The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 4fIH
41 Tiara sD4Y. Fhb. 19, 1014
No Friends
Like The
F r o to
We and right along to old age
Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's
heat friend --ked the nerves, aid
digestion, stop hcadachea, keep the
blood rich and assure good health
s.ner•Ily. Try thou :5c. • butte
Druesotr and thee.• se by awl. s
Chea ka•lse *Aries C&. Lenses
The unde•tsigned will pny tae
highest. cepa' mires tar nil Lindy
of good log, delivered at the
Mill, foot of Anglesea
Street, Goderich.
Caston sawing and genera:
mill work done promptly.
to employ a poor plumber. An inade-
quate waste pipe in your kitchen sink
can cause more damage than the price
of the
Perhaps you 'ave leen trying to save
money on plumbing and are nad clean
through at the fraternity. Let no
show that there are some real plumb•
' rs in the bu.ineaa.
California and the South
it.•turu ticket., atlow nest..
The "Laiden] itelate"eo
Lease Toronto W 20 p.m. daily
•'otnner•n.ent Lin. -.cry nb.en•alinn t'ar
Standard Sleeping rant, Tonne Sloentaa
e'er.. Dining Cars First Ci•en e'oechea' and
•olonlst C N.
Pertb-uten rewarding Hall or Ocean
ticket. from JIMA. KIpl1, l'•P,R• mi�i,s,t, or
bide it. a. 111\:Itisi/lri• 9p1\t .. .l1,..
Try our choice
Corn Beef
A aeleet stock always
on hand.
White Front Meat Market
Rasa Street Phone 31
Prompt Delivetry
--Fire loos in St. Meals last year
totalled $25.
Cigarette dealers in St. Marys pay
a license fee of Ann
-•A contention of Huron sou
rempeeranee wnrkers wfft he held
Clinton on lorlday of this week
-Ilrurr entity conn 'ii will investi-
gate claims that the \Vrlker
bridges were bald not to he w
- these are 57g telephones in hue on
the Iluron and Kloloss telephone
system. The value of the telephone
plant b
-At an important arsine of the
Mary. council on Monday night 1t w
decided to grant $t'2.t»' for a n
central public schoa without a
uniting the matter again to the rta
payerv. The .luesti.,u bar (leen vo
on several tune, and each t
been defeated. The old rcbool is n
so evidently outgrown and out -of -d
that the council considers iumeali
actin° imperative.
-The Seat ort h Expositor gives t
following from its issue of September
21th, NIB: 'The new census returns
give Ooderich x population of 3,(00..
being a (lees -wise;, of _ since the last
censita ; Seaford] has :nil, being an
increase of PM Clinton has 2Mt'I, be-
ing an incre.Sn.e of :5t ; W ingbaui, 21117.
an increase of 241t. and Exeter. Pee),
bring an increase ui sl."
ir- p {, n tie a'
lend. be MiesJt. Farrow and • dielogoe by
ow Finglaud brothers end Mr. 11. Marsh
Rev, 1t. Aline'. acted as chairman
rte iii his 11811111 happy style.
Mies Lillian Yunghlut, of Waterloo,
was veiling on her old friends on
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholson. of
Bridge,,, spool Tuesday visiting Mn.
Nicholson's aunt and looking up their
former acq tai ntanctel.
Wiagbanu hospital undergoing tin
operation anal impart. say tire patient
is doing well.
Mr. Anthony I:aweon paused away en
Saturday last afterta (ew days' illness
In his ninety-fifth year. Ile moved
bore in December with his sen John
from leondsburo and enjoyed his
usual health until Thursday when he
gradually sank until the end came on
Saturday night.
The remains were interred in Kin -
burn cemetery on afternoon.
