The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 7THE SIGNAL GOD RRICH ONTARIO
T.Dtaau. , Fk itealtY Ilk W11 7
level 114 '. h. 1. f1111latgaa. '.
3. rrlt Ile leer. 1 ha..
114 k skier and i h.. •.
h..a 11 s,1 not iai• 'knot 4..01.
1 w %WWI tar 1 Ib•..Irt 1
, .a ti Ig y . 11.x. 1 2.. Y.1
'Mus •
•s,•1 re'abur , :.1
tax • aim all .4 1.. x., .....
• weld bet .LFI sea ter,. ir' •h»
1 vas }n l 1 VOID IhOwaY• 1:. ,y
T' .f 4. i .•...1
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It.. ,:dwq i''.
.lo, whru a direr w
0....fiLt t,;1. , - ,1 ,
. ire tures , Cam.
I_ ge staff of specistivte.
Individual Instruction.
Positions guaranteed to gr.ulaates.
I'. A. lt•tot i alt. F. C. A.
Principal for G. D. Fte)nwa,
years. Secretary.
11 l'hoti'e 107 street
T. Swans'
'Bus, Livery
and Bach Stables
J6riT (WF THF SC.titi
Cs a
Passengers called for in
any part of the town for
all trains at G. T. H. or
C. 1'. R. depot.. Prompt
service and careful atten-
Our Livery and Hack
•.ervice will be found up -
lo. -dote in ever) respect.
Your patrnnagesolicite.l.
Then.aad, of nmhltfnus young peq.le
ire fa..t preparing In their own brae.
to occupy IunrativJ '0.ltfon. a. atenng
r..pher.sbookkeeper,, t.trgraphen. civil
<rvant++,, 1n feet every .I4..o of !tn.'
nee. AMivitbs. You may nal -to at eel
kee if yee ,o woo. Peewee ;toren.
teed. Flirter retiree nay day. 'ndiiid
owl Metro -:bon. Expert teachers.
Thlrtpear: experience. Inr're.t
trainer, In Canada. Seven colleges.
special comet. for teacher..
Affiliated with l'on,niere:al }educa-
tor. Areoc:aCon of Canada. Summer
-1,001 ..t boson. Spot ton 11..Ineso
t oliege, London.
Clinton Business College
G r u, crus 13 1'. W.t)tn
1•resieent. Print tot
14ulatinin IYIl for women. as a box or three (or
IPA sold at all (,rug Intone.. or mei:M.t, any
Adams on r.relet of prk•e. Tux etoaau I'ai e
to. /•athannea 'mune.
Vim and
11.1111: for Nene and 11 in; increases • rnry
waper't • Tonic- will boild y..s up. la a Lox. or
limbo ea. se dreg suers or ry hail en metre
TnRScour tr. bark. 1'0.,t'trltharities,
Iftsser of Marriage Licenses
1t)f.l11+'!l PBARMk.CY
(.oderirh. Ontario
•NNNk Wetaiserbeterienmenimitnelbettearleater
Having purcheetel the Mtwi-
neee formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we por-
poise dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
We will sUid. Hera
and Lehigh V y OoeJ. two
Imes whieh are recognised as
the best. We wish to gin)
tbe d
vicinityytof de
the Bern .ie ppeane-
•iMe, and shall he glad to
bear from eM of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any others
wbo wish anything in our
All orders left with Jas.
t Mee. W est street, promptly
tks de to.
'Phase No. 71I
Yards at U. T. L. Nelsen Street
A More Active Board of Trade Is Ad•
vocated in Mitchell Chickens
Matched in January --Want Large
Sum to Build Public School -Gen-
eral News of Vicinity.
- Breen wood i, selling at $:1 per
cwd in Ripley.
Mitchell pu li.'sclkoo1 heserd want
1:11,Ilut) to bilk! a new puhlie school.
