HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-8, Page 8• 1lrvaMMA% JAY S. 11r14 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR 1914 NEWS OF SPORT ....iLearadissa Alma -tae, jot pitge hsbrd for 1914, corupl• t.•, row laining l'auadiau Tariff of ('us - tone... limit's of l'anade, fust Office ,end Railroad Stetioos, bit of l'Iergvn.en, and other general information. price 01.09. Blank Books. Mrwnraudum It •oke, Rills Payable. Bide Re- ceivable. etc., etc. Loose Leaf Ledgers from $3.91 up 1. $11).l%) ('anadien Ohre I)lstil%:ale. 7:,.' and fleet. t'tnadian Pocket 1)inrie. from 15cupto$1.0e Shannon Files. complete with punch $1.00, without punch 7:a•. lithe'. files from :t .- •p. Hi.:ding ('awl Str each. in t I..r $1.01[, $3.OI) per dozen. Hualueav Envelopes, troll. :dir fur Ia.x of r..ii. up Waste Piper Basket., for of fire and home+ use, Gem Metal knish :+w•, Nicker fl5c, 75c and so. Ante, lean Adding Machias. Stephen's, Stafford's :end ('u - ter'. office Inks. %Vette man', Ideal Fountain P. n.. from $2.:.1 up. The Colonial look Store Eo. PORTER, Prop. rioderich INTERMEDIATE SERIES OF O.H.A. OPENS HERE WITH FAST DAME DEATH OF GEORGE MacliWAN Forme- M.P. for South Huron and Well- krown Manufacturer Friday, l'ecember :NUL le13. Mr. licorice M. Mace:wan. tit une ,f th.- mold widely knee u citizens ef this part of Otitatiu. Mt. Mach:wan we* netive of Glas- gow. Scatlaud. being born there in P49. and eeour tu Lanatta with hi,. aarents and 'Mothers and sisters in the year 1S52. fouilly settled in Wand - later moved Hibliert township in ['saving the ferns in Hibbert Mr. year.% in copper sniping in the Calu- met iiit.11it't It. the State of NI,ehignn nod for a (Woe lartned in the ton nshill ot afterwarils engaging in halt at It II •11. completed thr well at the Exeter salt works. Exetei. and also Di+ %veil now opersted by the id year,. in the tonnurecture a salt in (i.gletieb. About twenty,eight years ago lic arm to Ben:tali and carried on the inatudatture ell; ,11 that vii- lage. Later he engaged extenaively in the growing sato minufactiate the ann fi,r otithy yen' • and op It. the tone of his tb.a:11 was A Inlyer of all kinds of grain. . His large c llllll Girona!' Live., t hct with the whole comity bide an 1 es a consequeree he wet. drawn into llll icipal 110111.11A and litter int.'. Do- , minion attaks. He was terve ri! the township of Hay for many years tend ear wattle,. of tee county of 'futon for the YrAll* .11e, mew edrotetb menthe' of Parliament for the ratline 01I Smith ilistor. in the year 11110 slid sat for the! distikt until the ?text gen- eral decline,. completing the full terni. in.seligitin and was a pi orninent Mason and a 111P/Iihyr of the t 'martian Older Forestris and of the House Circles. lb. was a bre! her id the lAte Peter MacEwa'n, of Widen -4* and is survived by one blot her, S., of NI in nerepolis, Minn., end a rummer tiephees, the /41k1F JIM] 41.C.Viii et% of his brother Gorier ich Intermediates Defeat Strat- ford Here on Monday with Double Score and Stratford Juniors Win from Locals on New reara Day by Seven to One -Players Reinstated to the opening match of the inter- mediate series of the O.H.A. played' here on Monday night last. Goder:CS put it over llet,r opponents, the Strafe turd septette, by the scar« of 11 to 3. ('onvidering the weather, the ice was in goal blast -wand the play was fairly ft+t throughout. The smiling team et tempted con Moatiooattheinning of the first period, but the, in viduat rusbes of the home team broke it up and the Shakespearian,. took the great- er part of the evening to recover it again. They managed to get back to business at the told of the second half. but then their work wise not effective. Stratford opened strong and by a two man game slipped in a goal, Lowe showing some nice work before for Huronites were fairly alive to the sit- uation. The Sailoracawe back strong when tbey saw that it would he a dis- grace iegrace to be beide,' on their