HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 3THE OMI01NA AND ONLY 1!NU!NE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF IINIID'S LINIMENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING ppet�eoo LEATHER GOODS Alt u H1C artz t ' q ea Lavin A. E. TAY LO[ MEDICAL DR W. WW F. CUL.M. B. northdCwW oelos Ned riesletrs sTIM .e In jr. F. J. R. FUR.YTKR-EYE. EAR. now and throat only. Home rumens', New leek O bthalutb and ',ural inu .titu. is 'tln(cal.ta44.. Inv. Noaid 1 hroat Hospital. made. asslonurs, andM �M�ooporefleld Era Ii,s 1II,... e.waNY • rt1, ratt'6trtc er��R .f:a.in,JtotD.m. 7Ioap.m. TeleUhurlr • 111114. (iEy AND M. K. WHITING 11 HEILEMANN, osteopath.. speria1I.ts is women. ad Aintree • dlcears, acute. Lroni. and nervous di.ordrr.. eve, ear. ru.... .rod thrwi, 1.Irab.ge and rI •mn+.G'• nmdi'ivn-. •ibex North mom . third door trvw the esiUare THE POULTRY SHOW SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION CLOSES ON FRIDAY LAST A Large Exhibit of First Class U.rds in Town Hall Show Is Most Success- ful and Units Officials Credit--Of- ficArs Elected and Preparations Made For Next Year In every way the eighteenth amnia/ exhibition hell in the town hall here 011 Tueeday, %Vednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, hy the Huron County Poultry and Pet Stock Asetxci- atiou wail highly.ul' •earful and did all the officials connected with it witch credit. On Wednesday nightMr. G. C. It)b- ertson, of Guelph Alpicultur.Al college, eve a very intereeting lecture 01* the cote of p oulte y, (( hich wad listened to by a large nuwIer. The rate evening the following of Jeers and director•• were elected for the coming year: President, Caster, Constance: flirt vice-presj• dent, James Shaw, Goderich ; second vlce.preoident. T. Nmallteotobe, H. I, NII eretsIv•treasut'rr, J. 11. McClin- ton. °oderich; directors, S. Bowers. F. Angor, \Vinghain : h. Mprdie, P. (►alley, 4t..Jorth : A. .1. Grigg, Wnr. H4101111. ('lintou: J. Har.gougt., W. Ortwen. Hensall ; ‘V.41. Bottler, Zu- rich : Ur. Smith, K. Muurebouse, Bay - Reid : Rev. Mr Powell. Exeter : Gro. Haggitt, Blyth; J. 8. Howrie. W. Rut - son. ileo. Johnston. Chas. Smith, S. O. McKay, Webb, J. S. Knight, Geo. Renew", fart Worsen, Wm. lioak. Goderich. Srrar.gementa were made to have the .how herr show the wuur [line next year. and Win. Hilliegewas agniu appointed judge. 1'he silver nip for the het bird in the show wvs won by Wm. Carter oath an Ancona hen. The prise winurr- whore addresses are not given are local I evplr. The Hitt Bra&an,r, light-,-elle$. hen. cor•kerel ani -pullet 1st rnd'Jgd.dohn CalW�tuu. 11s'arttlai,f +' . . Hraharita. dark -cock 1st, John S. Humor n• Orpington.. huff -cork 1st. J. Khigbt, 2rid. F. 11.'. Angus, \Vioghan, ben 1st and 241. .1. Knight ; cockerel 1.1. F. W. Angus, 2nd. J. Knight. Black -.cock hen at.d pullet, Lt, S. G. \leX.ty. 1Vhite-hen 1st, C. Worrell. 2nd, R. 1 Howard; cockerel 1st, R...1. How - urd ;,cullet let, l:. J. fiowaid, 211d, Thos. J. Hoggarth. Rncke. mutt -cockerel and pullet 1,1 and 2nd, F, 11'. Angie-. White --cock 1st, hen lot and god. co:ke,el Lt end pullet 1st, R. G. Mur - O, CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS die'Sraf.rrtt,. TER sotldtsr, anter] Doyle- 7 dk,e (tarred -cock 1st, John Newcombe, a�kaea tlta..t. ouisrtcb, thud dour fro 2nd, R. t', I'ostlethwaite; 1st. lien, It. Sam. (i. Huwrie: pullet lit and 2nd. R. C. P..stlethwalte. MMot cite -cock 1st; hen 1st and 2nd. cockerel 1st and _cod and pullet lst and 2nd. W.J. Bald. Miteh.11. I-ang.bans, black --rock 1st, hen I.t and 2nd, cockerel let and pullet L.t 11HOMAS GUNDRY and :2nd. .1. S. Howrie. 