HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-8, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICR : ONTARIO i'ROIYOAT. JAN. 1144 i THE I FINE BANQUET OIIIINAL ONLY GENUINE DBWARB OF ill ITA- TfONB SOLD ON THE MERITS 09 IINADD'S UNBENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. UOLi) LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS eroet pttr s tosa having.lhavingMm at &t TH si Iii�ALL., A. B. TAYLOR. 8Tsarenan. MEDICAL 911. W. F. CALLOW. M. B. ht linty �h M d'est.. Owlerke. T.l.?---- I . PR. F. J. R. FORSTER-EYE. EAR. sees sed throat eats. limes ew Teck Up&tb.tmie sad Areal l ter W. Nosssad7Knox Chinch. b� -e N a m.. s ill l p.... 1 to a P t. T.Inbeae a7. 11103. GED. AND M. E. WHITING L HguLLMANN. este* rths, nieetab.ts t. women'. and ch.dro.'. dl.eeses. aorta. -tunic and nervous disorders. ere, ear. now sed throat, lumb.ru.nd rheumatic condition& Mee North diem. third door trona the tlpoen. LEGAL DROVDFOOT. HAYS & K1LLOR- • AN. barristers. solicitor.. not•rl.._poblir. ypptgn V the Martuw Court, eta Private reds to Mud at lowed rates of interest. .mce. It•sf .._ Ngeo.t are. aarlob. W. rttuUU/OUTW . L. C., it. C. RAY*. J. L 11ILLORAN. �Cr. CAMERON. K. C.. !1ARRIS . TMI..olitator. votary public. Oplser- IreioUtuu rarest. Uudsrick, thud dour fro *mars. SOYA or THE NORTH CLUE EN- TERTAIN THEIR FRIENDS Mr. C. E. tMrman, of LonMa, is tits Chief Speaker -Dr. A. T. Emmer- son Talks on the Sib$. -Uncut Diamonds are Discussed Capably - A Largs Attendance at the Banquet The initial banquet given by the Buys of the Now, club to the hese- smut of the North street Methodist church, on Friday rowelling last, was • grand survives and the member, art that club are to be cuagratulated upon the work which bar siteady beta accow- Nlished. 'ries Lady members of that 000trega- Goes actw as waiters add about 43 men eat down tosuwptuue feast. The of- ficers of the club, the pastor of the church Rev. W. K. Hater. and Mr. C. B. Oermen, supreiuteod.st of the Duette' street Methodist Sunday school In Loodon, uveae seated at Me head table After supper. Mr.J.M.Adonis, acting as toast master rad cb•irruani iatro- ducd the following programme. ' B.O.N."Club ruposd,by Dr. Em- memoo ; reepooded by Mr. W. H. Hsi riven. Duet -'•The Btbte. Messrs. Leon and Freak Adams. Addrew-Mr. l'. E German. Duet -'Larboard Witte h,'' Messrs. Geo. Buttery and O. W. Stiles. "Our Uncut Diamonds,"- -Proposed by Mr. A. M. kehertano ; Responded by Mev. W. L. Haget- A�Molp--"rrup Boru 0anadi•o." J. M. "�tltrr - F* oppoowdd by Mr. Jarose ; rrspubdetl by \Ir. L E. U Soot. Br. J. in opening. thanked all Me young men present and extend- ed • bonny levitation to them to etttead 11.. cla.ars u AZ y time. be said. "we door want to do any sheep etnelner," mmerrrng teat the .crab d.d n ut want to brio,* members frosts any ter her Sunday srbool. He analogised Mr. tier Man, saying he was sae of the most genuine men he ever saw. Alco the speaker said Chet Mr. German kept hes Auooay school in an excellent shape which was a great eiedit to him. THr. BIBLE Dr. Emmerson in proposing the B. U N Club, touched on the Bible, .ay - 1111 hot it was the world's greatest book. it was • great educator and Me writer McAuley n•d sad. that the Book was toe which would preserve the Knglasb language alooe If ill other literature woo Lost. „Why .betild not all hwinees men study it more than they do. as it is the classic of all ages P' Ire asked. It is the poly beak which will be with you through life. Hush great reran as Hel- d CHARLES OARROW, LL.B., BAR ward Arnold had mid that it was the // HleTin, tutorial', solldtor, etc.. °ode• base of bis educa0u•4aod°he had learn - rich. Monty to lend at lowest rake". cd more trout it than form any 'ober 100 hooks. On elosing he exhorted the