HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-22, Page 2! 111Uttu14T JAN YY, 11011 THE SIGYAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Quit Dosing Your Children with strong Cathartics - C ham bee loin's Tablets are most effective in regula- ting stomach troubles and con- stipation tor the little folk -one tablet gong to bed means a sunny face In the morning. Pleasant to take, they never (ail. 25c. a bottle. Druggists and dealers or by mall. Ckaskerlain Medici.* Co. T.tess. 4 404T CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS - igmad .i1. A. E. BHADWIN Etirrou AND Pt.'HLIsurK Tat: aa.%A, (. taubll.bed Inewsr,y Thur.d•v frees the eta re la The $a44tg.. l I1uUdIag, \ort b street. I:oderkii, Ontario. Telephone No. :111 Sugar 111110. Yearn. (lee Ihdlar and Fifty ('ents per year: If paid strictly 1a adva,r.- (lar ttbe Wrrtits Uniteded Satee. la �DA eer.nd rate feats strictly Is advisees. Subscriber. who fall to resew. TUX 1fIoNAI. regularly by wall will ander • favor by aogvalathe t the rubel► sr of 1 be (motet 4 a dale ae useable. %t 1..e a change of addrese 1. da.ir d, both old and the new e,ldre,r .buukl be /dreg. Remit Lases. may lee bade by bark draft. expre.a mosey ardor, post odium order, or registered letter. Sub..•rtpi luno ata ootnenoe at any time- /1414140.- low- .,100*11at.0 Trai.urs.-ttatee for display and cants OL and renl+erueuls will be glee 011 apple cation. Uwe! and utbur .15t4ar ads er.ls.a.nt., Ica cent• par lire for first Insertion and four oeu,• per line fax each subsequent Ino'rUemn. 1•tr..nn•d b) a .Dale u( solid oosterwi i weh'e i11,,. to an snob. Hudut . card• of WS lisle and under. fire I.1l., • per year. .ldeerU.r- *, great. of Lori, Ibond. Strayed, 1ltua.bn. FARM MACHINERY Robert Wilmot), ll,usev-Had is Agrut. has a full Zine of Farts Machinery always on land. We have ver think the chrnpwet end Inst Gasoline Enginea..un the Market. Also soak. beautiful Steel Ranges front Tadhntw and And- erson of °tilliu. 'Jost,thc thing for • farmer's kitcht is. 33e lutr in stock Coati-. ltorve Minket* Pump. l'reeun Separators Milking Machine. Ihiving Haemes And 0111 !soothe 1 and one other thing,.. Ca/1110 in and see us at the Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street _s RANO T'UNYis WAY Low Rates To California, Florida and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Rt.ilway is the mart direct touter from all prang• East ta,ough l'arteda via 1'htcwgn, Detroit or Buffalo het flirts-afwr. or •geese Trw*k 11111.111e 4 rwle - er arbor t 'C Soft 1 Nti D. P 1'aroot.. • •at i. F. L•WItgNCIL k *WS. Tows Pewee iv,. And Ticket Apneas. Pb... a. -f WINTER TOURS R. C:ahfornia. Florida and Use Manny heath itLTugr 114 Al LOM Laud Tee I.0114r1 ltwtr TO TME WEST Fite W INN1PEie ww • ries., e : 20 • n. *ami, For VANGOUVEN Loan :sena. rJ rU eau the w 1 ernar2wwt Iwbrewy 00010/0.1 -44 r w atae*danl btw'Inr re. 1e4111/M 1.001.1000 Car 1014000 lar r -•rd "Iwo ' Celestial Carr bath Toeless. ylbtlweg.r. (veal 'awed*, pawed. A.' -I. w wile 3d P. hit XVIII It. .t., JOS. CIDI, Iwai .mew, TAKE .l . urYl.ETE: t'tli Rat IY TI1A V brt'I.AM AND eLL'l'L spl L Sweats , 4rt •'d , se sill wee weepy w read epdtttn .ed wogs • yawl 'Watt. Lest saw. Write fRf.aWisse '1r _ wreursessavemeseseserierentrwroteW ELECTRIC FIXTURES and SUPPLIES We are peppered to supply all