The Canadian Order of Foresters'
concert on F tiday evening was a de-
cided rarccesa and the n. •rn u w
enjoyed Iry a11. It,ddingr were given
Mr. Stephen Dyer is at present in
he From t be St r•tathrov Age of last week
The women's institute have „rga
iced a In•anch weciety at Dungeon
with a ie:emis'rahip of nearly tweet
which is roneidered an e'i('Wptlou:el
gucd start. The first meeting of tl
branch will he held iu the basement
the Dungannon Methodist church n
Thursday, February J'itb. An noir
eating talk Is l0 lie given on the ma
lug of good bread and biscuits. The
will also he other enter! ain't's,'
\feeling at two u'clnrk p.m. All t
Ladies tit 1he• surrounding neighlo
hotel are cordially invited to be p,
ent. %Ito. A. M. Kirke, presider]
Mrs. L. Elliot, secretary-tirasurer.
we take the following reference to a
former ps,tor of Auburn Methodist
ChM'. h : -At a meeting of the milted
hoard% of the Strathroy Methodist
church. held in the parsonage on
Wednesday evening, Frro'o.ry Oh, is
revolution voicing th- very high .
terns of the boned for the pastor. Re.
Albert •1:. Jones, was unanimously
adopted by a •twnding vole. The renew
(:item emphasized his very effective
and carne•, -t pulpit work, as well as hia
n. ilniefoiigahle pas i'P.1 viai'ntienx, re -
on suiting in Large additions to the mem-
ty bership of the churchml-
. It also eisa
uiK vita•ten to hint t(900f1tin nehis upastor-
of ate of the chit. ch for the next confrr-
on rncr year. The board Acknowledge!
r• its 1ltdebiedna•-et to Mrs, J •s for her
f*ithful l'Abn•r'iu Thr church and SAb-
re hath sehoo1.
ex -
The minutes ercouneil.meeting held
on February 12th, Members were all
present, 'rhe mnemes of fortu•r meet-
ing read and approved. The tenders
for the ordinary township printing for
the present year were received from
the Times and Advance offices, Wing -
ham. and the Standard, Blyth. The
the tender of the Standard, $38.25, be-
ing the lowest. was accepted on
motion of Councillor* Stonehouse and
The auditors' report and treasurer's
abstract were received and read.
Messrs. Irwin and Currie moved that
the same as now readbe adopted anti
then the auditor. be paid as. formerly
IRS.01 each for their services. '
The following rccouuta were paid
Mr. J. W. (lone and .1fr. John R. Scott,
auditors, $8.1.111 each : treasurer of
Kinloss, settlement of boundary line
account, $2 43 ; Messrs. A. Hill A Co.,
balance of contract on the leth line
river bridge, *Hall) : Mr. F. Andera.rn,
salary as townstip treasurer, $110.0) ;
Mr. J. E. Ellis, balance of salary as
collector, $10.111; Jlr. A. Porterfield,
fees ea division registrar in 1913, $10.-
(1) ; Mr. A. Porterfield, expert,*
chat gee, 111 cents ; Mr. John T.
Coulter, gravelling on concession.
eight :and nine, $51.50.
The next, tweeting of council will be
held on Monday. March t)tb, at one
o'clock. A. PURTEHFIkLD, Clerk.
Mr. John Blair is visiting at Wing
J1r. Arthur Elliott left for the west
this week.
Mr. 0. %V. -Potter is again confined
to the house.
Mr. \Vrn. Johnston is visiting at
Mitchell this week.
Mr.. \Vm, Mair. of Byron, is spend-
ing a few days under the parental
Mr. and'1re. Hromor, of Goderich, Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
Met John Torrance is not improving
a. rspwly art lay a.sny fa tends would
like to ere.
Mr. Milton %Vood, wears a smiling
face. A baby boy Anis ed at his home
on tlnnday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hrtbert Wallace and
child: nom the west, visited in our
ncighlewhnod laid week.
\L. first Pickard had the inking -
tu'e to run n rusty nail into hia hand
on Tuesday of last week and has euf-'
festa a great deal from the effects but
is Nome letter now.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vandrrborgb
and \Ir. \Ve.ley Vanderhtrrgh were
in Lucknow last week attending the
luneral of Mrs. V1u.derburgh'ii broth•
e•r, Mr. 1'hotnas Searsen.
