HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-22, Page 4• Tuns sty, Jan. t.f. 1913 L t a • 1 d e COLLEG E AT HOME Th.u.aode of .mldtMwe roans aro feet preparing in their own sew to sleeve lunettes p'..111on16 a. suss.* rsehettsbookkeepsr., telsprooew .• "tell esevanl Ia f.ct every sphere of Mud w neAcarina.- You say halals at not lees 11oa .o wI. h. P..Itione u.tau- tssd. Tatarsollrlre anySs) . Indivld Cal tn.truetl.e,. Expert lr.chen. Thirty yearexperience. large -t trainere us t':. red... eleven colleges. 9ponal onions for t.>.tcber,. Affiliated with 4 o,omerct.d Mom ter.. Ae.oc.at:no of 1'en.a4 . hummer ""hunt at fenlnu, :+I•.,u on 1t .•in. -•s "ISO .. London Clinton Business 14I1ege aro. .r.rrnlx It. F. Win, I'ro.4deni. PrinciIrl HAVE YOU wade ereti.lon cut i l,loymrnt dur- log the 1'411 old N Inter uumth. nr /in ,oe wt.h goody n.iauueral to Wolk IM yew offer ►aret.rttterm.. Strtle %%e 4 dthe br. in 1.110bewlne... Pay weakly. free • .0nl. • rel o rs tart h o. y. IIV Kit 600 .11 'It E' under atltlrnUoo. ):.tatdl.be.' ovr thirty -nye >'c.4 .. .t r.pllta,lon for h t.th-grade .tock and f.ir dral•.er. A .airman can 10,15e leen., •.•1'lu., rnr w., can want an ....rivet lc, "-Gable man our Nwf.rlrh .,4 vicinity. Po, term. wuu• I'LLILt31 Sr/Val:HY ('0.. 1 /irin111'. 1I01. N. 11- )e r. a ,l .'..g ae ,., 41.105.1, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE erRA rior.D. ON T. 1 •anad.,'. 1. •1 Menti +.1 1 r.Juine ✓ uhout. Three dep.rtu.•11.. 1 amonn out, $hortb....1 .1111 Telrg'apbr. ):out -•a are 4h rangh and p.a(tieel. Indtvldtlwl ton (9. tient ttvm. by a . iron" .Ipetirr.crd -(.11. 1/,.4 grade .t es w.rrrrd. r1.de.h 1407 enter at any 111115. (4,'1 our leer "•sealed,. and rnr.. "het we can dutor >ou. U. A. M. LA/ 141..t't Principal Sick Headaches - are not caused by anything wrong in the bead, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigestion. headache Powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. 1)r. Alorse's Indian Root rot, do cure sick head- ache in the sen- ible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which cause! thetn. Ur. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely vege- table- free from any harmful drug, safe and sure. %l hen you (eel the headache cowing take Dr. Morse's o Indian Root Pills A SMALL WASHER OR SO n•:,v 1.. ell that i. .root'• 1 t.. ...it vont Ir1n111hong to rights. If Ilrat we 11 put t h.us it. .vile' thee it ill do 1 hr• u,o.t good. ;u,d d.p..• t in fear?. AVE WONT SAY YOUR PLUMMB:NO" 1111 nil W.11 11 ,u1t, .1..1 rip y•.ur who), house a(Iart illy.' 1.. .wake work %\'r are not that kind ..f phonate re. Shell eve .how !toe .' FRED HUNT NEWS OF F DLSTRICT tILYTH Mr. Wee Logtas returned is Battle creek, Michigan, last week having; a I deal no there to dispose of some wee- tern eetern farm pioperty. One of the most enjoyable seeping* that have been stent in !Myth t,K some tune was that tendered by 1)r. and Mrs. Milos to their host of friend► in town and vicinity un Fridat rveo- ing. There were titrwunis of 73 prem rot and a few hours were pleasantly passed in etude, dancing, etc. In the progressive euchre contest, Mrs. Stun W011 the first prize for ladies, Mr. Gest. 1:. Mc'1'.ggsrt won the font prise for gentleusen, while Coon. l'ar:rr was mime satisfied with the "booby' as he that he doer