HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-8, Page 6'IuI-k T1T, JA.. 8, 18111
%ons turirqurrrnpc oyer"
ad clothe" e" 6 E %ear
Pau ones.
prices. mach loilErno1v
at lt
ova COT *burr
Unfit wee*.
,uR)M6 This sa
Are your breeches baggy at the
knee? Is your Suit Shiny? Is your
Overcoat "all in"? If so, come, buy
new ones while yo -J can buy them
Buy an Overcoat while you can
save money. Save $5 and make $5.
All boys' and men's Overcoats
must be cleared, our very low prices
will do it. Call and get our*prlces.
Walter C. Pridham
moth Century Clothing. Stanfield's Underwear. Peabody Overalls.
,o oith .owl W: 111111 .1 1
Edison's Latest Wonder
The Blue Amberol Record
is so faithful and lifelike in its tone reproduction,
so fine and broad in the scope of its selections,
so high in its plane of artists, that you can
almost see the stage setting.
Fortnore than Four minutes, thou -give you a concert free. Speci-
sands d times. the Blue Amberd ea the Blue Amberol always.
unwinds to you the moat luxuri-
ous entertainment you ever knew.
It weve , wears out and won't
break. Drop in on your Edison
dealer today. He'll be glad to
Edifies Phose raphe sad Fleeced' an .old by
• until^IIII t earnn1.11 r11�P� , un' floe
l: ENEW Your Subscription to The YSignal and
a 1014 calendar
". Lumber an 1
Building Material
for sale in large. quantities
are now prepared to supply all kinds if build-
ing material, having a large stock of all kinds
of lumber on hand, including Ontario White
Pine, Shingles and Lath.
Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch
Finish .i specialty. i a
Call and see our samples of Birch Fini `
Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by
Events of 1913
The •Big Happsak s sof tea Past
Year, from a Canadian Stand-
point, Chronologically
Jan. 1 -John S. Willison. Toronto
and Hon. A. R. Angers. Montreal
were knighted.
The first trainload of wheat was
run over the Transoontlnental Rall
los, hie brother and several member
of kis Cabinet, were arrested by kis
own followers .and delivered over tc
the revolatloalats. General Muerte
was appointed provisional president.
a C. M4tar was coiled bailors Lb*
bar of the House of Commous fur eon
kept et hfllateegt to reliant ter int
ewer questions In committee, and cum
mltted to the custody cf the Sergeant
at -Arms, thus becoming t anada's first
state prisoner.
Feb. 16 - Suffragettes partially
wrecked Lloyd -George's summer home
at Waltuo Heath by the use of a bomb.
Gustavo Madero. brother of the de
' posed President of Mexico was eze
• cuted.
Feb. 20-Loadon 'suffragettes burned
a tea pavilion In Kew Gardens.
road from 3aakatchewan to Port Col-
Turkey offered to cede to the Balkan
allies the bulk of her European ter
Jan. 2-H M.S. Natal. bearing the
body of Whitelaw Reid, U.S. Ambas-
sador to Great Britain reached New
Jan. 3 -The Balkan allies gave Tun
key three lays to accept peace terms
or face • renewal of the war.
Jan. 4 -President Taft declared him -
melt In favor of arbitrating the Panama
Canal tolls case with Great Britain.
Jan. 5 --Senator Archibald Campbell
died at Toronto.
Jan. 6 -Twenty-four Ontario muni-
cipalities voted In favor of local option.
The Turks and the Balkan allies
reached a deadlock in their peace
negotiations at London.
Jan. 7 -The tvnk steamer Rosecrans
was wrecked off Astoria. Oregon.
Thirty-three persons were drowned.
Jan. 8 -The Duchess of Connaught
was taken seriously i11 with periton-
itis. and w -aa removed from Ottawa to
the Royal Victoria Hospital. Montreal.
Jan. 11 -Great Britain was swept
by a fierce storm.
Jan. 12 -Turkey and the Balkan
allies tailed to agree on peace terms.
and the negotiators prepared to leave
litvThe Hearns Packing Plast in Calgary
11as burned with a lou of.two million
The ateamex Uranium was wrecked
sear /dallies. her sat) pasaengwsB:belag
landed in safety.
Jan. 13 -The Irish Home Rule bill
passed its report stage.
Jan. 14 -The Dominion Parliament
reassembled after 'the Christmas holt-
Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Honar Law
abandoned the food tax policy and
eluted to remain at the head of the
British Unionist party.
Jan. 16 -The Home Rule bill passed
the British House of Commons.
Jan. 17 -Raymond Poincare was
elected President of France.