--A more active board of trade is
wanted by the Advocate far Mitchell,
-Mr. H. J. Kasson its chairman of
the Mtratford collegiate institute
Rev. Philip E. Harding ii the new
pastor of the Stratford Congregational
-Mr. Alex. Stewart died in Brussels
last Tt}ureday w•.t ning, at the age of
til years.
--1V•Chin the past seventeen years
158 inmates of the Perth house of
refuge have died.
-Mr, W. F. Lehman. a (former
Mitchell hey, wive married 071 January
lith to alis tieorgina Heller, of
-Mr. J s. M aedonald, who hat'
conducted a Merchant tattering busi-
nr.s in Mitrhrll for eigut years, has
decided to leave fur other parts.
-The public and continuation
school at Paisley eta, c plet.•ly dew.
troyed by tires early Sunday morning.
The ranee .1 the fire is nnknowu.
- At the quarterly official board of
the Atwro d Methodist church the
pastor. Roy. Ur. -Hussar, received a
unanimous invitation to return for .l
third year.
-Rt. \ltryeenuncil hate refuerd the
retitle -tot of a delegatfeh of temper:
men who asked that for nun,ba•r of li-
Ifeebse•. in the town be redeced
loom .ix to four. '
-Mk. \Vni. 7'ol iihoun ha, sold his'
a..srre farm on a1ie third c,.ncr. ion
'1 Fulberr..n to Mr. James t ;amplrll,
of Logan, for $t -est. Pusi.t•.sioo will
given early in March.
\lr. Arthur Robotism, of lluller-
1eu, had a hen bring 0111 a hatch of
.ix chickens on January _'nth M.
Robinson i* rartkiust ptepuatfuua for
high priced eggs' next spring.
-Mr. Ernest Resell. of (trey town-
ship bas perch:e.wl from Mr. John
Torrance. Nevose ioaptctor for South
Ilur.n hitt Oar -stere farm on the Huron
road near Clinton. The price paid
was,* 7sI.
Mr. Joseph Smith. of Grey, had
the tuisfortuue to have his left arm
broken nesr.the wrist. He waw chang-
ing a colt from one stall to the othotr
when his eriu was caught between the
stone wall and the animal with above
Mr. Ju,rph Sehcurr, aged ski, .lied
Friday afternoon in the Walkerton
hospital after .t very eerioue operation
for an internal trouble. He hod been
living in Walkerton for over to year.
and leaves a large family, mostly
grown up.
-.\t a meeting of the Hanover town
mimed the use of the library building
for dancing was forbidden. The action
was precipitated by the town constable
di..,oveting several whisky flasks in
one .1 the dressing room.' alter a
recent dance.
The . nunry meeting of North
Perth Loyal 1)renge ns•uci.Uinn met
in I.i•tnwel on February 3rd and elect-
ed officers. A resolution was naaeed
condemning the uw of the French
language In connection with the agri-
cultural and postal service.
Miss lane Holmes. youngest
laughter .1 Mr. and Iles. Rohm
Holmes. of Toronto, formerly of Clin-
ton, has just a. •e.1 her intermediate
examination in piano at Torentn 1,011-
t•rrrlttnry of ', bring the nnle one
among all the candidates to obtain
-Mr. Peter Ir'Snllivan shipped from
S..,forth station _hi steer* which he
had purchased from Mr. 'Thomas Mc-
\lilian, of Bullet They Wig a tine
lot and averaged aholit 1:0III nound,
r;tr•h. The. , y averaged in price *1:311 each,
meking the lamp ietm ot 1P11_a) for the
'J' 7 h.•,d
--Mr. 11. II. Murphy,-\1.1'.for North
Perth:hem asked the glt ratified hoard
of Itade to co-operate with 1' to
have the St rat feed n oatofllce enlerge.l.
Titis tote hren "owl, necessary by the
routing of the parcel post, .0 well Ire
the growth of its business during the
het few years. •
-Mr. John A. Kens, who lives on
the town line between Arthur and
Minto townships. drew a milk cheque
of $4117 from the Palmerston creamery
for 1013. The milk Was, supplied by
ail cow.. Mr. Ross ie an up-to-date
farmer and is what is called in agricul-
tural circle' s "good feeder."
