HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-22, Page 6• Tstosrua t. Jan. 2:, 1915 FIs "highest grade leans kept whole • sed mealy by perfect baking, tatalaisg their full strength. Flavored with delicwoa ,snow. They have we egaaL 1 • 14 or, Buy Your Seeds From a House of PRESTIGE I les a a Lia rswatt b.- ores seeds b i 1... .-eabb.bed. meal& ti.+eerr. and lane b.aakt balm hors.. of to porti.1 ger r••► roar 1 t,.. to ,earl Car our tooted ...da. Write toe Iyr.,lat, I I.a,.led t •tt I..... A ,m.t rard bones t b, return silo Valuable Premium Free With yo.r ars a..a .r red v.... alcor. t *y ever. an rrratttre re n. u m ir.•e W=e ase of am cot 'Anew Buck & Oder Sed G. Box I:41 Ltd. London, Oon Caaada to Na-Dro-Cs Laxatives' are different in that they do not gripe, purge nor cause nausea, nor does continued use lessen their effectiveness. i'ou can always depend on them. 35C. a box at y'onr Druggist's. 179 aaikeal Ir., w tlsscal C. as Cess tiwaea • .• • 0 Absolutely- without druht the t-P14and most reasonable place to purchase sour Electrical Fix- u.re. end Mtupplirs. The Hydro day : utrent is here now. what clout. an Eleetr eaI Iton - We hare twr, kind.. all guatauterd for a term of years. 11 We have Inc the Indies Curl - 1 ing iron Hemet', no soot or dirt. They are very seiitat.ie for dress - mu tables, being of excellent tin- Ith. ts( ZJerd to the Wise 1 W. J. HUDDART i.leclnenl t'•.atrarto r: urger.. 1iodeirb. over Signaland l'liatnrt, I)t.ak'. Block PHONE 157 T. Swans' 'Bos, Livery aid lack Stables Mr.\TIt I:A I. )TRRrrr Jr ro►-rTHY.yytArt m V HUMP,' MEET AL1. TRAINS AND : PA/48F.NGER BOATS Passengers 'railed for in oweinsagooll_ elm team lira'Twig !•s ow C. P. R. depots. Prompt movie. and careful atter ■ Otte 'livers- and Hark ser' wilt he found nt - to -d to in oyer. reassert 'rot t r ttatrtinag....licit ed. T. MARTS 'i1,one 107 Montreal Street ✓ YOU CAN THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Sl_VTH .Ir. Henry Richmond. of Morris, is quite ill. Couto Carter modes business trip to ()o .Iph on Friday. Sir. E. Watson shipped a car of cat fir to 1'urontu on tlat usage) . Mr. sod lin. ("Miley were vlaltio Easter friends last week. Mn. W. Mason was visiting Sea forth ao.l Mitchell friends last week The Pastime Club belt an assembl last Thursday evening in their rta.m ova (;idle'', store. Mist. Nora McCaughey was in (lin ton on Thursday visiting her uncle it Clinton. Miss Irene Bennett, of Tot unto, web 'pending • few holidays with her par eats bere last week. Mr. !board Pattersou,count' bridge Inspector was in Winghatn. Tfiur,day 0n official business. A number from Blyth attended the Scottish concert in the Opera Hours• R'ingham'. on Friday night. Mr. Wm. Begley and her brother, Mr. Hubt. Boyd. were visiting with re- latives in Detroit. Micb. %lige Edith ladle' returned on Mon- day of last week from a visit wi:b Lon- don and Detroit friend.. The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew's church was held on JMonday afternoon January ie. at ".:oft o'clock. Mesons. T.11.. Scott and F. Metcalf were appointed auditors cf the town hrwkr at the meeting of the council on Monday Mrs. (:idle' entertained about ::o little chtklren on Friday evening of last week in honor of Miss Not mit And Mester Willie McVittie. The McLeati Mission Baud pf St Andrew's church held :r entertain- ment in the basement of the church last Thursday evening. • Mr. F. S. Stuart. Insneger of the Bank of Hamilton. was in Hamilton on Friday on business. Mt. Teller, of the Wint;ham /mulch. relieved in bis aMence. Mr. Adam Elliott. who recently sold Isis (alto to Mr. E. Lear. will shortly move to Blyth