HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-8, Page 1CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR yon pot doge � advertising dollar taysated sof n b l . pus w61eb joss will receive blither die Moods than from any other investment. MoatSttiewet 1a the hestdreettdttg s la Hares ooa.ty M ITY-fUN1MTR TL&d-Ne. tai. .. A. f 1 ••• ". : ,: ,.y,j,,..l. ranelleenoeartmeleiller- _.e....„r...• Make This Your New Year Resolution Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto General Manager - - A. H. WALKER Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager i ore-.- �.-,.�-.•..e-._„ A. G. NISBET 4i IS AGENT FORS All kinds of Insurance ' OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OFOO 1MERCE, GODiRICH Plumes • Orrice 20: Hoven 150. P.O. Boz 364 mit SALE oa TO NEWT CAW OF '['BANKS - a Tj OR SALE.o-TWO.$TOKY HOUSE I + se heave .ereet ten wr, has maim* kathrees►, %NYM eel shark finita tleeaeeltl rgered hew cellar to reef : (.IUot ►ua wuewh l.odt. Apply 1. W. PL hF,lL e7 -U, UILDING FOR KALE. -ROCK Elia timber. fusty. 'ism ft.; mY-fro mos sole make a good drire reed. J NO. ROB - =TON, ON, w itmer PA O. SLR REAL FSPATE FOR BALK. We bare ter sale ahem; thin town lot.. prima Zit from8111apwa Mee three arm ruether and • flaw tare, . MAYS & Y11.WRANRede- Heft tJ o 'M a IrIK SALM-AN-NIGNT- II ROOXLDHUUI;E on Victoria street and pee Oren resoled Kase se Anglers-. street: Nth withal anodes eoarea .neer :.ubI. on emit premety- Alam ane choke mrnur bulk 1a lot. For further p•rtrat•n apply to W. T. PCLW W. RoderM. 0.1 71-11 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR BALL -TM reelde,wte. with four lets. t �knows ammeron and •t • }tages a D. otit coemopertyd mane C Wok lss•r, two Marler, In atstetme repair milers ssavesissess Gros pteatN with endow efHOW rides floe--. a NeriiIndia. (Me ef the nveer e. P. J. RYAN. Oederiob. nit FARM FOR SALE. -THE EAST mita let one us tee fourth meow- Mts. Rasters Minion of the township of Ash Mid esetalling Ms seas. The buUditw con - dot of a (rums sad frame baro There 10 � rest Oeisr l rerZ r HAan dt & Le IYif DKSIDENCK AND FARM PROP Im MR 15A11 .-I hare cogitated with �s ace Mak was seem, pre�srtto,� ettrmte( eu aced etreele Ia tied ales rowta Argy lands within s elect daawaee of tows. if net carat my we bare any tarn, let ase know. TTN)MA8 OUNDKY, O.Oericb. lttf WEST WAWANOSH rFIREINSURANCECO. One of the hest in the Prey - lace. Fixed rate of assessment. Live Stock insured at its full value whether on she farts or not. No trouble to make adjust- / rnernt*. R. McILWAiN, Nile. Agent for Colborne. 11.4ford SdaviAg Parlor /be best equipped and most elp•fo•dsMwbooto town. • First -clam barbers only em- pleled. This shop will stand the Igor- t erpmeet sanitary Inspection. lJ Ot to de work done on request. Ramiro and .hears put is first - Hass eimpe. W. O. LUMAY OODERICH 'BUS LINE • Two 'beaus Nisei an trains. Private ealls have prompt sed enrefel atteatbh. ilra4alsee Motel lie S at prim all limine. IlestessTM* DAVIS LIVERY T. DA VTN •sOrINIMMI 'Phase No. eS aloalamwommoa CARD OF THANKS I wish to expreer toy sincere thanks to those who bey their votes and In1Ju. once *misted In nay election to the town council, and to amore them that it will be my earnest purpose to justi- fy the confidence they boor placed in me. The municipal sfTairr of for town will have my most *reining con- sideration dustup my ter.n of office. Illgeterel your., rRE. R, WIOLE. 