HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-8, Page 2oeiteeneeesireeteeraeweeeeteisetanerarMarantiner FARM MACHINERY Robert. Wil.on, Massey -Harris Agent, hag a full line of Varum Machinery always on hand. We have we thi•'k s cheapest and best Gasoline Engines on the Market. Aldo iso -are beautiful Steel Ranges from Tudboor and And- erson of Clillia- Just•the thing for • Harmer'. hitch. n. ♦N a have in stork ('otters !tome Blankets Pumps Cream Separators Milking Machines Itriviog Hatless And one bonder 1 and one other things. Come in and see s at the Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Suers 1 1 1 1 1 • • • Elm a T■USADAY, JAs. S. 1814. TAKE MYADVICE Don't waste time o. Inferi- or salves because they're • few costs cheaper. I have proved Zam-Bok best for Eczema, Pile*. Skin Diseases, and InJurles. As a mother, you owe It to your family to use the best. that's Zam-Duk 1 50s le. AI "Jsm/r sir/ Jiwes ' T R Y AM -BU K Nitrate Laxatives are especially good for children because they are peasant to take. gentle in action, do not irritate the bowels nor develop a need for continual or harrowed doses. 25c. • box, at your Druggist's. Neti•oal Drys end Chewiest Ca. .f C....4*. Limited. 177 ■ • • • • ■a ■ _ e ��`• :''ems_ liaelliP4111 "Iv gm I woo j of It R ROOD PLUMBING IS NOT A LUXURY It ie an a'w'luie neee'lty, if you wnn41 can t' take the full enjoyment of living. We can inst*ll every plumb- ing need, or collect tuulty plumbing Our workmen sr.. very proficient and will rate., vont very Illlie incon- vsnlsore in Ili air work. l;bouI4 yogi bave any plumbing 1 be doe.1iou will save time an tmonoy attending to 1: at Doer FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET GODERICH PHONE lis HAVE YOU Waleroe etrioy*lh. ase amvd a hese asset►. tee N ye. r r o sa•ntl.• week the roaf Ares• e• and weer.. sem. ete brm•t W •a ., the Out In _-sae laskssr.- Puy weekly. free outfit. ..sledlva nrvrr. AVM NO MARA �er.� twbMsbed ever sbd Sat fat ase maim earn, r les se amereses. Gem It es*vwry fake* ssniten. tY ]u. 111-hsea=es mime'. aratillisionat A. K. BRADWIN Burros as. wstaa..a Tera BSI SAL te peenebed evert Monday Wirt ayriwUbrOpeeaLnrWRnsaali satfaWNu oi. tawtc, �� tNwt,urree Tats nee eind Fifty Coate per year : If paid strictly V adman' 0*. (Dollar will be accepted : to •ebsertbsn in the l'elted Stela. ibe rate le Otte Dollar sad fifty Clete etneUy le *drone& $.brr4be.e who fall to moire Tam alua•L neelarly W ma l will flouter • fever by ahoyualetlea Hb. publb* .r of the foot st a. earl • Maters possible. Whoa • change of •ddrem is desired, both old and the ter address .boald be Aron. IllowIttance• may be mode Oy bank daft. express moiler order. omit -aloe order. or rerieter.d letter. Subw:ript lona star comment* at any time. A1rgMT..INu lickmsa.- starer for dIsplay ted c.)otrant .d venb.ement• will be given tea appll- cation. Leas) and other stroller advert laments. too tent• per lire for ant Insertion and four toot01 par line for each subsequent Insertion. hte•.orrd by • scale or solid nonpareil r twelve line.. to ao 1'.011. Itu.lno.• card. of tax Ileea and under. Five Ip.11rr. per year. Advertise- ment. of tort. 1' .d. Strayed, Sauari's. Vgenut,*•tuatHou. Wanted, Houses for Saes or in Kenn. Yarm. for Selo Or to Kest. Artlda. ter N .l., ate.- mot exceeding eight nee.. 7' west )•- eve(' -.1- each In artier. : On. Dollar for and month. r•Iny lent. fur earls .ub.eournt mM1k Larger adv rrtl„ment. i.. proportion. An- nnunoement. 1n ordinary reading tr.., lrn Cent,' per line. No notice 1. ea then Twenty - live Cent.. Any +lreclal no. lee. the object of which I.. for pw-un1..y benefit of •ny h_ottivid oal or weer i .i ion, t A be arn.Wrrea-•es advt., tlemnent and charred *o uMlneiy. o*ubiaw.auaN14.-Th. n.-.peration of one ..eb..•rlter- *1.1 reader. 1- runlirlly Invit- ed toward. making Illy rlu'AL a r eeklyy recons of .11 lomat. county anti d..t net Mohr(.. No eduu tum.laatIon will be it' tended to uul-e.. it no.- Uri.. amtwin. the neon. end a tore.. of the writer, lit Imre eerily rude.blicie to .buy s• a. •ti Deco of e".4 f -.ii h. Nee- Ii..n,. .houl4 reach 111* S10NA1. .