HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-22, Page 7BUSINESS AND • SHORTHAND M 01"1014u the blatreatsrs 11 &edema satiated is weeitisea Cellge 11 in Damien tunss!rt CatCatalogueg Rater rI , W. tsatenslt J. W. iselaroil. A. I rigilektgrit Principal ifr PRETTY IS AS PRETTY DOES This fetuiliar saying is most iwlleahle +e Shoes! .1 Shoe ley he ve•t•v pretty, very stylish. eel end ter correct, material finish of the beat. bat if it mpe the foal; it a little -ton gbt, or even ton large, it. wont Right here be where the shoe cadet' comer in. It enziour to lease he will find a perfect fit. that somfntt will go hand in nd with the correct appear- nce of your footwear. arman the Shoe wit OAL Hav log purchased the hued - formerly conducted by • Barlow ll;nimes, we pm - tom dealing in Coal, Wood Line, Cement Fire Brick, Etc., We will handle sesames" nd Lehigh Valley Cod. two .nee which are recognized as hr beet We wish to `giv= be people of Goderich and -tensity the hest 'service pop - Rile, and shell !i, triad to from all of Mr. Holmes' n.tonee-rs and any others bo wish anything in our ices. All orders left with Jae Yates, W.st street, promptly ttended to. Donagh&Gledhill 'Phone No. 715 rd t at G. T. R., Neleeyo Street NEWS OF DISTRICT NEWS OF OUTLYING DISTRICTS IN SIP SCRIM Listowel Town Hall Destroyed By -Poultry Association Lost a N her of Coops in Conflagralio Collison at Wingham Eng Smashed and Nobody Hurt. Fire um- n- ine -Mr. J. H. Gutter has been chosen as president of the Listowel Conserva- tive Association. -At the inaugural meeting of the council at Herrietoo, Mayor Spotton asked that the tire brigade he rr-or- Iranized. Town Hall Burned On Wednesday morning, January lath, the town ballot Listowel was des- tvoyed by fire entailing a heavy loss to adjoining property. The hall was ivatred for Skittle and (ha contests werdaleu injured. The origin of this fire ill no: known. Chocked to Death Herry Frederick. a well-known farmer. living chjut five miles north- west of Walkerton, choked to death on the night of January 13th, while eating • l,tnch before retiring. Mr. Freclerlekhad barely !monienoed his lunch when a piece of meat iler:ease lodged in his throat and he died be- fore medic,.' rid could he sununonrd. He was 4.) years ,dd and is survived by his ptrents, one brother and two slaters. Promoted to North tiattleford. Geo. Buchanan, B. .t. ho bas been, teaching in the Portage lit Piairie Col- legiate, las accepted the position of lawic..l roaster u( the North Betttle- ford, Sask., ('ollegiate. He com- mences at $11$1 with $101.) increase pet -- annum for six years. Mr. Buchanan is a son of Mark and Mr.. Buchahan, of Brussels, and i, a floe teacher. Died Suodenly Hatt 11. Hick+. ..f coerce/wino 12. Goderich township, dropped dead in the stable of bis brother-tn-law. Rob- ert Riebatdson, at Clintnn on January litb. He hal hien called by his brother -in -kw to assist in raising a sick horse and while standing looking at the horse fell over and died in lee* than an hour. Heart failure. was the Cause. College At Home On Tueeelay evening of haat %reek a wivial time was spent at the Wingbrut Busine.. College, when all the stu- dents bad a mat enjoyable Glue. The entertainment consisted of songs• instrumental music and variou games. The object was to wel.om the new students, of which there are laver number gathering in from sur niiwling town.. a Hotel May go Hsrriatnn at the pte.ent has four hotel.. tinder li muse. As the town s•se.enr last year failed to Hod this tsqul.ke, number of inhabitants neeer.ery for the granting of four Iiceu.es, it ls i onceded that when the lorense eomnlissianen of West Wellington meet W consider the ,ip- plientioue