The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 2t; Tit regia T, Fen. 12 1914 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO WHEN YOUR SICK YOUR WAGES STOP You know what that ntr+m--m»ery- worry-big bills-debtI You know you can't afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means food and clothing for goat and ytau family. It is up to you taiga sem iti+tuPW you, whenever you t or right. to takt' something to make you right, to strength- en you, build you up, ward off worse sick- ness -protect you and -our family. That thing we have in RezaIl Olive (hl Emul- sion. In offering it to you, we protect you against mt.ney-mk, by personally prom- ising you that, if it does not restore your -health, we will give luck your money with- out word or question We believe it is the best budderot health, energy and .tn•ngth you can get It is helping many of your neighbors. If it don't help you, we will give back your moneyy. Metall (live (Hl Emulsion is composed prvtcappaallly of pure Olive lhl ani the IIypo- pleisphit.•s. Each has lung been endorsed by sutxxs,IuI physict.tna. lien they are tor the first time combined. The result is a remarkable nerve. blood and strength - building remedy that is both foie and medicine. For .til who are nervous, run- down and debilitated --no matter what the cause; for old peupk; for cuovalrscentt; for puny children. we know of n..thing that will give health and strength aoquickly as Resell Olive Oil Emulsion. It is a real builder of gond blood. strong muocles, good digestion. Pleasant to take, it contains nu alc.,hur ..r habit-forming drugs., If yam' don't feel well. eao,nomiz.• both money and strength by beginning today to take Rex;.11 Olive Oil Emulsion Sold only at the Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. $1.00. H. C. Dunlop, Phut H.. 1h-u,.igist, Bed- ford tisk, (lode. left f • adi rinse '(grnrgw T O R O N T O in Centre of Shopping and Hu.inc.w Dori. t. fel WOW - ten meth Private Bathe EvworaAs AND AYrlt/CAN PLAN A M Barts sestatgsat .. WAN. TMOY►ed1, eon FARM MACHINERY Robert Wilson, Massey -Harris Agent, has a full line of Farm Machinery always on hand. We have we think the cheapest and best laeoline Engines on the Market. Also conte beautiful Steel Ranges from Tudhope and And- erson of Orillia. Just;the thing for a tartuer's kitchen. Re have in stock Cutters Horse I3Ianket.r lumps (:ream Separators Milking Machines Driving Harness Ami 011P hermit° 1 and one other things. CuruP in and are us at the Massey -Harris Shop Hnmiltem Street a 0.W Ireev 0LD WATCH FREE. Wier ••••11.0. a Oret MO Tolobo roles . 1 111 owe reed. W dens De .+.. r a hew J.wlawr - Now seer to ..M.. w•. W . Vona sew. arises in e. ter woe .r e h�ler1Y I..41..� Dards. or fleets' Aaww. ...e see emet• eel to elm, Per is.. estewm we el - Pe nems. we I e. Oahe do mewleo INN nonwe eir.s�ur Owego ts.• 1 YI•a Y caw tie ewe re M mudW.e. Vet w 0.e tease bar we wag a P.. wore tee n twr•r -WILLIAM • I.IOTD. •11•1...•br• mot Ire a R Oseroa . aa•A Ionia, 1, GRAi DTDT'"NIc st'sT" M Low Rates To California, Florida and the Sunny South NOM IN EFFECT The Osrd Think Beltway N the troll alga route from all vents Baal 11101111rmathatanda via Chicago, Miegsglf�ys� wee Oi ssik ,* a ISOft Trw.k Qr.A'1 I A. . sthrt NIINt, fr Ins Timm Asses. Moms 1. f taww lona A. K BRADWIN EDITOR AND PUsuaams Tnt )br.c►t 4 p1. hoar t. (iOs la 4.. Tblireadnal3,4. rilrewl, tiuderk•b. llutarlg. Na Si sc near•1e1191..5 Taus*. Owe *liar ..d hyny Cents pew 'I1 d .trlally la advance Oise Puller wW be oeoeot.d Fiala ; N e brx/ber. to the United states the rate is Owe Maier and Fifty Cents strictly la dvsnes. Nwb.ortbere who Gall to receive TNN latuNal. reaalarll Al sell will confer • favor by aoyaalatkt[i eralb, feet etasearl &chinos r a chimer of eadreI. desired. and the new addter should be N/r.a may 1e made try bank draft. ���prr�eo� Amey order. po.t-olaes order. or raBilessY IWar. Subscription. Neueo,nmenos at A trvbrrtrINu Tinea. -thaw ear- W assure ad vsetirtmeotr win he Awes _Ie apptt- °mien. Leger aid ether theitairmiremeserata. tea cent. per Hee for dreg leesrtiow sad bar cent,. per Zine Inc each subsequent Ionortlse. M. a..un•.l by male afe of mild .onpar0l -twelve lines to an Inch. Ituslxa s earn. at ata' Harr and under, Five IMiler. per year /dverU.e- m.cat. of L.I. limed. Strayed. Situation.. Ye.