HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-22, Page 1CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you pat Into good advertising meta dell*/ of expire. bet a dollar Jemmied opus which )o1( will receive higher div iAesds than from any othei Investment. The Mass, 1. W heat WvtrUsint worm 1s Hsao County 1 .IXT) rnUR'ta TiAK--Ko tout wANNINNIMINIMIP WINNIMINNIMMOMM- GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY "?t 1914 DON'T FORGET 4 To renew your aubscrip - tion 11, The Signal and receive one of this year's Calendars. A. 1L fl ADWIN. Pottomma ' SAVE, because- No. 9 1A substantial bank account creates self -confi- t dence. '1. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto 1 General Manager- A. H. WALKER Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER. Manager ( THE STERLING BANK 00 CANADA A•.M� v�-+�v��"-^•►--,--�+..+-._--y-- ---Y' - • } A. G. NISBET IS AGENT FOR, All kinds of Insurance _• UFF1CK NEX I' CANADI.1.N RANK OF COMMERCE, GOOERICH Y evict: ; HoL$E 150.P.O.. 3fl Pitmans: O 29.P. Box t ����. J�-.mow.. •��_JL....._�n_A__i.,�„��. _ Gen. Vries Salami% cominender of Mexican Federal voruotsrrs, who was (trivet, Mlt of OjrllagA. Mexico, by the rebel.. has beau arrested in Texas. s CARD OF THANKS tARDOF TBANBS.r-MR8. FOLEY and family odor their tkankd 1., the kind nee. std and sympathy aouord d t.. Itoem in their .ad bereet amen:. CARO OF THANKS Mr. awl Mrs. Yelary a. Kemp nod family wd.htoexit eathen..Inn rerrulindotoneigh bore. sad friend. for klodae-e. nod enema) ) extended In rnnar-lion with the death of rhes eon lhr.ma. Edward Kenn, who diad as the re..lt 4'4 111 uufortu'ale accident In H.uuil�ull *.•rent t r. C ANTED WANTED.--STOHAGE ROOM-FOR- waxen. OOMF'ORwaxen. and-pNnkbr.. Appl) to AMERICAN ROAD MA( RINE CO. el.tf (,AFB %VANTEU.-ANYONE HA1'- i- INN awnirl) rfr which may be rented '- reque.ted to leave word at THE SIGNAL Or Flt L1 A R M HELP AND DOMESTIC 1' SEKVANT& -Penton. regohiten farm help should app,y at once to it-It,t.tas( Mt4L I1. LIN, Dominion Government Iranplo),ne•.t jme0_ $t. Helene. tear. Order* left with H. D. .tJ IA�.1F ligiJ�.. )ot., will reroivo prompt - - PUBLIC NOTICE 4- NNt-aL HOSPiTAL. MEETING The.nnnal central meeting for the ele,tion of %Mir 1 of Tru+tem. of the Alexnndtot Mat DP and General Iloopiral for the rneoing year will be heldon Pnday..)a nuery 7•t b, iu the court House. at v odor* porn. the repot of the Let r......__, .____^_1 year.. work will les-mbmhted. The public are 80 Acres for Sale cordially Invit. d to be sewer. S Alin* tflNS, President wa.'t H. K I IODOifs We r. IIEETINO OF HURON COUNTY 111t:OU.('IL pito:its f miles from (i.xlerich on again road tet were" (iodei irh and Hayfield. half mile to school and ehnlrh ; frame house• lean. atrawshed and .tahl.'. good land. all clear. amall orchard• good supply of water. Bland mown' for selling. price reasonable. Write A. K. C,'RESIMAN Watt Hoe • - I)ntario WEST WAWANOSH FIRE INSURANCE('O. The .of the, nun of Huron wi 1 meet ro Inch ty 1 I In the council' chamber on 'fue,da) Ibe !th of Jaunty. 1911. Amount- against the count) rrqulring setttrm.nt must he placed with the t 'Ie1 k be/on t h/.. date. t Dated at tludericb. January 121.100 1914 W. LAN's:. clerk. One of the test in the Prov- 1 ince. Fixed rate of aresanieut. Lir. Stock Insured at its full value whether on the farm or (1 not. No trouble to make adjust- 1 vwats. R. Moll.WAIN. S Nile. j Agent foe Colborne. ill ct_. r.._,.I�..