The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 5tr- r THE SIGNAL IrODBIRICH ONTARIO Tistatane r, Fenneaxr ISI` Ititlt • HUDSON Light Six For $2300 a Quality Six Below Same -class Fours Less Weight, Less Fuel Cost than Fours The HUDSON His -4o comer out this year to offer legions of motorists just what they ha.e wanted - A light•welgRht His '.,uteri pounds. An economical Mir- k high-grade MIs under $SOU. Howard E. Collin, the great HUDSON engineer, has now solved all these problems. He has made a Six which under - weighs any comparable hour. He bas made a motor, with ,.mall bore and long stroke, which uses Lar lees fuel than any equal -powered Four. And the HUDSON factory, through ennrmous output, i,. rolling that Six below the price of any same class Four. A New -type Car s new -type p Thr motor iu the latest European practice.uIts ,;wrotive cost is far below wlist is lights. timid -buffed leather upholateting. The Delco patent system of electric starting and light- ing. It is almost blondest in design and ettbipment with the new HUDSON Six R4, And that is con- sidered the handsomest car of the year. hours. The new -type New HUDSON SIXES . Six -40-42300 Six -54 $2950 1.0.11. 1.0.1.•rieh possible in body :in ideal streamline body also follows Europe's vogue. Th. gasoline tank is.in the da. -h. The extra tire. are carried ahead of the front door. It. has the euovenieut uew "One-tuuu' top. The cur- tains eras quick -adjusting and atta.'hed. .tfl-- - binges concealed, speedometer gear eon - Paled. DisaPlearing tonneau emits. Dimming sear• h - Now Fours Must Go This new Six -N) means that four -cylinder cats at say like price must go. The Six is too smooth -run- ning, too flexible, too free from v:bratdou, too saving of tires to leave any question un this point. And a Six depreciate., in this day of Sixes, very much lees than a Four. Now cornea a Six of quality. lighter, more ec000mic4I, lower in price than equal -class Foos. Sonia s a t este reason now remains for clinging to Fur. gi g a u You'll be Interested come see this ear. See the new -style body, the new -type engine, the many new attractions in de - ,leo .old equipment. The HUDSON last year built more Sixes than any other factory in the world. But the demand Tui• this new car -this light Six -4J is breaking all HUDSON records. lien who aro likely co' want early delivery are urged to call at once. 5,4 of the 79 Automobile exhibitors at the 14th National Automobile show held in New York, 'January 3rd to loth this year, .displayed six -cylinder cars. Sigh • teen showed Sixes exclusively. That emphasizes the dominance of Sixes. Also Roadster type. Also Cabriolet completely enclosed, quickly changeable to open Roadster EAST STREET GARAGE Phone 243 Next Town Hall • Goderich, Ont. GODERICH LOCALS==PERSONALS Monthly Horse Markets 1814 1e .•.e Public Horse Markets will be held in GODERICH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st Etch sole day means a his; business _ -- Ir. Richard Baxter is spending a 'tow days in town. -Mayor and Mrs. Reid have l e- turoel from s short trip to Detroit. \hisses \ir,s and Helen Leckie are visiting Mr. and Mrs.T.T. Leckie, Elgin avenue. --iii Olive Robertson is visiting at. Hamilton and will be away for several ww•ke. Mrs. Will. Lee has returned from tieweastle, a here she spent the past two wonths. -Mr. A. M. Polley left on Monday ' en o visit to his deeghtt'i, Mr.. Major, I in Toledo, Ohio. L- \lis C. M. Campbell 4. in Torontn and Detroit attending the millinery openings in those til les. --Mr. and Mr.. Th G. Bickle, of Hamilton. were visiting aerating old I (tient'- here this .reek. r --Mies Pearl Wilde. ,f Amherst. !Nova Scotia, is visiting her aunt, \Ire. Sioclsir, Hritannis t•Oatl. -The Misses Shipman have return .'4 to their home at Toronto after a visit with friend: in town. in..sr-, re' your hum. of an kind. r.srfv Buyers, be on band and you will SHAW'S BUSINESS be able to poet the hest SCHOOLS PueLIC AUCTION at 2.30 p.m. EACH SALE GAY • 1 •aims,. r ..nada. inrlsu .