•anI,M tnation. Wanted. House- for Sale or to Item. tares for rale et 10 Kept. ArtLotw for not ca0osdlmg sight line... Twenty it r r'rot - .•race lug.rtlon : e take Roller ter arst Mouth. Ylh7Comoro? each .ubt.rque.tmonth. Leraer dver(►went. 10 pretrwtleS. Aa- nnel.0emesm. In ordinary roasting type. Teo t'elite per lune. No colics Ire, than Twenty- O reCent.. Any d -.pdal uo.ioe, the object t/f which le the Ir.eun1Or benedi of any Idle id, intim association. to Oe considered an dt a Laeons.•.it and charged accordingly. .. ro1:Kr.erelsossir.--Tinc.0o4{.,.-rati-41 of unr sub...•. Iters marl reader. 1s rordfally 1,. 4* .0 tnw..rd.InOK4OCTKK $4..%5*.s wnek ly re00ed 01.11 lotto'. county and di.trb: donut-. N , cued, muukwttun will be attended to trete. it con- tains LAP name and .eldre.a of the writer. not uw•u•.aril) for p ebhn.'ion. but as an evidence of good froth. New- items should reach Tut: 11e5.m=tldtee, not later thew Wednesday noon 01 cath wank. THI.RSDAY. FEBRUARY herr, would be glad to alleviate their suffer- ings but the quest loo is. who is worthy and who Is not ? There seems to be only one solution to this problem which is to have an officer appointed whose duty it Is to investigate cases of this kind. lie could report oo each rase and the worthy could be helped at:d the unworthy made to work to support their fau,llles. If notal afros citizen, then as an inmate of the com- mon jail, fur it ie cet tahily a et itne for any man if he can get work and is able to do it, to allow his wife and family to starve ur freeze to death. HARBOR OF REFUGE Perbapsihere le no eiueeUon which hes some up for a cousiderable time bast which baa aroused such keen interest .m the establishing of a harbor of refuge. Not only 1oderich but the counties of Huron and Bruce, in fact all the town-. situated on lair rile of Lake Huron "mid welcome a harbor of refuge. All marines, of course, look With hltere.ting ryes on the project, and believe that the government can- not act tot) soon. The question is, then, where is it to he estabhehed ? Iv it (0 be built at Kincardine or Ooderich ? It is not tor us p.erhapt to any where it shall be ertoblish-d but all meet agree that it should Ise built Where it will do the moat good. At the ineluest last fall, lull held over the birdies of the drat Vic - t1111., 311 01' DP:tlly alt the witnesses. old and expeiiru.xd mariners, ea- preseed the opinion that it should be built here. • Kin':.ardine is greatly agitated over the -idea and 1h taking steps to urge ilium) the government the necessity of improving the barber there. The plan le a good one and if the govern- ennt can afford a large nukuuut of money on both harborv, well and gored. If not, it may be said. with all due respect to Kincardine harbor, this it whete a harbor or should be built, (iodericb has a large grain trade ;and perhaps a larger business in every other way than her sister town. The npiniou u( the sailor witnesses was that there was more trade parsing We port, therefore it was the beet place to establish a haven from the storm. Ih..