The Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 44 TIIVR.DAY. Jae. 214, 11114
The undersigned will p4y tie
highest rash paires, for all kind■
of god hogs delivered at the
Mill, foot of Anglesea
Street, (3oderich.
Custom eawinal and general
111411 work done p. p11y.
rul.Ung 1.111 fur Wootton. SS a box or Camelia
tlu, Wold at all Ihua Stores, or mailed to any
wittier on receipt of prier. Tit i &oast1, Uatu
Co., et. 1'ans.nnea. ,n.tnrio.
• \'Im end
Vitality: for Nerve and Brain: increases ••rlsy
matter': a Tonle -lbnl build you tap, ria Lox, nr
two for SS. at drug •totes, or by mall no res -.lel
"Ingle.. Tug Suomi-LI/art: to.. °l. Catharines.
n. •dc u -os •rn rnydnynn•nt dor.
tog the Fat' n,l 44 inter ini.ol k .,r do
,u. rr,.h steady r mnorrw.l,r not k the
Yews Ihrount/ \t rale u. +rid '1.4•11 rr e
1af-m.4 let4.. %Se u1R•r 1144. b'••r v.
tW hawing -r. Ploy meetly, dim. uulllt-
aschsereuulitmx- - _- _-
f lett eon Ar''C$
latter voltlralt..,.' os..r
Ihlety.flre yawn, A ...peen Inn t
kWh -.rode ,tock reed 1•.ir d..4l'.',. A
• ran mole • )' 1'M. for
• . %Cr ...tot esu enrrllet Ie. r'liab4s Tawe
for fi..l•rlrh and . frinity.
F,✓ ,aro„ wr,ir
PKI-N.%]I. h I: he t:,t Y . CO...
I ornnlo, a„•.
11.-Flowentwlorurooregar'.. •
stow FOR3, ONT.
Canada. 1e.t prsrtlo+l tratninot
rollout. 'finer de.parttuenl . 1•.nutu••I-
oral• Shorth.tul and tolrg',euy.
Comore. no. tit roper and taw:two!.
Individual In••re trot '+ t lyo,. Fy a
s'ronIr. rx triest:•el •Ulf. V"r gr,d.
.de. aucxrd. $indent• u.ay enter at any
lona•. U,•t out free rondos,.' and .0.
II .t we can do for on.
D. 1.. Y, LAI HL.\\ principal
may hP ell that i, t•
Pill .lillilig 111 1jail'
%se'II put them in
this wool gond. and
In -et your
s. If that, In. sal,
where they hill do
(typal in trace,
• is all worn ,int, sod rip your wimle
hour sport jn.. to wake
ore not that 1 hid of plumbers. Shall
we show y nn
Mr. T1loroa• Mimicked., of Winnipeg,
is vi.iting his friends in ibis vicinity.
Mite Klle. Draper is visiting bar
constr. Mrs. Root. Settee, Ia Erside
M0 1►avtd Martin, of Krnor•a. is vis-
iting old aryustntantes In llis to-
Mir. and Mrs. Martin Rich d and
children, of M..kettalo, Mack., were
guest• of .Ir and Mr.. Nets. Pearson
1.' week.
Nli.. May Dickson haw been visiting
at Itev. li. (ioroni a residence in Dun•
gN fill a few day*.
Mr. and M.•. J. A. Oren and *ria
and Miss IJ11ian McLeod visited
f, irnd• near Ripley over Yund•y.
Mrs.,.- Ilugb (lanky r,.d Dove Mc•
Connell returned buwe from Detroit.
last week fie is visit at their hoturs
quite a masher from here attended
a dance st Ir. John Shield's last
'fhurwlay night and report a good
Meters. Aithiir, Robert, Alfr.d and
Hat re, Bennett, of 1'hicago. ,use visit•
ing theirparentr. Mr. and NI,r. Julio
Bennett, and at het relative..
SLY 1)1
31r, Jolla Potter 1.erived N sal 01
co. 11 al Ihr elevator 'hitt week.
