HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-8, Page 5THE SIGNAL GOI ICH uNTAEIO
.radian ,`hii i6re► eles
Phone 243 Next Town Hall Goderich
New teatalogu•e will he out in a week or so, write early set that
you will be sure of a copy.
Star Theatre
A Second-hand
Gasoline Engine
Six Horsepower
In A 1 running order,
at. a bargain. Apply
fix nds
anddeee are the reset-. of colI
weather. A little
Parisian Balm
+ ,seed et night quickly heal+ thle
roughness and leave. the skin.
ninon and velvet). Pt.cure
bottle todayf or 25 cents.
James A. Campbell
North it. and Krt.)... Goderich
Winter Term from lnnuar :"tie
n..*• 1n'• heat Ru.te..• training
hoot, the hue• tenement. ewrote •n
omtuw el tt. 14hert band and Tekerapby
seen tweet. nod rens ....oetreet t..-
-trrdler.l W. sir r yea advere•agr,
Trot .glared *towhee-. yea de trot
h ere wast as w .'e.a"a sdkssl re• de
ter yea onion. ye, Mrs rembeel der
' fres conduces. uce•. Wet* ter tt at ewe.
D. A. ak:WCAWA, Principal
Many Outsiders in Town for Holiday
n fie
No •n Schuler. K n .dine.
MHiI n le. f
Mes•rs. 8 .1. and W. H. Walter, ut
Toronto Uai•ersit y.
Mies Jean Tont, of Toronto Univer-
Air J. .1.rrhie Tom, nt the school of
Practical Selene -r, Tnt•rmtn.
Mr. and Yrs. Harry Cuff, of Brent-
Mr. Walter Saunders.. of Waterford.
\1,.1 I'e..tl Westford, of furonto.
Miers Lydia and Ella Beek, of Tor-
Mr•. J. .1 iiT•av and NI toes K. 1. and
Moore Jalr ay, ..f Belt.
Miss McKinnon, of Toronto.
Nt•. T. It Elliott, of tae Louion Free
.ti.. John P.M., of Toronto.
N.. Norma e. 'Weibull. of Toronto.
I311. C. W. Frick, of Berlin... ,
-Mr. C. McDonald is home after the
eea.on of $.iling.
-Mis. Nati1 MacDonald spent New
Meat'+ 111 s -oto, ill.
-\lie Mantle h'ott r lett for her
.scb sal in Vach.l ten M today.
-Mrs. A le. MaeDunal.l agent New
Y ear's in \Vinxham with her stater.
-Miss Grar-e Mclkiu.ald ata+ whiling
at bee home from Toronto a few ley.
-Mr. Reg. Elliott left fur the west
on Monday after siwnding his hulideys
--yrs. Win. Green. Detre t, spent
the hulday• faith mends and rela-
tives here.
- Mr. Athol McQuartir, who 'spent
the holidays bere,te(t for Riostela on
ll. 11 :
O•wall Lambe' tee i• home
frons S+aketebrwau fora Melt of sto-
rtal weeks,.
-Mr, K -g. Plait. of Toronto, spent
New ]'err'. with Lu pet rut., 31r. and
Mi- .J. Piatt.
-M-. W. A. Chapman left tor Cleve-
land ` etuidey last after .pending a
week in town.
-Mr.. David Richards:n, of Detroit,
erns wiling friends its town duriug
the holidays.
- 1. -mood McDnnal•l. of Verne -
to. v.sittd at his home its llotirtich for
the New Year.
-Mt-. Len. Walter is home from-
Vruguwevf, Saakstcbew*n, visiting his
ps.,et.ts in Sell ford.
.Mr. Hoy of Hamilton,furmel
Iv of the Montreel ]lank here, •o••ot
the New free in lawn.
and Mr.. Ito"cert Itsid, tf
Brantford, spent the ht.liday. Iti tuwu
visiting their frieude.
- and \I r•. Wm. Lane spent
I the Christmas holidays wit. their son,
Dr. Cherie., at Detroit.