-A .,..,..0.-.s. J Bedford SAaviag Parlor The beet equipped and Most Itp-to.dat. shoo In town. �Fiirsttl--class barbers only em- 'liis tlbop will eland Ito env- ` ernrsOSt vomitory inspection. (i Outside work moire on request Ramses and shears put in first - rims shape. W. O. LUMBY tiODERICH BUS LINE Two 'buses meet all mine. Priest. call have prompt and careful sttwtlon. First -elms livery all those. - -- prices THE DAVIS LiVERY T. M. DAViE Propriotor �o *nest Thome No, SI TOTICE TO CItEUHTOR$ le rip E..r err. Or .1 sr. (I'rlll]u. i.ATI: o1 THE LITT 01' 1 1111 A. a1. It TNN: ITS or ILL- I!'... WIDOW i)R."r*oan Not'Oe i. herOhy Wren p,Msa• t t0 I (h.. V.. cap. 7e. me- :s4 that ell necroses Witte claim. eariw-t the emote of Jane Cleansing. hide of the ityofCMeseo.In theetatr.d Minot.. widow. deesiewe.l. whadkd on the fourteenth da of April..\.D. 1913. are required to .end or deliver to the u catchier for Alice t om- mine. a( of I'hlwro, in the Clete of Illino*4. rix of the estate of 'Gm ...id J alae C - IT. deceived. oo of helot a the 1!rh days( JAMWA f. A.t). 1911. full Partly:La o of their clans.. sad the nature of Ow r.enrlty. If any held b) thee, soil that after rash last mentioned date the .old ed:niol.ttatrlx will proceed todtuMbwte the ameeta of the said At- ha. d .,nap; the pen.00e entitled thereto ha- ng ree.ud noir 1019.c a im+ of which be rhea then baro reoeit'4 noticeand the said adtll n (d,at.ix will net he liable foe t1w ammo. eraay part thereof. to any arson er peewees 01 whom eel. f ins ,eitles.hall not have. been received at the date of sash dhtrlbutlon. Dated 191.:19h day of December, A.D. ILMI 1'HARLES OAIIHGW, tt.derice,Ont. Solicitor for ALICE M. CUMMING AdesMatrawls NOTICE TO CREDITORS 19 1110 NAT,,R or TIIO EOT4TE IW 1' HAULMS V. Risme. LATE or 1119 Towsatw• Oe .14111 e'Ir 1.11 Ix Till. COUNTY or kit NON. . Wire omen.. • Notlmc V k.r.by term ,'.meat tea tM a(at- ate. 1a that f that all pavans 9.�1� e gas,. seals * the eaten. of the abate 11a�ne aboteatallt Wenn 1110Nwe a Melierh Me[eede Rtetai P.It. .tmloltaiawe el W mime.19,0.4440.000.4, es e Were l M IMI My M F1Msvr. Ise*. fab tb. •y...tr ue sad roti. thattmidi.1.aR�N the. mei fad et tate grin pressed teakettles, the mu asset •ma.ag the t• nor eali1J0 *bei s. ha: ..leant say t. the Naha, w which h..9ap then have torsos mhos a.d that he w91 RN be liable f w the aid gal. or W part onset teeny ,mann .( whim gales M mesh ..t thorn Vtyle reearved motley. Ikst.d at /iode$.'b this Rh day of A.D. ten.�y' t•Rnt'n1ilOYd matriests � mfMLI1f1 wxYr• NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1'• elle filen N Or • ATNA1llrt. N mit. or ens Townson. or (11n.e11alla or ors tevirTt or I1('909. rA0tlrll iesoceam 'twos N dvee *bat the shone Roma Itinge0at a. a..lxw -_ me ease. N I� beim*V I...b.pels el..f all bh .y rr+ItHo ad .Ifsetm fes thbeim*0 rnh; •l wised•( of lb.IMee.,, will h. MY et the oat, of t���vdwrCeharl�ll21". Ya'r wi ans�eaelI,s►, at tM teens �a1. rM bear M I fs',*set Aar at te te.elve a eras .tient of kin *Aire •Opel+. le . pee�o�aate, St their semesentyrn, mmeM41s telt.