HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 7gadwayt gam. THE SIGNAL GrODERICH ONTARIO loist at gas seems rtesNN• aw saz •,. ,... w Ii.d Ihr•e M1v*e, . bus aid art get ,raft rrll.f. ,a broil la.lw.4 sa tae trying a. N, <L end •rat In. lea b•dlaa 1n tweet, •howl. ■flex rte set el•rtn'aba i red tura la brad wit\ sena. oar. red tee tattles mil as met." Rheumatism .tnl•ly the 11r11e1 raleeasti7 to the pert or p, rr. •r« -ter. .s Mistily as e rru.l....e elll &m -St will alas be drrl. •1 frog 1; n.lw ey'a 1'111, their alterative esti.* Ir1ng ,.. nnartr sense to this dire.,. When ti.. O rya. an .welled. MIr or rnatrartr4. 14• H -- het, ena merrt nn. le an •dmlr.hl.- Iubrb•.ut. JADWAT a CO., Mwtrr.l. Cal 1141.1 CAN ENTER ANY DAY AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN ROUND, ONTARIO large staff of specialists. Individual I ostruction. Positions guaranteed to graduates. O \. E(.EMIval FC. . A 1'i iocipal for G. D. FLeetteo, t yeah. Secretary. T. Swans' 'Bus, Livery aid lack Stables a M&NTRWLL STREET JCMT OFF THE SQUARE .) C Itl'sES MEET ALI. TRAINS AND : PASSF,NGER : BOATS P.asaeugen called for in ..nv part of the town for all trains at O. T. R. or C. 1'. R. depots. Prompt service and careful atten- dance • Our Livery and Hack service will he (odbd up - „i -date in every respect. Y. air patronage solicit ed. T. SWARTS IPhone It/7 Montreal Street COLLEGE AT HO M E Then..odb of nmbl:Anu• ,none people Me feat (neem in•g In their own `ours. tearer,. IurraUva poetlon. u .t.a,rr- n•phen,bookkeepers. tslerrapbera. el ell ,,spent.. rn fret every .pher. of BIM nes- Aetivi;k.r You mar finish et col lore if rota whir. Positions' rKe•aren- •eed. i:ntar oolleae any day. IndivW. ,wl In.tru••t Inn. Expert teachers. ri,Irty year.' experlen... Lsore..L 'railer. In ('.mads. &sren coliege.. s{M•1•ial course for teacher. Affiliated with commercial E.,uea +or. A••oc.at:on of caned., Pnmmer �nhnel ..r famoo, tliwttea It -Ines. doll.•,(,• London. Clinton Business College 01•x. •1,m,c B. r'. 11 ten 11mi/set. Principal BUSINESS AND ° SHORT IALND Subjects taught. by t_pnt .IIitrs .c : at :be Y IL C.AGi ,LOR,QQN... aslti a semen from Sept. free. Eater any t1.ac• LW. Wetttrrc:t J. W Westervet, Jr. Ftledpil C3 rent :set COAL Ha v i nE per chased the busi- ness. formerly es -inducted by ) Barlow Holmes, we Pur- a* dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Consent Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton nd 11qu Wki Lehigh ,ys Coal. two ft the heWe wishgtsio gip mi the pr'epl• of Oodertch and vicinity tbe hest merles pos- •Ode. and sbaR he glad to hew from all of Mr. Homes' Iutows•es and any others whit wish aayt`lag la one I ttya Ali orders left sego Jas. Y„wtidsWeft tl to.'p(►st. Prompt! y �cDstgi �6Iedhill 7• ard. at N. T. R., Nelson Street NEWS OF DISTRICT BRIEFS FROM FAR AWAY DM - TRIM'S IN CONDENSED FORM What Our Correspondents Have to Say—Township Council Reports— Mr. Herbert Campbell, Wall Known Marc, is Appointed Manager of Wingham Waterworks Department The death of Mrs. Margaret Anoint, widow of John George Ainent, occurr- ed to London last Sundry. bite was a forger r •eiJe0t of `ioaforth. The brl.•k wol k on lite large id- ditinn Lo the Weber h ( liege furuitut e fat tor; •t \Vingbatu ha. been com- pleted. 