*n.'. .01 later than Wrdn,wday noxa of ra-h rack. TUI RSDAY. JANUARY watt, 1914 THE NEW COUNCIL The new cotin.•il has been rhoe n for the year of 11114 with its attendant art prises. 1 t was felt tient mole of the ..Id cuu.,t rl w.nld have been elert- e4 to rep.rerut the (tried this yru-, but tvi' h the exeep .1 two c cil- lott. is teew et/quell wits elecse4,eluteat,,. The IVayor and Deputy 1t.evo :were elemed:My,aeaDseuation 11 abort titue ago. The council in now mo:e (1.ee1)0- polit an than it wan last year and etn- breere a satiety of occupations. It ben now • builder, an apply merchant, a vete' inery.uigeti. a lewye. , a drug - gib!, a shoe merchant, a stationery engineer and two ietitrd tat mete. There are seven Conservative and tw•o Libels! trtetnlaena. There k al.0 a diversity in religion. Too Angli- cans,. two P.eebyteli*ns ■std five Methodists c prier the town fa(bet r. Thr' e - a v.e-istloeu in aye, rang;ng from Mr. i'ruudfont, the y ge.tin Om council tut • nun,l*•r of lents, to Mr. J. C. L*itl.- waite, who is pa.t .ixty yru)•e and has served the town f .r severe! yeste past. It is ap ..trent that the electorate feel alar in having a number of uien as rrpta'sentntives, cho.en from the varied walk. of life, instead of men whore business is the N*W('. If the town cutin. it had a phy.iei,ut anti a clergy - num it w•_told Lie c pletrt, 1 hate 1. a Int of trod wt rk for the new ('0nne11 to dor hi. yenr, end with- out sill Iefirrliln, on the old council, le thought that it will Ire capable to row with its lllffE:nitie. and we wi.h it *ll surcee. moil hope that each individual member will do all in his power in the IN'.t lot et rats of 1betown. Of lhi., we feel aanured. THE GAD IS READY That sober Conservative organ The Montreal Oazetle recently remarked flint. a• pa) liiweut is not to aeselnble till January Lith, the Government will Ire rather at the mercy of the oppovo (ion in the matter of getting money to carry on the national services. Appal - ently The Montreal Gnzette forgets that Premier Borden has prepared fot exactly such a position of •traits hy the adoption of the closnre last session The Gazette is probably Conservative reough not to prove the wholesome test• of the gag. especially in ieget d lu national finances. Evety Tory organ, however, during the past few days has gleefully announced that Mr. Bordet intends to nee the gag throughout the conning session and plans to put Lhrc.ugh his $2'4),I)Jt.000 of estimates and such other pal liawentary business as he antic bare within four or four and one-half months by chok- ing off the Opposition every time they want to know tool. much. To get sane (yoasatvaIMws la. now lae0araxJ 10 ppp to for Liberal party, - THE DANCE It reftainly must he thought trimness on the pact of local young men and women who will persist in dancing the "tangoand other up-to-date dances, when the court of Canticle -Rid- eau Hall has put a Ivan on them. We are sure that there is no iotentioe oa the part of may of the youug people of Goderich to tresegress the rules of etiquette, lest anything which is not in .ecordanee with the more of the land le simply a breach'ofetiquette. Hae not the court always been the leader of faahion and function:' Have not the queens of England always bora foremost in the van of moiety } Why not then bend to their wishes still, u set up hy their deputies here 1• C.n- ada, Ploy many years pest some mieletei•s al the Gospel have been very much op- posed to dawdles. Why 1 1d It cwt because of the Issmodeet step. of come dances f thirsty In Ate nod-(Jmee lanes. the waltz, the tw.atep and the Ian - THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTA Rl O core, there can be ao harm. Fin.. Ring David, the psalmist, said, to praise the Lord is the desire. He eon- .ldered It a fortes of inervynraking and saw no harm In It, but be had not sego the "tango. - We may argue to ourselves, clot there Is no herrn In this or that. but leaders of spiritual thought have told w that there