own lot. Belcher, like a whirlwind, made an eagle -like aweop, followed by Megaw presenting .e tot cable argument to the visitor+ and proving beyond conclu- sion that the victors would have to work for their spun. Stratford retal- iated with notching asecond. Bomhrey Coins the trick, shooting from centre. Goderich bound for honor. came back again this time. Chisholm waking a length r fish, scoring a point and stak- ing the gauze 2-2 The ser -sawing still continued and Hatdfield upheld the bone r of the Classics by scaring their 'this,' and last goal. Wiggins with gond support from his colleague •r`$ ttiesMohnenefd•footed th +etrmv i net, work defence and rushed in a third. By this true the game was setting interesting and the crowd went wild with excitement fie the play varied from the Sts atCot d to ll•.derich ground. But the most .d it was in the enyny'. territory. Finally, "Plug" MIcl►onnld brought down the puck from centre ire and peasiug it to Wig- gins. who tin, followed by Belcher. it managed to get ,into the goal in some unknuwr. manner. Things .rented • o ho going the way of the local *quad when the tefereea bell annouuted 'half time." Half Time er ..low nod the heAted spectators thought they were going to see a fizzle. But it war not, by any means. It was really the hardest battle of the fight. Although the boys, not in blue but in white. did moine clevet akating and stk. more practice than the red and SWMA11.1',. all' healthy wit ds 'Jake Huron began to mitt if it, 111,. kIlaWn and muscle they Couldli 111,1 gosil. (rode - ...At, however, swii nne after ten minutes of plaf followed by mother inutile'. act. In the meantime Strat- ford thought they had done the trick. Referee Einie Cook. °Cranial°. ruled thnt it laid b en thrown in by hand and disallowed it. There were more penalties banded nnt in the boo half, erect al men front both tide. -doing time Both sides fighting desperately at times lost con trol thentscIver and the clash of although the game was not •'ditty' eternal when two player,. one from tech "hOd earh other and fell over 0.1 the iee -Two minute.... said the referee and off they tient. When the final horn blew with the loc.! team soinding with a, double • t het e att. deafeniug cheer and e players went to their dressing dome Every man of the local teem payed a at t.:lar pat t throughout. ey showed want of practise and it as the find time that three of their nyera had been on tha ire this -ea- SC th Pete! and of !-1:1 mister. the late Mrs. The rettinios_wete buried in the fent- ieb By plot in NIaitland cemetery, lintle- ThP too..ral place from the resi- dence of him l'eter Mack:wan. Cam- bria road, Mitt a. conducted by his old pastor. Rev. Mr. Smith. of Hensell, church. Goderich, end HPV. RObt. Pet - NEGLECT Ti, clean... the Nyalcto of uncligristed food, foul gases. excess bile in the liver and waste matter in the bowel. *III impair your health. The twat eyetion ers 25 and fat cents or TIce Meteor goal Brown Harry Belcher lett defence Harvey Dien 'licit non 'met LOW.. Hoy NIcLhittald wings Hisnifield Wiggins wings Riga Releree, Ernie Cook,. Toronto. During the evening the rink hand wait ptesent and drove away "dull care" between the rrowes. A good "permute, wit Dewing the frame The lore! junior team -triepeil" to ratford and opened the -B junior Hos of the 0.H A. aeries on New ar's tiny. Luck was apparently imainet them and tbev came bark with a victory for the Straiford septette by Although the play was rather rag- ged at times, the game was fairly fast nod was good considering the short tittle the teams bare bad to pt ac - The game statted At 2 43. fleferes Kinder handling the bell. Tire Strat• ford boys looked nifty in the new in- termediate sweeter -1N which Were used because the junior sweeten" were the some as those worn by the Orderich The gam. start ed well, the fit st goal. of Ilse peek : from then until the end of the haat. the play wee estirely la the visitors' territory After ten min - tee* bard checking. 