HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-22, Page 8('hie pet. fur hi,.hultu entemence,l with R rush. IiP rr r. at C'auudira Itunl „t 1'om• then p•aysr'i for robbei to ylegaw, 111 w. t• a t. 1 111 an;-- - to ;I erce who shot about a1 feet from goal aid pan. { spoiled it. Howl,ray- then caught the 1 puck in his teeth but the Lig dog Mc- ! Ivor eidetrarked the bone in good oriel. Pi Wham who was resll• not abh• to play. showed his metal and notched a go.l. the scone then being t for the home trail,. ,Inw'e rushed and scored McDonald did some clever checking and then rushed the ruht.er half way. and pass-, ing it to Pt idhan, who poked it in. The scot a then stood In quick succession Megaw matte the bit of the evening when he. with the aseistauce of Melh,nald. Chisholm and { Wiggins. poked in two more. evening { up the .orale again. The Stratford *pectatore thought their champion. 1 wet a /a•aten and some of tbent bad 'palpitation of the heart and the rink pulsated with shouts. It was a 111014 exciting time, however. and each wove was watched with petit eagernees and the .'(!trials of both sides counted the 1 ticks of the aaatch. Shortly before the referee's hell rang "game (yet" Lowe decided the Fame by finding the nets with., sixth goal for the boys of the river town. There was about five minntes to play and the Huronite• worked hard but did nct effect a goal although they made some excellent. shots Alt the local boys played well and shone with equal stellar brightness Tbis defeat gives tsoderich still a chance for the championship of this diriaior. of the intermediate aeries of the ().11.A. but puts Stratford on an t•, nal footing with Goderich. The team. were : litderich-Melvnt, goal ; Belcher, right defence: Megaw. left defence : Mcl)oiald, toter; Chisholm. centre: 1 • 1111 101, 1, .i ' _:. 1611 VIE BIG2;AL •: GODERICH ONTARI( ► STOCK -TAKING SALE 1 t rt• colored Prntils, red -fid (dor. regular •'r each. stork• t aliug sale Irene _ for fro. • 1.i. grins Meruotatall:uw books. regular 1" we .le rvrh, stork -tat - alit *:.lc pr ice. fur C.c. Want. Baok.. F cep size. Day Hook. Journal and f.edgrr ruts ,sig. psi page*. index iu front. r.pt•cial 2..c each. a 1 gyres Cartel's blue black ink. replete bottle*. rtgnlat price 3.• i•acb. *Erol-tuliug sale price :k• each. A,•k to see our special pound lon(afore good linen note paper. first %Weir show• anywl.err, • egutar '!.ie pet package. TOILET PAPER :ss• tolls good Tt.•let Paper. .egulat I(e pet roll, ~tack--tak- iug este price. 141 rolls for *3.(s• re 1 I• t _ • Peclagr- ester nxntit orad ptice. The Colonial Book Store (ilia t. PORTER, Plop. (i,deeicb WHAT iS CHIROPRACTIC? NEWS OF SPORT GODERICH INTERMEDIATES MET WITH FIRST DEFEAT Vary Close Game in Stratford When Local Teams go Down to Defoe lay a Narrow Margin -Midget Double Score .n Mitchell -God. rich Goes to St. Marys Tomos -new Wiggins anti Prldbaru, wings. stratlurd Hrowit. goal ; 014014, . igbl defeuoe ; t>7ebuhz, lett 1.t.nee : Lowe. ruler: Bueobrey, centre; Kos - so" and Riggs. A Jane. Referee -1 rook Toronto. The tonal C.T.A. committee. have secured Mr. k'. e, rpt. of Toronto, fine NNlic *.Mleg its the Ogee house Ott Prittay fretting pi week, The Incepts will odea M 8 clock. Mayor (bid will preside. The Stewart Or• i rpo Matcn will be t and Mr. Ruth The tailcoat bneirey teals allowed the we; some veil 1,,, dw eeeseis expectedof sing. �W Star employees to WIu by a "mil! Tomato city ooutcil, be could • margin of oee coal when thev crossed only this one evening for Huron, torp t click* at the •kaWfP rink oa Nwlurday bis dwt(se and Onderieb b favored by s afternoon last. b..i1 after the hie coming bore. Everyone is invited game started the lights arid out when W en aw r hil ab invitation to Riven - Ib. Poster was 4-8 in favor of The Signal. 