Mi.. Bennett .rd daughter, Alias
Ilru••. visited Auto,. it it:ow.).tu. 11ou-
Mr.. Ed. Brophy visited Iter daug -
ter. Mrs. Moyer, of Cohost.. last week.
Mr. %ri,5t. Redmond i• helping Mr.
J. Boyle to cut maple (docks this
Mi.- Wm. Finlay. of Aebflrld. visit-
ed bee mother, Mn. John Craig. last
Mr and Mrs. John Wffel►e, of Au-
burn. called on friends in this vicinity
la.t week.
Mlles KM.. Wilson returned borne on
Saturday after is month's visit with
friend. in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mr... W. J. Kirkland and
Mier Olive. of 1'errwater, visited at
Mr. Wm. %Vileo.'s recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and \Vin.
Speller, of Mrnit'.I.a, ate visiting the
former'. stater. Mrs. J. Tbouip.wn.
M-. Jar. Wilson, of Toronto, and
Mr. Joe %Vilrorr, of Loudon, ars at
prrregt with their father, who ix very
(lilts a nnn.her from thin vicinity
attended Lbw hill 111 Dwnganono 011
Friday night, and iturn'r Ball. Luck•
now. 4.11 night.
'I be \Yowl.,.'. 1o.tnote, held a very
succra.fstl Meeting Inst 'Finn 'clay
aluenrol, 'alien Min McKo,,zie gave
the !ails• 111 .0144 CAW 011 etMkiug.
? 411M1Mlii4M104
lf neglectye. ban Backache yes him
Kidney Dista... If yea neglect
Backache it will div itoy hoes
�at\is1� www-Beig at • Die-
sass rr Diakrtes. Thee. l• •1•
ase nabbing and doctnrieg war
hack. Can the I1tre
is only ewe kidney amediale bd
it arse Backache every time-.
M1.• E'.u.•a Sor••u1 wan visiting her
SW en i•• 14. dei 14'11 Issl week. 1 WEDDINGS
'11 lie 1Vr.t Hu' rin Fainiers' In.litote
oweing,, will Lr held here les Ebro !Cupid Has Been Very Busy Ree tly in
,1' )' 1 . i Shooting of Hews Residents
rhl.-NM•11 . w 11 .11•111• 1
K 1
K KI 1' i f I I
day.Maclennan- Clark
SI is. Ha' lie Sperm d 1 -ft on M •ovibt 1,41. hal 1 m tl►4 Agricultural lulls on
I FI id..y . v.v.'t.1t. I In the p+r 1. r.+ ..( the Dlrtle i•+rk
for a visit oath her aunt a:- \V.4.1l• N1ir. All.ers,t l)ninin left I4et r•.✓k IPrr.1•y•rt•tNl, chorr.,C'xiew.o, (Ni•wio,
sleek f,•, lino Inh 1.. 1 .k* a Cool.• in the %I - ' Ml M,uuruay. J4nuary 111. by the Rev.
Ih.ha'rl 111-1.tu,r, Abxa.«w, Adam,. jr.. A11.11411'11.1' Nlac-
'1 he r • 1'04. Iwe11 111/1.•6 1i',n11ng on 14411011i. of k)htl-•g•'. 4. Jl'rg •stet 1141-
I lie rn.d. Iu. ti' sr a result u1 1110 row Clnik.dinph•erof %Ir. ,not Mr..
►pl-o..i 1 sl.141110v. I Pour,' CIa.r. to/ St. Ilrleu-. Unto
Ur. (:eut-g.• ll win Nnl1 tlnnghl.F, r� RA;le145-3)30
Ni a lieu••», l'a.b.lry. .t felt 110 y• vatt•„,.I Ni r, 1Vairen L. Ito:ledge,a former
in I ui
The 1'.0.1)rpn."writ 1+rdvrrli.iny,r(i'wlrricn I41v ".4* to"•1rl 41 't•s4
GM geode.. I'm Ih. ernactct. f ••'tlyr4• I Mrrgs.rt filen ton brcr,u'..:?4th st
batt til. 31.1...t)'. waifs bet.. ru Lull. P• r e►an.i, ".."1""' tt•'v 1► v IN
1n.•v ann 1. ..Iter -Lep,. that elly .'411 i•. -vol.
