The Signal, 1914-2-5, Page 3\ THE MINA IND ONLY (IENOINE lad MakMak tlllt� !IV(' aI1 11 IMITA- TIONS 4t)LD ON THE ANNUAL REPORT THE BUSINESS OF KNOX CHURCH le WELL CONDUCTED For the First Time in Its Existence It Supporta • Missionary in Foreign Fields --Tribute Paid to the Dead by Session -Many Have Departed During the Year The annual report just iamtted and presented et the manual tweeting of the 0.,u rogation of Knox church, held Int night, ,bows that every drpert- III1 1 of the congregetlou is In a floe Hourl.bing condition. THE SESSION THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ()NTAItIO Ta ttlaesi Y Fite. 5. 1914 III dent, and T. T. Leckie secretary -tress• 'leer. Y.P.S.C.K. The offlzela of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor are: Honorary president, Rev. lieorgr K. Ross; prssideut, Miss A. Nalru; let vire--p- Yes is. Wiggles: Sad vice-president. Miss 31. t toddest : re- cording secretary. flim I. N. Mc- Creath ; corresponding ereretary, Mies N. Telt : treasurer, John Donald- son Co re of Co Ittees-look out, Miss 1.. McArthur; prayer meeting, Mims 1) Nairn ; +eels', Alia 1. &sults: Music, Mi.. 1t. ('lark ; Hower, Miee J. Saunders!; ritin M:. U. Ntot:dalt missionary, Mire Rey Dunlop ; Liter- ature, Miss M. MacDonald. The fioeare In excellent shape esow and there was a balance on hand of $7.117 on January 1st. Y.W. ARTHUR CIRCLE MERITS 01The number of families connectedTho nineteen members of the, Young with the congregation and for whose , otnen'm Arthur Auxiliary have all been eothuaastic in the work. IL it shepherding the Session 1s responsible, with !ouch pleasure that they ate able art r �N IJ by alar n, reported last Teal, viz., to report that the member", by their j��r�j' h g I, ha LINIIEN jl BOOKBINDING' MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. (101.1) LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All order.. SIGN AL. ( attended er cb. on laving hr,. •t THE A. E. TAYLOR. MTRATvonn. MEDICAL DR. W. F. (ALLOW. M. B. office and nr/deoce. north street. Dederick, m a; h of t'unnt y Heat• ry omrr. Telephoning!. It. F. J. R. KOItITER-E1 E, EAR, oars and throat only. How •ues,eon. Sere York Ophthalmic and Aural Inrtltnte- •linteal Amid-. Lir. Now and l hroat Ho -pita'. t.ulden Spears. and Morreaea Kye Ho.pltal. tendon. En•lasd. °Moet le&Waterloo `trona Mttrxthrdt apoo•ite Knox Church. Hour. s, • •o (±a. w.. 2 to m.. T tot p. m. Teleupm.e 1►KM. 6E0. AND M. K. WHITING 11 HK1LICMANN. o-teulythe speci 111 :rt .mart,. and ehdd net .11i.n hrot,.• and a*%eu. dt.otden. Rye. .r. -. .4,4 hroat. bietweunand rl.. eu.N. •,.•. 1 ori. )AkerNorth .trier third door trouttLe .w,. LEGAL rD a• xlt 'gee al 11% la a' taken place. New families have been 'added to the list. but an equal number have removed. As In other places, sit In lrodericb the ebb and the flow of life are felt and,the personnel of the con- gregation is gradually changing. Dur - Dg the year .12 inemlwrr, in full ('um• m'anion, have been added to the roll - 227 by certificate and 'L', by profession of faith. The total nowise on 001 ('nntmu ' roll is 74ii. The sa •rauteot of baptism has been administered to li eifents, tile i'marriage.: marriage» have leen eadeutoas.d Death ha. claimed the 1.•t. of 22 i:ve1 v organisation of the c ,ogre• ' Ration has enjoyed a prosperouit year. tend the smoker r•joiers in the vitality ithat ,has cheractrristd the efforts of th people in every department. The varinha report. submitted give erupt., inforutdt lou of the wog!, .Ione. arid these areal not be tefelyd to in detail. Bait the Memion desires to expr.