The Signal, 1914-2-5, Page 6x_-
• rBCSIgTAT 1,11tti .•% 1114 T8 E MITAL GiODERICH ONTA 0
GUARANTEED RELIEF • /" �� Ptwflfs. Aar a r.rp tla a 111 rot � oal fAs Oss6d.r. w ...It...4 tool comm, lldto om twcr Ung 1• ! N.� 2a
ralesatlob of tar ws.ets. making Ilbe sal ugly a lJa&&da Ityt niraaad: cent- w t tion( tN Uolteld 1/tatos tf0
FROM All 80wE1 IILS SII Of COI CaOC rlbwago" deprwi&Ul is wcurt. Na of Q.I.wat (hero Ftss retires sonans. li gf.r tapwlttl1oo�� 2a � fMFe ar
lien, and provid ng fur all bad &&i MbarerNdom Mela cent There is thus a total Iscre&se of tura) products of dor ooyt rte ata'
doubtful debts, yr.0 will be t • • • per cent., ma mgatnst is per ant. In culture, horticulture, ry fn apg_
►fers•'d 4. (stain I,NO 24.O7T,2M N mttter•1+ }lane_
�t It four buw.l. arc uul art utdat, iatWa.l I _---- • kaon that !taw Utrawaarea resarmlx:r.J ywetaea• . •- • • . .. 1,1{2 2,011,!00 the previous year. The total aum- try, fish, ••Erse, Its., "t 1N
of u.Ffl� some har.h salt or other physk-. the staff, to whose fallhful anJ Yuitime tta,viworl' Its (,[71,630 Lor of Immigrants, December figure displayed, We understaad tih~�eA
t&ka 1, Resell (►nkdie t ht, and Wmor- 1 w� • I Wasters Provinces 124 2"7N fa
owl R rt of the Pimice� y sealous eKotlx our rutcesr Is Ixrge,4 &gala betas •ettmsleQ was 417,70!, u the lalaatlon u[ tM Governme•t
row you will ftel t. Ther ta6tt gtaoaF + a a vw _ dile gnlurs claslrtg tM bw,1u a nude jUragat Urltr,a ..... 1,723 2,211.0$0 compared with 2!6,201, the rrvl••d make lh4 uw of the Lyt sv/bfl t"
( HlttteEd a t.. .... ON
oldaetOOtfadllr ttlplrein"tmPoreirle .L- ataathl 10&7 se/ aslae out ul rho (Jtwwalos 2OO ;tOOtte uros fur 1!i!. The toll for 1112 b that ltaa ev0r 11No pl&u0i tatters �e
`-iping or ionfyitf((:'rn+t the at lPlSli1• ) - .., _ of life , - . . yeasts earnings and disbltwtei as r matte up as ronowst Beltlsh, 1s0.iTl: PwtYe in the tNwest of tills collet
I.,•as• test that /allows tht taking of nit. twaats leavlag thus declartet ael pat,- • —1 -- Palled "late&. 115,1!05; all other noun- We tura to IM Clearing House �r«_
0,000 j16,0M,000 (rise, 115.031 These f1 res aPe tw os with onus" Into
itlF y ng yar pwfr gw aqi■ real ut sued a
xnt tort fo Thr iaotheandthe [hen • tits 22.026./;110, nd rint• Thera has bred & widespread sglta- el ueat In eaphlnitag the eundllluss timer tM
the'•.w,•1,, irn aptly nhcving the const ual Meeting of Shareholders � un lA•a t'rPlla and Reef «,mw,a.d u..n to the ('enrol Western Atstrlct ofu. ur h.rin trade. the total of wAlch 22 Ci&a thf Pres i In (wbndar s,:
pec, n, ntakir ri unlikely to ocxur again swrountlw enable.( to DaY Lvlienda I pP,aK,f seed for greater fur tAr yrsselt
Y lu th, su
11'-dort't l,e tt•vethere isanyotherbowe: g to 21 tW.000. In,'luding lM year endlbg March, 1113, le&vleg out ten wJtA records fur part
rcri, •1 anywhere ttecar es cx,d, and at the Tuff ay 13th January 1914 usual dividend At the rate of lu per 1 fackigNation of the chloro of farmers I the billion mark fur the first time, be- of tAe year only and comParinn the
Y g went yes asnum. ..rad extrA leonine to sccommwlrt:un from the brnkr, Eng i1,04b,17S,000. TM Imports were f19ur•r of that 30 In operstlon
eau, Untr s,, easy anal pleasant t0 take a. y 9 Lut aar,aUt,►t-na dors nut aupyort vrluPd at 6tI,24S.000, and the ex ago, w'e find that there have hoo, ".
dfvadrnafu o[ 3 Per cent (or the y,ar; t ports
Rex.: I orderlic.. R'e know you will bgrC, -- - - 4 end en leve per c t, hu re th:a, wr , this contweuun, .0 far as III.& Yank :a at 1113.132,000, ■how'ing the largest ex- Inrreasrs rein len decreuls^s during thus
tlj t , concerned A rrrefailly yruysred cess u( imports we had ever h A Yom• as .omparrd with Increases Ie
8rttil us and believe• volt w thank to for rI•t» forty-seventh Annual Meeting'0i'ebh of Mosang Webb, Read. Regan, I shat) mainLaln this rat" until llt-• Rest 'rtarrnt«nt of the business of this Yank + ever (`Iraring House the
you about them. If they dont sat w twee, the t`tapn r1, and lMreaftar namely, 1-!4,711,000. In the six t pr,vi,,,,s
of the Aharroholdrrs of the" Canadian 11Calliaghrm ! Co.. Montreal atnd Winni- , lin Itis their Wtstsra Vnnvaces ahuwa meet d iM current iteral pear sad-
` yew to etrery Ay Come back and tell 1pat, and Mr. Jatmws Marwick. C.A., of ranks lin+ perman.•ni Lrrlr 12 per flat P•'s't•Pntag•• art tetAil Jr 1 fl0 Pear• The Invrease, in the total 1s I Y;
we a" l we will ave back our mon with• Rank rat Commerve aat held fn the pua!ts tu, Ing flwptember, the complete flxurrr Per cart(. rr agalnat 21N per .Pnt .,
g Y News Yarwlek, Mib Mll, Post! Co., era L, with whatever :advanlag• may total loan■ In this d.strtrt to be 6555 year alto. increases ap[war Iq
