HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 8• u S Tnraan•e, Jae 1. 1914 THE BIG}TAL : GODERICH ONTARIO 4 f Office Supplies FOR 1914 Blauk ik.oks, Diaries, Bindles Cues. Bus elopes, etc. Perb•p• you will require a new Ihsy Book. Journal or Ledger, to coetmeoes• the New Year with. We carry a full oto -k from A bo Memorandum Hook end s 2110•page My Book. at 50c, to a 1000 -page Ledger .t Atoll M1ank Bonk* for stocktaking, F. Cap. size, price 25c. Canadian Office Pierian, 4k, 75r and $l.W. ('anedian Pocket Diaries, fr .m 15- to 75c. Shag/win Hiles, complete wit h punch, 81.U0, without punch 75e Other files from :Cr tip. Binding t'ssee,sliecial:klc each. in 4 for $1.011. ('anadun Almanacs for lull. $1.0o. Hueioc.. Envelope. 50t• for box of bel. Jost the thing f. r circular use or for iaailiog account.. ‘VP Are special selling Ascots for the new American A iding Machine, price $1.r).tsi. The Colonial Book Store PUHTEK, I'i op. eioderkh I; i woo of 1. lag O amid Maple Leaf Grocery extends its thanks to its many CUSTOMERS and the Pchlic in general for their patronage during the pest year, and wish each anti every one A Bright and Prosperous New Year so Jo Young MAPLE LEAF (' ;OCERY Phone 52 Hamilton Street IteenseSetoWieensesteoneweetseveutsese FARM MACHINERY Hobert Wilmot Mavey-Harris Agent, has • hal, line of Marne Machinery always on hand. We base we think, the cheapest anti hest Gasoline lsnginel, on the Market. m AI.o surae 'want if Steel Ranges from Tudhope and And- erson of Orillia. Justlthe thing for • farmers kitchen. 'We have in stock ('utters Horse Hlenkets Pumps ('re•tm Separator Milking Machines ihiring Harness And one hundred and one other things. C in and see us at the Massey -Barris Shop llamilto n Street We' are act talking husinep this week, but stop the press to wish e11 the reader of The Blend • Jolly Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Walter garrison Js sU. . JcIan Ooderieb 910011f46 AT Blatt' Important Changes Are Recommended In the Regulations Important changes to the sweatier of shooting for the King's Pray aid other of the more Important omelet- einem o*p.alines at Bosley, are recommended la • communk:atlon seat to the CotstcU of the Natloa•1 Aide AasoWtioa by General dor C. W. Douglas of the War Office Committee. The agitation for the abilities of the "bull's eye," and the knowledge that the War Office favored "service competitions," has created uawlaesa among some or the rifle clubs who tear that the adoption of the War Oce policy may kill the Interest la rifle shooting. Specific schemes are set out for the King's Pri;e and the 8t. George's (tap. latrod ucin; rapid firing and asap *bootleg in the. second stage of the former, and the Ant ■tape of the lat- ter. WATER FAMINE IN MONTREAL Bad Break in One of the Malate Made Much Trouble With a private cbacern supplying halt the city's normal demand for water, waterearts delivering the sup- ply to hospitals, and private cltlseas carrying palls to fn hydrants, Mos - tread. Is experiencing a water fermi $$ the result of • break in the main leading from the river intake pipe. Mayor Lavallee tuned an official statement suggesting that manufac- turing concerns shut down for • few days. and warning citizens of the dan- ger of explosion if the water Is drawn trom the tanks In houses. The greatest danger In the circum- stances Is from are. A11 are -alarms are being attended by the amount of •ppar;tua which usually turns out Om the second call. Although the cause of the break has not yet been definite- ly established, 1t Is thought that in widening and deepening the old Mew duct, which Aups wallet t9 the Bain' conduit, that a iffiehrb earth was responsible for the female( of a bridge. with the result that the pipe sagged and sustained • crack 60 feet long. BEEPED FIVE tingli Innocent Man Released' After Being Imprl•oneq For Attempted Reeder -. After serving five year* of • fifteen - year sentence imposed upon him for a crime of which he was innocent, Oeroimlo Fatsart walked out • tree I man from St. Vlocent de Paul peal- tentlary, near Montreal. The man was sentenced for attempted murder in i March; 1908. The police became con- vinced oo-vinced of F•taerl's innocence about five months ago and as the result of a petitiotl sent to the • Minister of 1 Justus he was released on Christmas ! 