The Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 5r Skates Sharpened 1 i5c per pair -- -- EAST ST. GARAGE Next Town Hall PHONE 243 OODERICH THE Star Theatre. _a___ FOR SALE A Second-hand Internationit Harvester Gasoline Engine Six Horsepower In A I running order, at a lrargalu. Apply to J. A. CULVERT _ Prlopeigtor i hehnseseeetineeteWireeeetasetelseseaneW HOW SHALL 1 SPEND MY WINTER EVENINGS? A MUSICAL EDUCATION is a very essential accomplish- ment tor every young person in modern life. Now that the long winter evrnibge t 1]alote tea the question prssrAjaftself: "How shall 1 .pend my spare hours in order to deriver from them the greatest plg'asure and profit ?" To those de.irinz to eom- rnenee a .tndy of ' PIANO PLAYING we would recommend the Heintstnart t Co. Pi,wo. Be- ginners end It an esay instru- ment to play and the sweet quality of the tone ptadaeed ie an encouragement to the muaio student. James F. Thomson Agent for Heintinwn k Co, Ptanw YOUNG MAN If you art wise toeugb to take wrovisywno boa of Ar - Orr Delicious Confections whoa put make that env- templated peen's* esti, eau ten ring I be hell in full eneilideriest that your tecep- F. E. SURDETTE Beirserel Cate TM Smarm 'Phone 04 LOCALS •m PERSONALS -masa Boveleapr•t the, holidays at Wharton. - Mr. John Youngson spent Christ- mas out of town. -Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst is visiting relatives in Toronto. - Mr, ThotneW Legg visited friends in Anburo last week -end. -Mrs. J. T. Goldthorpe is visiting e1 Hamilton red Dundas. -Mr. Ernest Clark visited friends Ile Clinton over Christmas. --Mr. Cleo. M. Orummett is home from Cabri. ki•sk., for a•viait. - Mr. Wm. Filltsky, of Detroit, is speadieg a abort visit in town. -Mr. and Mn. F. C. Brandt and children 'pent Christmas at Berlin. - Mr. W. J. Hale has returnei to Toronto. after visiting his mother, Mrs. H. Hale. - Miss Maude Hale, (of Toronto, is visltlag her mother, Mrs. H. Hale, Park etre. t. The regular meeting of the Goderich -Misses Jean and Anna Lawson. of brach of the Women's Institute will Detroit. ars "peodieg the holidays ■t be held in the Temperance ball on the their home. evening 9f Jenusry 8th in tbe form of - Mr. J. W. Graham. of Detroit, it boz social for the members and Mom Ohritmas Day wito hut parents friends, the Indies providing well-filled at 8beppardton. boxes. Games and a good programme -Mrs. James F. Thomson and leas- wall be provided for the evening's en- ter billy spent the Christmas tide at tert•inment. A short business meet- lirantlord• ing will be beim in the afternoon at 4 -Mr. Leerier Dyke is borne from o'clock. Vernon, B. (.. for a holiday visit` of Family Rs -Union ►evetarwlowaa -e w - Mn. Boyd and Miss Beth Boyd i -A happy family re -union took place spent Christmas with Mr. and Mks. IC. Christman Day at the home of Mev Hanna at Hamilton. I Amy, East street, in honor of Miss -Mr. add Mrs. E. 8. H•lr, of Strut- Margaret Amy and her friend Min he west. ford, spent Cbrivoueswitb the former's MFFriends frog distance were: Mr. mother, Mn. H. Hale. I and Mrs. BertAmyMr. and Mrs. -Mr. Edward Lundy and daugh- ler May were the guests of Mr. end Mrs.HarNorrisoand daughter. Moe MrMs. Mn. \t, alter Moose last week. Mrs. and littfamle son and airs. - Mr. add Mrs. Jock Campbell, of \Vm. Amy andaantlwas.Harold. Port Colborne, are spending the boli- A very pleasant day spent by all present.days with relatives le town. --The W.C.T.U. will bold • silverBisset-Hess Nuptials. medal mutest on the venting of I At the hose of the bride's parents. Jane try loth. Keep the date. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hew, Zurich, on - Ton.. Sanest and Miss Mettle , Christ mar' Day. the marriage took flaquwr, of Medicio. Hat, are visiting : place of Mss. Freda Hess to Mr (Jordon. relatives in town and vicinity. jBisset, eon of Mr. Samuel Bisset, Reeve of Colhorne toe nship, and Mrs. Bis- set. The wedding ceremony was per- tained at 12 o'clock noon by Rev. Mr. Miter. pastor of the Lutheran church. in the pi emote of the Immediate rels- ti wee of the bride and groom. The bride, who was given away by ber father, was gowned in white silk crepe and carried a boquet of bridal roses and lily of the valley. The wedding marco was played by Min Celia Hess, sister of the (wide. After thecu.fomary fes- tivities the happy couple left on a trip to Londou and Toronto, and on their return they will make their home in the handsouw residence just completed on 84 it ford Heights. The groom isnne of the subatancial young men of Col- borne too end and be and his Nide here the gond wishes of a lost of trieddr. Tt.e gnwm'r wadding gift to the bride was a pearl necklace and tc the pianist, a peer) brooch. THE SIGNAL GODERTCH --tONTARIO -Joe Doris. Berlin. -Prank Idwatlde, /lh•tltiam. -Ulm Roe• Aitken, Port Ool orne. -lass M. Tbsrlow, Tomato. Editor Fell in Guelph While ie O5.Iph last 11110111 ale short visit. Mr. James 111 eidtor of The Godeeieh Star fell en Um side- walk and suffered • versos shook. He rturtosd home, but did net glue a FIRST NOCXIY PRACTICB Local Fags are PI.isad mil Playas Mahe Good Sheering Local funs were la guest gin on a Monday night last. wimp Ike Seat hockey practice was Imid. Although the weather bas been Warpoor for lea making, the ice wait alrl good th p and e boys showed of what kind of work and be is slowly recoveries from bis fall. Mr. A. E. Bradwin Recovering Mr. A. B. Hoidens, editor and Usher .1 .1 The Signal. who bas !seen confined to his bowie for the past 10 days, 1s stightly improved to -day. His.pbysicen state that it will be at least two weeks bake, ha will be able to leavebie4ed. Hydro 'f utter On ' "" Withcut any demonsltration" of any kind the hydro for power purposes and street I ghting, was turned on lest Sunday. Owing to some of the wires becoming short-circuited, it had to be shut off and the town power was •gain utilised. Or. Monday the hydro was again tried and worked satisfactory. To the Electors Having been placed in nomiaatiot. for the town council, and having been asked by • number of ratepayers to allow my name to nand, I ■m before you as •candidate. As you know, my oterests arra in the town of Goderich, and If elected 1 promise to do my duty without fear or favor. Yours sincer'ely. E. R. W I 11 I.E. Will Hold Social -Miss Cora Washington left on Monday for Chicago, where she will outer Wesley Hospital as a nurse -in- training. - Mrs. John Halliday and daughter Miss Delphine. wade a *bort trip to Auburn on Strode y, where they visit- ed ft tend.. - leer. ,Hud Mrs. J. G. Emigh and Miss A. Emigh, of Blyth, spent , Christmas Day with air. end Mrs. A. E. Bradwin. -Uspt. and Mrs. Baxter, And son, Alfred, wbu bad been vtaltiug rela- tives in (Joderich for several week* their borne iu Chicago on Tuesday sant nine. - Mr. Frank Foster, of