HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 51%Vs have a antra/me steam outfit in operation and would like to fix the 01 your old Urea. May em OMNI tee It P • •-•••.• .••-. - - THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO T(IORsrAs, JARVAI. 311, dill REPAIR OF AU'VO3WHILE TIRES BY VULCANIZING EAST STREET GARAGE \'ext'l'uwo Hall U01)ERICH Theme 243 1 LOCALS 3 a PERSONALS Electric Fixtures SUPPLIES WIRING REPAIRS t UDDART J `t. PHONE 117 lapartast Gm: is Trig Service 'I% sin No. foe -marl, leering Tvrunto p. m.. .rtlatne tVlonle*E a ..m.. hoe born trn•;er artly vett air.wa. train Na M. fort.(-rlv Masi vg tVinnlpect I L pens., nne'1ng 1',na.t lb a.eti . t al• been snorer.! wI'bd,uuu. 1'nln Na Y: kw.. been I..nle.4 between Toronto•nd$udb.rp leorlow Tseuotto .s I. or. dally. anivtne Soebeiry roe aft. Tenn • e. :N ►a. been rammed Newest, Modbury end Toronto, learned •ulbaty 1 1. p.m. dally. idriving Toe onto Aw in. •lwndard 8lre lne tars To.or,.n to ...14 burl and Tomato i• ?trait the. Marie are .ruled o., troth, !i.. 7. !beet erten reruronn For Winnipeg and Vancouver Leave 10,0,110 111 2 3 p.m. Braila • orripne talent library Ob-erratlew 3 er- •tn,ntardl4esesoelan TM -Onto to %vbsni. 1.-e and Toronto 1.. Vahan:weer. Ton•i.t .terpins rase inning azar, l ant Cli•• ..orli.,.. r .1.•nl.t a' rs, Y.reOol.r.• haat 'ammo an l'aef4r AL..,• .,r write M. (I. hit:RU'MY h .P..1., C.P. l:y.. romp, .turf. KIDD. local meet. -.M iss U re's Wise Is visi ti ng friendsin 'resoluta. -ante Mabel Duty 1. visiting friends iu Toronto, Mrr. J. B. Fotberingbaw is visit- ingfrirnd• in Toronto. S -Judge Holt was in eaferth 00 llund,ty on court business. -Mies Hese, ret Zurich. is visiting her meter. Mrs. /:melon Blotto. -Mir, EveChaff. of (einem, visited bre .later. Vias el►tel Cliff, last week. Mr. %V. B. Reo uleerllu went to St. Merle with the buekry tram 00 F'rt- Iday last. -Mr. Jack Kennedy.Cyprrwstr•eet,.' Is hnuie fur the winter. use is a sailor by ucupaltoo. -Mr. Harry Morris attended the Carlow 1.0.t'.\V. uy.ter supper last Thursday night. -Mr. Little, of Sulhuty, was the guest of bis to iendr. \{ r, .ant lies, Fred Relilrruo, recelttly. ll r. 1 nee. !-egg wag in Stratforde•er the la.-rk-end .ttt.•oding the fun- eralret til. gr+rldntutber. - tit. L N ,\(•ties W.1.4ret 1'or,nto eget write aurtulinq the wedding u. bis (emote 1)r. O. 1t. Maher. - 11.. ,and Mie. Daniel 11cDaualJ have .darned (ruin Toronto, where they spent a 'hurt visit with friends. •-The A hineek Chapter 1.0. D.E., wish to thank 1'apt tl•Ihn (or thecontenuuf 1114.hirpiL11 (ISO: planed hi his hotel. el r. Ilea y Abater, of Uxbutr. Saskatchewan, iv •t..lading .a low day. wells \I1 s, Juhn Halliday, Victoria •heel. -31r. and 31 r•. 1: • •, Haley of 1'.,r - 0I110 weir iu town Attending the 11111- eralof 11,a. ILd'. eyfather. Mr. JameyCaldwell. • • Last Two Days of Our GREAT ANNUM, SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY Other people are glad they at- tended this sale because they got a good suit or overcoat and saved several ' dollars by it. You come and you too will be pleased, both with the goods and also the price. Get busy and be among our many pleased customers. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 59c Nine dozen of new spring Negli- gee -Shirts, sizes 1c.nto 16. Sale price - - - 59c ?- ,1e. WALTER C. PRIDHAM 1 Graniteware and Stove Sale CONTINUED Our Granitcware Sale has been a great success. We have decided to add from our regular stock t,taniteware that will mal:c you a large collection tel choose from at prices greatly reduced. Sec our windows. all priced, Main igures. We also include in this Sale, a .:ho a lot of Al: unlinuru and Nicks. -plated .'arc. Nowell Hardware Co., Limited. The tern of service of Provisional Major E. N. Limbs, Ooderieb, 31 Battery C.F.A., isextended toSeptenl tier 1st, ll'13, -Cagt. and Mn. Donald McIver and family are smooth'( tb• memo et Pint Stanley, when t'aptaln Mclvur 1. engaged in fishing. - -The many of Mr. J. Hoag, the Hank of Mde ontrosl, will be plea to bear that he has fully recove fr on at had attack of the grip. -Menem. Fred Sturdy and Hare Colborne left ou Monday for 0ue1 to work on a bydro-radlal survey be tween Guelph and Owen Sound. -lir. Gavin Green, of Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, Hamilton street. bad the miafortuo. to (ill ort the icy pave - went and injured one of hie limbs. - The Arthur Circle of Knox church held • musical at tba Presbyterian mantone e. the reeid.noe of Rev. (lE. turd alts. Hoes, oil Mummy slept last. - Mr.. John 131.401140. of Ilen.all, after *pending a few days with Mr. and MIP. Adam Foster, St. Patrick street. last week, returned hou►e on Friday. - -The Connie club In affiliation wit St. eieorge'• chinch held a pleases' aQt W evening at the bane of Mrs. ager. Wen street, Lest night. A exerlleut live war reported. -The Meows Gertrude and 'MinnieL-rtgbt,n, u( London, who have spent A *hurt vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John Spahr, retuned house on Tues- day of list week. -The.voeal recital to he given by Mie. Geo. H. King. arasted by Mian Grace Seeger, violinist. will be leek' iod North •taest Metbr.st church on Thursday eveniug. February 12th. .1 silver collection tail! he,,takru at th dour. -t'tiend• air glad to see Mr. N•m. Stotb•rs of t again after •entreea week.' confinement. the result of tb ineedent in which he euetained 3 ....erre(,amore •,f the leg. lee 1. eta tering* pair 3,1 mulch.., hilt 1s nota W116.1114 goodprogtees. Women's Inst.tute Meeting The regular mnotbly meeting n( i! Goderich !ranch of the %Vornrn'r to *Unite will h.• hell at the home o Yrs. te. M. Elliott on Thursday, Feta- rnarj:.tb, at 'I o'.•loek. A fell attendee:re 10 de*iled. Visit- or. at- sewer* welcome. Who Sent the Dollar ec oft mei red y ph, h t 0 1 e I2 OP.,. fiver ing, ti II 'I (•rented oh wee the Company to he in e op' ' *lisp., with .b esteneire and • i valuande .y.tetn. en.1 4734 telephones in f (pet atioi . A di video,' of six per cent. en the (,al.it.al ,lock has i,e.•n paid Una year. 'Che h.wd tenor 44 the Com- pany wiil hereafter be at 1 ungnn11on. and .t byl.ly 1341 teamed •,nlitming thia change. The following .I'4't' tors wet•.. elr.•te,l : \V. T. Riddell. Roht. Medd. N'. J. Parks, Auburn :.1. R. \1c\ah. T. G. Allen, 1%n,. Hain., Jet. .1 'hneton, Ihtng•nnon : Nw. Hili, 1leenoriller; Chats. liiriiu, 1••hn liar tow, Nile; R, H. Cutts Hollerith, At : tee ,lir•eoLor,. meeting foll„wing the Igeneral ut..