0 Eve. 1R WHAT tai CHOPRACT1Ct l►1- Ito- rkAK..erIK Without doubt.' is 1�It i o+. t of Oil heeding el the Y. it differs floatall schussed *pot a theory but a tried and elevenscience, recognized and respected where it was once persecuted and scoffed at. A true secret of restoring health, and no discovery, (none excepted) is doing more to bring about a complete revolution of the healing art than this one. CliIM0P$Ac71c Pete:C[1.4MS of rgy The nerves are the medium the transmission of all nerve etre and impulses front the brain, a all tjfe vital phenomena of life dependent upon the condition the nervous system. The brain is the centre of nervoussystent from which co the twelve pairs of cranial ner and tete spinal cord with its pairs of spinal nerves, which ram to every part of the human so that a fine pin -point can enter' without injury- to one or more filaments. The vitalih and activity of each organ, tissue or cell of the body is maintained or controlled by the nerve energy or life force, which i. transmitted from the brain by the nerves to each organ or part. If all the nerves are free'frotn in- terference and if they are properly nourished so that they posers normal excitability and action, the function of all the organs of the body will be normal as nature in- tended them to be, Any derange- ment of function or disease of any organ or part of the body is posi- tive evidence of an interference #writl, tie nerve supply to the affec' 4-teti-folk. t,:k b • a.r.. Any cool giet>8, .w or infectious' -disease That normal aetoprotecti'grs' can .protect against, may be stop- ped mid eradicated by establishing m noral nerve sti'pply to the organ or part affected. A free and unin- terrupted flowof nerve energy or life force from the brain to any organ or part, will produce and maintain IOU per cent. of function and vitality that will protect a- gainst all disease. From between each vertebra or segment of th spinal column, a pair of great nerve trunks extend Erom the spinal cord, through open lige or spinal windows to the organ r parts of the ` body which they nd 15 of the the ves 31 ify boil y not, ALL SHIPS MAY PAY TOLt 11 Congress Wishes to be Assured a•t Sufficient Revenue A resolution was Introduced in the i d American Congress, asking that the I C provision of the Panama Canal Act. I granting tree passage to American coastwise vessels be suspended until 1t can be shown that the revenues t derived from other shipping L. euf- Select to pay all expenses. is $tIPPly. Where the nerve!' pass between lie hard surfaces of the movable •ertehra, is the only place where he transmission of nerve energy may be interfered with. A slight isplacement of the vertebra r i'-1 ause an impingement of and con- sequent pressure on the nerves thus nterfering with their power of rtinsmission. Ligaments and muscles of the pine that are injured. strained, bruisedor in any wayirritated, ither directly or reflexly, become ender, congested, thickened, con- racted, thus drawing the vertebra ut of position and narrowing the pinal wine )ws or openings hrough well. i the nerves pass runt the spinal cord to the peri heral organs, thus lessening an nterfering with the transmission o erve energy, which will lower th vitality of the parts or organs sup- plied by that particular nerve and render them susceptible to disease. Spinal palpation is the only exact method of locating, and spinal ad- justments the only sure way of re - Rempolla's WIII Mi.N J e The late Cardinal Rampjila'e will t has (Reappeared, as well as a number t of important diplomatic documents, ' o and thJs has caused great constern- ation at the Vatican. The Cardinal's Is nephew-, the Duke of Campobello. Is t the centre of the scandal, and it Is f expected that the Duke, and the dead p Prelate's valet, will be arrested on i the charge of complicity In the ab- straction of the will. CO1111$$NINER STARR OEM • Did Noble Werk Amos Bey.