Jan. 18 -Bulgaria gave her peace
delegate in London power to renew
the war against Turkey if he thought
further negotiation' useless.
Jan. 20 -Lord Curzon presided at
• big anti -suffrage meeting in London.
Jan. 21 --Senator Elihu Root made
a vigorous plea In the United State,.
Senate for abitratlon of the Panama
('anal tolls controversy.
Jan. 22 -The Turkish Cabinet de-
cided to accept the recommendations
of the Powers. surrender Adrianople
and end the war.
Jan. 23-Nazlm Pasha. the Turkish
Minister of War was murdered. the
Cabinet resigned and the cession of
Arlanople was repudiated by the
Young Turks.
ishop O'Connor of Peterboro died.
n. 24-A resolution looking to the
gran . ten million dollars In aid
oC agriculture was adopted by the
Pwnadian Hous. of Commons.
Jan. 25-('d. A. J. Matheson. Pro-
vincial Secretary for Ontario died at
Perth. .,
Jan. 27 -The Franchise Bill t.'Ith all
amendments which might have en-
franchised women, was withdrawn by
Premier Asquith.
Jan. 29 -The suffragettes started a
fresh campaign of violence in London
because of the withdrawal of the
Franchise Bill.
Jan. 29 -Hon. James Young died at
Peace negotiations were finally
broken off between the Turks and
Balkan allies' delegates at London.
Jan. 30 -David Hogg. a Home Ruler,
was elected In Londonderry.
Jan. 31 -Dr. W. Beattie Nesbitt died
at Toronto.
Feb. 23 -President Madero and Vice
President Suarez were murdered in
Mexico Pity.
Feb. 24 --The wldcw of Captain
• Scott, the Antarctic ex-lorer, was
honored with the title of Lady.
Feb. 25 ---Dr. Friedmann arrived at
New York ..1(15 his anti -tuberculosis
Feb. 27 -The second reading of the
Naval Bill was moved In the House
of Commons.
Feb. 1-A single presidential term
of six years was approved by the
United States Senate.
Feb. 3 -The Balkan allies reaumef
the war against Turkey at Tchatalj•
lines and Adrianople.
Feb. II -The Weigh Disestablish -
meet Bill was passed by the British
mimic of Commons.
Adrianople was heavily boodsamOd
by Orman teh? N0110,.
Feb. 7 --Helen Keller, blind. deaf
and dumb girl lectured at MoatcWr,
Feb. 6-A revolt la Mexico City was
started by General' Fells Dias.
The Antarctic exploration ship Ter-
ra Nova arrived at Oamaru. New
Feb. 1O -News was given to eke
world of the death of Captain R. T.
Scott and eels four cnmpanloaa. Dr.
Wilson. Lieut. Bowers, Capt. Qts.
and Seaman Ruane while repAtag
toward their base of supplies after
planting the Union Jack beside the
Norwegian flag at the Poet! Pole.
Feb. 11-Tleroe lgktlkg oee•rrtd la
the streets of Mexico City.
FM. 11 -Turkey tubed the great
powers to stop the Torko-Balkan war.
Deseret Dias shelled the oe.tre of
115 -
• .astray section of
Mexico City
Feb. 12 -The Liberal "tax reform-
setodmiat to the address In reply to
the aMtech from the throne was voted
ewe In the Oaterlo L.aglalatere•
The mad of eke dekaN ea the
110mte lo. Ooverameat's naval enmtri-
buttes re.oewttea was reached i. the
Hose ot Commas. The resol tic•
carried after mldnlgkt by a m.)ertty
of 2h.
The Howie •f Lords threw oat the
Welsh Dleeetabllehateat 111111.
Feb. 111 --her lives were lest is a
Ir. at Ilk Labe' Oat.
Fab. 1$• -President Madero at Mew
Tie Paget Grain Door Co., Lhhiteo
• • •
Mar. 2 -Big forgeries In land titles
were reported In Alberta.
Mar. 3 -The suffragette parade In
Washington was mobbed.
The Naval BM was taken up by
the House of Common In committee
of the whole, ng ng about x dead-
Ilock and au unprecedented continuous
sitting ot the House.
I Mar. 6 --The Turkish fortress of
Janina was captured by the Greeks,
22,000 prisoners taken.
Mar. 7 --Pauline Johnson. the In-
dian poetess, died at Vancouver.
The British steamer Alum Chine
was Mown to pieces by her cargo oh.
, dynamite outside of Baltimore har I
bor. Fifty persona were killed and
one hundred Injured.
Mar. $-The House of Commons ad-
journed atter the first week of block-
ade on the naval bttl, the sitting hav-
ing lasted 129 'hours.