I -M'. Ue..ige S.oddsit, of Toronto,
apwtit New Year'. with hie patents..11,.
a.d lt.'s. P, `ltw1.1,r t.
- The Thirty-third Regiment baur.
sernadrd the new committees last
night and on Tie...laty night.
- Mira Oerrutale Mcitrien, of Detroit.
pard .'Jr,. John Halliday. Victoria
eters'. a shn.t vi -it recently.
--Mr. nod Mw. A. W. Gthushaw,
of U.-troi'. hat been visiting Nts.
Grilnehaw'+ mother, Mrs. Carter, last
I 1
January Clearing Sale
Rhe 2iIapie leaf *roeerq
Crockery, Staple and Fancy Chinaware
and many line, .•f
1 Household Groceries
Our store I. overstocked in .nar.y of Me .I. ire lines of good.,
and 11 is inipesatlee that we turn 'ewe.' Mnu• wane, at "tea. 1n
order to arromplwh this, we are tnakialy the eliwrtnrnt• en hurrah
that the shrewdest houetwife with necn,;uise the iw/wey-aseirg velars
we re ulterkmr.
R snlbsr, In our crockery and chinaware de part men'• them'e
is en btu haws
our retire •trek to s-Irrt from. 11 r •.
You have the choice wt
are inplye risie a Pinner Set. 'le. tart. Toilet ware e•r a 'Weep rd fan•,
Cbisa Apr your ehlni ealsset, n.tw le the Cam to make y.•trr
ps r and tido is the noes t.• imp, a•. Marine teed 4'. cnn•itaevai.
w aawrioid Groceries stir tablas wi I imolai° essay Maple and
k -lAR Hee, at very epeeist prime,. We Isel:e las eslinn. Note
the special discount pekes.
-Mr. Thomas Legg, who has beam
*pendia( a few days with his parents
is Stratford, returned home no Wed-
nesda y.
-The monthly meeting of the Cbil
deer'. Aid Society will be held at t
"wart house next'fuesday, 13th lust.
at 4.15 Filo.
-1 May Andsfsnn, of 13*UI$ the
Marie, Michigan, was the guest of he
cousin, Misr Peat i Gu.rde, Viet tela
street, last- weak.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clark and ruse
Aroold and Wesley, of Kincardine
were vieiting the focwer'r parents, Ms
and Mrs. Alex. Clark teeeotly.
- Miss Enna Poatellhwaite. of Exe-
ter, spent a few Jays last week with
bee uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
and Post let hwaile, Hayfield Road.
-Mr. H. J. Mortis atm rode! the in
atallatioo of A.U.U. W. officers tot loll
at utlutuu end Walton ledges on Tues-
day and Wsdn•wLwy of that west.
-Mrs. Joe.. Bail and obildren,' of
Bar me, Al soothes M.. Jae, Redound,
of t,alg .1 y. wine visrtiug their parents,
Mr. sod Mra. Jut). Itedutur.d, of Wirt-
- Mies Oerirude Young, of Toronto,
alter spending a mew days at London
with her bristle!, Mr. John Young.
*pent the Christmas holidays with her
parrnta at Loyal.
-Mn. Robb- Morris, of Oalteburg.
N.D., who had been visiting relatives
herr, left uo Monday for her home.
Abe was accompanied by her niece.
Mt.. Annie McManus.
-Mrs. Edward Straughao, Mr. Joe
Straugban and Miss Margaret, of
Parkland. Alta.. are hers visiting Mrs.
8traugban'+ mother, Mrs. Jae Gold-
thorpe, and other relatives.
-Among the holiday visitors in
town were Mr. P. G. Lynes and two
sour, Francis and George. of Detroit,
r hu spent. a few days at the home of
Mr. Lynn's moth •r, Mn. J. Lynn.
-By coming within one hole in
Hohmeier's guessing cou11Nt, )lies
Emily Halstead won the prize. She
counted PSI holes in the awn whereas
there wen 178d in it..