1Its root will Ise placed ou the building in a few deer. Mlw Esther Lite' and her father, Joseph Lvtrn. heap purchased the tine house adjacent 10 the Methodist church, Lontleelml•o, from, Mrs. (ieuryte Lyon, ant” have woven Into their nt•w house. Recently Reeve Olen, of Stanley township, presented his two daugh- ters, MI.. G. M. Elliott, of Clinton, and Mrs. Fr.ilk Sounders. of Gude- rich. etch with a handsome piano, as melding gifts. Mrs. J. W. Jowett, Warroad, \lion and Mr-. (Dr. 1 \Vright and her too, Harold. ut Tottenham, after a pleas- ant visit at the old haute in liaytield• left last week for their respective places of residence, Mr. Hitt H. Hicks, of the 12th con - erasion of Ooderirh township, dropped dead in it stable on Thursday morning of last week. Hr had been called in by his brother-in-law to moist in rai`- ing A sick horse. and while standing looking at the burse hr fell over cud di.d in • fox minute.. Heart failure w was the cause. He leaves r wino and (laughter. Sow.nos Alle2aboOs ('lfott.n Jan. 2U —Tbat the liquor interests atr,pending weary freely in an IT „t to t, y and defeat the tem - penance p -up a on Thursday is the sorban", allegation befog wade by the wurken he. e, and it is likely that an wrestigaucn into specific Called which have come to the notice of friend. of '•lfanl.h the 11 e- w Huron will be demanded Manager Appointed At the lent meeting of the %Vingham tuwt, council Nr. Herbert Campbell was appointed manager df the water- works and the u,aua4er of the elect' is light plant, war given permission to ground electric light wires on to the water plains. The council indorsed Cue e.aue of 4111,:eln of debentures to cover line extrh•n,o,. 1 be Walker ,t Clegg bylaw was remit three tlluee inn pa•vrd. Liquor Analyzed` The liquor that. Pleven,ial (Nicer (:,urge 1'uippen gut owe Lays ago in Ripley in the two hotels. the Irwin House and the \Nilson, was sent a that time to Toronto to be analyzed with toe result that the lIqun was found to be considerably above the percentage allowed by law in local optive territ.n y, and he was in Ripley serving the auwwons to the above - O tine° partir.. t , three daughter.", namely : James and Edward. of Asbttekf ; Robert, of Gode- rich : Peter. of Stonewall. Manitoba : Richard and Michael. of ('bizago ; j George and Stephen, at Mune .ted Mrs, W. Lawren.r. of Chicago : Mrs. \V, O'Brien. of London. and Miss Margin et at. Mune, and 15 grand-chihlten. The tenuity were all here for the funeral with the exception of Richzud who had Lust return.'d to Chicago ,a few (ley. before hie fathers death. The funeral was largely attended and took place from his home on \Vednesdey morning to the Roman Catholic church, Godeticb. The pallbearers were his tive sons and son-io•law, Jatue•. Ed- ward. Robert, Peter and \licher! and \V. O'Brien. Mowbray and W. Speen. of Zeeland. Ousels from a distance indadsd : Messrs. Roy Adair, Ifugb (;floor,, A. Heating,. of Turobury ; Mr. M. M. Habkjrk, eleafortb ; Mr. Jas. l%letborn, , Limner.' ; Mss.... Alez. pD�aiM.000 li•o. Yseessmayt W*. Lam*W. vas: aryok. Win bast ; Miss \Milker. Aire Scutt, Miss Mclimber, Visa 13urchess, Miss-ktcheeon. Mire King and Miss M h: wen, of Turnbury. DU NGAN NON Oue r.