files -tele Fixtures rind %tpplire and Metall Electric. Witee, etc., far lighting or motor outposts, or repair join. Call and get our heti prices on Motor, of all siyee. Prompt attention aid to all orders for Pl.l'MBINO HKATIN° or REPAIR WORN W. R. PINDER 165 Naothrtn Street 1 eaeaot, Sh teal iso,. w-.ntad. Hewers fur Sale or to Heal, ►'aro,• for hair or to Meet. Article. for Asir, etc.. not exceeding eight Uwe. 1" q,I) eve fell, - saes trimesters : tow Dotyr (or first uae.th. I-Ihy lent • for earls subsequent natioth. Inner wdrertl.ewewts to proportion. An- .wusoruwAts 1a uedtriery reading type. Ica nt-per hoe. No notice I. re than Tawny - rive Cent.. Any .prolan notice, tha mulct of a hi -hl. the perun,ary benefit of any fanfold. nal or wawa ire lug, 4.. (.swuddered on ad. el 1i-.-sed nt and ohasgraat'•erd(uglr. '1'u ('tete*o.r,n••trc. rs -Tbe a. nu -ration of I ar sub•.•,ibar- an.l nwrl.r. 1- .•.w twlly Inrit rd tewenl. enekigtg rue Mm..11 a ".wkly amid tet sol yawl. angst' andd,4r.ut donut-. \u crow mender tine will be w'ten.tad M unto-• It coo - Iona the mune end uidre... or the w, i•er. not mere ..nr(I) for nablsa•(w,. her s.. n.. a.iteu..- nI r•Ad f.0 h, New- ,lens .howl. reach 1 mi. ,A..+r "(new ..u4 later th us %Vs-dn..da)' non.. ,r( e..rl, a. -ask. THi RMUAi'. JANUARY 't'cu, 11111 UPLIFTING THE CHILD Many people- read with interest a hoot royal cite being onward and pet 1s4od1r* wearing blankets wad at the Sauer ,line never bother their nothing. The Manufacturers' We 1.' suranee Co. sold their property cm the corner of King and Yonge streets, Toronto, at • profit of L 11,000 over the purchase prlm two years previous- ly. "Slosh iwetanees might be m.Mlpltd ludeflnitely. City property has this value because many people live there and because many farmers trade with that city. Middlemro must pay enor- mous meta for the use of this high- priced land. The landlord's share le A very substantial portion of the so- called •ntiddleenan's profit.' AV ho then is the real middleman WOMAN SUFFRAGE We bear a lot now -a -days about wouren suffutge rad there have been many arguments presented, hoth pro and con. 011 the gneation. Any self- respecting woman when she roads about the criminal tactics of the Mili- tants in England i. simply disgusted and deel•rea, that if that is woman sofa -age, she dose not want any of it. All p uise nod honot to our l'anadi,n w , who simply despise the wan- ner in which their Britieh sisters vele towering that high plane of r)vetence on which a women r.ho.l. Ise placed. In this 10111111 y, we ere glad to say-, that wow •11 suit :lig, enLbudeo' aro C4011reilt m ally this question W 1e• hrooght about p,operly. not trying 4. (ole, it on the government by '• unite strength :.till ignorance." •'Thr h old rim- reeks the cradle r it,. I li • world" is a saying. while rnors eo1 r. !r1 by this tour, i. true today as when it was tittrird. We all 14. spier w•om,en. and we reverence them hru.b isms. may poor little ynong.;ars titbit i•goo1 ours( Iwlieriag them to lie are running •haat (barefooted 111 the 11e gen,' .1 hei:autte of mankind. tij1itit-s of this and Troy e...nosy. Any 1114.11 ohm 4104.1 not respect and Rut that r it eshirgabor mmosk, -rid*** wears*. hie mother, his sistrs or bin fir glad to ,ay efilif tl umulret r nnr'flt to be eatle.t u marc. Mit yearly increasing. the