---The Rev. J. E. Ford went W Tor-
onto this week- to Attend the rueetuog
o1 the genteel l'oufereuce special
commute.. The questions endrrcon-
sldrlAtiva are the latest developments
tet •tuion and the .IUI•gauizatMir of the
1111nes depth intent.
•-'Purer tt.iluleu of a Clinton family
were thi. week placed its chariot ut the
CbilJrrt,'e Aid Society by I'olac alag-
i.trete Aodrrwe, of Clinton. Ur. tr.
M. F.l'utt, the Society's agent, is at-
tendln to their welfare and will have
thew placed ,in good hokum.
-Alien Geta,(ta Biowu, of St.
Jowi.h: Ilorpital L radon. who hate
I» -en 1u low,. Ite• the pest two months
nursing Miss Rose Fox through a ser-
i..t t dhow of l yphuid fearer, returned
to London last week. Mia Fox, we
are ";lad to hear, is uuw its as fair way
to tecoYerV.
-Brussels Post : Mr and M i s. Walter
Shasta•, of Gode&o.b, writ bele for
Chi i.tu1as at Jas. shut rie'e. Mr..
Sharpe is routii.uing b'r stay with
her ....ter. Miss Shur, ie. Time certain-
ly Hier, Ise air. 15harpr says is is eleven
year., since they went to the county
The General Bros.gh Chapter of the
1.O.U.I:. will hold their'notatbly meet-
ing .•m Monday. January l" th, in ibt
court boiler, at 431 i..1.., wheu Dr.
Strang will'aidres. the merlins( on
the devrinpulret of respnnsil le Gov-
etnnlent under the English _onstitu-
- to(e are .,rry'lo le ten of t he con-
t• rd illness of Mr. John T.trrsuce
of Porters' H111. wh.ch 1)44 ►•+aunted a
very serious obese. An tuner.' in
his head is the tronhle, -ve ander-
et.and. Mir. Torrance is one of the
nios1 respected residents of tioderich
township, with a host of friends in
township and town.
-Reeve Leckie. of Brussel,. was in
town yesterday. Mr. Leckie bee again
been returned without a contest as the
head of the municipelily tet Bru.erls,
m.ktng bit twenty-sixth year in that
position. It is seldom a man retain•
the coofidence and affection orbit fel-
low tnwnstcen so consistently ate
Reeve Leckie hag done ;but the people
of 8, upsets evidently are proud of the
dill inolion which is th.eirs of trending
to the county council each year its
teal leader, for oo matter who elite
reav be there Reeve Leckie tops them
.11 with his long and intitmite exper-
ience in County affairs.
Has Accepted
Rev. W. H. Wrig'iton, a f K"nil-
w.rth haeaceepted the call tot he 001 -
•rich Denier. church. `review asn•tr.!
on Sunday, whets he will preach
here. Evet•ybode welcuiu..
Editor Improving
The many friend,. hoth in and nut
of "nwn, Will he greatly relieeetl tai
hear that Mr. A. K. Rrlulwi., editor
and prnprieuir of The Signal. is mach
improved in health and him physician
expects that he will he able to leave
his lied in few day,.
Prices Changed
The priers to he rhargeti for .tin: ;.-
.ion to the tea meet int/ anal •nterla;n-
mowe iwerms•etino with, the miniver. -
011y pf-ser rtybs.tt. Auburn, will 1.•
31 rent. and 23 rents, not 49 ....nu '•'•d
25cente as stated on the bills. The
official. of that rosier -sestina mad a
1 mistake in giving the mires to tier
McDenald.VcRen Wedding.