( the worst storms of this wi ter swept over this vicinity last wee when the roads were blocked for couple of days. The stage was not ab to make its daily trip. Business w rather slack, but it it looking ')et now. Mire Emma Sproul was visit's ber sister, Mrs. Runt. \Vilsou, of God rich. Mr.. Itobt. Henderson is on the sic fist at present. Rev. J. E. Huo.er was greenly hol ing evangelistic servicee in the Met odist chuteb. Mr. Bailie gave an address on th Canada Temperance Act, in the Meth diet church, I n idunsbey evening, Jen nary 19.h. A mined choir of the three churches furnished the music. Ur. and Mrs. \Villiau, McClure an family spent a few days at hi brother's residence at Benu,iller 1:ts w•eet. Miss Pearl MacKenzie, teach,' o Port Albert public school, spent Sun (lay at her home here. Mies Ella Ryall spent it few days it Winghaw lest week. AS4IFIELO Tbs minutes of December 13, 191:1, ort being rod woe approved, on too - this of lltitewartand Dalton. Mowed by Stewart and .Alto. that Join Lottg and DugaW McLean teat. 13) be appointed auditors for 1911. l'o- anlmoau. The Reeve opened by outlining the chief matter* that would require care- ful ouoaidersUuo and action during the yaw and he bespoke hearty. um - ted action by the board throughout. n- Moved by Stewart and Johnston. k, that during 1911 Chir council will do a no draining or tiling along or across le roadwlys that will not he ueoessary as and a decided benefit to the roadway. tee Parried. O. motion of Johnston and Alton, g Mr. Chas. E. McDonagh was re•ap- e- pointed collector for 1914. l►o motion of Dalton au.l Johnston, \V,u. B. Haw- k kin. wan re -appointed wneo.her of the local Board of Health for 1911. d- Applic*ticos for ogler 'of alaea.or It- were read from Jam. Catsrer:tn, Wm. C. Bowler and ties. Pentland. Moved e by Dalton and Stewart that John - (stneron be re -appointed a►ae*.tr for - 1(11. Moved by Johnston end Alton that Wm. 5'. Bowles he appointed ar- *envoi. for 1911. B the dr''iding vote d of the Reeve, \Ir. By was appoint- s ed. t January 12•.h being stormy and roads impes.able, the maned by 'phone f agreed to All adjonrnwent. On meet- - ing Jan. Ili the following having taken and wbseribed the declaration.' of t qualifcation and of office were duly authorized to transact business of the corporation tor 1911, viz.:-- %Vw. Hun- ter, neva.. Phaic Stewart, a � de u tY- 1 LEEBURN 'lies Laura Lauterrslayer spent ,ev oral days In laude& ich last n eek. Mr. and Jlrs. 1'. Patter. of notice, - vibe, called on friends here last \Ved uesday. School wk, close.) Is.•t week, as the teacher M hoe Metrri h wee ei,•k si bey home in Godericb. \I r. W. Whaling has returned to his home in Stratford, after a pleasant visit with his aunt, qts. James Chia - holm. Mr. and Mrs. O. Moose, win.) have tern visiting in Beniniller for some time, are heck wits Mr.,. Moon's par- ent+, \ir. and Mrr. .1. look. The union meeting :4 W.FM.S. o Leeburn and t"niun I:oderieh town chip, met at the manse in l:oderieh on Wednesday afternoon. a good number of ladies" from each society heiug pres- ent. The annual Meeting rat the Leteburn Presh), terian church was held in the "cb,nl roots on 'Thursday evening. The business of the year was gone over, the most interesting being the remodeling of the church. A commit- tee was appointed to see what they would do and report at next meeting. Mr. Matthew Foley (,used away at his home. Rosedale Farm. on Friday, Jsttuary 9, at the age of ti3.. 