t'bihlr•en . Ai society --who sur trying their urt11os to uplift the chill. What it gran wolf .' And we believe . n1 1411111 1.1i'.uld romtoend itself t0 every human soul. .Vas Dere all clohlrr, mice and lircouse wr hive had th good fortune t , lot trot ne of respect., and well-to-do parents. err ver g..i,, to despise those whose ci.euwstuoer were %oath different. S,Att1 have surd that it wan a nurse (ora child to his horn • with a silver *prom in its mntith,' but eg to this ver are not psspared to argue, but ..e do know, that it i' a mune for a e -b41 I lar Iw tarn of Ether crrluiuol or dr- genrrote p.re ass, and through ilu troll 0f lir own, it starts on tlir'fowr)- warJ tient bef.•re it ho,dly knows right front wrong. Then age in the orphan. who has ur buffet the hard kicks hind kiinek• of a crurl nut Id. has a wear y life to treed. It may (*11 a prey to the yawning jaws of temptation. which Open un every side ,.1 it a...he I.rtle else pewee ten the uo•.rutrrted way of bfr. tiger. in both ewers, the. grand trod -like Metheti-.o the Chihli en.1 Aid weiety, stela. in and rescues the neridung and dos. that L'hrisaan date .f helping to save the rbil.l fano • fife of degredai1.01 at/d ' thaps et nennality. Thr News gees Wooten of the world. -the emu of soeruws and rtyuaiuled with Reed.' said, "wafter li;tee chit - deem to raise *onto me and for bid litres see Tbe• (.ltlMrwn, Ai.l .aarwr► r fulaltiag tide exwlra*IIJ said ie 0.441 a r...thy ..t eeptrert. 1f ..•t harm • relttgiou. 01 amoral Nawdpu.s.t, govoramOeU and lamei- repa:ie+e•s strata etrrrngly aul.poet tlr,wort of the Children'. Aid so•iety fret. art waissotnvt •ta0dte0,11 .!let -et - al legal enatbsellist bare said, 'het it , costs lbw eoueu v ,t targe ...w of eamsec. •s • rub. to le iterestte rounder trial.. 1)..•s at sea oust targe title. a vast sun for the w.aintenenee of their toolice fair.-.: Tas annual •11.- perm, ce.prep satiate made to. Ilse police dept[ t- 'rht for the city of Ottawa this year e•• n, the neighhortwwel mf 1111110.1131. 1t is arg,wd. and it is a good Argil - inert that by uplifting the child sod coo trig for bine you rite snaking him a uotul 'itisen, who will Inter he r ss,ut,'r .1 reeenn ' instead of A charge on the :ountry Therefore, he would ha is ! iesdln •-t ye.' er+.f 's etnistnr~If of pabjlg money- wbieb ought to I. in the intermits of Lily eountry. 11'ho is responsible for this ? 1. it not due to the Children's Aid .n_iety ? of is worse than the heathen hvrl.iriau.j t But luckily these ate 'fdw. This, n( 4 cots, se.' applies so Ling es toughen „r•,-.upy I heir pis cert• places in 'society, . tett when mho blows safes, hreeks win- , deer, lawyers wi-.la 111 oil., etc., sew ,, drrrends to a level with risen and her high respect is gone and olthough she 11147 14• it 'sitter, she rot never s ascend to !lost altitude again and will inever herr that o'.eet calming influ- ence over her husband, sons, "r Itvtlb- UNEANNED INCREAMENT l'*rmand Dairy ask*, ••\Vho la the real ' Miamian Y' and goes on to nay -We ale ever really to settle the blame for the high cost of living and the small rettetn. to the ptodiwer on the unlucky middlemen, who handles our producte between producer and eons umer. But ie he the only middle - in ( This toilets Mg incidents, wbkb are typical of real estate prdlts, afford a clue to the