1 H ACCTWNEIIR :u4rge u, black --cock let, hen lel _ _ and .nil, cockerel, nutlet lst and tad. Inas 017,0•1141110 11. ♦n tastrostion Isy saga win. (carter, Constance. Left at aloe) sate will bs foesenJy at lei:borne, white -meek and hen lit. elided to llsatdeove alepaone 1MJ John [listen. Stratford. 2nd. G. Jahn- -- - - tun : cockerel 1.t. John !leach. 2nd. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. Ernes: Bates: pullet. E. Hater, John PRIVATE 1''UNUs TO Pletch. '20;000 LEGAL ()ROULH'OOT, HAPS dt KILWR- i .4 N. barr( .r. IIUdtar., notaries t ubttc, ructs In Lt._s-z the a- Court, etc. Privatefu und• to lend at lancet rate. of lntere..t. Mier. !Cowl •Ide Square. Urderieh. W. ,KuU11PUt1T. K. C., !t C. BAYS, J. i. K1LLURAN. CHARLES ('ARROW, LLH., BAR RIB&Jt, attorney. solicitor. etc.. Godt h. Mose, to lent at lowest roto., AMMONIUM. loan. Appy to M. t;. CAM 1st, comb -co, k. ' hen and pullet Ist, Neo. Johnalon. •-.ItUN. Barrister Hamilton i;treot. Uoderich. Black-anek Int, hen let and 'Ind, R. ROBERTSON. John Howrie. I, 11rown. single cwub-cock and ben • INOC1tANCE AGENT. 1st and 2nd, cocker el 1st and pullet 1st, Fiat AND LIopTsiva.: British, Ctnadlan and John Pletch ; co^kerel 2nd. Gen. Aval,inTTLM.OaXas AKD 1t1rPWTate.' LLan4 ITT : 1s Utas Aveldsut and Uuarautee • 'AleYlorsiaah Unshed. of Leedoo. Noe. F Ih►LITT MID UValtAPITILS. HOKUM : The C'.8. Moine sod Uv.aiant.ssCompany cockerel and Ile[ let and _rod. 11'm. 'Irl eat nrldesos, oortasast owner of vlc- iso ariw end AIL Uaehinstreet.. 'Phone IN. Cal ter. Silver grey -cock And hen 1st. George Smith, 2nd, .1. S. Howrie,: pul- let. 1st, George Smith. Poland•, white cock 1st. hen 1st and'.nJ, rocketel lst, pullet 1st and 2nd, F. Bradley, Stratford. Golden Beatded , ock and hen 1st, W ro. Carter. Andilusans-hen 1st, .1. ` Howrie. Ancones -cock. hen and pullet 1.1., T. Smallieontle, Bengali ; cockerel and pullet 2nd„ G. H. Rance. Haunhurgs, single spray --rock. ben and ,pullet 1st and Aid and cockerel lit. Wm. Carter. Golden spray lien, rockerel and pullet 1st and 2nd, Wm. Carter. Golden pencilled --cock 1st, hen 1st anil'2nd, cockerel 1st and '_'rod. pullet let and 2nd. \Vm. Cat ter. Silver pencilled -cock and ackerel Int, W'm. CAI ter. Houden* cock lot nod 2nd, hen let. cockerel 1st and 'Erol and pullet 2nd, %V.Ang,.s, Wingham : hen 2nd and pullet 1st, Wm. Carter. Games, pit cock Mt. Arthur Jon..: tad. \V m. Carter : hen let. Ernest rib tetreln.t► Std.' ewe -sidle tat, t0 Casae-- • Meek, red--eoek 1st, hen let and pullet 1st and tad, F. W. Angus. bodies -crick. hen, 3aekeeet and pun. let 1st, Wm. O...y, Miteb.lt. Rhnde [eland Red. rose comb - rock Ist, Arthur Jones. cockerel, pul- let and ben list. H. P. Lasbbrnoi, pullet god. Geo. Jchn.too. Single comh-coek 1st, H. P. LDdtbrook, 2nd and hen 10. (leo. Laitbwaite, hen let, cockerel and p.R.t let. H. N. lash. brook. Black Spanish -aock, cockerel, p,sl- let let and hen 1st and 2nd, J. S. Howtir. Wyandotte, elite -cock, hen 1st. Deter.( let -sad rod and pullet let. lrtithwaite : pullet 2nd, John Howrie Butt -rock and hen 1st and '2nd, Aatbur Jane.. Dorking, colored --cock 1st, ben 1st, tkILLGP MUTUAL FIRE IN 'MR • N C i C O. -Yarm and isolated ow:. reowrir taws.L O8*c.n J. B. McLean, Pres., d atotth P.O.; 1a. t'oeaoty. Vte►��++ry,LL,, Godssin\ P. -somas l' bays, rtso.