HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 6R
• 2uuaibAs. Jan 1. BM
T. Forty -ell& Aimed Cs.sral Waft el die 3Vrsbeliles
Ill>W Et the Lakin Neese is Aisslaipsg, en Wawa*.
Deosoker 17th, 1913
The Assegai General Mean* tar the election of Directors sad Mar
atrarrat boomer was held at 11es *skins house In to City of Wla.tpeg on
Wodnesd►y. the Mb or December, 1113. Th.- nnrotlnc was largely attended.
The Chairman read the Annual import of the Directors as tallows:
Fort, -ninth Aw.ual Statement. faith November, 1911
tank lir.• .t credo of u•couwt. 30th November. 1912
:Nal profits for the year. after deducting expenses of manage-
ment p'
- interest doe deoeitoes, reserving fur interest
terest sad
1 71.4$3.14
The Predawn. Mr. Jobs Gait newel
the Repent M •dapIsd sad prlated
Coe diatribe**. saws the Moro -
boners and add11.wa tis 16oetiag as
THE PRt$ibstrtra *005[161.
In mortar the adoption 01 the Miran -
teK aspect, 1 have as opportunity of
pllac(.g before our Hkareboider•a a re-
view of general (wdfleaa 1■ Canada
u limy present theme.** to us The
ln..cW statement will be dealt with
later by the (general Manager. 1 shall
sely say that the Matesest 1s salis-
factory as It shows steady progress and
a4w, t.dic.tes the ce.esevative poetry.
wlici. V my JudgmmM. Is character-
istic of the saaaagsmemt of the Moak.
The year 1913 has bees a try*. one
both for borrower sod leder. There
hail been a general (Sellout of usesal-
seem which has caused 'wrier* to
carry an unusually large proportion of
their funds In a Ilquld form. This has
curtailed the loaning power of all the
Hacks and has checked the 'axosrage-
ment or new business, but we have
exchange. and making prevutoq, for load and doubt( -1 debts. been careful W see that our customers
And for rebate on bila ander discount. have amounted to.. 760.000.27 have had the money necessary to carry
.l.eing ellghlly over 16 per cent. on the pald-up capital dei their Iegltlmete trade. and I' do not
during the Year). think we hater given any of them res-
= sun to complain.
1626.671.03 The capital available for Investment
In new fixed forma such as railways.
Which nae been applied as follows: Canals, city end tarot Ibulldings. etc.,
IJ)Ivldrad No. 104.2 per cent. paid Much 1st, 1113...,,, $ 1011.01.6 la, of course. limited. (1f late years It
" No. 106. 2 per ret. paid Jun. 1st, 1913 101.01.10 has been pretty well absorbed. It e
" No. 100. 2 per r•enr. paid September 1st. 1913 11.011.01 dear that when the supply Is eith.tated
" No. 107, 2 per cent. mud December 1st. 0913 100,01.1 sr waken causes operate to check it.
iBonus of 1% payable March 1st 1114. to Shareleoldera of record expenditure In flied forms must be
as On Vebruary 1413,, 1914 ... 11.011-N curtailed. This point seems to have
Transferred to Hew Acenuat ..». 100.11.11 been reached, and Canada will have
'fleet-rvrd for depreciation In securities owned by the Beak...-. 126.01.10 to nark tinir until confidence 1s re -
Written off Hank "'remise,' Arr.,unt ... 64.15e0.00 stored and until the ..veer countries".
et 'entribut min to Officers' 1'esalon Fund . 10.940.00 from whom we draw much of our
•Ilaianre of Proets camed forward 10.011.13 capital. are in a position to again In-
vest their savings and profits The
$ 136.479.03 Natural resources of Canada are so vast
.and so attractive that the capital
necessary for their development will.
undoubtedly lie forthcoming when
Forty -Ninth Annu.I Balance Sheet, 20th November, 1913. settledfinanci* conditions become more
The causes nnderlytag the feeling lit
Notes of the Flank in clrrulation anxiety to whk•h I have referred were
1 4.291.1119.* world-wide, and. whilst some of them
1)eiawils mit bearing interest $11,033,•75.10 are now removed. we still feel that eau-
+Depow.im hearing Int.r.et - 411.347.213.01 _lion Is advisable and that strictest
N.N6.201.11'tronumY In both public and private
ltaladree due to other Hanka In Caine*42.361.74 affairs is nereessry.