this year, they will have r task in deciding what hotel will he deprived cf its license. Wingham Officers The reviler meeting of the \Wing• hate !Scarlet Chapter ass held oar Thursday Iasi in the t)iange hall and there was an unusually laewe intened- auce. The fullowiog officers were elected : Jahn F.Groves: J. A. McDauald : E.C., John Glenn : .,tribe, W..T. prvell ; treasurer. F. H. R o d r r u s; here led •at -arms. Tbos. Wheeler : first lecturer. Win. Guist seeand lecturer. John Davidson : in- ward herald. A. 31. Fredirk. e Ruts a HOW soon will your roads, that now take the heart and soul out of every man and horse that uses them, be made into a con - .tin a oristc ! of rardvikatyyt u. snit: Nellyooe in your county will be proud of ? How soon will you stop filling the ruts and mud holes with your road taxes, and build roads that will permit you to put your rad taxes into mon good roads ? Concrete Roads cost no more to bend than any other road rind, anti their upkeep expense is practically machine, which makes them the cheapest kind of good reds Concrete rods benefit the farther, consumer, merchant, newspaper. hoard of trade and ranre.J. They make for gamer prosperity gMeAEy. by increasing land rakers and PIllittc$ew 1 bringing there nude; more industries; more ello!dsllbMeti greater teic. They dec'r'ease the cost of rirketing. AU al these bawl cew`ine to decrease the cosh of living. Every ciliate* owes it Is biamN le investigate the advan11ages 01 oseprele reeds and ism hue they wIU /Weedy hello& hits. This infatuation it free for the asking. Write for it to -day Id Corea Raaf Dgaeslnstat Ay".Cards Cosa Cospeq eel Herald I , M.rblaal • e • THE SIGNAL GODERICH uNTAIIO Tauwanas, J*NUAII, El, 191i 7 Installation of Officers The Loyal True Blue Lodge of Wi.gbam bold their regular meeting ors Friday 'peening when t be Ioeealla- Ikea eileeee IMt plane. The inflow - ins are the .thews. be 1914: W.Y.. Mrs. D. Hawilloa; D.M.Urr. Beek - arab : Rea, and Cor. %a.,, W. T. Ha- ler : Treas. Mrs R. D. Mason Mrs. Joys:; Dir. of Cor., Mrs. W. H. lslyott ; t'oo., 311ss Annie Cunning- ham : Tyler. 0. Shackleton. Cumruit- tee-Mn. Miller, Mts. Mason, Mrs. Elliott. Mr.. Haines, Mrs. Fuller. Rrlt•sshmeota were ser wed at the close of the meeting. Local Lawyer Praised Editori*ily The Brussels Posts says : The Post was glad to we Barrister Proudfuot, jr.. solvated to .Goderich towu council at the brew of the poll oo hip initial run. 1f be does its good work-in that field of municipal opera- tion wail later, as we ezprct 10 see. in the county rooneil, as hi4 esteemed father, W. P'oudfuot, K.C..M.P.P., of the county town, he will render inde- pendent end important service. We are always pleeeed to see youu1; omen ambitious to take their share of re- iponsihility, as it is usually a harbinger df good and an incentive to others gin rouse it, and do their duty. Committees of Wingham Council At tbe inaugural meeting of the Wioghan, town council held on Mon- day of last week the mayor, reeve and Councillor Elliott were named as the wrwbeas of the standing comsiittee who later reported recowwendiny the committees for the year as follows : Street, sewer and sidewalk-Couu- cillare Isbieter. Young. Bell, Currie and Reeve McKibben. Electric light +tnd waterworks - Cnuncillors Young and Elliott and Hie Worship M.yor Irwin. Property end flea -Councillors Bell, Currie and Patterson. Finance-Cottncillor.Elliott, Patter- son and istrirter, The first named to act as convener of committee until such time a. each committee named their own chairman. Collision at Wingham There was considerable excitement at the G. T.R. star inn st 110011 on Mon- day of last week when a besd-on collision occurred