HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-29, Page 1CONSIDER -
you - lotto goad advMWii,
test a rlho d Asps.s.. bet
rits Ire div
eds 11aw from any other
insf 1 M =bar Mvarti.in
51RTY.IfUlJRT1l Y Ald-Ne rims
To **new your *tastier is,
tion to The Migoal and
receive one of (We year's
Ca knd:t n.
SAVE, because --
No. 95
` Reverses do not look so black when you hate a
dvII account. ,
ead Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto
General Manager - - A. H. WALKER
Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager
A. G. A
ASI kinds of Insurance
' P>tpwse : Osrwcs 20: Rocas 160. P. O. Boz Ms
• 11 I Dr. Stt-ang spoke for a few Minute.
Aid. F. 8- Spence is Unavoidably
Absent and Rev. Dr. Abraham
Takes His Place -Mayor Reid Ex-
tends Invitation to Opposition to
Speak but none Present- Good
Vielosia opera house was jamllled
on Friday night on the occaai.•n of a
public meeting held in the interests of
the O*oadfi FemperaLee Act. Alder-
man F. 8. Spine•., of Turman. was to
have been the speaker lett cwing
illness waft itnelde to be pt•rerut. How-
ever. Dr. AM•abam, of loruu,o, wee
the pnncip.Ispwekerand drl•ghted the
audience with bib forceful method cf
handling his subject. the l'*ueda
Temperance Art. He fully explained
every clauw and showed the mealy
advantage.* ..
notaq f the present act over the
old Scott Art. Reale° drew attention
to the new u.rthrd of enforcing the
new act. He deplored the actiteta ..f
the opp wit ion Irrirtging in Y aukee
ritiz?w• herr to speak who knew no. /s-
ing of British Tawe, telling the pulite
how to" vote anti declwriug that the
license laws can't /reinforced. In cue.
ing his address he wade a strong
epeeist to the lathery present to atioli-h
the bar end•s*ve the boy. who, he said.
wet • the up keep of the hats.
Exeter.-“Atsy In Ontario" has ftp• THE VOTE TODAY
pealed so strongly to R. F. Luker. of o,
Sasketebewau, that he has: r* i1
*11.155* for the tine fat m of Mr. Milo
Snell ou London road south. He does
riot get possession until December I,
1 t�!11.
Water Rates For 1914
Water Rates an now dor.
The discoout of ltd per trot will
to allowed on pa menta fon bill
not it Fehruwry 1. The leviers Com-
1 •
mi inn lerirthat 1 airear s
lee paid up at once without
fin tber notice. 4
By order
L 80 Acres for Sale
r mit.tats i miles from (indericb on
5 main road between (ioderich and
Hayfield. hail mile to school And
church ; frame house, barn,
strawshed and stable, good land,
all (dear. small orchard. good
supply of water. (looxl reasons
for welling, pace reasonable.. S
Write A. K. CRTIEBMAN, <
t. Waterloo, Onterio. J
One of the best In the Prov-
ince. Fixed rate of aseesetueut.
Live Stock insured at its full
value whether on the farm or
not. No trouble to make adjust -
men ta.
Agent for Colborse.
Both Sides Sanguine and are Confiden
of Victory
I'ethaist never beige in the history
of the cuuuty is there ouch kern ex-
citement as prevails today. Ik.th sides
are working extremely hard and it is
erected that a record vote will he
polled. The temperance *dr. writes PN•
pact • hig majority and the liquor in-
terest expel the wet to he. snowed hy a
large margin. Mr. Fred Davis state.!
to The Signal last night that he ex-
pected the act U• go ander by 1. -et
votes in town and ftp r
n 1 1 the
aunt c.
Thett ns w -i
air 1r II he rrrriced through
The Signal office tonight.
8KKVANTS. Person. renlriws farm help
e Dow Government .