•s not the disaster of last Novem- ber go to prove this ? If the report are true, the ,teatner Wexfcrd tried to get in here and rouldi.'t and more vessels foundered here than on any other part of the lake. A protection from the storm might have prevented this and why not have it prevented in future, without any more dillydally- ing ? THE MARKET QUESTION We hope :hat the market question is not dead. If it is, it is not our fault for we have done all in our paver to have a market rooalrlisb.'l lirtr. It is nr.w the duty of the town r.luncil to see that lir project is carried to a successful lame. hist fall a people expo. -treed thetuse'Ives tlir signal as being highly is favor. . Ilrtsrike rise are • ip , . -b . _. We may lie rather too optimistic but WO. eau not see anything 111 a market ;wheelie but euccew and prosperity to the town, . Furthermore, we 'relieve that .-very-county town should have Republic forum. 1t serves the county or should do so,- end if the comity town does not, the farmers will seek a market fur their produce elsewhere. Of course. if G,xlericb doea,not want he countt y trade all right, but we are sure its merchants du and the rountl•y people would like to deal with us, it we will Ilse• Utero fairly- and squarely :and give them pi ivilegei which they should have. We would like those who are oppos- ed to the market, scheme SO tell us if it watt nut the outside trade which built up (ireat Britain. The outside world came to her and she dealt with it and so derived her revenue from the same. What builds up any town? 1t is not the trade which is actually done in a t.1wn - until it gets up to the 1001,0011 mark -but the it which it is able to do witn the surrounding country. Asa proof of this, we would point to the fair city of Toronto, which em- ploys over *N)0 travellers. As a re- sult Toronto deals with the whole Dominion. It was not always able to do this and had its small beginning. Might not (ioderich attempt to do this hy starting to deal with the backbone of any toren, the farmers of the ediste vicinity? As we have said before, let us have a market by all means. THE POOR QUESTION it is pitiable, when one considers, that then. are some pseople who are in su-Ii straightened circumstances that they are hardly able to procure the necessaries of life. There was a gourd illustration of this, seen the other day when two men charged with steal- ing teal. atioted in police court here that they had to steal it to keep thelu- selvee and fatuities from freezing. The odea . f perishing from the cold is simply horrible, and hard hearted as we may have Leeome, there is 10111 a number of people who stand aghast when they ,orad newepnper reports of human beings freezing to death. Of course, at the present time if people choose to starve or perish by cold they alone are responsible, as in nearly all towns or cities there are relief ilep. tan rata either .'r is hrri- rate. But again there is a class of bigh-minded people wbow' circum stancts have perhaps in earlier year's allowed them to enjoy high, or at least respectable living and they feel that they simply can not ask for charity. Then there is another edam of people *prime principally from the inferior imrnigt ant Claes. wbn are simply lazy and useless. As a prominent resident pointed out to The Signal a few days ago, when they are given a rhaoee to work they rause ,and in many rases squander the stoney given them to bre used fur 114 feeding and clothing of their wives and children. Really. the relief of the poor le cer- tainly a vexed problem and one whish requites considerable thought and ron- sids,ation. No ',morose hearted man want. to nae people improperly clad or housed, and at the wain time he doss not want to give nutty hie mosey, wbl.h be sometimes can 111 afford, to be agmenderwl. There are many cease of deserving poverty --notes many In Godsrleh u other plass, we we glad to may-whieh U saes poop., knew about thess, they NOTES A robin has been seen in Port Albert. No doultt the residents of that locality will be glad to be "robbed" of the winter weather. - Mr. E. N. Lewis is introducing a bill to bar the Asiatics from (otuing to