in Toronto. on l'hristmat Dac, the
....Mins took pine.. of Mr. Daniel
Marinate', recently of the Howell
Hatilware eters anal now of i.,ndon,
and Mho Best ries McRae. of Toronto,
f,rm•rle of (iodericl•. IH..th bride and
ger i tri, sell and tavnrahly known
here. having spent a eonNderable pert
.4 their li • here. They will reside In
I. undo:
Sating Rink Opens
in reality the Goderieh skating risk
npen.d Il• dos with New Year's. On
tha Monday p.evinwe, It was open to
the mobile and a go d -.limed mustier
were ptee•nt. The next .kate was
eninyd no Thitr,.day night. when
Agffurativevoking..ly evoking. the world acid
Ma wife wet• nn ekes... The weather
hes hewn • ttreptIonelly hod too lee
making. tint trotter tit. rirrw,witawwes
)fee Goldthorpe ha. dna. .11 Is Me
pewee 1e have a goal sheet et ice
-Mr. Obe,iee Darrow, tows soNei-
/ete, wise wsderweel a settees epee -
time la the Alexandra Marla, sad
Ommuel berrpltal lest week, le mower
Iwg rkwC hie blends hope to see bids
mimed efts% le the sear 'nesse. -
Te Held Concert
The North caret Methodist choir
have esMeted Thereday. Jesuitry Mad.
as the date of their annual 000t+rt.
A male quartette from Dundee street
Methodist church, London, has bees
mewed aid will as
be siistteed7d by the
itrticulire willen•later.shots Yid Wave.
Meeting to Be Held
.A public meeting will he held in the
Temperance hall ext Thursday, Jan-
uary 130), by the local C.T.A. com-
mittee. It will be eddteesed by Rev.
J. Muir, of Toronto. organiser foe
Huron county. Hpelial music will be
provided. The programme will begin at
eight o'olnca. Everybody is weionme
and opposition speakers are invited
ter-tteud and will be given an oppor.
Wnity to itddrees the audience.
Vats Go Gown
l'her les and Fred (Jay, two men who
hailed from \Valkervilie, pleaded guU-
Ly'ot vagrancy hetote Magistrate Kelly
yesterday, end each were sentenced to
three months in the county gaol.
They stated that they had worked
for It tobacco firm near Walkerville,
and their wager were not sufficient to
allow them to rave money. The her
gave thew a flee boardiog house .or
the winter.
James Staunton, an outsider, also
blew into town and at the carne 111.5
auto police nets. Las. Saturday he
was s Internal to three months as or
••Vatg" 1.y :Magistrate Kelly.
Old Resident Dead
\!r. Archibald E. Murray, aged 71
years, well known here and tor 20 year
at healer. ot litalerich,died at hit re.i•
dem..., coiner of Vi.;torie and Napier
etreete, on Tuesday night, attar su
r-ru Ir•11 ai uta f too mouthy. death re-
sulting frau genet•al debility.
vtoua to coining here be lived for 10
yeti. • its Sref..rth. He was a Presby-
t.ri-n in veto:ion and was a member
of Knox . hot. -h. He is survived by a
widow. one r..u. TbomM H., of Pres-
: two In...0cm. Frank, tet Toronto,
anti Rich/tot, of Little M,•otland, Brant
curtsey, .tel ..re sister, Mrs. Thos. Nis -
hot. to Rip) y.
'The toortal takes place tomorrow
afternoon au.l ow hearers will be Mes-
srs- David Si.,ddatt, Wm. iMcCreatb,
John Sone,v.11r, Alex. andWul. Mc -
Lawrence -Morris Wedding
Uenrge'e church here was the
motor of an interesting event un Tues-
dsy, December :hath. when Mia Pearl
Morris. daughter of Mrs. Wo. Morris,
was united in remarriage to Ur. Win.
Lawienen of. the Deity Engine works.
They were, unattended and only
immediate relatives were present.
LIr. and Mrs. Lawrence will reside
An Alberta Wedding
At the residence of Mr. and Mre. W.
E Mowers. Sibhald, Alherta, on
Wednesday, Deeeolher ltlth, 1013,
their daughter, Ava Rose Mowers, wart
married to Mr. James Glen, also of
Sibbald, son of the late Alex. Glen of
Colborne township. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. J. Stewart
Caldwell, of the Presbyterian church.