is barns in toe» "new- fangled" denote and those wen who have unrde • life study of their work ought to kuow. Then as to custom. The argu- ment Is advanced that if it is denced in other places why shculd it not be danced here. We can safely say that we know fcr an absolute fart that it is not danced in public in the Capital for one place. Noshes are posited up stating that the "tango - and other such dances will not he permitted end the people es a whole are not anziuus for it. In one of the clubs recently, an sctrees danced the "tango" for a little while, with the result that if she had not stopped when she died. the officers were about to ask her to desist. There was also a feeling of md.gnatiou a gat the dancers while her •'prr- fortuance" wad going on. RESOLUTIONS The r.Id ye ass o1 1913 has gone for- ever a"d we have passed ..not her W.I.- tone in our live* and are one arra nearer the gInve and eternity. The New Ye 41'. t -...lotions bac, all been to .11., esti. alas. perhnp- POMP lerok-n. The old would .winga not es ever be- fore, bowing to the rich and p:wet- 1..1 and making outcasts of the poor att.! needy. The Nears an by nod 'the book of time turns its images slowly, gently and quietl-. As tbe.e pag-. 'or watered. shod rairned, Seeh iset••rtn has a part, be 11 ever rte email, in fill in Owen. A. ..fora in a piav, each in dividrul has In. ,.r h -r pert G. do and the cti'$'i'1, 4.. is i! (wing done a was 'mended it should let -done :' The biota and •teiw. -(.r they will crueP in ---re nir.tr quickly noticed than the Ott -night lige.. figures or words on the white shirt of time. When once the impression is made. it can never be erased. We maty have done ell we can to change it. even go to the 111.11 honer, but they will he there j i.t the arnse. Tike the laws of the Medea and Pet shins, it allr,v out. At the pre-rnl time, it is Hurst ap- parent that the people tole and the crown heads,, -wit ho,tt any disparage. mens of r'rAlty,-*r• b -coming tet ere and more. figure hauls evei yday. Pow- er is vested in the people nod the voter -who i. n putt of that power in all coke., ..buil tar car, fol to use his vote not for hi* own per.ou- *1 interest, lint for the good of hi• country and the betterment of man- kind. it is aduty be owes to hie kinf, nod his (end The knight of the chivalric ag-r h*d inst•. ibed upon his shield. -Dieu et 'mon droit ---God and my tight." This is still the loyal British (to and every voirr At ell times ought to remember that. he.bnuld use the line tional motto as en individual one. and antely this would be one of the beet resolutions one could nleke, if it wan not made in • pie crust mantle,. MALPRAGTISE The practise of chewing gun. on the street is toad enough but when it is done in chntrhes and courts of jnatice, it is simply revolting. Soave people rave about the disgusting habit of to- bacco chewing, and it is certainly at filthy habit. and while. of course, gum is cleaner, it is not ladylike or like gentlemen for girisand bays to he par- ading the •tree;. with a "wad" of gum in their mouth We are glad, however, and ministers aril judger t likewi•r be, that one do*'s not lee very much in churches and courts, but it beg been done in both places Even witnesses being ex- amined have been tolling tbeir mas- sive tongue around a wed like a cow chewing her rod. labile the counsel was eudeavo, Ing to extract their evid- encar. k is time this practise was put a stop to in public places Goldsmith said. "the loud laugh which spoke the irw.tsel.d," WPM, wnuld say. oho wide mouth which told the lack of brains. Their. ran M. no harm in chewing g in the proper place and physi- cians have saki, that it is en aid to d'. geation, but if people want to chew, then let thews do it in their homes and not on the street or Io public places. KHOCKENS Unfortunately in every town there are a lot of "knockers," and 1 heir bud - mew is, re their name suggest•, to he - little everybody and everything but theatreivea. Rurh a class of people are always blocking every pros/rowdy, movement, be it national, provincial