Canada. Certainly be does not believe that old saying, "were it not for the influence of foreign blood into Canada. the buffalo would diive the white man into the SL Lawrence. While the Mongolians may be first rate chaps we have enough of theta here now. ••• The Canadian Magazine has corn pleted twenty-one yearn of publicat' and is receiving congratulations on all hands on the attainment of its 'vnaiority." No other magazine in Canada has had nearly so long a life, and we trust the "Canadian" will continue indefinitely to bre the pre- mier publication of it, kind in the 1)uulini:•n, WHO WILL LEAD ? Conservatives of Ontario Worrying Over Successor to Sir James Whitney Toronto, Feb. ltd. With a function marked by the usual hrillience and formality, the Ontario legislature opened on Wednesday. February 18th. The comparative cunvaleseence of the prime minister cncourageel more gayety than would have been the case if Sir Januea had still been in s critical condi ion. It is generally agreed, however, that Sir James will he unable to return to active political life end the problem of eppoeiaii kyli...atrcc•Peeor is. nixing, 4. 5. 1 om.ervative party more worry even than the general puhlic would imagine. 1n feet, the Conservative members themeelvee admit a trace of pessim- ism. Hon. J..1. Foy will lend the house this sdsion, tett he does not want the poet permanently. Who. the will be the leader of the governMeet� The Conservatives feel so uncttr�'tamn ou abt it that they aro ui compthe present adoration In Ontario with that which followed the retirement of 81r John A. Macdonald in the federal field. The I'onaervative party after n few years of weak rule and dissen- sion went to pleree and a Lihera) government came into power. Hoch a breakdown is feared now in Ontario. Hon. Alain Beck will not serve under Hon. W. J. Hanna, nor will the bitter act under the forme'. In spite of bis undoubted elemental of n rength, moreover, thence are increasing pro beets against the selection of Mr. Hanna. Not osty is be still under the shadow of the Prxdfoot cherd which established s betimes eaOP ao- se the stkand ., baeknd up hy his own admbeies, and which admittedly waw not mems a bit investigation, but he Is also eor�wmtion dounssl for the fitandabd d) totewsta In Ontario and this 1 t Net aloes* le mi silos aag�attaatthe selection o= a man for the position of pets Allo. LINCOLN'S DAT Whet is knows w I*u.•olo's Day all over the United States was observed Wet Thursday, February lath. The following tribute to hls memory has been w rifts for The alp; nal by a dis- tinguished writer, who prefers to be known as • Vuamow and dhow poems The Snal has the ezcl.asive rig1U,. to publish. Tribute to Lincoln Theme of 1 he .es. who woe bora In humility ; Hen will 1 shag Ina bleak northers clime ! idouree of h1. birth in octant's asatLul. Nurtured In strewth. :rub aid w redoi,. sub 101.0. %%. rico u. the made thou dlde't print thy tint letters, Ned was theist/Mire i-rovokleg • star.. luveuttai eiseriet.,d new use see it.. heelers. Were lou.euert germ as emollient halm. 1.1ke t'Ineinuatu.. when J.:7.1td call thee; Thine was the Intellect ; thine waro the era; Thein i. the lib, fall fame, dear to the mem- ory: Fireuly'ti, IodSrnd lbere--a taptmVu. palm. There while the Negro w -a- seouri;ed And tor- mented Or sold into bondage by human hell htrond'. Moth v Irt tie end courage were being cemented. And rase lo a bildirb. which awhile knew nu ho.ud.. For Into the melee all Oar's,- and ready : There ..rood a penal champion for Irx;tom of sl.. e : 'rill thr da,.tarlly melee with aim -un and .I 00.3 y Had rw•e,1 a life with tLebleesaog It gave Hat t hl ss wk wittily, on though thou art de' t.arI04 ; And .prix.; lets bloom ... refreshed by earth: 1atthe worship of Xat- mon.'ad nit it im- parted We. not of thy creed, nor through thea hard tt+ birth. Adventty- offspring, We ore• -t rho-. • hero : .