between the Lon- don passenger (rain and the passenger train from Palmerston. The London train was standing et the station when the train form Pelmerson, a double header, ran into it The front engine, on the Palmerston train was badly ewaelied and it war necessary for the auxiliary crew to come up from Pahner.tnn to clear up the wreckage. Fortioasely no person was injured. The storm was so bed that the engineer nn the Palmerston train did not see the other train. Magistrate Juiwph B.rker, of Kir- rerdine, celebrated his 111th birthday last week. Hes in still remarkably rigorous and enjoys the heat of beeItb. Good Ualry One of the largest and heat equipped deity faros in the pioviocr of Ontar- io, that always merits the title of ex- cellence front the Government inspec- tor .sof foods in his annual report, situ- ate.' on what is known is Yaltford Heights, and containing over 111) screw, wlh beautiful warded part and tbe latest equipped appliances for sterilizing dairy utensils. is to be con - vetted into an electrical dairy farm. The advent of the bydru electric power at Goderich is the reason. The farm stock incledes a large herd of Holstein cow., which are to be milked by elec. t, -city, and the power tar ell tine ma- chinery connected with the equipment, which has previmisly heen operated by steam. is now to he operated by elec- tric energy. Three young sten. Bisect Brothers, who have given this ques- tion of dairying their heat ability, have met with great success. BRUSSELS Rev Mr. Riddell, of Toronto, was in town ••n Tuesday. Mts. Joo, Thoeueon is visiting rela- tives and friends in Semite th. \1r. George Manoin is visiting I. is. tic e Tile latter is a slater. Mie. Jessie Stothere. Two Subscribers of The Signal Who Were Elected Members of Blyth Municipal Coyncil HENRY HURNEY. Mr. Homey has been a r.•sident. of Binh unty a .hurt time and during his residence there hu as become cies of its most popular eitizenr. He was at one time 1 r.eidel,t of Goderich and later of Carlow and 'Westfield. At the recent wunicipel elections, he was chosen as one ref the Councithal r et the village of Blyth. R. R. SLOAN. Mr. Sloan, another of Lha new mem- ► man. of Blyth council, is the well- known fruit an. He owns a valu- 1 able farm et Porters Hill in Goderich township and emuher ill East Wawa - nosh adjoining Blyth. He is a sou cf iu.n air. A. W. S. who served severalyearnyeaass member of Bh•th counciland three years es reeve_ HIS BUDDER WAS TERRIBLY INFLAMED $JN PILLS 1110 Nulled Larder Lake, Ont., March 26th, "1 had been suffering for some time with my Kidneys and Urine. 1 was constantly passing Mater, which we. very 'ciliate, sometimes a many as thirty. times a day. 1^:acd -Arne the pain was something awful, and no rest at night. I heard of your GIN PILLS andist decided to ggive the • trial at once. I sent my chum to miles to get theist and I am pleased to inform you that in less than six hours, 1 felt relief. In two days, the pain had left me entirely. I look about half a box and today I feel as well as ever arts! my kidneys are acting quite natural again •, SID CASTLEMAN. GIN PILLS soothe the irritated bladder - heal the sick, weak. painful kidneyp-and strengthen both thv,e vital organs. Mosey back if they fail. soc. a box. 6 for 112. so. Sample fm if you write National Thug and Chemical Co., of Cauada, Limited, Toronto, 1;S COLBORNE Statutory meeting of Colborne l township council. held in the town- ship hall, Cm low. Members ell pres- ent and sutwee iheet to twe..e ary .