Mar. 9 -Thi spffragettes were mot -
bed In 'HydIltitelt%Loo,don.
, 4p ,TaIllppetismeitillaid iams-
injured by a dynamite explosion at
Irvine. Ayrshire. Scotland.
Mar. 11 -Dr. Friedmann treated
many tubercular patients in Montreal.
' Mar. 12 -Announcement was made
In the British House of Commons of
a plan to reform the House of Lords.
The abolition of the hereditary prin-
ciple was forecasted.
The foundation stone was laid of
Canberra. the future federal capital
of Australia.
' Mar. 13 -British naval estimates
calling for $221,546. 500 were brought
Hon. John Haggart. N.P. for South
Lanark, and the oldest member of the
House of Commons. died.
Mar. 14 -Dr. Friedmann treated up-
wards of one hundred tubercular pa-
tients In Toronto.
The Naval debate again raged at
Ottawa. The Government gave notice
of Its intention to force members to
confine their remarks to the clause
under discuasioa.
Mar. 15 -Dr. Michael Clark of Red
Deer was named" in the House of
('ommons by Mr. Speaker during a
heated dtscusslon of the Naval Bill.
The second week of deadlock ended.
Mar. 17 -Charges were madea1
Hon. Mears. Coderre. Rogers and
Nantel in the House of Commons by
L J. Gauthier. N.P. for St. Hyacinthe.
Mar. 18 -Senator McMullen died at
Mount Forest.
King George d Greece was assas-
sinated at Salonika.
Mar. 19 -Five were killed In the
Malcolm Tanneries Are at Medicine
Hat. Mts.-
Mar. 21-A fierce gale of wind swept
over Ontario. Much damage watii
Mar. 23 -Omaha. Neb , and other
cities In that state, lows and Indiana
were swept) by a tornaao. About three
hundred lives were lost.
Mar. 23 -The Great Powers stipu-
lated terms of peace between Turkey
and the Balkan allies.
Mar. 25 -Dayton, Ohlo, was over-
whelmed by a flood from the Miami
River. Peru, ind.. Columbus, Ohio.
and other towns were Inundated -with
the loss of many hundreds of lives
and millions of dotlara worth of pro
Mar. 26 -Mr. Churchill proposed •
year's naval holiday.
Adrianople was captured by the Bul-
garlaand gvlees after a long
•lege. aa er
Mar. 27 -The floods were receding ,
In the Ohio cities, but fire. famtne
end paowstorms made lite unbearable
for thousands of marooned people.
S�tr. flf--The German Federal Como -
ell adopted bill for a big-tncrease In
th..taaat.tg way.
Mar. 110 -The Duke and Duchess rat
Cosnaugkt arrived In Liverpool from
Dees W. S. Ellis of Queen's T'nlver-
fdty died at 'Clagntoa.
Mar. 81~2. Pferpont Morgan died
at Lwow
71s dlaadlaa House of Commons
approved IS 111la of divorce payed
W the Ssm.te.
• • •
Ape. 1• --'Pb Ontario Govr•meat
rejected Ike woman outrage 11411a.
Cbarges of boodling were made is
Roans of Commune at Ottawa la con-
nection Swlth a purchase of mall -bag
locks by the Postmaster oral.
Apr. S--1epp.l In i V . a Itlg German
irigible was captured by Trench
soldiers when It alighted os s Preach
parade groaad.
Mea PPakharet was sesteeced to
three years Imprteonment.
Apr. 6-Meatemagro doled the great
Pewit a
Apr. 7 -mss Democratic hill pro.
tltlap tar • 4.wwwara revision was
Intre•naild rd W6Mlegtos.
(Made. at It deasw hill .as era.
bay Premise aaadfa its Ottawa.
Apr. 9-1/1 11 ssamsd la elm ()roadies
Mew id O limmoi aMadad elm fo-
tredmdlsd it tae 'Wows' fringe.,.
Apr 10-4.ady Thew sea. widow of
Saha The Dolma
d 4Ord ee
tl.Ml�. bassi at IasIss.
Apr. 11 -Mea. S. C. Wood. former Mace Your Stock and
Provincial Secretary for Ontario, died
at TrS poultry pay th
Apr.. 11 -Mrs. Pest[hurst was ear
leased from prison as the result of
a Maya. strike.
-A� 11--Tkree shots were Arad at
.o of Spoilt 1n 1ffg8i to
Seven persona were killed In the
wreck olf an excursion train near
Apr. 14-A nation-wide strike for
manhood suffrage was begun In Bel-
Apr. 111--81r Wilfrid Laurier intro-
duced ..n amendment 'o the "Closure
Hill" In the House of Commons.