4 to anti -C 1'. A. speakers to discuss the • As they did not come on for some time question on the platform with Mi. cc. Stratford 6 Gedsricb S - For the Net time in the e••soe the Code:ieb intermediates went doers to defeat t,. Stratford by 4a very Nits mar- gin o :, f U-io a clove and exciting game of hockey played at Stratford on Mon- day last but the victory win* only of a tissue !aper MUM(' ar.d did not merit the crowing which the Strwiturd fans did shortly ager the game. Beath- , the game was won more by good luck 't • r - than by good management. Had n not been that "Plug" McDonald wa I laid up with • vote font Stratford eel tette would hate resented a sorry ' sight as hen the sailors hail tiniahed t. ith there. -Ernie- 1'ridham in hie place, under the circumetauces; played very plucky game. especially in the se. and half but owii:g to his meeting to ith an accident in Clintou recently hr• was not tit for real haat wink. Perhaps the Sbal-espeerian- had it . little the best of the locale iron. t skating stitmlpoiut. but they were to he knelt in the matter of checking stiekhandling and conaii :,Soft. The Mame commenced at ..1(i. Low immediately grabbing the ruhbet Thr game looked very touch like th ••kI-lrshioried 'shame,' neither -id showing any cobinatice whatever I t was allin dividual work •nd repented .s rushee . •e, lath sides caused the de fence lines to waver. Thr .binney "stutr' continued for nhrut five unto Otte. Lowe Obi: from reu!tr.eoting while th• ,v e et simply holea There was considerahl. be -play and Ntderich retaliated. l hisbolw with a lung shot Manta th rubber to the { nett ..vcvL . Iseum; head Severaltime. di id the$trattnrdias �'1lfttif* Mut for flue .lefence of Megaw and Belcher presented a solid phalanx, alter-wit1111in I vulnet,thie line. "Sky- r::a.•stn. bun- ' ever. rushed the 4uhto•r ft um th.. rear 1, lines np to lett centre, front where he !aimed and notched a second for the e • • r e m • 11:I Rot'RaK rl-• It i>'unt metliciuet surgery. osteo-. }wthy. ret ietian actencr. ru:assxi-e, rtibbing. faith cure. etc. A Cbit•opt actor. locate, aoc: teplares the specific misplacements within the apical column. to remove tuba fetroes. with the nervous system. Whrry the 'pians nerve -some normal avid transmit ifs) lost cert of nerve energy throe i- 1lM larce►.t (•'pttrraiot, col lilt.. which tr Leal h. A bim••t scoffs :it new ideas *hoot which he knows nothing ('then ran totes no ..pinion MI ii subject that is del :ending general attrr.ti,n. Don't (- eithe: . Inrr•tigntr. Things more ening s, rwpicily- nowadays that those wit/ stay it ca21 t be done are always' is interrupted by son.eone doing It Let tea prate 4, you the rause of I The Shnkes del very good *kitting and your ill health It will cost aon note- I in another 4•crituwege iiombrey push - 'F ed the r Heber tndkingF lh. -cot, at half ttnie 1•. fet Stratfo,tl. Ue E. Albright. R. C. Hal( Time 1 hi nie team. The sailor. male r.omr %cry fine long shot, bot lir own agar on his lob and managed to side (rack' a few, 1Viggine 1.•: a stellar play. found the nets tooling the enenty's defence 'and waking a act re of 21: Orford I noshed. and lnn.irt iee'de(ence being scattered. he °wel,r,1 a point waking an earn score. Fast play kept up, working on to lsodetich territory. A et -ramble took place and Shultz fell in- to the goad taking the. punk 14 ith trio,. i �? THE Star Theatre Yo :t r.n't skate al! the Boa. Whet. you feel you wait • change. drop in at the Star Tbeil:.• and tree oia special oc- tet ing ..f picture- thio perk. The Star Theatre :3 e Pe,.t•le'* 1las house J. A. CULVER, i'reeriet•-• January Clearlgg,�le eke l a pie leaf *roeeri OF Crockery, Staple and Fancy Chinaware and nuny lines of Household Groceries =_ fret More is overstocked in many of the above lines of goods. end it is inoperative that we torn lasso (ata money at oat•°. In c ride: to accomplish this. we are ranking the disnotut. so liberal that tea sbtrwd,•st housewife will recognise the money-. aving value. we are offering Remember. in our crockery and chinaware departments there al no -..erre. 1 have the cboiee ut our eeti* stock to *elect from. If you are r. -+ng n Tanner Pict, lea tet Tolle' ware fir { a niece of fancy ('bits • 'out china cabinet. now