Agr, St Ont. Ordmr. left with N. 1R
t )0Dd, tt l0t, will no*in mow*
.tt sOoa. NOV
of wood address and rose experience as a
s.le.man 10 work th-• rnwn or t;odrrlch and
n. out), of Hurt... •pl.•ndid nn.l permanent
p. -Ilion far the right ....n-NrUN ; a WEL-
LINGTON. nuesatysen. Torontotote-
1 tent girt for aeneral housework Apply to
M Re. T. 1.. PRI:8T comer Klein Ave. and
silieatoo street.
le -*era M.iT.x1 MTl,a ENT tirg or (.11.4111 K+
MiK+:wyi:. Ltrs: df` rum Towxa,nr• or
asar,sn.u. ix rue CogirrT or lb ans.
Yuareul. Datsaact►
Natter Is hereby mesa .a•eaat to the star
ate is that behalf that all person- Karina
dieter. ..stnsl tae estate w 1hs above 'arses
Charles Mrew,de. whittled ea the 3 ahdayof
de Iver t 10 Mudeessa Melselde rtmtred to KItw ni..11 I'ttsr
aastnl.t tater of the waste M the saki •.«steal
ea er Ware tM fid do w rekrearr. Isla. feu
;reinstates.' trek dose, aid that after the.
said llsd y resew r. 1114. the •aid .d 1nt-
'rater will pesoesd todl.t$5.. the ash. estate
=the icer,,.. eMI1i.d th-rete. buts,
sale to the raise of which M •holt
tam wave wars and that he will net
►ei bails fw t!. sant swat* or say port taeeest
1a ear meow el whirr dais he shall .et tbs.
havewwned satire.
.5.... Mh Mr of January.
panA.D met
CU1WG Wlq.. 1. A 1tAN.
lalun tLr A serer.
" �rJf ..Ifl( 38 . Airier
•r 'Ir�r
A lam
kt" rrsa.L r&sT se's
Lasmo woe stir
t1► Assrl.m.a, iv Ta1 Cot ITT Or lit Mux
The best equipped and r► a to Mg ex.sri
r ir.e elms barbers only em • I
W «Zemke. wN AW tis the Ila lay
pb .d sf Mar• aeem re te �/d In r
>) Mk shop will steed the goy- Ase sysss� MM � �P.u,
vrassst elm i t1tl.ttgl tion. 1 eAslabra,Met d tiremaulef tae rot d.es.ei,
seer le has the Jqyo d hebrwary. 115d. fall
Outside work on request ' pinwales.ettMtrmew. : sail that after lot
Reale end shears put in Rost- 1 ' meld nib :IA w V.brserr. Is14. tot amid Moth
most Notts N he�lyj ��l1vw rat*,rear to tot .sat-
tIp-to-dat. shoe In town. stem le teat siM if. that al 0.1`01" karts
d. w to el Use
MOM shape.
isrest r preened se .Mtribat use said
@suss •sits, the peewwe .mired thereto.
M only te the els let whiten
.sae flow have reeNTM 15tlse sad that he
will wet be Male for the rot *nate sir .any part
Mere5f te s.re v imam of whoeats M Phial
sit tM1 hove remit..' nstle.-
klwle' at Gedor4a this tea da) of Amstar?,A•ui. 1 ottDFOot HAYS SR Ii.(f►RAN,r
wrier M.1 ma or • *rink mist Korot. or Tea
Towxaw r or M..anwxa. rw rwa rarwry
cel BCeare, ransom 1111104013
M the alms sensed
Neloper i t. et aea n tsMerie mew,
n. fir the Pewit
of M• creditors ujg Mw W
std• , tame 5.1 somweswed ww
el h1.il. «bat Ki tai
�n � .f�w�a�wlr(l�a«a/�
title «Ane. «t *Pa .sit. mem,
Two=sasset all
roti), pep,r.t. and
nosilyY alt alllllrsthewse.
i" opetetrr •
Rooth Menet 'Phase No. 1111
wAsb"" 611L =41:1-0
.Hying that he we. willing to meet any
of the Hutun County Business Men
\.sedation on • public plat forgo.
He went en far as to write to Wm.