-ikat- ere Are Drwwwed ('oaamiseloner J. E. Starr of the Toronto Juvenile Court died of appen- QfNtle. alp was • greet k...s1*sal a and bad givtn many a Wettinge - Udaawat a start oa 110 rtgbt way. Judge Starr was an ordalted mlaister had had occupied several Caaadlaa pulpits. While skating opposite Araprior. John Barnes, aged tan and "Dabble" Kerr, broke through the ice and were drowned. Hon. J. N. Armstrong, a member of the legislative Council of Nova Sco- tia died at North Setter. ti.d. B. B. Robinson, a botaah to the Department of the Interior of the Pblllppine islands, was killed by na- tives of Amboyna Island, Malay Archi- pelago. He wsa the only son of C. 8. Robinson of Pfcton, N.8. 811as H. Winter was killed by a train during a heavy snowstorm at Cornwall. Clifford B. Wilson. Le eighteen-ysar- oid boy, s native of Alliston, shot, Alm - self In his boarding bpuse la Toronto oe Christmas Eve. • Panted Cahill, • bookkeeper. of Brockville, wee Instantly killed In the O.T.E. yards when the locomotive up- on the rear 'of which he was riding was rammed by a light engine. Oagoode Hall's oftcial family suf- fered its fourth bereavement wtthla a few weeks in the death of Mr. H. H. Robertson, K.('., in Toronto. He was Assistant Registrar of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. Professor Charles Heath Sweetapple tor 20 years a member or the faculty, of the Ontario Veterinary College.' died at Toronto. Alfred Sleuth, of Lcndon, was in- stantly killed at Glencoe. Just after stepping off one train he was strict by another • D.• A .Brown, express messenger. and J. R. ODim. brakeman. were killed ana collision on the C.P.R. at Ridout. near Cartier, Ont., between a passen- ger train and • freight. 1Jc , my Morgan, perhaps Ilse aptbority of the time on Dt y. died at Brock- John Charles Rykert, K tt ex -M. who was the last surviving member ei the first Parliament of Outwit. died Saturday night at 8t. esthui.es. aged eighty-two 'years and was months. Mr. Geo. MacEwen, ex-M.P.P. fa South Huron died of apoplexy at Clin- ton. aged 64. ANOTHI6R DASH TO POLE Shackleton, Experienced Explorer Will Try to Crests Antarctic Continent It 1s officially announced that Sit 1 rnest Shackleton will lead a new ex- pedition to the South Pole next year. Sir Ernest, in a letter to The London Times, says: "1t has been an open secret for some time past that 1 sat desirous of leading another expedition to the South Polar region. I am glad now to be able to state that through the generosity of a friend I can an- nounce that the expedition will start next year with the object of securing the South Polar continent from sea to tea" Sir Ernest will start from a South American port with the object of creas- ing the South Polar regions and re- turning via New Zealand. CONTAIN DANGEROUS DRUGS Headache Powders Condemned In a Departmental Bulletin A bulletin issued by the Inland Revenue Department calls public at- tention to the fact that "there can be no doubt that harm is done by - the Indiscriminate use of headache d powder The drugs to which the f efficiency of these headache powders Is due are powerful heart depressants, c Marriage Is Annulled Justice Charbonneau of Montreal, granted the suit of John Thaaai Baker for the annulment a his mar- riage with Dame Evellne Emily Mc - Cloy Adams. The plaintiff claimed that he married the deteadaat, sup- posing her to be • widow, but he dis- covered that she has a husband liv- ing In the States. Woman III -treated Marie Halals. a young Mexican wo- ou moving interference with the nerve stt'ply. There c'Jn be no mistakes made n this method of locating the or- gans or parts affected, ar-d, with - t asking questions, chiro- practic is successful where every- thing else has failed, even in the most difficult and chronic cases. The cause must be removed before there can be n core effected. If you are sick and have trust every- thing else. vvhy tent take some chiropractic a.ljirtn.etit i and get ett`al?Free cxanrinati% . -. (:. C ALBRIGHT, D. C., C :tiropractor. Office next Cana.lian Bank of Cominerce: hours: 9 to 1: a.m., 2 to 4 p.m., i to 9 p.m. pT tea oe floe••. r -r• ". Totrrr'nIsa • 1'r.. r rel .Tr r...kJ .•.• r• e..•.. Wh'KaiM r.wter • ...