-be. Jame, curry, of Hepwo,tb.
was honorably acgnittod at Walkerton
nie-10.4111ay :at ss atutiape u(.bayin t. set
are to his barn in Der.niher 1441.
Judge Barrett steted that in his long
experience on the bench this was
about the first case in whieh there WAR
not Iii -!test suspirion a evidence
against the prisoner.
- -The other afternoon the three -
veer old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
\Vtn. Marsh, of the Howi.'k and Grey
h.Inu.ary, met with a sever. accident.
Mr.. Marsh went nut to the letter box
and when she returned t.und the
child's clothing nn flu. The child tea+
badly burned ab,nt the neck and fare.
brut no fatal r'sult• are exported.
-The death ocennee1 no Monday of
lest week .1 Mr. Isar H. Clyott, one
of }Manahan'', most highly seteented
and respected oeldente. The late Mr.
t'lvott had been ill f•.'. .on. time.
sir ng from an affe.•tinn of the
he His death is keen) regretted
hywide cited. of frier. Besides
his wife M leaves to moors bis low a
famiby of one *ors and four daughter'.
Two seaters and four brothers aim
morel re.
-Nearly eight years ago the eldset
daughter of \tr. and Mrs. Wm. Squirt,
of Mltebttl, pawed away after saving
birth to her tint bora. Her sister.
Priscilla. took her death so wriouely
to heart that she was, Neer the same
afterward*, and the yews Indy pined
away until 11tIe watt reduced
frost. 11) to 31 "ben death put
an mid to her on friday,
the 0th inst.,' $I ' of SI years,
ea wy.retbs sad • 4 "Her-
---Two bylaws to secure new iedus.
tries for Stratford will be presented t
the ratepayer* on February?7th. One
Ohbylaw will be to grant a bonus to Mr.
mlee Uiebel, of Hanover, for the
carrying on of • furoitm'« frame ntasu-
tactutiug tNutittw, the other will give
a bonus to Mr. J. S. Morlock, of Han-
over, to conduct a furniture upholster-
ing concern. •uotber bylaw will Ns
Use asseeemeutof the Stratford Msnu•
teetering Company at 17500.
-Margaret More twin, relict of the
late Thoma Elliott, 1lh concession of
Logan, passed eery eudde°ly Friday
evening, fhb last. The aged l:.dy re-
tired for the night iu her usual good
health, brut no sooner had she laid
down than rhe calk.! for ber daughter,
and in lees th,au fifteen minutes death
load claimed another victim. She had
lived in Logan for upwards of fifty
years, and none ever.'nterrd her hover
without a warm weleu::te nor left
without feeling tb.• warmth of a genu-
ine bo.pitality, so characteristic of the
people- of her anerstry. •ge lid not
destroy the charm of a kind, Indulgent
disposition, nor dituioleh ber unselfish
soheitude for her friends and loved
Will Remain
At a r•crnt meeting of the e iterter-
Iv official board of tlteSeatorth Meth-
odist church, a hearty sod unanimous
invitation was extended to Rev. A.
W. Harker, B. 1)., to remain as pastor
ot the church tt• the fourth year.
The board spoke in the wn,t appre-
ciative way of Mr. Rarket', efficiency
as urracbrr and past..4
House of Refuge
('lintel', Feb. Is,. -Huron county
olein*, the honor_ of having the lest
and most economical hotter of refuge
in the pl uviuce. The 1llstitlltinn is
located just outside the town of Clin-
ton and at the present time has tkt in -
metes. three being added recently. The
co.' e( fteding these patients, by
w:irrt±itic manegenfent, has been re-
duced to II. _' c'7 10 per day each, and
the ketone -Ss prepared to wager that
no better victuals ate doled out in
any such Inetituti017 in Ontario.