Jackson. of Clinton, asking .w -hat time
he would allow him to speak. Up to
the present time no answer hid term re-
ceived. Ile challenged the- opposition
to debate the 'objets at their meeting
the following right, providing they
give hint a half hour to *peek.
ll 'b Reid acted . it
rs'1 r ted a ,has near and
gave an incitntinn to the uplw...itinn to
Come up on the platform and he would
/promise them a good heal ing but no
response was made.
Master Geo. Branton, levy *moist. of
Tirnntn, dellehted the andten•-e with
got1 N s i
• C 1 le of F/ 11 a+ t
M 1{ It . ilei.
also sang a solo. Miss C. McClinton
acted as acrotnnslist. Stewart's or-
chestra tendered movie during the
evening. Mr. Rdthven McDonald was
not able to be present.
Nearly all the local ministers occn-
pid Paces on the platform.
A vote of thanks was teedered the
speaker ht the eines of the rnee•ing,
tieing moved by J. Elgin Toter, and
seconded M.T 14. C.dbu, ne.
Rev. W.K Hager pi .vel Mayor
Reid to vote of thanks. and Rev. Geo.
E. Ross seconded ti. Both referred to
the rapahle way Mayor Reid had pre-
sided at a meeting of that kind.
A Welcome Signal
Enclosed find 51 for which please
renew mysuh.criplion to yniu poper.
Its arrival has always found a wel-
come iu o'n Inure for the post
W.I. J. h.tens..
Vancouver. B.('.
This is one of the many tributes to
The Signal.
r_ --
ss. .modern tai reveseN., i.erwtiew
t sad eoea.t. Argas as wIt
• .
r?u N. tai -a
` Rears
wed we xos esani esettas:
theriamshle rsw�fiMt*
Vll.. / t.
A, to w.
Ws hare for are knees; tests Ives,
peters matins fres M e three
kAirivirM watt=
dish ret. 041
raw mia wwla.. e.et waM.bih
d .
ase a send ereeentsees Maur.. w
rig wsA.M'. Maes file, w
.sseanttstss�law rime Anhsbses
Mem s7ad
II Iret#es ~ftw�1p�l�st� ryry pest A s mod.
amok Alto t►1t. W IOUT AN. Iwt 11.
(vee. le sr LW Na 3 WIwubas. OMB
SALT Memtea
-Tke reies. with Isle.
twrr#rq aMwa ae tot A . MoD. Ales prepertr.
mew CCawsw.• and � a gaewrrrpGood
ssilws tee
Drawl r pikers« -watt+
<�trsaa Owe w the bast Pmet
RYAN wsassaaw twit.. Nth
M leirisate tbsiawl dmirre err
1 ware elesstlllellba
M..1amAe b ef• Wi►sit
% r le k mswasw.
Mr. 111ders Wie. Pri:. with
deet SID Terpsmece
The silvercontest held in the
Temperance hall Mooday evening.
January IRth, under the auspicea of
the W.VI-T.i'. wry a mnet interesting
event. Principal J. P. Hume nevoid -
ed. There were span ooutsetantg. all
boys, who were &1.iiund Lymissrner,
Jobe lh,naideon, Melville McNevin,
Harold ltu►ney, ipho Pinder, Benson.
Bell and Victor Kerslake. All did
well. and showed renserkable talent
ler the careful resifting of !lime Hat-
ie Belcher. Blur recite i•m. were Jolter -
'peered with isles rail to !.«tionsThe
Programme was, en ,duets hy Misers
Lases an l Vrra iter ; Mier •ntal
*Art by lir. Bert (Nor ; vocal subs by
Miss Ada M••Clietran, Mies Hattie Bel-
cher and Miss Mari•rie Attains. It
was -h raj -.red hy -boa. Prevent.
The jotters*. Har. W. H. Wrightson.
Misr Bentley, of 114 eh. county prsoi•
deur of the tV.C. CU-, maid Miss 1V'rl
ter, of ('at Iuw. After being I le nt fns
•osere time tocntupare marks riled.. h)
contrail ants, the Mee. Mr. IVtighto.
annut&need their derisieu in fsvor In*
Melville McNevin. w Wo wee pie.