identity of ..other mid - (Denten of whore we seldom think -the landlord. An Edmonton an meld for Sltyn,lle), one hundt's:1 wad forty-five a. rev of lend. which be bought in BM fn, 51.4511, This man pocketed over f i 1,1pJ • year in ineaemea that was estir ly unearned. in Toronto an Alhert street property was purchased for Sl3,llll0I1'efmtIy, and Inside of one mouth was sold for siib'.flon another m in who got tomething fur doing rt.. Where is the nhtn who will not Erten to quiet log •nts? Their ham. s 1141 111any who will not be siu,ply contioiled by a wo,uan. We ,eknoe ledge, however, 1 hat women franchise might da nerve goof, but ate doubtful. and we are otter that I11.11 i0 not .-mnoinat.. 401011g 11 yet to allow 1 ' self to be led by the nose and tied to the apron string. ARMED WITH A -DRUM I 11 h..t will Lhr Anti-tirilita, ist• say when they learn that Clotho ich school- boys err summoned to their classes with the aid of a snare drum e. -Lon - den Free 1'r ass. The Free Piro seems to imagine that • snare drum) is some kind ,l w M 11011. TO INTRODUCE BILL Mr. E. N. Lewis will Likely Bring up Old Measure ()Haws. Jan. 22. -Mr. E. N. Lewis, wwtuler Iew \V,►t Huron, iso consider- ing *eiotr.sluring his famous daylight MU, anal will take up the nutter with the U-ovrreorient at once to ere if it can be wade part of the I.gi.l*tive prr.grmn. Mt. Lewis inttod,icrtl his 1 ill it IAI)i, And it was then 'riot -red to con uritIre. which teporte.1 upon it favot Ably. It wo.not taken op by llse (iovrri agst of that day, however, end has nct since been before Perlia - Men L. The memo,. provides that during certain ruonlha of /he year the time on all clerks may 1w n hanged in any rnnnicipalitirs so that ell work will begin earlier end consequently red ember in the afternoon, thus ding 'nolo Ihne for evensog mere - at ice,. Some people always have a gyre! time 1. -cause they take it along with them. If YOU ha+1� 'ni010•10001 10 the wee N rwo idle SwaimsLeehie re y••••.,w� ,sewa.4a 5 1•.554, wke.ew/ eg roam= a me 5.1 HURONIANS SHINS Several Natives of This County in Term- ' to Municipal Eisctieas Outside of the general Interest wide*. the publie basin am nidps' Am- itosis. aha p missed Y.wn w. 'pealed interest to the msoklpal election. in Turouto thisear, owing to the fat* leas .n lthan Immo! those Sewing in the election are natives of urou toasty. Mr. Waiter Harland Smith, who is one of Use aldermen elected for ward (1, was bore on :o fano near Andel, 11115 (now Bruer/els) in INIt. He has been a resident of the city since 1870. and wee for a long time tvwneclea with Grand's Hues Repository, it which business he hes Keine] a com- fortable competence. Mr. Richard H. Holmes, lawyer, a son of the late Thouias Holmes., of Wing- haun, was also a candidate for tildes - man Iu one of the wards, nut was not es successful as Mr. Smith, bring de - heated. Mr 4%, O. McTaggart, who was raised [rear ('bisrlhurst, and hay been w urrnsbrr of the board of education far two yeasts. was re-elected by a ma- jority of runt's than 1311 over hie op- IiOlwut. Mr. McT.ggat•t's total visit) in the ward war user lain, being the largest vote given any candidate fur t, nerve in any of the wards of the city, Mr. Mel'aggart bas been Acting :thair- men of the board f,r afew weeks, and it /tire to be the permanent chairman for the