•.s its very high appreciat' of the eeryi. lof the many drvntnl workers who are lconrtantly promoting every weal iranse, and those nufailittg Jidelal,y means so much to the stability and i pr,gres+ of the church. I The large ancl,rrgular et:eudance et f publh• worship throughout the year ' has been ra eiurne of great encourage- ment to till, and gives evidenc1• tit a very deep and vital interest in ie. liginn. With the passing of another -year the Session is sadly reminded of litany places rendered vacant by death. The fearful storm on the (heat Lake,, on that neve:-to•be•fot-gotten Sunday night. Novem bet illh, resulting in such loss of lite and shipping. cast a gloom over the whole community and brought sorrow to tw•u of the homes of tiny people. TO (..lilt M111 and \Ire. Mileolnr M.Uonald and tits. Norman Mc Donald. who mourn th.• fora of their gallant roue Donald and Murdoch. in the wreck of the '•\VecfouJ." un.t to all in the congregation Whose hear •s and homes have been hete.Ived the 'session convey. Ite riucerear sy,npat by and'cotnumend+ them to the Father of wet -cies, anal the God of all corufor•t. The list of threw who died during the year : l'larenc.• Willi, Doak. died Jan- uary a, age '9 months ; \I:try Jane Hr,wn, January 27,, ill year.: Hester May Ilietet, .I,tnnaly 2.4. Infant: James Munro, Frhi'uau y Lit. 7s years : Janet Uonaldion.flat 0h 21 17 yeas; Wil- liam J. Cox. March :44, 111 years; Sarah Jane Bisset. March 39. 511 years: Hugh Crawford. April it, 7S years: Alex antler Olen, April 1:1.71 years: DenieI McLeod, June 11. 73 year.: Clara Mc- tjuarrie Lawson, .Inns 211 27 years: Uharlott • Horton. July 7 714 y -eat.: Henry ()driven, July 271, 77 years; i'lorenre :iugusta Bishop, Augost '211, 1 year; Willie Mendelson, Septriiiher 15. 111 year : Mary Amelia Mrl.ean, September 27. 1 months ; Helen Hut chicon, Ort li er 11. 'cc years: Margaret McAuley, Noveu,4•er 1. 72 yeses : Milt - dock Me )onaid. November 9, S.i y'ea r Donald McDonald. November i, 21 year,: t'aetberine Boyd Morris, Decent her 12, >1 Veal •; John And' ew-, De- cember 12, 42 Teat... The past year has been made mem- orable in the history of the c.tlgtega- tion by sending forth to the toteign Held A tnissionary, in the pel.on of Mr. L. D. S. t'oxson. Hie ordination as one of the elders sad his designa- tion as our m:ssinnary- to Central India will never b• forgotten by those privileged to witness the occasion. MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION YItoCDtooO'l, HATH K KILW1t .�\. barrt+cera, ers...otatietasitiw electors in the MariUu•e l-6urt, etc. Prfrate Mid. to lead at toeoet rate. of triter -se. 1 office.. F,a.t M. square, Ooi.$eh. We. ettut:ht-ta/r. K. 1'.. It. C. HAYe.. .1. i- 101.LuK-1N W. 1'KUuUF•sir• Jr G. CAMERON, H. R. RARRIS B TKIt, senator, notary pahlic• (mese- , k1.euetoa !lase:. Oodertch, tbtrd door trust • ., este. ( 'HARLE$ (JARROW, LLB.. IJAR. KILITElt, attorney, .otteltgr. ek.. tt,,rle r, ' . Monty 1.. lead at lowr.t non.. _ AUCTIONEER. I!HONIAM OUNDRY • AUCTIONEER 41 box. s:. Ooderich. All ioatractiou. by mall .1' lin et Signal olace wall be prumntly .t ra.ded to. I:n.4deutr, t.kpoune 44'• i INSS�UkAIICE, LOANS. ETC. $20,000 PRIVATK FUNDS TO loan. Apply to M. O. CAM. .ituN.lt+rrtrbr Haaalltoaitrect.Uoderteb. W !MIURA:4CE AGENT. Flak AND Llalr,I\N : British, Csuadlaa and American. At";11411urt 0IC1 om 46XD aMetWTaai Loom. try : The Ocetia At.c dsat and Usaraatee oeyontOon limited. of Landon. I IU►.IJTT ave (�oaaaxvaa Solna : The U.S. Fidelity and Otsaraaue Calumny. nice K rwddrac , northeast minter of Tic - or i., and an. band • street. Mottos 1781. iicKIWAAP MUTUAL FIRE IN 9.14. sUnaNCe Co. -Yams and 1.Wated v.rqrfy iaseled. oaken -J. -B. Isda•a. Pre. natorth P.O.: la- t onnolly, Vboe-Ptea.. litderic•h 1'..1).. Human E. bays, Dass -Tress, thmaseth P. O. i n1 ester,. -11. F. lt.