[ of 1 M .Itas. of t the ensile toot seeaiera el W tail mwe aye ee t. e the parggimrom Olene.mpw:thalmre .ItMrrait aegea gese flsasA a 4tptMsM fin y eeN�i=, I WARM FIGHT UR. H. 1 STRANG SCORE*, TIM. PERANCE LITERATURE Takes up Gauntlet Thrown by Business Men's Association and Offers to Fight in the Support of Cause Says Hotel Keepers Do Not Rule by Divine Right. Dr. 111. Strang, who has recently corm kora 50 yew. in lbw tracblog pro - 1.0110n. add' voted a public meeting called In ter interests of the (*amide Temperance act. held iu the Tempe.. ante hall on eiuuday attern000. It was well attended. In opening 1)r. Strang said that until quite recently be had always been an advocate of using liquor 111 toodea- ltun and even at the time the cam paign was commenced, he had out Ifully eunaidsit est whether it would Ile advisableto stamp out the sale of , liquor all together. Hut he had siert, runslderrd it tulle and wanted to hook at the guestiou from an unbiased rttndpoint. It seemed to bim that the "sunk nrllat' bonunl-the supo ewe good", or "the greatest good to the grewtest nuiolea" shogld Inconsidered a 9.lue.ttut no this kind. In his earlier day.' when he had out seen "eye to eye.' with the Temperance cause los arguruent was that if yo.t pas' a pleasure in nth -atter of public opinion that measure will out be maintained (bin now he cun:iJ- ered that there Many reawno why this act shnnhl be p+sand. That the them - HMI clause had blocked Local Option; that the two governments. (Dominion and Pvovinciall now being in harmony. the pledge .,f the Hon. Mr. Hanot had been given and the Temperance propos believed it; that public opinion had now advent:ed sufficiently to support the measure, and 1 Ii.t 1be liquor law had been Hagtantly violet,d. NOT 1:Y DIVINE lel(; HT •'The business of keeping a hotel is jest an good it business ae anything else, but it should la• refauued flow the bar. A number of mon in Toronto who keep hotels would be glad to di. aaaoclale the bar from the hotel. But the trouble with the great nlajotity tN botel-keepers is that 1 hey don't realize that the keeping of it hotel is a privi- lege they enjoy from the people and not by Divine richt, which they believe they have. it is A in ivilege the people give then) and as the liquor then have abused this privilege.. It is the"duty of the people to take it away trout thea/." he said. The old gentleman went on the show that by abolishing the lar. entrances to hotrlr would le free from the un• oily ooh whose obscene langauge wail ntfensive to ladies passing. The speaker Beverly scored the tactics of the liquor men and told of a case where it l.w•nl hotel-ke^per used to send for a working man on his pay day and getting him into the ear. would keep him there nut, he had spent ell his earnings. Such practices+ were simply ttnutentionebly low and should never be tcloiated. "The argument post -mated by the liquor men is that we should let it alone said," I),-. Strang. "if it let'. us alone. Rut it won't de. that. it always takes the sggrrsitve wide." l'HALLEiGE ACCEPTED. The speaker took article No. sevpo pellliahed In the country peel+ and he Nan to pick it to pieces. H. stated that he did not believe either Mr. Ron•ford or Mr. Jeek.on wr)ts them, tut as their Elaine. were affixed to it, FOR SALE OR TO SENT FOR SALE -TWO-STORY HOUSE L ea Keays.1rsst. costakslot tea rooms. has as ere harbrsew. thennes sod Naar* llrbtu : Mitt with asmotrait. ApdyK to. N.iAmrt. pont : troll let aar L)UILDINO FOR HALF -ROCK 1) d Umber. rtwm.. t400f .; WI. sesta Peeeks nate a i ed more rind. "0. dila* iatTON. *timer P.4). Ilett REAL ESTATE FOlt SALL. We bars tea .ale newt thirty town lets. Prrtireatsm�iseerit/tt�bees name meant., Mae ttktthree . If. 7x lt./SlOaLIBLOtr . HO08114 FOR SALE. -AN RIOHT- K0oMtD HOCM* en Victoria street and .tae ewes wowed Mess se aegimss s r 1•eI : beth with all modern seems see : • t*bre se me glasses choke earner het* ytt Mss p� i p!rtlsalare aMy to W. f.Pitd,rotf fele ate 71 -Ir DPESiDENTiAL PROPERTY FOR AA, HALL -The rendes.., with fee lea. snooty taws as the A .11ee& Atka property. Mleb bee` se usages, `gsa �si�wrt.Wre*111 .vpst let asillera Heise (les whit the Met tate sora ?lirJ. FARA FOR SALE. -THE EAST l s*a la 0 this 0 Aso of trotd� yfr�ame��a�evm DIOO'T, llAI Z !R(Lr MINCE AND FARM PROP '- I*A&L-1 w&b r�:rr z .1 TIDY wII til Oetee/ti 71a 11 PAIN FOR aNAi.&-OItZ iRUU- `` rep _QaN r _"r.bi• et1.'el r ie~ bOst n" wksM• they were ..ops ib1.. ••1 had thought early in lid campaign that would accept the challenge of Mr. Rrueltord only another took it up. Now. however. 1 shall be glad to meet Mr.lta.sford. and discus+. the questiou fairly with hint." be said. He turtbrr affirmed Than he would like a whole evening to present argunlcots cit this gneatIOn. ibl/Hing bask to paper No. ween W .boll by the Hun,o la ty Iip.i- neas Men's Awu.•irtlon. he raid, that the arguuretrls 110,0 slwplc childish to say (bet prohibition prauecs it con - tenant for I.w as h1W wan .imply plu- hibitiull Reel/. You might as well say that you codldn't prevent a man frow Molding n him -9 if it did not crane up speeifl'•ation•, or you couldn't slop a MAO fishing 004 01 season, or shoot. a dog that. was dangerotne Lo be at large. If wecau atop the rave -tea of a triad dog running at horse can we not pro- h11.it the emir Id liquor," he asked. Hr ore lase cunlintirlt, •':Ae whole li- cense law is one til prohibition. Thr sorsa t.onhle with .110 'I 641 11 UIICH 10 pie - vetoed bythe lige .r people' in inconh.- ,- vrrinlde Net; 1101 A .Wre(ing etalr- went is w.d.e ala/11t the conditiunr 410)1(40 where in '*'i i-giu 114 411 l'I*.e .lar with the .t ,' ) • 10 1 r "on a � t I l nil .•tl. /1.61:111 liquor cundu 4'11)0 and 114..v ar. we going to eon, ra lict then." Alt ell through' hi• Nahl..'.o he p.e'enled notoy Other g1( rl argnugrnls. l'HAIRM.k' '4 IgEMARihs air. Sydney Reicher en.eupi.-.I th. chair and at the clime of the Lire.. •litre* that he was ashamed to ,.re 11 the press the lett..,. pq,.li-h,d Ly tin Huron C. ty l:,late• tyro's A+r•. elation, Inut l.r w,LH od.d •hr err 'h• W01-4 ''ad1rrli,wtnr,,l" ,lased *t th heat, of tbrtu so that the politic wool,' not he 1(11.14..11. He resented twin, called fanatics by 110. 1t:milord b- elow: 11e r.twehs.d I he 'l'eulp•ranc . enure mud mi... h,' was "ewe" Ove it. Speaking alr,.lt a temperance statute rellla' g Irw" he 1.41111, '•tr aw n pinto( men I'll do all in toy pow. er ser that it stay. The meeting 44119 very r.ILhti.hist ie and well at tomb d. It was nnntuncrd tear It •v. W. I1. Wrightun, flee new Bvpust mioiil.rl would td.reao the meet log nay(, Su.. - day and MD. F. S. Sp -nee of the D ,lis nine Alliance nimbi spr•k on the Vic. 1.nl is opr. a hotter next Fi 1d, • night at )4 °clock. PREMIER'S CONDITION No Immediate Clunge is Expected Toronto..lan. 2L --The condition of Sir Janlro 1Vhilney reuialrlm prAct- icnlly unchanged. At timrw, he is de- lirious and Ito doe. not serol 10 realize (hat 11e is s.gll l n 111 Tot 01110. No itnmediote ehange, either far tetter or wore. is expected by the phvsiriana in attendance. the bulletin i..ue4 last night at 111 o'clock et the general hospital Wan as follows: ' Sir