ensuing year. Speaking of e meeting of the hoard that was held last week, The (;lobe Kays: '•('neir- 115411 \Ic'l'agget r trade a apleudid Hu,- prtiebLul MILLI hi. Isssinrs,p-hlr method of handling the leiatd,' The deputy t-r4u uing oMrrer in chat -gets( the polling booth in ward .i, where Mayor Hocken cast his ballot. was Mr. lirorgrMheppeul, formerly to Goderich (horn on the farm r,wth of Mr. John Middl-ton's, Uoderieb tiSwn- snips. rhe Trronu, Srarj*nlAtehrd a picture of Mayor Hoelen c,tsting hir ,,allot, in wha•h war also 411 4 1.rrllrut likeorse to Mr. Slows, .1 Hun.nians come to the front where- evrt they ate. Drunkenness Can Be Cured Alcura Will Do It int, A• , bri t� dpkno'.tn treatment •tw• be obtained at oar 'torr. It is guaranteed to rnrr or Item 11L, ter • ,rfun.fel. Remedy that has Ise.•.. nrird ••y Lhnlletn/ls and (Mend to do iota milt claim.. I)nrukrn«.os isa diocese. Those who ate uffl•ri.d with the craving for liquor have 1n tee hrllrrol In Lhmw it n il. klcure Nn, 1 con Ise given *.ctrLly in ...die.. or food., .11cui n No. 2 is the voluntary treatment. level) your loves ones to restore themselves to lives of sobriety And usr(idues. and In ,eeai) 1 hr reepect of the comm. rtniity in .which von I:v.'. Only 41111) iwr box. Asti for free booklet. E. H. Niger, druggist. (io tlerich, Ont. THE COUNTY COUNCIL Ten New Members in Huron's Parlia- ment for 1914 The comity council for 11)11 will 1.e coeupr..SJ of the following i rewire ago .lrpnty reeves which will west here next week, .V.hfleld-Reeve Wtt. Hunter, De- puty Rewe ('hs.. Stewart. Culhorne-Malu,rrl Biewst, Ower, it.h township -• %V. iI. Lohh. Stanley- tVne. Olenn. Hay- Lula K41i,f1risch. Stephen •Ra. -vas %V. 11. Elliott. a • DeRes. W A Birds -Eye Vim, Bp THE iiiiIK 1f some people who know to much sheet hockey would display sons* of their intelligence on the ice inrtsad of ehouting from the gallery, The Hawk thinks they would be better off. He nye It is queer, bowever, that star players take the back seats. • • • Judge : "You ate a freeholder ?" Tbe Hawk : "Yee, sir ; 1 am." "Married or single ?" - "Married three years last June." "HAve you formed or expremed any opinion ?" "Not for three years, your Honor." • . • ••Where's your luggage, Mike ? ask - rd The Hawk of his new employee, who had just come to town. "Lost, ser," said Mike. "Lost 1' All you baggage r •'1 very bit of ir, sur," replied Mike. ''But bow did it tnppen ''"- queried The Hawk. •'rhe divil of a eat k cause out, sun' amoweled Mike. • • • To the great pleasure of Tbe I1•wk; 1'nele Josh boa returned. Now Uncle Josh it *dear old man with one fault wjticbs ., that he is dome) lines pedant ie. This tittle he had barn down "to the city," as he called 'Toronto, and while there attended a couple of lectures al 'Varsity ; new ,t Couple of ••'how." At the IGoyel Alex.uldra, and v'el teal many other pieces of interest. }dot -still- far-all" The Hawk was glsd to see his long flaxen hair waving in the wini for it reminded hint of the peiwevel roan, wh:l existed emu. time abolrt the time of Adroit. "Well Unebe Josb,'r'*ttmrnered out -Thr liowk, extruding- ,his hauti: •'threw arergwis 1. "Oh well my. boy," he maid, "bat 1 undeii.r ud'youari, getting rather too proeciuua, by tieing too ninny jaw breakers lelely. In pmmulgating e.s.teric ctgitn, ion* or ar t irlllal ing