The Signal, 1914-2-5, Page 44 THCRso 'r. Psi. 5, 1914
.f r
There is just one question to ask
after you've heard an
Edison Phonograph
"How soon can 1 get one ? "
The wonderful new hornless instruments have talked and sung and
played themsehes into amazing popularity. The uknt, smooth -
running motor, the diamond reproducing point that does away with
bothersome changing of needles. the beauty of design and the sweet -
toned, unbreakable Blue Ambed Records require no argument.
Listen and see kr yourself. Any up-
to-date phonograph dealer will be glad
to give you • free coocen on the
Edison today. Insist upon hearing the
Edison. You can gel one without delay.
Edison Phonographs and Records ale sold by
undersigned 'will p lar
highest cash pii.•es lot tall kinds
of good lug. delivered et the
Mill, foot of Anglesea
Street, Goderich.
Custom Mutviii g .41 .1 general
mill work done pr ptly.
Wont Pined parte I.
Thr enuonitteereenmmendrdlhatped-
lar,' licenses be Ielucett 10 $':,i with-
in the. county used $1110 outside the
Regarding the inosrovement rf
G.aleri.•h harbor the con:tintless rer
nrnmended that (:soon,. Clark and
(iovenlo.rk be delegated to go to Ot-
tawa. it, in expected that. Warden
l matelots will ;fi, go.
The cUrlrmatte dealt with the mat-
ter of waking grants to Ihr vat ions
ag.icultu-al encietie. in the copilot-
and rectnuwended that agiant_. f $2.;
A Friend
Constieation is the bine of old 1
age -harsh cathartics :, ;gra- I
vete, avoid them and use Clan:- s
berlains Tablets, the mildest rintt '
gentlest oflaxatives -hest for the
V •unr. t'•e enu:Jl• !real • id ti a!, .
orhoot. - Drucgnt, and nei:rd..
by mr
14141yb•ell t11 i''needcd to set your
lolnmhin¢ r•, , If that be No,
we'll put them in where they will do
the meet good. au.l depart in peace.
be made to meet. It Mao granted, a
similar mum to the Clinton and tea•
.4'11 seed and horse show,.
Ona mutton of Menam aleKlbboe
anal Klliuu, the committee rmonW-
auended that $1(J1 IYs given and dia.
tributed among the hospitals at Gode-
rich, N'ingh,uu and Clinton the aeams
lee last year.
The eounty Bre Keeper association
had asked for a grant of am. 1'be
cotuwittee granted $LU.
A great of let.5 was wade ter the
F•rwrr'a Inatitute and $10 to the
Women's Institute. Also a grant of
$1U was orad e for the purenase of
Soweto around the court hews. The
Huron Rifts association was grouted
For the purpose, of forming high
Is.:boola iu the woolly, ibe •o,moutea,e
decided to crake a go -ant of $9100 fur
this pun wee. Pbe usual grant WWI
also given for the use of contiuustiou
(As the ofilcal•s of the Children's -Aid
society Naked this veer for a larger
amount then formerly', the eosin 1.
tee reeuwwend.ol that $3.solae granted
and also etaned that the society wa.
doing a good work, as it w.e. well
fhat a stun not exeeediug $V3) shall
he pain to the thiel s -thud ,rgnurnt.
Wail recommendation of the .•,,n1w1t-
As the matter of the Railway tax
ammetatiuu .•.1111e up in couuc'I and
heti been rete, real to the committee.
it recommended that reps-eeta.tives
be epianntrat by the council to attend
Werting+of the a•sucu8Noo, believing
that llte 1 .4 on rail ahy'e should be in-
In IIn.wer 10 a let er flora the Sick
Childseis'e b.1prllat in T,coute, aaskin
for u grate. the 0011111118 1.... donated
$10. Til- Priomeos' Aid asaee•l.`ioll
w..- 01,1, gi. en $Ili.
Nr' act ,qu was taken on a rirculAr
seeking that dolega•rs Ise eppoihl441
to the meeting :4r Locality .n1 Febru-
e,y 21 It and _'8811. Thai tender toe
r 84.• remit pi intjng ea. :aw111'de* to
MI'. A. E. 11tadw1I.
b'f-\A NCE
The rhie•f !mantras of the finance
•' tlt•e was to pass hevrl•al AC -
(41411101 nod tillnaact the 1 .nal husi-
8)0-14. 1•, however. pee utun10nde•1 that
the treesuler be instructed to (11,140 up
all mortgages whir] have u,+owed.
u.iug hos own judgment that no luorl -
gegor shall he put to any unnecessary
The wiek'•af the Road and Britl,(e
rip nuuittele" was shorter and lighter
than Ke the 11r1,flow u( C suns.