it the time to make pot r purr/ 1 this is the store to Sty at. Online anti he cc/ovine. In Hr, 4 Groceries our fallso will contain m my staple a. l le•dir• ors et very special priers. We Invite iespeetioe. Note ills *l• dal disooeet prisma. MI GOODS CMAaGED AT SALE PIUCE$ S. J. YOUNG HAMI(TON ITRKRT some of tits hove look off their skater and some of the Signal team rushed itotaud the lee while the states rested. Rev. Andrew Laing. minister of They °ante on again and the grates Auburn and Smith's Hill Presbyterian proceeded. sosgrsgatioss, occupied the pulpit of Bradwio, Bert Townsend and Webb Knox church on Solidity. This was .tarred for the tiigmal• and Newelly his first visit to Godericb in this cape - /Old Hates /leo have picked up conoid- city sed Ire was beard with emelt in- etaldy. Thr game finally ended with trrest. His morning sermon was on a score of 8- for the Star septette "Th. Young Man's lull," the text be - r Poor Jack Nairn bad to do all the ing the call to Jeremiah In the first rooming for the stars by himself and chapter of the prophet's book. The flute a large windier of friends gather- preacher sketched the peculiar demote ed on the opposite side and cheered starters in which Jeremiah was the 84g•nie, merelt to the getters! div- brrwgbt'forth to.he "a prophet untu the cowflture of their mutt:al friend. natloes,•' and the diflcttltiea mud The teems wets.: The nal --W. floe. goal: Bert Tou rte: nd. right. defence: Chas. E Compton, left defence ; N. Newell. rover : L. Webb centre : Miltai Bred. win. tight wing John iAater. left wing. obstacles w hich he but mounted in obeying the divine call. Thr histoe y of Jeremiah was a ••clear type of a life divinely- spent. • Other such lives were those of Melancthon, Luther, Knox. Wesley, ('toulwell I. ib our own time. General Booth -lives in The Kurt -R Hater. goal : 1'. Mull.. which self war sunk in obedience to right defence : A. McMath. Icft de- the call of lend. To the young non orf truer: H. Tuffotd, rover : Frank today lives awl/ a- these teamed the Toiinsend. (-emir: Harry C'olhotne. way to Garret- of i.efuleires iu the right wing: (:. Trethewe)', left wing. serrlce of Uel and mankind. Midget• Wm In Knox church, morning and even- t t The Stratford Midget* believe they -1 infs.u tds�es- b Ht-vere .I ►o ^eaaduE "rA Iao'In hare einehed for eban,pioiship of sec- tion B. junior series of the 0.11.A.. a', `few ..f the appmwchinK vole Inc the they defeated Mitdaril by the seals of ('noada'fa•tutwr,onr .foot the evening ti:tut Mitrhell no Friday last. The'Uteroutse• will ler ••1'nrielien Citizen• cup will likely go to th.• l'las.ie city shi(iardtheJai/nor arani, thia year unless Seaford' can da•irar the al iJgef . tight of it. The teams were: J _ _ NI (Tt I IELL 'TI:.t'1'F(1:D emit), sent �( ena11 . Death c+ a Former Resident Butner) d•d�n<r Fre►.- ' \rwr has (w n •errivwl in town .•f lis •dsoe t tete,... healer. the death of MI. Win. Henning. a fa,.. • asps.' 4►orae Alto- rr resident of 'ioderieh. which TMtrtc •ersatro lwrrlk tt.ri. ts. 1 rs•altrr•d at Ci•rclnnd. 1►hir, on .Ltn- wawa ,• r. wtr.aisiat� '� nary lar. a(r, Hrnniolt mad bi* famil. ..reed* lsbrrTe ,er , areata isgpzteaun wtcu r• • •.t. n hes tures. Mr. Qrunt )n i'tiday,tsight (ioierich woof ,Iu• ted .. flour mill Lt the color: c Clinton in th• Nest 0 11. A. intermedi• 1'ict,oria mutt rlafalgar street• ate played in Clinton's new rink. The:, ire was Solt which prerenteti mucha Mrs. J. A. Rurwball hination play, hut the game WAR i The melancholy- news has been te- inteteatiog throughout. The Scor.. at caved of the death of Mis..1. A RUM - 1141f time was 1 to O for Godetich. nod. I tail. late of. Godrrich. who wear en with R splendid run on the pert of Me- I route to Vancouver with her husband. Donald. a ,mond goal was scored w { jntendieg to reside in the Const city. few minutes before time waft called (They had reached lVinrripeg on their journey- when Mrs. Rutub*tl became 1 w ill that she was tulrn to the hos r pital, where death intervened on It !Sunday. The