1Mtortees -due to Agenriee ofilfti. Baalr•and • to other Banks*
In Foreign C.watrie.
<feHls payable
Acceptances under Letters of ('refit
Total Liabilities to the public
(1p. tel paid up
Keel Aceount
'Dividend No. 107
ltenum payable 1st March. 1914• to Shareholders of record as
psi eehruary 14th. 1914
tt'.vidends 1'nclaimes
Ilal.aace of,, Profit end Leas Account earned forward
Speculatloh in real .estate is over for
412.139.92 the present. but the demand for build -
h.64.364.00. Ing -Nies must t•oneinne-,n a country)
$34.310.17 where the population as steadily In- i
creasing. and holders of such property
72.1111.1111.42 iahould not be apprehensive of the clean of investment. That the inability of I.
$.414.111.11 speculators to turn over their property
11.01.00 1 has had so little effect on the general
business' of the country Is largely dun
64.11.01 to the conservative and prudent action
1.3211.031d Canadian Banks. for they have cv,n-
10.571.01 atstently discouraged and refused to
finance speculative land operations.
1 1•.764. 071.41
CROP OF 1913..
,0.14 and Silver Coin $ 2.112.331,37
IMminlnn Government Notes . 4,764,141.60
Notes. of ether bank"
Cheques on tither banks
Hal"ores due by other hanks in Canada
ln.lanc-c der by flanks ;and Banking correspondents elsewhere
than in Canada
Iwminlon and Privineial Government Securities not exceeding
market value
Canadian municipal securities• and iIHtl.h. foreign and (clonal
public secorale", ether than Canadian
Ftailwa) and other bond., debentures, and stocks not exceeding
market value
('illi and Short lout exceeding 30 day.) Loans in Canada on
bonds. debentures and stocks
cell and Short snot exceeding ,10 days. Loans elfiewbere than
in Canada
other current Iran, and discounts In Canada Items rebate of
other current Nana and' dis.ounl" elsewhere than In Canada
(leas rebate of Interest)
Liahllilles of customers under (sitters of Credit. as per contra..
,Hral Rotate other than (tank Premises
Mortgage" on Real Fatate mold by the Bank
overdue debts. estimated th, s:. provided for
Hank ['remises
Deposit with thr Minister of Finance for the purposes of the
Circulation Fund
Deposit 1n the Central (;old Reserves
other Assets nut Included in the foregoing .,.
I w
The statistics which are at our com-
mand will I.e furbished by the Super - tntendents in their reports on the
107.354.01 several Provinces I may say. speak -
2.$31.011.00 Ing generally, that the crop results
176.3119.07 have leen satisfactory- In the three
Z7.615.766 I 1
414798.949.i 2
113,471 21
2.031.031 02
$ 60,766.632.45
President General Manager.
great wheat growing i'rovinces this
has been a tanner year. Not only has
the yield been large. but the average
nualfty has never 4.0,0 equalled, and
the coat of harvesting has been un-
usually low owing to the magnlflc•ent
weather we have enjoyed. This has, to
some extent, offset the low 'races
which ',revelled 1'rovidene hose 'In-
deed been kind to us. and that. t.0. at
a time when we needed It mo..t. The
milwaye have done splendid work In
handling the crop, and we have had
few complaints of shortage of car... ri'e
rennet. with our present facilities.
expect much more wheat td be deliver-
• ed at lake porta before the close of
navigaffhtf than Ile been delivered this
year, and the need of interior storage
for our grain will be urgent for some
time to come.
There in a marked Increase In the,
number of livestock. Farmer. are be-
coming more fully alive to the advan-
tages they derive from this e.urec and
arc realizing that their borrowing ere-
411 is greatly enhanced with their.
Bankers if they can show a good
proportion lit cattle In their assets. and
bunks Khould look with favor on !..ins
for the purchase and h.trn(ling of 11rr-
.. sok
The Directors have• I•b•a"ure in presenting the Report showing the resift(
of the Itank'" business for the year ended 30th November, 1913.