{ual- ifieation and de-lar•ation of office asac follow,: Samuel Biose', reeve: Isa Hetherington, Bordon Young. Janie. Chisholm and Levi Snyder, come -d- ims. Minutes of last meeting read and on motion •.f tlessrs, Youllg anti Hetherington were adopted. The fol- lowing accounts were passed anti or- der.drawn on the treasurer for the James same : Jones. repairing hill .ouch of J. C. Sheaiduwn's, r13.:r); ft. Walter, draeing stone and rep.iriug rulvert,tr_; it. 11ihh*, iopairing water table. Kuntz hill. 91.511: Municipal World. supplies. SAM; D. Mel .ren. refund dog tax. *1.11): Mr.. McGraw. Refund dog toy. 91.111; Jautes Green. gravelling Side lone, eine-radonn . 111. 1M1: John Clark, inspecting, gri.4i1; Mr., Louie* Donaldson, refund stalute labor. 92.111. Moved by UP.sr•. Cnis- holm end young that we extend time for collector to return toll 1,11 Febru- aryn, 191 S. Carried. Moved by Mr+sr.. Snyder and Lung the( John Wil son and Ed. Stewart be andiron.. Moved in amendment by '.i -.err. Hetherington and 4'hisholro. th.:t A P. Shin:peril and Ed. Stewart be audi tote. Amendment Caroled. letter received from J. N. Kernighun, re money due from telephone subscrih- ets. Moved by Mosso,. Young and Snyder. that we apply to the Railway Board to have them settle the dill! cnity in regard tt. the telephone syh tem. Lost. Moved by Meaars. Heth etington and Chisholm, that Jetties McBride be reappointed luenther o Beard 01 Health, and that the sanitary nspectnn he the same as last year. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Hether- ngton and Young. that .1. 3. Robert - eon he assessor for 1114. (Janke!. Moved by Meier.. Chisholm ,Ind Sny- der, Coat we ni adjourn to meet on Fetrta:try loth at 1 ,icloelr p.m. R. Meltwaie, Clerk. A MESSAGE Mrs. E. J. Talbot Tells Trow to Find a L) Cure in odd's KidneyPills. Hamilton, Ont.. .Ian. 1Wth. i•1.1 -••1 know these.atea lot of peopi.• who hutfer.tn3 de not know what will Cure thew. I).eid's Kidney Pills will'" The' a ate the words ret Alr•. E. .1. Talbot, who reeiies at :NEI tVellingron street north, tote city. And Mrs. Talbot speaks .tut ut her un s eC. perience. 'land. July I was very sick." Airs, Talbot continuer, ••Ny b:heart bother- ed me, my limbo were heavy. std I bud* dragging seuattiun segues the loin.. Rbemmatisw, lionit.go and neuralgia added to pt) suffering.., end the doctor 1 celled ib did not bell) lite Inner]. "i finally decided to try [Audi'. Kidney Pill.. I have need seven boxes, trod 1 ano e t much *trance! snit better that I feel 1 wort ta•c.•ininetid then. to others." Pubi,e Should be Protected Toronto Globe • fsueh traneselons es the Ontario \Writ slime Railway 1'o. giving con- tracts to the Huron Constitute ion C.•. show that our company law. aR led tat man• farilitire for Wren loing !minters" n 11 h themsolvea I bete should frit se(egua,do requiring public ity in contracts Of taen.rcliou- be- tween iitet'iocking (Bret-ovate, MAFEKING Miss Mary Culbert spent the week- end at home here. Mr. Oliver Barkwell visited friends at Mafeking last week. Mise Maggie Mallough spent a day with her sister, Mr.. W. Blake. Miss N 'Su red u ere spent a few digs with her niece, Mut S. Shrrwoad. Mr,, David Anderson 1, visiting her daughter. Mrs. :neon Finlay. al. prevent. The mails did not fell to course regu- larly last week,' even though it woe g very stormy, til and \I R k 11, of 13amu1Wo. Miss Rae Stockier,. of Umtganrnn, *pent the wren -snit with het cocain, Mr. Stewart Wren who was on the \Ir., \Vm. Stnrhtts •lent n weak Nick hat during the past week with ,i 1an wnb her wV., Yrs. Jas. B,ackwplt attack of croup, is better new. Mr. Harry Fox. mon or druggist and returning nn 1!ridaa tart. Urs. Fox, bas taken it position as - junior in the Metropolitan Bank here. DUNGANNON Muss Mina Leckie, R. N. and Mier .1: iihn an Jean Leckie. ,f Uontcl.lr, New Jurwy, f returned and unra Reid have