•. or he Arra of F. ,. es • ....I R Oe.date v. t'••wwty and Ste s wd. rev W sew its ter emelt sod same' be mere by IE 2. CI1ENIT Y t►t•►/4etACP. te belled nes L!evilid to nor MA. tore Notary P.Mie Matra (Waren Can V lakes Isteramlly. ase tt8X111/30W0=4. dd e. the were f etheeetp see museum sweets* the urea .111tT*bt BaB'• 8 PIIb arawuthrtlm s man, who was found wandering in tie woods near Pontiac County, Quebec.. in an exhausted condition, told a piteous story of ill-treatment from the people, at • house where .he stayed, and from whom she escaped to the woods. She was pieced 1n a hospital In Montreal. Larkin After Furs Ms Ueda. the lletblI.'etrfke lead- er, refuses to aArm or deny the truth of the r. , at that he Intends to go to the 1 -nit -d States to seek funds for the Deb fn strikers. It let Bauer• ally believed tint he intends is sap within t ow days. "nobody sagamyself Meows my plans." Lanes soldas Interviewer. Flew Over the Alpe ()sear Hiders. • Swiss aviator, made a successful fight across the Alps la et evo hourson Christmas Day. He tM maintained as altttw n. of 6,5811 test In order to avoid the heavy tog, Itmoliviikv lafeeleseine iaMg Mos 0,11 Minh over Na Thought He Was Drowned f)eorsa Kett. of Harrteton, • sailer, returned to hla borne on Christmas Ws. atter his parents bad give. up bops et seeing him again. tillable.; le had pet int ed in 'he big sterna es the lakes. The election In New South Wales result,.' In • sweeping victory tor the Leb.w 1. rty, the stew Pariiament bd I lag nos posed of ditty Liber Ilea tied thirty seely: 'Aberais As eld tau named leapt Reed, • native of Mn etreal, dropped dead la ( .� a attest la Alstwerp attar Whig aa. I.... eased .t then. WiNTRR TERN MINN JAN. WI stet....15.531841 toCITvt r are capable under certain con- ditions of producing fatal results, -while ander most conditions they must do harm." Imports et Sutter and Meat A report to the Trade and ffommeree Department by Canadian Trade Cost. miwloner Beddoe of New &Raised - notes that the steamship MaramL leaving Auckland on November 21 for Canada, carried 17,500 cases of butter, 276 carcasses of veal, and 1,250 car ceases ce muteon fof Canadian cos elmsptlon. The fr.t "S.O.S." harm the Arctic sone was mot oat from a steamer which 1. ashore on the 'coast of one et the Lotoden isle., and was received b the winless operator at Bergen, See Riles south. I By t .i moven • grand Peelle glaeaer Camila was galea a as MIX bia i%d.ss ot�tie gloater pushed tie bead of the bay back os to Aatarfoan territory recently. The factory of the flosses*. beat works at Parry Bouad was destroyed by Bra. Charles Crosbie, wavelets, et m 11[llla•d y'eaaaar.at. teas/ a large peer( la as oyster he wee eating. Orn smith atter beat robbed et leer eaBaosst.nt flag by a trails rob- ber. Mrs. Arthur R. Oates, dekteted the sea on the -street la Sas Drs. - He was arrest. t. and Mrs. will get a reward of PAN. The Brea tlbed (ins (Jsseasy was erderad by the Destinies government is disssstasse We Matrfbatlst et gas Mist tate Tilbury Sells to domestic peepers. as the sulphur gas kes *and frith Shbmss. !lh,. Iteotmosg . 15. Prort.eM IIlsaM Cesar reported that eaters Swat ears le takes la the Mortalities ee tN Icer, *jeleer le la !.ager et a tyM.N -r de. limy samba et tis• household en Solved a p.asst Roam the bag Christ amus tree at Mama Hall. Prises ~Os distributed the preemie. A mat llasi it the burl-- s.elfam Oessalsassa. Oritlah Oakes. sea =War til. today Nessa. Starting the New Year with a De cidedly Money Saving 'Sale of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'•S COATS HERE is news of saving prices oo ladies' and • childre is Coats that should interest every l dyewho ha! #t. Gal jo -buy for herself br 'her - girls. The quantity is limited. A special pur- chase from a manufacturer just before stock tak- ing, at prices nearly half what they regularly sold at, combined with our decision to clear every Coat:on our racks before we enter stock Feb- ruary est, is the reason for this announcement to- day. We have taken the Coats bought at special prices and every garment OO our own racks and divided the whole into three lots for quick and easy selling. You can save dollars and dollars on these Coats if you take advantage of this most remarkable offering. The selling will start Sat- urday, January 2nd, and will continue until every garment,is sold. Here are the particulars of the Coats we have to sell. 111 Costs at $10.00 each Three Gents are swede fico toss lases meix- 1on.; lweeis •std .oft rough weateii.1.. Th. Retied value and weepier prices ere from $14.50 to $Idol. Ewer" Coat 1 -crit in one .d thesrw.e►n's *VI style*. Ail eve fit■s-thour.dibrm.gt..