The new (tank Act. as revlaed, went Into force on July 1st You wilt notice
/several changes in the form of sur "tatement. Under Ser, 60 of the new
A.♦you are -required a1 shoe meeting to appoint Auditors for the rank, ,and
to int•• the amount of their remuneration.
.1 nee .wt of Ity-laws will be submitted 4,, )ou for approVil :cod adoption
' N thought advisable It will he ne.vaaary to change the QRte of our Annual
M. -.Ung .from December to Januar) in order Nutt the Auditors may havc
'sulfl • • t tiro.• In w•hseh to cnmpirlr 1helr work
Your Directors wish to place on record their appreciation of the ex,Nlent
ndvire. helpful guidance and valuable work by the Ihtnk's Committee In Lon-
don, Fktglrnd
It as with the de.•pest regr.•i the Directors have to record the death of
the Honewary [resident. the Honorable John Sharples. Mr. Sharples was for
man( year'. a Director, and for fie,- years the honored and c.Ir mea Presi-
dent of Him Hank it. present .tanding is largely due to him great Interest In!
Its welfare and sound )udrm.ent in business metiers,
Mr Wm Nine. of Quebec. w:a elected Honorary l realdent, and M:•.
(:en. t1 Thomann has 'succeeded hum as Vice -President.
The va.,•nicv nn the Pinard has len filled by the election 1.1 Mr. R.
Cronyn, Vk•r-1 r.aldent of the W. H. lirork Company, 1Amltat a s.wthan.an
of hong hlainee. .•.IMrieme in Tomnto We feel sure the Judgment and 1n-
*ume. of Mr Cronyn will he of .test advantaxe 10 the !tank
During the past year thirty-one Branch.. and .Ageiplew ., t(y, IhtiR t
pew•beew'e,euwd In Me, meters' Pruclhe . la follows: Ontario C tiltt.bnr C
aha- 7,' RrtHah rnittmhla 5, Manitoba 4. S ak..trhewan to
Three Branches in 'intern, which wore not Rlvlsg aatisfartory result
Rave been closed
The total number ;it Hr.re-hrs and Agenda. Is now 313
The Ionia! inspection of H.a4 office and • an Hrsn-he. ad ARenCes es I
- •.k has been made.
JOHN OAI.T, Freetdent
Trade conditlou. in Hritloh Columbia
have not been as bright daring the year
as inn could wish. Conditions n the
lumber trade have teen uneallefa.•tory.
and coal strikes on N'aneouver Island,
which have lawted for mon R. have
thrown a great many men out of em-
The -fishing indtr
uci has had food e
year and the recent rei•l.lon of the
United Stales tariff. by which fish now
enter that rnuntrt free. will toe ..f ad- '
vantage to the trade.
The m.ning industry haa yielded
satisfactory returns, a very 1nage In-
ness. in the pr.du.•tlon having taken
place neer the pre'. -dins; (ran
The fruit crop for 191' h:c. been •
ler/r11 One, the vain,. of ahfpments
(,oraethe ()kaFaspar bietrb't'slaw'hags.
in the nelighborttemnicif 81,11.000.
The following is the mngehly ,:ebonl
report for S. 14 No. It, Rtwnlee, for
1Mesmher. Th. names &rein order of
merit :
V. --J. N. Mood.
Rr. IV. -I. Mc(•lymont. (:. Johnston,
L. Weinman.
Jr.iV.-A. i•'leher, W. Cooper, M.
Sr. 111.-M. Qnoper, i. Collins. W.
Jr. Iih-A. Parsons, I(. Rathwell,W.
Or. 11.--14. J. Hood, K. Plater, (trace
Jr. II. -W, J. Ito., W. J. Harvey,
May i eareoe.
]�1Or. Pt. 1. -A Nigh, P. Pomona, e
iM beet spellers la the tannathly
tllstehes wore,
ji . N. hood, !M -.. iY. 04)
it�et05 Jr. W. -Ames Fisher.
ar. fit -soils Collins. Jr.
be en. Jr. Memrii.-Wilfrid •ePL
-Aegw.p1IL Joanne, Teacher,
Arah'ggPS�tgr�Usha.11.8 i
rallr•a.d .-pen•$•.' has been active
mrd annuli !ere 0 1. 1 o. ,0f con-
slrurtbm dnrine •h• .rya
Stringent moor' . .t it inns have
rherkcd 'roan, Men h .p-•1 is de -takings,
and this. •!norther .IIh hr rioeing
down of limie-r cams.. anis •mplHlon
Mullett. 'or the tern ending 1>ee.mbe.
