The Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 3. f 1► icy w St, Sea THE MONA INI ONLY IENUIN€ BRWARB OV iMITA- TIONs SOLD ON TH)i MERITS 00 BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LSTTRRING me LBATHSR (400D8 bre at a w Imelda A. L1)R, d oda. MEDICAL DR. W. V. GALLOW M, B. Mese Oiw leekarr.r�ww'i.teeba.s' F. J. R. WURiTTSR-EYS, EAR. are Year wed t�.aa.�creerr. name aea. �tlLar, °�, and�.�.a�i►r�eat, are taL Leaden. b aalaaa. Mar. R 8. Wetwisesoest. Suemer4. •ee.•it. Rau Cassel . :e n. nl.. r to a p w.. t to 1 p a Teimbene a7. Mill. GW. AND id. B. WHITING /.// 111:1M114.101N. esteeeaW. .r*-"-'- is �emss • and oblidra.'• dropear, saute, isad toe.`odas aadrYr�isw`m. r►..t�..iwdltti�a �laee N.rtLl•ueM. Wed dear ham Meditator LEGAL DHOUDFOOT, HAYS a KILLOR. 1. lianisser. Minters, ,1 tens load st bore Ceara sta ...��.Private [Prynne. Q/p . K. gC..,, R' i1 �S. J. I. K1I.Ro AR M. y54ti. CAMERON. K. p�Oa.0,,l1tiBARRIS- FtrrLL• Tow Oild.elecb. Ord e. Odlews- deer be ,+care. (1HARLSB GARROW, LLB., BAR- lJ11.1111221. W Gads - Oct. to at to rates. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS OUNDRY 11 AUCTMUNtiit lieu gC. Oedadcb. Lll l.streatyMerawsmail br wa emit to =tee wuwpww ►b W/ at. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. $20,000 PRIVATE b.HON. 8arrester Bsrnsee stress. Orderless. w R.1tOB1iRTMOh. 1' LYHURANCIC AGENT. ride Aso lre.rate* : Drlttab. Curdles and Larissa. iso WWII WQltarAIera�sa LOT... ITT : The Otos& . Jee.watiea Lies/AIL.d iwdee. Ss FaustrT arta O Winner Doom : 11. U.0. V00el*y snd usaes•y. Oies at .040.ae., seesaw .t ♦b eta and et. 11lssvld'. saner.'Arse 17a ,U catILLOP MUTUAL FIRM 11.4 a!1 1URL!tCD Cor/frw and inelaW 1 i w�,- Pea. deaketb P.O.; t ec�-rn+m..°�.4w..ta. u ULA 5. Antrim, ocpeW i ' 61... b . rasa Ytl1tn1'mese ; Annwunsa!larking indicia :11.1011111, .w ile6tssvUls: R. 'netts. net e k .rfl t b.a.r. 8estortb ; IL les Y.sac see dada /rrrde twerij:Ederveet ewer Sr1RIIQAor su'aisss' WA1.TItRIL Ooir'rT. P.. ' Mame or etaaalLpk IJCRVoII. Both Quick and Permanent strength 1f yea are run down or tired out. f you lake add easlly.bove ao ap�egl we, Pik* lseb or have other eiideoa d lewesd vitality, try our MaeL.od'e Syme liene.Mer ender our guaran- tee to rimed the pries paid H the ready his to give entire satisfaction. It aide d1SMtba, tense up the noerrone mime and gives both pia and per result.. Oise dollar a bottle. a by Moataed Medial.. 00.. 66derlM. C.t For salls by t R. Brophey Bros. ()0D1tiWIOH TM L.sAs_ Paiersl Mr de s •t4 Bs beam M alibiadall 'to LOCALS -PERSONALS Pretty Window The store windows of the local ram- irate Iy oa the OLoom. Own are very pretty sad at. Inset aimed deal ter atesaMea. Be.er- 441 paspl have started to mount the dote or bels Ia the utadoated age, "IleAeaeler" and 1.lisg to accomplish M ii diprr dad bet t �eeu up the job prise. Al) the 1111111Pme hare Marinate' windows are models of ex- edbwes sad W to brighten up the old town at this festive saa.00. Aw Edusstisnal Expert From The Obarbtte (North Caro - Liao). News of a reosat date we clip the following. wblob refers to a former Goderleh loanable boy, a graduate of Ooderleb CdleRlat. Insatute ; At the nrsesOcllag of county euperio- LMldenta of eduoatloo at Raleigh lest week, the occasion being the uteeting .tf I b.. 61.'e Towhee,' Assembly and Ae.ttmi•twu of Uwtoiy� buperioteo- deata, Prof. William McCluskey, super- inteadeat or Mecklenburg schools, was hesorsd by being` elected presi- dent et die lfd.eat dI.u*i of oouoty suponiNeihneta