%rad wor.hip the shrine ao id•.Istrou.. stn e )f him, w ho oppre.aiw, ' sd sunk blow cera : tnd..ith 0..e tour!: a •.a. u0.. mole all the world kin. , tan.mnn and patriot o..e G -)d t- our Fat her Strife mat oppr..-ion, oro bury with him' servants of )1 .mew you- canting loiterer 00' drag 101 he ef+a.,.t and hurl o.. 1:. brim. And Into the depthe let tl,e +culrevere, ion ; 13.• hulled foray.; so it never may rise . Kr1ng new Int , life r.:a1:'s opera. ion' That .i u.nce may "ow :y1.1 a Iigho•ou. .wtr •. Iti I o-1110.. Ottawa JYotes jj Ottawa, Fr b. 10. Mr.E. N. Lewis, of West Huron, has given notice of the following re,olutinj : '•Whetatas, a new nation derives its whole character and hos its whole Nolte determined hy its tint settlers unless suhee.pnent immigration is allowed to be so azten- sive and Indiscriminate as to subs merge the original character of the population. the most important ele- merle in a Dation heiug the funda- mental fibre of the race. ind where- as, the United States population, which was until 1480'in the main recruited frow the came sto,;k as Canadians, has deteriorated since that date in the mental and physi:al :attributes of its citizens solely on account, according to its own official reports. of the im- portation of inferior immigrants from southern and eastern Europe. "And whereas, crimes of violence have increased in Canada of late chiefly among vicious foreign imwi- grant", many thousand* of whom are now out of work and out of food in Canada, largely owing to the cessation of railway construction, and very u►any more will be likewise unem- ployed in the near f"ture, since rail- way construction 1.0 a large scale is almost complete, "And whereas, one of the main climes of the high pike of local to plain people is due L. under -produc- tion and to the fact that few of the vast number of immigrants of recent years go on the laud. 'Therefore, this house considers it wire and in the int3rest of Cau.adian nationhn.uf, and as a trustee of the rights of thaw who come after, that the immigration shell he restricted to thou• who belong to the producing claws or who purpose engaging as do- mestic help. and that n.IU%es south of 11 degr'ee's of north latitude and east of ill degrees of en•t lonvitede in Europe, and from Tui-kev and cele, shall be, to far as pracdtolyte, barred from Canada.- - _ - - - Eulog zes Signal In renewing her subscription t..1he Signal Mrs. !1. (lay, of Lang. -Kas- katrhewan, c.ilogires this paper calling t the gruel old lignin and declares it is like a letter from home each week. you have$I OO Motor seee in the See ego Ranh r I per eat. i • we.br.1y giving roe** mhos .1 •he.lei ...red..:. d •.ieb.7....d..r sell deed Oew.s .f Tat eft* 11111 ISM - • per Cent. DcD1urcs Theo a.. iw�t..rele •w ... T1..7lyse meow& f •Tice• ergo 0•eorous gaudy. *mews ho or.Liot see ma* wee sl at_of e.a•l ore. wwwwlydwgedd IrdiT •s •.., the gowe•lowie i rs oaf emir ms .M. way ..,•s ne ramp Capital - $2.100.0s0.00 Asee- - =s$1.11011.1100.00ilt. is r. rieZolle"IDrig.s wage wg ►r SEVERE BROICIIAL COM Doctors Fasted Lung Trouble; Restored to Health by Vino'. The medical profession does not be- lieve that lung troubles are Inherited. but a person may inherit a weakness or tendency to times Mrs. Kate Heckman. Spriagf.Id, Ohio, says: "A few years ago 1 w'1. In a very bad run-down condition, and the physician told ms 1 bad consume. Bon. 1 tried another physician, and he told ms I had ulcers on my right lung. I quit the physicians and started on 'VInoL' Today 1 am perfectly healthy, and that L why 1 recommend 'Vtaol'." Vlnol soothes and heals the inflam- ed surfaces -and allays the cough, Vinod creates an aRpet tee strengthens the digestive organa sad gives the patient strength to throw of In- cipient acipient pulmonary disease.. Try a bottle of Vtnol