•n,.1h. tiwis.aeebip hernial a herb ord..- W. Krswp the. iS Crests ha one 1-,t sow give .ou your choice for out! $10.00 14 Ladies' Coats at $16.50 These Coate are the cream of one stock. The regular pries. of one wee $19•.10. two et $21.551. , three •1 S225U and eight at $96.00. They are ►onto of the season's choicest meat ions in ladles' niter garments. The materials are high claw. Thous are Do two alike. The linings are be beet and the wotkwenship good. We giveou the choice of these high chum garments for only $16.50 30 GIRLS COATS AT $3.45 Tb„.er„. (''et. in 1) 1.' •t for ehtlrtnn of 5 years or to three suitable for girl* ret 12 and 14 years. The n.ateri.l• ... t. si•. • her • nein tan. y I weed•. Eve, v garri•ent is new, stylish •nd up -to date. Kegul•r es ices hie sip .s high as $i.t.U.. hat uedey you can take rots theirs of the entire lot for only $3.45 i A Sale of Trimmed Hats at $2.05 We hate prelrt.ed snnrher Into ( liens Tremsn.d Hat -u• sell w1 $2 06. A. .dser- tiried lest ,seek. ' his pr ice i• eft l y orad. iNN- sible by fx.r.w•ale huyi4 g rel shop. mond trirnesint■ at 1... then bait 11 "tr u•u■I peiee. 1 tie► Hatt h nicely trimmest with ribbons. meants or velr.t- The shop.* are all new. Tbe actual v.Iue at I.As! +s5.0p, if we had In pay the regular price for them. The Sale v•ill continue all thr•uph the cant- ing work. This b ss opportunity w we urn a stylish Winter Het at • rely moderate prier. A Sale of High -Grade Suiting* Saturday morning we put on sale 17 high-grade Suit Lengths. These are 11.e last of nor good tguitings bought for ibis aeeson's trade. We have decided deanit.ly not to'carry goods of tbie nature from one season to &weber. In order to clear these mit surely and quickly we have grouped them in one lot et a price just about tehalf regular. The regular priors are from $1.75 to $.4.00 per yard. Sasutda morning take your choice of the 17 Suit Lengths at per yard only $1.45 odgens Bros. DiDYCT IMPORTJR3, GODERiCH Have you read lh. January numher of the Indies' Hoene Journal? it le a splendid number filled from cover ue' cover with interesting and p.-ofitahle teadiog spatter, • 15c the copy floePPOSIMIUD - Isn'eetleatien to be Maj. fele Cees !yeti. eti. PROPOSED POTATOES o I United antes Peers Disease May ba f imparted irem Canada tkia*Maher common Irish potatoes to ew dla•d, Gree the ammo the high con ,8Vatted a Ire barred true the The goverment es Osamu Canada. N t pawed enquire tete rtei d•stwaisgs intake. Inland asd continental 'E • pee.e el et the emsts>y� (m 1 aI the ant♦ysnlatl..a�M of t_.em��ager faB1!ws• 1510 ,, J♦O1isii amen na. or admitted eider pmer ed �taess'�c. ' d• same ttastrZIcwtlonbi as •�', elder ndZerli w eJU evil cr•1 Stork, was the sebjecpt of a bear _ IL EL mutter se Het eta Bter*el. WSbefore the Federal Horticultural Ow labor de fits elder st•testaia ef Award at Washington. Representatives of the Caliadlaa 1)• $msrstMt of earteatturespoke 1. vor *YT�T o sum try JAIL >w the Wmlrioo of foretga potatofa.., 4. A. T. Oabow, as expert of the Deed is AtirebtAy to a5rw IBItPettnsut assert8ag (Lt Uslted ratetwee rumours". �t la �� of t � • slst- �..mu, amm in.. pier teas t. � QtBad• epee wbleb to beim resew clay test d ted trees Starnes Jalt. Iliallatica ram the whale iiited Sesta. be - She was ie s stye yrune ` m dumSe of disease. AJ said America! Y« • :amine sal • ears bad pose into Canada to In - sad Me _sips at ata. la Gbhit `Bal its pet•te des...7 roudlttn• in the ani lo �s` ?le beard q N~ y k Itt• tu S, •m .ttasgi lagigkaliag.versl $R rarwb astir wee Sells le lbw ter 4111 81110116040:41b% Rt tsatioios.gfeej a:perbMd v.rleus Well et w.s..ay yd. icer se toewessaasseemernmersammegamems be t took the lesseas sieeeshte the Ilieleasa lost seats toe The soul$ se Chastisi Saasrha dun sant leer 84 valved at W.- ~t.$i$ .tars. a1M ar athoro r M 1".B r ea .Snead Serle me Se sr r waft bey'' its N NM THE ew Articles AT Tag SINGBR STORE.. - Caps W. have Wire' 6rusbd wool rape from Ills to $1>R. Opera cape boudoir eape from roe Stamped Goods Ladles'otoSs silk Masa Nal (swims, ales sorsa e.sk4B.tfese, ate. Centres, Etc. Ilite trtl/tibtii qrasales r�btlesessressr atmob 10... • tow wwr5 4 eset...lsad sashlemS wYsa we are waling as (tot. Mrs. L. B. Tape .1110•1 111,011111