22nd, 9 4. he agorae show the /e.r
age pert 'ntago takes on'xamootelion.
had throughout the term
V.--Staale Notch.
Hr. IV. -Elwin Heath on.
Jr. 1 l, lona
Mu 71, Meadia
Fergusonnn ilii lona M flfi. (gen.
tis. Beadles. l.nrdrata• Me
Leona i Yungbut fin Ada MedMk
d 011.
Lewis Ruddy 46.
Hr. III.- Harry Beadle 110, Thomas
Hamilton 75, Victim Yusthtut 711.
Graeme Symington Att.
ir. int• -Rider Stoltz ail, Frsak
thhy 75, Victor Lamp 71, Euro
ult•GR, Leslie Ilohulta SY, Gertrude
Land 1111.
Hr. 1t. - Edo. Hai' bhy tet Ryd..j-
Meeliseaey 114, Idiom Murdoch IU,
Audrey ihtwene 71 'fancy Deimos
Jr. ii --Ba roils a‘". Emil
is le -i N0 ('la odd 71. Arthur
YusFblot 00.
Primer A -D ., nhulta, Margaret
A- Mildred 314. Pl1.n Deane,
Viola Theimnso. Genie Doerr. Ifart
deratight. (elan Lterhaet, Margaret
Vinag int.
Iltemi'r a 4seasses roll to Aver -
- - -
ar. d 6.1 y .11 .1•4111111 , fee teem E1.
A. V. torMt-attenrt.'hsehsr,'
A. B -Tole wt... 'ren • nth int Togo-
I.rly hay the hbl.-w• prr.-eoi.R..
The fel ,.11nwrint I. she report 11 4, the
►n•'nth •.f Ill lit M.
8. ajPr,i+jjlp 3.
%NeWaw.n...1, The names ar-
ia order of mer , heard osao.1 atts.d•r, punctuality.
geed . weekly imam mai peeAetesgy
V.• Lottie J
iV.-John ('ran lie, Ruth Fowler,
MIU sd FilnesuIgk Gordo' Cameros,
Able Wiis, Tommy
�lke, Thom
ah. Harvey Webster, n Jim Ihtr-
1Ii -Harr{. Pecans, John Thomp-
son, Joe Thompeen. Leese Dino*
Wilbert Dursie.
11. --Linde Wilson_ Mary Jdmnetes
Willie Ora.eto41. R1.anch. Webster.
Clayton 8 .stir,
Pt . peII..-Elmer Pardon. Rental
Sr. Pt I: -Retests noniron. Mar-
garet Dods.
Jr. Pt I. -Leroy
NS�her es roll. IS : average attend-
amok IL
A. V. Doaa*l•oa Teacher.
of se.lroad work. will sail be the same.
toe or masmMayed Midas ted c11111•isg
Large baisesr improvements ham
boss .m beeeabea at Ifbalm1i• watch
hare Improved a.oadltioSs te same ex -
hi beaters Canada, trade oesdMlons
have beer Used. and the crop remelts
have bees asset gratifying.
Crops have bee.[ cf a good average
Meal we have as is to report a Pres-
perou• year.
Aloe. both shores of the Bt. Law-
rence sad la the Kamera Tummies*.
cesdlllor were favorable. and abun-
dant crops were harveeled la good
The lumber trade has experienced
a good year, sad Me removal of the
United States duty oa lumber should
stimulate trade.
We.atser coadltlona have been sat-
isfactory with the result that *li
crops have Nes above the average.
The fishiest Industry has also experi-
enced another profitable year.
D ROADS. -The questloa of
roads Is of paramount Import -
an and there yet remains a great
deal to he done. We are glad to be
able to report that the Legislatures
of tete various Provinces are giving
their attention tv this Important
que.tioa. e
IMMI(.RATION.- Reports continue
to be of a .tefactory nature Ap-
prOxamat.ly 400.000 people have en-
sYdkdly-_ Ju par oast. el tad para.