Mr. tm1 Mr,. Robert Muth are in
charge of the institution, with Mrs..
Perch as as.i.tant, end the hoose is
vet y well managed. 'Thele is a large
farm in connection ;end every yestg no
incon•iderablermeentie is der,ved' aims
the side of produce.
Physician Loses Suit-
uirAn adjourned case. which hat creat-
ed » great deal of interest in Kroner
dune, was e.•ttl•d on Friday by Judge
Klein at the gwtrterly seasiou held in
The cane was that of 1)r. Gu°n Vs
\Vm. Pollock, a farmer living a mile
out of town. and arose nut of .t charge
That Mr. Pollock thought uucelled fur.
It Beeves that I)r. liuu4t had been
performing an operationat Kincar-
dine hospital. and Ur. Fergusson, who
Was attending Mrs. l'Week, a patient
in the same hospital. asked 1)r.
taunt' it he. would lake. w este his,
patient, and 1)r. Fergusson took hint
into his patient's room.
1)r. F'e'gu-son. having his auto, ask-
ed Ilr. Gunn it he would like to take a
drive out with hitu to see Mr. Pollock,
who '.vas also under hie care. This Dr.
64,07* consigned to.
Litter Dr. Gunn sent his account to
Mr. Pollock, who refused to pay it,
with the troth that Dr. Guno sued.
The only plea, of Dr. Gwen was that
he considered that be had been asked
ofllcially. Dr. Fergusson .wearing
°Met -n11,".
The ease was decided in (term of de-
Fu.:arton t owrtantp Loses
Thie wee. which has been tending
for ;mule time, was tried I»•fure His
Honor Judge Barton rat Su attoriL The
plaintiff claimed 11) for extras
under acontiact for huilding theabut-
uirnts of s bridge at Cat lingford. The
,treater part of his claim w tar extra
excavation and fur wot k o:.m5100111 by
the ahiftin{ of the ahutuuents from the
lines laid down on the phi:', to which
lir alleged }Neve 'Turner was respon-
.ih'e. He also claimed sone smaller
items for extra*, one of them being
tCI).17) for extra cewrut in ah **inerts.
Judgment has been handed out in
favor of the plaintilT for the last item
only, $:79.10, with county count costs.
The judgine.nt contains a proviso to
the rtTect that if the defendants choose
to pay an :additional suni of *11x.!+0
lreprrsenting two ether 111,1 1s of the
(dente, then the judgment will be fon
13157.101, with division court come,
with right of set-off to the defendants
„f their county court costs, without
witness fees. R. S. Robertson, of
Stretford, for plaintiff : 1'. H. Thomp-
son, K. Co of Mitchell, fon deteudautw.,
'l'he above judgment was r•:•onad-
er'd by Judge Barron. who ha. since
handed out* herb ledgntent !MAI ding
the plaintiff 1157.00 and conte,
It is a pathetk mista>re
to accept drubs or alco-
holic mixtures when natu
craves nourishment to repair
the wasted bod and restore
the rigor of healh.
Fdr forty year the bed phy-
wcianit have relied on the wl ole -
some predigested nourishment
in Scent's Fasiise which is totally
free from alcokol or opiates.
Scott's Emulsion sharpens
the appetite renews blood
nourishes nerves- strengthens
bones and restores the courage
of health to slake life bright.
31os1t's isstliise sats le action
lis vary fortes list grsis lea
It b ter iris* slre sik ix -40
Two and • Malt Hours
on Operating Table
eyseet.ltr Could Net Ibrnew sum
In TM Bladder
Jotrsrns, P. Q.
"During August last, I went to Mon-
treal to cuusult a specialist as 1 had been
suffering ternbly with &one in the
He derided to operate bat acid the
stone was, too Loge to remove and too
hand to crush. 1 returned hone anal
was recommeuded by a friend to try
They relieved the pain. I took two
boxes and went back to the specialist.