•,iag \Vm. Hill Aram rtef peesulete, ('n40. 0inin vier. president and Jet. Joh het un secreterv. TO CLEAR For Men sod Boys 30 men's wool Shirt., broken sign.. Regular *Lee for •i3:. •JI) pair Men's Pant*.s lteg- ttlar 01.73 for =1.19. Mmes ndd Vest... worsted and serge. 111.1111 far in tweed Regular 1beres Rubbers. R•guler 7:w: for lilt:. J'l) Boy: finite, koicker emote, alms from 1 to 11 years. E. -ender el 4) for ars.-ie', Bova' Ruhherr. lt.,g liar :arc for 4 -4 - Bo' s i• Boys 11v.r.hoei, one hackle. Regula, $;I.:ydtop 1ll;, -� M. Robins The Signet i. in rrotip: of a duller hill •-recluse! in 411 eliVeiune llostlu:trk- ed rivet tore The money 1• sent 111 pep/sent u[ u Miguel s tte:rip*ien ; hot the ce Je1-does nota ¢eve his manse. If thi. paregripn meets his eye will he plea..• let 114 know. w that we may givedne olefin. Mrs. Holt Injured The many trien.ts of .fudge and 3.(r.. Holt will he extremely perry to Neu- that \It Holl, while walking near her hews on North .trent on Semi - day afternoon. fell on the slippery (.aveu.rnl, rau•iug a severe ft scam V' to .ane of her limbs near the knee. She i+ being sttende•1 ey Doctor Taylor and elle ie doing a, well as- eau be expect ed Militia Maters Militia .enters •ont:tin the following : 'l'bn-13 -(bird liur.m Regiment - PIo- vi.ional I-:eutenant C. E. Dowding is pernetieJ 11. roti.., A r..po. t from London i• to the effect that the training; recap next Fr,lutw.1- may lie hell in August, instead 3'f in Jena. The city regiments favor the August camp. but it i, met known 3.11,•1)11)- :he ehaoge would lie accept- .11.Ir to the 111..1 •erpr. G.C.I. Promenade I /whiz to counter *13l'4,:4 ion• 4111 a had night, there war not at many i44 11.01.) SI the semiannual prenien.de hell by the scholars of the Goderich Collegiate 1,1.111'110 O,n F11day ,light leer. However. about 73 turu••J nut and enjoyed it pleasant evening. The prng1a111111r'3'113.111. 31 Id l.n lu omen - Me.. occupying a vt'.• of shout tines. hem-. Pinlcip•l J. I'. HUMP and M i.• H04.'141141 el is. 11. ttelcheee. were present and as•teted the pupil. 1a, rel •7 thrmwlc,•.. Wonderful Singer N•slrr (hot g.• Blanton, ..tie of Aria:eur Vaudeville ender the •utapie.. of Maple La•af Cnapter, 1.0.I1.E., an amateur vaude- ville p.ilurmruee is to nee given wt the Lyric Theatre on'1'ue,.la y even ing next, Feereery :fed, Ihr pi eceed. t o be de- voted to the providing of an anseetbe- tic room at the Alexandra hospital. The program will be of me especially attractive natrne. the perfbrniers in- cluding (ieolge and fleury in •'•fust Dutch;" the child sole, d:►0eer: 1.a Tiger,. famous violinist : Mr• 11 un: et 's male •Iuattette; 1111., H.nriettr de l3elrhere. in►pereonater : i\•.vonne and Jack, the Arcadiai;.; the Schweitzer bides.. Dutch specialty: elide Huggins, soloist .:Mrs. Millen] and M.. A. Buy .\ds„:•. .arentdp.un,L The ioanalie- snrnt is kindly giving Vit. theatre for the .casing, and thele will ,le hyo npel•t.11 lentos'.. Ti.'Ic'i.. ere 2i.•. Let rot-tryb elv hay » tiekrt •.1 tiro avid help in a .tonal muse. OBITUARY Hut on comity, locating oe the Hay Med toad wbere he lived for 43 sears. He povwd to Oodetricb fo Id" 'tieing on East street until the drath1ot hie wife in -tern, le12, when be rammed to the homestead, bid eon's house, 11e was a Methodist i0 religion and s Goosereatlee to entities. He wae.terise nanrs•ie4, tin* to all.. Mary lealkeld, who died in Peet and ewe yearis later to Nies 31. 