HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 4L
41 TtuatuAY, Jew. 1, 11114.
T. Swarts
'hs, Livery
sed Hack Stables
MoreoneAL hosteler
Boese4l6$sr ALL TRAINS
Passengers called for in
ally pert of the Gown for
all trains at 0. T. R. or
0. P. R. depute. Prompt
service and nareful swan -
Our Livery and Hack
serene, will be found up.
tn-detw in ever) respect.
Your patronagacol Icit ed
'Phone 107 Montreal Street
TAsweds of nnmbltine• 7 fume�ee.�.
are fast preparing In their Hwa howisA
M swan�.�I�n`•.`r�a�ll r�e.� pn.l. kr... -- tumor
repbe a•beokk.epeen. alsgraebwa, elv0
asevsw... to tact ••e•w7 .passe et Beet
maw Aetivltl... You .may/ finish at col.
Icer if rice .o we.k. P$ Itiese erwrent
teed. raI.rn.Ikee say day, Indlvtd.
sal 1s.treetMs. 'Linnet t.•aeh.r•.
Thirty experience. L.ray.t
trainer. In Canada. Neven ceII.g....
epeeist coarse ter teacher,
Militated seeds t ommarreW Utica•
tate' Assss:at a of Camila a•.m.aer
6eb.s1 at famous *taloa hi• -foals
cellerw taado..
Giaton Business tepege
Ono. Seorrom A. Y. WARP
President. Principal
Individual Instruction. Thir.y-
threes years of"wtcreee. 1'.rninns
guaranteed to graduates. inform-
ation Free.
C. A. FL[MtNo, F. C. A.
Principal. 0 n I1'Lamteti,
Winter Tent. frern .Januar) :ah
Unlit lo. be.t Ru•Ine-. training
•obeol. We have thorough mere. In
(ben�m"orel .l. Shot t hand eel Telegraph.
d.usitm.a4 and nine competent 4,,-
.trsornr.. We ober you adran•.ge-
not offered elrewher. Yea do at•t
know u h .t an ut .•n -dare achnol neo An
toe you union you have rerslred our
ft,e o.t- .lop no. Write R.r it u' tea C.
n. A. \: cl..%. lll..1N Prin.• •,•I
Upon -J tt ear. Mh I. all depot•teem,.
�.he . EN Lt. It NlNrr. t'44t.-
,elrilt. V....,f. •o.d ti ,.a... -lases.
Toronto. Ihtr • • ,1••1, t• • tpdtm on
.soerlor,ty rte kg element., ..n, Meth
se. and Remit. . Yon .r.. Invited to
welt. for Ir If I• t.re.t.vl in the Linda
.N.nol work wl•arh bring. Met .accts+..
Addta•. W. lt. dbww.l'rr.ldest.
snlrontJanMa Impar.
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Ctial for open
gratis -.-the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purp6se.
Empire Dome s t i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory' Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
$tandard Chestnut
•nd Furnace Coke.
11 kinds of Hard.
ood and Kindling.
MacEwen Estate
Tsseghoae N
Os Tuesday 'veninR, the 211,d inst.
Mt. Andrews eHrowY bund a While
Outs to the gingNlert.loment which
was • 'pleaded swosel sad ver en-
joyable. Tb• nest fight the Winne -
diets held a Cbe ntmaa tree enters Ja-
nsen( and alt woes delighted with Use
success of the gathering.
The following are attending the
%tudenA' volunteer missionary con-
frience in Kau,as City ibis week. rill
from this vicinity) : Mr. William Mc-
tQ he o, delegate boat the Y. M. C. A..
lbvodto University; Mr. Ban. Buo1k,
eoa/ung the Fa/rltl e7 of adtatrt km,
lad Mei Mary JOhaMon, representtog
the wuroeo mrdleal atudehts of the,
Toros. i o Medical College.