nut always runt to he at , the top of the list. Di. and lire. lune are exrellrnt entertainers, and their hospitality on Elide). evening w ill long be temrwtwrrd. I PORT ALBERT llisr Ethel Brown is the guest of ill,. Ite $choenhals, in Clinton, this , week \lire mare lleKenzie and Mr. \Val - hoer Cunningham were home fiuw the O.C.I. for the week -end. Mi. ami a1r. Ja•. Oordon' of Gude-. rich. ere vieitiug their son, 11r. Argue! Gordon. M.. Lin Borrows i+ out ft (lode- 1 nett lura vil:it wit 11 1,is i. lends in the' village. Mew Mut•y Cunniegbanl is the girt of lir. aud Mrs. W. Olivet. at Et>Cu- terr, I..r• a f re. .Illy.. Mr. (twat/ Hayden 1• home noxi. lifter n tit et• week.' visit with (atends at $'. T1 as end Itidprluwll. Min frail lbeK,i, r .p -fit the week end at tun It at 111111g41011o11. lir. and Mrs. I: halles Clen'Ivl.' Kut e' e Iue.t enjoyable hues loot I'riduy night. Thr,r weir itimut one hum• d1 rel pie,eut aud evei your 1ep..rt 4 a our tier. "1i..e.t iIleand Bertha Mr(il.Pate , visit ng 1.lesdi 4t S.af.lth aud liglnnhdvillr. Mr, Angus. Gil 11110 aud Moe. Jai. If»psis*: vi'i'r41 Irieuds*1, a !Irian - bell lent week. M V111t.. nitStevell.11ll v4.111•4l het. *foie,, alts,, tieu. Arhtou. ut 1. 1y41, Ia.t rek. COLBORNE 11.- Cliff.. J (;Irtlhill aud 51r. Itarnhl Fors. el' *11111 1r. 11111V N rte t'Isitor. at 41.. home of \1.. W. 11. I' .ra'strr ,fest week. Miss Edit 1) it •t hitt returntel hooter frunl a vim( of a few week, with her sae,, .it*..1 I'lick. tiffs. Edith Elvis spent S11t.hty with friends en the Maitland. itis. \Vm.01.Irr sp. ut Sunday at the, hnlur.11 lir. \Vm. Uurwt. 1 11 r. Dau. lnveez %count last wwi: sobi:ai 414 orders for the t•ei y I.tlrs1. thing 111 v..' Nolen l::g machines. \\'e understand Ulan. has ,wa,rrtl the agency fir this 1111111.11.1. 11r. Jame.. noddle cant 111 e.1 n file fox lap 111.• 11,illaud via dee last week. Tee tough, 64 1 weather of last week 41 Inter horn sunlrw hat of a sha*ek t o 411,145 who wire propbr.y ing a mill 'tinter 1111s year. C'I'.A. llutrrrN1:e IN Co1.noltNE.- FUUY public MAIM Meet low.. err :wing et ranged tor • hr full disetlnen,ii of the li. llatln 'Fruit nil :owe .Iles, ler Ihr &wince, of the Colborne me 1'ownshitp Temp••raure Alsot i.1iun. .4. 1.,lluw.: Mon11ey, January :xlth, ea. Stilt bit (I . renlpwr*Cee Hall) s11J 1 *"low I'la ehy- bvisu rhurch;'I'ursday, Jauli.try f7.11. at 1. e•i.in Presby tee thurch, and lie ''Irr llethc*list church. Ali meeting. will .uilmetier at 7.13 p.m. sharp. lits 14i l,.. Feld heetetary lad the Dominion .\chance Ilvr Iwen 5(114 VA 1 n gi cit addrrases fit Carlow awl Itennuller and 1.0'. Strang, of (lost • 0.111.11, fit I.rrbulII. Ia't•ry ',,IeV 1. 404••(1411)• int itrd to attend these meetings. 14.v. H. \l'u.I..t\' A P. SH1!I•r.u11), Ihresident. tircretary. • - AtI13URN KNIIN 1'.?I'11. 11 :\NNrt Ens 511'. - The annit,r.9, v of XI..x chireh alts observed un Sunder and Monday Iter, when 1h.• faithful wmk.r.' heart* rnr gladdened 1.y the hem ly re - see 4n.r of an ap1l 1(1£tive_pnhlir. The spin ' 11..0 1111 Sund4y erre :o.'d uetell by Ker (leo. I:. 