Toronto, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Foster, St. Patrick ler ea, over the Christmas season, has leturued home.. CHRISTMAS VISITORS - Mr. Frank McDonagh, of Toronto. NOMINATIONS --Miss Minnie Campbell, of Sarnia. -din Annie Campbell. of Totowa.. IN TOWN HALL, - Miss Irene Pridham, of Ayr. - al r: -Fred Robertson, ut Ottawa, --Mr. mud Mrs. Harry Robertson, of t•esttseed from page t• Stratford. that what be hadreviousl remarked Yr. Dan Wiggins, of Saattwo, was quite eucient. Harry WtRgiva sltrod 1Htss m Coun. Lsithwaite said Chet le bad Vets Wiggins, of Toronto. . ! heen in the council seven ears and if -Mr. Ublfutd Gledhill, of Toronto. the electors thought be was Aft good grave. r; v. 1. W. Kilpatrick, .•[ Bel I and would vote for bile he would do =slue Nisi Knox, of Toronto. 1 los eery beet for the own. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cuff anti (alum. J. H. McClinton thanked the daughter, of Btmatfotd electory for the support be had re- -Miss 'ttrmeneer Thorns', of Tor- 1etsed and stated that tbe coon - onto. ell had done its he.t for the town. He -Mr", Donley Johnston and daub .was nod -committal as to whether be ter., Dorothy and Mildred. of Preston. I would stag in the field or not but -Mr. horniestLewis, of °mows, would decide later. -- Mr. Jack Proudlout, of 8aakaWom. The chit[ plant in the pl«tform of -a/.. John McLeod, of Sault Ste. Coup. Moser was the numbering of the Marie houses which he considered r great -Mr. Herb. Maedel. of Detroit. necessity. He would do his best for -Mr. Roy aegele, of London. the town if re-elected. ? -Mire Flotence. !{suede!. of. Detroit. ; ON BOTH 81LKS -Mr. and M,e. Chas. Arwatrong Coun. W. B. Graham, es chairmen and rhtldtvn, of Toronto. ' of the parks committee, deviled • -Mr. Hutt! M. e. Waller Buchanan statement made early in the evening and rAlldrer., of Toronto. ) by ex4Couneillor Rohl. Elliott. that vrll Mr. Clarence Yount, of Walker- i the councilors were making money. He liloaetra! TAtsrtmtost stated, that Mr. Elliott wee en both --Mr. t, of eon' o. vadat the fet►rts.7rrt wee always an -Mr. sad Mr., B. H. McCreath, of ,the winning aide. H. thought the ma .ltus council last year d done everything -Harvey Given". of Toronto. id the best way that they knew how. -Fred. Sbaneon, of Ottawa. BEST IN CANADA -Mr. Grafton Burdett', of the Bank ! A new &spirant, Mr. Freak Elliott. of Commeree, Exeter. blies Mollie Neville. of Detroit. I 112"1" "I" "limo( 1"tynigins- Ho - amid Mr*. %Vilour McColl and mese not 'successful wheal tter were child, of Toronto. My. Win. Mantuan. cif Cleveland. ter ip chbmate of outsiders but green I Moo control they were 0410. , -Mr. W.11 Prig day. ot tmi. nit. eeesiful. As 11 IMIttlinr. he teduted to -41yo Otani', Tarnow. t. You Get Bilious &COMM Your Liver is Lazy You get • teem snack talim year Byer refuges se de las "t=The Mk doss me dem Teo Mmes. cormiparwl. mom Insarad of Tea Mee that "' bitirr es 'and' ewe err bilesanme TMy smile thailiews de he rearti-misagitien the argerm auk maim le palest MO& Me. lisidh CHAMBERLAIN'S TABEETS factory. This he "aid. w•e the haat of its kind in Canada. Flom his remeeks one reheat kids. that the eounell's record was cote poeed of not b - lag but ahorter.mings. Mr. Harry Morrie made a env little ridden.. He stated that the teasell had been "bort of food., otherwise qtr eater and better wort wound have been doss.. He was a great market enthaelast but be did nos aprons of lifeelwg 