- • he t'er.ral-- i •'oilers with ►ire r'i' y ttrauoh Nrbsol.. Orud. rotes are eelrrr-alts seer. -rola F.nter any ohne. Write for retaa.wae. W. 11. `that.. Lr. v. roc -LARK, \' s J tMES CoStRoL1 1' i I'restden'. Brad • slfa•r. Jxl \'•,r-ge Sttr•st.• -Mr. and Mee. A. McKinnon and son, Donald. of Meadow Creek, Alber- ta, visited friends here this week. - Miss Meisel Doty after visiting friends in Tomntu for the pas;, couple of weeks has returned home. -- Mr. Frank H. Martin was in De- troit last week looking over new styles of clothes for this year. -Mies iia Allen lett on Tuesday morning for Toronto, where she will spends few days with friends. - iia Allen last week supplied the places in ('antral school of Miss Burritt and Miss May Stoddart. -Miss Lizzie Smith, of Shortsville, N.Y., is the guest thie season of ber brother, 11 r. J. W. Smith, East street. --Mr. Frank Doty left on \londsy' fur Montreal on a Iarainess trip. He expects to return at the end of the week. -Mr. Richard J. Phelan left last! week for \vilkie. Saskatchewan.' where he will remain for a few months. Mr. E. H. Howie, of the Rank of I 4'ontmeice at Ayr. and forme'ly of the local branch, is relieving here at present. -Mr. \Vni. Backwell, of Yellow -I erase, Saskatchewan, is spending two' weeks at the home of'' Mr. and \I rs Harry Hunt By special request the (senerel !trough chapter of 1.0.D. as will likely a hold annth"r prugressiveeuchre party after Easter. -Mr. Charles Heaget, county crown attorney, is in Toronto on business. He left on Tuesday and expects to be ► re.ident betstarr - .. --- home tomorrow. -Mies Mary Clunk., of London, who bas peen vial�jey Mrs.- A. M. Polley :iii -Mee. Afr, iter; returned to her home on Friths)? last. --Mies Lilian Graham lett on Tues- day for Regina, where she will visit. her slitter, Mee. Charles Fairbairn, and later take a position there. - After heing confined to ter house for a few .lay., being threatened with typhoid fever, Miss Constance lie. Touzel is able to be around again. - Miro \lay Stoddart has been cnn- tloed to her borne for a few days with a short Illness. Her any friends are glad to bear that she around again. -Mien Elan Oatzk has returned to ber home •t Brehm after some months' visit with her relatives at Pl•ttsville and for some weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Albert, Britannia toad. -The pictures of$Mastere Graham aodjamee Ross,wbo proved themselves berrows last summer, were puftlisbed in the Mail and Empire of !Saturday last. Mr. J. K McNah, the well-known produce dealer of Dungannon, was e t Toronto title week in attendance at the annual merting of the l'anadien Produce association. -Rxten ties preparations are In prolrrwea for tabs e..ncert to is geese tomorrow night in the basement of Knox church under the sondem of the ebo(�� good programme hes been -Mr. and Mrs. Montagne Williams, who be,. ratsrresed from their boner - moon trip to Sserland and Erases. are w adies a few days with their tier` 1 este, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Williams, Mt. Vincent 'tree,. prior to male' up their residence In limed Mere. Qsebt e. Lyric Theatre Extra Special Attraction THURSDAY & FRIDAY February 19th and 20th The Battle of Waterloo A SUPERB REPRODUCTION IN POUR PARTS Teken on the exact spot where Gila famous Battle was fought This Picture will be found cor- rect in every detail and should be seen by all Taorrilog with Exciting and Thrilling Incidents SPECIAL MATINEE Saturday Atte esea PRIMARY net As 2 skies* No extra ey,Ws, Admission (as :rust) les and Se PAMPER. 