sora gurrwaa Kelvin Grove. Goieleh where they attended Mr. Charlie McMillan has gone to funeral of their sister. ore .Ping issue y the \\ oesche.tek, where be has a situation Invuatinns 1 d h ifl.a 1111 Ore. Kii-Ksrw(inh, 01 Dtingann.,.. an_ Miss Kew , of 1.,stowel, and Miss pouncing their informal dirtier to he heli in the Agricniturel Hall .an Fri- day evening. January '_)r,1. The Lucknow orchestra will : nrni.h enteric. The annual 'fleeting of wawanoeb distil let. 1.0.1.. was held nn T'esday afternoon of last week in the linings Hall. when the fallowing oftf••ere were elected for 1914: J. .1. Johns- ton, I)ia. Baster ; 9. Thom perm, is-. 1 helmet.. o London are guests at the bootie of \1t-. and Yrs. A. Mtrachw. Nr. Charlie Leckie was melee the doctor's ear, fora week or .o raid was unable W return to Turouto until last Sawa d sy. Mr. and Mr', Harry Smith and daughter. Gladys, oaf to b.i,•, were bete for • holiday vi.lt. Tbey wsnt to De- troit this week. 'dr. Jnu. Bateesen's diisabird sheltie!. Ma -ter : J. R. Young. Chep.: Tho-, She•poetd. Ref.. we. : J. .1. EUk,tI. er ora given bio eoswderrWe trouble �n �' • \r W buffs. inellsav �e : • l rs, cuwaan, �tltlaek• I lissale► ftile , J Lw. t�w.t Wap yrs oy for sone weeks a still •t °min" perso a throughput the rowwty, . whish will h • I • doctors tare. Many old frreuds w u h t.lmowe M pr• 4 ammo . her eperdy eeemaleses,w r w.. h speaker,. were arrangPel. 1 )ria .N thio. Mae. J. f. Rosa has Dot been as *ell was held on Monday evening in the WO "0041 Jurin` the pest week Tt* Methodist erh meeting at w ell the It e- truutale la with one a her limas but war l e(k 1 11.lsg l01a •11 t►e ole- .peedy ioproeune.t M boiled fur. n000ilsetMs►s M the vNlartw and wart Mrs. Lauri Stark aid hubs. o1 Tor- onto, are here for • holiday visit for a month with the former. another. Mrs. Mat Mee Smith. Prieto's,' .trees Met ftetsda Th afro . an Hersey, who was emote.- TT erably shaken 1:p by being Ihrowa out I,Wtwir- 1s the w►.•enis,T. Isaiah's ig uf a cutter when the horse 4is' Lr ti : 111 ; in th. PeYyling, to be sheet owee mese. "Nemeses the Sy. iaa" -- 1 . K lugs 5 announcing to teen BSN T shrew Dnssgenwee. en Am !l b oho er neshi. is a meatier W the Yam scar. Mea Marsha Aafth bat sot hew feeling as well w swam aid has been bothered with her bark. Mr. John Lynn. of Wilsey. le here on holiday. Ills par..1.i Funis le dear pbrdwte% hat Jack auskw friends wherever be toe'. Mee. Skelton wee keepingh tarn, her Mother, A. Howlett, 7t Iha Mor- tis township, while Mr.. Howlett wee waking yrs her nether. Mrs. Ssndor• • of H.Ilett, who his brae saleslady Genetahle Reber( Oliver wee ofdnr geeing tale wit MIA frwwr RR quash of nesersligis In hie hos Ilit doss sot lose tansy dope thtssmb Mena esti 11 is hope • I hst he we presyree se, good a wooed tor the years to sem, Dwl.bw Ailawee. P Baily, of 1M Spes4tl evangelistic 'suttees in bit Methodist dim+ were rnntenned paetcrv's s•abJee s Il rt W. L•Wu` 6111 bey. traned.�t� to are Isesrd r ern. (?lase. atrv.t hraaeb W the fist- s"'eN1'wt to k. bell i• RraRlwe et oeosso, (lea Jordan. we Ammo t . g Irr� who Key H. H.A. geh..y Otwa earsde 4 ilrei into.. rah "Mw11►a MA.trwee M the ho.iv, prh he 'limas. the pines and sefigea- this' Inca! clergy will ho meow e t to we/poet the spec er. All aim la- thed ; ledlas specially w,• re, Aikidos's., Is tree. The enneert eeh dielyd in he beta last Wednesday la tee Ainiewkirwl hall was p,rtpnrMA notes to the had rigidities 01 the rods. It wren to have bean 'mho- the sleepless of the heelless church Leet Thai. pegs As Ow the en w►etMesday mneyNpi of lata week, whoa tin Mewo ham is ahtetlid wad chart gwk the Llamas songs pager, to the velem ofd Kgslyatttltett