lirdmese Markt r°titbrreect state, the ng about :Ib oomnies. hues are four such dis- tricts idtric8s b the state. The honor to M,ebMhwg'e superintendent Is the [tore clidal because of the fact that he hoe hers in the .tate only about six imeath•, be having come directly here from Hawaii, where be had been a superintendent of schools tae sixteen years. Mr. McCluskey, according to the Msckl.nburg peoule, who were at the ttracber. emoting, made a gond impression with the county supetin- tondente and wad at once recognised as a ao of constructive Ideas along educational lines. Huron Old Boys The old boys of Huron county reef - delft 1n Toronto bald their am ypl re- union In Mt. George's ball, Toronto, aud listened Wan address from Coo - troller McCarthy. Maosrr. John, Grieve►, Jewell, Scott, W. E. Rowell and Dr. Stenbury were .ei.eted to in- ve.titrttte the early history of the ooun- ty. The officers elected tor the com- ingear were:-Honorsry presided*, Mir John R. Williams. Mir 'W. D. Otter, W. K. alcNatsgbt, M.P.P., and H. Clucae ; president. Robert Holmes ; vice -presiders Dr. H. S. Btrotbers secretary, R- Foody ; financial mere- "rt.R. 8. Crocker; treasurer, John Rortson ; auditors. J. P. Martin, F. W. McLean and W. 0. McTaggart committer. Major Beck. Dr. titvt- hery. N. B. Cobhledick, K. McLeod, T. 0. Moots, R. 8. Sheppard, W. E. FlondyW. W. Sloan. F. T. Hodgson, A. F. Johns, W. F. Contelon, F. 8. Hiek, W. T. Ptidbam, C. C. Ranee, D. M. Johnston, R. A. Raetell. W. Tssnblyn and A. Vanatooe. February 311b will be Huron coun- ty's day In Toronto. The mearbers of parliament, mayors, editors and uusny others from the old county will he ill - toted to the manual at-home of the H,uoo Old Boys' Association to be held at Oddfellows' hall. Collage street. on the evening of that date. Com- mittees were named 10 arrange for the event. 108 NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY The most .rearkable Cough and Cold medicine ever discovered. Stops a cough. relieves asthma and bron- chitis. a 108 Noxa Oold is .old at 25.". and 50c per bottle at all drug stores. MAFEKINU Norman Shackleton visited friends at Glamis lot Friday and Saturday. Dr. M. Blake and family, of Winni- peg, ars spending holiday. at the form- er's old home here. The school concert which was to have been bold this eveninghas leen poelpoo.d till Friday evenng. Quite a number from here atteoded the onneet t held in school rection No. 10 on Thursday evening. All report a good Lime. f. regrettable to report the death of athaoi.l Maunder. on Sunday evening. Deceased had been ailing for quite a while with ioftammatloa of the lunge. Mc, 41011 ipn /Bothers eaOO.papied by friemi,Mr. ICSy Milker of, the Ontario Agr1ealtural College, also Medan. Channon and Carman 8totbers ere spending their vacation at their home here. KINTAIL Wedding bells ate ringlog ! Mr. Lorne MacLennan is borne from the west. Mime Mabel Finlayson, of Lorne, le vieiti at Oboe. Stewart's. Miss itis (Iowan wee home from Stratford Normal sebool far the holi- days. ✓ . Chas. Matairegor, of tkbrieg- v111e, is 'pendia( the v.ostioo at bus home hese. Mises. Renewal' Griffis of the 0.0. 