and he :teal Mr.. Elliott will nuke ►heir home a sib his sts: -.. Mts. honk. Reim:ling Offacet Scott was here last week distributing the ballot boxes and hallotu td Deputy Returning Oft - erre (Elder ft=erre(Elder And Soo hers (or the voting p1,.. [Mrs Canada. Tewpetanre Art sits Thursday- January Cgtb. Reeve Carter, of lruelph t.,wnship. Is the prol.rl possessor of a very oro .Mas- onic parchment. It formerly belong- ed to his ort arid uncle, William Lod mii'he and was tegWLeretl in the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch. L•ndun, England, Sept. _"•I. 'soot. It was signed by the ()Meets on Oct. 1:,, Dein and heats the seal ano gibbons. Although it is hints than 1117 veers old the pat eh - anent ;- still iti gaged condition. ��[ LATEST MARKETS THE LATEST MARKETS i Farmer•' Market g Following are -the latest quotstioas for farm produce at 8t. lawreace Market, Teroeto:- N -beat ........ ........$ .10 to $ .02 e Oats • .4' .00 • Your [lair Needs Parisian Sage Use It Asa Dressing Ban- ish Dandruff- Stop Fal- ling Bair and Scalp Itch 1 Pat isian .Sage. the delightful and in- vigorating hail tragic, 4. 4 true hair t nonri.her. It penetrat,.o into the scalp. gets to the roots of the hair,kilis the dandruff germs, and supplies the hair with just the kind of flourish - went it needs to woke it grow abun- dantly. Since its introduction into (',road,, Parisian Sage has haus an i,,ruenee male; and hete are the reasons : It does not contain poisonous sugar of leai:, nit' are of silver or sulphurs or any injurious ingredient. It cures dandruff in two Beek-, ha killing the dsndt •iff germ. It stops falling h;ct. It promptly stops itching of the scalp. -- It make+ the hair soft, glossy and luxuriant. It gives life and beauty to the hair. t It is not sticky or greasy. 1 It is the daintiest pet fumed hall 'tonic made It is to. hest. the most pleasant and int igotating hairdressing made. Mad. nbly in Canada by the R. T. Booth"('o. Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont, The price i. only ,Stn cents at drug stares and counters what. toilet goods are sold. E. It. Wigle gusraotees it. Paying Nis Way Farm and Dairy The distrigt repreeentatl, e system sow so popular in Ontario and Quebec I. making rapid strides in the United Mateo. Acro.s the line the farm• ad- viser, as he is called, is a vet y popular man, and some countries are paying gee high as 1P4.0011 a yenr to get ex• perienced and expert ^dvir.ers. A story conies from Obio that illustrate. why- the system is so popular. Thi. representative of adviser to located in a section where morels cornu cal t 0utilimeetesosioe-H.ewer v� If Prefilter roatet he porrheee,t in one thousand -ton Iota. It 'would be got five dollars a ton cheaper. Areoordingly i he asked his r.•netltnents through the Lrsees to order their fertiliser throttsI bse Altogether b• ordered one thousand nine hundred tons of fertil- iser. saving Se. dollars s ton, oe QI•;n, nn the single deal. Truly an enterprising representative need not lack opportunities for earning his ;my directly is dollars and cents i NOXACOLD ENTER ANY DAY AT THE hORTteSRN wsiNL3S t,OLLEGE ow IN S011N0. 0NTageto Legge MAN of specialists. l adivtdnal . estrnntlos. Posit/ma su•rawtsed to (reties 'ea. C. A. F'.twnro. F. C. A. >Alaelpal for U. D. Pianttea, 29 years. Sseretary, 108 While You Sleep The moot reearkableMesh and Colt resealso known tq 1eagil. For all Inng and throat treats', It bas no equal. 