Alaska After the wedding hteekfaet
the bride and groom immediately left
nn n honeymoon trip -40 the Pacific
Coast. fhe happy couple are greatly
respected in the community io which
they live and they wertAtte recipients
of general good wisher ter a happy
and p•o.peru.i futureain which the
d my soul's old friends in this vicinity
Sad News
Word we. received here this morn-
ing that air. Tbo•. Kalil; of Heinil-
tou, who met with an accident there
Oat Friday, when 2500 volts of
eleetticity patted through hie hotly.
Herd there ye.terday. Hr is well
ltnowu here and is a son of Mr. Henry
Kemp, jewell.r, here.
-Mins Cathet•ine Finn tetnrned
from the west I est week and is upend-
ing her holidays at her home in town.
Dr. .1. E. Thomas, wife and little
daughter Elaine left for their home,
Trrzah, S. C., la.t wren lifter spending
e evetrtl weeks at the home of Mr..
Thomas' parent*, \L•. and Mts. J. M.
Prowl fcot.
- -lin. J. E. Bradwin, of \Vingham,
and Mr. E. W. Btadwtu, of Toionto,
spent the Nrw Year's holidays at the
home of Nr. A. E. Brsdwin, Newgate
-Mr. Allan Telfer spent the holi-
days with his goatidpatrent, in But•
-Mies Agnes .'attenders vi•irrd lest
wGaeeklt. with friende and leletive. in
-Miss Agnes Ha,niltor. who bas
leen sending the too two weeks at
her hurtle here, rt'turneJ to Hurk's
Fails no %itlyd.yS.
--Mr. Daniel Kennedy went to Lon-
don Thursday Aftrnroot. where he wilt
undergo an operation for cancer of the
--Mee, Ileo. Andrews and danahler,
Mi-. \fgi.jotie, were the eireets of Mrs.
Ai.dtrw.. patent., MIr, and Mee.
Detre,. ••Wlllingbouriih,'IBrure eta re.,
for 111. ho
-Mr.. L. B. Tape has returned fr•nm
her tlwleinta: - heeday visit with
r.taltve. at RideNne
Ezhnsits Prexaratione Being Male for
EzKbit Hae
Witnnnt a do:uB' the Ninon ('nunly
Pet Stork and Poult, v AasnelalMn
show. which take* pla^a on Nun.' y
2nth to 22nd., piro,iirrs to he ones nt the ,
hest. of ita 116.1 ever at tempted here.
The show will he held In the town 11.11
and Uwe o111cer• sty doing all in their
power to retake it is gland anecm., '
whit h will he a gr••at hells to the nmet-
chamts of Goderieh while it it In .
i'r^Ert'w"• ,
1t leetp .ted that from OU/tn 14)11
.xbil,iters will have their stack on s
exbtbirion sod noly a nominal fee wilt
be charged.
The a.omtty president is Mr. W. J.
Garter, of Oossbsee. tab. loral presi-
dent le Mr. Jetsam Shaw, sod Mr. J.
Wellston le summary.
Says darkesping and Hostelry Should
Neer Be Combined. -Accuses
Liquor Men of Supplying Samples
to Boys. -Speaks of Local Option
in Other Places
The first meeting to he held in the
interest* of temporaries, was held io
the Temperance ball, North rarest, t n
Monday afterb000 haat at 1.13, and
there was a good attendance resent
It is proposed to hold them weakly.
until after the t7Sneda Temperance
Ant bas been voted upon on January
Inspector J. Elgin Tom mouthed
the chair. Before calling upot► the
special 'speaker, Rev. P. K. Dayfoot,
of Toronto, he stated that be had
admired theaddress of the Rev. Father
Minebarl, of 'l;arontn, and which had
been published in The Pioneer. He
introdw d Mr. Dayfoot.