'PO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN Ot' OoDiWCN. LADIES ANIO1NTI.JNEN - 1 am deeply irate - flit to you for -the mamnitteent tote yaw hare alien me to repro, nt yon at the Conseil board. 1!riot that the confidence yen hare manl- te.tee in we will not be ml.pla.•ed, •nd If .pared 1 will endeavor to in ny ntn.0-t to pro MOP. the best In:ere.tr of fhb twantlfnl town of tioderlcb. J. A. ReCi.INTUN. TO THE ELECTORS LADIES AND UaNTl.arx-.r. I bare oboe swain the sameseeef rrtaenhr my thank. to them who. wit hoot any ..o6c Ice int on m1 Part. twine out to the poll. on Mood*y and slrr'ed nae 10 another term In the town council. The re.alt I attribute largely to the goodwill of the women rotors. end 1f ever 1 coo do •nl t hint t ....rd. tae Osteulon of women fr•aehl.e. 1 .hall o,nelder myself In duty bound to forward the rears. Yours dnoerdl. J. C. LAITHW-AITY TO THE ELECTORS •t1.ADtra AND O1N1I LKyx, I wfab to tender to yes my sincere thank. for your ,import In Monday'. election. The image liken t rote whloh you mare me t Wigs me ander obligation to render the eery oe..t *ovine at my oom- mend. and it shall be me purpo.e. Marine my term of elk... to Dahill that obligation to the evert of my ability, Y••nre (fcel`tAftooly, R'. PKOUDi'i.trr. Jr. TO THE ELECTORS - My deters thumb are extended to the ladies and a�eeeet5mee who Aare me their reimport in pmeeamday. eheale.. I do not wt.* to make any ter to let ray forader for mg term .n e. but would pee em arum. bonnie that they wt 1 be for the wfor elfare ae4 adv aneemant of the town. 1 am, Year.afWJ,taiy, H, J. MO tit . es THE ELECTORS OF OODK. A A RiCH LAMP Ara GENTLAMEN. -I thank ereter Umelee nesse yea have elee ed ems sit In lect- IM me .rem et your town cs eellioe.. and 1 treat flat my all wee thing th..emtell fear w05 N web a. t. m..( y..r.pprovat Yana Indy, FKAN` A, iLyoT T. THE ELECTORS OF TUE TOWN us, RODERIC!! LAotp yro OIKTuanta.- playa *1H 14 tweet sNw�e thanks !x iter hledase. M yeti's law a Mee twee ller, and ableyb 1 did set :ionigtiVilsoriziliels 1cora s,4• butlert.....t.=e • fest'! we ene the debt M est better w Amato Mashies yes and whilst iron ell and the now swera-are eery 15mwrp.(� year, tem , I CPH A mutat. itTRK SL CUI , DIES ANOturrun.eN.-Allow tae meet WeeAsaledaer to m mod Whiff use all tame eithiesie whit ss yyppppswrsMlt.Nd r.eesaky of ear Won. ��y� IkM l intim dam an Irma kook b. omen . as a mealier eem t yend w ft* ties ye.r la aeaay e. sy�sr(s�s�.etway eM laverlat are leevery 1 Imiy ent met bet emeetallY win «rho elestswr., tt��sMl �y pI hha�ve besot lee r Marti tiara, des we End VW. •.sris0 d Lep ead at QQee..