(irrsor. esdesea : John N' letap p ; St insanities/A.4. oestae0.; John Heca-w,M, nrodheeree; /anew trans. Heceh wood: Koitert Ferris. darks& ; Maioslm 11. '-wen, tlra+Amtd. Agents : J, w . yea. : It. tiselt . Harlock; \Vtlesm Cb...ey „,fortA; b. Hinrhley. tlesterU. Paisq-audsr., ap p47 .asameau sar a and mit iknds rend at H. J. >tervlek's (_'IMi1ag etw.CInwn. or at i1. H. t art's Omelet y. (1•rgrtM street Oodertoa. •A1WAGE LICENSES OODERIC AL ONT. . VoTtc,F.. -THE LOCAL AGENCY P011br received for Auberrillilliost pigmies and kils work. and reveled' eau be fee ansousa• noel for the mina. THE FIRST STEP Wee =ease en mesh. I t lin. meant tegillerreet oar"( "14:911. ko alms 9111119911.9. irsed ...slat ( HEIrligreage strew Tor 41111111 The mi.sionary committee repotted that the amount rontriboted for the educational, benevolent and mission- ary work of the Presbyterian Church in Canada has been the suns of Vann. `CL Tye financial statement for 1913, was: Balanes. from 1912, $11 : offering fret 1913,'$IN1(.19: cheque ;ictus Sun- day school treasurer, *100.:14: heck interest. 54.442; total--*UTA4,0:'; ex- pense ac:.ouot for duplex envelope*, 1120.12: amount remitted to Bev. John Somerville, U.U., Missionary treasur- er. Toronto, $1404.79. SUNDAY 9l•HOO1. The report of the Sunday school was veru encouraging and a ..salon was }} during( Viie`enr. The highest was -(i i, the lowest 217. the average attendance :1t, and the number on roll 6r17. By adding 12(1 on the cradle roll and the gatfamilies in the bane department, the total is 1113 A large number at- tended every evasion during 11113. arsd racy one is entitled to $ diploma, which is being pcgsided I.y the eebool. There are ;at 6lnases in Use main school, 11 boys and 13 Revile. Then was a balance on hand of *1,1.10. The officers foe the home department are \Ino. . . 0. McDonald, +np.4inten- own efforts entirely, have made three of their circle, Mrs. Kell Mier Irene Sault' and Mise Iris kWa1'nock, life menthe's of the W.H. M.8. The finances are iu a good state. The officers are : Honorary president, Mrs. (ieorfe E. Roe; p esident, Ere. Walter Kelly ; vice-ptr.ident, Mise Ila Allen ; treas- urer, !Miss Irene Hanks ; sucie tory, Mira Josie Maunders. TIIEh CHOIR The choir held its aon.utl meeting on SrbNeurbrr S11i. The election or °Meets for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Honorary i•resident, H. 1. Su•ang, L. L. 1). ; pt evident. 31'-. Jas. Mitchell ; vier-pee.ideot, 3Ir. J. E. Tom; secretary, \lis+ K. Watson; treasurer. Mr. John 11 McKay. There are 711 meintre•rs rurulled and an average attrndrnce of 40. PASTOR'S AID 94/'IEl'1- The Pastor; Aid Society tenni ted that although few families are in dis- tress, still in • - b where the head of the 1 sr has been u;it of'Hi- pluy meatnr•oblige.i l.y circumstances overwhich he rosy have no control. to work only half time. which weans hall pay. the officers helve been able in acVel al caser., to supply wAla au clo$tu- iog. The he•arty re -ponce. by the congregation, to the pestor•'s appeal for warm sre•on&•hanat clothing has been touch appreciated. If there aro still some who have warm clothing to dispose of. please rend it to the ve.