AUCTIONEER. ci..s to study it carefully and tbor- opRb l y r11HOVAS CFL\DRY The toast was responded to Mr. W. 11 AUCTIONEER H. Harrison. He explained T hat the - - club was • new one and Lb. Bret to he Box 67. oodericb. All IostracUo.s by sail .organised in the c000ection with th. inn .t +shin* uaLe marl be vr.aap.4r M- North atsateits tn•N. ended to hteads:we marabous 1111. memtieaa melba they cattle to the club. MEDIUMS, LOANS. ETC. TO W :AR BADGES )`r', PRIVATE FUNDS Itro I The speaker of .he evening was Mr. 1LeV,0uu loan. Apply to M. O. CAM- o. F. Uermao, art Luoduuard . 14. w, & BON. Menem Hammon street, °oderiett. `this was out a cisme for oratte ' but he would rather bee. s talk together. a leR. ROBERT8014. !regular dist.irioo a• it were. tie conteodd that it was not child's • INSURANCL AOSNT. play, it w .s • man job, the work of rine atm Lem:Nuw: British. C.w.el•a wad *holt the club bad set out to do, Americas. which was the same as Sunday school AowImarr Low 000 1►tersovwm' Wan.- moi k and the Laymen's M ter irks Cissa AnsY'•t and *1'arraWe 1y ,;mswstles, umel,.t leneem kais. movement, the work nt Cbr'ist. rumen' aim OOAllwiTs. orgasm/aeon U.» Speaking about orgasuion be 1'ds1iV woe tuuantwassisemid, "let the club be $ democracy. .t esideso sortsem menet a< von term ant st Lava's street.. noes 176. livery meulbrr should baee ■n equal right. • partnersbip interest." He .eked what they expected their president to be. A vote. from the crowd said • jewel. Anutbei said a jeweller. The speaker said. "be bard a Boe- tooite, wbo had travelled extensively, my that Goderieb was the finest town he had ever been in aid Mr. German hoped it would always be eu. The speaker advised loyalty of all the classes to the geseer•a .ebo.I. ee- pecialty in regard to finances end • general fund and tn.-muter. He would enigma UMW each mem- ber wear a beers w that .0ember • would know another member on the street. The four committee. a wog - gem ed by Mr. German emit*. eseetbrew. morels. oiods and rowdies. The club should he unlimited in the matter of extending 14 membersbip, he said. 'Budd up -your shunt ; try tiro ta Wag awr'rn.a uerm ea t1rNl.rnt,. beother Adam. geesia im -Tim take Mid e11slly.bays no appetite. droved other matters oat. Why da ins Innimg_Sesh er bare other 'moieties we do this f The lore of Christ cos - ear Maclwod'e st ninth us" were bar *amine ergo - gram Seeei'rNtpe ander our uaraa- meets. tsa be ttehMd ties pais. pal& If the UNCUT DIAMONDS IIM'rf daft inn give entire •staefaetios. le adds dlsesklan. baee' up alb nervous erase sad ideas both gnlet sod per- tt nista& ee.dta. Os. dollar a nettle. by lI scleod Medlein. C`S.. gtlarNk, 01. For mte by lit. K. ILA cKILi OP MUTUAL 9111.1 IN AIL d U R A tlPIC property �1 C 0. -Vara and hoisted m�ce�r ally.J.B. McLean. Pres.. BW.lorth P.O.: Th°Merge a; aws 1. 1175, Mies -11e.a. 0.01 Kk P. (1. lllreosses-Ill rIltOrera• deatortJ .hs ;JJohn W=' Rips. do5. hm1.re.: ; Jobs Watt. Hartooa ; lfaloolar rhes. J. W. sew 6.10.sv 1M; it. Enke. •. iso k - wwlam Chesney. tiraforth ; 1.. bessteoart. 1•olkey-asdsn .aa p&r aJ. ter s Clothier storacuatoe.tsar are. .pit 11 t,91t'a (harsh, atlairwen strew lin esie0. MARRIAGE LICENSES WALT1tR B. BBLLY, J. P.. 4101.RSICII ONT. MIL=S or MASRIAOL IJCINslat Med Q- uick and Permanent Strength wilds•" Oita- MIR LOCAL AGENCY an ,ss rM mitre Degrza /tam aw..4 ter �� M=Iiy.ibswase Wrs will be Brophey Bros. GODsliIOH 1'bs Puma' Ilksdws sad emaslalers Orden .aset.11y •hands& t• .s alt kstww Bl b) IN -. •'rho initials of the elms "D.D.S.' was the French word for good." raid Mr. A. M. Hoberuos la 'Our Unmet Diamonds and the club would tura cat that way. Be was sot an expert ea d{smoab, abs worthy rsesad.at we. that, sad the swain was sled t i1 Med ese11 as easiest