burial will take plain at I London, het former home. Much !sorrow is felt in Uoderich, where Mrs. { ttuwball was very popular tend had :the 'waren sympathy td the whole commnuity in tbe brave light which rshe has niade'against persistent ill health. The bereaved husband, who was her devoted cornp:anit•n. has the sympathy of his friends in Goderirb in his great loss. Matthew Foley OBITUARY ll Donnell, fit Clinton, had a rib brok- en, and Pridbain. of(lode' ich. receive 1 14 natty cut on the forehead, which necei.sitat'ti a few mtitches. Tht trams wete . UOLtaat H , Betel-er i;ont M. lin, t. drt••n• • NI, Doi ,1.1 r. defence . LI' T..\ John -4,0 Ittonball ohn-4,.nilernball O inn.:ell Prodliaru :over whirl I l.te410111. centre Kerr Wiggle. r. wine braver 310,45 f. win.. Drape: d:eferee J. Edmond-. <;:.acford Off Again The Godrrich ho,•lea tenni will trip to St. llsrys on Friday next to meas- ure swords with St. Marys in the in- termediate series of the O.H.A. The saints and the sailors ought to male •• good combination and it is likely a large et owd wit! lie in attendance. League Standing The record in this district of the'(. if. A. lintermediate) to date le Rs follows: w'on (not Tapley Gcderial :t 1 Stratford :s 1 Clinton 1 -' a St. Mai ys 0 1; :; Clinton defenteo81.. alaryaat Clinton on Tuesday night in an intermediate tall A. (dente. Score, 4 to i The printers' hacker team will plai- n game with the (bibforeman- team wns orne tohip team on Thureday.January aitb, flow 7 to 1; o'clock. fl• the'ecore of 2.0 the --cond form d.feated the fleet forte in the inter- class series of the •G.C.1. un Mettirday afternoon last. The last .ehrrduled game in which (sodericb plays this mention will come oR at the 11 -est street rink on Monday evening next, 2BUt inst.. when 8t. ye• will play' the return game hetet. The teams in this district are well matrbed. nod although the 8t. Marys boys hate not been winning they have Nt up a stiff light in every game. ext Monday'* match, will no doubt be an exhibition of classy hockey std all lovers 1t the game should be out to be it. CHURCH CHIMES At Victoria street Methodist church the pastor will preach morning and evening. . Morning subject. ••A Tur- bulent scene and ., Tranquil God." Evening sibjecf. "A Call to Patriotic iM Mr. Furl* arptritretrJllf reffw atthese pm.'hi the church. rub- ject "Seeming I. brat." Tie minder services in the Baptist chsweb next "Moder will be coodueted b•.' the new pastor. ftev. W. H. Wright. recenily, of Kenilworth Rev. J. H Fotheringham cond,rrted teiesioary serrice, at Loran last Scin- dmTr. (lt. Geo. F. King will iye w vocal recital Thursdayeveuing. February 12. sod will he assisted by Mies Orae. Seeger. violinist. The reception which the coasts a- tioe of the Baptist cbureh were ie - tending to give to their maw minister, Rev. W. H. Wrigbtoe, coo Mosdav night next. ha* been postponed and will ise held rte Friday night of ah•t week. All the clergy In town hare been invited to he present. Roe. W. R Hager will give four reasons why tMa should vote for the Canada 1 trwnee Ant oe Jasseary ! Monday evening. They are: The 1' T. A. is the twat law 'reli- able. it w :ll give us better hotels. le will outlaw the liquor traffic and exceed, • drinking. It will bake lateoal•atieg liquor prac- tically iMae�e'osaabwk, pee wilnosl be hold meet Welesen ,r t+m�eamplwl�r In Knot eltwreb at elitM o . ,ek. All the rally ow ace to eglq its. a rally oe fibs... V.T.I. OM�Ip�, On Friday. January .lie, Matthew Foley, of (\atorne township, passed ' away at the ripe old age of fCI yeses. • He w'as born iu County Clare. Ire- ; land. and emigrated to ('spade when a boy. locating In Toronto. In 1f+i$ be removed t o Colborne township, where lie,hadaince resided. He leaves to trouts bis loss bi wife. eight sons and three dsughtere. who were all present at his bedside: James and Edward. of Ring -1„ idgt• : Robert. of Godrrich ; Mn. O'Brien, of London; Mr Law- rence, Hichatd and Michael. of Chic- ago : Peter, of Stonewall, Manitoba ; Margaret. George