-Treem•. tleatorth P. U. linecten-tl, F. McGregor, d.atarth. John U. Ur uses, W ins reg ; N" turW Rims Con.taaw; John Hsn.rmilit, modes". Jame@ Evan., Heechw.ed; Robert Ferste, Matlock ; FWcolm H, Krum. llrsosa0d. •teente: J. W. Yew Hotsesytlle; R. Smith. H a r r oil k ; \1'illiam Chummy. Keeton!. ; binopley. 8.elpttb. rewirtietdaes eau W7 ts•se'imsetd sad net oar oarde resetetea �}Atl B. J,)tonWtielet�Fa�Mrr,CUas or at H. H. ( oat's Uretero. i}tgetsa *rese, YMa0Fcb. MARRIAGE LIDS WALTAR K. KELLY. J. P.. QODRRUCB, ONT. MUM or Ma*RlAGL IUCRN?EH. VOTiUE.- -THE LOCAL AGENC V Lla DetsOnaaat ter The Signal '• at the eese nosh and Stationary awe. where mime win be reo0vut fee wrhsrrietien•, d and lob losrk. and rss'1rt• win be 111""112.ansae-• for I)e. mune THE FIRST STEP Mon saris, sa mon. It has me. le t S' aas M 7,u g rsye sole wills yf oad ns: a . .. Ata. Brat Am .�aed .a:.r i 1 R .tire U558.tads O•a oath W. iL SRA% Brophey Bros. • OUDSBIOB The Leading Peeing DIreners asd EniNalliers atOnli.i maritally dal c J. W. Boyce, Mlitkhell ; cork 2nd. J. H. McClinton ; pullet 2x41, ('arI %Val .NI BANTAMS Game rock, hen, cockerel let and Sad and pullet 1st, now Bowers, WMame, Pyle inghain. -cock, hen and pullet let and 2nd and cockerel let. Thomas Sowers ; one -keret 2nd. A. J. Origg Clinton. Game. birchen - eoek. hen end so *wet 1st. A. J. Grigg, Clinton. Baso., brown red -cock let, hen Sad. co.I:.rel let and 2nd and pullet lid, A..1 Grigg ; hen and pallet 1R. Thos. Nowell., G..rn, A.O.V. --ben. cockerel and pellet let. Thos. Bowers. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO (lame, ether-.oek let and Sod and pallet let. Thos. Bowers ; cockerel lel. pullet Sod, A. J. Grigg. Gagne, hlack red -cock 1st. nen 2iw1. cockerel let and Sod, pullet 2ud, A. J. Grigg ; hen and pullet 1st. Thom. Bowers. Game, (-olden dutch -crock and hen let and ]fled, cockerel Zed and 1,061 1st, Thou. Bowels ; cockerel 1st, pullet A. J. Grigg. Cochin --cock and hen 1st, Edwards and Clark. Mitchell, grid, cockerel tat and 2nd and pullet let and 2nd, Smith. and Robertson. artridee cochin--eock 1st. en • d and Smith and Robertson C; cock- erel ami pullet 1st, Edward• and ('lark. Cochin, buff -Donk let, Thos. Angus ; her let and 2nd, cockerel and pullet let, Smith yud Robertson. ]lase comb, Meek -tock let, Wni. eluazel, 2nd tied cockerel 1st, K. Batas. Jap, black tailed - cock lot, Edwards and Clark. Goldrn Sehright - cock, 1 en and cockerel Ist, Win. Carter ; hen. on:k- erel and pullet 2nd, K. Bates ; cockerel Ind and pellet lit, Wm. Casey ; pullet 2nd, Wm. Caner. Silver Sebrigbt-hen, cockerel and pullet 1st, Wiu. Cat -ter. Indian game --cockerel and pullet 1st. 1Vm, 'Jaeeey. l'hi0sse, white -ben, cockerel and outlet. Geo, t.sithweitr. African -Dock and hen Lot, Arthur Jones. White -cock let. %V►rn. Snazel, 2nd, 8. C. McKay ; hen 1st, S. G. Mc- Kay, 2oJ, Win. Seamy'. Columbian --meek-, hen, cockerel and pullet lit, O. lirahean, Mitchell. Silver lees-r•.•sk 14, cockerel aunt pullet let dud 2nd, .1. S. !towel... Partridg.•---,ilea. hen, cockerel Slid pullet 1st and 2nd anti heli let, Wren Shea' down. (:olden Inc.-! Cock. ben and pullet 1st orad 2.1d, J. Sewrcombe, jr, PI O EOSS Baru -cock and Then 1st and 2nd. S. l:. McKay. carrier -click 1st, hen lst fund 2nd, Wm. SAazel. Owls- cock and hen lot. et. G. Mc- Kay. - 11 ra-cock 1st ,And 2nd, S. G. McKay, hest 1st, e. G. McKay. 2nd Wu1. BoazeL Homers, any other variety --rock lar, Herr a H't.e ai d :'=IHt'and hr•t3 let. ti:' (t: McKey : he. 2nd. Harty Howell'. Jacobins, red or yellow, whit- and .prcklcd-cork and hen 1st,' . G. 111c - Kay. Pouters-e•,ck and hen lst, S. G. McKay, !Fullback- - cock and hen 1st, s. G. 