1 le added an- other tally, and leg' 'nines Etter Forbes folk.wed with ner, en when half time arrived the .e stood 3 to 0 tor Stratford. No penaniite were band• cid mit in Ode half The incline, half started fast, but rbe play arson worked towards the °ode - Tobin, who anon afterwards added an - ether one from a re wed off Stod- dart's Wenn a ohm 1 Burdett mad* with • lone 'Yoh Ma made the seam got away for a rosh sad WOW the rte. St Send The Signal to your friends. OPC YP HOW SHALL I SPEND MY WINTER EVENINGS? 14 a eery essential acentitplish- ment tor every young permn in modern life. Now that the long winter evenings are before Me Ulf question presients itself : "He* shall I spend my spare hours in order to &tire from MOM I he greatest pleasure and profit ?" To three desiring to com- mence a Andy of Heiedsman k Co. Pomo. 14. Oshawa Bnd it an easy Instru- ment to play and the sweet qoplity of the tone prodnewd le 'ea ilitheoursgesnent to the music James R. Thomson Agent Me fileintensas 0o, Pinnate THE SIGNAL ': CiODERICH ONTARIO count. Allen and Tobin each chalked one in the last nee mini hose' wl wee and the same closed 7 to 1 for the beams team. Tobin and Allen starred. Burdett showed up Rood. The sumruari shows • to have leered A Lavelle* 1 each. for Stratford, aid prams 1 for Goderich. Only three penalties were given, all lo the last hall. Allen for kicking the puck. Tobin for a body check. and Beek for rough checking. A good crowd turned out which oom- loetably filled the rink. The teams were :- 14Tn.tTFYttto Goognien Dem petty goal Stoddart Fotbilye, point Swarm littrda$t cover Beek Allen ,rover .itohortaon Levy-liemister Pridbasa, McDonald lett Buchanan 'robin right Morson Referee- Kinder. Up Against It The junior.. travelled to Seaforth on Tuesday night to play the scheduled game there. The Bret goal wale scored by Staforth within afew seconds trout the face-ofL Goderich then got down to work and held the Mune tram! Clown to one more goal during the first batt. the *core being 2 0 at ball time. The second hall stu�,med tuucb like the Hest, Sratorth scorilig after a few secunda of play. The t.wainder of the game was ,ather Doose. The Goderich boys. while waking mow Relent rushee. fail- ed to score, while Seaforth notched up three more. making the final scute 0-0. The teams were : - Searto -rn til►Deetrif C. Neil wed C. Stoddart J. Hinebley left Jet E. Swap is R. Hays right def. Joe Beck L ,Hoffinitiin lover C. Maher toots K. McKay centre E. Pridhain J. Sills right wing W. Protulfoot D. Reid lett wing %V. Buchanan Refet - D. Hibernian, NI ached. Next Game Perhepe one of the finest juniot exhib aerie. seen hire for coneideridalletime. be 'a's:Renard [tete on !reties. night next when the local juniors will tite.t...ure swot dit wit It Mitchell. Slime their genie with Strutbed last Thula- day. the lowls have got down to herd bratty crowd and there is no doubt but that good game w:11 be witness- ed. It is 1,, he hoped that the resi- dents tit Goderich will turn out in 'mare Mina'aera and boost t Ito sport foe all they ate worth. Stratford Plays Here stye:lord juniors will journey here next Tuesday. to play the return match 0[J/site:Ley 1st when Goderich went to that town and wits defeated by the score of 7 to I. The match here pneuises to he a good one and the locAls will likely Woi d has been received from H. A. headquat tors that Harry' Belcher and Ernest Pridham hal been re-in- eteted and would receive their certili. cutes in Stratford. These two players. streh NVIU. Sneer!. were under suspen- sion as the result of a Lacrosse game played in St. Nlarys last summer. The first two did not plea, in the game, but Snazel. playing anti knowing the game warn't right. cannot be re -instated. Curling in WIngham bon•speil of the ceiling season was played here today, but owing to the mild weather the finals were 110t. COM - Meted. Stipa rranford and Porter had to postpone their final game