*r.`14 Hi -Amnon. of Brunkbaa:'in elat-
ing at Mrs. J. Thompp,soon's.
Mr. and Mrs. Ploughrn:u, visited
Pr.wprrity friend,. this week.
Mr. and Mn. Wm. %Vil.on visited
Ter.water friends this week.
Mr. Joseph iloyle finished drawing
maple blocks to Auburn this week.
Mr. Louis Murphy, of tarry Mound,
visited 11F. James Craig recently.
Mr. liillert Grieves is homy making
preparations for remodeling his barn
this summer.
Mr. Charles Gillespie, of Whirr -
church, Is threshing clover in tbu
vicinity this week.
Mr. Ed. Robinson has been Around
buying horses. He intends leaving
for the wart this week.
The Women's 1astitute held a very
suce..sful meeting at the home of
Mrs. Haub King !eat Wednesday.
Masses. Jobn.ton • Button'a sew
mill is shut bows/dor for • few days no
account. of • w'a.n shaft on the
A number of young folks from UM.
vicinity attended a party at Mr. O.
Forbes'. on the 9th eoaesesioe one
evening last week.
Mr. and Mr. Spe�e,r and son. Win.,
returned to theLr bone la Durban.
Manitoba, after a lengthy visit with
friend. in this v{ehdty.
While engaged running the edging
saw In Nea.e.. Jntia.tne ! Anne ale
mill Mat weak. Nr. Wm. OOMin•
had tie misfortune to gat w titer eft.
UHe. wBl be laid elf wort 1oesomedMp,
While working in Mr. J. W. Bone'
hush Mr. lf.Ir.I4 Robinson, sun .•f Mr
Wm. Robinson. lust with a load seri
dent. He wits chopping is linin nit a tree
when he fell AHO hr oke one of his leg
just above the knew. Thr yunng mai
will have an enforced holiday fo
several Week*.
• Mr- J.' R. Bone, • president of th club, Toronto, who presided
at the ;plen.lid banquet given it
Toronto to Mr. W. 11. 'Taft, ex -preen
dent of the United Stair+, with such
marked good taste and ability as to
merit the west a plimentary refer
emcee from the Toronto press, is well
known Huronier, having been soon
in East Wawa,su.b. Not a little of the
success rat the Toronto Daily Star is
due to Mr. Bone, who is one of the
maneger. thereof.
M. %Vet, Pear has a pair of calve*
net yet a year old which weigh 111111)
p ,undo.' That is the kind of stuck to
are simply kidney dseorder.. The
Alter the blood of all that .sldnfln 1.
there. The blood passes the kik
nays every res minutes. 1f eMom
do their work iso ' nes caws d
disorder cos retain circulation
Mistime an that time. Therefore if your
is out of order yokidneys have
t Li d
failed in their worey are la seed
stimulation, strengthening or ebctoriag
One medicine will do all three, the eksest
and most imitated blood medicine there
Mr. Frank Todd is able to he out
again after his revere accident.
Miss F: Rist hecto, d is spending a few
w•rks in Neat W awano.h.
M. J R. It•,therford and Miss
Hut het ford wsl
ere im li,et•icb on Tur.-
Milia Jean Webb spent the week -end
with Mise Lillian Clark.
Messrs. Donald and ('oCn Vclhinald
atte•"d-d the hiner..Iof AIr.stracban,
of Jlorri., on Tueobuy.
Cuune prepared wo:h n .nutation for
the drawer. A cordial invitation is
004 ended to all the ladiras
Many of his friends are pleased to
have Mr. John .lovnt tue-k ..n ler
• farm again atter spending a couple of
. unclothe in California.
FIs \V. Purdon, of \Vhitecbureh,
mold hie farts in Wed \\'aw:anosh to
good ▪ Mr. Levi Harries tor a go,figure and
keels •ant hundred -acre tarot from
ra Mr. Rolwrr McGee.