1.,,s•, peator of Knox rhnleb, 1;..elerieb, who wa• heart w•,th greet .e.'pten•••. At the evening 0519W1 he gave en eatw'stto.g talk on the land if I dri. *hr,-. he spent part of his •• a tlimUituary. Large i•ongregalina heat.' his in- PtIeelire most r• .pirin' addle••-.. The choir «f the (hutch gave valued as- •i.t.ance in the services. In the et err THE SIGNAL : urODERICH ONTARIO ing Mies Rena Patterson sane ''rbc Ogaden City' in her Usual fins Vale, and Mies Alma Muteh tout very effectively the solo part in the anthem by the .hoar, ''There were Ninety and Nine." The day was toe and oearyow felt the se vkse marked a day of davit In the history of Knox church. On Monday evening the en- ema supper end entertainment was held anJ was a splendid somas*. The ladies served a bountiful *upper in the beetement, and the program given afterwards in the main u icht-m iurn was tomtit with pleasure and plaint by an audience which literally crowded the edifice to the doers. Rev. -Andrew Laing, {calor it the church, presided, and addresses were given by two blather pastor.. Rev. H. A. Miller. of Auburn Metbowliit cirvuit, and Rev. J. O. field, i'reehyterian pt.let of lnndesb'ro. The efficient choir (f the church gave 1 wo choruses with excellent rI?vct and a it.,jr* fit solo. and r•eeding,.l.v lir. 11 Ituthven Mc- Donald. 111" well -knelt n twriwn•, merle up e. high etas... progtau. Mr. McIA'aahl'. arlectl.5ru were. well varied, hi. Old 1%41E14v *1011i -songs" being especially g..,d. .. hetber grace or gay. tragic or humorous, his ,end- iti•.n. were all given with colonum1141, skill and in a splendidly uiolutated ewer. .% It otlrl her. t he *Ul,n1^e beard progratn which will 1 ug wtw pheasant- Iy 1u4.u,h.u.' The *rwi. of 1 111 rvrub.g were IHNI.75 and M.I,dn,'• roller.' ion wen fol, 'tasking a Intal •ef $311.7:1 whirl) will aid very uiateriully 111 1.4.-r1 log lbeobl.g4li•nt. on sec. l ul tl•e new rman.w. ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL. YEAR Fall Fair Board Reviews the Past Sea son's Werk. Thr animal meeting of the t1'rn1 I1u,nu Agiirul.ursl S..en-ty wn.1 held et 1 hr town hail MO Tuur-day last. 51.. Iia -t• Salkeld presided ..lad ens i4 111 cted p, rsideto tar aro! her yea'. enol other ung rr' nuJ .1•rect1,1 . w•41l e11., 111 al I,.11u.r. I'll'.1 5ive p1'•1 - deur, (1.... %\', Audr.•ws: e• roma vie. - p revidrnl, Clio.. a1,N -a Ui•rc'nr.•: *)..Hint town -Ui.ver Ede laid, H. 1. Salkeld, (ire,. Leith% Mile, G. 0. SWrde, H. K. It Iv ell. No,tb of town -r. 1''. 11 asrd, .%nit fisher. Hugh Hill, Juba S. Chill. frank You. g. '1'..wn of liuderich--Deputy Kr -v5 U . %V. F. Clark, T. W. Bell. f, 1.. Keo:;. M.yur C. A. Kriel• W. '1'. Alurney, .I.P. Ti,. bono'1a1-y directors are : E. N. Lewis, 11. P.. Reeve (Cole., Eli r..1, Reeve S. Hi•t.t. R. McLean. Je,. Cou- nollt', ll. McKey, W. 1'i 11...4, t'.. It. eve \%' . 11 I...hb. \Varno,k, W. E Kel... J. P.. Joon W. Selkeld, t'•cunc111orJu . C. t.aitll- 1)1IIECTY)HS' REPORT The *un.i I repent 01 111" directot•s was pr,-sruttl .tit follow. • The die -rebus .1 the %Vest Miran Agrlruluu nI sen•iel y beg to 1 rte, t 41 the porton,. on their nitst:a1i.u1. bli- the orthe era, 1913. e. follow. : '1'11• (sir held on September i i. is laud HI war rn, t ht whin -e sueeet.e : I los we outer wee Cut 4rtrr'tlly mut'avo, n ide and the 4M1widener cans gratifying, bring very large. Geisern1 exhibit. %tire. op :u Ihr m1:u k, most •.1 Ihr ria-.-• 11-1118 well 1111. d. this bang especial v nutiorablr in Il,r hi.. 14.4 .1.11 cent.