31e. Foley had been In failing health for about three years. but not until two week, before his death wits auy'tr,itg betiuus looked for. The dece.red was well known here having been a 'evident of I'oI).orne for 43 years. previous to which he lived in 'rorioFo. He it sur- vived by his widow. eight sone and Have Re-orgatuzed The Wiighaw High School Library `lochs(y has re-. The officers for the ensuing tel m are as follows : President. \V. P.' Buchanan ; vlce- president, Mise I. .titkeu ; vetoed vice-ptesideni. W. Et iott; secretary, O. \V. (ieddtr, : awlataLI se,;relary, A. E. Shaw ; trea.ut•er, J. Baauuu peeve reporter", .tiles N. Nichol mud J. V. Haute.: 'mar'shal. /1.11. Rantoul, prophet. U. At. Voting. Wingham Resident Dead There died one of Wiogllaln's most esteemed resid,utr in the person of Ellen Shuttlewurth, wife of air. John ljuilk. in her 7itth year, on Saturday last. She moved to \\'1,lghew Irl 1)tlst where she resided until her death. The luoelal took place tlnw her late residence, corner of Frances and Pat- rick streets. of Tuesday, January 27, to Wingham cemetery. The bervices were c.,uuncteu by Rev. E. H Croly. \loco sympathy 1r telt by the wahy 'fiends of the husband Sou fawn). Nr. 4.iirk ie a blued u.uductoro( the Barn Burned The Hoe hare of Albert Roll.. of stir four l h cou.sreswn of %Vailace, hear I.,tuwel, was cowpletely destloyed ey fire on 'lunday irepntg. January Itnh, ta'getbrr with 1,4.5 ht.nels of xi Asti .r1.1 um.uy toes of hay. Walter Koff*. a on of the owner. haft jest gime Into the' et NO and was getting out wan a lug of seta whoa be trap - Tie i+r daiseise •.tw1ss• r.. e xplode rnu In a few minutes the wtst.ke place w'a• ablaze. After the Modest kind of work all the animals and implements were gotten out be- fore the tbe re heat prevented anyone g.Ing iota the barn Herm Orangeman Dead There died i►f Wiagr's= on suede!. January 2.4, Richard Rankin, in 6u '17th year. The decrees.' was horn in the County of Fermanagh. Ireland. cawing to Canada ;m 114311, and settling is Berrie, woeee he was married to Mire 13l*ckstu k, of the sante place. H. lived there fur a shott time, then 1 lved to \t altars township. in Pry th tl#sty, wbe(e be resided for 19 years. and from which place he moved to Wing::am, whew he Resided until his dentb. He was a staunch Conservative and • n Anglican, and he wtm1 is member of the Oi,wge Order for -(!1 yeua, which enefety cuaduotei the funeral. which took pace on Tuesday afternoon frons RL Pea's church to Use \Ving bam cemetery. , 11e leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss Ball at Blati d s One of the hest halls of the Devine wise held in the Foresters' Hall, Blue - vale, morn ly. The drawee of the ladies Mid Use decorations of the hall reads • brilliant *erne. The hall was Ir- rar wtf by Meters. Atebeson, spoils sed Lill M , the floor being managed by Mr. It. Aiehesnn. At midnight dainty pef beams(. sawed were sved by the hill.., Uhf waitresses balm Mime Ate- Meebar. Hits hew. Xis Ywsbse•. Mai I►siones, Misr lilac sad MM and kept Oman t e amen hot at and kept ep seal the thersos'ntrg. Tee sedeleas wino k. 1 WEST WAWANOSH Council met January 12th. as per statute. Members all present : Reese Murray in the chair. Members hap. ing sntwcribed the necessary qualifi- cation and declaration of office the minutes of December 15., :913, were read and passed, of 'notion of Messrs. Nsy-lor and Pur.loo. The appoint- ment, of nmcera for 11111 reaul_ital mu follows : ('irk, W. A. Wilson : treasurer, W..1. Tnompson :.eseeasot. (Geo. Webb ; collecto). J. i3./yle : caretaker, J. Cameron ; auditers, C. (iirvin, R. E. Anacreon. Road "om- mietionets — J. A. Malluiteb. .