Jfis.. \1. E. flnrnin. she new librarian.
he isWet] teed to take new members for
the llhi-ary. Fifty cents give/ von
r two hooks a week and Z; centx a family
- ticket. Come and take advantage of
the splendid' librrry.
The February tneeting of the
- Women's 10.titute will he held on
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
atm 1.4)•:.41. AI'PLl;ATIONS, •e, they can -
0,4. mai !I the meat of the di.ea.e. t'atarrh Is. a
blood or constitutional dine..,and in order to
cure It you rout take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh lure 1, taken internally, and nota dlr-
ecrl7 on the blood nod mucous-urf.cci. Hall'.
catarrh Cu,.'. Is not quack. medlol oe. It was
preerribad by one of tb • boot physicians in this
*sentry fee year. and l.. • regular preeoriptbn.
It 4. semprr ed of the best tonics known, com-
bined with the best Wood puriMrn% muse
directly on the mucous nurfacet The perstet
c,mbinatlnn of the two ingredient., is what
produce. .•Ich wunde•fvl res4L. in • urtng
Catarrh. Send for te.ttmonlals free.
i.a ('HY,NgYt('U Props, Toledo. U.
Sold by ell d rtytR1at lc P.
Take Hall . Family Ms for evo,llpatloo,
Miss Mary McKenzie wa. visiting
Kintel! ft iends hist week•
Mr., Phomas Breen was in Goderich
last week. the guest of Mrs. Ida Swale.
Mi. and Mrs. Jacob Cousin.. of Goo. -
rich, were visiting yrs. Jane Drennan
Mus. Thomas Green is visiting
friends in [)strait at pteaent.
Mr-. Ellen Ilt.rrows returned to
Goderich last Thursday after a week's
visit with relatives hest.
About thirty of the young people
enjoyed an informal dance at Mr. John
%tcGee's last Friday night.
Mr. And lir.. Thome'Million,of
(lodrt-it h, ala guests of Mr. and MIs.
Alfred Qiiaid.
Mr. Thomas Dickson, jr, is 'rime
flout the Stratford buaiuese college
for is week's holidays.
There wan no service In ('heist
church last Sunday, salter.„bo-
sun was in `Jai ma.
Mrs. Thomas Dickson visite.) her
mol her and other relatives at Lanes
last week.
Mr. and %fel. \i ilhnm Brindley
returned home ort Saturday after a few
day» visit with ft iends iw Goderich.
MI.. Thomas Wilson. jr., wee visit-
ing her daughter, Vis.. W. 1'. Gilbert.
In Set Ma.
Miss Tena Hawkins. of St. Thomas,
areas recently visiting her eider. Mn.
W. Ili (fray, ..f this place.
Mies Maud Cunningham visited
some of tier friends at Nile, on Wed -
day of Is.t week.
Mrs, 'Phomas Dickson has been vieit-
ins. her esu totherw
h j-nd reletlsst.
Lanett rlrrntiv.
Matter Gordon I'earson has been
vieitang his ft Wind, Master Albert
female. in (ioderich.
$Thr !bat robin for this year made
its appearance morning
of last week.
Mise Jessie McMillan ix the gue.t of
her sister, Mea. Herbert Morris, in
A very large crowd of young people
enjoyed • danee at Mrs. Jas., Young's
on Tuesdaysight of last week. Nr.
W. McPhee, of,Carlow, was the chief
mubic,ao of the weeniest.
Break Whisky's Grip
On Your Loved Ones
Drunkard' will tellou with teas
of sincerity that they do not want 10
drink. The craving coming from the
infiamed membrimsa of the •toniach
drives them to ill '
Al wra will soothe the trembling
serves and remove the craving tbat
ruining your home and stsaned an
otherwise bind husband or father from
you. it coats only 11.00 per box and
if it does not cure nr benefit after a
trial the money will he refunded.
Alen No. t it tamales. .sed can to
given este etly Is tea, coffee ate toad.
Atones No. '2}. taken voluntarily by
those wWt.g?o help thesneelv...