-, I1141, flown* and i',erts. Throe 'rives uluelr to 1•( desired in the numb. r .1 *pigs and wheel. exuih 1'l. l' ,nsidrnng i hr apwt•ial pi izre. 11' , t.l iu iield root., it w'.s dieeppiiintirlg lu have •*wall a Ilutul.rl 1.1 ronin, when efforts were de elm.. to in- crease the interest in these clitswe liw-drn vegetables were re folly represented than in peryiltn. yen.. 'fliers wee *falling off it. the nnulher of entries in ti.ie fl,arts and in ladies' work. Melly of Cur (miner exhibitors haul leis or ,.etc in'tble to shear. The yunlity 1.1 the exhibit/ wee l"'''"'ctll by the judges 1.. Ir. very sati-furinry and above (h,- ..v.r.agr .1 what is usually foetid in the fall fair.. The fruit maintained in position in the fair and the ire feet lire of priers for apple. p irked 111 1e xes appear. a *stiff 13.,, and tt a r•runt,rlend its int tee. - int encouragement. To'_ vulg. of fruit again suyw that our prize 1i.t ie lusded with n great an.nunl of nun -valuable 5/41wiier which silrnrbi la. omitted New feetnres wet" Intent/weed in the exbthlt of Iw•t0 ,it work from the 0.A. (' , Guelph : al -o the lerar display o1 the ply.I.o- Elect ,ir l'uunuiswion.nhirh was fit great 11,1 t-11ar 1 hr,v1reetione were eon tenet ed for in the mph: season. blot must unf.t- 1unat-Iv could not las giwrn AN 110;11.,41 tote.,,, tout ,t vete hirle •Ia-a .ct can. 1.1111 *anted And allow.t're needy for t he d t -a ' ''mt mens .911.141 by 1 ha non• sp}or.lnitre of the Midway 5.•. y nutii'ral.leanti irutr,rctryrdie- HAMILTON STREET GtODERICkl�e4 Owe - Ft's 'V: r MacEwan'slAkTICLE$ ON PROHIBITION lumbago r Is Ithaawatlara order bap The ossa is Une Acid l• the Mood. 1f Use kid - goys did their week there weskit be so Uric Acid sed no Lumbago. Make the ki4eys do their work. Ths sures positive and only nue far Lumbago L D�dd's Kidney Pills JANUARY SALE Just One Week More Will See the End of this Big Sale Prices are still shrinking on a good many things and on goods too that are daily in use in every home. Lots of money in them for the buyer. The following list gives an idea of what is on sale : LISTEN You ...in get Pilots. Ginglinmr, Cotton Suiting*, Shirting.. Flannelette, t'utt.>us, Pillow Cottons, Sheeting, Table Linens, Napkins, and a lot of other every day things that it will ply you well to buy at our Sale Pt ices. and lots of other things, loo, that can't 1.e named here. Mley was that of the American Road leehine Company, who iii-tributed through tt'e.roils w great ' tanlity of ton-atulr which a,vetti,rd the fair. The town met -chants and tithe's con- lributt,l I.y their di.pluva ief good* 40 the Ow Million of the building. 1'hedie.•tot• desire 10 dlnw ntten- ti... to a meemieg erieie in 11ie mlfana of the S e iet : the taerplu•, with .II their efforts at Pe •, bring sl. Minn II The ttttreict401.1. wrtr 10.1ctwt- 11•. hut. the hind, piinling and neerh all departments w..re '25 per crit. Oore than iwturr. 4i,el,rr t'clatl•`Illy wt Le t...d In .lwn.1i11 a nn Ice. 1.1118 ,nee. urti. h of wheel. Is u. t producing the desired eesotl . Che, c is a g. rot end growing discon- tent au11.'ne the exhibitors et the ninon uuu'.u:t .1111' prize money offered in 5111110 (141' 845, 1" i Lie.Lv 1y in the ladies' woo k, which is very inadequate'', u.'Imllllerated cnnaideril.g the lithe wad 1lytltlle expended 1111 sonlr if it. with- out r idering the emit of the tmaler i•I.m4vbt'e• I ..krf int() by the im o: S h•nat11 ut dueclot•. .