ver a w„Pal uryursLlUn. fou jape RO reason h:anking honor at Tnronlo tn•rhY. 13th Yuntrexl, as Auditors of this flank un• come with extra Karxt fortune, I per cent.. whach normal, that for every fur wh:rht have Genn Vu Ile pro flim fl th«
to+w'otaw when we a'r ou then rtul[• January. 1914.:u 13 o'clock, der the In our last Rerort the u nt Parcae- i s o sums tat to import Ia the ince Flun Kuna of sewn Basvn sad !het,,
gt S' Pte ' provlelhe of suA-so.•tlnn 10 0[� �,i un.• Uulrr ub dryoau !^ flu• 1•n,v- o[ rxW.ra to Imports, sad ■Ince Rep- Western rlllPs, and Jn•1•eases In thru,r
ill', .ts wr hcock tin to t;-. l0,2 at our TGr F'rrstdrnt, tier I:Jmund R'alkrr, sPTle ori of the ,it, Act. arty l ar t:m,IdlnK :En rcterw,un of th,r 'm ,•s wt IPnd tw , .\ rumil"Atiun of of a•Ighl Western and two F•
oak In an buy ettilOrdeli 1only” Th The Antnrad :End agrurlea of the Head offs... and Turvnto ltranch pre- I It's (IlRaralr a,f the bus,mwE of this !•amber a gn•As n our expo t has take eftler. After the phenomenal Inc�r�n
YoucanbuyRexall(hricrbeconl} .t The Taaing taken the rhsir, \Ir. A. At. t�j(lm,k iu rynada. UEr I'nitrJ 14IxtPr.+ Flank to 14askat••hnwart made &t tIt, gl Pltit As to wr sal dui g err nay
r 1 1 Trimer w•as appointed to nit a0 APcrP-!Great Britain. Newf^nndland. and Yex-iMont wad retrrrv•,1 b,; &rad Fatrrnfo- 1r Khd to report an Inrn•ase dune( this F^ 1!!S we may hP tlaA that wr AYaM
jttul Storrs, and in this town on y of us. menta lac, rincl• ttaJ h, Gr made fur eyust of the Roy&1 t-ammlarwn urI r1oA in every group, white there has held our own In 1913. Sluntre„ g, •y„ -
tar) and 51+carr. Aemilius Jrnlg and rate, :and tAs Jrfuartmrntr of the Ifemd the temporary• accommudatiurt of rum, •\4nrulturaJ l.Yadu apP.-.nted Ly the pt ionto, and Winnipeg. threw ,iti.b
, e(fl,o have undercoat.• the usual thur- I Kaskauaahowan Government hien a Ae••rrlose !n many of the classes
H•C- ock.Wk etielt . L[uFlti•t, Jird- tdward t'runcn weir atWuaated 21Eru- uush Ins {oPYanmrnM of the ! ank outside the o, f m' of !m whMh a.wrnt (ur T
(l pe•rtlon Jurint the Yrs r. 1 twn•rntagr .,( tarmrri l,yn+ to farm- I Wrti' tutni, all ■h,,w Fncre s�r fit' of tA..
ford block, odeyich _ tlePrr+. I Prearnt Lulldln N'r ora uuw leas.•d We again draw attention t., the large
F The I)irecturn wish :again lu eaVreas g' Y ,rr' drPawl[r fes rAw IYuvlao•e as :Tt!f i The building permits of thus four
Thr President called uq,n the their :appreciation of the efficiency and I4, say that w.• Aavr purchutrd the yes rant., whir the yrr.entap• of ;Ka,fs,rti„^ of our Unpurtr, w'hl.•h Cun-
a HYDRO WIRES BREAK I Fe,•retary t„ read the 'seal own by the ofrwors A the Rank two properties adjoining, and will I'AMerr' loans to total de writs w s vista of Iran and steel in varlous form °. stili■ a:en• as futlowc
.\anu:al RPpurt 8di t a s,
-- - of the DirP.•tur+. .,s f..Iluw•. In ileus [ortnnn:in..e of their duties, pat,c.wd to consider pllans, although ay 21 per .ens. TAis m, an■ tAxt fur nut only a.. raw mal, -rials, but rs mad- a tl11 1913 1y;-
\LF:XANIrF.It LAURA, woe do nal expect t„ make much pro- every d,Alar whi.-h the farmers ut of&ctured gn•,ds Thr total slur Is Montreal .. ..111Ja1,,as.00
Wa:lra Ontario m Uart.^ores fur �aDJ Rt�� General ]lanatrr. Kress tnwA alt.•nnit or erecting :a Jarkatetlraan have 1• Toron,o .. .. 24.774.00 7101
.lel 2:,an,wM
Thr l.. .s
C)irrrs t . f- to Peven t r„- the W Ited with us, atx,ut 3I t0,000,OW. May we nn• r more N In Palp-at .... t? U*.00 30,4�,tp ft,63Lwr
Hoer• $h:arrfialdars the t'IctY-seventh An- 1 It. F.. R•-\LKFIt. GWldfng for esu ..r three F?Pis_ loss's we herr lvat them n••arty' Lhree.: Wdnt out that in the main these are \•al,,.,,uver ... (T,r,S•.tgs 1!,
h mill 11cport, rot -•ring the )-Par .rdh,m t T'rr.IJent. have ac•iuin•d proprrry In S\'im� r, Thearr fa.•ts +huuld -•unr:nrr thus•• m- article. used In bulldlnir. ur In ,-,lull,_• 3tw@w N,Y-'S,)us
fi�'dlo l-ok, mac offfcr.t throughout ±11th Nucernh-r. 1912. together with T-. A. I.AR11 a)ntarin. whirr a auituGle ,office build- termed to this Imaurtani sub ea•t Rte he%. made the rat
for proven r wwAi of7 ter nearly eight Vlcr-PrP Aiden t. Iraq will Lr ries ted Juring the .om Gtg J ping ih.• r'Iantry b.r Ira furor , and mp&rlaor, f•,r
the ur•uil Atat••m-ant of Assety and th.,t our fxrmins coal.-na,ts have ... rr that su,•h pun•h;aaes dicer in etfr,•t; thrr” )exra in view of the contne.,i„n
hours oil Nttulday night ar the tvxult i-i:.hilltlPs: 'R,ronto. 13th January, 1914. year, and are also, atpgag,d in plan- Kevernusly treated by tiro tenon the• Impost of fondatuffs and oiler w•hi••h hits Taegun In some cities. Tur_
of test• vit is on tileItalia trantonislionI Thr balan•, at .rr,lit of � ning the ,reellnn Par an ad.•.ruate The dv,•runial revision of the Hank rapidly perishing objects' Ae Ui�°ntu h&a lust kept euro, nod 181,• I ,