He said the atone was smaller but he
could not remove it although he tried
for two hours and a half. I returned
home and continued to tak e G I N PILLS,
and to my great surprise and joy, I
paRsed the stone.
GIN PILLS are the best medicine in
the world and because they did me so
much good, I will reaymweud them all
the rest of my life". too
J. Atetntr LltasAsD.
sue a box --6 for 2.5(, -at all dealers,
and money back If they fail to give
relief. Sample free. National Drug &
('betu Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto,
Mr. W. J. Walker, who ban eon
*torted a furniture and undertaking
I•usiness here for 'muse time, haw taken
into partnership Mr..latae.e McKay,
of Kgwundville. The business will to
future be conducted un ler t h.- tit w
ua:ne of Walker .1' McKay.
Mis. John ('lark, of •Egmon.lvilte,
had the misfortune to clip on the ire
on Wednesday-, and falling, broke her
The Methodist church chair was
very hospitably entertained by Rev.
nerd Mr', A. W. Barker at the par-
sonage en Wili eesday evening. the
evening was stent in games and music.
after which t,•fr,.hinent, wet, served
and sat hour *petit in nodal intercourse.
An interesting art exhibit was hekl
ir. the Carnegie Itihrary.on Saturday
:afternoon. 4'he exhibit comprised
coque* oef,ale tuaeterpieees front the
\ledici eocitety .of Toronto mud the
proceeds will. be used to
pi'etures for the collegiate instit
The many Bernd, of 3Ita. Lure hlin
Burdon will regret to learn of her
death, which occurred at ber home in
HarpurheyrnThur•sdsyevening. Mrs.
Gordon, whore maiden manse was
,Janet Habkirk, was 53 year.; of age.
and is survived by ber husband and
two daughters in the west. The
funeral took place on S ttu rday after-
noon. interment being made in Mait-
land isank cemetery.
Another sari death .o'rurred here
Saturday, in the person of Miss Char-
lotte Porter. daughter of Mea J. S.
Porter. Miss Porter had been ill but
is short time with pneumonia. and the
news ,1 her death was a great shock
to ber luau) friends and acynaiutauces,
The following account of the sud-
den death ot Sirs. W. L. Ouiwette, a
former resident of this village, is
take° from the Bulletin, published at
Coleman. Alberta :--The whole com-
munity was shocked on Thursday
when it became known that Mrs.
Ouimelte, wife of the esteemed mayor
of Coleman, and one Gf the most high.
1y respected ladies of the Pass, had
died very suddenly. The deceased holy
turas, operating a sewing machine
shortly before noon. when, without
the slightest warning. she suddenly
hell over. Medical sid was promptly
summoned, but nothing could he done,
death having been instantaneous.
Mrs. Ouimette had been in rather deli -
mate health fir some tirne, and during
the past summer was forced to go to ;a
lower altitude. Since then she ap-
pealed lo improve, and her audile°
demise was s ,,Vere shock to her fam-
ily and friends. Mayor Ouifuette and
fatuity moved to Coleman about five
or six yeats ago from lied Dr.•r, Alber-
ta. One daughter, :riot. Murphy, still
nobles in that city, and will arrive in
Colewan on Friday evening. Besides
thesot rowiug husband, %Ira. Murphy
and Mr. (' her les Doucette nue left to
mourn the loses of a kind and affection-
ate mother. Deceased w:a. 31) years of
age. The
funeral 1
11 take place (roto
the family residence on Saturday to
the Ins: itutional church, whey...service
will 1* conducted by itev. 1'. M. Mur-
ray, after which the resnaiti' will he
placed on hoard the train and taken to
lied Deer for burial. The pall -bearers
were Miners, A. M. Morrte,m, It, W.
Johnson. Dr. F'ans,tt, E. Disney, 11.
11. S. Whiteside and J. A. Price -all
put masters of the Masonic order. of
which Mayer Ouituette Is also a past
w aster, All *oximes phenol will ise
closed from eleven to twelve o'clock.