pswMlea ea Mr. Haeei.ou. Dlaarsads were of good newel& wad be hope& all tie ambers weeld likewise W of good '_titan' sea v.d4 be WayPtrlMhadsesselailas t tewelves watt We elot. As • die• mead was hark be weal& Nae Siebert t Imre • bad 110 rii� oto s will d eta+d� V • dl•rew� was *4.nt, ••��11 the rmab.se ebuY dame by 111. siO4l of the Mani., hswe�eaa�ttttaab+. spa feta 111. .b Hesse lee Weenie lash :emitted ataess.d se Mr. A. II. S. 11. did get want all 10 andksd with spas "alas dem, se be cur ism immegips Ws lot telt that canna tt'1tT be sM jowly ..d the truth b Is. waw M pgs UM aste slab Mk semi& M awe ShiewesS *alssevesoi slay ea► etllaa a$7a drat M would ett.n like to mix more closely with Me WOMAN COULD people. "There was an objection." he said, 'in being a preacher, as you al- ways bad to be dressed up." Many tires be had wished to be able to 1•y Reds the pasopber•aUa el a pineaseor and awoziate more closely with Isla fellnwa•eo. But as • praebrr he h.d l tiled to do this. Coming back to the subject of dia- mond., Yr. Hagar, as an aflust, atine pointed to ancient !Sparta where, stead of brick and stone turtificaut , every soldier in t be army, Io feet every man In the city, was .. brick in thde • ranee of the city. He referred to the wall -known say- ing, ••vox populi, vox Del-Tbe voice of the people is the voice of God, and mild Chet in many cases. Chi. voice was from uoout diamonds, which should be heard, and es diatnood cuts diamood they should be found •od polished. "1 pray that these tt ay lee tuunJ and one way to find them is to put pres- sure on them. Take up the diflcultier and do your beet in the Interest of the data, "tris declared. He sxpresued pet- sooa,I thanks to the officers of the club for tusking dirt an honorary member and the other honors bestowed on biro. He said, that the North street wss one of the fouodatinus of the London Conference and it but sent to Heaven softie of the finest wen of Huron musty. The la.t toast to the ladlee was ably proposed by Mr. James McClinton, jr., who remarked tbat wen were the highest of the animal kingdom and women Sero nos di.puUng if they were not the greatest. Momentarily aaicarne like 'hie, men might acknow- lbat wotueu were 'tow the great- est, al they had written,' ills "good things'. 01 ,the evening to repletrah the "inner man." In responding, Mr. L. E. Doherty in a jocular manner referred to the ei- oqu,n.e of Mr. McClinton and wanted to know whet be kuew about lad's. He thought the l•,t "peaky'. was "eth- er ton juvenile and older rnen would be 'more competent its regard to this mat- ter The chairman moved Mr. 4ierman a cote ter thanks. The club song fo'lowed by the bene- diction prosoiii ced by. Itev. air. Hwg.r, closed a pleasant 'peening. 'Ibe oaicer'rur the club sre. Honor- ary president, Rev. W. K. 1i.d'-r pevsident, W. It. Harrison : vice -prep - 'dent, E. F. Pridbam : mectetsry. J. McClinton ; trrasurrr, L. G. Young ; leader J:11. Att.m. ; s..istaut lead- er. L i) betty. Look For This Girl When you ask for Seeeine wee that this girl's picture ia on the label. This is a guarantee of quality and excel- lence. 8ageine is 100 world's foremost h air tonic. Segeine is ser good we guarantee every bottle and if you are not .atis1ed that Sagreine is the best e ceI cleaner, dandruff eradicator and hair beautifier you have ever need, we will refund your money as cheerfully as we tak. it. F. J. !Rutland is sole agent in Goderich. Ont.. for Sageine so ire sure to go to F. J. Butlaud's drug store, otber stores dont have it -only Mc. • large bottle. Dont fo.