.rnlret with Ilse solver medal hy
Oavidron, pre.idrllt id the 1V.C.T.I•.
The whet sex ,•0,.1eet•111e wms rash
preeretrd with a •liver maple leaf
pin. _
Rev. W. H. Wri;blot Denies Statements
at Temperance Meeting
Public Meeting in the Interests of
Huron County Business Men's As-
sociation on Saturday -Or. Strang
Opposites Three Speakers - Mr.
John Ransford Presides.
••Y00 can make what Isms you like,
but when you awake law. winch effect
int tet -metal liberty, I'll snap soy
finger at then)," slated Mr. John Rens-
fnnl. who presided at a public meeting,
5.4.1 In uplr.seltion In the Uan'J* Tens-
peran_r Art, in lite Victim* opera
house un 14 ►ltlyday night.
was•Su excilin- was the tweeting, made
men by the questions Hung by members
of the audience at the speaker., 1 hat
" it 1.st.,1 until a tow before
Inigit and about KM people eroad-
e 1 tutu a thratr.• which Ira. a seal lust
l9, WILY o[ -
Ire further .rtrd
that if each as act WAS peserel be
would like to leave the county and
although he had large inter. sty UI
e..n.tder, hr w•uu41 willingly ...esi8cr
then, tor hie pereon,ol liberty, as he
c.atsulreed ',rotate had no r igbt to
dictate to him what heeheuld eel or
Ola Sunday afteruuou the Trouper -
once hall ort North ei nen wag well
fillet! W listen W au excellent addreee
on temperance by 1 he Rev. W. H.
Vrightun. Mr.J. . Colborne occupied
the choir. In ripe ' Mr. 1Vright-o
elated that be con-idered it an tumor
for hint,• being a stranger in tower,
to be staked to a•L3r•rse the meeting.
Since coming'to (Vele' ich he bad caret
y frlends and was much i.upree,rtl
with 1110 tuwo and pr•,pte as a whole.
As to the noblest of. temperas.«- he
firstly denied that s element made by
the liquor int este as to the had con-
ditions, prev.illeg in the Maritime
provinces. whet'. the C. T.A. was
forte. As a .tad,1z at 111e Ac.di
University be bad a chance t0 ob+rrte
the conditions prevailing ,there. He
strongly *deisou the elect urates o stamp
A• be bielrlff tett think 00 coufl Ion t oiiol v c,
� r. J. 11. (1..1t10tna{the ebaitman.
R wee
1 ...poke x
mess,e length on simile'
Mr. Joint ('hnllen stood rip in the
audience and •feted that the utrrtiug
on the previous evening had not been
opened and closed with prayer as the
temperance meetings had been and he
hoped that not the Easement but the
auditorium of Knox church would be
well filled on Wednesday. on the eve
of ekctiou dry. end that it would be
well to vend a shoat service of prayer,
• +upplicatwna to Almighty Goa is,
Ales. the stork of the temperance
Rev. J. E. Fort also tow and re-
marked (het wbile the nppoaaion
meet ing.ltnd not -been opened or closed
with prayer. the Nntinnal Anthem was
nut even sung. He oleo felt that the
worker% abroad ask the blessing of God
-,u their work.
It .vitt then announced that the
Indies world bold :. prayer meeting all
day on Thnraday while the fight is
mating outside.
Mr. Bert Cutt provided at the piwno.
and Mr. Edward Belcher bang "There
will iso no ahadnws."
West Shore Matters are Gradually Beteg
Cleared no
Persistent digging into the affairs of
the Oaten., We.t Shore Railway
Company revealed the fart on Wed-
n esday atternnon in Toronto where
the unsecured (ands of the railway
were. or at least a portion of them.
Mr. J. W. Mayes wsa not present, nor
was hie counsel, Mr. T. Herbert i.en-
soo, K.C..able to put in an appear.
moor. so after wa1Wrg for ea boor
Chairnlan Meletyre decided to go
ahead wh hoist bio.