liar, r ire ming out Low �1&Rat'a Profit and Lass Account Iteforo m-whic the adoption of th, titillating in the a'!t) „f Qurbee. 1n Act was an Important feature u! the .nam, tint•• w•• regret that the creat• -r ''lin.. fn Winnipeg it trifling .I.,_
FoUs, sn,. in r rt under the rum-' hrnn }:i M-woirt, the President called upon the both thou last rtwwr-m of Par!!amrot. A mast
1P g iia ght tarwarA fYom pli6rrs It was :absolutely part of these Iron nnJ ntael K„ods Is mark.•.1 runraalm a In \'n n.,,,,vr,
bttttd prt.rutw of sleet and wind. rand ( Lot veer note ... .1 7^1,571 b ' "'ora! Man.,grr [u address the nrc-•ss.,ry to pr„cid.. fur our iruwlr.g of I-V Ing rxam:nrlinn & td die,•ussi,n nut nwJr in Canada now. as certainly and this nn doubt represents .oadi,
PI I Thr net ,Sh Errb•,Iders' bWinrs. hank I•remines account of ,a'rrY ''onrrivaus ph t -r of bank- ,,.,ll r..• the case In t:m••. Tu the ra-
fallio wcross ell !br other witr�. thus+ pmfgs for the tions fn m.1nr ,toter Western .,t!.a
Year en.ttas :11th oto• 1119 Rs It affeo•ts th.a enuntr> eaultrd In Montrepl, however. there is , •'at'
M*Iiting A obtart circuit. Thr eltrtt'ic- General Manor Jer's Addreee nous oatanda :at 31,:81,!31.00. and tint I,• w hl'h, lay making them., g,w)ds Kt
In • mrr.•ure rvldrwtl)' gra edlw,•t mcrrase in value. :anhnush th.•
Ila txihd flirt wt tJ,out eiz v'rloek in iamb r. after prooubt- We hale clnsr,l,liar c,cco,tnts for the: In thlA cunnectinn ar would dinar rho 11".1 1 of meeting even r••a.,"_ la t*A nada, w•• could have lessened ;he I„r •,f p.•rmk■ is rartlrAill the• n.ceq
far all bid an.l doubt- I Your ;artentb•n to the Item of SY7+.• sl,t,- r.., ! A••lot rrprenented by the securities weeI P S sem••,
tits ereo'tng;. Five U'inutre Jatef it fu: drhu, nmountel to. !,193./Si it!Pnst year and haste plr:uaure and -!15.61 in the btAtem••rrt ,•..,def Rrtl iutr,mr:a, and the Art r K••n- have sold to p:ay fur the dUferene- I,.._ {Th•- figures fur %innineoll alw;,y. ,.,_
Came en again and ra•asained (ut about I IA;!y f,•a ,rJ.• I as x piece of unusu- elude lair• suborns, the Gull yin
half orobt,W, Titrellu,.cutleol iAdtxl —' - satlttacLon In presenttnt you within'raltate. This !n••loules GAnk prrmisra all. tavern Imyur!r and eapurtr, w's hrtP K ,r,
2 3,TN.S:? ”, ac- y 900.1 :etf.slauun. Thr must Prom- { which last Year IA rayl to t
away Alingrtifer, and every .cit and Thir h.. Fen .nppfopn- _ stafemrn[ of the n•aults of -the n:utk'a lutred by th.• atta:al,raRullnn xlth !r.en, -If t!:e my licolur.s are the tar bnrd••ned ourwlv••v for A loot tint•• to m&le ;10,0• 11:In•rt-
]] the 1•;u-,t,ra Townshi Malik. whtrh'� ) :.,: h,• .•r.•r:aun ..( a .'rn'in.. cum.• t)( r„urs,. whrb) workmen are. >V•� In valor.
U,w•n in \lunicigtral I:hrtric•al A -+roti- newel .• falb,wa husrna•ts, which you will reatrie is the i'•a i
will he disposed of fn Mut court-• .Ft IaiulJ Rr•rerve. and the a :,r Godly ”"1630- in oth,r thing.a, as they Thr •nmtom. t l our Car.. 11,:
Dil,adrnJs Nu.. 1A1, DtS, best rrcofit In It.. htrtoyy, and ahuulJ ftP's°atr^ext have 1..•,n to (:anada, it may be said I'nlb•d litatre. :and F'rtghsh ol►:,.,.,
ati-wa - too r rrwalke•1 IG durkbr until - cunsfdrrabh' mon• (hra the Mr k .�u.l::urs ! ar the 14J.,p nd,nt rx mI
luurty two u'ebck !turd&c Ipolnenl(, I(K and i0. oro tin per ; !Ie a source' [ krttifle4tion to the val1w. With thin .,not the• mum% 1 In'ari.-n of basks that t!..y .ire nut available for ,,,erre' upu^ the trade and fh,anclnl sitautU•,n
e4 t. per -annum ..... 3 1.Stw.040 N t. sal.• _ c;..aNy par forth that i krait.•e
tonne df un, Per Ian,. KharobAdery and those avticcly --n- from firm to time• wnrte:i off flietirt I Its elm of w4a: has bee^ arcom- wnrk'!n .rant atilt steel, lots: n+ noun a.
ntilroad kind other Gui:ding lesser:+ in tO repeat /e enc [arm their rang,.,
InitaortantCltante! ie p:ay:able Is: June . :4 A)4 Q0 rtged in !tr tdminia.ratia,n: PremiA,-r wr •h'Iu,d L• ibl - k r,.: p::,T. rl Iu spite .at r.: many .adverse in- Nuns. (t may ata 3rr11, M)wec.•r.
Canadian Pacifi Tran Service, n^^lis 'nf one per err• 'thin ac-vunt within n•.,, null:• l,uttn.:s flu.•n," sad rakitul Into a.,•unnt I:n volli^t not' In the aggregate tint in
t C There •:ern em:urh difficulty and an -1 AUtI h•,w .,.:r :,r„ cert ••+ .I: .al,. Ir:atura. dneir,A:t,,a t,. I.s,k "at ,:I, pn,poruun to ,-6or industries, we may s,P•h x JiMetilit dons• to ram r,•. tt'.
taY•aWP 1st 11ea• 1:0,000 00 1 �',r•ght 1:QP - .In- .,.trot ,s cnncrarly Ax possible, T
'('rain 1\io. i, form•fjc lravili (or- I Wrltt•'n' off Hawk lY •. torPMsit)- in th^ �r-r•rat fin uu•lal r •r!rn ,t••:• } r• f t':.• r ••f thlata after vx n V" that a • shaft ',e algl•e ii) ro.,ke tn� world hots two problems before tt' . 1.