•g.t the n ame. IS WELL KNOWN From The Blyth Standard The many friends here of Mr. A. E. Brad win, editor of the Ooderich Sig- nal, will be sorry to hear that he baa been serioa.ly iii for some time and confined to fled for over • week, but we are glad 1.a report that be is now showing a slight improvement. and his physicians think be ie out of dao - Mr. Rradwin published tbat paper for 12 years. HAVE YOU CATARRH? h n$"1 broothing imps ift ill Owen year throat rt holly or ter themIdarlsr � monk from nm proves dad down and � and useavaYorupe heals Eseveleistriis nn�o Awl s h int mil finisaval is bleed` all untidiest and as. awl assist nature Iq Whmovastioa sad searnhranea •1-S. eeee+ei, e et t 'e Smel win raise your standard of health to c o r r e c t cann& wad inhale mistare• fo NOT WAIK 3h. Was So ID -Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Puatwatsr, Mich. - "A year ago 1 wets very weak and ties doctor said 1 had a serious displace- ment. I bad back- ache. sod bearing down pains so bad that I could not sit In a chair or walk across the Boor and 1 was In severe pain all the time. I felt discouraged as I had taken everything 1 could think of and was no better. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg• *table Compound and now I am strong and healthy." -Mn. ALICE DArtl.nna, K F. D, No. 2, Bog 77,Pentwatrr, Mich. IteadWhatAnotherWoniinsays: Peoria, Ill--" I had such backaches that I could hardly stand on my fat. I would feel like crying out Iota of times. and had such a heavy feeling in my right side. I hod such terrible dull headaches every day and they would make me feel so drowsy and sleepy all the time, yet I could not sleep at night. "After I had taken Lydia E. P1nkham's Vegetable Compound a week I began to improve. My backache was less and that heavy feeling in my side went away. I continued to take the Com- pound and am cured. You may ptlhiirh this if you wish.'• -Miss CL.ARA L GAuwITr, R.R. No. 4, Box 62, Peoria, I11 Ruch letters prove the valve of Lydia Iw Ptnkham's 'Vegetable Compound for woman's ills. Why don't you try it? GREAT CROPS THIS YEAR Weather Prophet Predicts Big Growth in 1914 According to s weather prtgnosti- ratur, the foliowing sr.- the datea1 about which will occur the principal cool, cold or very cold Mello of weather' due alter the middle of Jnnnaty, and this list of cool and cold spell. should result in almost a 'mime' average of! temps." ►ture and rainfall. There steroid he abnormally w.r n and dry weather from impiety 15 to April 13, hut, tortunr.ely, the planetary and lunar conjunctions occurring every few days Throughout the season will be rtdegnate to counteract the warn' and dry effects and cause normal weethe' as The rude until April 1. Among the cool nr cold spell. tine, except when counteracted, will be those shout: Jan. 10 or 17, 21. ll, 20 and 27. Fell. 1, 8, 14, 20. Li. 25 and 27. Marr•h 1, 5, 7. x, 9, 12 snit 2x. April 2, 4, 10, 24. 27 and 20. The cool .poli. in May a ill cause backward tasting weather. About May 3, 13, 17 or 18 f, nit and early vegetanles may he injured in &011ie localities by low temperature changes. June and July. cooler than the average. Aug 14 to Sept. 13 very hot. Sept. 20 to Nov. 8, mnderettely cool. Novsmher 7 to end of the year will average moderate for that time of the yes r. Agricultural growth during the year 1914 will he enormous. 11 will be one of the largest crop producing years on record. There is no better Wiest for keep- ing the mind steady on its keel than business. -Lowell. Hope always strergthens to'the per- t fosmanee of duty, gives courrtg.e, and clears the judgment. -U. Maci)onald. No set of happerings In any land whatever, in Bible days or since, can claim more truly to he linrl's Providen- tail orderings and opportunities than ran the events of our own day. -The Archbishop of Canterbury. 1 sisa.