Mr. T. Joys. of the Securities,' Ds-
perttnent d the Ilonsiniop_ Han► ts.-
efriQ'MrM Vr, NortenM`JBty ti. taw.,
delivered to the trunk for aft keeping
• package tontainin(t 51141,901 of the
unsecured bonds of the OnterioWest
Shore Railway Company.
"What heeame of these bond. ?•' M r •
Joyce was asked by Mr. P. A. Ma1-
"They were delivered to Mr Moyes
top Nov.rmber 10, 1111*, on the written
order of A. J. Patterson and J. W.
it afterwards appeared that Mr.
Moyes only r.ceivsd $!fir,*MMl of the
bosds and 516.455) r.etm.tn.d N the
possession of the hast. These bonds
rdpromptly i spouede l by the
hosThis transfer of bonds, It appears.
took pleas ahsr the osa., weer
tamed for the investigation, sad orb-
its that date Mr. Moyes tee-
taM that he was usable to threw any
MRM on this phase, of the •latter with-
e.t the books and regorge .1 the Cem.-
may before him.
In arlditi.w to the S1m.110l hoods
« stewed ter this way. it was ewer.
eleoredethe soo-
the t!w Iib�Y..seet were held by
Wend Shot � .
Doe Ij• a «deity tar the essewet.
Mr. Ilateskeeelw wog by
the beard to stele le the. am reerensetlag the -
r .. we.Nmw, ten inot the tato
e m et tot lel�lry. telt the ow
lrw4iK~ ie •• vele t1.E1.
I' -\Ll. :\ TO1VN MEI -:TING
\11. J. A. Bax.►r. wh.s .up11011ed
111."ellal r1130'11 rtateruruto, said that
such an net wunl.l ail t compel Oh "
vh.iaton of but as people would have
liquor mid would ship it in.
••If you pleas such a 1i.inrr how
hong will it ie before you will hare t,
.rail is town meeting ler find out what
foul you will be allowed to rat,' he
Ile esker( that if the Ontario Licence
law was good enough fur '1'ut•uutu -
one of the fairer( and pr•owprl•'nIa of
cities. -was it not good enough for
Huron county :' "No ! No !" shouted
1111 audience.
• Dr. II. 1. Stran.L who accepted the
challenge of the liquor Intel eats, 'was
invited to speak amid now. of sp
please. Ile •rill that be brought
Capt. •feet he-wey as support when he
came :uucug the Phili.tiner.
Hc-touk exception to the mer an.
of some of hie fouler speakers and
when he said that the net would pegs
on Thursday, the theatre almost buret
with eppleuse. Ile went on to show
that the laws which were prohibition
thrmselvrs were franked to help people
to live a purer and biter life.
"We wont to close the bar, as many
men can't peso au open one." declered
the doctor.
"Vent's e a liar,- shouted a mart in
the audien-e.
The chairmen toe. and asked is con-
stable fon put the man gout.
Dr. Strang scored literature pub.
liehed by the 1 fluor men and stated
that he hill reed a recent 'article in
the Sutural .y Night but affirmed it
wale pllbli.11e.1 anti owned by the same I
Mon as the Wine nod 8pirit Journal.
Some of the license literature had re-
terred to the ' temperance people hieing!
liars and p.r jnrers and he asked •
which side they were 00. A person in
the crowd yelped "The whisky aide.•'
He concluded by eking titer if pro-
hibilinn was is failure, as li+d leen
affirmed. why were the liquor in- I
teepee. putting wp ro much money in
opposition to it ?
The plain plank in the platform of
\Ir. J Living.eone, editor of the In -I
dependent. of Grimsby, was that liquor
world 1,e sold wholesale as Wind plots
under the Scott act and the offenders!
could not he prosecuted as' well ea'
under local option.
"Why is it that loeal option has set
leen ispealed In Ontario. with the
exception of one sunieipadity.'• rooked
a prosnineet drawee'.
'Pot him out.- shouted Some of
the crowd.