- try. raddre-sed to the pastor. and it will be placed where most needed. TREASURER'S REPORT' The Uea.urer's repott showed a net belittler in the hank of 1191.20. The re - apo. (tool off.rirgs and plate, coffee - times Amounted to $4000.3.5 and togeth- er ,v lth ior1, ler" of her objects amounted to $1183,14. The expendi- tures con.i.Iing of salarie.. supply and tither rhurcli maim emitter and benev- olent didn't ',einem, auwwlted to $thti.lra, 1'he µmets! turd rash amoent.how- eti a h.11ence for 11412 of er$htt,kll and deficit for year 191:1 of Cr.21.91. caving hal •live oh hand of $.4.06 an 1 total of Cat S9. Fat' the session fund there .via+ a belanc.• on hand from 1912 of b 11111) 4 r:1 1. .100,', earner! forward to 11414 were : tient-tat fund, $81.88; relief fund, $9.31: scesion (mid, $11111.90 : , hit belancr on hand and in hank. $191.2a. The n,:ssionary eonunirtee have this year rontrihuted halt the east of the duplex envelop,.., $29.12, which has been dedudted from printing ac- t count. 1hr NYeit,en'a Home Missionary so- ciety have hal a surers.(,,I year and despite all charitable diwbnsements bave a belurce on hand of a i. The , resignation of 1 he esteente 1 president, Mr.. Rom., which tbok plate last Februai y. was the cans,' of very deep regret to the society ; hilt owing to ill health it was most essential' that she should take a complete rest. 81rs. Hunte very kindly took her place as presidents for the Valance of year. Mrs. Koss remaining as honorary presi- dent. The officers are : Hon. president. Mrs. Ries : president, Mrs. H first vice-president, Mr,. Kelly ; second vice-president. Mr- McClachetty ; secrete! y, 'Mrs. Proudfoot : treas•irer. Mrs. G.rrow : home help secretary. Mr.. McFarlane; supply secretary. Mrs. Coats ; library secretary, Mrs. Mitchell : strangers' secretary. Mrs. P. M'Kwan, jr. ; pioneer secretary! Miss .Manson ; piwoast, Mia Nairn. MiSSI.ON BANii The officers of the mie.ora band are : president, bliss Wiggins : first vice- president. Miss Dunlop ; second vice- president, Miss C. Framer ; third vice- president, Miss K. Hamilton : record. ane-eecreta.y, Mies Etta Waults : cor- responding -secretary. Al 1 s s Jennie Manson ; treasurer, \Ire. C. Ibty ; assisting -treasurer. Eric Wilson ; choristers. Vera Latimer. Maxine Burdett. ; pianist. Miss isle Hume; adiltess. Mies Agnes Maunders ; con• %MOP%• eat ntetyica..,aomtlrlMheris. Mho Addlalde Nkirn : loon.<'rnt eoinmittee. Doris Martin (convened. Willie Don- *Mson. Har,kl Murray sod Hazel Hirnie. The total membership is 117 end the average attendance tw-n, whleh is 11aategg��cc than lest year. The life men,- Mrspip was added during the year. Them= of $R0.37 wee raised by the Band, 1140.t1)oi which wart sent to the Presbyterial treasurer • base con- taining Christmas presents and cloth- ing was sent to the west and wit valued at N6•99. MANAGERS' REPORT Brophey Bros. GODEItICH 108 Freers! Diredars sad Embalmers Orders earotaliT attomiod to at all hours, night or day. NOXin A '.COLD Ilse bast Cough Medicine drat. Me. pee bottle. at In tbe spring, through tbe generous oller,of tbe Ladies' Aid Association. which undertook to bear the expense, the committee were able to have the walls and ceiling of Lb, basement. renovated. and some other improve- ments made. The remtlt has been to add very greatly to the Ames/noes and comfort of the room. mod the com- mittee