HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 2,a
! lltoMIDAS, Jan. YY. 11114
1 The ointment
you put on your child's skin acts
into the system just as surely as
food the child eats. Don't let
impure fats and mineral coloring
matter (such as many of the
cheap ointments contain) get
into your chill's blood 1 Zam-
Butt is purely herbal. No pois-
onous coloring. Use it always.
50c. Bar 1 Ail Dr yl.b and Sera
Hoherr Wilton. Massey -Harris
Agent, bas a full One of Farm
Machinery always on hand. %V..
have we think the clwupeot
and hest Gasoline Engines on
the Market.
Also 11031P Iwautitill Steel
Ranges from rudhope• and .And-
enton of (Billie. .111rtelie thing
for a fanners kitchen.
'AN a have in stock
horse Blankets
Cream Separators
Milking Machines
i)living Harness
And one Min.lr,d And one
other things. Cults.• in And bee
Its at the
Massey -Harris Shop
Hamilton at cut
Low Rates
To California, Florida
and the Sunny South
The Grand Trunk Railway in the
most direct route (anus all punt.
Ea.t through Canada vire Chicago,
Detroit or BufT.lo
ran etrtiewea s at I:raiM*ueak T 411eN
((gee .. or w -rite 1 b; HUH\IN/i U.l'..t..
Tercet.,, 11nt
P. P. LA W IRENCK • Mf1X1. Town $'A..eb,
gar and Twirlg'
A+i4'. Nhune 11-
Read this: It may
save your Life
Sanol Tads, y remedy is made f:oai
hubs and is perfectly harmless. 11
ycu are a tuners! from Gall Stone.,
Kidneys Stones, or Gravel, Sand will
effect a positive cure. 11 yen have
backache, kidney, bladder trouble, or
rheumatism tbat is caused by excess
of oris and, dirtiness. puffy swellings
under the eyes, s- ellen feet and
ankles, tired '.e.: -out feebaq, urine very
pale, or extra dark and cloudy, too
frequent and painful unaatloo, beck
dust sediment in, gone after standing
a few hears; you a-• i -i danger and
Sanol Kidney Remedy will save you.
At an r rxp,,tists, $I Sa per bottle.
Tree Literature. Sanol Manufactur-
ing Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada.
TAKE A t trISP .►:r►: o ,.t n -s- IN Title
Flirt'I,AN AND SUt I kr.yl"1.
on' is , i••1 e.,d )0•l 11 r.nn Oer„1y a 1(00.1
e•o41k.. aid e,,,oy . r incl ,,.Isco y. keter naw
WnYe for ( ween.
We ars prepHred to supply all
Electric Fixtures nod, ylupphe's
and beget! Electric \ re,., plc'..
for lii(hting or motor purposes
or repair jobs.
Call and Ret noir best prices on
motor,. of all siYAM .
Prompt attention paid to all
orders for
P1.1'Mi IMG
Phone 13b'. Ha/adios, Sttest
Tor S1.•el Ie Publish.] co sry Thur.dsr
from the alae la The Signal Middles. North
Street. uader4•b, Noreen.. Telephaoe Na >e
suers Hu-rlo. Tonna O,. Ile/tar and Piny
('col. per year ; If paid etrlr U, le silt -more Qac
Dollar will to accepted ; to subscribers in the
Cants eted lf-Icily in adua. c Dollar and
fall to receive Tile ark r.t. rettulerly by 1wa11
will confer a favor by acesaluUne the publish-
er ofthe fact at as early same aat.adblr. Wises
a cha.we of .,ddre.. 1. desired, both old and
the new address should be siren. Remit teams
may be made by bank draft, express mossy
order, peel -oats seder. or readatered letter.
1'Zobneelistiess emireotamenos at any time.
.l trvakTlelru T1H Ms. -(tales. for display nod
C.)itrar4 advertisements will be ether nu app11-
coilon. Legal a,d of her .1oiler adsart lamest e,
Iru cent. per line fur and Insertion sad fear
emu. per line fur each sutwequent iaaertis..
Mru.ured h) • weir of solid a inpareil twelve
hues In au inch. ltu.lacs . card, of ala lines
and under. ►'Ire Iti.Ilar, per year. .ldverUne-
ac;nt. of Lost. Vowed. Ilarayd. Mitoarloe.