�, wM have mase t boss a,.,. sed �ell�yeeptis �aast,tetywp(t�t teeth mrd mme atm enriaana It I set gee ,tee in the wweerm part « we tmmta to rite wy mese et+e,ptbtmlt M tine Mwee fA 1 lave se moans se regret that 11M: s gins. the teem a ace Ikank!IkaWslssN p�dt =r Nemarem room NE uL 1 IND OF THANKS 4 he the awe mgin tbe em 4,11 iona. OODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY is. 1914 MANY ARE SLAIN ELECTORS OF OODERICH WERE OUT TO MAKE CHANGES Only Two of Last Year's Councillors Survive the Battle of the Ballots - Robert Elliott Wins the Reeveahip alter a Harr, Fight -The Youngest Candidate Heads the Poll -Results k in tither Municipalities of the County The Council for Iot4 Mayor -Utas. A. Reid. Reeve- Ruiter t Elliot t. Deputy Reeve-ts. V. Clark. 0outtciliore -Frank A. Elliott, J. C. Laithwaite, H, J. Motel-, J. Ir. !:t - Clinton, . Piu.klfw,t, j.., E, it. kYigle. There were ramie surto-leer in the result. of Mo,,day'a poII.a g in (Le municipal elreuoa.e. '1 be voters gut after the fuember* of the old commit who were up tut re-election and slaughtered all but two of them. In vires of the geurtal moult, Mt•ears. Laithwaite and McClinton may cun- ga.ituleta themselves upon tfieir survival. There two councillor,, with Mayor Reid and 'trinity Reeve Chit k. who were returned by accIamntion, are the truly iuemt•ere of hast year'. mimed who will be in the new I•t'dy. Reeve Mun ge and Couocillots Graham, Young and Morel- wete defeated at the pully, and Uuuncill. f Vanattrr did trot Beek 1•e -elective.. Whether the new council will be ■fly itupiovemeot upon the old one is a conundrum for the coming months to answer. The most spectacular feature of the polling was the deters.? of Reeve Moa- ning, by his old-time adversary, Robert Fiott. When a man has been in ntuoieleal life for a number of pear• he is likely to hevean :Lccuuaola- tion of enemies, retry, work in reason and out of aca.uo for his defeat, white bio friends take et for grunted that he le safe and does not require any active rapport. l'uiu overcuaftdence was pro,ahly in large pert at tlo bottom of Monuay'r remit in the cunte.L for To THE ELECTORS Ladle. ar.d Oentlemra,.-I do.Ire to thank Marini tb. 5.sp sty.. iter _ nbrr..1 .uspott they hem mom wat chaise election. 1 ,vol always Is ter beet et toy ability to ou west Iona hi tie bet towed- of tae town and rrrklam yea ah the oomplta,eut, '.f thv Your. firer. ROBERT ELLIOTT. as, Aaee TID 1 W ANTED. MrORAGK HOUR FOR waaooa •nd apt Ink ppl,- to AMERICAN ROAD MACHINE co. P541 FARM HELP AND DOMESTIC Bt&tVANTa-Posse. r• -pulsing farm help Menldsoq at awe a WILAM oIL- LIN. Dominion WMtjU nion Uoversmeet e'nploya t Meant, 81. Helm, ttot. Order„ left with it. D. WUO[)d, 81 Halsor, O.L, win reco,re peempt At unite.m-11 LOST Olt FOUND LOST. -ON WEDNESDAY. BE- tween glamors aid North atreee.. or be- tween Druce and Nebou - tree:.; • e mai belt buckle of gralt.t deaden. wile yellow stove et te.. The bookie la a mitt to ibe owner and a toward .111 be elven the ander us leavl.g it et THE 81ONAL °Prick.. PUBL/C ii ICE WulffHURON AGRICULTURAL TT ROMEtY TM statstery anneal aestlut ef the mem- melee the west sow A Tl. eIt ty held M l MiMe win be hethe Town Hail, Oretbs.. so l s Assay. IN Memo ea « ,.Wy 1. of oral mm �ylesmretMMa �. saiN 15.50 la NON er who have M sal retaiwile ned MN* pries masey In Milt J. ADES Oed.rlrlt. Doe. IRI, 1r0W1.OR. flemMen. % NNUAL MEETING The w 1 r. Hewed thAINI L law Tarn 8�d�e�,• MM lnuary mit le MI, les sitY. e'elast ptaale asM tee' to the "1t("w1sI the awwd�M .tililte ori etbw tit. Tl. .