Aleurs ems row be obtained at oar
store. Ask for free bantam tailing all
Shoot it turd glee Aients a teiaL R
0. Wigle, druggist, Ooieeieh, Qat.
ThorwLav, the _'•;tb, at the home of
Mrs. 11. K. Miller, at 2.30. The subject
will he "Demonstrated talk on plain
and fancy sewing. exchange of pat-
terns for plain swing.'
Rev. S. M. Whaley. /1.A.. pastor of
the i'reshy erten clutches at Hickson
and Tavistock, formerly of St. Helene,
has received a imenin,trus call to be-
come Castor 'of the Durham Presby-
terian church. t inly oat vote was
taken on epees ministers, the decisive
majority Mr. Whaley reeeived render-
ing mare unnecessary-. The charge is
vacated, owing to ill -health, ley Her.
I)r. Farquharson. The net contrihu-
tions for all purposes rose from i32rC1
in 1912 to Ast792 in 1913. The congre-
gation voted to raise thestiprned from
$1111) and timet to $Ij74 and matter
as 1 nitial salary.
Mr. George Jackson, of Mo►w. Sas-
katchewan, is visiting relatives in this
G )septan p.
Mr. J. W. .bortreed, wbo is now •
resident of the Peace River district,'
haul sold his farm on the nth concee-
sioo of thk township to Mr. Robert
J. Brown The fame •'o11 -tains 100
acre, and ba. • co.ufortahte brick
house, bank barn, etc. oo the prem-
ises. The price p.i.l wax *MP. Mr.
Brown is now the owner of acres
Ahuut noon on Wednesday of Iasi
week Mies Ida Garnier, daughter of
Lbelist@ Frank (ie 1' -fele. who died four
year. ago. pail nature'. debt. She bad
bern p••,vly for autov time and under-
went an operation on Tuesday. She
rallied after that Mat e.,haegts.ntly be-
gan to fail until .Leath casae She
wax • faithful Ial.l•• else snitcher at
Browntown Metb.'dio sia),►tatb school
for many yea'. and b.lpe'r in every
good work. Mix* liara►a, was born
on the farm on which she diel.
Mr. t i dl.'rt Sprir. who w as so sty.
...rely burned by in the west,
Arrived hunt lot week. H. is mak-
ing fair pn.greew and err long w ill be
als,ut as well as ever we hope. H.
had • close rail and A hard pull in
making the recover v tread..
A quiet but pretty welding wets
solemnized at the home nr the bride's
mother. Mn. Alex McCall on Wed-
nesday Inst. when fol. daughter, Ma-
bel, hera,ethe often( Mr %Vsw. Wh-
itton, ale. of this township. The cere-
mony was two formed by Rev. .t. J.
Mann, of Hruoaele, in the lesseentre of
the immediate friends and relatives
of the cootracting pantie. The bride
was unattended. The oewi�' wedded
couple will upend a tapr-eakty►.,tlleks
fe1MAAk east before taking up their
essidenee on the gr sum's farm on the
tkh concession.
Allays Fever and Cures
Colds and Grippe
The quick, sure •etion of Kepbaldul
In reducing body tentpe•rature to nor-
mal health standard givers to this
great oral remedy an altogether
pried value in the treatment of
every ki of leve: and feverish cold.
Thou it. is jest being intrndu,.d
into Canada,1ty�pb.idol has been pre-
scribed by pbyslelan. and used In the
bo.pitals of (I t Britain and the Con-
tinent for many year*. It relieves
the burning beat and fulness la Use
head which room. with a gelppy'
cold -allays palet and whelk .acts.
the nerves, and brings that sweet
rest Wbieh mases spee,dieet Pe.toea.