\. E. Juhnetnn in south ; B. Naylor and J. Pardon in mirth : bounties line•, Reeve Murray. Sheep iusprcturr—A. Antietam' and Louis Hrent in north ; J. J. Washington and Criah Tho.up eon i., smith. Board of health—M.O. H.. T. E. ('See, John McL•an, D. 13. Murray Keen h Ine eetore -- sats dtv,sion 1, S. heir : division 2. Jit. Jobt.eton dlrisinn 3, P. Kearney : •J+tsa emfiwsr.r. Strove. Atrr►traw']ya� I' Ilay'uelr. Bylaw No. 1, 1914. wee reed three tines snit peewit. on m,.thin of Meted,. Naylor and alal- lough, confirming the .boar aptr"nt- rnelu• to office for 1911. .1. A. Mal lough was appointed delegate to the annual meeting of the i)nngannon Delving Park Asrocietk,n. Mouon by Messrs. Purdon and Mellough. Oast the usual g,'ants Int given St. Helen•. Intng*(non sod Mla.ehewter ouhltc libraries. Carried. \In•ion by W -Sgt.• Naylor and Jnhnatrn, that W. Proltd• foot be township enlicitor. Carried Accounts to the amount of f1 NOV wore petite(' oio motion of Messrs Naylor and Mallongh c,)nncal ad- journed to mess January :est at 11 o'clock, when the drain ipieetion will b • Oaken up. —W. A. W moon. Clerk. reeve. and Messrs. Jos. P. Dalton. Jae. Alton and John A. Johnston, council - Ion. Bylaws Noe. 1. to 7, appoi`itin on1- Ceti, and Hxing t Meir ethanes at.d duties, were t eirules Iy passed and bylaw No. N, to burrow money to pap the intetwl coupons of Ont. W. S. kailway guar- anteed bonds ,and due J,anus"y 1st. 1911, and bylsw No.11, to ilurrrw money (tow the -Sterling Bank for current ex- penses, were also regularly erased. I)n motion o! Jobnetou and _11tun, the contract of doing the printing and advertising for 11414 l- usual � Wow', the tinntrannt•n News at $I ow', t),rr motion of Johnston find Stewart, the collector was ordered to complete an.l return his roll to the treasurer on or before February 15th, 1911. .Accuunui amounting to •:11.7(1 were ordered paid on motion of Dalton and Stewart. The sheep valu:atnrs of last year. viz: David Johnston. Ricaard Johnston, Thee. Garvey, Roht. Drat. - nen and Neil • Murdock. were ro-ap- pointed he bylaw. Neat Incrting, Feb- ruary Iri:h at 1 p m. Time. 11. ALLIIN. Clerk. Women's Hair Made Glorious Parisian Sage Stops Fal- ling Hair and Dandruff Nothing so detracts from the at tracttveness of women as dull. Lined. lustreless hair. There is no ex-cuse for this condition nowadays because notice is hereby given to thete:filet-r of The Signal that Parisian liege. the quick acting hair restorer. it sold with a money back guarantee at 511 cents • large bottle. Since its intnduction into Canada. Parisian Sage has had an immense sale, and hese are the reason.': It is rale and harmless. Contains no dye or poisonous lead. It cures dandruff in ‘two weeks, by killing the tlandrutf germ. 1t stripe felling hair. it promptly stops itching of the acnlp. It stakes the hail' soft mid luxuriant. It gives life anti Beatty to the h.tit. It Ia not sticky or greasy. It is the daintiest perfumed hair tonic. It is the beet, rhe most pleasant .end invigorating hair dressing made. Fight shy of the druglti,t who offer* you a substitute, its is unworthy of your confidence. Made only in Canada by the H. 1'. Booth Co.. Ltd.. fort Erie. Ont. The girl with the auhurn hair is on eve', y package. All rtliabl•' drt►geietr, department stores find toilet goods counters have Parisian Sage Boit- Tonic. ?lie girl with the auburn hair is on every pack- age. E. It. \Ville gllirentees it. OVEN as YEARS' RIgt7C GOUGH MO YEARS OLD �PavasnaY, JANUAaa 710, Mt 7 Yields to Vioot. stead Why. Strong vlgoroua men and womsa hardly ever catch