VotoY.:atr .m.. arrive inmi &iaolI mis.-O S00.0se y'slhrata"n, 'n tbv close of 191: to make :r. �P-assed thn.u,rh A trying Ver:o.f. .l Canada the larger tart of ih,. in,h
p too '• y T»nrfes ., us , ,re t at the br innon ori n.It eas SI, -f-Ir, am wha, tfae .•.wn • . flow to rrnd,r avrdlablr a taupply of
a m., lar triers trot ,nrwrhy with- F.'i to I'rns:nC : pI henxn' g g Thr rnn,lled m••:nik r'I of Ih• . .I! Y in-- ager: t sem now iMporttd- Tt>`e
1 1 tilos a •wr trill bnnK 1{ a art• :n, !.c e•1 I of try sutfl nm, torr Ihr .arr> eras oar
diene- Fund tnnnu.: enn;nb,r� 4'asl year. 'Qan:Jfann had s•amI• !,.,,,y nurnb.•r ; 54n, ut .ddltlu� of �U [ :ncr.asrJ out wt o[ our coal ar 1' iron of su.•h ph)si. U L••ttrrrnentr :.• mare
Tttain.No.4, Wioni-! tion, . S0.0” N; reason to h -,.r• fur An e.trly return tolFlnrin4 the year. .LI Acenid.,nee whit he thoug}it that with the .n-rr t : minis, of ,tor hiaat furnaces, •ltd of
F Tr.,nsfetre•t co; A••- , norm it condltiuns. but were 3o••in.,' .,,u abd AJlnA',MV N of imlp ortant moa• • - ,••:r mat►ufactortua; which w•ut l r yah, t�^ fin&nrt+A by the rwalP of rcurit4.aT.
peg 1.:10 p.nt. atrivingf, Torai'oto !' call r' 0.Ih of eontrihut,nt: t•• th.- Pkn- n,,1y (E► How ha Pnlarr.•• tar credit L:cilrti„I
enttftt ... ., 1,M6,60A to to Ili--ppnigtsaWnt. and the cnnun- stun Fiurl. whka, !rcLr}„ Pend:nK---roth as the site!- m: rt w•ou:d Iw of inestimab:r valor t-. roll' yt to world for !hoer renter h i,,
a pnaclsf.,'• F:urw,2n pui:rcal anal firae:ir; 4:. ^,ntry-t. w wh-iw. iu
sa.d,., ►as (well teinpOtrt111y with• Dlxlaaoe aarriri h,nrari 311,53 !t ,+anc� ..f the iuifucur.tAlr influenrar. ser the• t tdows, •,rpha,a. •ural •-,h,,: rult:rs and till attrwp;s t,. b- r i ansectlons whu•h ,•'Insist of tr.-
dran'n. th••n evfd,t.t, js,l the aitgrarction n[ _
;thio \t, _i has been hr- Graters a of tleccasrd mpl„s`e+s rare as.nnt s return ,.f snn evident to any stud.ut of i?Io uufacturtpK -end dastrlbu;:cg
_ S 2.761.6.! n+ a-,ure o: their worst f•• atilt”. has, made have approl:riatrd 13o.ov6, It rill I:%- :11 to uph:tlyPY 3feriR/etan aluayartant isittaatlun a year ago that Caaad&. and perish i4tel gu.Abo :•
T ront !1.45-1 wn dnila�r�ri .i glooku g t i.'th�aiwts eat tM Ito 'ratan, pr. 'tAr hterury ',r 1913,memorable,ha the terest Yore ti know that the f•epsion Ltaarnr tq ;I•• r,4wyo•F—w: ,ha:: "I .usher G[trn-Mrof o`,Auntrirs, t„ul•T-.lel The .first pr,hieR; , o � '
n JJi m. i. i r
flat 1 rt r R wt- tat Pak h a r ag.wn' ••,nnals .•t international trade. 'R'hl1r.: 1'urid• stands at the tn:•gnlficlal .a -revival,*[ batter gtaddl..•ne a,n;1-.tut :pat fn w severe tP+t dunn,r �!” tiltlit., tortably a-rlfed If Iherr Ar wuGt.,• ,
l.ury b.5i•.m. FMtn csf ffufly "Value./ anal :amptr',I a Year haA•'heen full of e.nxiety and hum of over 22.4• Ont. This. ' AS Proh'•ano r w� weir n„t pn11 inr •., r thf+�
,tt)• t11ay hes. •sst.v s.7Y,1 W. C,)unrr ,sb,utJ b” mi'rst•.Y ,}svtd--Ihut Ir, Giuffra wvth '
Train No.:eal hm+ l,een .r/amutrl Ile- '111 .�asa m.,JP Rye all ba.l and dou'rt- C „t h ActuAl strain, there rs cause fur rnurs... inciudea elft• , .•nrri ,utluna si!. tone [Otter 'w Ir a > r,w rr.-.,circ t nxl-,1 _ ., t^ oruwn m sella, a r 1, sI n..
1y r. ,,
�ta'r1•n t4lldhntV ritld TOieglrl. IWa�i rig ly, al tl.tti'In IhaT, n-itwll hY.,anding. the m.•on .-ry 'ryf tI— .;.Eff �:hrL]AlT�ce. �nJ �' s,m.• ffl••. ,�;1ler am.,F. I � M•
bt:•at-%reumrprt•Lii,n *:': fie rr. ' •',lt- ur Imus:` ZPA rx
budburla Io:4:r p tat. doily,- arriving( diad itfull-I song-Jusi aaf►.&,worw openAt) fhe t -:Par; -deferred •Arrival of pe -a” h• ' his L,r*” :ttnnlr•tt h,Pn. placed; in. 1 , ga:s sa:: .:; snaulrl.lners „! this k I 1 4wnded Ly ll:. .,-.a
nirod t)efoM wr , rad. !t rs ., r• •ver. tis. rat.-. u r uid, fur t},. n. , ,., ,
.•tar [t: RNftsh foittbthta: r•,n•tnIntal F-nro}se, that uile,•t•ttinty- 'I j” -hands a rloard of Tr+,et,-ti.,- wa,tra. , Rte -.era 'Ire!) I , a•.a..• an a.'- to r.moombe , that when An „ �rrmeAllsal-rowing`.. f rhos,•. who .,rr .tai,• afar
iotgtttnfLlFlYs m. •`nrrrteiray, !-and aro, :and Cn•Af t , :. •w rite• .t4)uxtlb,mt "f imm,nw' chs Ibmtifatlalft aK ;.T,• mora,•.:n r`r ttr,,ls_ "seance rh the Irat•At Maori, of th, Ing money till Iwtenenent imps.,..
standard 4t•rping clime Tonall!) to I �r, ,;• .and CpifksrJilt•i to ,\Ihrrr w or ryird wit its adminlatrttlnn for the
ri.•nditurex will 1) is',dr, ori .1 •rater, but ;A:. nal i,roi.atdi w'•rl•1 the rhfef 1i.,rrua.
Budbury and Tnivaly to Nndt (tire, Il hWIJ, ] !! 1•rne•ftt •,[ those a'7„i nor c• tn'••n lone .:urysl men:&. Fur soar yrurs the s'el' l I
la tyntnr, 1•�MZ k:ver ,'rv,r&-' Ii .. -11 !rrsetR. .Filar in bringing or,)Fr and f.itthful sere:.• ti, the frank. par n"t parr any rpprv, l+i•'r stint 1.1 h•• tiara jars ..,. sh,ar, 100 +n htbre •tetra t'sOnnt than 'fit so.