• to the a praise .t the Directors W11
monk has beim dimmed eul•derly
amtlal ddry to )sooty the doohratkea
tet a beams of 1 per dent. la adatloa
ea the regular diunema .e 6 par amt.
42 per cwt. quarterly). TWs bunts
w lU be paid On this 1st Parch neat to
reno�a of record as un Febru-
ary lath, 1914.
• (*Meg to the prevailing tasest$ry
mo.dltioms, pieces of immunities gerar-
.Ily Mare decanted tberbig ted year std
It has bona wseldwad vIsabie to sat
aside the fain et 11111.400. out of Pro-
late. to a 1peclml MONTI Account. to
meet tate depreciation V market Values.
of stocks, bonds and debentureso
owned by the Bask as an Investment.
r 1100.01 has been added to Rest Ac -
comet, which now sands at 17,41.000.
134.000 has been written oft Bank
The usual contrtbut:on of 111,.00
has been sale to the Ofecers' Pen-
sion Fund.
110.671.03 is carried to the new
Prost and Lues Account, as .galas'
/76.403.70 brought forward from 1912.
Bose changes will be observed In
the ceaaacatlon of figures in the Bal-
ance Sheet; these were necessary to
comply with the provisions oder the
rsvlasd Bank Act.
Dopoolto have increased by 00,162.-
01, wb'ch, considering *aortal con-
dition*, Is looked trios as very satis-
factory. They now amount to 164.-
111, 210.11.
Our immediate available asserts are
026,00..11, or 34.31% per cent. to lia-
bilities to the public.
Current Loans In Canada have in-
creased by 11.710,000 and now amount
to 140.711,91.
Loans and (Viscounts outside of
Canada total 01.641,472 as against
1771.000 last year.
Real Estate and other Bank Prem -
terve! Canada dualsg the'year eadlag Mos has been reduced by 8164,000.
tieptember, 1913. The immigrationProperty and buildings acquired for
toot favorably on the class
s reau- thecharged use ofto theBank BaIk mareises. now Io at orti're
of these new settlers, and estimate
Canada. Morlgag.s on heal Estate sold bya
them to M worth 111.041.1 per capitaitato the Bank are larger by 117,000 than year age. ad overdue debts show an
Wh11at we belle,,. trod. conditions nrrease ut 116,000.
to be cm a round basis. and the finan-
cial position tit Canada In a moat grail, cuts to impress upon the farmer the
tying rendition we stillrvaslder that necessity of attending promptly to his,
It Is the duty of this liana to common- paper at iu maturity, especially wove.'
cautton and to discourage any attempts weather cond.tlona are favorable to
to undertake ladg* cummtunents whilst Wowing and other agricultural pur-
eonditinmu fll'Europe are readjusting suits Bank Premises have increased
themselves after the recent dlstur- I $2110.000. It is found ne.cesiogry to erect
Kann I a number of buildings every year for
FINANCING OF MUNICIPALITIES.°ur own oceupat:on. when suitable
premises cannot be leased, every et-
fnrt being trade to provide comfort -
From our point of view It is ver) able accommodation for members of
desirable that the Provincial Govern- 1 the' staff at country branches.
menta should take action In regard to
monies required for muntelpal expen- The total assets of the bank are now
dame. A commissionshould pa. on ....000,004. as against 869.400.000
all issues atter expert examination of In 1912, showing a substantial ezpan-
proposed expenditures. If these Issues alon In the growth Of the Inssnitutlun
carried the guarantee of the Province during the year.
and were sold under its auspices they . pROOR[SS OF TME M...,
would have a greatly enhanced value,
and the saving to the community would i
be very large. both In the diRerene. of , During the year 3 Branches were
value and in the supervision of expen- closed in Ontario.dlture exercised by the (government. The total number of Branches and
Under the present system the Initial Agencies a now 111. as follows: -
ltnancine falls upon the 'Banks because Alberta. 45; British Columbia, 20:
they have to await the We of deben- Manitoba, S0: Saskatchewan. 00; On -
tures, the disposition of which. In turn.' tarso. 89; Quebec, 13: Maritime Pro -
often depends upon the ability and Vtnces. 2. London., F,ng.. 1.
knowledge of men who have had little Since closing of the year, we have
or no experience In financial operations,, also opened a West End Branch In
and who make their sales' in a hap- London, Eng., in the Haymarket,
hazard Instead of a systematic manner. corner of Panton street, and at
in this way seatetlmea. for Indefinite Smithery. B.C.
periods, large sums are Heel up which In connection with the very sails -
should he employed in the %eneral factory manner In which the railway
financial operations of the community. comrtplan:ew have carried out the grain
Thr proposed IeRtslatton by the, from the Western Provinces 04.