James Whitney was ie.tlrs- during the afternoon, hilt in asleep now. His general condition is fail now.' (Signed. AI.KN. Mt PHEnKAN, R. A. Pa NK. He was removed fToto New York to Toronto ein Sunday. REV. W. H. WRIGHTON, ler !UMW re.ideit# Minister of the fir inlet shard'. Hr will ep,;1L on temperance or at Sunday. Her. W. 11. \Vrichton, recently 01 IKc,dwnrth. who has templed ter call reached Baptist. chin eh here tool whit rfeached hid initial ser a. praetor net Sunday, is a young loan of a strik- ing personality. n good pie*Chet *1141 . Isret. N W F tl' a men h. will *hind tip 1 td 1 ) pr for ter rtvtlt and d•, his duty 1n the face of ILII odds. He was horn in (:I>tlntanrhreter, Eng - lana. .boot one ,mile 1I-olll the birth- place l I Oliver Cromwell. At 111e age 01 19 hr Iwgan to heve rrligiuus incli notion-. Shortly afterward he took a •1(u err 1n Haile study at (4 laocow Bible ln.ri•utr, SI•utlsnd. Later he &tiled for Cnnad.t and NL•olird nr Acadia 17 Eli - y. Nova Sc'•tin, afterwards en- tering Me litit'er 1'uiv.raty, •Toronto. a\ frees he rem risen tell his close in 191:1 in inter -year debating. The new minister ha. held Go- pas- torate of the Sheet., cake 4)1ptist. church enol K-tt,l.volth rhorch and •. t, o.dained nt the Letter charge lest .1 tiro. Rev. Mr. Wyly htnnsten4s for what known nm the Ind Th*uh•gy, which in the whole Gospel of Chri.t. He conies to (44x1., ich under l':worable au+pies and Thr Signal with 1114 n oI her friend's wish hint unbounded sue - ceps in lilt work her.. ANNUAL MEETING Baptist Church Closes Another year's Business ' The annual meeting of the congrega tion of the baptist Church war held in that church lar( night. The new minister. lie\'. W. H 1Vrightoo, lIle- duled wad thele w'ns a good *tiled 1111.1. ler 411~01. There was a lot of 1111111110 burin.'.+ 4rausarted, Wane of it private. but the principal hardness was 'hp election o1 °Mee'aonil •he a +.oirltlnet o p Il f Mttl- 1 rnitteM. The oflicets for the ensuing year Ate : Deaetln.-Mesar., 1). Cameron, John : Challen, .D. McDnnnld, E A. 1Varen- el', A. II.. elution. • s THE 'BAPTIST CHURCH which will now have is resident minister. Rev W. 11. Wrighton, as'pastor. preached his first sermon there last Msday. One pf the many pretty and picturesque edifice. in Oo derlob. LORD STRATHCONA DEAD Cnada'e Grand Old Man Dios is &IS Metropolis I .tail W rstheoaa, ono of Clanade's greatest ammonite and meat promin• wit Ananei..a, distil at E ti yesterday ssornispp 1n Inrdeee, F.neland, where he was fee many yeses (snsda's High Oometiesioner. Sol Improvement Shown The Condition of Mr. A. E. Bipedal& shows a bier I.p.Pep,t&$ this week. The grip has almost loft hero sed Oho Maslle er/ rhetr*iMMMm sed essw lgla that wore an frequent nod pgistal ioet Irish a ish here ears esemil. INS le MEI vei Mt hias veil ettl e _I.4, Napes My maridoeush, A. 1�hleek-Mr. W. Wylie. ret -Mr, J. A. Campbell. Committee-- Menerw. John J. H. nil. *raw A. H. Clinton, d0aton. Ilimelottary Committee-M.sare. .1. A. Campbell. Wilkin., B. Clinton. Mrs. Hopkin., Mine Whiting, Mee. Wr1ghtoe, Mrs. Glutton and Mrs. Marshall Ma.ieal Committee -Mn. Wright• on, Mies 1. Whiting end Mr. W. Wylie. A eon. kt.., composed of Mrs. Wrigbtos. Mee. Liasepb.11, Mee. Hop- kins. Mee. Umlaut. Me. trod Mrs Wor- disr, Mrs. D. Oreme sad Mr. and MrsJ. H. Marshall. was wppol.t.d to My arrateseeneate far iie annual fatl�tA�rar4�et; h a \Nil haw i a1koe V01EMta. i.