11. War - cup. One brother, Mr. (7. %V. Andrews', of !Superior, Wit., and one sister. Mn. R. 11. Smith, of town, and two run., ileo. W. •ltd Rutile H•• sod threedangheets rurV4V1 htnl• Mrs. H. T. Legg Fran (be :Matted Beacon. The funeral of the bate Elic•t Legg, relict of Henry Thomas Legg, took place cloud+r efteruo.m :!.311 from leer lute lesid.noe, till I►ooglas street, to Avondale 1 ooaetery, Ileo, C1.s uouduetJ g ib. .ervk.w. The pall -bearers were Nit...rd. J. l'. Moo- t.itb, 0. J. Waugh, .1,, 3l.adill, John \Iyer., Joieph Casson old Thomas Mayer.. '-'h•• floral tribute were mins stuns and leeinitul, heir•1 .t pillow from the (anally. crow, (mlb,ieisclt Brio., Mr. and Niro. NV Boyne'd: wreath, Mrs. Hedley end daughters: oleo a number of *timed i 1111 her in• tiutate friends and relative., rhe late Mtg. Legg w';,, 1*ern in England, com- ing t , tbi, country in 1tl,it), anti set- tling in Toronto. A year later site war nun -rift' and 111 1SIi2 moved to Stratford, white she bs.since teeided. She i+ survived by live rims : Jatuet•, Robert, Edward. Alirr.l and Fred, ell of Stratford: rarer daughter. \lies l.oui+e, at home. and one aster, Hiss .lona, still in'.l.glat'd 311. Thar.. I. agg, of the tarn of 0 li1'ieu and Legg of (ioderich, to e greudson Miss Mary McIntosh Highly rr•;wrled by .11 who knew her way Mas, M.uy McIntosh, when. death occurred on Sunday morning Imo. on her hirt.b.l.ey. The deres«el had !ren ailing for a timelier of years. About I 1 yrarw RICO she felt on the fro and never telly 1e'ocered rime the shock. Sbe was born and brought .tp in 1r derich township and luring the latter part of her life .he lived it town. .In religion eh. was •t Munro Cwt11031e arid attended St. Petri-, chne•ch. To mourn her 104• ere Live -i-ter,., Ness Kate and \I in Nellie- of lio.lerich, and tour brothel.. (h,irier, of St. Paul. trine• ; Jawr.r. of Southern Cali tot Met : William, of Portlan,l, Oregon, and Alexander, of Sault Ste \tori., Niche. pan, The funeral took place (roto hate redideoce ma Cannel) street 4, the Roman Cal Nolte cemetery at Col- borne en Tutee's* .corning. Rev. Fin her 311Ree ofticiatetl and rang a re- .13iew .nave. 'C t1• hearer,' were \f rs•r1, Jnha Sturdy, Welter Sl)a(n••n, Leo anal Wm. Chi -holm, Capt. Ret, Mee Cartby toil John l.:Dan tial. J. M. Breckenridge Word has been received in town of, the death of Mc, James McNaught Breckenridge, a 8011 of \lr, and Mrs, Javier Hreekentidge, of the Bayfield read. who died vel y suddenly iu -:Age.. Nebraska. on l'r idey last. The' ...toe wits heart trouble and he 33114, °lily ill for a couple of hours or eo, He wee well known here and first resider' in Nebraska tut' the lent there years, where he wife img.tged in the jewelry ,hueirlt•e.. In 1.0)2 he married in Chi - cage. Vin Susan Kean, who with nee eon survives. hint. Him .urvivine -eaten" are. Urs. J. le. ('Iu•ke, of le.•adena. C.,Iitoruie, lits. .lames Edward, of it alah , Mei. 4'. Hutchison, of IEthel. Ont., and twohrotherw, N. V.. of New Haver, t'a:mecrice', and A. al., of t'tikogo. in religion he aces n Ieresbvterien nil w t. *1.i) at Itn•,ul.er 11f the 11tt+ureic der, bring eonuecte. with F:'gar dge, No. 67. 