6RAthiEleANO' PAPERHANGER E. W. JEROME Cn. MR. NAF.ULB, ?tooth ..freer, Flea' workmar..h1R Price. toolerate. Pattern Book. on aGDllearlon. Hot 48, oketeereetuneltelketieneteMIMMaillelmosiwire TIME IS MONEY Save time by using a "WHITE" Sewing Machine 11I advance of all oilmen with the very latest improvements. Sell Searing: Pinch Tsesise Gest -proof Swings AaMtantie Tension Release Self Throwing Shuttle Tension 'Winter Patent Drs Gerard and Punas Asb�attic Lift Nirkle•9latsd Semi Attars -este Sold fee nob or seeetbly pay- ments if preenv'ed Any repairs needed procured in 24 hours from Hamilton, Ontario James F. Thomson Agent for Heintwa & W. Pianos The Manures 1 I All dealers report tbat there are no c uwgee iu the lust wits:* and all tied. of produce remain the same w it was last week. For Reevsehip The date fat the uoutwatious for reeve bas been set for next Tuesday, Stith or February, with the elcotton a week following. Reeve Robert Elliott and ex Reeve Shunning* will probably I run. Is Improving The coudition "1 Mrs. ,Judg.l Holt, whc met with a serious accident a few weeks ago, le improved. Her many friends will no doubt be grad to hear of her reeov.•ry amt bops that she may sono be able to he :around again. Rural Uelivery in Colborne Up to data the township of Col- borne ham un postal delivery routes but there is at present a movement on foot to serve the southern part of the township. The delivery would he from (ioderich and would probably do away with the pustotlice all Benwiller. Good Hill at Star The programme at. the Star Utast' e this week is of unusual interest. 'Che picture., •Dixie's Mother.- r tate of southern lift. -.On Such a Beautiful Ocean" and -The Madcaps ut the Hills," are tirst-rate films. The last named picture 1s aatoriated with Blue Ridge mountain- of Virgioia.e Ladies' Auxiliary Meets The Ladies' Auxiliary of tis. Y.Mt'.A., together with the mothers of the Boy Scouts, will meet at. the Y.M.C.A. maims on Saturday, of this week, at four p.m. They as ill complete arrangements for the annual banquet to be held on March :ird. Did Not Materialize The annual meeting of the (loderi.-h laws. bowling club, called for last h'ri- day night in the ottise of \!r. \Vin. i.anr, did not materialise owing to ' only • feu- members being in atten- dsnee. However, it was postponed indefinitely. Wants It Known 1 The Public Library board wishes it to he more widely known that by a email payment the next succession :o any book can be obtained. Cards of the term ,are in the library and also on the Iahel In the inner side of the coven of the books. Horse Markets Commence The first public horse market of the season will be 'held in (ioderich on Wednesday, hatch Ith. As these markets have been in the pasta gi eat, sucrase, it is expected that they will also be this year ;and will be well patronized. Too Late A repot ,f a Sabbath school con- vention in Knox church, Auburn, was received too late for publication, but will appear in The Signal next week. Correspondents are reminded by the management to have their copy in early, otherwise no guarantee for its publication will be given. Annual Meeting of Board of Trade The annual meeting of the Goderich hoard of (trade will be held next Mon- day evening, ZJrd inst., at eight o'clock, in the town council chamber. The president's annual address and the elec- tion of officers for the year will be important features of the proceedings. iL to hoped there will be a large at- tendance. Reeve's Resignation Received To formally receive the resignation of the reeve, a special meeting of the council was held en Monday night last. The session was a short one and lasted about :51) minutes. The date for nomination day was left in the bands of the mayor, who decided uptin Tuesday next, February 2Ith. Mayor Heid presided as usual. Pleasant Event Thr Rebekah lodge gave a euchre party and di n:e in the Oddfellows' hall lout night. Card. were played until nearly midnight when lunch was served. Dancing followed until about two a.m. and BBlacks:one's orchestra furnished goal ole for the occasion, The prizes awarded were: l:irit, Mrs. Bean. Mr. Jack Wigging ; second. Mrs. Hobert King, Mr. Cliff McManus. .1 pleasant evening was spent. Returned to Uncle Sam Mr. Henry W. Vantievan, arcnunt- ant