11.stmMi.b.d i• the GU market heating. -Make the market Inds'.' for the farmers," he "add. "A farmer most haw. • place for his wagon and by doing this it eweoaragee his coming to tows,- he A.eler'ed. ' .Mr. P. J. Ryan, the Inst speaker, Meted that he had Moa nosaleat.d without lee enamel, bot after edaeld- miMf tib water Mfr Rind derided to may la the fie ales los and p l..d good asked la '~ ir , Shortly More ria tore . in eseW they were made of. The inter- mediate team "bowed up very well sod with a few good practices, there is so doubt but that they will make things "hum." \Vbiie the juniors will likely take a creditablyshowing this year, the sbowsd a ack of torobinetion end worked an IndivWnal game e11 through. Both teams did sums good stick handling. The practicilasied an hour and tor the last leo minutes the ietarwtediatM rroieed sticks with the juniors. Mr. John Wiggins. as coach, certainly handled his teams well and with co- operation on their part, the local teams will certainly bring the laurels to Goderich this season. ANNUAL STATEMENT Union Baak Has Had s Prosperous Year And Shows Good Returns The 19th annual statement of the Union Bauk of Canada fur this year ended Sitb November ie the best ewer issued by the hank the net profits amounting to $730000 es compared with $70n.t1110 fur the previous year. Other evidences of the bank's. pros- perity1s gathered from an examination of the report. Destoeite increased from $35,0110,000 too fltdi.500,Ott0. Cur- rent loans stand at $18.43000 as com- pared with 145,000,000. The total assets now amount to 11 7.0,00$. baying increased during the year from SI ,40$.0110. That the year bas been a prosperota one is further sbewn by the fact that the directors have seen St to gine a bonus of 1 per cent to the sh•rebolder., meklug, the total dis- bursement tor the year 0 per eent. lenmedlarely available assets antount to nyer 34 per cent of the liabilities a011*bom the*l.uak to b.rin a very strung position. In common with every other Ivtnk which has reported to date the Union Bank tenni 11).1 the mtost prosperous year in al histo. v. COLBORNE NOMINATIONS 4( 'sot lased trews pare 1.1 Colborne township to the eth cnn- ciesion, and it was the opinion of the speaker that if the drain takes this course it would have to he extended across the township to Mi . Stra ugh• n's farm At Beamiller, incnrnr.g a cost of tbousanos of dollars. Mr. Young raid be was glad there had been little criticism of the expenditure during the past year. There were instances when there night have been more economy, but yet much mote "hould hare been spent in improvements. THE SCHOOL QUESTION The question of conito •j ted schools was introduced add favorably com- mented upon. Mr. Young advocated a movement along there lines in pref- erence to that of the la•t two yeas with all their envy, strife end farling. Isaac Hetherir.aton, in ,t brief speech. aunounred himself as a email - date for re-election. 