cold; It's only whoa the system Is run down and vitality low that colds and coughs get a foot- hold, Now Isn't ft reasonable that the ngbt way to cure a cough Is to build up your run down condition again? Mrs. D. A. McGee of Waycross, Oa, says: I bad a clinic lc cold and cough which kept me awake nights for two years and I felt tired all the time. Vinol cured my cough and I feel stronger in every way." The reason Vinol 1s so efficacious in such cases 1s because it contains In a delicious concentrated form all (be medicinal curative elements of rad liver oil. with tonic, blond build. loft iron added. Chronic coughs and colds yield to Vinol l ecause it builds up the weak- ened, run-down system. You can get your money back Say time it l isul does not do oil we say. H. C. Dunlop, Druggist. troth—rich. Oct.. LAURIER Skating is the order of the day. (hiss 5.illie Mown. of Paisley, waw visiting friends u1 this vicinity. Mies Isobel MacLennan entertained a few people kat Thursday night of tut week All reported a goal tittle. Mies Marguerite MacLenuan, of L,ucknow high s, hool spent the latter Std of last week :at home. $ 100.00 IN (TOLD \Ve will give nn.. hundred dnllari in Sold 10 11117 11140, w,mMtl, or.:hil,1 that "..moot he benefited by Sageine hair tonic We are .mxions t6 have every- one try Selteine for we know it is the; greatest heir tonic that has ever been -d(se(vvs,ed, S.tgeine will itoaitivsly cure an itchy actin, bring life into dull. faded hair and add inches to its length. Sageinei iv now uht.ainable in Goderich and is sold ander a guarantee to please. .\ large bottle of Sageine costs but fifty rents. Be core to go to F. J. Hutland's drug store for other stores doe'( have Bagels.._ E. OF (/RIO, ('CTA or 105.101 1 sm, (.scow+ Cot•sry Frank J. ('beeey makes Oath that he Is -eniw pact tier of 'hottest' of F. J. Chewer t e.'0. 4olne bnaooes In the (•ttvofToledo. •'aunty and sums aforw..ld. and t&:.t skid arm will nay the «nm of .INE: fit'NDittit li,t.LARS for ,eery and every cs-e of t'atirTh that cannot be curtd by :he u -e of Nil- s atarrh cure. Ft;ANK J. , 11EN):Y (worn to before me and ob-•Abed In my p:esenc- thi..tt:h d:.y of December A.1`.. 1,4/. Weal) A. W. 111.1•:.1140N. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure L. taken Internally. and act. dir•eouy oa ,be blood and mucous ,urfae.•e of the-yst.ent. 'send for testimonial+ free. `til•! b all .i.• CHF\F,C t 1'n.. Toledo. 0. Take Hall . Family Pill- for conatloatioo. January Sale When you are hunting bargains drop inspect our to be in 'and Fur Coats Overcoats General Clothing Sweater Coats ant Odd Winter Garments sold at reasonable prices. McLean Bros. 1 i The Square, Godench .:311 -READY TAILORING ? Agt- )veralls, Stanfield's. Underwear, F,aweil Hats . Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. It • +ooa-:-ooati..".Q, -40.O.O 'O.2•2e emeeeemeritelmierwiseeffe Be Particular ABOUT THE KIND OF SEEDS YOU SOW In Seeds ---as in everything you buy—there un— man), grades. And since it is impossible to judge their quality by examining, you must trust v.- tirely to your Seedsmen. You can depend on us absolutely! We will send you, on request, our big 8O -page Catalogue—Free. vstna54. Pre.iaa---1RRi---seta est& ,(nowt.. (1f.. - see ,J Catalogue for ea ticulers.l Writs hr It Toddaay* DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LIMITED Bos LONDON, ONTARIO • is 04i -<-O+.1.000 4-:•ppp,sit►eit-at bees, -X-0. 