JI(nfie err rnrrird on train 1tlo _ri. fag, atilt flodbwl W ..Baskahhew'a,1; A.,c ,! . h,i;,s. ln.unfort•)nate Mexie •, an•.pte,aued to rt•cnnf ,nrr oppra,r!ation rates tot• arneral basset " s Aar -.,a,• :11.d ?lust. he'must scot. ,,:t .•. .::g far :beolia 4rere,•ib hfqur (lace Lam ,
tl?)rae• cars tr,tlt)jfting fan trwiu I\u.:3•. T: tneald. 1;eadb'n iihaunaa nb, aFtd else Se•,-r:ai gMyitinn rat ffnanclal i-rrdit _of th able tmm�ne•r ha which this frit+; trim• to _oar,• -:[ the dt ;w• fue ttm+ $+tot. tie bad teal t?n,: r. sntl :cls exlr:it uKan,•r his r
Fair Winnipegf and Vuneourt•il'leace \C,Petnot. in star,kot-, Ketcin Str•yt , has.. "n Me 0 hair, tYnen � fairly- w'.•Ii Fas hccn exere,xrd. .l Lergf• ;nrtl,:r. ■I -In in as first , lass .,•.suit:. s .x•1 - Iced that Canada had h• n., . re ,:IIIo! ,a. • •,rttl,ansed Gy :t'r4e lu .rices w -,
Waollil f the diff euk•r rat d., in-rn,w.. ,.r I
orunit, 111.21[ loon. daily. r. Pola d- Mill: a Ont.artev a pper.. .,ra]�s,:tln•.,Fw.•d. to our own couhrrY xe of the amnunf lois [ rat larrste,l Iry :r -stns •,f the '.r. w, aractscally iu, and lune- harm. li,• 11 verY pant fur th,••« ,t•.
r'tr•nl litrrwry ohsercatiort car, nand. l 1'"ri lf`'X'c"1. ut Qu• -lata•: Catoer To v er.'.er tf- I l our t t e,mri rhoukl • of thorn farm mis looeem, and , t in ! Kao` rat a.maa.t.nt a facnrll.s • r.a.,rk hit resented being .1 ld reatponnNltle at• dot extrlavilgant, and ofhu ar. .
Caotlb,rihur-fA -tr New• Itn,nste I 1 r, •an the railer hand„r resat,• ha+ !. for aaituation er-•&ted Ly r,r,.•-,mGra•:Jlll at teaular is sarin: mune) •.,
int FleerNall Cwt's Teff'alu lu �\ inns -I hal,e , i:tilUrn uC th.• ear •A, aA inie i who• r fund 4 P:, rat lox rat t'tr ntw 1 Give perm„1 and a foe•! emenr�'i, y- fln,a,•is1 re•'.uln•tnen:s rat rl: the ., :.v^ dfban Umre. to t "r
r P 01"_n. ane} tl'rst tBrled to our ataout 6 t leu 43" the uzi: I r
. /eft.wntl Toronto it:, Vanemavel. tour. would CPrt•,inh lava' t� ler cent, r:er :annum. Th, , mer aatfla
John. r aund. and while riser: natGrns o[ tA.• it ,r!d' iltw-}gJn :-Ka.nM !ff.'s v'InU114enci-•> \'a h
dpsroer,tcrolonirt earogear. fleet-clws Th„ s•:r• ,crrwoes dientionr,{ :nit IF ,rt. ..,'n FnhvnA7,nt�hantvet M exn f ppurtancr M roakiny- even rcasnr- twn mit.,: l.• es,pee••c,1. 'A &APC ,htnv- Iover. wr have had our warn; ao.ti les.a-layout eadi . .,',I
ff� .t 1�6 a ef[ctt to ere:,tr t InYal and ef- n aAdi t ly G r 1
-Pannus 4a•e(r nada Nth+p� ndrn; t,rip,R,••,r! ce rl t , fu! that -t!:e comtnt yror w.a he ., P shalt dnubtlrsA ar, utr,n it, !cruse of stisburta9c In three saylt:,; .
l'haaal. r "Chle FPExpiv fln►t. Asl,estos, f•Aaaal.0. Clarrnceaill pi.,lit>'. v ce eau ta.Ind o- empht stag eAr.nnt be tor,-slrv,1t4:1) t,if rrnsur.AL:e fN-r.y.•r,,c. Thr tact f«malns that cn,lr f lite m„nay' necrasatry tot the si,.,r
non Io.ltil •Chits n Et rani' �• will i,xtra,ardin.ara' celrrlty and rv•- lemphwsized, a(td y.-nr tPnrruus aid to Thr "n"I'lAat tlN11 Bald: a:l ttlylternl iransactlons yb..a.y rMcrn•J to .
1: p Rill (sural: m train II �. LacuR••. ,itoxtc@ y:i»,,,1 c„od v: 1Pen: which en.,hled u. the dfiretlon of stsero ilhenfnt .the tics Drr+aur F,ngland lea (akin inure Of
Imre Toronto f 4:51 iilutiaatl 4.Ik1 pm. F.att.. taanlrldt.• Fast. and 1'ppevluw s itlir'_ Lour se,u,itler t9le:Year thaw rise b,•, tised to Sotne extent, •Gut the. err :.
t�lailr itwbad .>f 4. X11 p.m. gas at preeeat (Rh. rt•nwk t, O.: In the Proviner 0, rte tko n suMtantfal mrysun, _ of which hind its lr-rrnhers perpetuat,•s tore. she has Pto,letced b3' this cannot Itoattnur r•
ttghldafton of Dirt dPlrtx ^rad largely w•h:at !s �beel !n �uiu ornira ami is .\t iinr Last AnntaaI Mw•tJnw far the paticntly rrme:noawr:•.l dvpnft-' and �auch
[coal Irwin \o. (Irl will (I lit C-t1'oPOntir efitap Increase „u -cash clplt{aL Cg nada. la,ot+eltltaLle to thN lnstituth,n.' Thr fund ifltat'we alto obliged to f"pirh r inyny S Pa” alna'nt u.
{inion J.:#f polo. iorteatl ut t:hi no. s tatiiiNiE; + Rtawin. it.C.. RLtC prOMp sound and imp,art:tnt entre pruv,::u.nt. rnu•t Irsstn ty vu r.:.a:• ...
R * f tar,! time x'e ted ,the 111turtna-, !