Routley and IC. Elliott it -king that u
•nulge 8*. Built between Blnrt+hard and
Csburtie, the con ' tee recommended
that the engineer examine the setae
and if necessary have it built this sea•
von. the 0011awtttee Iecolnwrnded
!hut a ce•nleta Star be laid 1811 the 13ay-
field Midge, if the engineer, deems. it
urs C.eNl y.
It Iona decided to take no action On
the 11141 ter of gowning a sow for the
maintenance of a light on the, Ssltfoid
midge. Itsferning to the motion of
Conan. J. N. Campbell and Fingland
with regard to Ihr proposeai legisla-
tion of reducing the width of roads to
forty feet, the e.)n'puit:re derided to
ale 'ialize the• Got'riamen1 not to
reduce 110 width -e I hail lis feet.
It further recommended that no ate -
be taken re the motion of the.,
two councillors but would *uggent
that the road remain at the standard
width. A copy of there•s,lution will be
sent 1 u the Lica' menthe' a. "The com-
mittee Iwliev.-a that it is illegal to
tit 0(.1 any highway fence except a wire
fence without the permission from
the township rollncil. As the commit-
tee recommended that the road end
bridge bylaws tie amended a roroulit-
re was appotnted to revise the mane.
t tt as decided that no eetinn should
e taken concerning the building of a
eidgo Between the counties of \Vel-
nete•n ..041 Huron herweeo the town-
ipa of Ilowick and Minto.
t]askarla4 k:tc;m C.. r.nsks. ..7:i7:2...,, t
(e Rimmwatiara of theatres
Uric Acid lea in the biod
by disordered kidneys
lodges alma- the sans
which branches from 0e
eye maw the forehead, sed
across the cheek hop the
ids moi tae mess. The
caw is the sawn as le all
Rheumatism-- reordered
Kidneys. The cure is like.
wise the same-
('01 QTY l'Ilt/PEICTY
The l'nunty Property committer
visited the Hvgi.tay •.item and loured
that Mr. Cottle, the resit -Lou, meals
room for hie hooks and dec •nts. Hr
stated that he t',.uld ruansg.. until
June. The ct•runistlee also fruit,' 1141
the office- should be better lighted.
The roomy jail Willa visite 1. w here
it was found that (hese were IiLrrn
prt.'oner• sentenced fur vg.-encu.
It le/e-ununrnded that no net..n 1s.•
taken al poesent re the I..Iiltltnir of a
coal hotter and an apartment exclusive
for women. The co Ire enCges,e•tl dozen e1111111.181101 n 1 Otte or
witch1..me11.1)11 also a small cup',wu4)
1or the u.•' of panel-.
Ar regards wiri..g lbs e.turt hnuw
as suggested by luspeetor Bullard, it
re--uwlnenderl thatuoacuon be taken.
The Education committee received'
Hold 1)J• pta•e1 the .innu.1 einlorts of
Menet. I Elgin T *rid J. M. Fieid,
county -chewl in'Iwctor.. The
tilate.. euggeated Haat Messes. Ricbro
sod Long toe appointed count v roman -
leers and also that Mesar.. R. \'au-
sUone.. H E:. Isan1 and C. P. Smith ie
app000teal aa. woody rrpre-enratives
ori the \Yingbam Board of 1•:alUeslion
and that \ir. John Shepherd he' trio -
tee . f the Clinton Collvgiett• Board
and Judge Holt on the Gexlerich Cut-
Irgiate li..srd.
The fol1owilg 11113000t,, Iran pupils'
fere, will be na'd: Clinton Collegiate
Institute. $17:(7.;,7; (iodeticb Collegi-
ate, $:01N,02: Seatorth Collegiate In-
stitute, $1.337 -)III: \Vingbao. l'nilegi-
ate In•titu,e, il_ef.A.M)t; Parkhill High
School, $18)1.)M1: ht. Marys High
School, $2.34.1 151. •and Listowel Collegi-
ate Institute, $70,01.
lining to the increased cost of living
the council decided to i.e. ease the
s larie4. of the county of iciale and in
vires of this fact. all or nearly- ell the
fees which have been for•tafer ty paid
them will 'Ie withheld in the future.
The arranged w•brdule i.: Warden.
$1134; Clerk, $1_311); Treasurer, $1:113);
Engineer, 111181): Caretaker of court
house end regis: ry °Kier, 1 ,l jd) ; Gaol -
el. $7:I): Nielson. $3U11; Turnkey.
