small pfd r of Itnd for garden pur- poses, is the most satisftetory method. The Steady Advertiser One of the most unmceountahle features of advertising , in the towns and smaller cities is that the mer b- , ants in these ;laces make the mistaken of. erdiadrawiutt rheic divest teurewte from the local petters during, the dull . seasons and particularly- sf e•r the Christmas and New 1-eat'a holidays, just at. the rime when A11 the mail order houses are making their not -t desperate efurts, to work off they, surplus stock, anti are flooding the mstls with their offers of '•great bar- gains.- Jost fancy whet people would think of the heal merchant who offer- , ed hie cost •1•Y goody at less than 1 fifty ter cent off pr•viot . and regular ; prices. "For example one mail order' house offers roe n costs •elhng regular- ly at from $111► to $13) for $5ar, and other ado,i,.g offers are advrttised. One cannot but wonder whether the' price at which these goods are said to he won h is not an extortionate prize or if the mail order house is not It ing in order to make people think they are getting wpmething for nothing. I No legitimate btwinese ran be carried on with genuine fifty p. r rent refine - tions, end when one rr memher5 that 1 departmental store- is ...aid to have! Nle a ',tont of over a million donees l t year, it strengthens the suspeeion ; at people are not getting the debar. mins they ale Ind to believe and pact. I, Is s'Nafe het that the man ho gets goods exceedingly low priced ust h' getting inferior go.dde. One nartwental store gives iia riders. Make us so many article„ that we n sell at so much," and of course be mouse mast make inferior goods lose money. and none of us are id •mess tor --lir health. disappointed. no The. teams : , Cube—Mc(.rattau, goal: Swanson de and Beck, defence; Tufiord, rover ; Robertson, centre; Buchanan and Mc- ea Arthur, wing.. Goderich 'township—Kelly, goal;or bu c and Dol i Yui ll df A Ch y , e nce i i : s• holm. rover; J. Chisholm, centre ; 1•'. ' Cbishclm and Hicks. wings. Referee—Rov McDonald. Music Examinations • The following are the results of the I recent musical examination. of West- ern university, held at hoodoo, Brant- fotd and Al local centres. A percent- age of A: secures first-class honors ; is per cent honors ; 65 per cent pass: tioderich (St. Joseph's convent►— tirade a. piano, honor.- Kaioa Webb. Grade 3 plasm toast -tow honor,— Mat rivet Kelly ; pass, Gertrude Por- ter. Grade 1, piano, first-clas. honors —Olin Allen Hensen - Grade t. piano, pass — Marie Miller. Florence Petty Dublin—Grade 1, rudiments, honors -Violet Riegel, Mary McIver ; pass, Minnie Barron. Mr. Elliott Praised The McGill Daily, of Montreal, of February lath. bas the following inter - eating item• At the annual speaking rootest on the French (Club held in Ytrat►oosa hail, one of the ronteatants for the silver medal was John R. O- felliciet, of Owlet* h. Ont. Mr. Elliott spoke vary Aenstly and forcefully stow lag himself thoroughly o taaat with the language. presented his subject In w very attractive manner. Mr. Surveyer, K.C., reported for the judges complimenting all the speakers on their singular breadth of view, and departure from the typical Anglo- liaxon habit of patting on the bask tbaamsslvve and their countrymen. 8o excellentt,, he said, had been the speech- es of Allot{ and Mattbewsooatt ism janf . bodges they mast bear reeds desists. sed awarding tate = had Netwbt JIL.e In Wigton Me. J. A. Mils and\Dr. A. J. Irwin were Art Monday noaNnat d b eeate tt the Whigitam unworldly. which Dr. Irwin reseagy ttsaigesd sr worn ea he BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Tame tM•1(;tllStreets . Toronto (f ent I. the ron war is ttoe LOCALS — PERSONALS oe a good position.Henry 1.•t to pe,- .Prind Nord. v=r•• a . B$.