IIOLI DAY Vterroatk-.-Holiday vis-
itor, were uumen'or in our burg lbs
past week. The following are ruins of
them : Mrs. Ferguson mad sou. Jo. -
.1,h, from Exrte., In the home of her
son•in-law, Mr. William Hornry; Misr
Nellie Mcliregor, teacber in W.lieslev,
with her pareois; Mire Maggie Yellin,
teacher io Vienna, with her father
Mr. Wort. r3u.ilbe, teacher in 8.' -
ford, with hie paten -a; wino a I.,olher,
Leonetti, teacher in Ripley. ten well a.
the Misses Petrie, leechrre in ttmialt
Ste. Matic: Mi. Alden \%'hiteurau,
of Detro , his brother. Hart, an l eas-
ter, Mi s tVl,itentan, of T•iront.•, in
the old home ; Mr. A. W. John.cin un I
and Mire Mary Jnmmton, of Toreuoo
Uuivereit), 1u 1 be lonrrota' 11.•1,1. ;
]f s. Aosta. Dined.ie with hertterr.-t.ta,
11.. nod Mi.. k. Mutsu, ..1 Defeo nr,
with Ihal lady'. parents.. Mr. end Mos.
W. J. J..•re ; ler. eau Mrs. Mviketail,
01 Porter's It41. M.. Mod M.e. H. Dry -
111411 ArIA (Amity. mad Moore. J.s.. at.d
H -cry Dayumau. of basket. hewan. n.e
hour for I fir w inter; .11t• . Mtge...
anti der d.nabter,' Mee.. Marj.sir.
Mee. and M... • Mk.,.rl•a.0 at e.et
Ohh'stenos 1st 11is Lrthrs'r 1. mite at
%V ow,.t.o , k
SHon. )b has announced that
he o appointing Mr.
J. A. C. Oaassoa M the sew master,
la-bhagrberw at Oaaoode Rall has been'
approved. Mr. Cameron was formerly
a Cornwall barrister and be succeeds
the late J. 8. Cartwright.
Masqueraded as Says
l*Isle. Whitman and Margaret John-
son, English girls of twenty-seven aad
twenty -tour years, respectively, have
for a month been masquerading as
C.P.R. telegraph messenger boys in
Ottawa, also having worked In J. R.
Booth's Mills.
$11,940./113 was paid In salaries to,
the 10,693 civil servants In the em-
ploy of the 'Federal Government'dur-
ing the last fiscal year.
The Duke of Bedford sold his free-
ree•hold property In the heart of London
for about 916,000,000.
A Hydro-liectrlc system, installed
at a cost of 91)0,000, 1■ now In oper-
ation in Petarbore
The Baotou party returned from the
(Arctic cdrola tears Captain Bartlett
sad tie leseialt are la greys pari .
•4. l a ` t. °aUUle M sr
Two Lives Lest and the Old Seraa-
phere Burned
A Are lavelvtng demise variously
estimated at from 31.260,000 to
92.990,000 devastated the famous
dockyard at Pbrtamoot�. 1Caglead,
o4 8atarday sight, and remelted
In the toes of two titres
and the destruction of the century -old
semaphore tower, which 1n the pre -
telegraph days was the gnat signal-
ling station between the fleet and the
Admiral V.
-Twin i the three signalmen who
had remained la the tower to summon
help when the fire broke out were
burned to death. The third managed
to mike him to as
roof and was as ntly =lie
Nothing Is known as to how the
fire originated. It was first -observed
from the deck of the new battleship
cruiser Queen Mary, which was hastily
towed out of the danger none. Al!
the Ire -fighting apparatus l■ the dock
yard was rapidly brought into action.
and the efforts of the men were de-
voted to p nting the Are from
reaching the main store at the end
pf the burning building, which was
filled with 30.000 tons of heavy oil.
'After many hours' most strenuous
work the fire was gotten under con-
troL It had then reached within eight
feet of these tanks.