of the American Reel \lachine Company. left on Monday for his house in Lina, Ohio- After a short visit tsith bis parents there he will take up th- emcee kind of work in Fne$ Wayne, Indiana, During his 12 month stay- in Goderich, Mr. Vau- devan has made nervy friends, who wish him the best of success in hit. new field of activity. yintseetisingjiadra • . The town of Clinton is now using the ele,tric power generated at Niag- ara Falls, connection having been made Sundry. Sunda night most of the houses were using hydro, and had it not been for a few fumes burning out all the rhurchers would have been lighted by the Niagara current. One preacher prepared :a sermon for the occasion. hot as his church way in darkness he decided to change his sermon to one relating to coal oil. Remembers His Friends Mr, Hlctor Hays bas received a letter from Capt. Whitney, sup.•rin- Leeden. of the American laikellsrrien' es.ociationat Astahula. Ms.iy friends will r•ememherllapt.Whitney who was herr with Mr. W. H. Harrison in con- nection with the lake disesteem of last November. Capt. Whitney wished to be remembered to his many friends and his frieods bent will be glad to see him hack here again but on a different mission on whteb be came lint time. Board of Trade Council A meeting of the Board of Trade menet' was bold on Thursday evening at the °Mee of the American Rad Machine Oo. A totolution was passed sedate's' the positine of the Great Waterways aesoefatios In support of lite Wellasd canal mute and in op- Position to the Georgian Bay copal Prole a. Mews. Wm. Camph.Ul. Jos. a Kiidddd a sod W. 11. Kohertaon were ap- petite.", t ttboard a assail 'Poetise ofheA� Illeards et Ontario to le bsU at Tor- poly was woe. It was dse{ded pt heli the aeesal meeting of the Goal.. tier bona ea the 93rd hist. • BLUE ANO DISCOURAGED Mrs. Ha>lntkton Tells How She Finally Found Health m Lydia E. Pinklteun's Veg- etable Compound. Warren. Ind.- "I was bothered ter- ribly with female weakness. I had pains and was not regular, my head ached all the time, I had bear- ing down pains and my back hurt me the biggest part of the time, 1 was dizzy and had weak feel- ings when I would stoop over, it hurt me, to walk any dis- tance and I felt blue en.' discouraged. "I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and am now to good health. If it had not been fur that medicine I would have been in my grave • long time ago. "-Mrs. ARTIE E. Haltu.'rurf, R.F.D. No. ti. Warren, Ind. Another Case. Esmond, R. I. -•' I write to tell you how much good your medicine has done me and to let other women know that there is help for them. I suffered with bearing down pain., beadaehe, was ir- regular and frit blue and depressed all ;he time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and commenced to gaits in a abort time and I am a well wo- mat today. I am on my feet from early morning until late at night running a hoarding house and do all my own work. I hope that many suffering women will try your medicine. It makes happier wives and mothers. "-Mrs. ANNA IiaN- si_v, Eamood, Rbode.Islaod. Farmers' Club :\t a recent meeting of the Goderich township Fermiers' club, Mr. N. W. 'I'rewartha:nate an interesting address on "Poultry Raising" and made many useful suggestions upon the suhjecL At the next. meeting. to be held on Wednesday, Feb, uary 'L;th. the :arises andremedi, of the depopulation of rural districts will be discussed by Messrs. James Connolly. l.aac Salkeld, Charles Whitely and George Sowerhy. Mr. John W. Salkeld will occupy the (hair and • cordial invitation is ex- tended to all. Members requiring seed grain for experimental purposes are requested to have their lists ready before the next meeting. Favor Goderich Harbor At a meeting of the Mtratfnnl city COMIC', .m Monday evening the follow- ing re•oluti for submission to the Dominion government was permed on motion of Ald. Rankin and :Ud. Gray "Whereas, the port of Goderich is a distrihuting