wish to thank moot heartily the ladies whose zealous efforts made such an improvement possible. The the evening of and it added °Web to the interest add pleasure of lb. Rev. Dr. Tomball. were le to be for chi]. present and take part in the protwod- all drug Inv, le bate etwowiter a sew iseenest walk e Delicately flavoured -- Highly coucen- tratsd. WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's" . was put down at the side of the church and new r etre were made in front. Just before the close of the year, to meet the wishes of sottw of the tilde' people, the committer bad ea iron rail placed at the sidle e f the stairway leading into the basement. 'rhe treasurer's statement ►hoes that there was a der:reale• of $It1. 13 on the total receipts of envelope. and plates for current expenses and that the balance uu hand at the beginning of the year was only $191 2''. The committee think it well, therefore, to repeat the following sentence_ from last year's report "As he expenses are likely to increase from year to year, and ns it Is very desirable, if not necessary-, to begin the veal• with a balance nn hand of lh(st, it is evident that an increase in the regnant. effet- ing i. needed in order to hive OW 'loan •.•e in ,a est i.(actury condition. • , A Cure for Drunkenness Within the Reach•of all That alcobnlisua is a di yea se at. no'r recognized by sterner. No man in 1tae senses I.t-tt,g. disgrace and 1.1,1n 1,11 Idni„•If and family 1hiough choice. .Acura stop+ the craving for drank, builds up the system, stead,,'s the ner- ere. It 1s guarantied to elite of bene- fit or money refunded after a fait- trial. Alcura Nu. 1 eat, be given secre•tIv bt' any wife or Mut her wantingto restore a dem one to health and usefnlne.• -tticnra No. _ is the voluntary tie..t- went: Can Ie had ett our star.• Only 9;1 Of per hex. -\•k• fnr over Prey- llq.eLtet about Aleut a. E. It. Wigle. Ihegotist, (ioJerich, Ont. •KIDNEY HEADACHE • is cau-..i from the blood being thick- ened with uticacid ir,ia1ms eilrulating in the head. Anti -(-ria Pills cure all form, of kidney- trouble. They are so good end .o sure F. J. Rutland gn Gran- tee, then!. Be attire you get Anti -1 ri Pills. 13 V. Marion oh every ,h..c. Sold only at 1-' J. Rutland sdrug stere Gct vont stationary printed at The Signal. i i PIcCaI I's Patterns Perrin it loves The New Wash Goods FEBRUARY is the month most women do their family sewing and we are better prepared to meet every requirement than ever before. 456501.505/51,50. Anderson's Kindergarten for Children's Wear The ideal gxlitea for children's Wash Multi and Dresses is Anderson's kindergar- ten sloth. extra tough wearing colors. perfectly fast, in newest designs. 10 inches wide, per yard 20o Anderson's Celebrated Glasgow tiinghams For the hest wearing and washing gingham you can make no mistake in iwie.ct- ing chi•• standard lin,', every color lerfectln taut. 27' inches wide, per yad. 1So Special Values in White Cotton .1. fortunate purchase of white Cotton sect'. tel et the 1,1,1 triers. this uae,ans a de- rided saving. Except i.,,, 11 great valeiea, Canadian and inlpn. ted Cotton,. at per Bedford ('olds and Pique,, plait}, and yard loc. 12ir, Ia•, 17e and.. .... ...... IBo fang'. from per luted 20o The New Prints A !ergs. shipment of the new prints just opened up in all the newest designw in light and dark grounds in almost every conceivable style of pattern. The quality is better than former seriatim, a heavier print and abta,lutely fast M.lprs. Palatine! Prints, 