or civic. They are detrimental to growth and are • menace to any town or oily 1n which they reside. These pessimistie calamity howlers are always looking o. tete Work sides of Mises sad If eebe.aos for ride or other (mgwywaent do sot wire oat sueat.af el. thane growled tomo bock aid say. "These, I told you so, and why dlda't yes tate soy advice." le reality they didn't give bay. 1. • F word. there V only one fit pine for trim Thou such people mid Hirst place had better Dot he mentioned. John W. 8ldllen a[ Sidney, OMor Has Found a Remedy. imports declare that the reason r%�J alsesssl dlasedses ata to moms Ile ABirds -Eyre View sols country la dere to booty and earn. lb TM HA WR less habits of ostler. Stoma& troubles and rue -down conditions usually go toolbar. It may he all right to license milk dealer., burs The Hawk, while he knows that in souse calla Itemises are absolutely necessary, he had ■)ways been opposed to restrletiug trade any more than can possibly ire helped. Of souse, In big cities it is ulnae neces- sary to empties licensee to enable the authorities to keep tab on the differ- ent vendor.. ileey, it id not needed, he thinks. • • • "The prac'let of writing the New Veer on the store windows may be all right," affirm. The Hawk. but when per-onatties are gone into, hr declare., chat the praeti.e *humid ter stopped. On Thursoay last there was an inscrip- tion on a 1.'4'41 window which WAS imbeeoening and it irtlrored more •h .me on the writer. than the p.usons written *bout. • • • The Hawk wits just about to con- gratulate a local law yer no hie eleva- tion to the INrrnet•'Iry but just n• be war about 10 do f', he discovered "that some one had Wondered." It Ie in he hoped that the time wall c..tua when Hi+Maj-sty will upp.mime Ile trite value of the wen 01 Huron county. • • • The nutnIeting of the honees i• a g-txl schetur and ole which should c mend itself to the new council this year and The Hawk hopes the council "eat not lass .low im leaving the wetter attwrud,d W at once. • • • The other day The Hawk met the ;row, who had Doren fl.bing on the ►.auks of the alart1.nil river. "Don't you think fishing i+ it cruel sport," he staid. The clow : 'tittie!? Well I Ciretdd s.ty .o, I've eat there for three drys rand have not tool a bite. I've been eaten up by guava and stung by two wasps. not my pocket book and my knife in the river, and the bull had lakeu the sku, off wy I.acL. Weil 1 guars..' • • The Ilawk can put on his religious (ace uoce in it while, wi quite recently he rill 10 address r. Suudav school. But alar, he was unprepared. Think- ing he would be funny tie asked this norm Luta ••N• 6*t would you tIU)*'fcr' en ninny blight ho)• *ted gull-, wteu exorcted a speech fru ul loo, tel you bad muthing to say r' •'I'd keep quirt," wild infantile pro.. - .utility. • • • The other day '11te Hawk went as a prob.bld Porteous •, , to rxnmine some properly un the tslltks of the Maitland. Afraid that it would oyes flow 11.41 i.00ks, tic4Jing 1 he proper ty, he queried the agent in Irgatd W Diu. mulatto. "We;." he replied, "rt isn't oneof those sickly.treaua that ate always confined to their bud.." • • • ' Dwesu't lout it aerie. to sing at the county jail any trove," asked the Ilawk to a lo.r1 .ong.ter. ''No,'' he **i.i, ••several of the to -isom- ers ul.jrt:Lo d ou the gruuud Omit it we* not uecludrd in their arntrnees. FOUND QUICK RELIEF Dodds Kidney Pills Quickly Cured Hr. Yarchbank's Kidney Disease Marchbank. King's Co., N. B.. Jan. :ith.--(`Ipecial)-Aft ersuffering forfl.e year's from kidoey disease, brought on by • strain, Hudson Marchleank, Esq., the wast -knows farmer of Our pplace, is agalu • stroor, healthy man. ID an luterview, Al.. Matchbook pays: About five years ego I hurt my ieck from lifting. and it developed into kidney discs... My bock pained me all the time. and I war very lunch troubled with leadauhen. i had a hit- ter trete In my mouth in the rout n- ines : 1 perspired freely, end my per• rpiration had a die*grreable odor. As threw mese utbetr symptosis that.tmy kidneys we,... •Rrrted I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pith'. After using two boxy., my black was. eompletely culled and my kidneys bare not troubled me •ince." CONTRACT LET Local Man Will Badd Extensive Break- water at Ki.ttrdine. Ottawa, Jan. :t -The cabinet at its council meeting yesterday let the contract for A hreattwrler at Klo- ca•dlne, to William Birmingham for $131,II4Y. The refitted was also let for • wharf end woos Meuse at Richard's LAOdiny, Rf. Jnse b Deland, Ont., to Job,. 