*Rai: Gaol Surgeon, $1:10: House of
Refuge Keeper. $000: Mahon, 9113);
Asst. Moor -in.$ -I"10; In+pretur, $2131;
Physician, $'8131: l'haplair, $111); Coun-
ty Constable, 9283).
The Clerk of the Trace new receives
l 1 1 , ,r II 14 t , the schedule.
The NEW SPRING THINGS are coming in freely and our
stock is going to be larger and better than ever before.
Already in stock a good showing of Prints, Cotton Suitings, Crepe
Suitings, Ginghams, Linens, Shirtings, White Cottons, Pillow Cottons,
Tickings, Art Window Trimmings, Art Scrims, Art Sateens and Crepe
Kimona Materials.
This i. a NEW BRANCH °added to our ,lore (or the coming spring selling. •Our 1.tosk will b.•
found the latest, thought direct from the maker.. which makes our offering% all new and
Yue will find o01 priers for new, up -to date goods lust right. our Hs,.t shipment Is here now and .,
very choice lot it i.. Ladies' Suits aril separate Skirts in latest weave., rhadee and colorings.
Come and let u1 show you what we od' doing in this Department rind find our priers.
Will Ise a Special feature in our business for the corning Spring,
The Empire Typewriter
Visible Writing -Perfect Aligi est -=Li
P capsmeat Endurance Spam
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
are not a new and untried remedy--
our grandfathers used them. Has s
century ago, before Confederation.
they were on sale in nearly every drug
or general storeIn the Canada of that
day, and were the recognized cure is
thousands of homes for Constipation,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheumatism
and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To.
day they are just as effective, just aa
reliable as ever. and nothing bettor
has yet been devised to •
Cure Common Ills
Masse Your Stock and
Poultry Pay Better with
Cement Mills Being Closed
it is announced I,v the Canada.
Cement Company that. owing to the
dullness of hm.ina',., they have decided
tor -100e down four of their 'planta for
the balance of the year 1103, or until
further• 8)0tiee. The plants •Rented
are those at \Ierlhank, that., Iwkefield,
f hie, Shallow Lake. out,.. mg! tiatgsry,
is ali worn out. and rip your whole At a east of 1•.s thea • cent • des Per
caul', sheet Jo., 1u t141kr work, we .4 ... • '•I •tock, it will increase their value 26
are not that ki11d of p8)10,1o. 1v, shall e"' r..1t. 1•.reranrnt l7 tan■ Coiic, 'prbility,
\+.,n-... Iiot. aid Skin 1 .8 1. 7on.. up
we show you :' r •.e-.1.•.en 1..unulr ,-1. t'iat fhoY Quickly
V1.• weight and tiros. Inertia." the yield
+:f "Mair ee.w• three to ave pounds a des,
Is. side, the quality of the faille.
ROYAL TCRPI.E is net • (orad- It 4 a enn-
wHa•rwr--the bast ever ao'd If there woo
any '4arr we .00;•1 he belong ft. It en -
HAMILTON STREET GODERICH a. s....'" 'retie Me Mtnrat fent they
•teAwi4 rel •1)d the cwt a ra from It
PHONE 136 11.1* is the motile. of alt thorough .rterin-
!_ Ary aN
1o•w-••Fwd your •tock .o food of
y. 4.rown grewta
iota" sot pa.nper them with
r ,1' pe Is -rested womb so that •leer • tame
Mac Ewa n' s cannot digegoodlstieead, w me fe.d,
imams. ela oOn• awe• • • ..•mucus bees. sa i. sac Tou low..
-`..t these th.ngr coot Yea and what they
w:t 4t.
ROYAL PURPLE 1. ma aid to these na-
tural f8er / If pea . it as d.•,ctrd, -e
can guere. Imttar insults than 18 you
:mad 14.7 d tit eaaeagtle"s offered on the
nark.t as -ssapad Arida"
Best Scranton Hard
Coal --all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates -the highe*.t
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Domestic
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Toienhnnt. f0
rry Om a PowCaillired Aging
If urn is ru•-4.wa, poorly nourished
`•s•t on y farm. sew what ROT AL
PI'RPIR A C will do for it A 60 -
rent prates is * tow or hon. 70 day..
The ,most 1a so trifling that an farmer in
..asatle, has any unease for hiving wt•.f-
health stock around Id. plaee. Try It e•
the poorest-eondiuoned animal you have and
we knew you'll be surprised at the result of
a short treatment. Cattle and hugs fatten
up a month earlier than without 4t, which
Meana you nave a taontb'a feed mod •
month'• labor. You can brine ■ig pin to
the pink of condition •1 the coot of 61.645
Steers trotted In the same way east no
more than 31.00 emelt to put in prime state
f1)Ir41s and keeps writ horses. mar%. colts,
co. -a, takes, steers, hoessold la pgekagw,
60c. and air -tight has, 11.50.