••••.ivfno,. of Saskatchewan along these year, it may be .nteresxtng for you
ora is. in my Judgment. likely to prove to know that up to December 1st the
of benefit ' following quantities of grain have
paved Winnipeg for the head of the.
NEW UNITED STATES TARIFF Great Lakes, namely. 1/,000.000
I bushels wheat, 32.06,000 bushels oats.
Thr recant reduction in the United 1.600.000 bushels barky, and 1,361,660
State,' tariff should result in obtaining bushels flax.
a Larger market for our products.
Before m:tting down. 18esire to bear
In vont-tuition. let me say that the testimony to tb• efficiency and loyalty
figurer whirl. *we been laid beton of he Staff, not Of Officer., but 1hie whole Sty of the afii-
f of
you must M particularly gratifying the Bank. to whose energy and abUlt
to our Shareholders. We are now n much tit the success which bas ata
large Inetltction, and our growth and tended the operations of the
strength illustrate. to some extent, the year• Is due. Del
u.* renal dove:opment of Canada. Wath
Mr. Oso. H. Thomson, the V1ce-
)-c.itr help we shall do our beet to keep President. seconded the adoption of
pace a It1 this progress. and to build the Report, which was carried.
up a great (tank. which will he Ino
tuu.'1i eith the needs of the country, AUDITORS.
amt J credit lu the whole Dominion.
. Messrs. T. Harry Webb, C.A. E.
Tar l:em re: Manager. Mr (;. H.
Balfour, addressed the meeting as fob-
bws' -
Gentlemnen,- -Owing largely to the
unsettled financial cordttions which
have Obta.ned throughout the whole
world during the year under review.
bualnees has not been normal and has
caus,.d bankers much anxiety. ('nn-
rrrvat.ve adnlniotration and caution
have been adhered tn. and white'
supplying our (salesmen' with their
legitimate requirements, we have
a rued at maintaining, at all times. a
wtrong financial position in so tar as
4.quid or Immediately available meets
are concerned.
The early marketing of the West-
ern grain crops has had an important
Oearlag upas collections in that ser.
*0041 •( t.e .t:eaWY a0 we.A we rm7etl
5asgo latenests aim' a 401.04 fa the
increased volume of deposits. -
• Dealing with the figures -n the
'Profit sad Isms Account tort In tae
ill/Hance Sheet. 1 tot pleased to way
Rhat after ma10,,• ample provision
for all necessary re ervea, the net
grants show an increase a almost 1
per cent. over those of 1912, tieing
S. Read. C.A., and C. R. Regan. C.A.,
were elected Auditors of the Rank.
The ballot was un.n:mous and these
gentlemen were declared elected.
It was moved by Hon. W. H. Mon-
tague. P.C., seconded by Mr, E. H.
Riley. of Calgary. that the thanks of
the Shareholders are hereby tendered
to the Honorary President, President.
Vice -President. and the Dtrectors of
the Rank tor their valuable services
during the ,year. -Cabled.
Mr. O. H- Balfour. General Man-
ager, Mr. E. 0. Denison, of Minne-
eyea, and Mr. H. J. Pugh. of Virden.
re$45d briefly on behalf of the Stag.
e Scrutineer* reported the f0l-
lew:ne seatimeen elected as Directors
ter the ensuing year: Mems. Wm.
Prise. Joan O.H. R. T. Riley, Oso. H.
Thomson. R. 4 Drewry, F. iR Renu -
ton. Alt.. Lt.]ML. PBull. Hen-
Dolmans,uSesai0.. PgOspHs..iirstall.