Train t0l. Iena'in{( l.nndo■ i.t RS p. Par. T't•k-,, Qui • -and �t F.11xrbrth: Qu y so' ct, eel) , IIfed with and fnflurnced haat Aran actuarlalty w1arnlned tram ` pus D Prie puha ttl so, ut4rr ca L:h ay Arid the : •-
heat b .K aJws•l2.0n-l:fhe business !'r the Rt'Iiemral n t tom at ,•air der 1 trvtardiag indua- Ik, eels,_ ub13•,
times n ti•nP. tad wP br d,•ce that r +lad. Prtrat.•, w;n••,t ti,urn has been fcltored. The wFtu.,:,
rattlaing Windsor lU..a, (olio. +uid tt+lit- # I--' till rnnditivaa to t'aaadi, and in ihe,ha'f f►•• n underGtkta before t', • ! r-atF_
'tlre' tn,••eh 1h IR -n win Ptre.•t flour a •un. .and
x Kyo {k A un sound lasts. R'e , rirl .9.,;wds began to tather� Thu, ,dor :uc tae hast ycrr, hoAtrl,rr !,:••
Pio. ,Cl t, leavinyf\Cibdsur a.m. th- main l»•a. loos ,.ern tran, fere•,( to t st wt ta opc !n the• P. or furure.awith the Pae. for'••irtn eoantrlem In which woe An hue:-' L,.• i
riving London Ii.a1r a.m. w ill ill, witb-- mAtn "[flat” fn WO+N ,eco he I ; % pat i sau'A •nterpNsra w'It: rummar,d th ucxrAtti[ad by t1La11Y ut1N:r :..�
t ( (eine rrtl,a” th” iximilul 1'ed funds, to' nets, in the form of as app-sidlx •o :he,mon,.y ..t the Inrwstor in lar... In ma nj countl'tcs. nax::bly :1,
drawn tend trains er t${: and lii4 will 4L [hr wSlat t(•haIfe at Narnmnw n. nr•reasr th,• rat ulrnum {•en/gun. I„ 1 prrfrrenr-- to (;rua41. whare large 0ums Al'•- h -dr.:
tl4rfonu fhe (oral aeeciretrlweeo•Len•I Nel.-ei: fatr� n, Hrr.n i 111••, b nfinary lie reit to our 2tftan Ardders 1•uans fire M.• rehaldlltaticin of fnrdRn
tilt Iall" a I'blli 1 Ir4A% w Tran trill n .if(.” that tdier "i""i ,,- nuntrlis expended Ua permanent Improrrt t. -i,1 , -
in, .. rotes �iond�ur. Detroit and ( Pic d•• La;,raalri.ti I+l-. w: f licl-tet-ts, lrvrkin¢ npproPri:Ftlanr io• +rhe adv an[agr of arrytn'..._ the views darnstittrd by war, nrNn
�.•h.t.r o -n, tins tsbtf ..¢.,and 1'tyt fc y�r alta Pat tr M:A of sur chief offirers rd A,on era to mocur/tMa bared a �r ._ is a rogaL,.F.SiY D:nall [l4IDber t,r•
tptermedatestationr- � Glut hyo M� trite( Pen.i-n'Fun w, eggs Ing the van- San new- t. iihn lava sari
At6trict paxisrngter agent. J --s. Iildd, 1 In for t fori,p.r rat QIrPlM.•, Anus A. In Prptttw in "A" r:,nrfe rr-1 to, the Rost 4 veaho or nest( not dnear a em nc' I,_ nBs to Icnd. :,n .
ennsf••rr••d to •heir rte P,•th + account !l.- ous dlstrlcts dire ;:y t'I the AharwhnlJ- of the avatlaAle each year Inlxurht,.A ute of all lietticrlyd um •.t til
local agent p Darer ':unait ui 131,• p:Ist r hone leen Iird.tne0 :•till c.irried farwnrd a halartc, ' ers, instead u[ ,•umpr, them }nfu the markets n! ll it"I at
lion, h•A. t'ar Clare n[ the Pr for newihadicc countries of the worm a cram
4.rMta,hea hnrP Y••:ah rlsuk 1 M Ayti,ftfahing ei'tAebcc of of 53Ni.51!•.28 to Pru/lt :end ions ac lltt' addn•raer of tA.• lrestalewt %0 tM fwa•.wrmeo•s wP mac. bo aur.. rat act- bleu ., ,;b_su:e tca»of elan C,'.•r 1"
. �71►++paa6,2a Ids. Drnl� atfen.ttfi to mPPt Kurt PmerK.nciP.. (Arun,. OYta n•p•,rt.•.1 516.42!.864 nutr Geurral Nang -•r. sarm.d clear. lad aP ttnY , z note.• Fr .herr. We rhlll leen f L
SI. E FOR i1lILITARY CAMP sad i)uluth I No trenlr; Rath. X.13., a )'nn wIl readllt• see, frnm the rtatP_ O4reui:'titn u1 o),e filler. 191'2. :mf ±think the exp.rrmen, JIa• gusta[ied to fa.. a kr••r,r :eels of rho• n' r for,, kn.,wii. -in the other hind, t•
DriMol. N.R. menta incin,lod In the Report of the ilMrr_ched x 1`140 -um of $1a:.74ti.325 Ir itself, orad nix IK ado a -err stir ••stcn'ug,ancc It fndhldcsla re-
Government May Buy Large Area in Due notice has boost re••ofcPd of the T1lrretnra ,hot the flank hF1A had an- 1[n,`em l,wr, }+ Y Wr.l h,r•rst ter et the ae*,trft; r. -"t! rho lseceA-
!3. Thr jouster Direr A 1 and
lntrrttin to nnmlro, •• ygr T. Flat ,th,• ...ruin r'Ir> ytmr 'n the matter ' + ! y-:ar also the t,d• or ,zlossAitom sill, of pavinc high+r rats•& to the sat- L,,uee„t san•ial dirl,:ay ertt rbPyisaid 11!a•
Westerr.Ontar:o ,.--...__�.� rf' >11_.8.1I.W. ,•c•urrrrl in May hut. TA•v seemed Atilt to be in l�od, althowstio ton 1vale,r..ind we rhn'1 do well to ahsf:afn caytbrty nf'tAefr Inenma. hear tie..n
oar!% `tovrmrnt of the rPlirve- some ,tu:trtrr. a-•he.•k wa! either :aI•tanng the next year Par sn from seek- added a,,:wsal eir Indttu:rs h warmmt
(lttaiva, Fol.:;.—That (here i. the GE�I'R:\[. �T:\TF:�1E'V'l the F)"Oure Lut w-• took rdvantag �p�lain slash: or had hen• ..rad th,rr made Ing t-. market any unnwcesaary seonrl-
peeeihilily of A ruilit.-ti fa'MniuK row a oC rin rm r,•rncY prnl,lNnns of th tail( felt M'Iary' inr o•.•rrotn yore tfwlt M nnlar tA.t w.• un mion.antats, and for many yurle,s•
may do what we which arm urlr•rs fr,,:rt on Indu•-
(ring pnrchasrd in 1�emtrrn plh Nevewiber, 1913. Birk ,\ct• rand :orf the date -rat aft iaoseJ+, auaAl>' lu .oatte t)nn with nvllcan to ..•store tAr hllanrA behaern the lila( pnlnt u[ view. Arrrf!tnien,•
thoe yrs.. ix hoau hr the large al. LIABILITIES. stah•nrat w,• had $642.923 ctrcula asraM, wear not s., easy to ..htaha as tat,es:mrrt rerotir,es of the• world sr•'
prupri9linn of �rll.1% ander the X„I„; t the Tank In circuit ion n„n. nutatendins In "needs of ou iIn former )••:,rr, y •t lithe h,.d w&- a the s• uritfay o!frrd fur isle. It Ir aro no.essary as port Af the a•
f(ene[nl hr,utin "(ur ,archase ut grad t ”' ”" i UR4�.923 15 paid-up ,sniFiN t. .fur de dts s1Ct 'iVan•at! 2” !taus s
• """''� pat • y pall to the oft-reyeat.d a::rn• P:eaPlnK In this Cnnr,ection to .r. ,hra• -
yrtem of the world, Gut tt,•
K• i 1►Pp•,.IrA flat hPNrfell Inteiirt .:.-N . , ... , . i 53.799,205 d1 a decrease •,t 24,303,:46, hilt this f• Ings f I-auk,ra • and others a to t!w hlKher .rates of Intrrwnt I aunty .+u:>k rsi thele ctratiu t !r nun
ft.r ttwil.inl; ,niers iu the �arletls des I,r M,siltys,tring interest, lttctuQln Interest ac- uffrreJ
14l1s," it it known that it is the in cr a date I &.•counted inr by tb, &djustment r tried a•I f ,usenet the future. &,though Aae'e opened the markets of tAe 1'n!t• �thr lets ,e &W 4urdrn to the IadtlAtria
110,0}6,501 10 I12,S12,T1.. 24 sev^rat lar.... amounts ta111.•h user at the end •,! the• year ore m,ut e. wurW. \\'u lace aAus come to a tion,
tt,ntiun of the drpnrtment to aorcre A .•qy, i At ites I., nor re,nrftles to an Pxtwnt whrrd col a Is, ,,? as . c Ju with the
-- -_-.-- +k••IJ in spre:al stg•uunts, and the wttb elude that, atter OI, su.A wa►ni4H '#site• oaneual In the past.