Vacant. `I't,tu ion. Wanted. Howe. for dale or
to Hent. Y'.r-. fir Maly et le Nest, Articles
for "I.. stn. not exceedingsdgh{ line•. Tweet
ave Com. nosh Insertion : eine Donor for er,
moat b• ti'IAy rant . fur each suni.ements In b.
mSent month.
Lanni An-
uno►.enik la ordinary readinproportion.
an. 1..,
(:anus pee hero. Ne notice fres than fic only.
ave Gots. Any special saiee. the object of
which W the hseuui.:J benefit of any Iudi, Pi-
ma oras.ociation. 1. be considered an ad1er
ttLje, me•nt and charted sneordinsli.
'To I 'oca►J.11'.I.aNr..-The o,-opi•ration of
our .utv-.Iber• and readers 1. , oidielly invft.
asl toward, matklo•a THE On... I. a a saki record
Ions of all 11. coon,► anti dl -treat doing-. N•.cem-
munk*U,, *111 be a145044 0s Senn.- it eon-
tafns the name and whirs.. of thn winter, n••t
neve-.crit% for public,rrlw., but a. au 5 idener
••I gnarl futh. \,•w, items .hound reach I in:
Sau..l. odes not iat.-r than Weihic.day noon
.+( earn weak.
THI RMI)AI, J.\Nl'ARy '2Drn mill
This is the enl1ghted twentieth (tett:"
tory, and en exerau,n actually took
plaice its lirentfotd lust Friday.
The where.. f justice g►todelualy but
rx 'c.uingly line. .1 ,,lata wino helm•. lly
killed a Lhlrteee•yeerts.y paid the just
deserts for his et ince and gave hie life
for ii. it is taken 1ur gemmed that he
r... guilty but if perchance he wens
out, end an innocent el in died, what
ell awful sill lira et the door of society :•
The iron lump says, '•How pieposter-
..u•.'" and fields up his hands ie holy
horror at the very idea that jostler
should be fouled in this enlighted Age.
Hut it hes biecn. What about list
pour wretch after serving five tears
in St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary
has been recently turned luuee its ti.'
world. without Gbetide, a brukeu solid,
and reputation with a paltry sunt of
tail per day. Nut the wages ..1 e
Hut he can be recumpeured and
althuuge society had umutentionaily
dour his Au ii.ju,tice it can repay it to
some extent by re -imitating bin. But
what if tan le dead and heaver 110
!rands. Can it thou
The cases are not isolated of death
ronfeweionr to murder natty yeses
after the iI1mOCe11t her rwung.
e We gu to church, slug pealln, scut -
ing angelic (accts, furwula4e ecbetnrs
fur the r•edaivaing ul the heathen, etc.,
etc , and yen. hu.'airily 1,1 us ever
!Intik of Juwg What wo can for the
upldt of the criwi11al• He tress done
wrong : Kick Ides lower ; don't. touch
hint or yuu'll g, 1 for palsy. He is u
leper and we'll leave 1 ' to the tender
c .re of the sadvaliou army. _ .
Of courier, nobody wants„to) Stake ..
bosom friend of the ex -jail hied, but a
nem derer is nut made in a nighi,and a
kind word, or an outstretched hand to
the sinking outcast, might. 1111-.' pre-
vented it deed whh-h shocks all human-
sen the deter has a soul and
although we believe be is branded for-
ever, Int ale .how the forgiving s'iirit
and although. we wet keep him safely
confined inn jail, why not give him
a charier to term -in.
\\'e an' not justifying murder or
•rime of any kind. (rut we fail to see
hat capital puniahnuv.t is la detetictrt,
believing it is a relic of the barbaric,
lark ages and we say there i4 some
abler mean, of Gritting the criminal
welds shooting hint into eternity.
this age of bestir and hurt y, it is
most es.ential that people should have
11,. Light Utue '.'.lm edd 0ti toe lown
!knee, wtM-nil t0 O ae ett)fl 1s lona_
ate enough to luxe one. :Now ..e
don't want to knoele but we tenon say
that we hate II.v-pr spell two clocks or
watches indicating ;the suttee limp
here. The chief tremble seem'. to hi
that the town and railway, time err
five minutes apart and .on,e people
net their time pieces "by the railway
and other., by the town time. Fort-
unately or unfortunately there are
emote people whitest watches are be-
tween the two and c inse'Inp)tly they
don't know where they 'tend.