VISOnnia Tour Illi■,
he you know that ROYAL PURPLE POUL
TRT SPECI►1C malt. hens lay In winter s.
11 in .emus, and keeps them fn, frown
d•*s•e' It dew., •1)d helps them 0,er Us
moult, fattens and keeps them ie %iv, env,
health. .1 60e package lasts 26 hews over
70 day.. Shouldn't you try it 7 we hair
hundreds of recommendation* from all rarta
of the country. If ROYA1. PIIRPL1i: ,Io.-■
not give you better result. than •nytb,ng
yo,' 00o, wed, or give reit satisfaction. w,
sill refund your money No matte. what
rur °pinion of other preparations, we want
ectric a chane, to show what It can do
for your poultry and a 60e paekar• will
show you some esu remelts Sold in 2541 and
the packages and 81.60 air -tight tow.
1,•11.4 Purple Crepe $,.e41. for amt Rud perp", Lk,.
iw•ill 841,0 •ly ordinary matte •nimais. 75,1 •4143
la heir days.. see, by mall 55. e1e.
Reed Pimple S.... 1
•) nmol,.-. sprained
A , el Purple Werra
King, fur poultry and
toe. by mall Sae and
Wm!" for I/newese
N - gid Pumas Gall Can fm aerateth.,
I.ndn.r, ells. le. by beenee sna145. eta. 0e.r., rte. ice •nd
p.el•e for ■nimaL . t4 ail 10. and e0,.
r1)•."e• the worm., •I$o their tens.. 26e, R.y.i P•na* 1.s, Il.sdee for seer. pip,
b7 man lee diphtheria• typhoid fervor, auk., white
Reye) Punk• bWf•elaat• hi 6N, lee sad dlarVAs.•. •418411.4 lased. ore.. 1. poultry.
I t en hew. MN. by am11 lea
We will mail for e►s saltine mer new ,..toed ss.p.sir
book on common efimesb .f .awlt •a4 poohry. Telt
bo. 1. feed IMM and been bosom, ..n.. mama.
saws, *seem. •own, eats , alar how te feed and keep
1[14)577 sa Ord thug ly whiter .1)d .m•m.r. Coe.,
"''%or•r,ed lei air rotors. •h..tne fare utility birds lo their natural ..Les. Til. 1. . bees
•t should be t. .ern 1..'.... tr---- 1w. I'S TRRE. Write Iter year ..4y tod.y.
W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London,Canada
Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from
Mrs. Holdsworth and her bruth.r.
Mr, P. Potter, visited at Leeburn last
Master Harry. son of lie., R. J. Mc-
Cormick, ha• beets ill for over a week.
He is sterrrwhat improved at the time
of writing
Mr. N. W. Trewartha retin n.d from
Montreal nn ,Yrdneeela)-
Reeve Lobb attendedl county coun-
cil in l:ndorieh la.t week.
Miss lulu Connell visited at Kin -
burn `eel week.
Mr. Henry Miller's osol .on. Fred-
die, wail as. 1I1 thee! the ilea -ton gave
1,11:.: In toe bads:, orin bis seeovrley tor
Frothy' of last week. hoot we ate glad
to slaty he is .oriu•wbat improved at
Mr. anstars. C. McPhail visited at
\Ila. Hol iii 1'. un llnnnay.
Mrs. Shetson had the misfortune to
fall .•n the ice while e • g from the
barn and fractured her left arul +.t the
elbow on.' d*y bust week.
Mr S. T. Walter serviced word hat
hid .ieter, MIS. H Tebbutt, of Cali-
fornia, is seriously ill. Nurse Walter
may 141410 for there in the near future.
Write for the l'1,taloe,ac of
Toronto. (int. 1' espluin- full; I lr.• many sd
vantage. catered br ilii• well known .••►Kul.
1' illcsf0 opnu all year. 1 eminence now.
As used M' the C.P•P ,
f' N.R. Bank of Montt -eel.
elerehanl• !tank, Katal Blank,
Notthern Crown Bank, Might
1'irrctories, Limited Ilett Tele-
phone Co., err
Made in Oanada--rherrfe,r
.tave'2. per cent that lutist 8.•
paid as duty on all whet
It Costs you Nothing to
Try out as Empire in
New Model -Empire" Your Office
I. Adelaide St. %V.. Toronto \Yorks Montreal, ljne.
The Canadian 1 h der of Foresters are
having a cone.', -t on February Ian.