For crow.. influenza. c•t:verb and
Nttsllarcomplalets 'manikin' 1. use.
quailed. A tablet or two when at the
drat indiratioa of trowble will unfall-
IoRty arrest development and r..tere
Get • 50e. tube of Rephaklol tablets
from roar drvop:1st, and be ready to
cheek • mold the dsy it attacks you.
k.q)hsidnI Limited. 31 Latour street,
Ours Is a High Posiln'
HE highest eosition a mercantile house can have is to bei-
the best in its class in the Community. The confidence
of the public is gratifying and is justified by our meth-
ods of doing business. Wt want your help in making
this position stronger, and herewith enclose "items of
interest" for you.
Dress Crepes
in the new weaves for the coning season. Never
(.'fore have we had ouch choice .harle.• and enter-
ing. 27 inches wide and telly 160
Champagne with rosebuds, pink. hello and
White with r.,se-buds. all 160
Drees Crepe., 27 inches wide, white with pink
or blue small fancy figures 260
Self Color ('rept* for dressiest. in helio, met,
sky and white. :27 inciter wide, only 1Io
Kimono Crepes, 27 inches wide, only20o
Colors, belio, champagne and kingsblue with
large flower patter ns. Remember, only 200
Reline Suiting.
Perfecto brand. absolutely fast, 4O4 ostially
sold at intra colors white with narrow pick stripe,
white with narrow black obits, rose with narrow
black strip., Tight fawn with narrow black stripe,
white with narrow bell° stripe, sky with narrow
black stripy Our price is 40o
Our isms Spring Prints are herr, Crest Brand,
gond weaves and last colon, Price • 1210
Embroideries Direct from Switzerland
A big .howing •nd prices never .is' low for such gfx,ds. Torcbnn, done} and shadow laces never sold
so low benne. 1Vidth. front 4 up to Pt. tic r wide. ow wanting i Id auk
i 1 Th ares rbou bee r stock.
Silks are x great feature in our cluck $100 is u le
�+ Silks
:it -inch Black and Colored sl cis1
price on this sill
It i, worth nuns ruoney4bought in the regular way. If you want an extra quality $Lis) Silk. come herr•.
Good Weather Favors Event and Many I
Tarn Out
Lintel weather favored the second
carnival of the eea.on given on Se:
Valentine's night, haat Saturday, and
the affair was very successful. There
was a good sized number on skates but
rather few in costume to what was ex
parted. 1'hr ice was in good condition
and an enjoyable evening was 'pent.
A unique feature of the carnival was
the grand march, which is alwaysnire
to watch by the specttator'. The
music, as furni•bet1 by the rink hand,
was better than usual.
The judges were Miss Hodge and
Messrs W. II. -Robe: two and H. K.
Revell, and the awards were: -
Lidice'. fancy dreas 1st, Miss Nina
Roberti., "Italian Flower Girl." '2nd.
Misses Jean Hunter and Marion Ler,
"Sisters of Charity."
:lents' fancydI.t, Henry
Kemp, "French.w-('ount." 'Jed, James
Hoes. •'Collegian."
Ladies' conic -1st. Miss Florence
DeLong, ••Mother Goose."
Representing • season-':nd only.
Mitt! Olive Allen, -Winter.-
Gents' comic- 1441, W F. Dunnadge,
"Hots." 2nd, Albeit McDonald,
"Weary Willie."
Hisioriral-1st. Harry Vallely. -Iro-
quois Chief." 'ltd, Albert Craigie,
"Yrxicxn. '
(litis' comic -2nd only, Hilda Wall -
hank, 'Topsy."
Hoy,' comic- 1st, Willie Sturdy and
Willie Babh, "Gold Dust Twins." 2ntl,
Alan Ross, "Colored Gentleman.
But Dodd's Kidney Pills Vanquished
Gravel, Diabetes and Dropsy
sundridge, Oat., February lath.
(Special). - Gravel, diabetes and
dopey are a terrible combination for
one man t) have. It merino that his
lite is in the gravest danger, unless
liar George Vanhoorer, a well-known
resident of this place, be finds the
simple and natural cure. Herr is the
.tory Mr. Vanhooser tells, and' all his
neighbor,' know every word of it is
Int, :
"1 had pains in my hack and mercies
lbs loin.. My stomach would swell, i
was constipated and 1 bad 'sharp ent4
ting pain, in my Maddest, which made
me sure that 1 watt suffering from the
tet riIsle gravel The doctor attended
me, bei 1 kept getting worse every
day. Others had told me of the gnat
gaud ikodd's Kidney Pills had done
them awl 1 determined to try then.