point in and out for the western peninsula of Ontario for Tor- onto, Guelph, Stratford, London, to Lake Huron, and is the only port for deep wooer ve.sels on the Canadian .hore of Lake Huron, we aro asking you to have same made a proper bar- bor for en teems by large vessels in all kinds of weather," St. Marys council nn Monday even- ing endor..d a similar resolution. Y.M.C.A. Notes The juniors of the Y.l1.0.A. held their annual else' ion of officers en Tuesday night Let. Those who were sleeted are : President, Lawr- ence War k ; vice-president., Graham Ross; seeteta. )4, James Roes ; con- vener of social committee, Worxlbam t7flht©P! larE OF CANADA We Cash Cheques Drawn on any Chartered Bank "[here Is no need to taker cheques to the Bank on which they are drawn Llorder to cash them. Save yourself th's trouble by depositing all cheques to the credit of your account in the Union Bank of Canada---cr get the cash f:.,, -t our Teller at once, If you prefer. We shall be glad to'demorLtrate bow fully we can sena you. Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Babb; convener of rooms commit le i' Nortnsu MoLte d ; piesist, Bert (:utt• The laelirs' Auxiiiesy are preparing for th• annual 'omelet which will be held nn Anstalt ::rd. The Isgys who hive not pissed the tenderfoot lest• are working hard ba -fors the ipintitiet comes off 1' L rxi.eete•I that Mr. N. J. Haninioni, pow nei-I sw•tetary of the Bey Seem., , will h.. present at tie', hanque, and pre- tit. the Seoul medals to Graham and James Rios. Advertoronent Error Mr.." ,•• h e slip on the part of the county ',soots for the Hutton) air cylinder autont•.hile', the prices 1, their ad vet 1-ra •nt un last week'. S g nal read •'N,11 µ" 1) , •..i Asa orad•, of fart f•,r *,Biedl All t*R4kit) cars are de- livered it t.' U• d. r., le. the dies paid, the N) and ..4I tot -et' -•a' •,i• insert., I, s pe•ativeit Thor • p revise- to he a short.-gt' of 1,• .•' res -, , r . er. rd ,.:ti- - have h• en i:. itt to date, and "1.'. n huyirljk :1 re !ly 11 -•-cl,s, mtehine .hould iif• 1,1• ,, let• iii .,•.p.. Tb.-•• pe pkgte s,itl het".Iliez tU ttve,.lines of hies -'lc. Iht• •hey rlwst' did Snit have sacral .h,• ••1.ndi.0" -n,• - torcyc•b'- to 1h"o• 1-• of n ..,,r.i-., rh•- h:,tut s raw (;since h •ae 1.9.1 printed a neat•( ' •r for • 1 r... uo t he -e gorei- which n t .it11.a the asking. 1 ;fully des"..h.•- the repuii esu, k . w.•11 as the new Beaten. Fixing Revenue. Of Glebe Lands His Horror--J1.dg 11 It went. to I ondon on T••eedav in regw-d to the alloca i u •'1. tb.' rrt',•n.ie ..1 th.- glebe lands in Chat hate. 1. the Stretford Beau ". of Tus stay app a• s the following.r•Ierence to the m,till ,a - tion: -Sense time ag•. Jielge H 1.. of Godrrich; Jm,lge Ito •,u, of Rt.rat ford., surf ,ludve IH••I.h, of Simeoe, were Appointed by the Syteel •,f Huron to deride whether or not this revenue-h,vild by divided he. tween the two Aegis -an churches claim..•g it. The . icer church clsimrd all. The judges de.-ode,l ttat each of the chip rhea in Chatham were .n have a share, le..vong it to the respective church e,, hot itiem t•, di. ide it amongst tbew'elv.s. Thi.. they were unable to do, .od in . he ru••ant io.e t h. Synod 111 Hue n yea- arp••inted l,y iegiala' 1 .n to ac' a. t. nitre.. of the glebe lends,. Cosine to thin disagree- ment the ..yn.,d appointed the fosse going judges to flr the amount each church was it) h=ave. If your snatch is out o sorts- "gaining"' orts- ..g" or', t . tine, .or quitting eltc- gether. bring it 11 o-i.r watch hosoital. We we watch specialists atd sl sono make your watch as good as new. 0 we can't, we'O tell you so before we start. Oar Work Is Guaranteed A watch list "wont go' c: keeps `bid boos" u a suuancr, Bring dot sick watch o today seal Li Infix tied regulate , - - it lot you. i - - t .1. (Z. Da\ t ) (:ulcer, 1. ••• n,.fninn • 0 NsVJa.N\V1�1 d Kidneys Wrong ? -- 1f they are you arc in danger. Wben through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble cutout at once. Backache. Rbeumati.m, Sciatica. Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of theresults of neglected kidneys. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills contain a most efective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys so that they do their work tkptougbly and well. Try Dr. Mors.'. " Indian Root Pills -There 1s a movement on foot, otigIn..ting in Wood -tuck, -to have a p1xn..r se, lea 01 'rpm. w im.e• a, say Strat- ford, W.wdetnca, Ingere 11 and Hamil- .dsy a -cries of home and home grime.. ton, hockey tam ,• art Pi ag y.# I+`w Id kw aI►� V t ,w ase,. 4." s• s5♦ s+es� "ase es* OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every man's door. She's knocking at your door now -so take heed! Arlt us lo send you our big 80 -page Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs, Fruits, Garden Tools, Insect Destroyers, Fertilizers, Poul- try and Bee Sulies. A coat terra wUIp brkt6 it t. yon. writs 1.4 y DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LTD. 1901 1241 L02tDON, ONT., CANADA. 16 1alesble Premium Wet, 8111- - wile see ord.,. Pag• see el Catabpe tells how to gat IL .•;tom •a •� fa•1ei ,.s a41 If. �;: - f l4 mf Are S•t4 O 40 PV BIG DEMAND FOR Page Wire Fence Direct (Freight Prepaid) These prices subject to advance without notice. 47444 '1 41 PAGE HEAVY FENCE II/ 1 i� I. sea+: of w.trs.s.l• is u.a.. SIC 11 10, 10, 10. ,0, 9, 10, 10 54, 7, 654, 9. 9 . Sl4, 7, 7, at4, 714, 9, 10, 10 ,6,6,6,6,6,6 C, 6, 6, 6, 6,6 ,S.Ws, 7,sa4,2,9 ,S,5!4,7,9%.9 9 ,i,6,s.ft. e.6.6 , 6, 6, 6, tl, 6, 6, 6 , 4, S, t'4, 7. S•4, 9, 9 ,4,S,.,yt.7,$49, 9 ,33,4,5•,4,7,7,7%,II 3, 3, 4,614. 7 7 7y. s S 22 to 22 7 22 7 22 4• 22 4 16%4 22 47 16y. 4' 22 4e 161,y :.I 22 SI 15'L 44 22 1a• 1 61 HP, 51 22 1i!', a 9 9 10 10 i0 10 11 i 6 7 7 9 9 161, 16 14 iS 9 16 13 16 54 lob .. es-. A3.4.ii 7.41,4,9.9 « ,3.2,4,4S4,7,s?!. 9, 1. , 3.3.3,4.654,7,44,9,9., IEIIIMI INGOT FEIICE 1 w.Mrer P .. rue. - N 11•11••• w.,gtsa • ye.w 1, -sw.r Pews.. Me1.sa samitait Cee- 5 7e,. •.N &mem ere N. 11 liar\ 11er9a..494 .trees.. Na 11 No. 11 m, 9, 10, 10 7 7, 4,a f, 4,10,10 P a, 7, 7, S. 4.. 3, 4, 5, S, 6... ..- 9,4,7$.9'1 3, 3. 35 4 1, 1, 4. 6 6. 9, 7.0. 9, 9.. 3,3,4.1,4,1.1,9.4 11AAL 1N/VLTae :meet 1S N. . ...boom. .w ► albis..s.r..• 1'.....a. err• 99.91. 111 logo kaw 90 (lase ksn .. • • • PAaa "aalVaap'• sails )0 ft .paint 12 h. epesiet 13A. musing 14-R .ening STAPLES. IS Ib. ism, freight lisli•'-►- MACE w1S1L /CA oda tamp STRETCHING TOOLJ)k eLerbr Wistoorata ask A 44' a s .11 .21 .n .23 .IN .111 .29 20 .Set .25 25 23 30 ra 31 .n 31 39 10 .21 .91 .14 .1r .1r to .le SALES of PAGE WIRE PENCE for the past 30 days have been ernezhIP. The enortnnus. dta;,aand for f2LIALITT-Farritle means that no wiser farmer will use other fence, when he can get PAGE QUALITY FENCE at -these remarkable�}i prices. y Try PAGE FENCE yours Law l g PAGE wire really is. See how i1'swovea (."to perfect fence. See how PAGE Fence, on nearby farms, serer 20 years' service, is stilt good for 20 Tears more. Prices That Sp4alc for Themselves Coapare these low PAGE prices grids the or c- of common fencing. Allots 22 years 01 leadership, PAGE Fence N still FIRST In quality and the r(saillL1/�i �e�s fence- Ooopetition 00~can a.lower P�pV QUALITY-wor Beach the same high standard as PAGE. A Rare Opportunity To -dry you can get PAGE FENCE direct from its makers at tie price of ordinary hence. You get quick shipments from s nearby PAGE ware- bsue.-4'Hgbt paid on 20 rods. 200 pssdeor over. You get lc. per red dleoount on carload lob. You can order Omagh your dealer -we'll t4lowbiei Pc. per rod. You car bay from PAGE the lest knee at low cash Picea To enve time andt quick detivs, send row orderorse the nearest Pq AGE Breech. ISI -PAGE CATALOG sem en wmeest. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. t'oRolLro 1171. Et.g 1k. W •9etM13 WAIJEER ViLd.s Zs- s skunk Sheat sr team Ali "Page Feaem Weir led ' •