- flcCal l's Patterns Annelle • D r j`'1 I LLAR u SON Perrin (Moves fnnua1 dale 'low 9roeeeding genuine Seductions in sefll 5epartrnents Voiertmeta Best Tweed Values we ever offered Ten pieces of Tweeds collected together, regular values up to $I.25 per yard, to clear at per yard Special sale price on black Dress Goods. Sweater Coats Too Many Sweater Coats on hand, many lines are to be cleared out at cost price. Come and get a real good Sweater Bargain. 49c Children's Serge Dresses Only 18 Children's Serge Dresses, all this season's, to fit ages from 5 to IS years, to clear at cost price. Children's Bearskin Coats Special value in Children's Bearskin Coats in white sail colors, from each $2.00 Children's Headwear Bargains in childr;nes Hear jeatr. Curtain Materials and Lace Curtains Special bargains in odd pieces of Curtain Nets, Muslins, etc., and all odd Curtains to be cleared to make room for the new goods now coming to hand. Furs at Bargain Prices Our entire stock of Furs to be cleared at less than 20 per cent off our regular keen prices. McCall Patterns and Publications for February rbs" 56 Millar's Scotch Store r1"° 56 MAFEKINO NEWS OF THE WEBB.-The school concert which was held in the school house last Monday evening was a great success. Dr. Blakeand family, who have been visitiug at the former's bone herr. have gone to visit friends' at Tr3w- bridge for a week or two. Miss MinnieSaunders, of Wingham, is visiting her sister here et present. Ne* Year's Day was well obsetved here by family gathering*. Mis.. Ahura Alton, of Lticknow, visit ed friends here hist week. Mr. Wee. Jackoon, of Clinton, visit- ed his friend Mr. Cannon :bothers last week for a few days. Mr. Jas. Culbert. -filled and shipped * carload of oats from Lucknow last week. He and his men returned to Oil Springs, where he was pressing hay in the tor.pert of the winter. Quite a number of the young people around here took a surprise party to the house of Mr. Wm. Henry on Fri- day evening. Meme.. J. C. and Cannon :Withers have returned to their work at Toron- to and Wingbam respectively. Mr. iseae Cranston ham been cut, ine wood with)bis gasoline engine in this vicinity. He is an optimist who can believe in the coming of the hest while looking at the worst. -Dr. Jowett. We have jus-. enougb religion to make us linty. but not enough to wake twineo one another. -Dean Swift. - The W. C. T. C. will hold a rOyer medal contest on the evening of Fano- as y 28th, Keen the date. - Mr. Rurwaeli Fox, of the Union Bank staff, Dunville, spent New year's Day at his honse In Town. CZEMA CAN BE CURED I WIII Prove It to You Free Tea v10.5 wargram Cls smarm et Ilsesmw 1'504 flats Rhee et tabor .kfa rrueeswhew dare are nrbmaws. cubes MOM erre wads= Neo bs�Iseelaas tedgmt. kende, paler. Maamsao eon • whist s seah. tar. hgallre *Mtmm$ Masa ma mese kssdteps, wbfw I Win* will etre Jos [ will seed t$ urea add �td w m' Memnon $, rrwrit* t a, ivmtag $. eM ea! sadism year port. ell $ks amp= below I will sand the Wealamt tree of east to yea .. m m •m a7 • m m SWIM NM m • wow AMD mag. Te Dave era_ m Mb y .m In OM In away mss • I. C. ettrtifilt. Drona4N, ono Wert Mats at. rest Wash., Ica. Y. a. A. Mews send "Jihad cost or obligation to me your Pres Prost Treatment. £e: emend LR Name �.._ ._.... Post Olac..___�«............. _....�..._.____......_. ?roWnee '^_...»----Street and No w_ _-�-. i GRAD- OPENING&RE 111110111a We have leased the well-known stand formerly occupied by John Butler in the same block two doors west. Our new store will be opened on Saturday, January 3rd, 19'4. We want you to attend this sale. This sale will be one of the biggest we ever had. We could not mention our prices, but we assure you you will save dollars. Buy your winter outfittings at this sale. Come one, come all. Tell your friends about this sale. Wishing Everybody a Happy New Year M. ROBINS Clothier and Gents' Furnisher OPEN EVENINGS Godelrich