It will 0,06.1 of heading., solos, (oar -
tea s, duet*, dialogues, loetr,ment-al
mild violinselections. Th«proo.w.d•
will 1nw.d to rep•ir,their h t -
\Ira. Jas. Howatt, Of CoI1oorrs., is not
improving se her finned* would like to
b0,. r.
Naera,n.nt will he a.lminletesed in
Knox church on neat Mahbath ltoorR-
\Ir. Wm. 4arks on he on the siek list
at present.
Meson. eiow.on & Lawson *le ship-
hipping rollers thin week.
Mr. (i1. L. Tunghl''shipped huge on
T.t.•day paying farmers nine dollars
per ewt. for th•sna
The Smedley .school convention will
he hold in Knni ehureh on Wdeole
day. Pehnte/ty II
-111111... Redpath "tete
for Hall rued, at W. T. RIDDR1,iie't,
r 01111 DhTRa AT *OTTOII )
' G
Truss Torture
Owe. T5fe* tee RMser to wows
W.atsNj Ra lera, D.... mea r ►
J. Y. EGAN, Specialist of Teresa
( - aMilma 4 from t,,rturr ,..-• Mai1somaiegsF-r
.4 ,•:47pony me... pada
*144u5S F414. . an sew.
mailer the waed•rlr a..eMr.i w •
Wlio h 1)i• eWI p"diarsesanluyi s lotion.
p veg to tie - t, row o
s.rwkP niter, -r, l r• -!1st row •y
k time all Milers east It ,saps d
Ie fsJ r.•t wee every partmod
►„ 1 Y.
M s1 w4 a w l.a.4 a mins) d
I....... are tbee'ra
.a 114. r abwil.sely with.
sms a else. *summod ever.•
wt nis ice y M Mir► 1 lis'.y ..
SNI4111=eMr11r•sN a. sse ma/w RIR
le- Iiwr'"i w is illes •+erlhsawsM aw,
p"ee eensen_llew -
TY r •Sem Pa.e,wa... N J. T
all gM~ Terallerne tiet • (aa 14.
le s lMsm a
f4wam ■iteiaraa
sarwl$ tv rot
,,sass .sums gap _ rte` ad
If so, call and see the splendid bargains
we have to offer in STOVES and RANOE.S.
Even if you think you can make the old stove
last through the winter and get a new one
next fall, it will pay you to buy NOW.
Crown Brtlli4ut Heater, NO. •ori. regular price 939.9), reduced
t' ...-...,....$47.00
Crown Brilliant Heater, No. 2S, r•egulnr price $42.11•, redue.rl
t1). .... $31.00
Crown Brilliant Heater. No.20, with oven. lewe tar price $•t::,to.
reduced tr. .... ....$32.00
Crown Brilliant 11, -ate,, No. Llt. with oten, tegulnr pt ice
*Plitt r•edored to 130.00
Hs.Iiant Horne Heater, %, .:,. trgular'price $13.p), red
to $30.00
Itadunt Home flenter, No. 5, with to eitelregular price itItil.•,
reduced to $40.00
Washington urate Heater, f•reo$ar price $ttr./e), reduced to 111.4.00
Special (gal !tenter. No. 13, $11.181, $0.00
Sp.-iei Oak Iieater. No. 13. •' $1:1,181, ••
$10.00The \1'ioner,fefulas Iwio►Wlk:; tekrsj7sy,
•' itZ 00
Masi Osk. No •alp, erg"lar Mice $fl.:J), reduced to, $0.00
Royal Oak. Ng,. Ill, legulat' t•ttee 921.10), redueed to........ $10.00
Royal flak, No, I',1, -• *2., 0. " •• *22.00
Also w 'lumber .-1 neroudhand Heaters at splendid value and
set creel .mond hand Ranges at low pries..
Haar yo., any i:ENCINI: to do } If en now is glia time to buy.
We can Rive you an all Nc. 1), ('oiled Spring Steel Aureoles° Pence7 .
wires, 12 inches high. foe 2.2c. per tied, while it haste : other six,, in
pa masa inn.
Owing to the sushi weather we hove a large assortment of
M1/TN left over, on which me cam give you mottle splendid value.. •
Mae what we are offering Ior.Se. each in our nig window. Mom.
of the goods a little .hon w,,rt., but when pot in use- are as good as
if just from the factory.
Ilo no not forret (het we carry 4. full line c.f HARD CO.11,
Pea, ('hertnat, Stove and Eggi. Solvay (;oke,
Carmel and Rlsrk.nithing Coal. Prompt attention given to I
11 you are contemplating putting in a motor or airing your
house for electric lights it will pay you to tree us first
All rens* given preempt attention and fully guaranteed.