Many valuable models of old war-
ships, records relating to Nelson and
earlier periods. and old naval relics
were destroyed.
Toronto Police Think They Have Men
Behind Handbook Betting
By the arrest of Arthur Horton,
W. J Gallagher, Mary Denning and
Edith Doyle. the Toronto pollee be-
lieve they have reached the heed of
handbook enterprise In that city. The
women were employed apparently as
clerks but the authorities claimed that
they had a full knowledge of the na-
ture of the business transacted. The
men had oMce, in a downtown build-
ing aad are alleged to have hnd
agents throughout the city who. tela
phoned their beta In by means of a
carefully arranged code.
Matters of Great 61sniecance to Agri-
culturists Discussed
At the annual meeting of the
Dominion Grange, which convened In
Toronto last week. West and East
met to consider concerted action, the
elimination on of the middleman; direct
Interchange of trade, regulation of
profits, organization and cooperation.
When naming a member for the direc-
torate of the Canadian National Ex-
hibition for the coming year, the
Grange ertUclsed the Board severely
for tack of cooalderatlon of the agri-
cultural view.
Huron Coeo;o liminess /en's Association
The MAiN DIFFICULTY that advocates
of License Law have to contend with is the IG-
NORANCE generally prevailing on the question.
In spite of the most impressive lesions to the con-
trary, Prohibitionists are DOING THEIR
• The explanation of this paradox is easily ob-
tained. The majority do not read or study out
the question for themselves. They listen chiefly
to advice given in sermons -and the preachers of
these sermons generally assume that legislation
can change customs, control appetites, and banish
front our midst what is legally made, gold and im-
NEVER WiLL DO THIS. In the notorious
State of Maine, General Neal now. the father of
Prohibition there, testified that he could show
veru fine residences owned by men who had amas-
-.prnished `hy the �etu, i,tborit'iea-
an given,. almost ad lnf+intum, show.ng that in
Maine Prohibition has signally failed to bring
about the results desired by its advocates.
Nothing short of "Rotten" describes the con -
tons there. ONE EXAMPLE -in PORT-
LAND, Maine, under PROHIBITION the AR-
RESTS for DRUNKENNESS in 188o were
43.44 per thousand. in 1893-39.14g- per thous-
and. in Montreal, tinder LICENSE LAW, 19,
24 in 188o, and in 893, 10.38. Will Prohibition •
fists -will those who think .3f voting for the Scott
FIGURES, and read, mark, learn and inwardly
digest their import.
TiON in 13 YEARS varies ONLY from 43.44 to
39.44 in arrests for drunkenness, and mind you, we
are told "Prohibition prohibits" ; and another
identically the same riod. GOES N
from 19.24 to lo. 8.Quebec during the same
period, under LICENSEthe figures are 33.13 in
188o, down to 6.75 in 1$93.
Surely there is no ignorance so dense and so
hard to dispel as the ignorance bred of fanaticism !
uron CountyBusiness Hen's Association
JOH? RA Ng FOB D. Presides t. Wu. JAULLaoY, 8e ry,
Margaret wee owned 10 the river
bees lana depfesaker, blarsett bad •
•eller Mdrowileg la t
stats ilele glet
s log last week.
When attempltiag to cross the river
00 the hoe. the Ina fairs way bnda0tb
hits sad he wk down is the its=
up to Ws alga. tie was ,sea by 6.A►
era Douglas.. who hastily meowed a
rope aandd assisted ►iv to moiety add
di y land. Had toe water been ally
sq Inch of 'ldao deeper his escape
would have base very doubtful.