superflafal sentim• ntalities and pbiloa- ophiesl or psychological observations beware of Oath udinous pondet•wity. Let your etatemeuts possess a clarified conciwrur**, rompacted comprtbrn- eibleue.s coalescent consistency on a concentrated cogency. Eschew alt conglomerations of flatulent garrulity jejune Rabblement end asinine affect- ations," said Uncle Josh, like a gratin' phi nr gousg. "All right I'll do that," has;•ei, The Hawk, as hu fainted 'gaioot a tele- graph pmol. . - -1 c•owd .tam collected 01hrn they *tw The Hawk (Riot rather *xpect.ing him to fly •wits. Ho wutild have J„ue 4. , only he felt he would attract mune oiteethes by swooning. When ht came to, be tuenatresl to Seep out, 'arrest bila, he's crazy," pointing to Uncle Josh, who was feeling hie jaw', ted looking as if he was "a11 in." putt' yr ,n, Yearley. I-$tr)rur-Sxwu.1 Ituut ly. Tuckers mirh-; •Herbert ('rich. ilulk,t-•John Fingland. McKiilotr-,luhn tib- nvenlock. East. Wew-+nosto--J. N. Campbell. West %Vat's*n eh -•D. B. Murray, Mortis J. Shot treed. E ley -Reeve Robes W. Livingston, Deputy Reeve John Il. ow -n. Turnlwr, y-Jultss Mulvey. Howlett-ReeveR. Ilwnling, •De- puty Reeve Iambi 1►rmme,lu,g, O.'lrrich--•Reeve Robert Elliott, Deputy Reeve W. F. ('lark. 4'hotnn- f). ('attelon. Sewforth-J ohm A. Ste...el f . Wiu*harw-.1, %V. MekH,bot. E xe'er-•.lobo 'Taylor, lirnsel1-•Tbor. Hudson. H.yH.IJ-Geo. l.iodeay. Myth --ler. Milne. Bros-rb--John [.-ckie, tV,•nxeter-U, Rris. The Chet meeting of the council will be on T'.esday. January 27111. •1Vrrr nut members of last year's county council. Where to Find This Uhl Standard ' • lana 1 I! I I ONO sus h WT_timnrw W. L 11011117011, G.desielt 1Mas.yee s The above picture of Mies Huth Hector, of New York. ie t•kM from Mb and 1e on the I.br\ and carton of every g0eule* bottle d( Regelne hair tonic. It le a gwaraal ,. of q ualll y and ezcelle.ee sad we holm over pat - mew to *were to leak them label. flageihe ie g.areadeed to the hair front When ant. tet eerie wdrnff is two weeks and to brlog hoenty into seem% enettreethe Sago - lee blimp eat the itatentl tine a the heir sad wake. It trielk ester. flingdrae 1. set a dye. 11M Dtrt Iekl ow re emy end te dta1.UI, lir, 11 J. Iba ewA b agiant lth ' k� t>w a A M.ps bertha set a ere* prise awed* y'ete these. mares don't hare Is. RHEUMATISM M •ny people have it but neglect, it until they are crippled ,rod without hope of ever tiring cu. r.1, but there is hope for all in She and tete unr nerd have 1 heuwatirw now, }Metallic) it j11.4 whxt we soy it is. 11'e have Iecrived hWindtecls of teetimotii•I* tell- ing us 1 h •t Sb ., has cured old standing carers of throw:aisnl and '.then tell other ties/mental had failed. Rheum() en: it:bre the diluted and drives uric acid from the system,. Don't fail W get a bottle today at 10. J. Hutlat4'r Anil you w'ilI soon have your health end strrng-h as in the uH ien da)'i., F. J. Iltltlalyd *ells a large berth• tar one Bullis, mr we w111 grail you a I cede pi rook] 4111 1•'•:eipt of Wrier. R. V. Motion Un. Hridgeourg, Oot. BENMILLER Ali. Sam. Heddle is home from the west. He tattler utwxpeetedly with the New Year. He cannot boast of being in the pink of condition Mit hopes to benefit by the change and ,hr good welcome Ise gets from all bis friends. The airk list ince-toms. Mr. ('has. Walters has had a serious siege of eokL which still keep+ him* indoor. - Seven - al children ale down with chicken row. Mr. John Jet kin. was sick last week. Mu. Mugford is somewhat better. A ,ww teacher b.r eon,. to &meil- kr echoot. Mira /.bnvbear•v, of Rnth- rtf.otd. near !Dresden, Sha° JShtiwrnc- •rF$.1e Abbe SG INEseikt f , 7 Ste. - ltte Sone of F.njltaod bad • high time ea Moseley evening. Tips Los - desists ti lodge were visiting whh 1)1.