HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 7• ... -..._ THE SIGNAL 3ODERiCH ONTARIO TeombmAT Jan. I. WI4 Z Wheeling coma 0a111tOte ChM ARM COMM Maim «w . Silresuessea ewe .i. _a1walrrs�/e. w`see .e..tt,. ao 'e ndows ��elleme c•'••.•t.a... a .nous. enno PM •.r.. Tl..H.impriA IA*awl, taerbei ells sass btere, steam .. r' saw u 861048 Me mos umemi se .Cels/ MO** M r r..Im�t. r.ktamWO Maas+er- Mas emeires•tse.kele. sseli.b ALL MYtar.TIL SO a emmoam ulwi.era. tit114.• _. We have still os hand a few FIRST-CLASS RANGES and HEATERS which we ars selling off and will not 1.e replaced. also anything our ettal..gue shows at very does prices. Call rad see thew. Get our prices on PLUMBING HEATING ELMOTRIO WIRING METAL WORK and ROOFING Prompt atlntioe paid to all order.. IA MAIM = W. R. FINDER one 166 Hamilton Street BUSINESS AND • SHORTHAND u Itsltiects taught alb theft instructora r Q. A. LO DOlf, O . rhmy maim Sept hiti. B'. any time. t Jf.�W�eWyeihrvelt.lIr. 17 aitrrW f • PRETTY IS AS PRETTY DOES This (*miller saying la most applicable to Shoes! A Shoe mayhe very pretty very stylish. heeand toe e.tereet, material and finish to the hest. but if it cramps the foot, if a little ton tight, or even too large. it wont dot Right here le wham His shoe dewier comer In. TV 'os. to pleurae be will Anda pretest fit. Po that - infer t will go bead l• band with the correct appear - sees of your footwear. Shires the Sine Nis osetsesea epteamessevneireeses COAL Havingperebesed the busi- est* hirsmerl etndueted by 1►. starlew Holmes• we par - pee deal+o' In Coal, Woo/ Lits, Cstaoat Tips 8ttiek, lite. W. will beadle Jbranton and Lehigh Valley Coal. two Mese whish tae reeognisrd u rise hest. We wish to give the people et Ood.neb and vhisity the beet smirk* dpee- Adis beer tris all 4R Mr. Yslmee' ._Memene and say others wile wish anything le cum Reek V elders left with JK TMe.vw«t serest, pst+ly attaa�sd tit McDooagki iledhiil Theme No. TB Tashi as 0.T.IL. 1611••• street LONOIISOIRY ZURICH The Mstb.11lsa ubureb wee Sited to A number of changes take pian. in Use doers as Christmas sight for the anneal Sigiii/ Scheel netmtaitatest .ed ie teen The program a was • avid was carried out with maelgtellailley by all who Melt The praaseds •samested to 534. Asaoeg hthW,y whiltew here were method. Wee. Yregldw. 4 W Inslpeg t Dade malne l. Jassy W. Allen, Misses Sadie and Leers M.Cuol and W. J. T.mWye, al TUssulo. A pretty Ubme riet. wedding took phenols Mises M. at 1 dnIocb, at the hone. of Ml.. iDr.) Youug, whoa ber dtsugbter, Rachel, wee united in marring. W Mr. Bet Brown. of Beea1ford. 'Me young couple were unattended. exorpt that Ines Claes Young, the bride's Meter, acted as flower trill. The oeretaoa wper- formed by Rev. John Reid, B.A., 1. tbe prawuce of toe immediate friend. Of the contracting parties. Mr. acid Mrs. Brown left on the 4 p.m. train for Niagara Falls and other point* on a honeymoon trip. after which they will take up residence in Hrartfoed. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Oplborne Township council met in the township hall, members all present. Minutes of last meetir.g read sedan too- tio. of Hetherington .ad Clairton were adopted Moved by KoLrty std Clio - too, that M. Holthauser be remitted his statute labor money. (Ceded. The following aoconnte were passed and orders drawn on the treasurer for the amu : Municipal World accL,$10.1a; M Holt - homier. 62; John Flick, 41 loads gravel, $2.10; Jam.. Green. rep culvert, con 10. 34; Jacob Moser, balance on cement re- taining ; Richard Ryan pairing toance on d at Shepperd's bridge, 13.10; Rich Ryan, repairing road, aorto boundary, $2.26: W McLean, refund dog tax, 11; W W Fisher, 8 loads gravel. 800; R Wilma. 19 rodsi wire fencing. 