21. and 11$k per bottle at all dntg odor's. Barley Buckwheat Rye Peas Straw, loose Hay, ties, No. 1 do. No. 2 Eggs, new laid. data.... .65 do. storage Butter, dairy do creamery Fowl. dressed, 1b. Turkeys Oeese Spring chickens Spring ducks Live chickens do. ducklings do. turkeys do. hens Potatoes. bag _abbage, dozen raultflowers Lettuce. dor. Parsnip., perk Onions. bap Carrots. peck Turnips, bag Celery. dozen Parsley. dozers Apples. barrel .63 .7i) .73 .65 .0 .00 .0 .10.4N, 11 00 18.00 10. W 15.0e 16.04) .0e .38 .4u .28 34) .30 .32 .16 . ell $2 .25 16 .00 .00 .00 .17 . le r • .16 .18 ,15 .14 .18 .14 .00 1.10 1.15 .7$ 1.25 . .10 .30 30 .35 11 .00 2.30 .04 21 ,41 .43 .60 .75 1.25 21) .15 2.00 4.00 .20 Toronto Grain Prices Th« following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -lake ports. No. 1 northern. 9:,'y,e; No. 2. 930,,c. track; Goderteh. winter storage tic per bushel more; all -raft' No. 1 northern. 11; No 2. 98c4c. Ostario Wheat -No. 2. new. ger to 67c outside; 91c to 92e. track. Toron- to. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W.'s, 41e. ,track. bay po>ots; No. 3 ('.W.'s. 4)c: all rail Nu. 2 L'.W.'s,.43c; No.3 ('.1V.'s. 411 c. Otttarli, 1 $t)4'o:Nd. 2 `w•hfte, 'S4c to 35c, outside, and 34e to 351.2e on track, Toronto. Corn -Kiln -dried, No. 2 yellow, all - rail. Tomato freights, :54sc; kiln - dried. No. 3, 74c; natural, No. 2 yel- low, new, 71!ie. Toronto freights; 1 No 2. 70e.• Peas -No. 2. 05c to 51.05. car lots, outside. • Rye --No. 2. 63c to 64c, outside. Barley -Good malting barley. out- side. 54.c to 56e. Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds. $2.121=; In smaller lots, 52.221-2; per 'barrel. 54.70; wholesale, AViudsor, to Montreal. Buckwheat -No. 2, 7)c to 72e. In car Iota outside. Millfeed-Manitoba bran. 322. track, Toronto: ,'sorts. 523 to i24; Ontario bran, 522 li. hags; shorts, 523 to *24; beat middlings. 126 to 527. Toronto Cattle Market • 1. Representative prices are: - Export cattle 14.7.5 to 59-(M Butcher's choice 7.75 034 do. medium 6.50 :.60 do. common . 6.00 6.25 Butcher cows. • choice6.50 7.50 do. medium 5.5.) 6.00 do. common 5.0) 6.50 Butcher bulla. choice6.:5' 7.54 do medium 6.00 6.25 Feeders 5.75 4.00 Stockers, choice . „ 5.50 5.99 do. light 5.00 5.50 Canners 4.00 4.50 Milker., choice, each85.00 9.) 00 do. coin. and med50.00 65.00 grinders, each .. , 50.00 85.00 Calves, veal 10.511 11.10 do. rough '6.00 :.00 gheep, ewe.. light 6.0.) 6.60 do. heavy 5.75 6.1)0 do. bucks ..:4.50 5.50 do. culls 3.50 4.25 Lambs, choice 't 00 9.35 do, bucks, 75e lower per head. Hogs. fed and watered. 9.40 .00 d0, f o.b, 9.15 .04) E*Mt Buffalo' Cattle Cattle -Prime ateere, $8.755 to $8.90; shipping. 88.00 to 38.65; butchers. 00 to 58.25; heifers. 56.00 to $7.85; (*we. $3.50 to $7.15; bulls, $5.00 to 57.25; stockers and feeders, 55.50 to 87.00; stock hMfere, $5.25 to 45.75; fresh cows and springers, steady, 54.60 to 29.00 - Teals --$11.0u to $12.01. Hogs --Heavy and mixed, 13.10 t• 53.16: yellows. $8.60 to 16.70: pigs, tele to 38.66; roughs. $7.66 to 57.76; stags. 16 00 to $41.76; dairies, $8.50 to 56.66. Sbaep and Iambs -Lambs, 55.50 to 11.10; yearUago, 86.00 to $7.00; Mothers 15.75 to 10.25; ewer. 13.04 to I6.M; sheep, mixed. 55.60 to 85.75. Cn4eage Livestock 0tsts, $6.10 to 58.10, stockers said waders. $6.60 to 17.76; cows and Who's. 12.60 to 3.M; calves. 87.60 to 311.10. Hoot --Luisa, 18.16 to $3.46; mixed„' 3.21 to $.13%; heavy. $.15 to 3.ti5: tough. 51.15 to 16.25; pigs. $.76 to 3.M: bulk of sales. MI6 to 11.10. ' Step -Native, $4.75 to 16.11; year. Rags. 11.16 to 11 06; lamb, satire. 50.75 to $4.00. i The Seed Market liseosto tmerehanta ars paying to farmer pec bushel Y tollows: Aisne, No 1..w... -.. MI. 60 to $1.00 do. No. 1............ 7.60 4.04 da Na 1...._......,. 0.00 7.40 Rood clover, No 1........ 1.0 SIM do. Ns. 1............ 