But he wets allowed to stay and the
•Qgrvker pi ea I•lew ?' s4Ay ..
awls•. • bA.. er was .rtrunotly
advocating local option ie ptefeeese•
to GO, Canadian Temperance Act,
one of the soldieries asked if he was
not making a mistake in not advocat-
ing It entirely.
i don t wast to put or. aura om the
eneinty." said Mr. Livingstone. -Oh
n0," said th. audieecer
Terre err some ps.op. a who when
they pass n Metal aeld don'; see a
drunken man coming eta, they aro
disappointed. The great trouble M
with you. stir, that you are built.
weerss." retorted the 'speaker
Then he proceeded to read articles
from the Mail and Empire and then
The (:lobe, When he comer/seed
reading an article in the latter. *voles
from theerowd wanted to know If It
trasan aldv.rtlrernent This pr.dtte.d
• roar of 'atwitter, and the Speaker
said, "Do you wan to ay this paper
le paid to denote* the people of
Herron." There was no response. He
e..el.d.4 by saying that tap only
the Reott ail• as he .anted the
r Tewpaeemee fist, wont('
he.elk wee the isaid tweeters of the
Dsl.lw{os AIMs•er. the ••blittd-plg-
Raw. W. H. Widish wt M
both services .t the Baptist' yp
!Malay. Al the wrsise .Weis
there wil s eve.sleete eh(yees'e
a.dis... Is oddities to the seeshie
.«seas.- The 0estss.lon sorrel., will
be observed after the esoeet.g
whew hew aseshelts will b. t
Mese sf Iim •se.es Mr 'eae• the DORN
Musial Treat 1s Provided by North
Street Choir
A regtaler treat wee mn+h enjoyed
by all music lovers who attended the
North strut Methodist church on
Thursday night last. Tb. Forest Ctr y
M■Ie Quartette, of London, was the
chief attraction, while Me, and Mrs.
Geo. It. King and the choir of the
church gave sobeidiary support. Each
of the pee former•s shone with equal
brilliance and the quartette gave the
bigheet satisfac ' 1t is composed
of :Newry. O. H. Andrews, baritosis
soloist and first bas, Vied H. Dow!ey,
basso roluist and second haw, H. S.
%Volker, tenor ranloiet and first tenor,
and A. Eldon Weetruan, s lotat and
rrcouspani►t and second tenor
'rho programme was : Chorus by
:holt, "Come, Sweet Morning." quar-
tette, "On the Sia," by Dudley Huck:I
eon*. "Boys of the King," Mr, 11- M.
Walker :quartette. '•EWor•ado :" Mn.
(leo. H. King, • My Ain Fola :" quar-
tette, "sleep, Baby Sleep," air with
humming accompaniment : chorus by
the tchoir, "'!kippers of Sr. Ives :'
song, selected, lir. ileo. 14..\ndaew.:
piss tet le, -Sinn hewn Medley.•' (AH-
ume Favorite Meng. ; sung, "Any Old
Port." Mr. Fred Ihoelr,lg ; quartette.
"VV bitten and Blinken surd Nod :"
quart. tte, "Hark, the Trumpet," by
Dudley Buck : quartette, "Hoye of the
Old 11.
The entertainment wsa under the
auspices (if the choir of the North
street Methodist rhumb and wee
highly mice -toed. A fair sized audi-
ence was preseet.
Menesntung Canoe Club Will Have
Fine New Quarters on Second
Floor and Will Move This Week --
A Short History of the Club Given
by the President -A Ball too Open
The new Maatfonic building, or 40111 -
phi as the members of the craft prefer
to call it, is rapidly nearing completion
and the officer' ret a ,w•
b ',wail trate nay
fully expect that the dedication will
take pikee isburi the twiddle of next
month or about the Met of March.
1'he building, which is an imposing
la e. will he completed 1l a coat
ranging around ir3r,100, and has been
huildiug for *Mout three years past.
1t steedererd sienneber.roars of the
town and without a doubt is one of
the most valuable resseln this old town
oo•sessw at lb.. present, it is three
storeys high and is built of red pleased
brick. The geomud floor is amverted
into stores and is bow occupied by Mr.
James Lloyd.