Apr. 17 -Liberal were returned to
power in Alberta.
Apr. 20--SIr Charles D. Rose. mem
ber of the British Perlla-tient, • Can-
adian by birth, dted soddenly.
falx -king Manuel's betrothal to Prin-
cess Augusta Victoria of Hohen-
zollern was announced.
Apr. 21 -Home Secretary McKen-
na's "Hunger Strike" bill was dis-
cussed in the British House of Com-
Apr. 22 -Sir IVllfrld Laurier spoke
In the House against the "Closure
The Belgian strike was settled by
the granting of manhood suffrage.
Apr. 23----131r Richard W. Scott, for-
mer Secretary of State. died 'at Ot-
Scutari was captured by the Monte-
Mr. Wm. Protlefoot, M.P.P..charged
Sir James %%baney and Hon. H. J.
Hanna with political wrongdoing.
Apr. 24 -The "Closure Bill" passed
the House of Commons.
Austria pressed for the evacuation
of Scutari by the Montenegrins.
Apr. 25 -The Duke of Connaught,
speaking at Lyndon, England, advo-
cated the developing of great high-
ways by the Canadian Government.
Apr, 26= -Churches throughout the
world offered pray.'- fcr Ito Chinese
Apr. 28 --An earthquake shook Mon-
treal, Ottawa. and other points In
t'anrda and New York State.
Apr. 29 -The Committee on Privi-
leges and Elections of the Ontario
Legtelaturc started the hearing of the
.yasttfw;alt i•1.7tistis •-+r^
$UM morin LTRr-$F[QIFIBS
not a lc health .ectad !.1
At 6 MO M tam than • piss& Trp S ms
ksad n elsak m .td renes. tbs4 as. eke *•amM6wrYwstl earsL sew kaaa and
sets •wt. f.r and Od nares C.Us. w waw mels ea aasMird M Ys swN at
w�;ws say` fila to these W -t0 a akmt & ear L then 415 kys Wham
seta weigh and vier. !awes,. the sieM WWW meds ► a t eh's hal
.f asUeh aw M. te lee b s d r. ttwNi laws,- Ys ass krlg stn w
- .a.1M.ssehr. etwmte .tpsaaY. nth. eks .1015 of writ.. r ter asst eti''ii 6.
SOTAL PVSTI.S b ase a feed. kiwis ane:,... lease tlfsses6 r W •isms M ..M w
i s..r-tb. 15.r ever .Vd. H tame was •a.w awns (11.01 ossa b '7•t r setts. ate
acs keew we w.eY M s..at . tt .u. We aeark.t SOTAL PUU'l,S iT.pp1C
=111 els .ter on the mast berm from It. .00m mime. etasm Sees deal r pWyati
amp d,sl.w-"peed _sex Ma ea fed .e . f �ft�� POMMY per awn n whir -tae pare, eh...+Y %L s III LE iwgsai [
sett predV.eed musk e. that after • thee
peer stock to eat tar mum* fad Om ferias end heap kmmab stares. Delta.
Y the onto* of all Suomi* warts. Ser, sed ass YS S Sew 2*40.
they .aaa.t dkf.at mod. wholesome feel
pled tag good food green a year ewe
hna-Iw. Ma. kens. .hw. Ws Tee kw,
what then thine east yea sad What shy
wilt d.
ROYAL Y ea aN M thea as-
tral feeds sad It yea use It as dlrestaL we
.0 reanaeee hotter ..tele taws W yaw
feed say .t the eaae.eeMs effaced ea the
market se 'sward fs.r."
Try It a a Pear -Cee lkad /Wail
if then b • retdrws, p..,iy a.srkk.d
Meat w year farm. sae whet SOT AL
PURPLI IPEClnIC will d. tar IL A e. -
east package Irh a so. er hems TO Wan.
The wort ie ea taialae that so terser 1a
taaaa has way mese for levies emot-
IC in :sat Om
TD. waw Yee iSOTAL eauloam bees Itay is POOL.
ee0 se rRY 0 e . p6 bares t15 whiter
ro from
db.w? It dem. and Mie ihem ewer w
melt. fames ..d Imps them as Wpm,
health. A fes pna15a . 101 m hear war
14 bays. dhealdY yea b nT we as,.
heade.i at resimisawastaUsas tram all sect.