and Stephen. at honer. His two eldest children. John Mary. died some years ago. lead The funeral took place on 1Vednes- day. ,laniary 1lib, nigh mass being sung by Ret-. Father McRae. The pall. heal PI'S were flve sons. Jame,. Ed- ward. Robert. Peter and Michael. and one son-in•law, William O'Btieu. of I London. Interment was made in Colborne Romnii Catholic cemetery. (George Haack* News cf the death of Mr. Gera. H•acke, yof Toronto, which oc- curred on January 9th. came as a terrible shock to the family rind friends. On the day atter Chris- tmas be was seized with a pante lytic stroke from which he never re- covered. He was born in the town- ship of Markham 17 years ago. and received his education tit the Mark- ham high school. He moved with his parents to Goderiob over thirty years ago, later going to Toronto and so - gaging with the Toronto street rail- way where be bad been for tbe past IS Frs. and was very bi bly thought of b the officials and fellow employees. H• was a tireless worker in the church and was bold high in the e.timatioe of all those who rkkoeN6 i,.nt. A•eery ia� "roved a aaef rar'iso.ra1 and tb• beautlful floral wreaths was no iedica- tlob of hie popularity as they were re- ceived frost Mr. Haaeke's Sunday school close. Mr. and Mrs. Mack, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Eckhardt Mrs. J. Stickier and tam• sly, T. Eaton k Co., H. P. F?nkbardt Co., stat/ First Ave. Bateist church, Rhodes Ave. Baptist Handel school, Toronto railway employee's union. and • wreath from the family. H. leaves to mourn his loess widow, toree sons and three daughters': Mrs. 8. Brows, of Toronto. kisses Gladys e nd Menlo,. at horse. harry, Allen and George, all of Toronto. Besides hos mother. two brothel.* and two visitors, Wilmot and Mrs. A. Van - stow•. of (ioderieh : Edwin, of Theo - dere, Sask., and Mrs. Deo Revisor. of Markham. .T111 fK 1t ,n. (y. r1 or ret.t,.n r. lAt Xie Fraak that We ,lat ashes d i r tw « C6rer ad Qsti ske *veryIAAof P:1111116P:11111161M.* amass to J. CMZIfltT 'Mi. -1Ytyle O Orme Seru a ese pose rail t sae et srHwCasseseair. ,e.,se stly Mnee • Saturday, January 24th WE START A WEEK OF THE MOST SENSATIONAL, FUR SELLING GODERICH HAS EVER KNOWN WE have the goods and the determination to do it. The mildest weather known for years at this season when Fur selling is usually at its best is responsible for heavy stocks. We simply cannot afford to carry these over and keep the money locked up for another year so have made up our minds to clear at some price one of the best stocks of Furs in Western Ontario. With each and every piece goes our unqualified guar- antee as to its quality. There is not a poor article in the entire stock and all are up to high gt'ality standard. We have Mink, Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal, Sable, Rat, Marmot, Fox, Wolf and the lower priced Furs in big assortments. All will go at prices less than Furs of similar quality have ever been sold for" in Goderic-h. We cannot quote prices here but for example we have Persian Lamb Muffs from $5.00 ; Persian Paw Sets from $6.75 up ; Mink Muffs from $37.00 up ; Mink Neck -pieces from $11.00 up. And a multitude of other Furs too numerous to mention. We direct special attention to two high-class Persian Lamb Sets three extra high-grade sets of genuine Canadian Mink and some exceptionally fine sets of Pointed Fox, Black Fox and Cub Bear. These are really high-class Furs and are included in the big clearance sale for the last week of January. We know the Furs we have to sell are good and are determined -to-clear them out before the season is avF.t.,and tx�(l make, it well worth your while n. tx�r buy Furs now and here. rWe will make a Skirt to your order in our own work room for $1.50 This is a most unusual oppor- tunity to secure a Tailored Skit made to order for 1.5o. We '.:an only take orders for a limited number and under the followingcondition., so the earlier you come after you see this the likelier you will be to profit by this re- markable offering. [fere