Col John Carson, y'. W. H.,Asch, B
R. Cronyn. Wm- Slues, The meeting
then adlouresed-
At a subsequent meeting of tla
newly -enacted board. Mr. Wm- Pri.,
was elected Honorary Prwsldwt, Mr,
John (lett, Prastlent: Mr. R. T. Riley
and Mr. Oen. H. Mamma. Tloe-Pre-
W9rthy of the world's
best music
To most of us the chance to hear human play
of good music conies infrequently. only m the
great cities are the appetites of the
satisfied. Even then one can hear but a
part of all the worth while concerts.
Femme* for those who love the melts 1 tbe pert, sad wile
lave the Wow. to seamemi.* is present jay composers the
austess d the Wore, there is the F.tliee
Pioso r.plt. 11 is worthy d Wagner. o
Balk d Poccai. The der. sweet lose.
ruas.r .bah m polity, is sirs* a tr.tb-
`os of hts..n Music avis year ewe bone.
Unless yes have hod the sewed Echoes.
yes have so cosoaph.s of their wosdnful
mse♦Ow [tee*. Yoe slier 9.a1rd that
wadi bast, could be .ppied to sowed.
Ask yes[ Eels. danger to play one of
the le. A.be of Beards --•gel yen wi
knew that the whale world d pod mamas
-gad sod pisses!„ -n ops to yolk
laxaa MAagi
a ....t.
A contuse lee el Elsa P&msraphe sad Reza& iiia Iolanda
Wishing you all a
For Selling 40 sets of Our Christmas or Fancy
Postal Cards. 6 in a set for lSc.
FOR BOYS -Beer r":21Flight.2Nick-pla
leled Iioekcy
TBoa wit wise
Train with Tender. Coach and Track, and many others. Meclaaomral
FOR GIRLS -301dMaelblidated
Bracelet, /towin
Lady Aon Doll Carriage and many others my Gas Metal Watch,
FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Moving Pietnn Mmobis'
complete with Nora and
t -ides. Send la your [lame and address today, plainly written, and
we will send cords by return mail,along with big illustrated cat-
alogue of free provolone' for boys and girl*. When sold, return nes
the money and we wilt lend premium pont paid.
Toronto Novelties Co.. Dept 373, Toronto, Ont.
Make Your Stock and
Poultry. Pay Better with
'The report of B.S. No. 2 Colborne,
for Lb. terra rending Christmas, 1913.
Honor 33131 - Attendance - Ives'
100.1 : Pusetn.11ty-here L•ng, Edna
Walters, Ger' rude Gledhill. Elsie 01.b-
er, Maisie Walt...., Beulah Long. Goo -
dos Vae.ten., Joe P'tsbee1 Hasa( Hill;
Work -IV. Clam-iotos Lon.. Gert -
p%1 Gldhill, Rasa Walters; IIi. Chem
Maisie Walter.: II. Claes-Beulah
[.oat, ire Ok.,lteggle Jewell : Primer
11ttaarryy Good. Glady* Va*.one, Oppi.
OM'letmea iC:Amin talons --Maximum.
rwark. IV (l.s..--(iettrod. Gled-
hill 700, ir'0ee Lost Ml. draftee Oke
515, Frisk Chambers 474.
Maximum, 900 wart• --111 Olsen. -
Elisabeth Walters M4, Emblem
Weediest* SIM. Geblwi. Gond Ma
R�p. II (�Rerg-
pieJewll Rutledge
Ira Mt Mulish Long AS,
Proneetlose-Pt'iener to Jr. 1. -Mary
IL -Garden
V .salt -n0 l Sr. I. 9s Jr.
.w. Jo. Mawr• ~ kVOiIt.Blott
ha0wnorm s- Boum Tessier.
isgt le report et
Its. 16. Ashdod. t Islaeas h et Doe -
Name. in order of merit.
Those marked • •!rent for all or putt
of examlinetldn :
Sr. IV. -May Memory. Ethel Gr. -
ham, Charlotte DDooaopbbeseety, ida $1.1. -
kiss. *Mildrd Dougherty, Nara.. TI.
Jr.seek Harold Therm
IV.--0bri.t hr Babe. MarRsea•
ito 3.04.505. pareses Johsetos,
°A Ana Inoorrbm'ty. Raab.. Reale.
Jr. 1I1. -lilts Grahams. Joha.yGoorge
I • I W e1�E+rt. Harvey SE -
Jr. II. -11smeYJoh ipmio m, Mary M-
ean omDo �N,
Pt Ii -Toomey Trask Hear-
ties. •lledywelm
Or. Pa. i.-l1mr3 ta.t.,, Leafs
Araban. Honor Tram.