Me.. It-.Iert freo letso0I.'1''1e 110111 '
e. „1 t11� mid 'r .rill.
stiles•«ut� ).r -
1..,I;k list t.4 in .alio NI... -111,10. !worn. rnr rerti,o'.y Naar pxr,•orlurd,
Yuun¢. T1.ri.' Sprawl*- 1e,.,,yy i., W.4 t
.I..1i1 y dr..ur-tiA 1Ih bully red
bone+l sur by 1111 it •u•11y 11 irnJ,r.
t• 'I he 410104) flnwtrisl •ln'eflu•nr or;
the" (io•Irli••h Came Telephone ('n-,'-
1. ted, hu. joss been i-wuP! x11,1
greed Inoue -v.. o.00te by 110.' sou, pasn)''
,doling lt'13. In 1hr ye .r 1:' i. risers
welt. in•Ia lea. making r 1.4.I ..1 I711
11nw in us.urati1111. "the tliririon o
nine. cilculta rryotnd 1 10 puling . 15
..r le.1.0•Nruos for* •II•Innr. tit :i_ Inil•r.'
*MI the 4 ringing''1125 miler /u. 1.•.110r
•ikons, Tne 1• are 11••1 42 ell•••11't.
we' 74 pc. 0..Ie Iirrr Iwhdp,. 1 •.o tr'un\
lino.1 *Cit r;, 604.01 irh end I,vrknu.r,
one id:Myth H,11, ..1rjru, olds 0,. 111, 11, 1
Alunieip 1 10t.,•hc.'. (Mb,. one 1.•
Itiu'ry a• 11 tone to nil l:'dla.• 1'rey.Irul
/11.131.•011A .'1'. Thee ..... )4I v *44. Nr 1.
I44.. , Xis us•• reboil'lln,t ILr Ie.,' fin..
I hitiouur111.11 s loth to cone, s+ion 2.
Which h..' kern rrplNrid 1'y at-fl..t
ludo". The 1.4.1 Ter. -pt. f• c 11.. y.-,•
w.1 5..22, Cte.3J i ✓ Xp••',ire $Y'2.:).40,-
411 : u • .. t'0 *I$,34,1.1d1 : li ti•iiilir-
$I2,al1.11 ✓x•Y s..n1 Now ton ud•.1' II,II,II-
itie-. $5720.52,
•7'..e r„IIIc Ill. I(/, 101+ 5,110of Ihr
Ita•a' . y•uplyd 5)4 0n' 111• iu the ronntry
and 1... w. 11 ...tipped +1,1d trig by
li-t of .IdrNr,iheiF.
NLs G. E. MsTalrg.rt sod 10111 -*k-
ited with le•r Ihrr in Clinton Alm -
:lig the won L.
Mrs,. 11)1.) Milne entertained n
Int of I be i*iiia .•f town to a I 111 11.1.1e
1011 Iu•t Friday whern,en,
Nit. unit Nit,. 3V11,. Ilrlr-on hs v.• o,-•
✓ ived loose ,. it Have I.k.•o up ti.. tr
Iry/Aelaa:e WI Hovis iar1U rill the 1. •11
Mr. itoy SI one has pnrehaued n b 41a
• 11.1 alaltunriy Mlribrwa 111 13..rii. sit 1
Oft ,.044' 411 pas-t.r.aou. M•.. 'tour 44.111
1044 r for her 1100• Maur u, the . • Ilr.e
id o c'ntlplr 111 works.•
7h.• date for 1 hr earl' • -1K,,,- ,,i. e
S•1. lireyh .1 f Godes id)
t'r•1I has 1 ern .et tot F1 i.iny, .l1111r
121 Is. givi10g.11.( rvr0111i all Jay Sat-
indaya:-d sundry and NIund.ty hu De-
t. oil..