Numerous flags are trying at half malt
throughout the town, *'string silent
testimony to the very high respert
and esteem in whieh the dereaid
wag held by the whole community.
t'Zha.Multsttalpavivusthe tiilirtjeyrt atter`
ally in iitrnding eineerest sympathy
to the beseavedd and striker faintly.
Use Parisian Sage
If your hair is getting chin, losing
its natural color, nr has that 'netted,
lifeless and scraggy eppe•aranre, the
reason Is evident -dandruff and fail-
ure to keep the hair toots properly
Parisian Nage applied daily for a
week and then oecasionslly+ is all that
ineeded. It removes dandruff with
I. e application : almost Immediately
s in. falling hair and itching bead :
invugorate,. the sr•alp and makes dull,
-ljtriagy hair soft. abundant and radi-
ant with life. Kq.rally good for *nee
won or children -every one needs it,
A barge bottle of thts delightful hair
tonic con be bad from i{ H. Wigle or
say drug counter for 50 cents. Yon
will wrrely like Pari,ian - These
le no other "Ju't•as-gnod Tt•y it
n ow.
Weisser. she catalogue et
"1 • GTT
✓ t1tM_ 14 g5 t I /Ms Me n.a. d-
w•tte s1 ik'• ese a ew . ywey
(' stlsa N Isar. l'wMr s sew.
11r. cud Mrs. Adams Elliott. who
house been highly respected resident,.
of this, township for 111410v years
and aro now removing to Myth, were
the recipients of a kindly worded ad-
dress and pr.eentations from their
late neigbb.n s and friends. A copy of
the address follows :-
To \Ir. and Mrs. Adam Elliott an.l
daughter : As you are about to leave
our midst, we, your neighbors ouuld
not allow this opportunity to Ives*
without expressing our sincere ap-
pre.•iation of your sterling qualities a.,
citizens and neighbor+. You have all
worked hard and have won a well
earned reit. Our prayer is that you
may be long spsred 7. one another so
that you stay enjoy this holiday and
your new home to the fullest extent.
Your beautiful home has seen many a
happy gathering as your hospitality
has been unbounded in its warmth
and widener'''. In (knee of sickness
and trouble your cytopathy went out,
not in the shape of words 001y, but in
loving seta which show that you have
learned the divine lesson of Humanity.
With these you forged the tettera.that
have bound us together in the brother-
hood of man and the stronger bends of
truest friend hip. You will be missed
the eotnmlmity. but we are thank -
fel that the memory of your lives will
ever he prevent to inspire us tO gteater
works ant nobler deeds. .1, a slight
token of°bitr appreciation, we ,eek you
to accept these chairs mud fountain
pen and as you enjoy Ahem may yeti
behold on wewiry'a wall pictures of
the gto•l there ,*spent together. We
are glad you are not going very far
from us and that while the ties are
brokers •uusewitst, we will not entirely
Ince your tellowehip. We therefore
take thts opportunity of assuring you
a hearty welcome any time you can
make it convenient to Vlait. us. The
address' was eignel on behalf of the
ne•ighlr't•s and friends by Messrs'. aim -
en 311c1•ittle and Ulan. Herrington.
air. John (say, of Toronto, is Visit-
ing with his 9013. 11r. W. (:, bray.
Mr. Thomas Small. of Forest, w::*
.•ailing on old friends in town last
Miss Petbick, of London, has bs'u
the guest of her e-onein, Jlis. May
%j hosAlice Pa)':of Sarnia,
minting at the bonne of Mr. W. 1 ,
Mita Mollie lfaruruond was in l'lan-
.leb.,ye during the past week to ser
her nephew who is seriously ill.
Mrs. John Din.ley has returned,to
Detroit after spending a iew weks
with relatives and friends in town.
Mr. W. J. Armour has been appoint-
ed manager of the Wingham trench
of the'tVw. Davie. Co., of Toronto.