�r.tsl.naad M� lu . wile Ma� J t ItobgAM Trigs. R 1Aw?M. NOTICE TO( Ir Tis dr4 Tu lorry w M « Muoicipal Election Results t "! dBtIi1E 1 2 • 3 4 ELLturr, IL, Si 7-) 49 it Mounius. a) 57 71 99 31.J pity for Elliott -14, COUNCILLORS Pro,t•nrarr 71 tv1ULN 71 ITuw'.u'rk 78 Dirt LIN•r,,•t 78 1luNltl - 458 Is , I . t nT ,r. 1' .. A. 72 \V 1 -on 71 Yount; yan lit.hrin 31 A) Fi•'.t alx elected, 01 60 7l 46 50 511 111 as h1 44 72 47 Irk 42 40 4 0 5 i 40 1,3 53 31 21 St T2 :M 68 58 tui 511 85 72 'LS 19 4S • o 65 84 6'J (I, 71 8.1 t38 40 411 :el 251 34 7 -Total 59--474 Z7-450 94 54 -485 1)0 iii -4114 91 143 -486 30-425 08-375 87- 867 27-365 :til -:ell 14-306 18-Z ' 14-1641 71 51 40 551 6.1 4.8 3.1 year, and if be .i..ee his election should he es -used, The new council will hold it. bi- augral meeting on Jiuntlny mu, fling next, at 11 o'clock. . - SKAFOHTH haat year's council re-elected by acclamation : Mayor -W on. Atrent. Reeve -John A. Stewart. Councillors -John .r. (bolt Harry Mtewert, Harty %pram, John (iriete, O•. ee. rd. (Inn, Cola. Ain', hart. J. F. Ihtly w•,s elected eater. Tight and, N•'4 et- counties -inner for the nrxt two years,, DON'T FORGET anomeast To renew your subscrip- tion to The Signal and resolve one of thio ye.r. Uaieaers, o A. N. BKADWIN, Peat/smart BRUSSELS All by arclewatinn : R. eve -John Merkle. Councillors --R. A. Pryne. Oen Muldun, A. Mellulre. Jobe. Hewitt. EXE.T&R liseve-John Taylor. Councilk+ra-Joh,, H od. ' Freak Doyle, Thus. Heravo. B. W. F. Bea, - et r. Orboot Trusters -r. V. Uladmar, A. E. Nuke, 1. Atmrtrong. LUCKNOW a Election. all Ly acelwnuat Ion : Iteeve-J. Q. !11•i-•lo••h. Councillors -H. Jl.tlr�illin SV. Dayt- ona, Ruht, Jobn.tot , Ur. A. M. Spence. el...hoot Truster. --1).. Newton. R. D. Cwwrrou, 5). R. 31••Intoeh, \Vn1, Mutdie, D. C. Me min, M. Mitchell. HENSALL v Reeve -Thaw, Hudw,n, Ccutrcillu• a --Orn, Hard un. Alex, Eolith. W. P(..Il, 1)tvid Harrod of Educesi..tt- %Vuo. McKay, W. E. Hograrth, Dom ge Sao her - land. STANLEY Reeve- W. Glenn. Couoclllorr-John McKinley, Jas. T. Keys, David Dewar, Joseph Htod. HOWICK Reeve -Reuben Harding (acclaims . tk.nt. Deputy Reeve -Loots behltoe►ling, C.wnctllors-Jar. Armstrong. Peter V. Dulg. Wm. J. Oputtoo (acclattas• titre. TUOKERSMIT'H Reeve -Herbert Crich, C•.uucillor•e- • Roues t Dols, Thomas Coleman, Janie* Conserve., Root, D. Hell. MAYOR ChAR:-ES A. REID who w,.- r.