The -C.P.11. '•411.1,11 nt•tiel.11 pail
Myth %visit in hi. .14 cially I gnygl-
e d CAI' un'I'hnrsdny, It,w 111• nest' 1''
insl4•ct 111e heal ink Mid rrriigl.t .•f ell
lite trainmen nod .'I) l'at0u4 In the
Cowl•any'. elsopl..y,
Thr d• giueta Dry: Jaw Pastime
Choi i11 their t.411..u•rr (4441..)'. 10 01 e
.In Friday evening wawa 10001 051)1) -
144,11' nar+h. Thr 511151.0 whish wit,
(timbale.) by Nissen. R (Blow Nnd T.
Sir'*41•1 44`A• g.441 40.1 Ihr d'iurili,t
WA. i11tlulgrd 4u 4t itis vigor whit
3 A.m.
'Is ir 1510)1 ,Ii).(lwfl! •I *s',, tri• the Nie-
l -eon \Iio,.nln i).hd in 111. ),Awu,.111
..1 1t. Ands my'. cbutelt .•0 F. Way
Pr... ug ons. gr. 01041 Willi .. tinge 11 -
tend at'1'.•. •ll.• pu„glw MOW '•wa4 rX-
i•ep11 ply g1'041 Alla Ike 1: 14.1•.
weir 1-4 1014',11 wit 11 ll nut i 111 011 4115,1411-e.
Thrix won nn sdu'i•eiut 0114 the r.d-
lrelion Taken No Aorto riled to *IS 31.
The Annual turning of 11:y;1, Agri.
Society sod, 8..1+1 to Industry
Hall 011 Tuesday +•f er••r. •n. Jau,•1uy
:3111.. with 11r. A. W. Itr,n.oussrhn4r•
now. the 11r:l,1ll,•r „f 1.9.r. inv.-0111
we. teen and .•n motion ...looted.
Mr. A. E'do', our of tl,-( a11ditor.,
11100' 1114.1 1114• thianriol.1at ding of the
archly, 44Islets nhnavrtl it las I e in A
tI•lurishi1 g comfit . He also mettle
Ni'111r i „1.41 Root*r-Lho:a 1lrcll will I'ke-
ly 1.; adnp'et by the .•.19,•ty. Tor
...atter 8•1 ho ding n spring *111.1 111
Myth wt• 1 It in t!.t• hands of the
It was•fecided to again take up the
Held crop C ,Ill .•1...0o and 1 he groin
.eleeled for this year was whits oats.
The ielreliun o1 most Imet t.' judges
for this Semi', wee left in the
hand. of Or. db. -soots.. Niro... J,d,n
Doll' Nod 11. 1i. .M 1..w*,, Woos sp.
I,•n.ur11 .Irlegaie. t., lb. rouVeil tiuu 111
'III ' 111••0for t be '•nailing year
,rev: 1'.e•iden•. 1Vn•. 1'.11...1: Lt'
ern. -presiders', 1). 1 1).14,15; Ind vice.
I't•....slro,. \1'111. JAN.: .104.1CIur.,
Mee -res D. McCallum. T. McM,rbnel,
.lord Patron, 11. Itu'h,nolbt, 1) IAnd
law. 1f. d. 3h:tenw:In. T. 11.
11. 11. Sln,n sod It. \1'.ightman: Nu,li-
tor-, A. Ehler and Brew! Huauev.
A 110OPUng or 11o. do navels was held
at 21.u,. et the 1'tero'. hotel ,,ti SA.-
111day. 3vno•l1v
Physicians Believe He Will Seen 8th
Out of Danger
Tot onto. Jon. :w:b. "Sir J.uu.•.
111hi.ney Isar Intel well t•.Ioy• .sleep-
ing ynirllt for two, or liner hour••.
Boone "welling with redness appeared
in 1h.• left knee tri. rfternr4nl, '•n1
r. i•' own" fester !he r tai1111f
tA L i r11.iMH.111 weft.
DN. Ai.*x. M. I'nFur, 4'.
Of • nor•.•• arridenu will happen. but
it is a pity that there t• not. N mews
eattsfncteey manner in Cresting 41ie
•tippwry sidewalk• of lhi. torus Hit-
' nun life is .scared and no fele in t heir
1 fight sense. will •wn.ure any mnnkl.