Consumption Takes e . a P Evert .J a) .1 n d the .arprrstng truth is thzt ?Mist LASS'S .ire pry. ventablc u i:h trimly, intelligent trratme.nt. Tbcsc appllirg facts should warn us that after rick news. colds, over- work '.r any other drains npnn .r.;rength. Scott'. Emulsion should be promptly and regularly mrd be- cause o-carne lierettlar runs thrive only in n acned s}stem. ) The tested end proven valor of Scotts Emulsion is recognized by the greatest specialists becsnse its mcdIca l nourishment assimilates quickly to bulli healthy Hewer.: aids in the development of active, liftraesgainittg blood corpuscles; strengthens the longs and builds physical force withrntt reaction. Scott a Emulsion is used in tuber- euk•,is atop, became of its rare body -banding, Idood- total. ung prop - mile. and l•cc.rtsr It c mtain. no alcohol or habit forming drug. tie sore 1ti hula. on Scott's. ons h Mr. Te.tass, leoteri• 4111 1 January Sale When you are hunting bargains drop inspect our in and Fur Coats Overcoats General Clothing Sweater Coats and Odd Winter Garments to'be sold at reasonable prices. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, StanSeld's Underwear, Fite Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. Adam could truly sing there's (Ally one girl for me. Thou:ands can truly join in the chorus and sing, there is only one shoe for me. And that is the HARTT. SOLD BY J. H. McClinton A SURE CURE FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS s • Ten Days' Treatment Free ' ORA1iCD LILT is a certain curs for so disorders of stone.,, Tt le• •p.I4sol le.•a:ly and M absorbed into the suffering tissue. The dead waste matter 10 Lbw congested region In eaprt,e.1, t;i. one l.nmedlate menta and physlwl ,e 11.1; the blood vessels end nervee%� ars toned and atrenirt hensr1, it -WI the elrcuLtion le render01 nore,al, ase thl. treatment Is Iwn.d on Stilel- ly sc'ntln,• prineI I.,., nod rile .,.a the actual losauon of the d:s .i'.e iV cannot help but stere a cure o, a i forme or female troubles, bolo 1,5 deluged and pnlntul m.n.tru..tlo... Ieueorrhnea. lnlllne Of the w 1, etc Price. 11.00 to -r hos. wbn• i. •,Totem for 004 month'• .1.•a; . in 1'e nsA Pr.. Trlwl '! r«,1 n..•• . _s enough for 10 dui►. env wo'lt a.•v woman Who will seri 1►.• to su Rr. l.lal ..•n. m. her address. Wdeer.. MRS.. FRANCES k. C'JItRAH, Wlae.yr, owa.h I:adeee 3 stamps and ARE YOU GOING TO USE AN Electric Motor? We handle the Polyh.ise Mo;ors, u.,iufactu,il by the l'anediern l'nion Electric Co., of 1Torhnlo. These Motors ate noted for their high efficiency and power -factor, ample tentilation, high starting t.lrgue, small overall size, s..,od ene••hanitml conatrurtlon and 'it ooth running They comply in all reeprete with the requires - mew. of the Engineering $tan.L•trd. ('omntiltee In event of any ..0.-ident to your mi.tor the repair. cab 1.e bad in twenty-four hours. \fie have in stork one Pt. h of the following horse -powers, --I. L 1, i and :. 1f you tbiukt,at wrµgag, w %sSlag ma snag. pteja. Itilh1eo CNC tit* e•an enppty thee, In any bots. -power you Moire. Now 'list the el.etl . • -•son •-ret is on ..11 stay why not get an 1 ovule Vacuum t Laver. When you hocowe of (1,.•,. It means ibis' there le so spring or fell house cleaning-yu.ir home 1. always Iraq. Your do nut know bow Much dirt these is in your carpet. until' vols try one of these vareum cleaners. We rent them et 1112.00 per dray. l'irn'ba.e price, $45.0, or with hose and curtain, wall and stair carpet attachment, 1186,00 Do not forget our Stock -taking sak of sundry goods. Watch the big window for spods .An sale this week. l CHAS. C. LEE Hardware, ruga Electric Wiring sad Steam FittMKg. Farr -'*,Sri satear:.