3 ,F. R .3. M., and hspt.r 1:2, 0.E,S, Tho funeral tarok Plow.' in ('hizsgo nal his two sisters and Ilia one brother ere were prt're04, *I••n his 11101 het Om ntint 1. mdu"tad tion einerel land Keene theyan 'butes ere waov and beautiful, Dies Sodden:y 1:1 l se .Coni.' 1 ,aeler. of t:l'nron, who les lived mr Allert.tieet with her sets,•, c died se-ldrnly on Friday wot•nioeahont .1:)1 1 art lroil l.l• was Ihr twine of the a defib \Ire. L. Mere., of Chianti, is h eaivter anal their .ire two h'o'hrr•(, it Hmu.',' .end tights, the sheen• living in ,,, Fiske+ Montano. and 1!e later 1,1 Cul- t;. ling wood Donald ML,(:,.non James Cald,ve!I 1'.)lutl:i i greete.t l*.y '•,4,rwnn., 3t ho At .111' 'I"" ..I.1 sg. of k•Snown y1•a w has hien doing such ■p endid work-, Mood.' alc.Kiu11on. well io this with the Dominion Alliance and al... lie•4I,ty. hnvint leen a reeelent of tilling numrrno• c„ne.I a engagement. I Coll,1111" 16.,W1,.hip for ' he p.a•t in thecitis% anal larger tonne -or the year., fleet on let y. tertiary Vitali. pm, 'Vince,d••!igbt-dOtuaudl.n••ratthe r.0J34111 '33331.1 o:a he Mende* 1., The funereal of the l.t . James 1'.ald- well, sge•d 7:1 yr..r., whu.e death o^.cul'• tee) on 1%c.lneietey. January else Look pee-. 14.1, leridav from hid late re -e- d. -sic,. c.n'ner a,f (1ihihlny ferret and Britannia read. an Maitlend r.'p etrry, Ienr,Mft a nese mooting 10 Victoria Opera IneV•nq. Itev. W. K. Halter (inventing. l'be Iluuw. List. 1'.iJay nip lit by lee �' ''('!' dec•a•.d i• survive -1 by tw.• i ee'..teed n•.aP.1 away .,the,' sudden - wonder fol voice, which i• of uteseiteCy , sou., .Sohn .and Angus. beth of Ued•.- IV and while he hal been ailing for • 'ii i nthet.e >anility. Ui• en11 1Clr1- (Itch. tilt past 'seven year.. hi• reality did tion la deer end deeinct, which girt', I Ou:me'te not not, .gp•rt Ihr end a., seen. &deed 'hal 3,, lo -hi. alwey+ adntlah'el The dent h •, eunei enddro'y .et her lit heel ilate n 3drrirhdf,rl was horn anti inter)seteli.en, Mt i, exlw•.t3rl 'het home et teeernan. Atte., on,J,.nns . years. (haul'_'1 lean•ago, be sleeved .4 again dieing the 'uace se orge will he rsuo here with. of Mn. W. 1. Ouiturue, forme'. tart.. where he flee sine .folded. !Jur. Ily of Loodr-lopes'. The .f e•rwned went installed Officers In the Wevt aler'at tell year. ado. She D •trier 1).ptuy Will. 1 .awiord In - Ile iorviv,d by her hu•hrnd, one ares ..1.14.1 the (••hewing eflicier. of Lodge ('liar►.., a(. C+l.nsan, .n•1 nor dangh- leeepool. !4.O.E.. .in \':alnevday. ret, �b•.. 3 3.3)ht, ret list flyer. Au,,. Jann•try lith. Part pr.ahlena 1V m. 31 i- W. T. Itf.MML of Anlrarn; te„n melee.: nrr,id.nt /'lame Young• l'unninghnn,. ••1 H•r1I-tl, .red Ile • vino•p..•aident, Wen. Preeinos ; .hop- th,IIr .too \Y.•st \Vawwn••.h, ate ' p . � •. • . • 11..a-\-:w1o.r. egttrJ"•i • a fleet nn.1i1'.4 oder. \Vu. E. Dilnnadg. "min''" amt •nnettr ea •ht •f.arlt"" TbitH•.ler.a-h. And Mr+. IIAley, of 1 n„nto : •er'Mn r 1a1iorser. Wo. l 'opem:o,: hotislll w.• r 1:1aru 1•4 lard I`er for too 4 r-,•(hrt•. John and t:-nrgr, nl t.h:,a1 ennnn.s•inn.r, itrnj H..ggerll) : Kincsrl.n., 41,4 3wn•i,ter.. \Ir. N'm. 1•h .• 4.