'mitt r for we Meeting it.
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates- -the highest
quality of C i that
can be boo t for
the purpose.
Empire Domestic
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace C.)ke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Reliable Home Treatment
1. The (IRKINR treatment for the
Think Herdt can be wed with ahro-
1 Irate e.ned.swi. It destroys ell de- t
►ire f.10 w hl.key, ter or other •k•n-
iglie .lirnrl+tet•. TMw.awts base
Niginaefslly au-wI it and have horn re
AIM to bees of .n .4ety and neefol•
MA. ('ais be phew •sti-Ny. Costa
411 91.1111 pet saw*. If you fait to get
hells l nww 0Rit t Nit after a trial.
tet MicEwan Estate y"'r Iw14Iey erfwtsdrd. Aek
ant hes booklet teilhhttgg all shoot
• elenboe. OS RINK ►'. J. Htttla.d, dtragglst,
79e. nnnll I meeting of the Ibtn¢an-
%, lI'-ultul-nl soviet held in
the 11.11.5,15;11 111,mw on M lay rf'rn
uo n. .1 41111 .1 y 19,1 Tor ,U.'n.lance
w.4 hoot Inr,te, ,h.'. !wing just 111••
04140,'10 aril most of the.litrst.i,4 pl.•.-
rnr. Howrye•, the uxeung Wm. w
gond one sod p:•,up.ects are bright for.
the 4urr.s.fol %PiIr 1.., (1). 101017.
En •Ng,tg tr•1'u, 1» w ere received
wool psN-viii The tot.I receipt, for
y.s1 11)13 wear $1,:.79,1:1 : the a srndi•
Nor 44'4. $I,l5R.•14, Iebving .s song
rul'pltl• of $513.0.1 eouip-*..,i o/ a p'4d
rip 11w)lll ei sli p ••1 81111 71 and a mesh
14tlanre of !4110:.11. Tic old ,411r.•Is
amt di.e•rt.rr were aft re -alerted for
another year and Mess. N. 1VN1k
and NIcN.I. werespp•.int.e.1 :uuli,or•,
1: N'.•4 de I led 41 feet.- the vela.. 1141
n1111 \Alit 1 lli• its view 1351111 DLitt era
formed of the dirr.e'or. were *meow-
ed to snake changes in every dep•rt-
mrnt sod ant l (heir te1411 at the
nes, 1412111 'fleeting. In older to
alwolish fur her ' N rili,.g" in the
speeding contest. iwlwn14aa rrvIsino4
will 14. 1,50,10 io tri. dap tr, men?. 'fro
.isle for the 1911 Fair will lir October
1st and 2nd. provisionally.
Truss Torture
Ooeet No, s.r1 bat New Yew
tear. fur. le Cwd.d
Weed•rfwl llste.11 Retain. Reese••
W.thewt Meese. ',rare, or rale
J. Y. SWAN, S c iaiist of Toronto
Old•faxblt.wd truss tort,ne et no looser trees.
:glillalllult• aHppu'7 Irla.ra t.s-d barbarous
1 .t 4rr•.111 misuse are done away
vont by the la.n.tio n M a 4..4•4110
wOo has deruttLI Ally bars to this one afflic-
tion. The• tear'elou. u. -w ESA/ ••WIATM'
glr.. 111 the tuytared instant rrlirt, rem and
1.aer•wity %he a all valor.1 la:L it atop. all
Irrltatlnn sod re-I..rra ...wry part W tla me
tura! ignition as ...on ...t Is word alai 1ur ak
time end Md A• brise. are thrown away.
"(414)1 S Ga'l4fP_S- torr. are abso4utely nos -
set npp.rratio,, sod taw 50-1 la small.
M'llttnNlr• of sur -d Own. wane. and rhlldrea
trttify. Also en4nr.••4 by many phy.trla,,..
Where others fall it .11. -re I Now tier greatest
surrey. N'a11io>; '•.wstl'IN'and. no pale or Irrl
Lanett. but je.ta mafiosi retentive meshed.
hensedtste relief guaranteed. No fakes or Iles
-lust straight Wnitw... Iln Iwo lay tins &MN,
Off daisy, but tear on Ir'•e coupon arm
re.. ConithestIww C.epew.