Mr. I)ayfout also referred to the
*Meet... of Father Miuehan on tem-
pera,' x, and said that hip would like 1.o
have hie come to t)oda'Mch to address
an audience here. As secretary ot the
Baptist Sunday school's in Ontario. he
bad travelled about 1(1)1) miler per
month, and knew condition+prevailing
in many Ooturio towns. As an exan.-
ple for this county be pointed to
Halton, where he declared that since
local option had passed, the jail and
the pstrh.•toe had been emptied.
Such a blissful state of ■tTairs prevailed
there, that for the past six years there
had been no work for the judge to do
at the assizes and be bad received a
pair of white kid glove., as per custom.
He spoke of many other town., includ-
ing Hustnr• Orilliat, Renfrew. Owen
Sound and other places its Ontario
where h+_as rtrd tool option .was
"The hu.incee of keeping a hotel is
just. es good and legitimate a hueineee
a- th•• Kerrey hasiheas or anv otter
line of trade, last keening a hie and a
hotel are two sepal ate businesses which
never have twee joined together," tail
\Ir. Dayfont. He showed that the
abolition of the bar brought three
problems into consideration : tbe met-
ier of 'subtle accouttuodation; the
revenue, and the throwing nut of
employment tboae engaged in the
liquor hosinesr.
Speaking about accommodation, he
said, that frons bit nwn experience he
had found hotels, where local option
was in rogue. cleaner and better kept
than Licensed houses. It wits it "natter
of supply and demand, and when a
hotel had been 'lotted up within at very
short time, the h'tilding bad been
utilized ter a place of other business.
As to revenue, Mr. Dayfnot affirmed
that the town of Sinicoe derived $)SM)
from the liquor bueinesa. It coat it
I WWO for the salaries of two policemen
and it also coat that municipality
811,' Oul for the upkeep for its poor
relief fund. lystimating at half of this
money w'a9 required for the troubles
brought about by liquor. the speaker
thnught that the town was making
SAW. and it was paying out *851) to
provide for the crime or poverty
canoed by drink.
Lately, as to throwing sten nut of
employment, engaged its the liquor
business. be said they Windt', as had
been dune in other raise., find other
and more useful rtttplovturnt.
-. Liquor want'. over :1,4))) men for
alrul.ka.rds' gravy*," *aid the sfwaker,
•• and it roust have them." HenMrnwsl
that. wou.e liquor firms were actually
sendiog saniplra of liquor to boys to
get theta to acquire a ta.t.e for it..
He •corned the practise of havifig
holies' enttance in hotels and said that
some liquor shot,, were nothing morn
or tear than 'Venter'• parr.
During the tneeiing Mi... Mary
Merinlgeour gang in gem' %once " Seer
Eggs Coming Down and Fresh Meats
lire going up.
Teurwo*r. Jan. W.
With the exception ot eggs, their is
very little change in local prices thi.
tri -eke Bolter rerains. *M+ut the some
ao•1 egg. err inclined to I. w Iitite
ria -»fir, owing to the fact Lhat the rr,:ld
winkle weather has caused witty henm
to lay and the fat n,es .wife i. bring-
ing mare to market. Fresh treats
err a little stiffer and the prn.peets
ate That they will go up in the near
11,' a rc.
The prevailing pi ices ate
call waist, Per 61110 1 0 Ph to
Seek wheat, per bre►.
Otto per barb • yi to
Pee. per la..h q M to
Barley. per bo.h r. 1. to
per ton.,..s..,..,,,,.*. w to
.til• per
. must, per etslt':... .7 ti • 1 u) to
deem, per ten >ti un to
tyerta, par ten A M re
1*57 pee ten. new 13 'q 0.
Straw . . ttt. s on to
Weal. per lead ! :n to
natter. pert► 0 :.) to
Old Mee" pee News A 0 Jtto
feed% tectayisy M '• e: to
Arlie.. VII NL............ . 2 on to
Petare's•. pet bsket. . eat t•
Cottle. WON, Mdastt, PsVset. 4 .ei to
e' artie. es err set . s m 1..