•11.11'1, tiro. $V/1e.n•Ir;! Joh1*ndrewa Sterling, of H,aveithe and \1•s, ti inner gonpd, Arthur Ce.Ats; outer .\n •,1.1 ieeelrnt et Gud-rich town- Armee roue. M Vawonuver. B t'., And g.tart, %Vita. t:olhy. .\ftsrth3 into!• ,ah• ,, Mr. Jelei Auer...rt, who dira on two strand ,.righter+, al,.. \laeinn lotten A p ngrals•nme of •pre'h and N'.w1n.••./wy J •nal a• y 21.f. at th. Ar. of Fa' neer, ••f Lbs V,(1ns•1•.s,i1•w.1, nn,4 11... song wn. tonne. end art.r•wn,da su �: )?1.m., w4. 1411 to real .. , S*'u.d av Lillian Frawr, c.,nur.rteial te•A31her .0 .xcrllent "yet et supper ass enjeyeJ. -(arms' V Y4th. the 11 C. 1. Farmers Club ab , Asientwe w ,a even ,1w.., 1' v. Tb0 funeral woe latterly ■tt•otad. I ni.,•.tl,, FneL.,al un J,., , luta, 13.14, on.$ lbw ll.ar.e•g w.t•e• N -sant. J. H. Tb. Ie., meet Pig of the Mal ane 311..10 to t7.u.ae wh-n a Loy of (olereme, 1'. 11 awning, It .'w. 31rlla., 1,vwnship Fgna,.n chit, wig hell on nln0 with Li. )'t rot., eh...tette.' Dived (:leek, liub'. F,tliutt and Thaw Weslneadey, lamest! 21ar, when tete near limitation. In Irrt( M• moral 4, Jnlrneaen. subpart of ••Far.. JN ill •get3)P3 L wags m- cnpa.ly .liem...n t I'y R..ve I,rnh, .1 •hn S swirly, .LF , and .x- ( McLrrty, of l'ullenIse town.( min. Th. divestment we.lteallc germ) met them wbu wer,, *hale t tni,wvl an in- teteetlne talk o I ,AI. ..(Lion-. Rely. Role. Elliott Rate en ioteie.ting 1411 on "'Fruit tiro%iratt.'' The next mewling will las held nn Feht nary 3• h wean the ..11.1 .rt of '•P• eat. 'bill ha dealt with b• Meww•. N.lra0Tremens1he, cork of 1:.*1.►Irh town..bh�lpp,. Weetey ala ,l•ti•, ..f Hrrllat•, 011 ter R.twud, lir.haw. Msik.M .eel Hite Wert H•alnir+. The ehalespan will he et. J. Nebel. A Ouse otten.lanee 10�1 Chas. Tlrenl u' •ecu torpy� lIobt ' • ' .re of 1 be .1 • •ar•.1 vitern , t a ur+t. R ,t. li►el ir* ♦srpio• ell rim• Inc Ilia. limo hr bed m,.,1. many friend• who reg.et to liter ,3f his de- uuv. AI*eut ten yerrr dg-) he 141 til OH/ t,.wu crnntcll ••:ns.11h•1 for about thrre,lerwr He was w eon►vry ttivr in p dilice and a al-th•wli•t in religion ,ani at, tended the No. th•t Mee llodiatehereh. 13...1..r�a 1�v weeny he i• snn'IV h r:vr iklyt►i'I! toe., ' ( '=F t I. ra.p..o pd. I Rural Totem/aerie Mooting Tb/! enseel merriestof the .4,.r - bolder* of Ilse 1444e04Pb Rnrs.l 'nee- ehaM CO.. t.lu,it.d. wee. bald Mrd yee- teley after'sola. The tar WIG pie. A WONDERFUL REMEDY 0-1nz. tit, 1e darer r4-1.1 :14 1110.. moth. le gear. ..f 1 .ares ,r 1a.• ord. r• •.ting ..r Ih. t':,.,,.b I.r'a- ...rr,•uou, I's.af el 10,4 $•.n.lr•'Nl \(.nesse Inn, w1.•., a1,-., ..• ..11 4 thaw, .•-, awl from .he Mart h• 1.1 ere, ...d a few w -• . we 41.'40 .w' treatment oorno,plW,w•a a ew,..p.-t. arae.. Tale r.n...ty la • 1••nattre O werld., amps.., Iso, anal 1. LMd so the dlseewrlw se Hawser and Liens,. 1t is .n •ppn 11 4 l.tea•we. 11st a It h net askew Itleeaally, het M •ptlllwt dlr.et to I het el.fe.•Iw�f Farm.ad ti t ha -gimes, • e • stet all the esetalety pf the know* Owe M endMaal aceon. •As It tvw.e (e Inent seater' snot 1t. inmost= ll . fe snit nerve fess prorrAt'n snare. help hove • b.weAeNt i.Awwei 1 relr•I�toven 1e to N lettere .Tale et the benent• and Won It 1• psrferl.