- .lec,eo Ly Reclamation for t t •• • ' .5 01-11, of office. the ter e.ahi Mr. taut:niogs has wee.. ti t{• ..J ni*ns, • ora of active and, in r L,. n. •i•., rafiaai• a service fig the town', tt(5. , pend hie tewptrery , retirement i, to of+•b r for regret. Mr. hill". t put ns,p, a It •nl fight. and if t•erair cur riff,- t •i-•w.tv#' * I. ward the I Reeve -el. c . earned ►b •irtory. Councillor Moore was looked upon by many of a sure whine', end Coun- cillor 1 oung navw wee ,.upp,•sed to have a good cbance-hot the electors bo.vle•l them out. Me-arr. Prou•ifoot and Wigle made a w n'ng team, tied Mr. Prroldfoot romp -d or. .v. 11 at th--• head of the poll. with •a v.or 11 428. There two. with Coonclllur-elect Frank Elliott. nee novi.: a in mtuttci- pal lite and slat't ons. wit h the evident goodwill of the elr'tor•.. Mr. H. J. COUN. Was. rsttUDFOOT, JR. the youngest roan 'n the council for many years, who headed the polls with 44.i vote., He iA the rota of Mr. Wm. Proddfoot, K.C., M.P.P. CLINTON M.s3or-Ficd. Jackson (twjorlly 48). Keeve-D. Cants Inn, (entsjorlIy Sl). Conncitl.•..-H. W.11.0. H. Pity; alumna. J. P. '1beppard, C. J. Wallis. J. A. Ford. W. J. Pat1iry. %Voter (`•nnuui,tioLer r -Dr. Shaw, Pr. Tboiurson. HANI Mayor --Dr. A. J. Irwin. Reeve -J. W. M. (nihlw,n, Councillor. --H. H. Elliott, W. labia - ter, W. A. Currie. A. Young W. O. Patter.on• l). tjr11, Board of f dtieieinn-Dr Redmond, J. A. 54.L -.n, Robert Alien. .1. A. Motion. F. \',+uatone. A. Tipling. F. Buchanan. COUN. J. C. LAITHWAITE re-r1�1•d w•Il v.ner %V 0411 Reeve -D. B. lllurtay. Councillor, -lien. I...v.1or, .1... Par- don, Albert J, hoot' u, J r. Mallough. EAST WAWANOSH Old cocncil re elected by acclam- ation : lareve-J. N. Cnnlolwll. Couucillura-It. llurhnnxn, R. J. Currie, It- %V. 1,niti. .1. Stouebouse. ITONIPFOWNE The council of 1913 re-elected by ac- elaluwtauu : Reeve -Sumo, I Itnntly. Onun.allors-Samuel Skinner, Ar- lb111• Mile -hell, lit owes Hock, John Duucau, jr. REEVE ROUT. ELLIOTT who defeated M'. B. ('. Monologs by a dight n.ajor.ty. ht (set 5., a111 o igh '..w 511 nmnnucipal work in tun n, 510.5 +••nn•• Fenn' rtp.r• fence un the 4'.. 1, rn. town.hlp council.. and has a. Rand ncgtaatotatt.e with the !own and low attain. Mr. p. J. Ryan w.• not well enough known to the townspeople to , -.11 • winning vote, and the pine was to *onto eel eat ten. of Mr. J'w, D. WII-nu, who. however, was only two vole• hrhlnd the Mw..1 councillor el•et. Dir. Wil- son says M will try It attain next Pride. NOTiON Zai'« ..`�% DEM7TY.RUtt Dir W. i►.t..wns COUN. a. WIGLE a prominent drugglin who bas entered aiuolcipal pw,littteand came second In the race for terra councillors. KINCARDINE Mayor -Wm. Mitchell (acclama- tion.) nerve -Was. Heater. mom Malcolm, Wes. M Freak O511I4pe11, James Fat - reit. M. Sok.,., I. Armitage. Water and tight Oomwlw4oners__ Peter 885.11.. Wm. Arnold (s.slame- Dea). Bi.YTH Reeve Dr. Milsw Oan.ellk,re - J- A. Garter, J. Onit, R. Horny, It Moan. BAYFIgLD ties Ellevo-Osorge Lindsay (aedsmr. �Jsr=or lhomaaasildwaird �t WesMo, lutPTroglette-Geortiess- a. . A SS;, t COON 1 H M t 17 TON re-eleoted to fourth place. STEPHEN IRreyr-Wet, Y•arlry. Oonmillnrr•-M. Ptnk•Oner, Thos. Mawhinney, AI.x, HULLETT Reeve -John nue laad. Uonnrilior.