Miss Jennie McLean, who has been
ill for some time, returned last week
to Toronto much improved in health.
Mrs. Joseph Pugh is in Dundas wait-
ing on her datighter-in-law, Mrs.
Chester Poen who has beer- s.rtroasty
Mr. I' Catupbell Inas been seri-
ously ill at the home of his son, Mr.
W. A. Campbell. Many" friends will
wish for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Clifford Pugh, sou of nx-. and
\bre, Joseph Pugh. has accepted a po-
sition on the tea -axing staff of the
London collegiate institute. Mr.
Pugh's 'nary friends will wish him
success in the Forret City.
Mr. George Elliott, son of \Ir. James
Elliott. foirnerly of the W ingb:ant
briek yard, wet with a serious acci-
dent while at work in the woods near
Steelton. ` Mr. Elliott was hauling logs
and his tight leg was very badly
'tir. J. C. Cook. while in the act of
putting on a belt. in the moulding shop
of the stove foundry. got hie clothing
caught in sow.• wanner and was
lashed against the roof. He wasi
badly shaken up and scratched and'
had it not been tor the timely assist-
anee of Mr. Dunn. the accident might
have proved more seriou..,
Mr, J. A. McLean has this Wiuterre-
ceive.l an extra large supply of all
kinds of easy loge. The fine sleighing
last Thinaday was responsible for
seventy loads of Ings being delivered
at the mils yard. There were twenty--
six tPt'ut•4 in the will yard at one time.
Werk nn Mr. McLe•an', new mill is
poet ahout.eoesplrted and the loge will
be converter/ into lumber et. early 10
Mr. Wallach Hough. who reins a
gtne•ery stere in this town. liar heard
some reports about cider which he has
been selling. Mr. Hough bought this
cider in good faith from the Dominion
Cider Co., of Hamilton, bet to les sure
in the matter. he called iti Provincial
Officer i'hippen, who took s few
h-ttlee and went them to Toronto for
analysis. The report shows that it
tested 3.11 end should not have been
ever 'S.3. Th. investi etino was taken
by Mr. H ,ugh himself, se he did not
wish to eel! anythiug that we, not
Two w'erun met in our store the other
.!ay, when one of them sai.t:
'My, how pretty yen' hair looks! What
a•. c you boon doing to it'"
-Why, 1 have been tieing Harrno^y Flair
Reoutiber for the past two weeks," was the
Why, indeed'" replied the' first woman,
"that is just what 1 am using Isn't it
great, and don't you think my hair shows a
lot n( improvement r
Harmony flair Beautifier Ot becoming all
the rage among both men and woolen who
ire parttcnlar in the care o1 their hair. It
is just what it is named -a hair beautifier.
it seems to polish and burnish the hair,
rending itlos,y, silky -soft, and more easy
to put vwpp ii' graceful. wavy folds that "stay
pot." Con the no oil. and will not change
coker of bait rine darken It. Simply spnnkhe
: a Tittle on y.•.tr hair leach time before
brushing it.
To knep your hair andaralp dandrug for
ed doss, nus: 1Tanaoay Shampoo. This
liquid shampoo reel an in'tentaneons
fir*, foaming lather that irnrrrvliatdy pr rw• -
tratat M esory 'wt el the hair and rttlp,
a .nd t ..ver gh rinnn
it nlf just as quickly, tfr entire
eprratir rttakia6 only a few momenta
N Hair Bollmtifier. 11.00. Har -
snowy Shampoo, 505. Both guaranteed to
nativity yyreaaa ta wary way, or year 7
Blems, air
d its at the
taws onranee ly by us,.
A. C. Dunlop, Pbn.. it. Dtsaggist, Bed-
ord block, tioderkb.
Well -cut Clothes Cannot Make a
Gentleman; but Slip=shod Clothes
Can Spoil One.
We have just received
A Large Shipment of
Sem i=Ready
Of Latest Spring Styles
McLean Bros.