�� .41:41= et; Tha rtsrr*.ge iodebtnwes on the church bat been sorsa anti+ley reduced during the year and the church is now in good financial standing. A SAFE HARBOR OF REFUGE Parliament Will Take up the Matter This Session Ottawa. Jan.''1. -- The di...Uous Moroni whieh swept the Great lake•, last November and caua&al such ter- rible loss of life. particularly on lower Lake Huron, will tint pass unnoticed by Parliament, and results ale likely to show in two ways. 31 embers of Parliament from ridings' contiguous to the lower lakes express the opinion that the Government will undertake a pylic\ of providing pro- perly equipped harhoi is of refuge (1u the Canadlwu shore., and there seems 1.o he nu doubt but. that (lode' ich will be onenf the places where special pro. %%Won will tw made its this regard. SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT HYDRO To the Kohut of The 1418101. DEAR Sin.- -Having risen asked by 11 nulnler til citizens why 1 did not allow my nnnlination for the reeve- anti' eeve- . . 1 1 ° stand, 1l 114- its t h t t my rzc that I n n taking a holiday at present and w:ad not ,"»pared to tale a seat at the r• •11 -even had 1 he .'lectors Leen \'Ill loll(. Besides. 1 u111 n .t at all mule that a place at the council ;amid this year will be 4 very envinlln position, in view ot Ili. townr,'financial condi• tinti. The Ins hills .,re heavy, but Nitre tueeting fixed charger and 1111- O'1ntrollable exptrnoitru•es the council hos not .•h left in the treasury to do anything with. Tote townspeople should Irhletnbe•r this. and although the,e are many directions in which money could well be spent- -if the town Had it.- they should not expect the council 1.41 wake bricks without Bt raw. The financial stringency at the town hall will he further •aggravated this year. and in coming years, by the advent sit Hydro -electric power and the lues to lite town of the very ctm- siderat.le sum which hitherto has been earned by the water and light plant ami has gone into the general funds tit the municipality. Last year the town 'armoury received lions one source no less la sum than $.i,it':.ip.'.. This (rpre- sentr two and one-half mills on the town'sasseesmrnt. How is this loss to la. mode i(p: It look* very 141614'.1 like it 31 mill tax tate again ft,r 1911. A year ago, at the meeting addressed be Hun. Adam Beck, 1 pointed out this loss to the municipal fonds, and war told by A howling crowd. led try some of our civic odour, that it was not right to use the profits of the water and light phut t.i keep down the tax rue. 1)u,ing 11113, however the old custom Iola+. *till continued. and the linseeds' a few weeks sago shows the. sum of $&...t"_',Y_' turned over to the town by the orator :.),I light couawi..iuu duri g the year and not a whimper frow the Adam Beck •w'tllittt : After for lapse a& year. thee ti000s ate now Inol/alll• bet 1-11- able than they wen• .ern to judge some a 'be statements that Arae rade during the lgydtletlrclllc eontr)yrtay 04111, it may not to amino Io tunas a f.w obt.'i-vaUons.4..ng obi* er +.'hat Ia fhc town 1460h11(4)( 1n p1001r of the old plane that hoe liven p..