1119 SEAT STOLEN Jas. Chisholm was next called upon. He aroused the ire of several in the an- dienee by declaring that his sent in the council was'etolen frcns him last year. He expressed his belief that ret.rpayers from A.hfii.ld and Gu.lrrich townships, whose mune. ebnuld not have twee on the roll, polled their votes Against him past year He intimated his intention of staying in the fight. A WORDY BATTLE When Clow. Rolrrteon took the plat [ono to explain his attitude on the telephone qua -t• , the excitement, remelted its herebt1.. tor. he en- g.g-d in a wordy warfare with "Rod." Young. J N. K-rnighan, Assresoe Rohm -term, Tax Collector Hamilton and others. The conflict sulri.l.d without any physical injury on either A WARM SCAT Levi Snyder posted that be had been askee to offer hitn.elf 'ea.a councillor for 1914. He did not know whether it. was .dwisable or naw. as a mist in the Colborne named was finite a warm leer to .rrupy. He did not wish to bwthee with eat election. bet .if a poll were demanded be wee prepared to *tend. Hs expres.ed the hope that the trlephnne gnestiun wunld sown le settled. He had lusn told that the Ondhnrne nominattom meeting we. the best.dtertaiuutent arm." people had wan aaseatd.iseed of tow our ec!ajt tire* /mistfaster! Nat mkt rte' eeeeseary to entente the bell. Jmsnes Wst.owintimate.;IkAt he had modeler. to obtain the lehetiow of coon- elllne J,.hn McL«Ky. a ,member of last year's r,.uncel. to .s lh- lest sp-akar. tt was ht. wi.h not to 1.,. rrow.inated I ht. veer and tot-sirs..4 this h. wee !".king I.rwa.J to a f..r's rust. Per - lame. nest year be w..ttld lie is the Sell foe the reeweehip, be inks. While In 1 he rosined he tried to du whet was richt. but he was were. r t hat he was unable to .w ever] sweeten. ALL A(X:LA Al ATION The awaking wee p.neleded at 4 i. and flee 'minutes later the mnnoetece. mew was made that the cr.oeil for 1014 had ,ren elected Ivy aeolamj'Mn, an en.iaM. arrengsntrnt ha: ing hero reached by the vat ions candidates. COUNTY NOMINATIONS Reverse Min Maarcipahdas ia Various szvriath Rae Ream --Omer, Liatle:p• tes- ti olustietil George Worn*: filiesto.4 .11111atire. Charles Parker, Riehard Rfliolk•Amateir Poe Sehaol Trameriei-Bori. 10 Green blade. (Morro 14 big. Fred Clerweirthe libesnanserl Mud, Minima Hee For Reeve .1 0 Mieedocio, moan. ammo R Megan**. TauasDAY, Jawua$Y 1, 1911 • David Sherif, Robert Phillips. Jarrell Lyme Gad Wm Hendersos. Poenellloer-Robert Johann', John Harry McQulllln, Wm, -Dawkins. Bas., W. W. Hill; W. O. Johnston D. C. McWarras, John at (hale Wallace, Altair -4%13:r yydd, R. D. Q•meron, Roderick Mcthe David Sheriff. James Hand.r on, Geo. H. Douglas, Dr. A. M. Spence. Walter Trel WINOHAM For Mayor -J. A. Mills, A. J. Irwin. For Reeve -J. W. McK(bbop, M1lch.IL For Councillor-- W. I sbeeter, W . J. Buyee, J. Hanna, W. 'A. Currie, A. Ye ma. J. A. klelasee, W. 0. Patten. ▪ D. McDoaald, H. Apotton, H. 13. ▪ Let, L. Burkley, Tom Kion, D. RO Per Board of Eduratioo-F. Buch- anan. C. P. Smith. Dr. Redmond, J. A. Morton, J. A. McLean. A. Tipltng, G. Soottoo, R. Allen, L. Kennedy, W. J. Howson, It. Vanstone. W A. Campbell, F. Vanstone, A, J. Irwin, H. A. Quaid, W. Robertson. BLYTH For Heave. -Dr. W. J. Milne, Lux- ton Hill, Joseph Carter, Wm. H. Mc- Elroy. For Councillors. -- James ('utt, Henry Horney, Joeepb Carter, John Mair.. (resigned), John Heffron, Lux- ton Hill. Wm. Johnston, Ww. W. Scott, Robert Sloan. WHO XKTEH Heeye-C. Rele(ecclanration). Councillors -00111.1d Pope. Gavin Donaldson, John Douglas (acclama- tion). ASH FIELD • The council of 19f3 was returned by acclamation, no other nominations being made. Reeve -Wm. Htmter. Deputy Rervr.-Cha.. Stewart. Councillors. -- -Jue. P. Dalton, Jaines Alton, Jno. A. Jobostou. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Fog Reeve -Jit•. Cox Wm l.phh, Thos. Churchill (Cburcbi i hss retired). For Conocillors-Geo. Hulloed, Gu... H,.die, Bert Lindsay, J. W. Yen. D. Oliddon, Wert. Patton (Gliddon and Patton retired and flet four elected by aeelatnationt. WEST WAWANOSH For Reeve -Wm. Bailie, D. B. Murray. For Councillors -J. A. Mailou b Jae. Pardon, Joe. Kidahan, Rob. Medd. H. H. Naylor. Jas. Aitcbeeoo. Albert Johnston. HU LLETT For It-eve-lohn England, lames Leiper, James Snell. For eauocillors.-;Hatt. Armstrong, John Barr, Robert Clerk, Thos. Mc- Michael, \Villiem I. Milner. Thomas Neilane, James Watt. McKILLOP Reeve -John M. Govenlacx, (sc- clametion ). Councillor. --Robert Archibald, John Balfour, Conrad Eckert. John Goven- lock, F. J. McQuaid, Thomas Purcell. Daniel Regele. STEPHEN For Reeve --William D. Sanders, •William Anderson. William R. Elliott. For Deputy Reeve -John Love, William Yearley'. For Councillors -George Keller - mann. Michael Finktriner. Thomas „Mawhinney, Fred Wuertb, Alex. Neeh. GREY Council elected bv acclaim/Minn. Reeve -Robert W. Livingston. Deputy Iteeve-.13tin Brown. For Reeve -John Shortreed. Charles C. Campbell. For Couneillore-W. C. Leidlew, E lston, Duncan Johneton. HOW ICR For Reeve - Reuben Harding, Jame* Downey. Fur Deputy Re... -140{3i. Demnor r - ling. James %V. Edwin, WEIL Craw - For Councilior. -Pet er F.-. Doi tr. Louis Dem...Piling. James Armetrooit, 5TOR 1A Mew work 81,r James V.'hitney Is confined to ibis roses at the Miushattan Hotel, ;New York, under the care of a ,nervons attack which will delay kis return to Toronto until after Christ. =as. His colleagues at the Parlia- ment Buildings my that the Premier's condition Is not such as to ocrasioe any alarm. A body found Wow th• hank of the Niagara River was identified se Mat of heel Allot. Was's( from his loin la Stamford. Oet . for the part toe resaalso4. the nuta's Jewelry fur Melting the else by which identifier nos am established. J. Se DAV EY Jeweller and Optician Corner Colborne fat. and Sy rale eieoeselswerewaseverearseesWOWeenelsesSeeesseeelsekraersoWWWireerleveMeeesese B1- N Ofi CANADA I You know how everything costs more when you have to buy on credit Why not practice self-denial a While If necessary, open a Savings Account In the Union Bank of Canada, and, with the money in hand. buyeat Cash prides? The disgpunts will help to well your bank balance, and you will have made a good start towards financ tit independence. i M Case la ae Sok Ti. Can ay Is Advantage Goderich Branch—E. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. Joys of the Season to Each and Everyone 1 .Puirix 91 W. J. POWELL t ARE DIED rreis Laundry' Geo. Newell hurt Sylmar Lsunoarti 1 am prepared to do a few rough dry family washings for the winter at reason- able prides. AMERICAN OltEATEAT PROF. DORENWEND OF TORONTO ' /5 COATING Te tbe Hotel Bedford. On Wednesday, Jaouary 7111, to replace Mir on the heal. of Ladies and Gentle- men win hare beet their hair. By hie beautiful. nattirsil bait. constrtasteoas, whieh lire known ail over the world. EVERY wOM•N AND MAN e,tes 11w. made 10 look young•r and nave the natio-4.1 C▪ OMFORT AND GOOD APPEA.RANCE. LADIES. do root toles this Oppor. unity. Sew his Transformation Switches, Wavelet., tinns- padours, full Wigs, Curls, etc. Dorenwen minion y Patent Toupee " • Q LXI LL111P4 Who Are SOS and sews he ' t, w MRle seas, Mohaveare a tfe yh .r.w."r In • he a rtwt hair tdmri tbran .wAthe . taros and •tee roams." .ass rue. n:.:.w:.i Th- eo • the fare, Thee re adiestel Nelowellp eve a Prow aresonme