\ *rent deal of Linable ■nil some exlwlrs• wwee Metier .1 in the settle- ment of..1he titers, The fart. -Is rect. wee it to• y great ntl.n'•tion, hist the iv her 1alt•s did nit "irate s., much imrresl, avid 1 hrtw cal Id 115 some emotion exeleised as 1.1 our cor.tinttel info i. grt.rnt of the pert e.eed wink of the I 'rpavt .lent. 1 unr .line.,,.s de.i.r to exit e•e (twit th,tilt • to the rumn•} ,-1.Inri1 for grew. b. the town of (irwlrrirh for Ibrve conei41era1.1e exprodilule on the hnddinge : the water and light run.ln 5 - AIM for then n.s'sau r : to the hank.. pride..' s u.11,l4anes Cul plaid ie who 1.1 11 1 ibotJ esti, +rnd goods, •, will as to 1 he lenge t 1 rr t•f exhibited** who.. intr•vet in it mak.. the .Low : .Lia to the j,ulgrr 44.1 nn•litore, who ha reru'fn11'. gone int.. the 1reaa11r- P,'s Iw1)k• and whose 100o1.1 ,►ill give de ails of re'•eipla elft rxnrlxlilme.. :Submitted nn heh.I?' To he (Bremen... J. Ant". Ft tW1.1tK. I..1.tl• M.tLKIn.ti, Secretary. President. FINANCIAi, sT-4TEMKNT 1'llr Ploi•e,t1•Ilt of the teenstlret', Alt. Alex. Yuunv. was Iia follows : RECEIPTS Wanner 'rem ere%i01 year t 1e? NI Lee.•lat h e (milt ... 2111 1.5 Conn, , 5.0,11 23 1.1 Men,her.h',. r• r. 1111:1. :11 .r Mc,olrr-hlp 1.r• Method in *ironer for 1114. 1114 .4 Ilona, too. •,n -h. ,rG :.::l- ac' d.. $5F Yi :tit 79 A ann.-Ion Gus•a t.. rxhihU).'n 121511.5 nrnt of groun,...1.14.. vie 172 i 5 L r.rd.Me.l r.r,•ip'• 273 :LS Con rk.. Int rnwl 2110 Lca14.•hv 1(1.1711 fix I.04 rem new petition _.. 3• h1 era Si 4:X Pt . DITUREi • ea. H.',-...+ paid • m coots 111118 IIwi o .Arr-p IR 42 Pit- :la All P.wl, ry.. sl . ; 1 NO. y ,..vd.w•r... x: 4'. 411.0 gel .red.. IS e1 n.rw..od eeeriwblw. . R'vi 14•mt a d 11'+0.5, 1111111.t Pt....... - .r le 75 I cads --'cask 3t.. Ober. ...A !Pet txttlklll.. . 7 :es tither exhibits .... an 73 -e tae ; )'r',.'- in .NrM. +r1 1 3 I •0.h MIR,. 1.w 11•1•1 crop t+w*1'rtll len.. : ' 11 u..• 60 .0r.,4'?.. 'w.• -..*.otos .1.• 11:11 0P N sec test esprit -es ,4..4o414.e .d v.. t 4• tee *mesal .e.tle•.. der•.wl tow•. r•Pmn..f rrnlowl.. ..•,.., 7l3 :4 Lry'•'p. n• e•t.esnee to pain aid El hit* i^n•.no rent loll 11 R: llsl*noe .m hand 70 11 •t'•r3M.- �e lf' S$RTtehgXNTI Huron County Business Men's Association C 0 A L, Rest Scranton Harte 1.0a1 -All sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for ikhe purpose. Empire Domestic Lump Coal - most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. PAPER No. I I ter MacEwan Estate 'leMshsae tis We regret thin ie one last neper i efore the arty of rot Ong. The liter has hien to eh ort fot at eelucntional campaign. And is it any weirder that our ft:rnd., wh.• .tyle themselvr, the Tt'.,i wrence Party. wonld biter rushed this vote un In November, had they bast their own wily ? Anything but information lh.t bears down on Prohibition for them. Of what value i. anything that will not Ica*r the light of scrutiny? In tete halters we havr shown beyond eonhw,irtion that Prohibit• ie 911wdu:rly fwd. Wren) ser the careful conslderlation of nur readers Obese feet* connwrning l'n.hibition. 