- triet Deputy Crawford. woo roadie -t- ed the installation of officers for the yea,. Thie lodge two give a gond n port of itself as woe evident is iti •tro,g and sound fnancial position and the goal intets•et msintalned from ea intl. to mom b. A tVbite Rose meet Mg was held 111 addition to the Itrd Hae merging on Monday evening when three candidates, two of the Londe, - horn' lodge and oho nt B.Asitler, were initiated. An excellent sonper wad served atter the rey,niele, which was followed by cbeerfid music, good readings and w1.. The• p•Ka of Beitty cielllerepeehpMe•tbndiat etreu{t had every reason to fool pleas- ed with the at *edam.* at the various churttr.i on the grit Suedey .if the year. The Casereteing for ave "Ivory - body to Choreb," eget with a or itlfr Ing rrapnn.,, The visit** sod Invit- inn had been well done M the i.tareet of seek clb.rel•. Belght, helpful aer- ieview were WM. the ekolrs� insides them sp.,4.l. a.d Eieb North elitembee mew mese& IMeath mollablesattended . and hem lam rpt amen if ow end es Imam was Bashol on d Naomi mei btw be played Am* the ed aide. lb A. Pial/ presehed deers. W. ACHESON & SON Stocklakiog Bargains in I FURS llowns of ,:lc. winter Furs in Ruffs. Cape,. Stolen, Climbs and Muff. that have not yet been shown. Our buying for this moron was exceptionally large so here they are now and at great sacrifice in prices out they will go Mink Marmot Multi now St Mink Marmot Notts and prole.. , ... . Black Coney or imitation Fox Huff►. . %Yeomen Sable Muffs (large pillow'... Western Sable Stoles at $5.00 and *0.00 S11.410, $111.00. $10.00 . $0.00 and $4.00 - $0.00 anti $7.00 $3.d0 to $0.00 Men'. Corm Coats, hlxck Dog ('oats, Fur-liti d ('.411 s, Bulgart.ui Lamb at from "J) W 31 per e.eot. redo'tion. !Adler' Black Lamb fort', satin lined and quilted --maker's Dente on every garment and beautiful skim.. Hegnlor agile end Cleat low at each $20.00 aid $20.00 Ladies' ''loth ('oat• of new rough met.erial., *Il this mason'. S10 to $2 , Clearing at $5.00. $0.00 and $10.00 Tapestry Carpets Twenty-+et•.Q-in,•h o hie Carpets in a Soul range of color • end design., beefs- pile and 'nitride for any room -at number of qualities ranging in 1111(.•0 (relit .111.1 to 1111- per yard. Stork -taking rale, your choice et per yard g;pw W. ACHESON & SON PABODYS OVERA LLS IN -PITON TEST SHOWN HER frip fic) 1' THEY Well STAND IT BECAUSE THEY ARE MADE TO WEAR • • NOBODY BUYS OVERALLS TO PLAY TRICKS WI TM THEM SUCH AS IS SHOWN IN 'THE PICTURE ABOVE. IN WHICH FOUR MEN EXERTED ALL Ti -HEIR STRENGTH IN THE EFFORT TO RIP A PAIR OF PEABODYS' OVERALLS. BUT IF THEY Will STAND_THI5-THEY WONT RIP UNDER THE HARDEST KIND OF LEGITIMATE WEAR. We, ARE THE AGENTS OS PEABODYSr GUARANTEED OVERALLS. l M. ROBINS Sole Agent for Goderich OPEN EVENINGS. Make Your Stook and Poultry Pay Better with STOCK ARD -POULTRY -SPECIFICS At a es/ of tem Mee • ant • air err health Nark .resod kis plass. Try N n head of sleek, 1t tea tour m. their vats* 2S the peerwteeedittsasd mama me hews .d per seat h.weweriatr• eve ttiels. Dehinty. we knew you'll be surprised at the melt .f wens. Den awe !va Ifteesees. T..rs ace a short trewtaeat Cattle ad bass rater. row-pos. .alsab w that soy geiel.y ap a- seat\ wrier thee without It, whish rdil weight ad elver. iasis..,e the yi..4 aware- roe este a invtYs feed W a of slIeh rows three to he pear • Aar. gouts'. ember. Tee ear Leven elshe bosh* ..