'IcKNy. In the Mug Tumbles variety of ted. yellow aid A. U. V., Smith non Robertson a.•tl Hist for cock and 1 en. T biers (Bald. red or yellow, ono A.O.V.-cock ..0J hru 10, `faith and Nolertson. Trumpten, Ens:loh-cock and hen lot and 2nd. Smi h and Kotwrlwn. Tumblers -cos: and ben Ist, ti. G. McKay. Fantails, brown or telae* also A.1'.'. -rack and hen 1st, Smith and !Whet t- . GEESE Toulouse -gander and go)... ist Arnold i.aithwaite, DUCKS Indian runner -Jtake and duck !sr, J. S. Minute. Rouen -drake 1st, duck 1st and .roar Geo. l.aitbwaite. Pekin (young, -drake and duck lit, Oliver Pennington, told) drake and duck 1st, Cast WoreelL Aylesbury told,- drake 1st. Oliver Pennington, trod and dock let, Wm Carter. duck 2nd. Oliver Pennington : (young) drake and duck lid, %Vu,. Car- ter. Any other variety (young1-drake and auck let, S. G. McKay. THE MONEY The division of the pt-ize moor) was as follows : John l'aweron. Brantford, $11 :.1. S. Howtir, 8_'2.311; 11. Onward, 711.:111; S. O. McKay, *21.:dI: 3. Knight, 1111: F. W. Angus. Viiighai,. *l:L311; Carl %V.,is.•11, 7pt ; H, J. (toward, $1 : '1'. J. Hoggarth $1: H. U. Murdir, Seafnrth, ; R. P.cwtlethweite, $2; John N-a-combe, sr„ 51.50; Wm. Bald, i111tchell, 5(7L0 ; James Shaw, 51 ; Wm. (carter, Constance, $41.511; nest Bate., *7 : Gee. Johnstone, $45*); Arnold Ltitbwsite, $12.5(1: A. Jones 811; F C. Bradley, Stratford, Snrallirombe, Heneall,-'S:1: J. Pletch, Stratford, $$.30: 0. H. Rance, 51 ; Wm. Caaet, Mitchell, 57.50; 'Moy Bowen. ll mghaui. t(J4.00; A. 3' Grigg, Clinton. 517.30; Smith ansa Robertson, $3),(81: Edwards and Clark, Mitchell, $v : Wm. Mosul, fµ. l ; O. Pennington. 54.50; J. Boyce. 1Jilrlsell, 14.54) : l:, Graham, Milehell, *toil) : Wren Showdown, 57 : J. New- combe, 714.:d1 : H. l.aahl.rook, 5A.:ol) ; J. H. McClinton, 50o: W. L)oak, el. Break Whisky's Grip On Your Loved Ones Drunkards will tell you with team of'dncerity that they oto not want to drink. The craving coming from tb Inflamed ane tLe.ti.,lNrf alf.e.- delves thew to it. Aleurn will soothe the trembling nerve, and remove the craving that is ruining your home and stealing so otherwise kind husband or father from you. it cots only 51.78) per hox and if It does sot cure or benefit after a trial the mosey will to refunded. Altura No. 1 is Wtekes and can be given secretly In tea. °toffee or fend. Ahura No. 2 Is taken voluntarily hy those wiling to help t housewives. Aleura can now be obtained et our .torr. Ask for free brooklet telling all abnut it and give Alcorn a Irbil. F. R. Wlgle, druggist. t1odarieb. Ont. 108 NOX A COLD In One Day The beet Cough If saltine foe rill - dreg. Me. pee bottle, at all drag stere.. MICE MAT Choicest fruits etc.. -perfectly L•Luced-ready to use Saves endless larratir llcCall'1 Patterns M I LLAR EY SON ITruwoar Jee. Sl, 11014 >! rro..... ".."6=041,1111111\ One quality ; -the best. .. txnlR tit, atlt 91110111' rJ/MN, REPRESENTATIVES MEET Many County Agriculturalists Craven: Stratford Stratford, Jan. 'Li. --To the sixteen delegated who assembled in the Court House of the count y'of Perth yeeier• day. as the representative. from forty one different attricuttural docletird in Huron. Middlesex and Perth counties, T. H. ]face, of Mitchell, and J. Lock ie %Viteon, iif 'I'urunt(', urged the value and nerd of more specialization in the selection of nerds, tetter :u-operatiuo among the farmer* for their own and the community's welfare and .Absolute honesty in all busier** dealing,. W. .A. McKenzie, of Mitchell, in his opening eddies., told of a floe state of prowl e•r, nn the pert of all the .o cieiirs, Field compel it ion., he stated, were nut exe'ting the interest they should, but this would improve. "Goerrowent judges," he said. "bays given splendid satisfaction In j every place they have gone..' ( The financial statement showed a .o nett ton or In ,a•1.