$ag, .red p • fro ant 1 thatil% I3 a afbai M elate/rod for tt •het I wet send• a4Mlwlety free. a 21.e how to ..err •nr- r ream• who will welt. 1fspty N. P�►t111r•ee� n� per Ire which to aur}tclen far • WMaelent. Address, tiviq, PIRA ids a. CUR1f1AM, WINDSOR, ONT. 'i For sale by leading Druggists everywhere. OF CANADA When will Y.. Save U pm dor NOW? Though your salary of income will no doubt increase, so will your eine f e� and many Ilnd that the latter more than keep peon with the former. Nov is the time lo start a Reserve Fund -nod the Savings Department cf the Union Bank of Canada Is the plaice to keep it. Deposit the extra you have on hand ncv-you can open an acccuat with any sum, dont to one dollar -and dray interest 1:111 it. Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Goderich 1 1 Manager. Try Our Dome Made G +ods Pure home-made krtlr rend• eyed Lard, per pound I,:, Putt. houteeniede ring Bologna. per pound 1'l' r. Pure home -melee liver Saus- age, per pound 12,1. Pure homy -wade (lead brew. ler pound 12'. Pure hn,ne-made Dripping, :,:e.urifik01e02t124.1114-kart. ), per p"nnd 3l". Sp. Rib. '01113 in s1' ck1 per .4 full line of fresh, cooked and cure. \leste aIways in ,tock. -1 trial ..gree+ted. eatisfilr;io0 gust en:.•ort. a Poe 211 year.. we have hero atudy ing the ana•o•nv of as wretch mild - dry we ern cure the et .ieepeer,ate CAMS. L.t your wati'h spend a hew dale 111 rule WfN•h heeptlall .Ind it %1I) Lowe furthoilmost ds go'' -1 n•:w. O'BRIEN & LEGG White Front 31e•tt Market East Street Phone .ti J. S. Davey Jr+wl1.- WW1 Nihil C,..n - - - •'0fr• .•7h Srllintt Agent-• •r ..l1)1.1'14 1' \\'.vTt'1 Make Your Stock :ndt Poultry Pay Better with 1 Pt*rple STOCK AND -POULTRY -SPECIFICS 11 a eat of leas than a cent a day per health steel( around his glue. Try 4 oa read r! stock. it will increase their value 26 the poorest -conditioned animal you have, .-r4 le i• cent. Permanently cures' Colic. Debility, w' harm jeu'11 be s•rprieed at the meet of tfnr »•.. Bo. and Skin Dir,.aas. Tones up a short treatment. Cattle and twig 13.:•.•a . .-... +-n animas so that they est ckly up a month earlier' than without a. wh.es ra.n •. .sht and c Igor. Increases the yield means you use * toonth's feed a-•.' a ::6 sew• (here 'o fl.e Errands a dal, month'. labor. You cat bring six pig•(, to h.: •Car enrich..¢ t,,. Qulity of the milk- the pink of condition et the cost cf bet*. ROYAL PCRPLE 1. nut • food It is a eon- Steere treated 1. the .age way tont to ,.a1ia n.r-:Lc bat cote .1.4. If there esu 33.11 flus 41.00 euh to put in pr •ne .4s'• say Leer se would hr making it. It en- for marmot. ROYAL PVRPLR BPEic'IC att.. ! our Fork to eat the natural food they fattens and Leep well harass, mama, .. .keiM rat and get the most ben. fit from It nose, talo' -;..n, hogs' Sold u yacL.pw, fit a is the advice of all thorough .eterin- 601. - ' tin*. 11.10. r. 7- ,:octorr-"Feed your stock on f.e.i your Own roaming --net remPer them ,••.'t :•radIr.vtad mush so that •ftyr a Viet' cannot dlr.'s good. wholesome :•,7.4.4 the gond food mown on Y. I!r-EaT. on•, bran, ehw0. e'e. 1 aat -those things cat you and du, KOYAL PURPLE is an aid 1• 1 .rel ford. and if you use it rs t e.1 1•:31 13,1,• tetter results ro.1 ,n7 of the e•,ncoctlom a r..e rtrt sa '•D0l14 arrd f w.ls.." F iR 01 a Pont-C11Dfttuucci 'wag li ihs.. 1a • urn -down, poorly no..rirbed beset on your form, are u oat ROYAL PIMPLE erecrrIC .114 do t. r it. A 60 - tent Package lana a ewe or horse :n dare. 