- M. Arouse run', James Wait, Winters i. Miller, Thomas Nell- •ne. COUR. FRANK *LLIOTT *Meted as a Male representative. COUN. HENRY J. MORRIS elected on a.uaarket platform. TURNHERRY ReeveJohn Mglveyy Ununcitlor*- Wm. Adair, A. Wheel- er, J. McRae ney, J. Rutherford. OODERICH TOWNSHIP W. H. Luhh was Meeted Reeve over Jas. Cox, with a maim it), of 146, The vote by nub-divieiena as fellows: 1 2 3 4 5' 6 Total Lobb 64 40 44 39 89 43 -3011 Cox 34 34 63 2.2 7 13-1643 As reported brat week, Geo. Holland. f4eo. Hattie, Bert Lindsay and J. W. Y ru weent elected couucillot s by a:ela- motion. MORRIS Reeve --J. Shortreed, Councillors -D. Johnston. W. Fras- er, W. lraulaw, W. 83i too. HAY Reeve -Cosi. KalbMbch. C.•uncillo,e - ped Dairir, Sam Dietz, Hy Neils, Carp. Welker. McKILLoI' Reeve -John M. Govenlock. Oouodllorr--two.-It A.ca,tnald,1'oo- rod Eckert, F. J. Mttl.aaid, Daa.iel C OMMITTED POR TRIAL Ashfield Residents Accused of Tusks/ Theft Pleading guilty to the theft of six turkeys valued at $7251, Victor White- ly anu Thos. UauIey, of Astihe'd, were Snell towsnitrd for Tial byy ex -Reeve of Colborne township Magistrate, Win. Millie in police court this morn- ing. The tut key.' were stolen Irons the hen 1e.-.41 of John ifutebiron...1 Port Albert. on the night of December 22nd. Crown Attorney Seager prose- cuted the n in the interests of fhb cnawo, and county Cuuslable rides amide amide the *mettle. Both prison - eta were allowed to go on bail of $IIX), Pet lona! •rarefies were taken toe heli and one bandsman in each case. They will appear et the assize* on June 6th note.* they elect to be tried before that date. Gettig Het for Moyes Another session of the investigation into the affairs of the Ontario Wert Shore Railway before the Orrario Rat} Y Board *cos held at Totooto on 1 Tuesday a.td Wednesday of this week. Mr. J. 33 . Moyer watts •gain on the witness stend,wd continued his policy of evaaisomon . ?p ital Gl sorts es Mae, language told him a wplaint and In would have to give an aceounting of the thempany's affairs. ''''You need not put on an ale of in- jured innocecee," declared the chair- man. "This board is entitled to an account of affairs and wall tet, it. There is no use In being shifty and evasive. „You have the hooks , explaining these things, and maid yon turner them over to Mr. Smoke, a man sow dead, and whose south is closed. it is pPactieal absurdity to talk of those autos In that way. We are entitled to know and the people are and we will kmr.w. -re. only piece of activity you bays displayed is to get hold of these doen- mesta we were about to put oar hand. of,. That is the only activity you toy. displayed, Oral M the only thing you have done towards taking an In - tercet in this Inquiry sine. It howls." The last remark referred to Mr. Mayes' having sone to the 1 oasision Hank and secured certain °hooks which apparently, he was afraid the Domini woskl get OW of. Tete happened ow T*w.ddayy el Ustis« sweet looked jja Mayes.Mayes.Mayes.y move. eet tee Questions se to the nnarwarmiteed hoods were treated by bite mitoses V Me UMW evasive way, sod little Whir. The to J. � Nlik W maw as Ova UemeseM _