suitable Uhen , g( lure ii Woffern Italances dun to rather a anitA-la kin V resp :..:............. 03rt "37 12 JrawaI of I,n)vi nc,a! a},wermine: did have some b••nofoo,ml Ptfe. •. i'leear- Nnw deft w., Av.r m,• to a 11 hoard!nK of moot') b) t:n:td own"r •
ot.u•io whin opix,rtunity ofTer� ItaLtncrs due to Ft;u,ku
rad It,anking Corfr,a4i•nden[s tbewten funds. The ordinary do•pos!ts the I !v v►•. " o ght rusts
have risme through a time of Pass• to tl•e Krnwth of �'nr•h ARIPrIea. ILnuaRalf1rrtfnitt-
aayurnt apnn t4
Thugf&r an eltP hwa Iran sttR2estetl Than in Caned„ - ... 10,071.3(6 ;3 to frtcr.yter, current 1.a A and d4 Alttault ,a a most cre+litan:• masa- It it wP!1 rat hear In mind rum.• rat rhe kart ttanblr.• the
Itllls t••aYnbl•• 0.51{.7007 0b ' y ..ware Ion m..ntr cumin( from an aMtalst woNd-
w ieh can he sa•cured for a is-Loonalde• . ... .. ... �ouwls were 11 urre t I and rad an nee, ua1 wn . an Iw.k UrrwarJ t o rite Annan: 'In mi raccoon (irh d
fl ire. a lritwle tutlege•nel',1 (,•rlillh' Acceptance" under tatters Of Credit . ........................ 1,!11,5+1 1! short, loans 53�,764.91U, rnttparrA w!t futlat- ha•erfaUy ,I tto n1 of As"'c" Min P �wlde prusyrrtt> canon: Lr fully ppiwt.
al,• Ara -I , PPrn,) of rxpanllnn. fn •All busin,ss octlrtic•s, ther1MI.
o r th in riteserfenda+gthrprovitiol _ ___ 1163,r53S5? orad 517.;..3,019 is our lar '.yen... wfilrA now eMreetrMa" our yaws -.a, {n wd.litiRi to Rrnwth in many thruudhou the world must GP Irws,•n-
i•'t1t flit anbut.l drill the apprnprietioir - 5_30,018.5!1 11 Repoxt. Th,• Ntal current inane wer people romil4ins unchaagad at least us- ether dlr"41onne, we o' i I t ..irh! the P
is inrtcaxed VINVAill this yt-:u. and nividenda unpaid 3,6{4 48 2140,341,400, a decr-rse of $1 cram I d In ,n:,Fina until things richt them-
...' ....' ........ til An,,th,•r i; , .I cr has b -•.•n naafk • I Goren" of tw,- nc
nt,%v totals • Dh•fdal No. 1p anJ Iwnus....... . fat.......... fur lbs Ya-rr Wf a•4nrw n tncrr7t of ,haft pan rat our ,tx• enfaT Y w trattscot in- mrh ts'lttrR they will ale gwllesye+d-
r'�'1'�' Ca Ital .... 5-3.000 Ot P ♦ie.1. Mu•'h rnRrrt systems. rand whsle floe
t s.
of 29.595,701 in flovo•rnmrr,t and utft br,e heels huildln fly if peopie gtnerally arc willing to
-- s paid . . ........{13.t90.00J J.) securaieo, and 22.f00.t:,0 to cash Irasinn whlrfi wear 1... far rom/ni/ [ the Pxlst G,g acs- profit uy the lessons to be drAWa fra,et
F est 12.5W.00d aF) ,oar eat the ilsesrw 4hr+rw•A teAlrh IM tent Aas sutrysfnlly estALlba,hPA Its
DEPUTATION TO UT'i'AWA Balance of Profit and {rota • Account• • eatrind \Sec think a oadv.a,lb:e to give you ar - aunA herr to r tem to rank w■ ane of IAe fn -sonnet seawnt ex�l�:rlence.