until toinori ow. owing to heavy ice. The games were clone tor the most part. PRALIMINARN Skip Pot ter-. III Skip Elliott Skip Anderson...9 Skip Carmichael11 Skip Holutes...12 Skip Pearen 10 Skip Crassfool..11 Skip Ali1P111101210 Skip Hinkley _12 Skip Bath 9 Skip Crawford ..14 8kip Mitchell12 Skip l'orter 10 Skip Binkley.....12 HURON PIONEER DEAD Mr. W. G. Ech!in Passed Amu in London Suddenly Mr. W. G. Echlin, n resident of Lon- don and well-knotvn in Goderich and vicinity, died at hie home in London been apparently in bond health aad weta to church twice on the preceding Sund.ty and even attended to burin's' on the day of his death when he took roiddenly ill. He was horn in Beverly township and rame to Huron county over 35 yesirs ago. He taught school in •ublitts •nil later was en- gaged in businesa enterpri+es in DUO - aSirtililitter to London. where he has eine. resided. At al'. time, of his death he was airtr'atel with D. S. I Perrin t'o of I. ention Deceased Irlis mart d but left no family. He wee very rapider both in temn enemy and also in Loudon. Mrs. W. B. Grahnnt, Ouderich, is a The tonere' took Oar. nn the fol. lowirg Wednesday In London. CANOR CLUB MEETS Twelve New Members Added to tbe aalt At a meeting nf the 1 Merril of the Meriestung Cenoe Club, held on Thee - day night. 12 new metnbers were ad- ded to the chili. The drib is now in a ilourishing'etate and extensive peeper. of the new rooms in the new otiose am In proirreee ter the 21= building. The club expect to meek), the new rooms *ems time title montin. aed it was suggested that they would he opened witls a fancy drum ball, bot it is likely that it will be deferred ua Has Opened Ofbee of Roes Ostler. Port Ways... ladles., has dpimmod so Aloe met to the Vow ▪ Duet of Oossuieree aod be will It lift Ales as meted in Me silver - ft wakes high claims as • Afro - and Invitee the palmate to Oro he Great Annual Jan. Sale Begins Saturday, January IOth ITH remarkable values and bargain chances in every department of this • big store. Upstairs, downstairs and in the basement you will find them. Opportunities are here to save Dollars in some cases and Cents in others, buying merchandise you want for immediate. weatc of early spring sewing. It will be a Sale of more than ordinary interest and profit for you this year, for we hive the merchandise to sell and the will to sell it at prices that spell Saving in no unmistakable manner. Here is a splendid list of Specials to start off with next Saturdlly. Each week until the month is over a fresh list will be announced in this paper. Make your plans to attend this Sale. It will pay you, JANUARY SALE IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT January Sale in the Millinery Deparlrnegt weans the biggest kind of Millinery Bargains. We wind up our Millinery business for the winter season at the end of the month. end evelty Hat must be .old before we close ,he duns on Jan- uary 31st. Here iv the way we ate goi u g to sell them. Children's Trimmed Hats $1.25 25 or 311 nobby little Trimmed Hate. All the popular and wanted ahrtpe+, nicely t,Ininmed with riirbuu. silk or velvet. Worth (tom $2.50 tos-30. Jan- uar y Fafte each unit - - "s1.28 Any Ladies' Trimmed Hat $1.95 t'omwencing next Saturday ).,u can take your choice ofany 1 r intmrd Hat in the show moon, at this pticr. We will not re- •erveany, no matter velvet their former price or actual Valu.. The satin pe ice taker your choice. There are rnwr excep- tionally handsome Hats nn the tables worth up to 05 let and $0.110 each. In order to make the selling suer fierier the end cf the month we offer you you choice of the entire stork at eath only ... $1.215 January Fur Prices Are Low Prices A• is well known, condition+, tbia searon have been unfavotable to the Fur trade. The phenomenally mild weather of °ender. November and December told in tbe sales, mid Fur WWII, are heavy today. ilewever, it is the buy ers of pot tunity„ „the kind of an c pixel unit y that