Th I. eoupon. upon t•r•sentati•nl to J. T.
Egan rupture s •-ball,[, ("Mee N,, 91•. 14
M( &street. Tuns.u.l who will that th.•
owns no date, mentioned below, w'lll rutille
rrr to free ra.smttatba sad examination
„Males. Ask at hotel odes for number
• my row. Note dar11 .n. nth tla.'-.-. 1st •'••ti, 11.
Oo.e•leh-H..IRenl 114
r1 1.11 r -day
1 end 0rrq'nr1 1 1'v ruler. ►rho 1:
1 Y.vM-
1...N1114-1.4 lel 14.•1.1 t. h, 1'. ■rid
oilier 88 e.). rn '•iiia• Drs -01 rn •t
The reproducing point of
the new Edison Cylinder
Phonograph is a diamond
1t Was appropriate that when
Peeking the utmost perfection
duction he should find that
the diamond. He discovered
more than 2,500 experi-
ments, always looking toward
rarer sweetness, mellower,
stronger tone.
He has equippee'd ery
new Edison Phonograph with
a diamond -point reproducer.
'Mae this n.reelsaiy ..parogio sir reel apse
era aids* .4 tea seih sskabl. Mer Ambers1
Rassrd. Its br..rrcarpprelimsbee
les wsek--sssisrlei nc
�cesisrd oleos ton.
heel with son swestass. Herr a She Asrb ra
st yaw Eines ilmklr'. Way.
Mr: Edson was -
in sound repro -
this power lay in
it in the course of
Ghee. AekM L 1
1i�. ala WV:
A oomph* Ira .l (shoe Pbe.ep.,L sad R.r..i to he Lead at
11'e ate after a big 1014 burinerg and we are going to have It, because goods thud pride will bring 1t
our way. 1 -
Theft) iation of this burbless wa. 1444 on the solid rock of Rest Queliti.s over :C years ago ADAM)
sehieveulent of the past will be orae than alalut*fue4 In the biome of the future.
1Ve just want to say this week that spring goods are coming In freely slut our stock is going to' le
huger titan ever before.
The goods already In now are Pilots, Cotton )'tutting., Orepe Aoitings in beautifully colored small
spring pattern.. Shirting., white Cottons. Sheeting., Pillow Cotton, Ticking•, Linens. T,iwelings, Window
Trimmings in Nedra*, and many kind. of Art Scrims direct from the unak.t11 tlirougl, their agent..
It look. eatler for sone. of lbw stoners twined goods but it is Bald r'-od start Is h•!f the race and those
who e early are cure 01 the choicest of offerings.
Read carefully this announcement and voweattld ex the spring offerings.
()r. -gen gr.pws.
Ti..' bride woo the recipient of tnanv
hotltb.nne pr..s•ntw, among trent n
dr. d of 101 across of band Boni her
n11.1, Nits. 11. filen.
Toe pi nom holds a responsible pe.i-
Liun in Portland. being cwulemred witb-
the Aetna lusurance c pony. 110 10
a vr.ndw,u of Moo. NYIN. (irren. of-
li,wlench. The friends beer of Mr.
R'Itledgi• white him fleeces in his new
' walk 111 life.
Moore Pftimmer
The folowing i. art 'Priv-vet from +t
` newrp •Our tit lila 011d, M in1'nl.u.
I The home of Mr. John 1'fruu,urr
was the acen.of N pretty wedding on
11'eda✓wl$)' tooriiirg. l)rrettiber the
24th, when his ►trued daughter, (1L/rw
1lunien, became the w,fr of Mr. Ulivel
Polly Monte. .f Donald**, Alberts.
The c••rrolony was performed b♦ it...
J"hu E. Line, if A.. pastor of %..o
Hooch. 11..14nd. in ole prrwnee of the
relative. and Intonate blends of the
1,, bd.'. The wedding . rrh was played
I.y 11`5s K. helit,e 1.11r1.t i''k, ro114'51 of
Ihr 4rid.'. while Andrew H. Prrinionee
K.rP Ili• ...ter sway. Willioni J.