Ir. PL I.-bowlstlomepr
No. em ro11 17. avermR. at wwdua00
91.1 L12LA V. Pierian. 'Rmebsr,
Clouvd-Wilaint Wedding
The amarrUff$ esteassay
Weed by Rev.
d es DDei• ether
rwad Y W. Wpegg e
t.eseld0bitereasMM. Mahal It Mimes
mai Osat it. OMY, .f M1Ma d. o1gl.
A lests m amensnot LTIIT
d • =wet sewn IN
hoof ot per sent P.em.awfer isle ttsaaaar. 1111
i eltaaaa.siesiriesl w
weed.. Bees and Ma Seem p
t•.-•swa sah.ls w Ilia
gels mfg* sad visa. 11•11111111•1111111•40sBe Y
.1 maga seas tams 0 ave man& a asp,
brads +swags. W goals, sF the mi.
ROYAL Pi 18LS le nee a aril S h a raw
lost mew ee' L M shwa des
Maass we ware be .Naas IL a 4r
sale your las* a sed reg geed �g
Nur I ase mal os lea Ossa •edg R
Now r the ea.l.m N Al �eM reel .
cry asA.,. e d yew ae! ea A.4 of
este megezekd mseli .e Mai a lamerow ors proonar -sot thing lona lty a puipur m
thss mead Masse ipso‘ wholesome 6.t.
Peed 11r seed led creme me year {�{,
ohs ismer, be ss, Mew sea won d. Dee 'ppmMil da. namIsm Maras o.
theta one fes 1W whim item 1D r. St
Mem Bee hem
110T♦L PQslta le as W le these . tions' 1e les awl him sad
Mad long •ad If yon M s von mar the
ae.r.a we ms.lb toms sins amps e.. a .bpm..
sail .laras9se bale nsslr than r you tmrl► ♦ Ilan tial. >N saes own
and am, of the asmes.s... 45.01 es tb 10 devil lsrial per alp R7 we how
m'a3. r ^ssvpeema New' et.mo I ofet esssm-sedbwsg
Werra sorto
sea sou boom amt 5 Om webbed
roe seise ord. or don per s'rssmmas on
if than r a re'ieA meet, awuesloee pew e �odood woe �31 IN same memo
ri em em�wr oasts nes wbM pT♦6. nes to Ores �wTory
aims po.a�.pg.e hob lids ae fon m. l gF p� a `
aims pa i ter • M M Mem r fans fav wee
TIN east le o. maw Mail me teems a Ohm Plea sees. ,�e/a�
Cass& Ices am memo On lo•vear =met- sea seem_._ I1aa dedMe Ibtr►
Tar 5 ea
a mg
��i~ai'w reel lois �ty :
mast amts./laeawts SkadlRsow
somas per Sava • s ••
>s.merte Mise Tea ma tees. reg fa
- tats of sail -lion se item age ag • N
elm. road a 3. aim era, • •aim r
seem Mos WO mai M ph, a .slam site
aur cram. DOTAi, P•l0B 1
leddes. sea human ion Ipept•assum oleo.
Ir.a ele= 1.1.11.eb
A Tell Nos
th • Oi a htr.Cw..i Arad
V.=ISO r e.arb w >it,ol l►•pr Les file
�*sr alsamt •s, 1 eam.1 aramos�..a.. aka it e�MeeerSaW�
• �i••••�lsaiesa *Y.Vitt - -�-y� tii.lt 411 gee .aa
.lam �a was. Ae rmr t Mt * •mYlom�Ns and NW gp�s�
�g� ewer..3. leve& gem __Plitt t�1k.5a53 •bsaseeasn a6ee
R.M Ekea/lir.d, a fp4. w ems f�e1�i.r 9di ems 45 9'sdry.
third /a.
Freea eP . m
�egfgg�� es�e� ay.� e_e�fdtee�a�}yg�/e�9.Im�itr�aafil�~i j
MM sbtimM M e .ssir 9s,mmr� pt.rl res ITS t'tr , I aim, TYl Mia M ~
W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Cauda
Royal Purple Supplies and 800klettl may be obtained from