11. r}Ostiti yrs heti p,p s i ei- 1 Special Values in 1 ranee tura A siert. •-•a and see.' as,treatment for 1."e. t••ial t.owb...a•oj ,ag mine. Vereet-N Craw.,.. me e..ne the,ra•••v mat .4 to a....,.ing C� •uah and min.. Nr: -,mods Cra.uw at once. It i .s to '. • to "offer. I•,•m Aet'ma. Thea.ra..rn,ng the anti, rtic earn,. e•at•..ad 0115 ma .• Amen1, make, breath;ey r ,.thee the .nee th.,•at and Mop the no,eh, a..nn4 ,.Jul eirtrt.. It is MaaIuahle to maser• nat. I wog ei.kenn. tLrd 'mt.! Innde-ar.,ti.e ALL DIWOCIIsTt, Tr- Car so I'T. r At14Frt lc ie„(l,Ar TARLETFI, .tit .,..fated n+• ..,t. n.ar a . •nnnle, l...trove and an`..e th. .rhea. )' x drnta•t • , tow. is.aa.:.ps. • Vapo Crews:en- a:o. e2 cer,Ledt St., N.T. Lnreanr Mlk•. P...Ying al• ser-.:. Can. y ,111,11111. FOOTWEAR 51en's tine Box t'a1f Hlu,thte. with medium and extra heavy soles at prices front 41.51) to 4:1.0o. Ladies tine I)uogola Kid Gratton and Bli"her, with patent ich caps and good soles. at prices from 41.511 to $2.50. See our window display for these specie! values. Our price, for •-hihlren's footwear are most reasonable. REPAIRING Downing & IlacVicar i'h.`ce 220 Iiu,Ielich BIG DEMAND FOR Page Wire Fence Direct (Freight Prepaid) These prices subject to advance without notice. sen` PAGE HEAVY FENCE! IK= PATENTS blase MANNA Damao Cenrressi rs Ike. alta dw w rersay 444 4.00. 4.400. Mete Towards, 0/ Indimeia Ihs•Woore seetreoseet—w—z - • 22 73 7 4 22 4 :'2 4 lel; 47 22 • 4 161 22 161i f 51 22 9 51 16!.; l(• 22 10 Ie 14 / 2 10 51 If,_ 10 SI 22 11 56 16!_ a. Mr - lora •herd. 983 thesewaysate 1r Itrk p0, 10. 10 �, 10, 1n 44.7,•14.9.• . 5!i. 7, 1, 71a, g' 644, 717, 9, 10, 11 6, 6, 6, 6, r,6.CIL s 6 4, 5,311, 7.h14.9,9 :. 1, '+, 7, $1', 9, + 6,1:6,1,6,6,4 . 6, 6, 8, 6, s 6 6 4, 5. 54. 7, 814, 5), 5) , 4, .'. 5!4 7, 111,4. 9, 9 , 3, 3, 4, 514, 7, 7, 7l• • .3,3.4,51.4.7 7.7' .a 3, 3, 4, 51,4 7, 1112. 2, . 3, 3, 4, 514, 7. A 1 . 9, 9 1, 3, 3, 4. 544, 7, Alt,. 9. 9 MEDIUM WEIQNT FENCE Maw l.n, Peer Wee ernes .I N.♦t. ,a W..pbt •ts. Amnia, sheiks restos testae. wavey c" • Tar -se Ione, •w,l tee 11 Ratti r.,•.. Ile.lr.w.r isotope.. M•. 11 Up,,,he. a. 11 I.•ea& 1',1,10,10 6, 7, 7. •, 8 7, 7, 6, 10, 10 •,8,7,7,5 • 3,3,4,5,5,6... .._. 4. 6,•,1,•,9,x. 3. 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 1. • 3,4,5,•,1,•,5,5 3,4,5,4,7,1.9,9.... ... 3P 01AL PDVDLTI T naiomo M•. • Toe e.e ,'.a.r. In. -,.an sena a. 11, •'Mlaal. 1 tram •part • len • (1.se 1..r. .......... FAY ••1141.10ia” GATOS 1041 se+saiss g 194 apostag Iiaspesiai. 1 1 .33 f 31 33 31 :t1 31 f►/ fa 11110041114 TOOLS. campni.1.44.4setas sok h. all MACE ITSRIL OS oak boose gaga 4 as 4.111 414 4.111 34 17 31 32 t i ALES of PAGE WIRE FENCE la for the past 30 days have been amazing. The enormous demand for QUALITY Fence means that no he can get PAGE QUALITY FENCLa'1/4 at these remarkable prIces Quality Tells Try PANE FENCE yourself. See how Wig PAGE ..nre really is. See how We woven into perfect 14/11C1. See bow PAGE Fence, on nearby iarins. after ZD years' service, is still good lot Jc at• more. Prices That Speak for - Themselves Ccrurice these low PAGE rices erith the mar CS common *Metal. After 31 years of leaderebip. PAGE rence is still FIRST in qua/ity and 'he loweet-peieed fence. Competition rain sower lower PAO - QC LITY--lior reach she s•me high standard as PAGE. A Rare Opportunity To -day. you can get PAGE FENCE direct from Its makers at the inset of ordinary fence. You get quick shipments from • nearby PAGE ware- house—ht tett paid on _1/ rods, 300 pounds or over. You get lc. per rod discount on cselood lots. You can order through your dealer—we'll allow him lc. per rod. You can buy frowi PAGE the lint leers. at low cash prices. To save time and get quick delivery, seed yrot order to the n .. PAOR Branch. 