.1 the .vestry. If ROYAL PURPLI d.m
ere glee yes bestir resahs teed saythlso
peas .o'er ••••, er sive pee ebi1YW.r w.
will r.fad per mem. lee atrtt1r whet
parr opiates of ether p esiess, we west
pas to give ROYAL PL.1 POULTfty
SwSCinic a .hats. M show what It sea w
for year a 6e. .111
stow yea some bee remelts. MM I. We sad
'sa petkasm and 61.01 airels5 Yrs,
navel People Csask 'pada. her ..walk sae 3,g.l purple Ll.. =se ter /maw, sae
dwelaser. twill Aare say imams mesh astmbbath
a. sed le. 1. mall We atw
la tear dey.t. W. h wall ser. Spa
la v.1 Sinew avast u.i.w. ,ter leimam. Md .weds t4.S Arm for smashes.
rhre .U.m. sprained Mallow. .ta f•.. in harp. meaw ewes ears. etc tea sad
yl .0e lea, b mall See sad mea
Savcl Pee the warm bcda. for ... 2 :• Perpt. ibs+ spade tea wasp. pee.
r�s.s the warm., ale (kir larvae 2Se, '
b mail ops. .►third. typhoid fever. eaak.t. whit*
I�715804 oirmasoma. tea !pee See sad aarrbow. awelisd head. .t... r sewltry.
t.01 tins me. b 1es11 eta
• • •
May 1 -Dr. Friedmann returned to
Canada to treat his tubercular pa-
tients, after the sale of the American
rights of his serum cure had been
May 2 -Norway granted the full •
franchise to women.
May 4 -Disastrous fires oc_t.:'red at
Englehart, Out.. and North eydaey,
N. S.
The Alien Land Bill, aimed at the
Japanese. was passed by the Califor-
nia Legislature.
May 8 -The ‘t'oman Suffrage B_:1
again rejected by tee British Hoes
of Commons.
May 7 -An attempt was Glade to
wreck St. Paul's Cathedral. Lonco,
by a suffragette bomb.
The Ontario Legislature cleared Vac ,
Premier and Prot•Inctal Ser•retary and f
censured Mr. Proudfoot for br,ng:a,'
his charges. •
The Home Rule Bill received Its firs.
reading in the British House of Cons -
Hay 8 -Tree Underwood Ta::ff
was passed. by the United States
House of Representatives.
May 1O -The Naval olid Bt11 passed
Its second reading in the House of
Commons after the application of
"closure" rules.
May 11-A foreigner was killed by
a police volley in the Fort William
street car strike riot
May 12 -Knox Church, Stratford,
was burned. the falling *tent..., killing
three men.
tion. Alex Murray. Speaker of the
Alberta Legislature died at Winnipeg.
May 15 -The Naval Aid Bill passed
its third reading In the House of
May Int -News reached civtlizatlen
of the lou of the Norwegian party
In the Arctic ice.
May_111 Emperor William pardoned
W. will man for ter .Milan Am hew witched SS -pe.
book oe .Deman YOm.wte w( sleek and pe.nry. Tells
be. M 1.e4 Urea ase homy hams. .alt. magas,
www calve. awn. here; •bs how te fond sae kw.
ltry se that they lay wisher oesmsev. Cm.
lithee. .raphee 1a .l: seism ••••4•6 form twility Mrd Is their natural ..tan. TWO b • hem
the* abase he Is .ear, fanfare* p.sem1a. 111 FR= write her year sap Why
W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Canad81
Royal Purple Supplies and Hooklets may he obtained from
For ; tilling 40 sets of Our Christmas or Fancy
Postal Cards. 6 in a set for IOc.
FOR BOYS -Ever r.'ady Fin.ah•light, Nickle-plated Hoclev
Skates. T•- I L+i,x with nine Touts, Mechai,e,.I
Tonin with Teuder, Co,rh and 71»ck, and many others.
FOR- GIRLS-:Le1d•plared Extension 1lratwler, K••wihtr
Mick Inc complete. dainty Gun Metal %Vetch.
Lady Ann fell Carni»ge mild many others,
FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Moving Picture Machine
r• piete wick' film. end
i.l.s. Seed lie ion» name and achieves tn.lv. plainly written, end
we will wend e.1.1. I•y re, urn 1, »long with hag Illmernte.I cat-
alogue of free premium• for boys and girls. When a..ld, tet urn w
the money and we will send premium pot•( paid.
Toronto Novelties Co., Dept. 373, Toronto, Ont.
SOME mens ask for so many bags of
ailt cement -
Others, more careful,Ysay they want
"Portland Cement"- -
But the man who does the
best work insists upon get-
ting "Canada'. Portland
4 • bee OSA fid
the hams Cam
Pe VII C.ger.-
And ti see that l looks
jhAdayi.'�iS of Y.S
1 -
'Ilea if a Goads
sa�lt�li asied. Isbow iJot s&
bath dti>r