LlgQtla A whvlssaje ads.,
we e of Edda Naas made in Lweaaeer
last weeti tjr Proeiecial Omesrileatz
['hopped. *lghee,
Chid at Pbijp.
wbu is -de a -tbo.
es Jehb t
log =vests=
whisky, also two gasnouu jugs
which were at voce removed and leek.
ed up. Johnston teal Imre his hear.
ing before his Worship Reeve Mar.
doch and another magistrate oo Mon.
day, December Iia, at 10 o'ckiek in the
morning. Sims, the 'aid by Officer
Phippen it is uaderstoud that several
mote arrests ate in prospect. More
AI e found to W implicated in the mat-
te- then ad. frsrrupp•sed.
THIS POOL Roots Qvasrtos.--.A pe-
culiar situation confronts Luckoow
council In the matter of a pool room
here. Early in the year teypalocal n.so
applied in a elraiehtfoiwrit d manner
to the council fret a license to conduct
r pool room. The council, backed up
by a largo deputation of citizen., turn-
ed down the pt°postlioo. Lately, how-
ever. erring ten opening, another party
who is ut pee•rht a resident in town,
brought l,1 tables and opened up bu-i•'
nese without the consent of tl'e roan-'
cit. Whet bre err not he bad law on
Ilia aid,. the etwneil iip to that 11n.e
'wpm eutly had noise ter Ibah s s.. pre-
lim.' such .t move. The Clamed'. Gen
Wove was to bold a epeeist meeting,
which they did last night. and pas& a
bylaw r.ndei.ng neaseary the secur-
ing of r license by the proprietor of
any pool room, etc , withiu the cor-
poration. Throe bylaw, while fixing
the tirrn►e fees to 1.e charged, done not '
comp.I the council to grant a license
In any one ; the conned may at Its
option refuse to grant such license•
oleos there is considerable change in
tbe personnel of the council next year,
a lirense will be refused : bot if a li- ,
erase Is granted it will uodoubted-'
by be ... those wbo.e application was
first made, not to anyone who tried to
steal a march oo the 'sen who ere
elected to represent the town in mat -
tars of the kind. The question will
likely figure somewhat Fn lural poll
tics at t coming
farmers from north of Lucknow had
the time of their lives with a flock of
Christmas turkeys last week. The
txiekeys were nice, healthy bird., rwop-
oriy conditioned for holiday trete,,
and the terme s prepared to take thrum
to market while tbe taking wits gonad.
With this object in view they loaded
them into a b g wagon box, cove:. d
the lox in, top, sides and ends and
►tutted Inc the mat k.et. e
et. Looking nth-
er to right nor to left they bowled
merrily along the frozen highway,
dreaming probaNNV of a errors, fawr-
age and at pro(tishte t.rrwsntti ret s f
tbe voyage. When they we... .1.4404.
three mise! on their way, however,
one of Laois. chanced to cast a glnnre
to the rear, rod discovered, to his
aumazement, that the sou was a ut of
the .t aeon deux and the tutkrys were
all gone. Herr and there rens the
land.cep• to the distant horix ru the
mottled forms of. I .4 escaped b tde
could lee seen, conte of thea' heading
for n distant harnyind. others voyege-
tug into indefinite space and one or
two w. iutudy contemplating going to
roost in a nearhv tract of woodland.
N.. very definite report as to what
was ea'd rind done immediately there-
after i• available. It to known, how-
ever, that by the tinne the turkeys in
the barnyard were 6.0 corslled, and
others had been chum* and captured
micron. the Belds and the sleepy ones hod
been brought down out of the tire
tops, the day wee three hours neater
its end. Two. of .he turkeys were not
caught at ell, aryl it is rut ns:sesl that
in the jos. ,•f u tor serape from the'
poulterers az-, . hey may *till be hik-
ing toward the hovel ter w..nri s.
Mr. Riddell. of Galt, is visiting his
rt,ttein. Mr.. it. J. McGee.