The Scuare, Goderi:h
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfieid's Underwear, Fitwtll Hots
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
That Weak Back
accompanied by a hers or du -re --extreme r. -r•.. u.
tdowi leaaaesa- *a (pizr.. pelh-or.pasrr. -all are
itatrsedefor twoween.-Skentay be growing from girlhood ora,,
wamasbood-passing from womanhood to notiterbood--_-r biter
• clfering from that change in to middle 1, re w h truveme. many
wrecks of women. At any or a1l of these periods Of a woman'* li fe
she shoo take a tonic and aervkte prescribed for just s...h case.
by a phyncian of vat experience in tb.•• d..easas .f women.
Favorite Prescription
has successfully treated more eases in past forty years than any o'hcr knee:: remedy. It
eaa now be had in sugar-coated, tablet form as well tub in the liquid. h.,:J by media!*
dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of GO cents in *tamps.
Yrs Eliaabetb li.edahl of B.•rkeley Cal.. in ■ recent Tetter to Dr. Pierce said: "I we..,^•pleWy
lorken dew.. en health, l r u aeh,ng.nd led t+t .. ai l..ver m r body and was .recuses tlrl Ievolaaneea
if anyone talked to see, but 1 hod the Rood Girt uov to newt a nurse who had love cured be if rr. )'tare,'•
Presutpuad 1 Bre never bad an occasion to consult a physician • once -stn In exeelku:
New cwd MnwtMrragtse ez t see t,
RENEW Your Subscription to The Signal and Te.Ae
a 1914 calendar
If so, call and see the splendid bargains
we have to offer in STOVES and RANGES.
Even if you think you can make the old stove
last through the winter and get a new one
next fall, it will pay you to buy NOW.
Crown Brilliant Heater, No. _h), regular price $ISMO, reduced
Crown Brilliant Heater, No. _". regul,Tr price 11'1.00. reduced
to $31.00
Crown Brilliant Heater, No. 23. with oven, regular price1114.7-00.
reduced to ,. $32.00
Crown Brilliant Heater, No. _'", with oven. tegular 'nice
ti,lttull, reduced to ••' $36.00
Radiant Home Heater. No. 3. regu• price $l.1.00, reduced
to $86.00
Radiant Home Heater, No. 5. with oven, regular price 7130.0)).
rrlun•d to. $40.00
Washington Grate heater, regular pri -e *10.00, reducer( to 38.00
Special Oak Heater, No. 13, „ 111.1711, " '• $8.00
Special Oak Heater. No. 15. 731:4 (10, " " $10.00
The Winne,,.regolar price $hi,'n1, ieltt:ed to. $13 00
Daisy Oak, No. 7[10, regular price $fi.:ell, reduced to, $6.00
Royal Oak. No. 111, regular price 521.0u, reduced to.......,.*16.00
Ronal Oak. Nn, -1G1. • ^a` " 423.011A • 4 •• .""•• $22-00
Also r, number of secondhand. Heaters at splendid caluc' e•i 1
several second-hand Barges at low pri•'es.
Have you any FF.NVING to do? 1f so neo is the Bost to bat-.
'We con give you an ell Nr. '4. 1'oiled Spring Steel American Feiner,'L'
7 wires, 12 incites high, for •. per r id, while it lasts; other .ices in
Owing to the mild weather we have a lenge assortment f
MITTS left over, on which ere can give: you aothe s d.udid statues.
Nee what we are offering for 5c.etch in nor big wi0Jow. Sou a
of the goods a little ibnn worn. but when put in use are as good ,
if just from the factor y.
llo no not forget that we carry .a full lino or HAIID Cf1.11.
Pray Chestnut, Stove and Eggl, Solvay Coke. Domestic Lump.
l'annel and Blacksinithing Casal. Prompt attention givcu to all
if you are contemplating putting in a 'rotor or ., hints your
house for electric lights It will pay you to see 114 (lest.
tell work given prompt attention and fully guaraat.«,.