7.e0 7.10 Timothy. Na 1......... 2.71 3.15 do. No. 3 .... 3.60 2.M Sated Hay awe Straw Toros& twarebanta aro beylag ea ttrra�cc�k! on Torto. at the follag ow ,+stege lhaV, No. l ..... $14.60 to $16.00 :wars No 1 ..,,---". 13.M 14.04 2 •v 11.0 10 14 1 M s.6' f. straw . 8.00 0.00 GREAT FINANCIER DEAD ' SEVERE COLD ON LUNGS ANO S.aater Cam, an Outstanding Figure In Canadian Life, Removed With 'realer suddeunesa than had Nen aaik1 aced Ws sad came ou Frl- da' mora to a life of long and emlaeat near in Comedian affairs. with the death of :senator George A ('Ox at the age of seventyfour, at his borne in Toronto He bad been ailing for several months, but aaa able to take short drives up to within ten day. of his death. Senator Cos, who died one of Canada's wealthiest nnen, was bore In Colborne, Ontario. on May 7 1140, the son of a shoemaker. In ISM hot entered the service of the Montreal Telegraph Co. and two years later went to Peterboro as telegraph operator. In Peterboro be lived for 35 )ears. serving as mayor for seven terms. In 1878 he became president of the Midland Railway and he alai) became Interested In many common' vial and financial enterprlaes, the greatest one, of course. befog the Canada Life Insurance Co., which h• was connected with for fifty yeah, 1 positions ranging from that of a hum bio agent to president. At nae tint Senator Cox was serving on tb the boards of forty different cons ponies. He was twice married. an Is survived by his second wire wh was Miss Amy Sterling of Toronto and by four children: Edward W Cos, now President of the Canal Life; Herbert C. Cox, President o the imperial Life Assurance Company Mrs. A. E. Ames and Mrs. A. avis. Senator ('ox was • Methodic in religion and a Liberal In Polities he was a strong temperance man an took a deep interest In many cbarlt able end phllanihrople enterprises. The death is announced of Rev. Dr Crosby of Vancouver, well known throughout the country as a misslon• ary of the Methodist Church. Count Yntyu Ito. Fleet Admiral of the Japanese navy, who took a very prominent part in the war against China. died last week In hla seventy - Sri( year. W. H. Grant, Governor of Lanark County tall died. of cancer after a leas illness.- • - • - Mr. Harry Frederick. a Brant tow to ship farmer, choked to death on a Ogee of meat. Albert J. Nixon. Chief Operating Officer of the Railway Commtasta,, died suddenly at Ottawa. aged 39. .umoirr Into the "bell" of a heated n • e a 0 • L. • t a es CREST QUICKLY RHIEYEO by Na• Dra.C* Syrup e1 Linseed, Llees4se aged Cllleeadya. Mr. J. Seward, Brumptoao idle, flue., • writes : • 'Two weeks ago 1 took a severe rola which settled en my lungs atuf u,y . hest was very sore. breathing tight aad severe back ins cough. 1 was feel iugmiserable 1 bought a bottle of Na -Ora -Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice amI Chlorod, ne and after a few doses I felt great relief andI went into a sound sleep. a thing 1 was nut able to do for some nights. Neat day I was able to be wooed •`ala, and before completiug the bottle. felt as well 54 ever. It is • Sae cough and eold curs. " Na-Uru•Co Syrup of Linsee.l. Licorice and Chloralyue retirees the irritation and ';atttfted-up" feeling in the air pass- ages, soothes the tickling which makes von cough, looseus the phlegm end an vet out the cold before it gets trouble- some. In 25c and lite bottles, •t your Druggist's. National DrugendCbewical Co. of Canada, lamitsd. 