are the particulars THE MATERIALS Your choice of 3o Skirt Lengths of from 2 to 2% yards each, ;tt $1,4o per yard. Regular prices of tvhich were $1.75 to $o. THE STYLE Your choice of 4 styles, :Ill new, which will be shown by Miss Coutts when you leave your meas - u re. THE CONDITIONS The materials must be selected from the 3o special lengths, each customer :o be entitled to one fit- fing before the garment is com- plete. Orders to be left before Friday, January 3oth. All mater- ials will be thoroughly shrunk, made and finished as carefully as the best garments we turn out. We can only make a limited num- ber before closing our work -room for the season, and. after that. tRr is reached Will have to re- fuse further orders. if possible, we will handle all orders taken be- fore Friday, January 3oth, but ad- vise the placing of orders early. You can get a skirt complete for less than half what it would cost in the regular way. Child's Coat and :-at for $3.3S Here is your chatter to pet a ('bill's Coat and Hat at less than oafs -half velar. Ft.turdat mons - ing we put on Wile 13 Children's Co..., navy brown and green shade:, all neat, nobby ettM garments. Yon ran !eke any -one of the float- for and with the ('oat we give volt roue choice of any Child's Trirnl ted Het we have In the store. We will not hold back any-. Yon ran pick ■fid choose front tee entire stock of Children e Trim- med Hats. Tai. is Ont. of the saving chances that come but seldom. oth Child's Coat woregularly $. so to $Soso and any Trimmed Hat is the s:ore Saturday and next week to only . -... aJ0 Jost 1:, ('oats to sell at this pries. Misses' Coat and Your Choice of Any Misses' Trimmed Hat for $4.38 There are exactly 1'1.4',ats in this Int. ('oat, for girls from 12 to 11 )ears of age. All are new this season. Regular price+ $flops to Its In Rat. tirday morning .tw pot tb,',e tame 12 on sale Ana give you your choice of any Misses Trimmed Hat in our .bow-n.ont for the absurdly low price of You get • Misses' Coat worth Waco to $& oo and any Tnmed Hat you care to sekct far (tear Clearing the Millinery. Choice of all Trimmed Hats 98c Over too to Choose From Here is the last word in Nillinety for the win- ter s0arob. Saturday morning we put on sale every Trimmed Hat in the more at one price: and that price only Pte. Positively none reserved whatever. Hats that are trade to sell in the reg- ular way 119 to $5.00 apiece are included in this unparalleled clearance. Every Hat is new. There is not an old out. In fisc entire let We end tort business year and wind up the Whimsey aewwn on Saturday. January 31st. and every Hat must he sold by that date. Saturday martini the bid starts Wilk ever diadem Trimmed Hats for ladies . mimes' and ddrm to cheese from. Not cue Hat in the store reserved. Each and all en the Malay tables ass yo. n p _ take whichever you want for (poly..... w�( Ladies Fur -lined ('oats with Sable rollers. to 11100.00,regular np 11100.00, for 587.80 Ladies reviler children's Cloaking*, reler ep to 2r2.50, at• *1.00 Egyptian Long (loth. reenter Use per yard, 24 ynrd ends for.... ....... 10.,00 1S Large Flanueletto aakete lee.. .10 Thirtyfour-inch Flannelette. at per yard On Fire yard lengths of Flannelette forS0e Twelve-ineh Embroideries, at per yard. 10o Bic Corset Cower Embroideries for . >t*. Twenty-been-inchtlooetinR 6Y roOsMw dew?mtl at .0H'Mt.\.:,e . ' `. 11111110January Sale Money Savers Jam. some reminders of bow the Jaw flak p, ie saving people nosy. Seery day a are w profiting taking advantage of offertory smelt r.* .beer. Ladies' 815. SIP sad SS) (',oat, for only 510. Ladies' and girls, who and colored Sweater ('oats, regular up b Mall only .51.a8 Ladles' black cloth (' with for collars, for only 511. Ladies' Muskrat Coats. regular up to IMO 11D. for only 5!7.50 Ressaaats t Lawless' sad Oilcloth at just abort ose-tali regular 'prices. These aaJ many other bargains just as good are ssakiag this Jaausry Sale the Mg Mosey Sariag 'treat of the year. odgens Bros. 0. ble .mobil tot. ANN ammummumenr vet