with the un- derstanding that your money will bel returned if it does not here you. II 4'. Dunlop, Druggist, titxierirh.Ubt, GJDERiCH TO LONDON ROAU Movement to Connect Two Important Centres by Radial From the London Free Po -s.. A movement iii again on tout in tindericb to revive the Ontario Newt Shure railway Monaco is and to build this road to Loudon, where, it would obtain con nee' bin with the 1. radon :Ind fort Stanley railway and thus have a lake nutlet Ai .i her cud. (.ste- t irh and i'ott SO entry. The West Shore charter covers the London-to- Goderith proposed torte. -The movement ie the outgrowth of the hydro -electric scheme launched by Hon. Adele Heck and which seems to Ise taking hold of the rnuuicipalities through out the Niagara power telt. Between London and lJrderich there be a district Oil miles long by from 111 to :10 mile; wide that is not served hy a railroad of any kind. To the rest of this large piece of territory is the Huron and Brum branch of the Grand Truok and. un the eolith is the old wain line of the Grand Thunk. On the north the Goma' Trunk and Canadian Pacific railways operate into diodes ich. But the bike shore country is wholly v'ithout railway facilities. It is a thicklmaiopulated and rich farming eountrf, withnuutlwrsofgoad villages 'courted through it. Theme municipalities, it is under- stood, are anxiously awaiting an . opportunity for organization and It is; pn.hnble that an engineer of the Hydro -Electric commission will short- ly report at to the feasibility of such a railroad. There is some hope that the govern- nient will p;uarantee the bonds i11 hydro -electric railways that are air proved c.f by the engineers of the commission. The approval of the engineers will be given only in cruses whew the pr)po.ed railroads give sufficient promise et being paving propositions. The govern- ment guarantee would enable money to be burrowed at lour per cent., an advantage which probably could not in any outer way be obtained. An electric railway frow Uo derich to Landon would no doubt desire to be connected up wits the city's railway for a right-of-way, as has the London and fort Stanley railway, into the heart of t he business centre. Furthermore, connection with the electrified London and Port Stanley railway would give the 6odericb line access to Lake Erie over it modern and direct route. The Loodoo and Port Stanley railway being the only freigh line which runs into Port Stanley and which has freight connection with the Canadian I'acitir. the Gland Trunk, the Michigan Central, the Wait/rah and the fere Malgoette, would be an invaluable connection for the proposed (lode 'ch -to -London line. Freight from rltn rue all p0 u arriving on t k ds would )' delivered direct 4o the vel- t BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES Jages and municipalities through wbich the (ioderich-to-London line would operate. Witt n connection of this chareetet• every point nn such a line would be almost in as ptood posi- tion from a shipping standpoint as though upon the plain line of any of the hig truck lines. The benefits to le derived by ()oderich from s',ch s connection would ba enormous. W. ACHESON & SON 1 An Advance Showing of New Suitings Some early shipments of our best Spring Hutting+ have srrlved and are now 0D display by us : New Blues. firey.. Nays, etc.. in WVhiprotds, semen and French Tweeds. :daterials are beautiful and patterns veryseat. Priced per yard 31 .00. 31.25 and *1.50 NEW PRINT Hundreds of piece. of Crumb's famous Primte. Colors warranted Light, Mid and Dark Colorings, at per yard 1410 uud 111, New Embreifieries. Caabrics and Laces LADIES' FUR COAT No. 1 Muskrat (`-oats. lined wltb best Satin. $•'dt()CI, for 11111110.00 Hest English Heaver ('loth t'oats. W rsri.bnt lined and with Sable Collar and Ret en, $10.00, far. 1130.00 Beaver Clots ('oats, walked lined. 