Six boxes mute a _new man of lite.
The people wbo have set out to
beat the egg trust to a rsstard will
sot tail If good wishes help any.
--Pnlltictans ought to make good
tango dancer.- they are expert side -
stepper s.
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates -the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Domestic
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Tehreheise Ida
Ridiculous Valentines
Last about as long in the memory as
poor Shoes last on tyle feet. Send
your girl a good Valentine and but,'
yourself a .mood pair of
The as tiara " is a Speciality.
A good I- tier.,) Discount on lines that are a little out of aate
Mi. 1 Mw. of Saskatchewan, has bees'I
visiting his uncle, Mr. Robert Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs .t►•chie Rycknan and
child are visitim( their numerous
friend. bere •std tattered Chiwelhnrat.
The)- have• fine firm of OMlacres near
Moose Jaw,
Mr. H. T. Johnston. of the Carnegie
institute, Washington, is here venting
his parents after a there ?ears' trip
:round the w.,rld and in south
Masten -a.
Mire Florence ale( iynrnnl „i. L,,,mr
again after • picasent month's visit iu
Tilhulyand l etreit-
On Tisesday, the loth inert . in Fill-
more. Saskatchewan, all l haat wa.
n,ort•I of the late Jams.. Fon let w:a.
laid to rest after a I,eig end .6-ri.snm ill
nes.. The der-e•a..*1 who was ,f'nephew
of the tare Mr .I,rhn Me evin and son
in-law of Mr..5. H. McLean, was nod! -
knnw'n here. Some'yeare ago he Telt
here for Fillmore. where he engaged
in the Livery t ssinpste and Inter in
terming. He w:t, a lnativc of \Ve•t
\\'AT ATIDAh. His widowed Mettler
lives in ti oderirh.
Tbe belie' of the u►ae4assar0 ...fort -
of Sethi'', Hill church intend holding
a *mord at the hour of Mr., Wilson,
Callow, on }'rids', March IPh. A
gond time is expected Admission,
adults 2'. cents, children 15 cents.
c'aned., lirnt practical Webb*
« hoc! Tares. apart aware. Galen.
(nal. Shorthand Land 'r
• caelestrilihlh
nes are th•.rough
Individual masts and'teat
!-One. ennea'. 1d Nag i Our Owen 'trade a
.tees . tee
rd, ude.ssssa7 eel,* at eel
time. (Tat our
fray estmegest
eta: we can do for and ~"
1t. A. It LA( ULAN Principal
Na -prate
aCcr'mpli.b their purpose
with ntaximtrm efficiency
and minimum discomfort.
Increasing doses are not
=3c, a boy( at your
Druggist's. ` 174
Cagree awe chewed
Beautiful hair °alae,. every woman
beautiful and all who desire to make
the most of their appearance shoubl
P•ya a•Isic to Prior. PKMHER. 01
Toronto, who will be is OODI3HLCHe
at the HanFonn Hurst, Witney.
D.AY. FaRRC'ART YSrti. with a yrs,
large stork of the latest styles on
hair goods to suit every lodividoai.
Led iea should nue our traasfornus•
tions. bangs, w•?es. swltebea. .'ie.
A r aaa demonstration to all.
Gentlemen who are bald call and see
The " PEI'5ER -. lightwe.ght Ventilated
' Toupee or Wig
which is the ,coat natural mth.titute for
one's own hair ever produced. Pan.
Perform will oleo diagnose fres of charge
all ca... of scalp trouble.
n not at)et any inforrna-
tins on sayf5il to Hveqeuiresad pertaigning to th,
Ladies woo .Milo* call, kindly phone.
or writte. and PRO/. Pinnate 0492 teall wt
your home.
we ember the Data