I'fr ,um.-, sod Mi-. Morg.,et furbrick
.upp.o led this a ' uplr doting the rere-
'l'h.•1, de'nokwlelm.".ed in
silo chiffon over a bite 'mien, 1'iivana,/
wi111'eel l...-. r:o.gtlt up with 10e111
and In ll lirllt to tuuuentr *1•d 041 iA
,o•e•. Sh- wore lite eu•'nnaa•y veil
and orange 1.1or.,,:I, sol1.111 h.
Her tr.velhug are.. war a hsry bine
•4-rge and at,Adow lure Rafal with
blue vel.•Irr h+t cud whitt plume to
I,50' rh.
i4..y •rsMh• at1.1 arp-il14ale tifta
p•••••nted 1.. the bride bald of the high
e+teen, in whish she is held. At the
e.nelu•i,elu of the welding .rrvir•e the
jn:ly couple sat down 41 % driutly 41 -
'ling dinner prepared Dry the bride..
ri.lrr, Mrs. El Spank and her aunt.
Alar. P. % IrIVick.
Mr-. and Mi.. Moore left .m the after-
.), 01. 11.4111 timid Nh'•wera ell rice 4101
Kemal **lids•, for Don.1.1., A!hies 1a,
w1Ir,, they will make their horn'. •
Ti,,., hove 1114. boa: ty cmngn.t 114•
C f.un' the 1ua•,y trend. of this
counciii11• v.
Wedjind at Bowesmont, N. D.
F' Th • Grand Fo.k• HPruli of
J.1111,., y 31h, the following it taken. .
whirl will l✓• t f intet-.•,.t ons losth the •
'Ilea. le al .1 I) elero4e f truth-. 40 e
i.nu4an thront(hou. tbi. county :
).- Y
A d Nis. Ilene y Tir4ale have •
arrived in Lhe • it frt,u, 11 •we.hlnnt, •
where their 'wedding rxcw rel nn
1Vrllnesday afternoon, i)rr. 31,
at Ih., boar cf MI.. John HNlrrow.
The bride was I'm wetly Mies M It -gavel
Jessie llaletv,w of that place rind the..
g"mn1 la w rrNi.leit of 'Brand Emit..
The wedding was It pretty hnnle aff els '
slid the house woo rlulwnatsly deem -
sled for the neclsion with the holiday
e 'Dori of 1141 and green. Dr. .1. G.
Sphere, pastor of the Methodist church
NI St. Tb officiated, s-Ntst.'d 1•y
Iter. A. O. lfirr•henongl_, of Bowe, -
moot. Mi -a Nellie Halcrow, of wand I
Fork., rendered the welding music.
Hein, Mr.ore and Dorothy More.,
lin le nieees of the bride. were the .
Sri O .e d rasstios hououeg...C. ._'
tNiCsF iii nes ArittI*Atseein DePoete, r�
a nephew of the bride, cot tied the
ling in a sod 1•oso. the beide vole a
boaiitafill gown .•f while silk crepe, 1
tri PI with chat metope and pont I
lair, and can 40.t an a• to bouquet of
brise'. roue+. The gr•Ison•'11 lift to the I
to ids woo an awe. hys'. Iavalller. , .et
with pettily.
Following the c eviino ry the wed.
.tine dinner war gorged in the large
dining monnl. which wa• made a'trae-
tier with red poltrse•►.taa and carte -
ti. its. Corers wens IOW for fully
gneote. retailers of the 1.01110 nod '
groom. lint h young 1 Polite sae well ,
known And populist- on 1 *ores of
18 Sends will unite in extending hest
wishes for hanninese and prooperity.
1)r. and Mt.. Tisdale will bo at home ,
to their biped. et 717 North Fourth
att.M, alt.. Frhruary 1.
The Empire Typewriter
Visible Writing -Perfect Alignment -Lightning
Escapement Endurance - Speed
A. need by the ('.Poi'.
('.N,R., Renk of Montreal,
)1e'rth.4nt• Bank, Royal Hank.