'ale cost n so 1-lftlnt' that no farmer in C.,. ata hes any excuse for Cavias outoof. ?RPM POVL.' lk i ,n Tont Hasp tn.,. that ROYAL PURPLE P(A1L TIFIC mak. hens lay in n:nt. , a, FJmmer. and k.ep them tree ...cm 11 rlo.•'. ar.d helps there .sttens and k..•p them ,n vise. .ewe te,, A sere pc.hare lista 26 `eta n:.7 -hare. S 10n!en't- you try 131 We rave .herds of reeoeraaadeu0n. train .d :s+1a the country. it ROYAL PURPLE .r... ort tare you better results than nnyt..ng s,'., ever cared, or give you sat.ataetrot ser "ill. refund your money. No matter 3,1 1 opinion of other preper0ecrr. we •.aM •.e1 tel rive ROYAL PURPLE PO1'i TRY SPECIFIC a etance to show who, it e:. - dr for your Multry-and a fine packages •sell show you some Aar revolts. Seed is 20: and We packet's and *1.60 sir-:1g1•t t:Y WE ALSO SELL • .tare Tarok Cough Specific for couch and Rays! Purple Lt.., ti •..ms+r. .ta'::1 carr a'.y ordinary tough an:aat.. 2te seal in f. r .1:ays t/;, by mail 10r. 60e. !l.nal Prrpl. 8wr., l.lnieeent f. r lameness, a.,.. Triple roll rhrumadrre, rprr.ned tar.don,. etc. toe, by tar mews ,eats, ot+' KOs. L'' r.I Planate Warm Speclae for *'iauls : Lot. t, nasi! toe a ,.eats the worm/. a:1e 3Wdr lamas. L:.e, ne7.1 P.rp1. Racy .. .rat' talc diphthc-ia, typhoid -..I P.rp)s Dicisfettant, ie :lie, tea sad diarrhea. ?welled ! � ttM. :Se, by wall 30e. a Killer foo pe.'_itr, w -.a toe, tr moat .10.• a, d Can for err..'. .r, air. -:. e;d red era. Spode. for - f ' Cr, eta:. r. •• .0 head, etc., i7, y•• :ct. e TO STOCK AIID POULTRY RALSEES We will sail for the asking our new re- .rd f0.,.,.,ta took •s ereaa•eo altweats ed rank a,4 pawuter tow to feed Herb* and heavy heroes oohs. ne.ea. cows. safes. steers, Isis :� Owe how we fwd an* .1...31 poultry 10 that they lay inter and semen. (•nee ''nr'.,Md 1. eta e.,ton. Overiwe farts utility birds la their Natural *adore. 9:-p • •. ,.,noN he tee every terror s po. se.ston. 1T'8 PRIM Write for lana.■ are, , teats • . W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Can;:da Royal Purple Supplie. and Rt4,I;It•t: may he ,)i)t.tin,J i• 31 A. J. COOPER • ea - January. January Clearing Sale AT the 2(aple leaf *reeerq 1)1•' Crockery, Staple and Fancy Chinaware end m,ny I ne• of Householdfirocerics tele itreee is nvwntoek.d ie nano of 1lie :.h iv lines of good.. and It i. in►p-retire that We tern thee • •o•, nolnry ret unci.. In Marr to *r'neopleenl•hie, wr We nankin.( Ihr 41.r...41 ...0 LI„•rsl that Ili. ahIe•wde+t h ..wife will rea.goize the Moor) -raying vele.. we nee ..Hermit. Rannknnb.r• in r•nr crockery) one .Cements di patentee' •• th.ro is 11n meet vr, I Yet1 bar. the seep. ho4 n414 tlf•tit,• • t•r•k to a-I,•rt frownif ye." .t. teetnlring a Dieter Set. let 'N.•L. T alit wet. «1 a laiw-0 of fatty Chinn fear ynnr ehitn rahlaet, now is the time t.. n,nke your mire -hale and thin t- the elms 1,..buy a'. 1;..u.. awl Ir ,tonrinced, InN•erwbnldO.nee.iee nur table. oil oynt..in many .t.44..end leading line. tat very .p.,•ial price•. '3V, lora,.. inepec►iote Vete the rp.real di. n,,nt p• kc*. No 0000.4 CHAKO6l AT HALF, PKICiIEa S. J. VOL 'V O HA311LT0N ternr•;Er