1. It dews n et prohibit. N It brings into ezl.trne• a contempt for law. :(. It tweeds deceit, lying. melte" end III Will in env eon:monisy 1. iL lends to deteriorate Ilse menial *tel physical natnrea .1 those �(r *eve.IIv it. 3 Il kwo(s to w camaurnlm ion of drugs end patented noel, utur most detrimental to health 41. It produce. the worst form ni di uikenn.en there i., owing to the adl,lteeatlnn of tire la. wieners sok! In pnthihit.d tet t itory 7. It i1 utterly sed entirely inw'ripturel. Whatever ground the Teen - per anon em-ppesrnanan Party waw have fem. the standpoint of expedieoey, they literally have not any .nppert whatsoever from the IRM". )t THR IRIRI,R i6KNIlt'NCR4 DRUNERN4NI IM, RUT 1T DIS- TINCTLY ENJOINS,. KVRN COMMANI)1t(. THE I'HOPRK 1AR OP INTOXI4'ATINO HKVBRAURA. We have every twmffdenee that the Wren of Hama will not he mailed by the tepr.sentativs.s of three. who. while 'generally sincere, are pursuing ass lgnis fstno.• they rail Prnh)Mtinn. We have no leog Nlnn h Ronerisg l'ROHIRI'rloN TO HE A 1'1'1tMR, .ANO POT A HLRSA1\lis Rept rtfolly, HERON 4)01 XT\ HLMINR11$ MEN'S ASIBOOiATION. JOHN RANSfOHl►, President. WM. JMa1OQ1, *eeeehary, Mee..". W An. and Andrew Per - ler were epnr'inted auditor.. Niece.Lty. Tne.div and Wedueedat. septemhsr .l, 22 11114 2.3. were ?1zed as th•• date. of 1:1e Emir for WI 4. lir. J Fowler wet re•appointr,l Perretare end the appointment of a treasurer we• deferred to so ad- 1lurn"d meeting to be held on the :1I•1 inlet. The nr,o i.lent. Mr. ienac Salkeld, wax ehn.rn to repre.•n( the bnar4 cal 1 he district fate meeting 1r. bP held at Moat ford on Saturd5►r, 24th inst. SUFFERED With Biliousness and Sick Headache t'elgery, Alberta. July 14. 8111! 1 we• a crest a,Rirei for a long tin.. wltb btlintsenes., eick headache anti 11rrr Irotddo Nothing seemed to do too env Intend 1 hndalreort gins lap let d.wpair when I decided to try FM PILLS j. After laking ate'mt half a last the • edarh,. •lopped sed my ap0ethe joiner.. ed. 1 have j..t aniseed the • fifth box end feel to well as sear. 1 cart he•rtllr recomereed FIS P111s for stomach sod !Ivor troubles. MIM. MARY KLIMA,. tw.1.1 at all dealer, le Y3 and 30 east boxes or twall+1 by Tire Pig Pill Co , Nt Tlrvaae. Ont. Sold in O0derich by E. R. Wigbst .Irnplelef. When a man Is sleeps telling hew Merit he i. pie begin to SK euspl Ideug. SECOND LIST Just Leo AV nary Colts Olaf. you can get at about half -pt ire and souse at less. SWEATERS Not a large lot, but yet u good showing for women, girls and boy., and you call buy them cheap. THIRD LIST DRESS GOODS lion ern buy ,lav piece of Deep Goods in the store at Bargain ('rices and about twenty sods or pieces from two of three yards to fifteen or twenty yards, fur about half-price and a few for less than half-price. SILKS ONLl' \till!. he Induced tine week commencing Saturday. the I:Lb. REMEMBER JUST ONE WEEK J. H. COLBORNE� s •=la NoSINIMIONI Our Stock is too Large We are in the midst of our Annual Stock -taking and we find we have a very large stock of Hardware. We have decided that if reduced prices count for anything we will re- duce it materially in the lines here mentioned between now and the end of the month. SPECIAL SALE DAYS, JANUARY 23rd TO JANUARY 31st THESE PRICES ARE STRICTLY CASH On. 9-20 Pandora Rance of 11112 make. New ism* prMt.t ii: n•:r.t ,y .v Only one. itegulnr price $ ittin. Sole !nice 944.73 Otey -18 Royal Jewell with reservoir and high shelf. This i• eo ex. re good range. .R-gtil*r *18.14'. S1w'-isl 942.80 One 9•20 Champion Summit, ha. 3)-in.1, oven. Mtn] for .Cal all 1 V4 0.'41. 