Mo e l ler)ro Crown Hank. Might
l'lr•ctne irs, Limited, Hell Tele-
phone C4o., rte.
\lads in tensile-- Therefore
Nave _:I per cent that tuu.t Iso
paid as ditty un .11 other
It Costs you Nothing to
Try out an Empire in
New Model "Empire' Your Office
Iv Adelaide 8t. 11'.. Toronto NVorka Montreal. Qu.'.
Important Chang. In tJanadian Paste •
Toronto -Winnipeg Tnln Bervlce I
Effort Ira at rime, and until fin -Igor
norms. tlsin No. 7, having Toronto 1
2.31 p.e.., arriving Winnipeg$.411.,m..
and train No.11, leaving Winnlpeg 1.31
pea., stria -log Toronto Are I.m., will ha
qiei sited dally except n.nday. instead
of daily, as Ime»o(bre. 1
-(let ) noir Orkets mealy fur the
aen1teer v.e4esille at tb. Irytte
Theatre newt T..rd.y •e.&. mkt
the auspices et Maple Iwai Chapter.
If so, call and see the splendid bargains
we have to offer in STOVES and RANGES.
Even if you think you canmake the of i stove
last through the winter and get A new one
next fall, it will pay you to buy NOW.
(TUM n llr.liiwnt Heater.. No. 211. regltl se price $:I4.011. reduce.)
I'. .. .............$27.03
Crown Drillient Hra'er. Nu. 21, regular prier $41tOn. redo...•.)
t" sit .00
('town II•i11'aa; Ileater,N•-,' 5, wi.huven,,legul.rprieelleano,
r+dos•el ,o
............... $32.00
Crnwn Ik-il'hsnt Dealer. .N•*. ks•l, wilt, osr 1, 05445151 11rie.•
5.411.4111,•r•.I uI ..$38.00
Radiant flume heater. No.:., ow -staler peke NCI , tido.--.i
• 38.00
Itntlunr Hume fleeter, Nu, 7.„ with usea,t-egular pNe. ,9.d4111•
telnee.d to $40.00
Washington (irate Broiler. regular price 9114410, retraces' to $,Supp
Special 0.k Mister. No. 14, •• . •• e11444, $111.00
Special (Mb pirate•, No. 13. •• 5.1:1.111,
The \Venn.., regular p. ice s141.:... 1 rtlse•d to
Thiry Oak, No. till, regular lltie'r tl0 O. rebored las.
Royal Oak. Nn. 111, r•.gulur price 821.1 Pi. reduced In.
!toy al Oak, No. Iti1. •. ar '• ,,,,110‘444‘e, e1 ••••--.$44.04
?tNa-a- rrewshire'.'f rrrim.lhand 4tenten at splendid value and
ouver.l secured-hi.n.I Ranges at how prises.
Bove you 14)'V 'JtNCl X(1 to do If ru now la 1 time to I.,..
We can five you err .11 Nr. 10, ('.riled Spring !keel Amerie4a Few..
7 wires. 42 inches high. for t2.-. pet 1'41, while it testi : olb.r alter iu
PI •Ipn1 tion.
Owing to lbw mild weather we iave' is 1.1ge a•asetnlent r•f
111111N left over, on which we rat/ girl y0o IN 11110 .pderwlld v.ltle..
S •e what ire 4-0 offering f•w :s' r tell in nor htg windings. !Mme
of the rood. a little .host win 1., but when put is OW ase as giNrd AS
if just font *h•• fwe'ney.
ha cwt nor f.w*ct Ilse, we retry n fu liar t.f 115$1) C/1.11.
1 POS, CIrewtn ,1, Move Anel ltlrir,. hale / egguageogr L';estp.
Cantel good lilrckani h'11g easel. P NEMINIllee tee to all
If yo,, Nee eontetnpintl,8 pouting In a
house for electric lights it 'gill Ilan you to sea ea fl'W.
•• seine
$1 8.00
'deg y sir
All wink given prompt atlratine sad fully gltarawteed.