8gbie('oiler, 4126.00for *15.00 STOLES, SCARFS sad SHAWL THROWS of Sable. Munk, Persian Lamb, ad now at from i to eft register price. LADIES' MUFFS : Moak. Sable. regular $6.5o. $ .se sad $$.i0 all at each 35.00. MEN'S BLACK No. t DOG COATS with Black Lamb Persian Collar. Clearing at 322.00. CURTAINS Twenty pairs S-.ltingluuu Lace l urt-.ine, :r' inches wide• 31 yards long, Ilm..bed top and bottom.:l patterns only -very tine and beautiful quaint) Keguler pries is till per pair, for this advertisement woe thew at per pair .1.35 W. ACHESON & SON WOMEN CURED /T ROBE Woolen's disorders always i • e from rho very beginr.tns of •,.• tr.atrnent to the mrd. but - tire, action of Orono• L11y. Wart a two or three days after .rommerg Its use the Improvement bee. •... noticeable, and this improaec,.:,t continues until the patient le •r1.- pletely cured. Orange 1.11y le an applied or *oral treatment. cad wets directly on the womanly organ,m- otoring the cots etlon, teuing mid Nrer.g. Ae pe the r nerves, gad r storing' >eefset eirculallow•ln the an ss disease f parts. In ender to corvine* atf rtatr wosMn the lv.toe of this remedy. I will send a 15 -tent box, enough Inc ten derv' treatment.' tbso;uteiy FR!!U to t -s. -u lady rending me her address. MAS. FI1ANCmf a. CURRAH. Wormier, Ont. s For cele hb; leading I)ruggists everywhere. rDUSTBANE1 puts the se's (ease) in sweeping 1'I' KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP -DAY Cleans Carpets Brightens Floors Order a tin today at your grocers or from your hardware man Don't ask for sweeping compound SAY DUSTBANE Girl Frozen to Death Rev. I. A. McKelvle, pastor of the Ethel Methodist church, has received word from Holutfield, Manitoba, that his niece. Mies Muriel McKelvie. aged 17. wee lost in n blizzard there a few dove ago and frnzen to dent h. ficr brother Fred. aged t 1. had Loth feet and his knees severely frozen. . TeX'mhu s i ly► the1. sink Wawa /re oehool. when the atone etwi led, and bad three miles to go. Before they had traversed half the distend-, their cutter ani Morse got Kuck in a snow bank. An encl., who bad been to town far chop. came over the saute mad shortly after. He found the horse and emitter. but could find no trace of the oees- pants. The father and neighbor. ton great risks in trying to locate tlbss, brat all to no avail. Next mooring F'r-rd struggled up to hie 'mete'. ben.., whieh fa del the ^a - joining tuna to his fatber's. He ,and 1e sister, be said, bad lead along no foot together, after the boere and cutter stock In the snowtank. At last Muriel could go no farther but ?refl. hoping to get help baek to his sister In the to save her. hustled en in the dark until be was text ex banatPd and ?roses to go farther. Nn etuuth4d against • straw stack, which proved War to be on bis uncle's ' aboutNO yards Irelim the bourse, 1. Islt esessseioo ▪ Wh.fi M Rieoveesdi k was inorrtlsg. Marasewhd ass sr 4awy ta�eg Sha bilvvaeu and osld, d hi�tit to Ow hares. Shortly after ams of the hunting parties found Ilwrial on the prairie lying face downward hooses to dant b. The aesnbers of the bunting party eon great risk.. of bolas loot'thew ideas and nearly a/ tit these had !heir 1 IMO To begin with, it is perfect. To the end it remains perfect -the Edison - Blue Amberol Record No musical -mechanical triumph has approached Iii te- markable invention of Freon. The new o0. erai`sa of which it is made catches and holds tate sacral beauty of tone of the wo,Icrs rested agar; ocdteftras cad ballade, and holds it after you hove played it ora 3,000 tines. The Blue Android is a pen. of rue FAiss brit band II4, • pewit prank/Ay sakire.kablu law. Yemen. walesse sishier. record first •nlptsdress : as - smstag way film eft el the per formers. Dail mise tum •4psp" unify to hew 1 pipped at same rise recap trple ami Ihassii us sold by J. F. THOMSON, Goderich 1