0' Boyle R Co., for 1111.7111. rr 4/10W Umar, (-Tr OW' Totgm 1 w. fru Cocn rr i hent Viewer oleo est a that be Is meter pan ser sir he Arm J. Caesar t Oa etwag Moine...rtheCr.yelide (le.eeye.w�male defeweld.ea•ld that .M erre de pis the nem of ONL `UIQMILD DOLLARS Ate eat. and event ear .it hi welt •hariease M seri b theses,/ Ns E. J. CRsrtsr iimeomimeo la belle me see erllay d w.'WeebhyefpsmwAptYeOlsetsae.a ilZami a�11.0'. coved' TabNsf. /saw. 1 r~ %.•11111 e; r aim Q Jobs W. Skillea of Sidney. Ohba. says: "I had a bad stomach tamable for years. and became so weak that 1 could hardly walk or do any wort. My appetite was poor, and It seemed Impossible to tit any roast. SUMO taking 'Thiel' 1 And a remarkable im- provement In my health, my digestion L much stronger, and 1 have gained In weight 1 would not be without VlnoL" Vino) makes weak stomachs strong because It strengthens and tones up the weakened, tired and overtaxed serves of the digestive organs. Vino) Is easily assimilated by the weakest stomachs, and Is delicious to the taste. Try a bottle of Vlnol with the un- derstanding that your money w111 1e returned If it does not kelp you. H. ('. Dunlop, Druggist, ti'd.rich. Ont. More Teachers The following is a list of the nlctere- ful candidate« who attended model .chool from local distriet' and ale now yuelitied teachers :-Miss Nota M. Blake, Clinton: Mir+ Floosie 1. Ilrowu, Loade.b or•; Mr. Kwart D. Cawrrun, Lucknow; %I,. Harold It. Cantelon, Ctin4.r.; Mr. Albeit F. ;Cooper, Clinton: Mira Annie C. Currie, Ripley; Mire Una C. Martin, Tees- W.ter; Mi.* Matilda M. Miller, Dash- wood; Li•* Nettie G. M. ff.tt, Tees - water: lir. Aibt'n .A. Mot Fitton, Hanover; Lime Annie 1NcDonal•t, Rip- ley; Mi... Annie McConnell. Londea- buso; Min Christina 1•. McKenzie, Dungannon; Mr. Lorne 8. Powell, Tee.wster; Mites Elisabeth L. Forret, It,lintun; Mr. Hruder.un W. Foeert, Clinton; Mr. Chao. A. L'ow'er, Wing - haw; Mfrs Lima M. Griffin, Kittail; I Luse. Gertrude M: Kidney, Ripley. Agriculture in Schools Schools' intending to take hp the seedy of agriculture and school gar- s druing should rend outi.e of their if in - Ilion not later than January 151 lention to the Department of Educe- , to the Department of Educe- e - e, the full grant is to 1e earned. in no • case can notirr be *accepted las sir thin, April lMh. The form to be used for th.. i4 to be found at the hark of the 1014 reel/Orr. About 150 schools in the province are exp meted to hake up the study of agriculture Oda year ; the increase is not rapid, but the growth has keen healthy. It is ex- pected that A number of schools in Huron will become interested In the course which the Education Depart- meilt is doing so much to encoursge, MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM \lu•eular tlteumatism exist. in two fel•ne.: acute and ,hrenie. In •cute enlar rhenru*tia.0 there is fir -4 rufirel it duel !kilt in the eel -es which eredually inrr+ssn, Thin pain ,.fn n slots' fr••m I*,r )'ua•cle to an- .vhrr, end the working of. these mus- . lea makes the pain vet severe. Mur- cul'r rhrntnalirUI is a blood disense end should not Ire n-glected. A prop- er tretusent should hewn with the flet syu)p'onee. Rh -u iso recom- mended by the foremost people every- where hecause it driver an uric acid poisons frown the blood and enriches it so that the 'retrial become.' healthy and free from the tortures of rheum... tint. Geta bottle of Rheuuro toady end rid 1 i' li melt of rl'rnul.l him. Sold in (Ind.