$ profits of four to six thou -and Ears 4 rear incl the cieir ,i } It was demonstrated for weeks. the Hydeo current w -aa turned on that the .treete conk! be well lighted boy the old plant. Vi• have day power now -Mit there wan no meson wiry we could not hate had 1t from lie straw plant except. that those In rharg• had not .u*lcient enterprise to ria9• the ,,oder,Jakulg. Tbe electric toast- ers, electric none and other domestic appall/our could just as well have been used with the old system exert*, for the unwillingness of those in charge ol the plant to turn on the power during the daytime. Neither dial we need the Hydro people to *.ocher our trews. Ale the lights in your hou,.e or °Rios any enter town they were before the Hydro current w.i', turned on %V bete is now the enthusiastic Hosed of Trade man who told um that "do.pnj and destot i" of iodu•ire• applying to the Hoard wee. deterred only by the lack of power from coning to (;oderi.:b What reduction has been made in Her ower..X,I a stag 7. f pia art As tslii' to Ito anybody '•Arad"- i doubt if any of the percent staff can he spared -I am only recalling another of tate mtu- °ellarrruate lot of promisee made by the Hydro advocates that have pot been, fulfilled and will not he fulfilled. in • few months the consumers of light will he able to figure out how' their bills eompwre with the ee under the nM tystetn-wall let it go at that for the present. Worst of a11. the town by tying itself up for thirty years to Hydro has thrown away any chance it had of getting really cheap power. i do not want orf poise as an 1 -told• you -so, Met i think 1 have the right to recall to the electors the statements 1 made it year ago and to repeat what I said then -that the town was being rnabo.d into an onwlee, improvident bargain, which would retard Its dowel- opsoe0t for many years. Jost nt a time when the town vert badly needs all the molter it sae getthe y*-oriy profits of 111/1.000 or 11*.0144 from the menu plant boor been thrown away. oe, if the people were hound to have itomethin` 0(111, they mold have= foe a *1(51,410' plant of their awn the profit; In which ease they would he In an immensely better position' than aro smw. Thank ng you, Mr. Editor, foe allow- ing see on •web ref your raftsable apace. 1 a., Your. frsitbfnlly, W. H. Rosrew•rerat. • gtrl baa her Meek het the til�eelty to le week* him to prepuces NEW BROOMS AT WORK COUNC'L OF 1914 GETS GOWN TO BUSINESS Health Officer Says Water Suppiy Question Must Receive Attention --- Report on Hydro -Radials to Be De. ferred Deputation to Go to Ottawa to Urge Harbor Improvements -- Appointments Made The new council had a good "try out" un Friday evening, commencing( the first regular sleeting promptly on time and with every til.'tiler in hie place. Thr new Wood utsde itself ulanil. 41. hat was not allowed 10 run uncheckedt One of the uoti^eablw features of the proceeding% was the free end frank disenssiun of the vat - ious Matteis brought up for disposal. For in.lance. nn the qurstiuu of the appoint trent of the tux collector Cory wwrrla',' of the rootlet 1.l;1 one heel something Io aa)-. The excrptiuu me. 1)rpuly it. eve Clark. Etiueully it, war ezpectrd Unit the meeting would ler of more than ordin- ary interest, for the council chamlier nits :'rl.w r d 11. 811d"1 nitb. a h' extra t cllt'1s wrle brought in still s • of Ihe audience had ot.ly standing room. Among t Ile spectators were several member. of last ye nr's council, who Ca111e I O see how !t fe It to De "on ter outside looking in." . After'sums burins inkiness tbe port of 1)r. A. C. Hooter. medical of- ficer of hesltb, was read, am balowr, HEALTH OFFICER'S REP'OWT. G F:NTI.ENIEN,-1 hete\v1111 present the p11blic health report fur the year 1913. Communicable diseawe : Dlrnales--- twenty oars of tit -hi Iype; 1(u deaths., Starlet tever--six crass: no deaths. Smallpox -our cow from au outside municipality, with a .ecnud case m- ooring In same Meuse where patient was quarantined ; no deaths Fortun- ately the quarantine war effl.