Miss Malone ltobestMon is tome for
her bolidtye, looking welL
Mies An.,ie Jacksoir, of Toronto, is
spending the holiday at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson visited
frisads to &eaiortb over Christmas
Mn. Andrew Aeltidey, of Onderieh,
Fa vieltiog ft bends -tr. the vlilagb 'fhfi
Mrs. Geo. Denserdt has returned 1�
after speodlog two weeks with friends Ian
in Berlin.ser
Henry Beadle.6.Rg•town, 1. eb.-
Wa,p]b ase edvefie. -' lis iv a wawa",
fi-..h for bis yes...
Mr. Milton Plunkett ir home after
hi. Asst 'aprrienes teaching school
looking as familiar r. eye,.
Mr. Peter Pattrnon and fitful?, 'et
Alpert��t,a�re home for the holidays
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patter.
The Met ist Sunday school cos -
cert in the e.nperance hwll on Toes -
day retied waw well SI te•ide•d and a
growl prode min me was given.
Mr. Rniw,'t Meftes hes bought the
old saw nodi butldiag Erma Howson &
Lawson, and Is lues taking it down
to rets...... It tofares where b• will
erre, it (or a driving shed.
lapdat Castrated= Is Oedsrieh waste
A Reer•sst MWatae
At a resat sneetlag of the emigre,- Clean mod boo /moo thwarts Geld
Adam of lee lbwMt rhNeek, It wow d► po..mringg all the t adirae• of wettest
Hefei to extend a .ell to the Rev. W half. This Is jwR wbat Rigel" mesas
H. %Vrighteriet, est Kenilworth. who to mode wbes osier with itching sesi1pp,,
plMcbed here a .hetet LMa ago. At d.odwit snssee, dry ew efRdseea Isei-
trial wiere .Ido . rustles was tarda by I" how yMseme r now 1111e to wog,
Mtrars. Dos... Uaweara trod Jobe mean. active het. Nagm/we Amp. tis
January Combined Sale
Begins Saturday, January 3rd
January is the great bargain month,and when -you read our oferin s• you
can rely upon them beingBargains jne broadest sense of the word. Let us
join hands its this GreaJ11
-are are prepared for business, and we want ev
onueedingRoods to -some and help along.
Winter Coats
Three Goats, 816.00 for 1118.60
Three Coate. *11160 for 86.00
One Cost, $11.011 for 16.60
Two Coats. $1000 for 86.00
One (bat, $8.60 for ti3.00
One Coney Muff, 8s 00
Doe Siberian Lynx, *1500 for 81000
One Isabella Opossum. 816.00 for 810.00
use Isahelln Opossum, 18.60 for 86.60
One Persian Iamb, 814.60 for 810.00
Oise Cooley Stole, 82.23
Oise Pew Persian, 88.60
Two Risapian Coney, *S 00
One Siberian Lynx, s16.0ttfor 81010
One Persian Latish, 81500 for *10.011
One Ru.mien Coney. 88 60 for *5.50
Coote and get •nee of the left -over Handker-
chief., bundleda of them still looking for buyers.
White Goods
Special Prices In New Gowns,
New Skirts, In New Waists
eytratl r�.
Naw youu cam take your choice&dePrices.
All our 12 1-2 cent Prints on Sant
at I I cents
All our 15 cent Shirtings and Cot-
ton 5uitings at 12 1-2 cents
Dress Goods
All our Dress Goods at Bargain
Day Prices
Twenty pieces of cokired Dress Materials, all
wool, from about throe yaelatetolftessa -a9 about
half price.
s4rIt n.rJ f'*'. tn..4.Y-qR X+L--. �. 1+.
a 11111•11/10•111Mr10
Old Godericb Boy Is Wedded in Leth-
The Lethbridge Daily Herald of De-
cember 17th gives. a good.ccount of the
wedding of Mr. Harold (Jordon Loog.
A .on of Mr. end Mrs, Jetuee Long, of
Benwiller, and who web well known
Ise Ooderich recd virirdty. Mr. Long
hoe been chief repot t. n that paper
for three years.