-tich only at F. ,J. Butland's (bug *torr. - 1 ............... If you have $ 100 • clue or mere is ds. sw-ore• Beni at 3 per cost. a pr.eticaMy idleit is sone ye aware eheefi�sat risme tiaitk.•ery 1 so.areee. ofsere7, 7pw emery will earn w goad iemma it you Muer it .n dm aro f1sain.se Ymtese•Corporation• per Cent. Dcbtures now rah sheelrasb. •..n. Toy i*aerer r 1 Wit teas.. oespette none ahed' i• 1.0.01.. •err• st wiirner .,lttri • s ail. wp� od' .0 Capital . $2,000,000,00 n �_ $ mese rellobis eerie. re - A free e..tp(• rnitdd• t'm t.. y l 1 1'1 1 1 11+411111/04 1t [APT..AOfTe. W. L HORTON, Goderich Reddest Director •T7: to. GPANUJT> UN i`e y M, Time Table Changes A general change of time will he made Jentrary lib. 1Y14. Time Tables coetaluing full particulars tear be had on applieatioe wtirand Trunk Agents. Lew Yates to California, Merida mol the stlnry Berth sow Is eteet. The Grand Trak Railway Is the meet &re.t dads from all ppoot1ata Feet themes* One. - oda vi. Chimers. Detroit sir Natal..' I5 wilo'..lsss *1 Oa me sir tiwe C. it 1.ORXI S. A►.A_, !. I. I.aw>Ra cu a golfs, 1b.. AMNIA W. ACHESON & SON JANUARY SALE OF FURS OUR stock of Ladies' furs of all styles is exceptionally large and we have decided to take a quick loss and this week have remarked several hundred pieces to prices that will appeal to every prospective buyer. Grey Wof Sets, $o-oo Large Urey Wolf Pltkt.v Nulls (bolster style) with Satin lined Stole or Cape tc. tuatch, beauti- fully finished sad with large tails trimmed. Regular price $t2 00 sec, fur............. Woo Japan Mink Muffs Pillow shape, b.o seh'ct Japan sod China Mink skins, dark sad very full. Regular $0.i*) ea. t. •e1 s4.tiUs Ladies' Muskrat Coats Select imitated skin. and Coat full Irugtb or f length. lining of Iru+raoteed satin. N.. Itandromer Fur ('oar of mu.k- rat on the market. 0,w revels. pi ice $80.O0, Special •5s.00 Sale of Remnants Kurds of Drees (ioodp, Prints, ' Suiting., all end. of from 5 to 6 yards, suarkai at dealing weer. ' One Iagie tableful marked in pl+in figured at about half price iII or less. if Northern Sabe Muffs Holster style Mafia. largo and beautifully actin lined, skins of No. 1 quality. Regular 118.00 and WOO for Black Coney Fox Stoles l.erge rise black Wales, splen- did stylar and in appearance *l- innet equal to our hest black Fox. Regular 1110.00. Special male.... ..................... *SAO Ladies' Clpth Coats Unreserved cleating sale of roomy baad.ome style., some silk lined. Clearing at �eo0 sod NrOO Men's Wool Lined Kid Gloves All cleariug. Regular SI On for ............ .715 Men's Fur Coats Hoek No.- 1 Obfisa ,ping with 2 . Lamb collar.. Canadian (ken. Onat.. 75.00 Tlakaaria. Iamb coat, 5 • W. ACHESON & SON Adam could truly sing there's only one girl for me. Thousands can truly join in the chorus and sing, there is only one shoe for me. And that is the HARTT. SOLD BY J. N. McClinton WE REPORT A larger and better Christmas trade than last year. Considering the conditions of trade in general, we are very much pleased. Weanticipate larger and better trade through- out 1914. We thank you for the past year's business. We believe we can give you better value and better service than ever before. We have just completed twenty years studying your hardware requirements. Surely it is to your advantage to deal with us. We buy in the largest and best markets. We start the New Year by a monster Granite - ware and Cutlery Sale. - . GRANITMA,RE By Aeance we got wind 01 a tut of (iranitewasw that was to he sold because of hay- ing got wet in stripping. which w. bought at our owe price. Now we all know that graoltsw•re Is not damaged by ones getting wet_ Watch our windows foe we will fill theist es anon as it an Ives. CUTLERY We placed a large Import order to arrive spot later than Noy loth., but it ie not bete* ygt. To snake room for it we will pet on * male for at leapt ten day.. All our Cutlery at a diecottnt en that for 403 yon can have MIs worth, err for 80c. SIAM worth,or le short S0 per reel. off all lines of Cutlery asd'iti.erwase. We Wish Alla Happy and Prosperous New Year The Dowell 'ulnare Co., Limited The Brat ileo. to Baty sLedtrare