# e.share the wean* se the silk- the p1.k of asedkaoe at w eget .10.11. Shawn tr•Md 1• the same war ant w Imre sea 11.11 see\ to pet 1. p►t5. .t.w for market DOTAL PViMPLg pZ(7TIC *tame aid beam area beets•. agree, ran*, ween wins. Naas.. log nee i pe mere. yew gal metilele flaw 12J ROYAL rearm 1• aha • feed. 1t r ■ eoo.- dltiwr-tis• best ewe ..'t If there gas sal better os staid be asakl4 It 1t en- able, rear •tri r eat the ueter.1 bed the' shoe* set and get the est *seat fres to Mere Is the shrine et all Y•rewik veterin- ary dsame. '•Yeed peer Meek es feed .f Rrear ring IIWPWIllie --awl er.dlestwnsb w vel pepper e _ POULTRY tin (Jae ..mama &vest geed. whet.... feel XPECEEN TM peed the geed hied . w er s�cz a"- _ .. ..V . Orf isms -mew., dn., a 7w g*Raw a lea isw Mgt 1WtiAL raDrti lout. emu mem thew ewe ewe wad whet - they TRT STDCtptc erkus b*e• 1.y le w1wr r sew r, soil se Is .owner, ad beeps thea free fres ROTAL mama U ea ,W le wee a.. &lessee? It one. ..d hese tees .ver the tweet tomb ed H lea see K m dbesrd, w• .•sell, fatten* .sad losses then le walnut. s6 ..•seas hotter nears them H rat \soh► ` amt' ps.e11 e Imes twat eves is ss ea fed sew et tthew Veered the 7s d*b opa $bddw't me try H? we ►ere 5arbst es "'prepared !••ai)s- I dr4 s •u r estimeed•tt•e• teapeels • sty. 1f DOTAL PDRPI.R des ••b eye me leeks revolts th.. •sylhlwg yes .res urep w Ow 7•e ae•1•h.tlos. 1/ those V • ruse -Js.., Densis •rerMMd �wwwpremed peer ter. 1/o matter whet West w e fares see slat row ereWes .f .lbs p_rtpe. wv TSY �j1��ew DOTAL w ern BMA pVRp1.R rt(Rrta oraoinc veal r for IL A 14- RWalFIC a glom M *bow whet s■ ds wesy Pete • now or here* 77 rya for ps04Wy sal _peak*,seat s_ _peaktall Gash *fie se inn• few Pao former ilk sheet rus st e Only 1 7. a. 0.11. Med M his sad Myhre wtsf. gas. prima end 1131 •lv4/ebt t/eia. n� R a $ tr..c.illlwr Ai WE ALSO BELL name Pelvis Cmga emeMe tor metre sad ?kers) Rseka 14'0 :is few mean aid dt-'o0ae*w, twY1 Aso g./ or&l..ey .look Serest► Me NY flea by oma me w la bw dea.I. (et M 5711 gar- asks .es,eWe, �y p nee. nee L1tee est M l 1 11, }'reels N, rl a.sPersie Deem 560004 era ase. h �d gset/b Ogg Min pew end tea 1..wess gees sem eta rig Mr w'esw ymes*e fes s01 1.. asee. be well sew sod Ma pewees w•er. Na• 4MM 40..... ! is- rMwek• ro neweb leve r.ee, rte. Ventwee re* 1.5.44 brew •.ab.a 0.1415 g1 N w & le es. .nd r* seen lift Mob vele. 40 f.ahy. TO STOCK £r1aa.mt* I I,.8 W. sill well eve w nit* gm & mod 111.1 ls./.elsM�lsr rolood bw se nee M 4 heard lemma eeV es••g, even eeheA strewn low : •bs low le ern sad awe t0 Ns craw •b•whe ben wa nMei et Ow tie /*sea men esinen 041c*. the sa.dme awe i b. le se 40, ps s pashas Milt rant Weed. be ti • met ern e.dep. iWe A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London,'Csnade Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtaineJ from A. j. COOPER