14.94: T McIntyre, 16 loads gravel, 31.60: Jas Adams. work at cemetery and tools, $.73.90: R Gibbs, repairing culvert at Kuntz's TCarroll, plank and repairing culvert on sideline; $3; Herb Morris, 14 loads of gravel Ira Kunts's hill, $9; T Jones, re- fund dog tax, 31; Jae Buchanan, gravel: $4; J. D. Farrish, 64 lords gravel. $6.10: J H Simpson. reined statute labor, $8, A Morris, drawing tile and letting in obvert, $7: Johu McPhee, putting in tile culvert and digging ditch at Charles MoPhee's, $16.20: R Mitchell. putting In culvert, con 2. 61; James Chisholm, rep culvert, con 10, 61.60; Mrs Jar Mitchell, refund statute labor. 38; Benson Cox, rep culvert, 71c; John Barker, cleaning out ditch at Dunlop's Hill, 87c, plank and gravelling, 331.14;. R Mcllwain, ual- ary. 1106, care of hall, $5, postage and stationery, 110, selecting jurors, 32; I Hetherington, councillor, 684; John Mc - Lan'', oouncillor, 386; Gordon Young, councillor, 385; Alex Clutton, councillor, 335; S Bissett, reeve, 385; Thos Burn., 11 loads gravel, 31.10; James Young, re- fund statute labor, $6; Alex Young, tak• lag down old bridge at Shepperd'■ and inspecting, $16.75; John Chisholm, 2 loads gravel and 9 days cutting weeds on West Shore Railway, $6; Alden Allen, inspecting, $4.40; M Mugford, 14 loads gravel, $2.40: W McIntyre, et loads of gravel, 3s.26; Ju Jones, drawing plank and repairing culvert, 12; Peter Fisher, gravelling on M C. 34.50; Chu Kerr. tile for Kant.. hill, 111.10; Robert Bogie, 142 loads gravel, 314.10; W Thom, 26 loads gravel. $1.60; !.cob Moser, fenc- ing and posts on cement wall, $e; John A Young, refund of statute labor, $3; James Feagaa, planking bridge and gravelling on eon 4. 36: 14 Kerulghan, wire to Breen 73c. use of scraper MSc; R Mcllwain, weed inspecting, $18.26: A J Goldthorpe. going atter scraper. 11.30: Wm Robertson, 91 loads grsvel, $2.10: Josh Allen. patting in culvert at Scbwant's, 32.26; .1 J Moore, error In taxes, Bac; M Schwants, 68 loads gravel. $6.60: John Chisholm, one large tile in lake rood drain, $1.40; Charles alters, team on grader, $4.00; Albert Goal, team on grader, $3.75; Henry Fisher, running grader, 31: John Tabb, lighting bridge two night*, 61; A Morris, refund dog tax, $1: V II Roberts, balance of en- gineer's award, Chisholm s drab., 3:.30; Clerk's expenses re West Wawano.h v. Township, 311.4.1: Reeve. •electing in - rote, $1: G Horn, 166 loads gravel $16.60: R M Yonng, 877 load. gravel, 387.70: David Hamilton, refund statute labor, 39; 8 Potter, drawing tile, IC R M Young, services as treasurer and poet- age,.$71; Wm Hill a too. plank. 364.140; John Barker, gravelling at Brtndley's corner, 36.66: John Clark. drawingg plank sad rep Midge, tom 10, M. Moved by McLarty and Clutton, that we bill the C P It for 414. tot repairing Dunlop's ROU os account of water and gravel coming down off their propertl. Move. by L.cLarty and (lutes, that the tient W' te.trncted to write Isaac Flier re Me1cits labor. and Instructing him that K meet be dose .t aim or le - est ps.e.s.diags would be tales .stalest Mewed by >I• mil came moms deputy ream iam be the same an lar year .t the mem polling MovedbyCharon IleClesty, time the wwmr be leisemetsd leg$ . the te1�b.M tameel.rwenmu a elete_ et en.s_.. e,YNt.d for the system. (Jaen Movtalby Rrherlegto..ad Clem" ee lam dm ealkielar be Isstreeted to ae- the smedelpN tales and the 316 pabre abase frees Mose ose dissatir.d nd kens the lest mil e...ae. eyamee 1W1 the e.e.cll bane a emot- ing with the teletesee subscribers and try acid ..Mee the tremble. Moved 1. am ----4 by Yousg and Mo[.arty, tbet $he esibmiler be segemit` ad to sonnet as the tmaee es the sell. aid if the 1eMpbema amMedbMe yhm� to set thme,fterai mel it N.st Mb3 we wit wteilmd K. Tb. m -M- emaeted, R. Mchwatn, Cleat. HAVE YOU �r.t rr�taseirsisingsrat At sewws�.�� �'� Mi