31 inches wide. per yard 1Mio • The Fancy Wash Goods Ratite,, crepes, crepons and ell soft dinging materials -Will hold /rat place in this season's wash materials. In mu- stork will he found all the newest and popular colorings which will be scare,. later on In rhe season. Crepes and roils from. per yard, lar. to 500 During this month all odd lots of wintergoods, including Fur Coats. etc., will be cleared at sweeping reductions. McCall's new Spring Patterns now all in stock. Pima" Millar's Scotch Store 'Phene 51) .24 CANADIAN KNIGHT DISTINGUISHED SERVICEORDFR COMPr1NIDN c: TH RANGE A PASTE I THE F F DALLEY O aro.' NO DUST NO WASTE HAMILTON CANADA No RUST 1 11 Electric Fixtures SUPPLIES WIRING REPAIRS W. J. HIJIMART PIl0Ni:1a7 -i v i1 `Read Our Personal Money -Back Guarantee 1 f AA You Can Try This Remedy At Our Risk Irroxy YOU know what that means -Misery -Worry -Big BillsDebts! You know you can't afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. It's up to you to take care - of yourself. It's up to you, whenever you don't feel right, to take something to make you right, to strengthen you, build you up. ward off worse sickness, protect you and your family! That thing we have, and in offering it to you we protect you against money risk, by personally promising you thaf if it doesn't protect you against sickness, we'll give you back your money without a word or question. It Is- Iliminimmmimi:1210 Olive 011 ErnulsioN We - It Is the Best Remedy When you are run-41(mo, no matter what tbE cause. It doeim't merely atimnlate year and make you feel rest for a few hours, but takes hold of the weakness, and builds you -up to a healthy , normal condition. It is a real nerve -food tonie, a real builder of healthy nerves, rich blood, strong muncles, gond digest ion. It cootaine the Hyporshosphites, to tone the nerve* and give ernegy, and give vitality, strength and heahh. It is t to take, the greasy flavor of the Olive Oil Lavin' been renew . For 300 who are tired out, nervous, run-down. for puny eitildren--iire recommend Resell olive Oil &nutrias as the bed stedlise we knew e/ le make and keep yen wall end Mem. dchilitsted. weak, We Make Our Living out of the drug burliness rigie here in pier town. It is our duty to give you the heat remedy we t•an for whatever yniii may heel., anti business anew demands t hat we recommend nut hing unite« we know it's good. We know Resall ()live Oil FmnIsion it good. We believe it the heist builder of health, energy,a0 rcnetlatimeaeseeesie. Iielteresr. w*veetbrbilpistratervegoie•rewThbors:' ihelisii-e that it will make you weft and itrong again, and wave you money and worry in the end. We feel it is gond burliness for Is to brominism" Retail Olive oil Emulaion and get von in use it, brewer wr know yotall thank too aSter- ward for making our ronfidence in it so plain that you didn't hesitate to take tes at our semi We alio feel sure th.a. onee you have fisted it, AR enthooniat ie about it we an. and will recommend it to slew f Read Said eedy a doe 79911 aims Steree-the Warier Greatest Drug Steme-111M1 • hetes held in this tem sally by es Ike Guarantee This Ramody to Ronal's and Satisfy You or Your Monoy Back We don't want your money unless Rend' ()live Oil Emulsion really helps and satisfies you. it doesn't, come back and tell us, and we'll give back your mone3-. We believe it will pro- tect your heidth-if it doesn't, the money is yours, ard wint you to have it. C. puglop, Phig•B• Druggist, "Section) piock hING 0) AEI 1