104 -PAGE CATALOG seat es nwesest. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO.4:' TORONTO WALKERYILLE nanIast 1-111 Chunk Shaw I lisasst R. NMI "Page Fences Wear Bed" i A BRONCHIAL OOMPH L taw% Jna artp.p ieparg td.. inflamed, as. ttllt�0t lwterhya tleith Brea iM ' end td.. 1 frau& aIle' Masse dlreagb that taleli.edtliy tissue. Probably no enter �J i t orris omit prompt and pus'm ineat relief as Scott's Emulsion: it .) ,fent(( mitt coruah, heals the linings of the throat - sad bronchial tubes and strengthens the lungs avert tuberculosis. This cannot be point emplin tined tanst, S eft'. Isissibieek hoe beensalepresobig brenchide for forty rears awl r wilI is sridai It Wail medials• sad d.1 Mea SCOTT'. '—'�— AT ANY *T.00. :>n p0, 10. 10 �, 10, 1n 44.7,•14.9.• . 5!i. 7, 1, 71a, g' 644, 717, 9, 10, 11 6, 6, 6, 6, r,6.CIL s 6 4, 5,311, 7.h14.9,9 :. 1, '+, 7, $1', 9, + 6,1:6,1,6,6,4 . 6, 6, 8, 6, s 6 6 4, 5. 54. 7, 814, 5), 5) , 4, .'. 5!4 7, 111,4. 9, 9 , 3, 3, 4, 514, 7, 7, 7l• • .3,3.4,51.4.7 7.7' .a 3, 3, 4, 51,4 7, 1112. 2, . 3, 3, 4, 514, 7. A 1 . 9, 9 1, 3, 3, 4. 544, 7, Alt,. 9. 9 MEDIUM WEIQNT FENCE Maw l.n, Peer Wee ernes .I N.♦t. ,a W..pbt •ts. Amnia, sheiks restos testae. wavey c" • Tar -se Ione, •w,l tee 11 Ratti r.,•.. Ile.lr.w.r isotope.. M•. 11 Up,,,he. a. 11 I.•ea& 1',1,10,10 6, 7, 7. •, 8 7, 7, 6, 10, 10 •,8,7,7,5 • 3,3,4,5,5,6... .._. 4. 6,•,1,•,9,x. 3. 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 1. • 3,4,5,•,1,•,5,5 3,4,5,4,7,1.9,9.... ... 3P 01AL PDVDLTI T naiomo M•. • Toe e.e ,'.a.r. In. -,.an sena a. 11, •'Mlaal. 1 tram •part • len • (1.se 1..r. .......... FAY ••1141.10ia” GATOS 1041 se+saiss g 194 apostag Iiaspesiai. 1 1 .33 f 31 33 31 :t1 31 f►/ fa 11110041114 TOOLS. campni.1.44.4setas sok h. all MACE ITSRIL OS oak boose gaga 4 as 4.111 414 4.111 34 17 31 32 t i ALES of PAGE WIRE FENCE la for the past 30 days have been amazing. The enormous demand for QUALITY Fence means that no he can get PAGE QUALITY FENCLa'1/4 at these remarkable prIces Quality Tells Try PANE FENCE yourself. See how Wig PAGE ..nre really is. See how We woven into perfect 14/11C1. See bow PAGE Fence, on nearby iarins. after ZD years' service, is still good lot Jc at• more. Prices That Speak for - Themselves Ccrurice these low PAGE rices erith the mar CS common *Metal. After 31 years of leaderebip. PAGE rence is still FIRST in qua/ity and 'he loweet-peieed fence. Competition rain sower lower PAO - QC LITY--lior reach she s•me high standard as PAGE. A Rare Opportunity To -day. you can get PAGE FENCE direct from Its makers at the inset of ordinary fence. You get quick shipments from • nearby PAGE ware- house—ht tett paid on _1/ rods, 300 pounds or over. You get lc. per rod discount on cselood lots. You can order through your dealer—we'll allow him lc. per rod. You can buy frowi PAGE the lint leers. at low cash prices. To save time and get quick delivery, seed yrot order to the n .. PAOR Branch. 104 -PAGE CATALOG seat es nwesest. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO.4:' TORONTO WALKERYILLE nanIast 1-111 Chunk Shaw I lisasst R. NMI "Page Fences Wear Bed"