To us there seems to 110 no reason
for this state of M UIt•s toex1N wnd 11
there is any reason why It should, it
might he well to have it expinined by
some one who -fin fathom. it. We
can't .
One heart so ni'Ieh joss now shoot
her and hart that (be almost;wishes
the campaign was nv • e bus.
pornoce advtratw alirg , T that the Aare
are roads to drgrodatlen and a bar to
Heaven, while the liquor man earl
that be doge not want his liberty ria
strained Which shall we he1{eve
We have no lsesltation in saying
that tb. heal M tonne order are to be
highly congratulated for amens* snob
AM bending M it baa done as WIM
,tryst, !kith Instldlag.ategoodai sts t,REAT STATESMAN
to this town and the name of Ibis kind
Uoderirh can erect and maintain the
better-. Balt white elepbanta, of course,
are very desirable In this country
wben the high oust of living la still
New Warden
Mr. David C.n•elon, reeve of l'lic-
ton, has heeti chosen \V*rden for the
county of 111111)41. and to hila The Sig-
nal ',men..its heart yeongeitoIt Wiens. 0
rhr►u,1 of the lute !Steel Can,rlun,
one of the .•I1 pioneers of Huron a
count y, lir Sar always lived within the
county and had her ti,trrerte here. He b
was h all in (1 ale•-ich township end
nivel i lwre 11111 it ab••ut 10., yrrra ago
when h&' ruosed to Clinton, where be i
ha•• wince n.i.lr.t. As Deere •'f that
towll for.' four arae (.-
. -nod .as ,'linty a
4:0411.1114144141111 rite ode, he hes been a •
nrr11,I,e, of t hr e •• coutl,•il for the
past t,.n ►,-ale. Ile is a !serous a
1.11;1 en.l pt trine. mei intent hied - 1
mends th.'1, 11heet tesloe' id 1.ir owl-
1101011 11' w•1,ir11 Ire lite..
Ile 1. n >t.un eh l;..r,-erve'ive in p..1f-
tics and n .4lrtlnel1.1 111 religion.' S
ago 37 yews go hr (berried Miss
Maly Aon Colic-10o,of G•*lerich
tow nal ip, and he ion. five rhiid•-en. A
There are liner .ones Wm. John, of
Magee(.'r.ek, Marketch)' -wan ; 11.rr
it •y, attending- the University nt w
Sash I• .11',I DA Virg, with hie father. F,
And t w o thou/ lures, Miss Dorothy, at b
l) and
\I,., Andrew \\'eatherwaxs
The first sleeting of the council for a
11111 0115011 weld January, 15th, The 1 ea
u:rwb••:. w•err: \ir. J. N. ('atup`irli, ti
res ye, *uMemos. d Meas. Bucuauat,, Currie,
Is will and eitouehouer, ctttttt It t'D H
Ile vieg each takeu 111eeta1urors, decla- l tee
rations of qualillcut ion and of office and p
after * short sod auprupliate address' of
front the is -eve the minutes of last newt- bee
Ing „ f 11113 were l end .11d confirmed. hi
('heet icatiuns Goin the Chihli -m s ea
Aid S.a•ie.y, li,a t-1nel, and the Si k k
Ouildmem.'. hospital. Totooto, caking for by
sea. stance for their respectier inaJlu- w
tiobs were receited and Dead. No ac-
tion was he
token in either request.
('ume-Irwin-'1'bat \Ver. \Nigh'- ae
man 1 e reatw
pp int. d as.ee,r at his ! to
for mer r*le t y of *LIMO. Cat vied.