Trio Herald says :-A quiet but
pretty wedding wan crlcerrated at
%%'e -I. v parannsg- at tbreeu'rbek tins
*11e. 1•1 •1111 lir the Rev. 0. H. Cohi.le-
vlirk, when Mi., Marie 11) den, .libel
daughter of the bite Rrv. 0 D. Hy -
deo, ea. joined in marriage to Mr.
, tan.td Guidon Long, .on of Mr. and
Moo. Junes Long. of l:olenth, OgL.
Both bride and groom were tont-
tended, the snide being married in her
pretty going away gown of brown
sr.with het to inateho
l•umed•ately alter the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Long left on a honey-
moon trip to Winolpeg.
After the lost farm had "gels
down" ye•stetday, Mr. Harold Long of
the Herald ..di,oriel steff was cap-
tured 1•v the staffs of this Herald's
mechanical, busioe-s nodyrditorial de.
partrormr, and told pretty plainly
whet tees thought about hie getting
marri.d. Mr. Long was presented
with N handsome cut glass water rer-
via-end cry by the staff, and then
to show that there wee. other good
thing. let,. Mr. %V. A. Buchanan pre-
sented bin'.wath a cheme rf most ac-
reptabie rrnportlon.. Mr. Long re-
present his appr. ci.sU.•n, and with
tb.ee hears cheer's he popular meat
bee of the staff was s. nt off to do
what eve, y een.ihk teen should do ---
take unto him.elf is wife. 76ers was
loyal obedience on Mr. long a part.
The assignment was 811.4 to the let-
ter this afternoon and Mr. and Mr,.
Long start Itis tegetbrr with the
very hest wishes of the Herald staff
for happiness and prosperity.
°'belles. which wee sfedorsed by this hope rail with tis• feud aseeaM►) for
MI Ire embalming km( I I rowsoll g 6. healthy
Yr. W. tghlwa, . at alt. le the dales fest foods jamas sedld�
Mwrer Univevelty, lea good fee. It ie not • dye and le Misty
episae w. and . very Townie tact►lot=.
11. net known wastage be will mosso mo *Ile fieri a s l°'Ibta i
the rail •r not. 1 ale= hie psreoaat gvarwalee
T" ' r'O encs F�a1'IMs �� t� the mussy K Tett ere sot est-
ueeldsd ,1 the yiset, fowl It N faggot. As ears to go to tr. J.
. ernoamM`I that k w� k6. oyer Mr drat Mow. es ember Meese eRadst sow -
.. es..wrr.*.,......apa.,..a.t' ~ tl+ly 11'aa.
• Kai*
tow Polish
A PAsreIn+eF..F.Dau.r(9-1 st
No Du•
The Largest Yet
That is what our Holiday trade will be
if you make your selection from
Stock of
We have at present a full line of Leather
and Rexine Rockers and Students' Chairs -
the largest in years. Also a new line of Ratan
.. Rockers and.. Chairs, Coaches, odd Parlor
Furniture. etc. . . Any of these • articles
would be a very acceptable Gift for anyone to re-
ceive. . . Or perhaps you anticipate a nice
F' Ch't.0 ',Cabinet, • Dining Tifli1 or `a -ser of
Leather Diners. . . Or perhaps you have
been building on a nice Parlor Suit* for your
wife : if so, 'we have them in Silks and Veronas-
three and five -piece Suites. . . Odd Dressers
and Stands in /-cut Oak, Mahogany and
Empire finish -from the cheapest to the best al-
ways in stock. . . Our line of Felt Mat.
tresses are in great demand by the tired ones
who desire rest and comfort. . . In fact, we
keep in stock every line necessary to furnish the
home from cellar to garret.
Call and inspect our steak. Nt „ruble to
show goods at the OLD RELIABLE
Brophey Bros.
Madertakers turd Embalmers
maw seed Dap i treellaty adesif - tr
Waft Phi= 1 e.0 , Rnittasse Pima 117