•meaWritet ahohs1, doing hotter st l.en tier work titan ever. Write a. It I MRS. A. SA?CH, old Casaiagton Manor. Sask., \Votes:—"My brother suf- fered severely from eczema. The sores were very exten- sive, and bested like code into his flesh. Zam-Bat took out all the fire, and quickly gave him ease. Within three weeks of commencing with Zarp-Buk treatment, every sore had been cored." The is but sae of the essay tetters we are ceostaady rneeieblg ham people win bare preyed the Leek( pewees Z sm- Ter Msk sil% It l limas. own e h twrhia$ Me this wsadwful Ne sirs dhows amid be eco- steered imaaraile natio Za wltok kat bean stied. Ag 4tggee► mss. ear Atka Moslem ECZEMA Ladies' Home Jouroal Pattern Outing the week of Feb. 23rd to 2dth -e Mill celebrate Home Pattern Week and will gine you without charge any one of the pallet os illustrated here in your -ize There is a siwplict.y and exactness about these lett teres that wins a wowau every time. They save ora terial and they produce a dress that is distinetite, 1'h.• woman who uses one of the new Ltulieas Hoke Journal 1'at tet ns keels un 118 1.1400,. That is why we can *fluid to rive you one free. Select the etyle your prefer Goin those shown above. licit it at our Pattern 1',,untut :.ny day from Feb. 23rd to 28th i 1 A Fur or Fur -lined Coat FOR $29.00 1 Muskrat Coat, a Black Ponv Coat or a Fur -lined Coat at this very low price. Quite the most remarkable bargain offering we have ever made in Fur Coats. The -Muskrat Coats,ar.• made from prime selected skins of excellent. gtialitl'. -'There are three Black Pony Coats, all high-grade, and four Fur - lined Ccats of good quality Austrian broadcloth, linings of high-grade Musk- rat and collar and revers of Western or Alaska Sable. This price is not half the actual value of the garments. We guarantee them unreservedly and you run no risk whatever in buying. We simply are determined not to carry - thein over into next season, so commencing Saturday morning give you your choice of these Coats at only $�'�to- TWO CLEARING BARGAINS Ladies'. and Childrens' Hats and Children's Coats marked for quick clearance on Saturday.- They sirnply must be out of the road at once for we want the room for Spring stocks. Twenty Children's Coats for $1.50 This is a bargain offering in Children's Coats away out cf the ordinary. The last of out stock we are clearing on Saturday with- out any regard to cost or value. Every gar ment ts new this sea.on- The materials Are strong and servireahle and t be styles very neat and attractive. B•eguler values up to $6.00. Sizes for children frotu 5 to 12 years. 'Li et Twenty to sell Saturday morning at Any Hat 39c Fifteen or twenty Lelia.' and ('hid. dren's Felt Hats, all trimmed. None reserved whatever. Take your choice of them In, Saturday morning for only... *JUL. We Are Still Selling Furs at Lew Prices --a. - - . People who are taking advantage of our clearing prices in Furs are buy- ea ing the cheapest Furs that have been sold for many a day. A splendid stock to pick and choose from and the prices have been cut to the lowest pos- sible notch with the si: gle object of clearing the stock out before the . sea - Son is over. TWO BIG FEBRUARY BARGAINS The Sale of Embroideries i'he moat beautiful and at the Name time the cheapest Embroideries we have ever had on our colluders are those that are selling at this greet February Err hroidery Hale. From narrow dainty patterns up to wide corset cover and flouncing-. we have hundreds and hundreds of yard, bought under valor and ate selling them the Name way. it will pity you and pay yon well to take adran tage of this most unusual bargain offering and 15) in your supply for months &bead. Sale of Sample Underwear Upstairs in the show room we are making a display of Sample underwear and Ladies' and Chil- dren's Dresses. These garments are the sample. of one of the leading ,naaufacturers in Canada. strictly high grade, and represent his best Hoes for the corning season. We were fortunate In setting ejtibat securing the lot Mpsa a very h beredditry yt. case. Sven if you do not wish to bay underwear at present we invite you to rouse and seep beautiful ermeata for they are resily seeing. � display will continue throughout coming week. Hodgen5 Bros • 1 DIRECT IMPORTERS - OODCRICH MARRIED ftni tit aft bad forams beta se wILAJA11111—WARK—Ua flat . miry al ,mitriEs Skin Maker and Orwsrtsaking Apprentices Wanted We want a good Skirt-mttkst for our dressmaking Mepirt- mset, steady pootioa to ptsme pmt parson. We baro Mee deem for two apgwss itaa is this department y at ones. Tam MUNN 111•14stlis ler aa at dal SeD —Green neon n Nang at SS Par mei la Rigby.