333 blastlog furnace at TOR 100100110 a a vain but heroic attempt to Teeead a tellow•workman, Laster Brooks. superintendent of the works met al• haost instant death by aapbyxtadoa The same fate befell Joseph Portico, the foreigner whom Brooks tried to MVO. The six young children of Mn. Cora .Ws therby. • widow living at Cotes Eoelk were burned to death In a Are destroyed their home early morning. The mother her- iota enwha badly burned and Fut le Of -- rescue the little ones Dr. Thomas Wardrop.. pastor gays,alavers Church. Guelph, for 25 died in Montreal, aged 95. Poultry Show in Mitchell The Mitchell Poultry and Pet `tock Show. which esu held bere in the Town Hall, to January 13, 11 and 15. was • grand Nieces deeptte tide Severe weal het. 1bere were upward. of 7110 entries and competition w as a sty kern. In dome cis..,. I liere,w•e,e many_ entries and the judge, lir. Wn.. Billing.. of St. Marys. lied conside,. able difficulty in making the award., but difficult a,. it was. he tuade vet' fair decisions. Owing to the severe cold and storm. the crowd which visited the show was not se large as in former yeah. Lumber and Building Material for sae in large quantities THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co. are now prepared to supply all kinds of build- ing mateal, having a large stock of all kinds of lumber on hand, including Ontario White Pine, Shingles and Lath. Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch Finish a specialty. Call and see our samples of Birch Finish. Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., I imited GODERICH FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS For Selling 40 sets of Our Christmas or Fancy Postal Cards. 6 in a set for IOc. FOR BOYS -Ever notify Flub -lige.. Tool hoz ht. Nlckle.plated Hee L. Train with Tender, CoSach mei Track and many ,otoleo ters. lMeehaerral FOR GIRLS --*;old-plated Extension Bracelet, sewing Martine complete. dainty Gun Metal Watch. Lady Ann Doll l'.trringe and many others. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Moving Picture Machine complete with Aha, and rides. Send - Us your name and address today, plainly written, and we will send cards by return mail. along with big illuetrnted cat- alogue of tree premiums for boys and girls. When sold. return us the money and we will send premium post paid. Toronto Novelt;es Co., Dept. 373, Toronto, Ont. Is like what you want your hair to be Lustrous, bright and glossy; soft, silky and wavy. To have beautiful hair like this use MARMCN HAIR BEAUTIFIER la . It's just what its nsry irnpuea -jam to n•ake the Lair glossy, and lustrous, and more bea•atiful - just to rnalce it easier to dens, and more natural to fall easily and grwoefully into the wavy lines and folds of the Coiffure, just to gevo that delightful fresh and cool e7`ct, and has ing, delicate, Mimi,* porus, e, Win not chance or darken the Dolor of the Wk. Contains no oil ; therefore, trnaQt lea's, the hair sticky or stringy. Very pleasant to woe, very easy to appl 7 .prihkle a Bair at your hair each tons before brtrshi eg It. -?e-=>♦'ea,gbin dash > bait kad wa1 ore Harmony Shampoo A liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft. smooth and beautiful. an instantaneous rich, foaming lather. penetrating to eve% part of the hair and scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only a few moments. It ieawes no lumps or stickiness. just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness. just a dainty. pleasant and clean fragranceler . WM Harmnofri nyH�Beautiferr Beautifier, Harrmony Shampoo. sc.. Both guaranteed to please you. or your money back. monde 1.I, k «��. M�kI�� Teewas S ger gym' 11. wwteis creel spry Mersa•� OtA.C1 end totsptitT MALI= s Taloa pvwralaaa• (IttMlYOM V. t►601ST Sold in this community only at .(e C. jhiq/op, Druggist, peeeford Noe* It "gives