comes but once in a long time. You know the diameter of thir Fors ee 'carry. Only best quelities find a place in OUI- istocky. Every article is backed Imre..., vett ly with teas -nos rinifillea.guntanter. They ate QUALITY FURS we effer you at Jaeliery Sale Prices, mid Jaime' y Sale Prices mean an undoubted savicg 01 money for all who4ake adveutage of thetn. It wt.! pay you to buy Vivre toalay even though ynti do not libe th.em until next stau,on. We hem now the best stock of Furs we have •ver had in J•ntiety. There are Mick, Persian Lamb. Meeks+ Sable, Writi ern SAW. Russian Fitch. Grey Lnmb. Fox. Marmot. in fact almopt every wanted fur. in big. eenetwas amortments 4011 here for you to pick reed depose from. We cannet afford to carry these 1:1.1111 over. For this triestal, from Snontlay, January Ini h. evety piece uf Fur in Meek will bear a new price and that price will he nee that should make the sel- ling slue before th,s Janine, y Sale is over. i 500 Yards Flannelette at$cper yard Het• is a b..rgaln that ought to prove futereettog. MS/yards henry Flannelette, 32 inches wide, assorted fame &tripes. No more at this pries once this lot 1a sold out. Buy what you want while the January Sot+ 10 tun, at per yard Ends of Flannelette 50e A special lot of extra wide and heavy Flannelette. Ase«► ted stripe►, '(1 lncbe. wide, pet up in b-yatd lengths only. Geed valor at 121c per yard. Januate Nal.-, per end of a yard.. .,.80s A Sale of High trade Suiting $I.45 1? 'bleteistitt'I3uff- fieii6e.� Tbe.e ate the last of our good Suiting* bought for thi• stetson* told,. We have decided de- finitely not to can y eo ods of this nature from one season to .•pother. le order to clear these out surely and gnlrkly w. have grouped them to ops lot at a price ;use about half regular. The regular prices are from 01.75 to :1110 per yard. January Sale you ran take your choice of thew 17 Suit Lengths at per yard only... ... 1111.44I Flannel Waistiags 40e Half dozen ends real French Flannel Waisting., Neat and attractive pat! erne. standard high quality. -Special for Jan - January Sale Coat Prices Will Save You Money You are fortunate if you have your Winter Coat yet to huy, for the January Sale means that you can save Rome money. These prices have been made with but one object in view, -to emptv the Coat racks with absolute certainty before the month is over. 18 Coats at $io.00 each These Coats are Made from new fancy mixtuteo. tweeds and soft rough .materials. The actual value and retro' tr prices are from 11,14.50 to MAIO. Eve, y Com recut incur f the season's best styles. All nee man -tailored thmughout. the workinanehip being of a high order. We group 'hi a - IS Coats in one lot and give you your choice fcr ortly $10.00 14 Ladies' Coats at $16.50 Thine Coats are the cream of our stock. The regular price ot ore watt illS.50, two at fr21 50, three at $z)...so and eight at 025.011. They are some of the seaeon's choicest creationa In ladies' outer garments. The materials ate high- class. There are no two alike. The linings are tbe best and the wokkmanship good. We give you the choice of these bigh-class garment. for only Ill MAIO 3o Girls* Coats at $3.45 There are Coats in this lot for children of 5 years and up to those suitable for air le of 12 and II years. The materials are plain cheviots and fancy tweeds Every garment is new. stylish and up-to-date. Regular prices are up as high as $10.00. Saturday you can take your choice of the entire lot for only 10.11.411 A Coat with Fur Collar for $ii.00 You nue ht to have one of thew comfortable Costs "when it ran be houaht tot Ito little money. We succeeded in get- ting a lot hoot a maker who bad 100 tnany, or we would not he able to give you sot+ • bargain as hie. The Coats ere inside of gond quality Heck eloth with coliera of Wes- tern Stable, quilted lining throughout. Stylish. comfortable. durable garment,. worth more money. Jitet a limited ilut'ut#./1:.to wails the -January Sale is os. at