J. N'. Bunn and J110. S.. SCOLL were 1 hi
t11i1t1�t UNp le PM hi Ms NNW
This lade K
Lord Stratheona's Body Lald to R
Mbytes by Men Who Knew
H1s Qualities
Atter a solemn service in West-
minster Abbe) the remains of Lord
Strathcona were Interred on Monday
In the family vault at Highgate beside
the body of his wife. The proposal
that the body of the late High Com-
missioner be laid In Westminster
Abbey was communicated to Premier
Borden by cable together with the
decision which had been reached in
regard to it. With full approval of
his colleagues, the Dean of West-
minster offered the privilege of luv-
ing the remains interred in the Abbey,
but his Lordship's desire to be buried
in the family vault at Highgate hied
been so definitely expressed that the
offer was most gratefully declined by
big daughter, Hon. Mrs. Howard. ►
The pall -bearers at the funeral In-
cluded Lord Lansdowne, Lord Aber.
deen, Colonial Secretary Harcourt.
Rev. George Adam Smith (Principal
of Aberdeen University 1, Sir William
Osler,•Sir Thomas Skinner, and W. L.
Griffith, Secretary at the High Cone
miaatoner's office. The coign was
borne in au open hearse, which, with
be mourners and carriages, proceeded
from Grosvenor Square to Westmin-
ster Abbey by way of Upper Gros-
venor street, Park Lane, Grosvenor
Gardens ani Victoria street. 'rhe
procession to Highgate was by way
f Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, Char -
ng Cross road. Tottenham Court road.
nd Hampstead road.
The passing' of Lord Strathc
naught from statesman all over
Empire, from newspapers, and from
men who knew him In the days when
:e took an active part in Canadian
politics, "expreselons of esteem such
• are -only uttered or written when
man of world brominence and ou;
Landing ability is removed. speak
t Southampton, Mr. Austen Chamh
aln said- "He was a splendid 111
ration of the opportunities which t
rttlah, Empire offers her sons '
Rt. Hon. Lewis Harcourt, Colonial
ecretary, speaking at liastingdon,
aid: "Lord Strathcona was a great
loneer in all that was best in North
merles." i)cring the three years
r. Harcourt had been at the Colon
nice it had been his privilege
ork .ancien► with Lord Stratheo
or many years before that It
is privilege to count him amo
Is friends. ' His private gen.ros
nd public .benefactions had been
and record or belief He left a nit
nd record Illuminated by person
Rection and public honor, and 1
neer is worthy of envy and emu
on by the civilised world.
In moving the adjournment of t
once of Commons as a tribute
peel to Lord Strathcoaa's memo
remler Borden said in part: "1 Rpt
Lord Strathcona as a Canadl
*use, although born across the se
s life work was almost altogeth
ruled on :n this country. I do n
now of any man who was Inspl
a higher conception of duty th
Y Lord Strathcona.
"As the weight of years press
on him ft was almost pathetic to
e the devotion he insisted mm per-
rming, even the minor duties of his
sat -
ora Sample free if you mention this
hr National Drug and Chemical paper.
Guaada, Limited, Toronto.
Mange -Tone Mood and Nerve Tablets
correct Female Troubles and make pure,
rich bloo.i. Sex, a box. 204
"I think GIN FILLS are the finest
things for the kidney. \Then first I
came to Canada, I suffered w ith dread-
ful Bins in my Back, that made me
quite ill. A friend gave me .ix of )lour
GIN 1'ILI.S and atter I had taken one
dose, I felt less pain. I then gut myself
n box and before half of it was gone, 1
had last ail the backache. It did recut
treat to be rid of the pain.
li say one tells me, what s pain they
have in their back, I say 'You should
try GIN PILLS." Mas. J. Ptc►k*Lt,.
Take Mrs. Pickrell'a advice anti take
GIN PILLS. They will can you of
evert trace of Backache, Kidney Trouble
or Rheumatism. Ste. a box, 6 for j_.e.
-sent on receipt of price if your dealer
docs not handle them. Money back it
(.IN PILLS do not�give prompt relief,
he Government Will Bay Best ore Pos-
sible for this Pact
Ottawa, Jar. :71.- The Ma/ 14 De-
n/slum-tot has decided to install at the
Port of Godetich one of the most
powerful elertricalh• npet,llr,l f.IQ
nal horns in Canada. Engineers were in
Ito teot-prfch t.'cent ly, and looked over
the situation. It will be placed net the
11a• north mater breakwater, and will he
was oprrsteel from shore. Dieing the
disastrous storms of last November
Icy the fact that the old fog horn wt. ten rr
b small and was not in constant toper-
. alio!) was one of the contributory
al' i.aiises to the great loss of life. It is
ifs expected that the estimates this}ser
la -'will rnntain a substantial amount for
the further improvement of this bat-
he , tan. Narrowing of the entr•,nee b► -
of 1 tween the Writer breakwater is N►g-
r7- 1 wasted: and there i. *leo much dl•edpr.
ak Tog yet needed before vaesi'Is can
a e,' 1' (prrly round into shelter.
ut I temp times pone loge for n friend
red I horns to Irate as soon as he 1)e1•omesi
an. `ucreerful,
aplx. 111'• 1.1 attestor., of township w. -
count. 1913. and Jnu. Gillespie As mem-
ber of l..cal Doge-] of health.