•.11)-. 1. A. Harr, of Min hell. raid thei while the hu.ine.s roan and transpor- tation m,n had ezpen,rd their profits to prt,duc.• more the (seiner had .Is.it hli prnhts spelftiiarlj 'g '• :VP: 'Race Itti- %'t-ed a greater rrrt.td to the social side of farm life, as a means to stem the tide ebbing from the farm to the riliw, \IiKenz'e•. of Mitchell, and E ('hristi., of Exeter, were eeler:rd Ln tee recommended as pre.idrnt and vice pn•sturut at the assO'iatic.n Weer rot 't'.,roi1U'. !kir. %Vb.-won. of Thorn dale, was eler'.d eeerrnuy-measurer The nett animal meeting will he held in Stratford. The ng.ieultllrai societi.ee which have paid their applieatioo (re. As.: Mc(iillvray. Thorndale, Delaware, Straiten(1. Exeter, London tu(v u•lnl • (ilrnrnr. Everton. 1Vr•t Huron, ties - lot ill nail 1)or0h...ter. IU K • A SUBTERRANEAN RIVER? An Old S:ory Revived by Strange Phec- omenoc near Wtngham Walkerton, Ont., Jan-:iJW.-A culious phenomenon occur -ret' between '1'rrs- ('-ater and \Vinginam, near the village of Belgrave: A large Neetin° of the roadway sank to the depth of fifty fret, leaving a great bole one battered feet long and many t'a'ds wide. A few railer from t he spot is another large hole, at the button, of which .1111ck,and, ate perpetually nwn-:ang, as if distil bed by .Dole unseen current below. The appearance of these two great holes, which tun in a north- easterly direction toward the town of 1Vinghrrn, leads geologists to the opinion that a subterranean river exists, which flows somewhat under the Bruce Peninsula and connect. Lake Hiirnn with Lake Ontario. It is said I hat. sevem. I kinds of fish of the smaller variFty and peculiar only to Lake Muton have been tumid in take Ontario, which could not pos- sibly have made the long journey through Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie, and therefore must have made their way through some channel un- known to roan. The flow of the Maitland River is also getting smaller and at times runs almost dry.thhich is probably caused by the draining away of the water by the underground river. The people in the vicinits are somewhat alarmed at this phenomenon, es the land about there is low and of a boggy nature. The township of Turuberry is hiring men and teams, who are drawing loads of stone. The undertaking is a gigantic one, and no doubt hundreds of loess will be necessary before the roadway is properly repaired. The hole has since been lled up. YOUR HAIR MAY BE YOUR FORTUNE Beautiful hair lit. made the fortune of many a woman, by adding �gcharm and 10((•. west - ^llness to an lie MdaL�It� Nigh trsaialifitf haii. h olds t�tractiveness to cvi rrr feature. Without it you can't he beautiful; with it yep will he at least pretty To have beautiful hair, tune Hammy Hair Beautifier 1t will improve the i.eanly of y.Nir hair, taking away the dull h..r4e noes and stnngines., st.(ternng and pp'latb- tpg eery hair in ywr head and making it soft, silky, 7th acay, ewsicr 40 put upend keep n place, and at the same time giving it rir an.] ia,ting rose fragrance that will Might both you and there around you e fiery easy to apply simitly sprinkle s little on your hair each time before brush- ing it. It retains moil, and vial art change the calor of the hair, nor darken gray hair To keep Frei r hair and scalp dandruff -free end -dean, we Harmony 8ts.rprio This pure liquid shampoo groves an instantaneous rich lathes. that unrnnliatdr penetrates to everend 'uhair I ng 1p,W .led n`ale much Washed r+lf ;let as )quickly, the entire operation talcsI.