A,rward . . aa+nrancr that in the mldst of rh Pasr We are iowbt• egatway srank it In the wnnl Ar res- Thr motion for Ilya ado tion of 11W
—.-- •........•..•••.•••. 281.;2! 26 2s,ss4,b2! !s truubted Iesr glad if the ,heat entNrl Y, V
RenrtOebbGves Cbthed wah Authority and dansenws state of of hat wP paw s,- r0-smAe Karla IA• 1'nirel States, th.• PAisama report was then tut to lAe ims+•tla:
to Ask for Harbor Improvemtet + 1lN,ge,'.30 iT (airs in ]Irxh•o our :nterrsta are bw-n' (Ary wyi br at►�ayrfLiJte. ryasI M pnetleAt:v finished: • tariff and cerrtrd- AatenAafents to the L,
safeguwraied and ►err) pnr•ault r due spwuya*loa' I• tions testate ad3not7samt. tAe mm, thought of whIch
���• rat ogu in hand.tev a dlff:oult %, laws reculatins dare number of !)Ire•
Yll,em mhe spe of for hoard of• Ataa[TA !~ lem. slur Manager enjoys ourIw �P "�`wtpl�s :n • oran�•t!•ou wuW't'bar4re•reetrd panic a few years lax+ u[ Ihw lkank erre pasat•d. rnJ ]t,
the to Inst the tl,o,cial n,mmiltee of Current Coin and Itultfon .............. , .5 9,5,3,473 64 ronfidence and he has shnwn unuen publk. smasKwetbaesto, is ` ag*a haw tslwr ple-.e, leaysnr the nut. T. Harry Web, C.A.. of Messrs 0i• n
th! fano Council on Frid,.} night in Dhlmnbn Notre s abilit ■ed Judgment under throe try nm[Ast Shack &t00mis►ain wit • Poet it this respect a .'ertalrtty Instead R•ld, Hogan, and Callingham, M^sit
.. te,434.1c2 5n 1 30,016,/..0 10 Y O
rt{tatd to urging the (:nvPrilcn4pnt to . !ng c.rcun,stanaes Dfooprrfry. 4" k W.,Uld Ae. M aw One flat"": a CurrPnrr sad real nn4 Wlnnlyrg. and Mr. Jam -0
snake improvements to (:nderich bar- Dal;neer dial by natnks and Rankine C-wrvspowd- We deemed it prudent to exM-t Mnti•t hill, for which the ro. Marwick, C.A., of Metre. SUrwl, k
vials Plsewhere In -'an rtrtsh- asl ftv times WA miry
bur „u wr to make it re hnflxir o/ ri-f«ge sdw .. ..... .......:.! 0.101,032 13 tAe realla.At esters taste wUting ablaut 2A yea n, has Yllchell, PtnO and tL., Montreal, wPr
aP ta-r n Par x,Nihlt•. Althou h tete y "Den int 'I/ new hramssa to tA, d tumbeT twa
1 g ilalanoew due b MA,r 14n1u m Canada ,....... 23.122 IT carrY:nR out a toad.. m real ests4e aN sand, and •
inners K r dltaagtr ergs 4'waa*118M' &/� �{,Aa• Aw�INrw eR.11M (lank. tAiut_
'ihraisr'M/ArM �aMlnutre • for 21(�r}etr • )Slide 10 otMr $etas . -a...:.9,4w-w:.. L,4drampow e � prumu"we Aad Planned e!r!r to t� w• inti fg�rrf9 p • '�'lttmw'tM•'rpHR'tm0av, /Aw fv Mi �nmarat A fMt to exceed srNn '•'�
hnrtxor Ari- lft!f ,tsfft• it it felt here that (`repots on other Raekm .�...................... w0 ,eW H year: mad taw robse.ttrently confine, nbrntut• IF wwe•wssary tw clef d railroad rote adjustment of 215,000 for thus year. Tl uslist
r ourselves hr where are :Ines of a &suN if Thar Airs sit •rprtls of the reatest resolutions es
the work should i,r pmcreoled with sAi ''- s — IS./31.13� 11 lar P('aaMr 1t.� t pn•rs(nK the tAawks of
scion as the weather [mita. Alter Call and Short Inane In 1'.a sand&• -n Moodie. i4howtures aand l4tooks 9.6I0,si•e 07 a,- r"weoeqtuisn, '�reot to spm• \t'-stP» a soatry --o st.}tliofls to Til tq1 lsmperftneo wtich =oat prot-YueaAty ria the to the ..bard of
rare wherei'we- „ le"t tbv talking of the' two rountrIon. Directors and also to the staff of it,,
aitch discussion it wag decided to Call and 9hnn Loam rlrwllrrP than sat (!Honda..... 10.151.360 td ran, for flus pin assrn Vti to es,ffw► `fro' t+to
Ibminlnn and f•n,rinchl (le►•ernrtrnl M•e,�rltrw ,n orf ntA►r Aram•hew Thw flew r adtllwt Par a" en ear at (`Msdo N reneorwrd we Rawk wen am&a/wAMWY caf►le,l
cloth- Mr. Andrew V.,rter, of the 3.134.60, N goo yeamg Alar wr.ty M.t tAat we gee now wn_ U 1
British, F1)rrig'n, and e'obontlT 1•ubin• fie•dr11l.s s*0 ('amadlaa p&fMaieYl distrl'buttno of breach&. W. ve 9N►atedly Mpwrww rtv des= Pon motlen rAw Me•ting pn+crrdP•
l4terling Bank• MOP'-1le••ae Munnin and agencies ar at 20th Noretio trrlse of t•ae ooakialrr by tise ygh roof- ag ePnw • new and mor. Ion Poortant to elect istrvctorNtor fhr comlrg )• ,
lP Municipal her florid :,431,111} 71 1213, was ms t.aik,wo chs wMrw OAdr � iadkistrlal Itfw, ►-.f wMCA eqr and tMn AiAg wrnetd
with nnthotlly hon. Ihr Htatd n( hallway and other Ik,nAr. Dttaenrurt•s, and t1t.,Cky 18,091.231 04 rtA ol/m0w V sawn ad
Trads to area M IMtawn withto4�ho dile- Il)Plwrlt with. the Minister ftr rhe plrrt•ue1 -d the t'Irctlbtbn A:tents .. ... . .... ....... IS u•o impose. soldd� mal. aaffes•t Ped"Votw IMn weer ,!•hes Aicratlneen Aiubet•QuewllY an
gwlien apd,inteol by the rni1lRy coon Puad .' ...................... . - liratish t'olumi tina ........... air =inch a rent-Naarge, on rote ,.W er taOOsrm Ne mon tivon eY"I'lacw wt ••„peed ,lie follow)
cil (wet Friday Aflrrnotir. atilt also '24.5" fi0 .. ... ~ I" w gad .slut et such tw for t e ,' r'•
Yanuoba 3g Ilvina as,y/ (Mar r r+w �. 60 • teem, ,Pea » eNefed er Dlreetoes ter the cram
---- -_-- vPw nruaswleR ........ -'-laid iM off•ftd t11aw rAw crow wMh
with rrpre•sPntatives firm the town s !7,308,316 11 " •. • ••• i PaMM to the wpwnra m wdmwat d sial. otlrh tie present pears earen tsar Ing year• Bir It�aarnd Walker
Colrt[cil Il isexpect.d that the de Xova Raotu i........' 13 �tawe there VA" •n ti rratrM, ani w&nghngsoA C.V.O.. I.L.D., D.C.L.. Non l7wor9r n
Other Current tosnr and Discounts In (`shed+ �!ers relate Pae Y •va•tt heaver_ ��"��
Ir Vast fl .. _ _ t,ntar.o w I t' �Psaitsa N a to W lnaaieso pee. 'TWO Moen Man•, la a manner which Craft, John fl,)sltln. K.(', I.I..D., J. )a'
potation will be ppGtd with • , 13C.1'4,371 53 I'nn.e EJwati Is ,e ss..ew.A !wt ney1 1t1&vw11w. T.LI1. A Kln9maa. Hon ill•
Ivrivate tar. OtArr t` =re .1 am and Dlaeo. . •Isewt•rw Paan in t`selsia
iless reds f Totaled l ronv , Vuwbrr t! I Imsa,trstb,a taw oat th e e at In f y •