Seven ropier of The Municipal World
were ordered fur (be tum of the rani-
umer, c. vont dell'.
Eeg:oduag claieu of J. %Vil,iams for
payment to s.ruuot for ditching,
upp.'rite I.,t• :Pi and 3.1, coo. 3.
Uidered that Mr. \V{Ilinins he paid fur
this contract a hen the .iter is roue
Oen d in a. setish.ctot y manner. Bylaw an
11111.vocal, ming the.+gx,ultment
of tow11sh,pofllcis1. and bylaw No. 2mo
11111, appointing the cuuuctl road e _ Jo
uiirsi11Uere both rem/ and passed.th
Ou 11(111u11 o1 Currie and Irwin the wh
following 1cco)u11t11 wets ordered to be
paw : Trustees, of Belgr*v..scb(ol, use
of school house, nomination meeting,
Si: H. 11. Elliott. letleece printing
contact 111 11)1:1, l�;1.73: A. Poe tern eId,
salary 1121 clerk 1111.1, 311d0.tet; A. i"oi•
terllrld, px,.tage aid telephone wee-
rngr, Che Muntenia! World,
.ulecraption to praper, $5.75: Ilius.
l'ongiene efund ut dog Baa, 51.11)4;
Ali s. 11'g0l41, 11.1)0] pert taxes, 11'. H.
ISL :f2, eon. 3, 114:110; leaac B.vwn, tele,
s.; ill; Uuncwn Itlwrtriu. imp -cling
Krav' IIinK contract cn11(trea N mild
A. 283.111'. \tovwl by Mr. St ateli w.-,
seconded by \I r. Buchanan, 1hat the
council 11••w 1111 i011111 to 1110 -el again on
Monday, Fele-nary 1kh. at one o'clock.
A. Pr,wrFtiI-,Er,n, Clerk.
salon. in all the time 1 have known
m, and that was in the later years
his lite, 1 was struck with the tut
at time did not seem to have dim -
ed the feteshnees of his spirit. the
gor of his will. or his strength of
rpose. -
"1 am sure that 1 May, on behalf
of Canada and all members of the
House and the people of this country-.
convey to his daughter and to all the
members of his family. the mem--
re of our deepest sympathy."
Sir Wilfrid Laurier in seconding the
tion to adjourn, said: "Since Sir
hn Macdonald's time I do not know
at there has been any Canadian.
0, on departing this life. has left
hind him such a trail of sorrow as
rd Strathcona. He Ie mourned by
s Majesty. whose personal friend
was. by the authorities of com-
rce and of finance In the commer-
1 and financial metropolis of the
rid, by the poor of London, by the
pie of Scotland. the land of his
h, with whom he never completely
erect fila connection. and in Canada,
all classes of the community. This
versal sorrow is a tribute only De-
wed upon men et strong person -
y and to this class he undoubtedly
onged. it 1s due to the Government
Sir Charles Tupper to say that It
to that Government we owe the
latment of Lord Strathcona as
gh Commissioner in London. and no
ser selection could have been made
ever was made for a high oMce.-
on. James Lougheed. Government
er In the Senate, reviewed the
High Commis.ionrr's wonderful life,
+al► w�ie'.' Lcgd., PNisc'tra*�`jp•
settee to p•
London wa-aw asset of Iw•
estimable *aloe to Canada. His
princely and lavish hospitality, his
henellcences aa a giver, his philan-
thropy In assisting and endowing great
institution■ In Canada and elsewhere,
placed him In the forefront of the
great philanthropists of the age.
in seconding the motion to adjourn
the Senate, Slr George Ross eloquent-
ly paid tribute to the dead statesman.