The second or middle storey will be
the elaborate quarters of the Meneee-
tung cantor club. Theriot rooms are
tri ed with ryptees wand and are
fhli,bed with "mission" Hellish to cor-
ersp.nd with the beautiful mission
furuiture owned hi the club. There
is is large Idlliarl room, large enough
for five or six cable', well lighted try
large windows hyday and inverted
rhand.liere in te evening. In front
of this r..anu, there is another room of
large sin and" nicely fl'i.hed, to be
used as a reeding and recreation t onto,
which could be utilised as so dancing
floor. In connection with these
apartments there are small naoms to
M. nerd for quartette parties or home-
ing room., Also on the second Noor
are revered flne offices, which will he
rented to local Iat.ine.s or professional
nein and wIso good quarters for tae
lonitor. There are al., wash rooms,
Tho tenet pat got thea week the club
'wO 5o,e-serer there �t attera'ttiIke
new hrrildltgl and the move is a great
pleasure to the 1M.y.. Un the eve of
departure the president, Mr. U. L.
Parma., has issued an appeal to all
Una merwbe,-s of the club to stand .low
together and work for lbs ge.eral hi-
larious of the eleh.
1t is a retrospect of the history of
the club wad a as follows :
The room/. will likely he formally
with a niasquerade hall about
t middle of next month.
Perhaps not in this part rf Onteri•s
is to be forced sorb exsellest aid coon.
foetabl. lodge and banquet roots as
are to he found on the third floor of
the building, which is devoted entirely
to the nes of the order. The large
lodge room M almost a marvel. It is
• room with • capacity of holding tin
members meeting is lodge with all the
secret furniture specially adapted for
not the goal, ' or • measuring the
tem Three megniecent Maui -
defier Inverted IHRht. make the room
-like day." A bsaullful carpet speci-
ally made. worked with its "osmoses
and square." revere the entire Clone
wed the whole lay -out le very home-
like. At one end twee i. a large
choir or orchestra loft. The banquet-
anquetling hall ',bleb tastes the .treat over
the MeweMtwep f goose slob rooms le
imp muse lrtopehl. of .eat-
s: sesta. In ooneection
austere there is w
NMI bath sad wash
Nemo. 1a eel beet boating
prroii able le being lesta11ed
a.i .11 torough, fries seller to dsse
the Whiles te a Ewe pion.r d wol'It It.�
*Wets Wets the greatest eredk spew Ohne
A5 p Js�a.hs� sod Mn w� wee eMpswdble for the eremites
. les► AwsR e biter t e eie et the Wails.
Several Grants Asked For -It is Likely
That a Delegation May Go to
Ottawa Regarding Harbor Im-
provement -Standing Committees
Are Selected -Adjourned to Vote
The chief business of the county
council on Tuesday, the day the open-
ing erosion was held in the court house,
was the appointment of • warden.
Previous 10 opening. am usu.l, the
Conservative wrIll e,•e, whose tutn it
Was this year. ,net in CSUcae and de-
cided that lir. David Cautelon, reeve
of Pointon, should sit in the warden's
chair thio year. The contest was
rather kern and :he three -sided com•
bat Wasdividtrd among Win. Olen, of
Mtanlry township, Root. W. Living.
st.,,n, tf Grey township, and Mr,
Af air lh. .n lrnt In(4•,11
en ler
t he.d1 been
uwde tlu.•i. Mr. Cantel. -n had been se-
lected, the usual deeiaratirn, of office
tls.k risco'.
Thr apls.anttnent of weeders is made
005 our (0,,i the Conerrvarive ranks
and 1110 following year trout 111e
Li tw, u 1.
Was dtn Cautelon opened the meet-
ing ani pie'iJr.1 and all the members
10r1r 11..,.. 111.
inc•'that busineae which greeted the
c, meal was several rrq:ust■ for grant«.
'Ube Sri Ivat Army, the Nick
(1. re's; Hospital i•1 Tn,unto, and the
PI i+n,lrl'a :\1,1 Rrs,seiatiou, each asked
for giants. Their ...goons weir re-
fereed to the 1•.xrenti ve +10,11nnie tee.