Aee' .
ek•pop. Nie swl.. ......... 11 M to
Talww.tew per Ib .. n tie s
Nide..per set. e.rritee.
robe twee ... el • -
Linr,..,i there ....... ..
Ali1 poreaw t. lr.*71
Jt•e r
Amour et Ids. JMn A.
NN •,'
- DIED I T!• most remark aisle t.eligb and
AWRY.- At Ter -Ho. "1 Dseerwarr Feb- Colt ,n.dkin..ver dnacnveted. stop.
wertot ky..i a 114 7.e"•. Maher tit y s
'. ti.esleher.,. et So+rrisb. . a Lough, relieves asthma and bent-
OOIM1WOBTR As .1111szt= ea estMsh • a sitle. Mt hos a Cold 1. sold at gee
yearn ad We per bottle at all drag stores.
Jewery 1. b.,yu 4. p.. seem et
TYotruoaY, JA-rvAsr K 1014 .•
Money Orders
issued by tie
lild= Buk **Camila
can be conveniently se-
cured, safely forwarded,
readily cashed, and are inexpensive. Issued for any
sum up to $50.00, at a cost of from 3c to 15c.
Payable at any branch of any Chartered Bank In
Canada, Yukon excepted, and in the principal cities
of the United States,
_ Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
b. ye wag; toll In arowdrd mart. Iola wrong
and nu ir rite,
Wheel ata •re Knowing better with the
strut.: and the 4t rife,
trite' east .m d babite 511, fetters
free" veer feet.
.4nd tete Ve forth to teflon where llfe`. bop•
AA rot It sweet.
Where the b)undh•s.level prnlrlet yield their
hoards of golden grain.
.4nd the haapy '.•whirs Butter. long to Oleo
. tb•smiling plate.
W hlle swiftly stowing rlv.•, s (rout their were
In poodle., snow i
Bring Ilio rad cheerful plenty where
the la.d-eatV ez
• t br• fie brow.
%%'Mrs the forests .vh: .r, -r mealy to the t•
Lent -tar. •'a hegd.
And the ..Ind . waft, w.so.11aud odor. w t.•ie
the moonlit meadow..pread.
To thus region. yet untrodd.•n, where roue.
awes. ht art sod
May would .t might empire in a wide ail .c-
ent land.
by ]lir'. V it&t.u.tvt:
Mo. Haldane, who Hands an Tutee tltrer ,
a•,aatebew,n It A Pill,* .d Nr. John tilt, . f
tiolcneh. 't bre poous ata, publt.h.d tit Al,.
Leat. , Malatioe.
-It is expected that Rev. Mr. Ford
will address the afternoon meeting In
the Temperance ball next Monday.
Mr. Bert Cott will sing.
t''or 2fl years we have been atody-
ing the anau :Illy of a watch and to-
day we can cure t1.. Mort desperate
let your watch 'pend a few day..
in our watch hospital and it will
come forth alnw.t a, good as now.
wishing you all •
of the Season
J. S. Davey
.lew.)ler A••'" •a.,
clAn - - . • - tioAariob
Melling Agent for
' `. '"TURF MAN
Te • omach
Is me Target
Aim to make, that strong -and digestion good -end yes
will keep well 1 No chain is stronger than its weakest
link. No man is stronger than his stomach. With
stomach disordered a train of diseases follow.
Golden Medical Discovery
maim a. •trench b.ahhy, the fire wases sad the Mond (lode tees
feet mats. rad rs'trertsd without the ens et aMs4.l. nttd kr ss
b.rlt Lea at 1111.40 per kettle Ilse wee a0 ysus shied aanwal •
1t 7w Neter tabteen s1s -welled bps.?. Pies+.. MIL S., "fame eau be
aid est meanies desisr% sr tree biz W 1.r em reastipt st SIM r bass+•.
Joys of the
Each and
t'Nn).e ell W J. POWELL 'else Ng, ung