•tent to prevent .proud of this di..a-r through th- town. Typhoid -ten raves teport- ed during year. moue of which wren un- doubtedly imps.' led. Nn dew les occur- red. A general effort was mude to keep yalda clean as far as possible and to prevent piling r.f reinsure nod dist. ss we to Minimal. Rte.. 1 hate endeseorrd to has. re. chants. restaurant• and °toss keep premien closely screened sod t covered to prevent lir contamination. I would rummers'" *hat a bylaw he passed making such action coswilm l- s.ov, :and 1 tin • ire the mmehauis 10- 1.',..e04 W111 h.art.ly approir, of abash lam (IMP . The launch ie,. were inspected sitter lir a Mt �Ir. if 1 r t 1 a difMcu av uec- smutty sanitary changes were 0Rr•rted which most rawult ingreatly improved .r.0dit new A talk I claw was ,reed by your e.at.ril this year. tat owing to $ ulna delay in settitkt the anent .1 Ole Min - Mier of Agtkriwe it was tat• in she ye.. beton- Iiie b.yhw could be print- ed ar d the .ase hasNh homed was of aplasia *bee It ww&id be artier to ile. I • v the e•*ro illi thy bylaw 1111W eft t I n)ehlt. that 1 he tr ensur- K l5. I0$5Meind Mew that ell Ir,11k vewd.'e. 1(w. for beer oft Mauler flees sis .mht.dl.d ,n 1 be by- law seIBM Itopews iww.womay kir ear - tied cut A1* the dairNS empolyl.R *A4. wet. inaprrted during the year amt tby rueditions generally found Rrxd eilatathtter-hormes also were inamme- ed. and in thie .00nerlion 1 sea clad W *tate that one dealer bas erected a new eleoght.r-bos-r with all iwpeove- t0ente under the appro: sl of the lo7al hued, ..d there le an evident desire on the part of all dealers to keep their abugbter-homes sp to the proper standard. WATER SUPPLY. The gustation of un water suppiy- moat *u00 engage the attentive O( the municipality With the present karher changes and ouch further improve- ments as sway he Serle it is impossible that our intake pipe. muse( he rxe0d- rM�_�Aup . eh chlorine thous bas en eu•tnmary lei former years. and no doubt the con- tamination by Aare watet ha. m,eh to mho with ..ich findings. Any pee. posed plans foil extension most of .rurew ie pawed by the local heard of beak h and approved by the Provin- cial Aoart1. All of which is respectfully mminnitted A. C. Hese*+., M.O.H. (ioderich, Dee. 31. IYI:1 The report was tefeere'I to the spec- ial coobttittee. The following letter to the May.lr ft Superintendent Anind.l of the C. .R. was read : ' 1 am corr.aponding with the man- ager of the Mutual reaosit Co. regard- ing the running of their Duluth haat into lioderich at the commencement of next season. He has renewed the question in regard to harbor protec- tion. WIlI you please let ase kpow what addition was made to the two hreakwalle subsequent to September .'lith, when the officers of the Mutual TTarrait On. visited Goderich ?- This waw meet to the harbor commit- tee with the .uelg.el inn trona Hi. Worship that Immettlate action he Laken In letting the C.P.H. anlbrrlt ie. know of the additloe mad. ' to the breakwater last felt. An appllt sties from the Rye brig- ade for an fearsome of salary wa met to the An committee. BANE WTATEM RNT. The ntelmepr of the total hrarteh d loetlraet me pens %