31...s. -s. Larkin and Issue wereap-
pointarl criminal auditors. It was
ret by C.•11•,cillnry McKibben and
luacry c hat M. -ave,., H. ♦'austone.
H. K. hard and U. P. Smith be ap-
point ter as yivantwentatives on the
1.Viugh.lu bu;tt8 of education.
Co'.:scillut•s (;lock and Taylor moved
fi resellutioa to Ilse" effect that Judge
Holt be 1e-appwoiu•ed to the Collegiate
Io.titute board. H. R. Long was sp.
pointed to the county board of exam-
Councillor. L i'.hmud Hudson moved
that John S.evrnbuu toe appointed
tru•tee•of Chilton Collegiate Institute
M Rieker n f the VVin h 1
am high
g R
'reboot was appointed county examiner
for the ensuing year.
Council resumed at 10 o'clock on
Wednesday morning and the principle
busiuers WAS timer striking of commit-
t..w, which were ns follows:
Executive -J. Leckie, W. Glen. J.
A. Stewart. H. Harding, J. W. Me-
Sperial-J. M. (rovewlock. J. Brown,
H. Crich, N. lh•,nruerling, C. Reis.
Finance -J. W. Taylor, J. F,ngland,
C. Stewatt, W. Yearley, D. B. Mur -
1a .
.loeation-Dr. Milan, W. R. Elliott,
De . Oho k, J. H. Hudson, J. Mulvey.
Road and Bridge -R. W. Livingston,
14. Routley, VV. Hunter,. G. Lindsay,
L. Kalhflriscb.
EquaIsaation'--The whole council.
()minty Property -S. Bisset, Robert
E lliott, W. H. Lobb, N. Campbell, J.
Shorts red.
House of Refuge -Dr. Clark. J. W.
McKibbon, J. M. Uovenlock, J. Short -
Walden's Co.tmittee-N. Campbell;
C. Ste.vart, R. Elliott, W. Glen, Or-
Applications were received toe midi -
tore, and statements regarding main-
teoanee of the high schools sit St.
Maryt. Parkhill and Listowel were
read and referred to their various com-
Two tenders for county printing
were received and referred to the
Executive committee.
Mr. W. D. Maundeew, appearing be-
fore the couoeil, reipsesoed that the
spring stock and seed show at Be eueeneid
be Nwndf.rrvd to llenaell. The Execu-
tive Committee v1jl further lock intro
:+� tel,altik.
l'uuncilk u s Clark and Govenl-,ck
introduced a rmotiorn, that a deteotati.n
h e appointed from the council to wait
00 the Dominion Government in re-
gard to the harlwr improvement.
That the council grant $10U0 each k,
the hospitals, of Oodericb, Clinton and
Wing�ham, was • .notion of Oou cUlota
Mcleibbon and Elliott.
Councillors Roistley and Stewart
thought that the usual grant• ought
to be given to the continuation find
fifth form echoole and .roved a motion
to that effect, it wait referred to the
Education committee.
The reoommendatioos for leveret
usual gran(• wets wade and referred
cu oores(tte.s.
Mevsral olficees d the Children'. Aid
Society appkared before the c, suet to
draw attention to the good work
which is be(ng dose by that society
and would ask for a more liberal greet.
Tb. Warden promised to glee the exac-
ter his sericite' conelderatiem. Cour
chlor )bobs. E111ott sugga.u.d that t
gianlshrwsM b. fl9D11 but the t &tetbet
was referred to the Exsetutiv.enemlt-
On motion d Councillors Campbell
and Pingl&nd, the matter of hawing
highways marmwed. ease ep stud it
was dieeid14 to ltsemoetaMae the gov-
ernment not to reduce roads more
them five feet oe mob sided the read -
.w.y and that the law be so asetlldsul
to Peke It illegal, without pnrsieeles
item the Weal eneaell. to erect soy but
wire tenses aloes smelt roadway,74.
Head and )!ridge eommitt . Will 114m1
Th the
▪ ��
w the
Heise hese ea