- few moments 1,7Mh pr:pa:atinns cense le odd•doped very ornamental bottles with ...Mee tots. Harmony Hair Beautifier, 11 rut Harmony Memnon, rine Both gu..at,v'i to sates_, yen m every way, or your moneyback. Sold in this crwrnnionly only at our More -The Reim') Star; -one of the more than 7,1X11 leadir1g dnig %tureen( the United StMsa, Canada and (.teat Britain, whichewe t . big Harmony lebetsbrlee, To- tlutnitD,wbere the celebrated 1iarsro.y Per. flumes and Toilet Propagations eni need& a. H. C. Dunlop. Pb'. 0., Dts5g1t, edtord aoek. 1 i Perrin Moves ;ET; ANNUAL SALE WEEK Final Clearance of all Winter Coats Ladies' Coats Children's Coats Ooly 11 Indite' smart tweed Coate, Isere style•. Regular $13.00 t0 $21.30, to clear at . - .. 1,11.1111 Still a few tellies (.'oats in black and colour, left to clear at each ..$a.OQ to 11.50 Furs (children•. Coate to fit all ages, many are tuarked at half usual prices and all should be cleared out it. r, few day.. our entire •tew•k of Fun, without any reserve, is being sold nt _a) pea rent les. than our regular keen prices. If you hw(e any far buying to du this is a golden uopw'rtuoi,ty. Children's tieadwear Our stock of child'eu-s Headweat is being sold at half regular priers, including all the .martest styles of the season. (ienuine Reductions in all other Departments b'New Spring Stocks Now Arriving" McCall's Patterns LAST WEEK NIcCaII's Publications LAST WEEK � S; Mil.lar's Scotch Store -A� �56 Renew Your Subscription tor the Sinal and (let a 1914 Colander. GENUINE BARVAIN SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES 11E' time has once- more arrived for our Annual Midwinter Sale, which Yve expect this year will surpass :znv of .our previous ones: Our stock this year is large and in order to reduce it we have decided to offer you Shies at prices that are them. We will start this sale Saturday, and continue it each and every day up. to Saturday, February- 14th, 1914. Be sure hound to sell January 31st, and includinle ( to come early. as the first buyers will have the best assortment' to choose from. Below you Nri11 find a partial list of what we have to offer: r MEN'S BOOTS 150 pairs Men's Boots. Regular, S5.00. Sale price..$3.65 40 pairs Men's Button Boots. Regular, $4.5o and 85.00. Salt price 3.50 (x- pairs Men's Boots. Regular, S4.5o. Sale price 3.40 36 pairs Men's Boots. Regulare114.OQ. S urige l.IS 11 pairs Men's Bolts. Regular, $3.50. Sale price 2.60 3() pairs Men's Tan Boots. Regular, $5.00. Sale price 3.75 rat► LADIES' BOOTS 40 pairs Ladies. Button and Lace Boots. Regular. S4,5o. Sale price... $3.40 8o pairs Ladies' Button and Lace Boots. Regular, .84.00. Sale price 3.10 85 pairs Ladies' Button and Lace Boots. Regular, S3.5o. Sale price 2.50 75 pairs-a..eaiiva .I<1c7o-,t'. Regular, !3,-o, Sale price 2.15 20 pairs Ladies. Boots. Regular, S2.5o. Sale price 1.85 OWe have a lot olc Ladies xfords and Pumps which we will sell at a big sacrifice. POSITIVELY CASH This is a bona fide Bargain Sale and if in Led of any Footwear in the near future you cannot afford to miss it. NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED AT SALE PRICES WM. SHARMAN THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. .•,fit -111 : •caw- s