1...X1 In good value et. 810.(1). Sewell' 933.80 We beer a large. t:nlee el winter wnrking- ini1t.al and gloves. ileentdh'ws of what the cea is. we will .ell all lines at t of : the1 Owen":-- :aM lime! at 330 '417.• linea nl 800 's' lines at 87o '41.2. lines et 140 Si...0 Tines at 91.00 Our l,r.i.itewut a Sale hoe Leen a hig -..ere... !tome of the liue• are nearly cleared nut. To give it extra V11 111.- for lite.. S.tle pays. can will .ell two Pots Lt 190 each. One Famees Double Heater with oven. •Iii. 1.'. h •lad- my.we heater. Per. hap. you hod dee). d.sl not to purrl.nw until 1..94 yl.'r but wr *111 wive you dollar+ en these bleat - er•. j• 101 pelt-. of this Hreter i. 113f1.t11. ?411* 1't lite 940.00 Famous Deable Heater. 1:: t'lclr the - lett. No (epee herr. er orad". H.Rtal4r n*C1i7 4411 M p r e i a 1 One 44 Parsee* DeeMu Hester. This ie llcClary'• hem l* a *.mise. lire.• Inc 891.111 Sale Price 934.00 Ogle 9.18 Artie Jewell nail •item emir and high 'toes,. Regular iktROO. Janie 933.10 One 9 18 Ideal. hoe IS -inch oven. high shelf gird rrewrveit. Rztt* guotl value at IE4,,,.(14. hale Price 921.78 Ideal Jewell 1 t inch per. with «wen. Matra gond vnlur at *13.11• Sale Price 918.00 One Grand Jewel Heater Oak Regular *17.11'. Sale 913.00 Three 14 Belle Oaks. Ilrgmlar i111,1xe, Sale Price 512.00 - Cutlery Cutlery • %V. have roan)- * 8 S S * invested in the beet lines of Cutlet v. t%'.• het a ezeellt.nt veloe et ou. eel/olio prier, its l' -'trees, Knive•r, h.rk.. Rutter Knivr.. Swoop, Y. ekrt-Knitrr, beiasors of all des. rim ion., It•zot.. Cut GI tar. etc., etc. All the above In e. f ,r Iltr.e Nile Ileye we will et{ I off the prier. w Lich ...imply means . tie 154 lith. vein Iniv be 91.80. . JI lines you tiny for .28 1$1.IMIline. v -,u buy for .78 On. only Ash Sh fth iteg.tlar sa 151. P1 ire 91.80 1•1e WL stock the lines of CROSS- CUT SAWa and AXES Tot'.numt•rous arc the many lines we would Tike to mention but we will :or these days throw the whole stock on sale at special discount with exception of Pandora Ranges, Nails, Oil, Wire and such like goods. • FORK\V.%HNINI; 1e there goring to ("41.1 fences 1►M euw• hog mumtnrt. Von •hate. no d'mht, seen the fencing priers sheerly announced in the rata- logue• and pieF'. where you have to send !et ."Unity away and trust to lock) n. to what kind of fencing wow will get. No need to mend es•h away when yew. rite Inuy fearing from ..e at as gond mod really better then from outsiders. and Ideal Fencing AviheL .% well-known feet the !wet fencing nn the Pump- like. We have .Mid It for shoat ten years. IDEAL (nett is not snide ref p, gangs wire, but 1s full 11 camge. It I. the heaviest, .armee..4 aid straightest frisbee on the • rortekrl. ti wire, Si inches Isiah. !1t pori •iaf. *ire, 10 inches high. 23o p51 rind. e wire. 11 Inches High. !p net ,lad. 5 wire. 17 inches high, !N per reed. We are Making np a rear end th severe these price. It will hs nk'rwsanry to have your order Io this month. ire we haws a •peelel piee•noPeal red her only Ibis mouth. You de set stuff to pay for t4 •1.111 lite curt Nimes which will be in Meseta fust wr w111 .t- wirl you to take it whew the ear arrive*. We oenttot eterk freeing at t hese poses. Howell Hardware Co. Ltd.