'In such cases," said Slr George,
"we usually say we stand In the
shadow a a great career. To -day we
do not stand in the shadow. but In
the luminous light of the greatest
career of any Canadian with whom
most of us have been acqualet.d."
(i. t your stationary pt opted ivThe or
Mignal. H
•. d►
1- -11 a .110
Make Sure of a
Steady Income
Put your savings and surplus
profits into the bet dividend
paying security. The
er Cent
of the Standard Reh... Mertes
�tier.reeeeltred�y .Fr ig
•Il1,1ID0., herd A._
sats i3.000A00.00. 77�111,egwg d..
basnines yaw a thseinada Isle
Mneme dassssexu Ayes iimmu m t�.,cd11
half-7Mrtr.p en1Ae]sees
�terw es eAeealseld
M e pea
I: 1 k' w - • E
• gapes
Mel ria ST VAMP.
W. L HORiON. Ceshri.k
nowt mel ObtbAaee
Five of Family Burned
'Madkms Joseph Robin. her three
weekaold baby. Wilfrid Robin, aged
13, and two other children named
Labreeyos were burned to death as
he ;twat
Qf W1 ;&tion 's tt°pt
to ll ht a Are wl i•oal bolt.
at Tuners
Dame de Aosalre, near Qe.bee. Whys
Ib* lad's clothlag took An he rushed
among the otbee me -bon of tbe
family comm.a1efting the blare to
also In all.
MuselenwMarlans en Mak Llan
Or George Rags. Wove! leader la
the wast. M seatln.d is his bad with
thele... at Ottawati feaster Berths
atylUy tdlaaseed and Ren. W. T.
MOD la safaris, tem is setae! M
Grand Clean-up Before
Stock -taking
Surprising offerings all over the store to reduce
Stock for corning stock -taking.
Great inducements in
Be sure to call this week.
The Secret of Health
is Elimination of Waste
Every business man knows how difficult it is to keep the Pigeon bales and drawers
of his desk free (r,m the accumulation of uaelw papers. Every besaewt6, knows
bow difficult it .s to keep her home tree from the accumulation e( all manner
of useless thine,. So it is with the body. It is difficult to keep It free from the
accumulation „f yrs e•r matter. Unless the waste is promptly eliminated the ssachie-
.ry of the body soon becomes clegewl. This is the beglnntag of most human ilia,
IL Tahl.e., Liquid Fero)
Armlets the stomach in the proper digestion of foul, whirl' 1. turned into health -
sustaining blood an.l all pna..no)ra waste matter is speedily disposed of through
Nature's channels. It make. men and women clear-headed rodable-bodied -restores
to the^, the bealta and atrelict Aof youth. Now is the tone for your rejuvenation.
Bead n0 rents for a triai box of this medicine.
Semi 31 e.. -Sam stet'. few Dr. Pi.,.. m
s Csmen Serie Medi al
Ae11vi..r- (hos es«-waetb $2. Always handy is areal lamb illness.
aha.... a. v, psswca. wawa. K. v,
RENEW \-oar Subscription to The Signal and receive
a- tgtli calendar
Great Bargains in
N order to make room for sprint goods, I am offering my entire
stock of BOOTS and SHOES at greatly reduced prices, from
20 per cent tiff on regufar line. to 50 per cent on lines that are
a little out of style and on broken size lines.
Think tyhat this means --one-fifth to one-quarter off the
price of up-to-date goods;'and in broken sizes and lines we are
discontinuing, you get twc pairs for the price of one.
Here are a few sample quotations from our regular stock :
Men's Shoes
Men's Bluchers. Regular, $5,5o. Sale price -$4.30
Men's Bluchers. Regular, $4.go. Sale price. 3 73
Mens Bluchers: oo. Sal
.r I . •{� p. erect
Women's Shoes
Any $4.5o Shce for • , $3, 75
Any $4.00 Shoe tor .. 325
Any $3.5o Shoe tor 2 73
Broken and Odd Lines at still lower prices.
4 -
.\II goods are marked in plain figures so there can be no deception in prices.
This is a genuine clearing sale. We must have the„ room an you can use
the goods and save money.
All our stock of
Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases
at correspondingly reduced prices.
Fy J. 1-1.
t Side Square