rach..401 1.00 You Ought to Take Advantage of the January Sale' Prices on Fur Coats If you do, you certaioly will wive money. We are defile mined to leer the last garment on our racks and ale making the pekes vet y iutereating in order to do it. Do not forget that. we beck each gal meet with our guarantee as to its quality. and with reasonable care any of these will last for years. Handsome Muskrat Coat at $47.5o There Coats are made from tbe very eboloest skins. rare - fully %elected, properly tanned and graded. The style. is one of the hest shown Oda ttereeor. The Coats a ta ined throw/b- out with high-grade furriers' satin. We have only three or four of this quality to *ell. They are worth a lot mom for only money, but for January Hale we will sell any one of ts4hem7.60 f"" elfle 117 r public 1 awe, OWL .40111 Herrn t Inert Ina pie 1 COM i ▪ Intl* Myer bay a. Ai 14 Ons bit • mama 1 pound Mimeo maw. i and Des geattat 01 atriat TOSS Any miwins tie prim tutor Fine English Nainsook per yard 15c A shipment of fine English Nainsook goes on sale Saturday morning. It is a beautiful cloth. 42 inches wide. soft fift- ieth. Worth regularly :inc. January Sale, special.while the lot lasts, per yard Clearing the Cloakings at $x.00 liktefOr ladtee'sto children's Coats. The lest we have. Regular price per yard 4111 75 to 112.50. January Sale. take your choice et per yard only ll al.00 Aprons 25C Sixty only Work Aprons. Mad* from good reiality print. cut in mew style with bib. January kale, special only. SSC Serge Dresses $5.75 Seven only ladies' and mimes' =Dresses. Good style. strong ma - perfect fittine, tan. copenbagen or navy. Regular 11110.00. January Sale, A Good Comforter at $I.45 Fifteen only. insportini Bed Comfor- ters. Good quality, turkey red chintz ot silkilene covering. Pilling of Imre. clean wadding. Full double bed size. Regubir 11.75 and $2.00. This has not been an extra good season for bear,y hesidinr. the Januery Sale prices of them Com- forters will be 01.40 Cotton Velvetta for Waists . Nese stripse, copenbagen or tan shade.. A splendid material for winter waists. Regular 35c. Jenuaty Sale. per yard only Woollen Hose 39c per pair A manufacturer went us • lot of Wool- len How very much toter than be should have. We wrote refusing to take de- livery. Ile meet mateeessInes If we would keep the toode. This we decided to do, and Saturday asortdox put these nese heavy black Worsted Hose on sale at seeks. prises. Thep are event good quality and will excellent wear. than 7 to V. 110e. January Sale, pet pair Would you buy White Cotton by the Piece If you would you could my@ sense money. ilSVO Mild* 1% special purchase of fine white Casebrk. Put up le lengths o4 24 yards. Thia is • beautiful Cletton. Roe. wide. strong and very suitable for updates -ear or Sae sewing of ail Ueda. runnel value is trona Ric to Ide per yard. For Janne we pet the goods on sib et the sod ter WOO sA the rate of 120 per yard for a ifle or Ise OME- N*. do not cut Gas lengths at this price. Yard Wide Silk ficc One end only, black Pailette Silk, rich luetrous finish. gored quality, refitable for waists or full donee.. January Pale. special price per yard Sao Seconds in Ladies' Vests Recess& la ladies' Usderveete. Two piths* [Ian, Tletellieleenee en show cam be inaidIfy repaired and the wisest will wear as well as it it were perfeet. Ladies' gee, or natural Plush Under- value. A Ras we sell et We for perfect goods. Beam* of some slight hover - feet km, you take your theism. Jesuitry Sale, asch Ladies' White Usder- vest* Scic They are sold all over at 7bc to Mr Good (polity. perfect Skiing. a little cot tea warm la which keep, theme from only • l Bee 1J UST THREE SUITS LEFT TO SELL One Brown and Two Blacks tractive iarissats. eillt Rued and naa-tallorod. In Will sot sorry these Seib haus awothor sessio. TIMM hese eas tag* of the latumary Aida. HODGENS BROS DIRECT IMPORTERS DIRECT IMPoinnuts 11 inn Lie vat not mei Agt 7 ' 1 .„ ,,, ..... } Pet L. 1..