1. and Wes Lura OHM* are hoer for the holidays. Mr. John Row of tba Queen'. Uni- versity was vlslttag .t the borne of hie .est, Mr.. A. D.ek.tt. p�Mr. Rodericktu MeeKssis, of itirta W1a.4- hi. Job. mad MMerrdoe with Mr. ex Medarale, et Pert Al- bert, spent a few days as the home of his est. Yin Aside Maeiw.le. The careen held at the Install imbed ea 114ds proved to he • eau - MOO mai Mieseau- MOOeMiltlen le to be ref grnt..letd the way ie whish the eblidren their Arta. Mn Mr. M. MasiEdeide at- tire .t .n[... ter. Else ishaM Mr. Jou .r.. Met phase 1• Leaden .a WWeesdep. Dawhee 17tb. Timm who were hese fur the Ml- dawere t 1 s. Joule Jehtagr. wheel mid eeLe amPavel kt sea IElasso ladle (.sn sal Asea Nee[.aslw et the G.p.1.. were epee&• =Stir wtltefee- .t tbdi immeMl'r SIGNAL s GODYRICH : ONTARIO Tit LATEST MARKETS Toronto Cattle Market •.emseatativs prime are - i sport settle, chole.... $$ . 6o to do. medium 8.00 da bull. .....ecce7.00 Butchers'. ambit 8.40 do. good 7.16 do. medium 7.00 da commas 1.60 Heifers, good to ckotee7.76 de. medium 1.00 Botcher cows. choice6.60 do. medium to good1.00 do. common . 4.60 Butcher balls, choice... 1.76 do. good bulls 1.16 do. medium ...r1.00 do. rough. boiogaa4.00 Feeders. 860 to 1,106 lbs6.00 reeding belle 4.76 Stocker., 700 to 900 lbs1.00 do. medha 1.00 do. llgbt .. 4.00 Cutters 4.00 Calibers 1.60 Makers. idea. each.. 11.00 da aom. and .anis40. W 'priagers .........ecce 40.04 Calves. veal 9.00 1 de. Interior ' 1.00 Welker lambs 1.10 Neck lambs 7.76 Beres 6.00 )looks aid culls 4.00 Hep, weighed of cars9.31 do. fed and watered9.10 do. Lob. 6.71 P.M 5.10 7.60 8.76 5.40 7.76 6.10 5.05 7.10 7.be 6.11 6.61 7.16 6.71 6.16 6.16 7.06 6.10 6.71 6.60 1.61 4.60 4.16 10.00 61.00 10.00 0.10 7.10 6.90 5.10 606 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 Toronto Grein Prices TM hollowing wholesale prices are emoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wbead-Lake ports. No. 1 northern, 93c. No. 2, 11 Q c, track. Oodertch, winter storage 1 cent per bushel more. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 new. 84c to 16c. outside; 90c to 91c, track. Toron- to. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W.'s. 41c, track. bay ports; No. 3 C.W.'s, 39Ke. Ontario Oate-No. 2 white, 34c to U. outside, and 3$%c to 29c on track. Toronto. Corn -Kiln -dried. No. 2 yellow, ell - rail. Toronto freights, lac to 74e; natural, No. 3 yellow, new, 73: to 73e, Toronto Might.. Pea. -Nb. 2, 31 to 31.05, car lots, outside. Rye --No. 2. 64e to pie. outside. Rolled Oa11--Per bag of 10 pomade. 32.1254; In smaller lots, 12.23%4; per barrel, 54.70; wholesale, Windsor, to Montreal. Barley --Good molting Insley. out- side, 66c to 56c_ Buckwheat -No. 2, /6c to 68c. In ear lot. outside. MUlteed-Manitoba bran. $22. track. Toronto; shorts. 322.110 to $22; Ontario bran. 122 In bop; shorts. 123; mld- dllap. 131 to 126. Farmers' Market Following are the latest Quotations for farm produce at 8t. Lawrence Market. Toronto: - Fall wbe.t, bushel r .55 to $ .10 Onto .29 „ .40 Harley .60 .62 B eekwbet .70 .00 Rye .63 .00 Pena .90 .00 lds3l /1111081y. No. 117.00 15.00 Abed .ad clover 11.110 16.10 Cattle hay 10.00 12.00 Straw, bead led 16.00 16.00 do. - loose 10.00 11.00 Rye straw 15.00 00.00 foga, aew laid. dos.66 .66 Butter. choice. dairy.32 .21 Chicken, dressed. 1b.18 .20 do. each .16 1.00 Pool. Ib. ecce .13 .11 Toting ducks .18 .30 01d decks ... .16 .00 do. each .90 1.10 0ees.. 1i. .17 .20 de. each - 1.71 1.90 Turkeys. lb. .23 .21 Live spring .11.6.ns.15 .16 do. fowl .11 .11 Potatoes, bag 1.00 1.10 Apples, barrel 2.06 4.26 Celery. bunch .06 .00 Chicago Llveeteek Cattle -Beeves, 16.76 to59.70; Texas steers, 11.15 to $7.10; western steers, 11.11 to 37.31: stocker, sae feeders, 11.00 to 17.66; cows and heifers, 33.10 to 31.10; carves, 17.00 to 311.00. Hogs --Light, $7.60 to 17.16; nixed. 37.60 to 17.96; heavy, 17.00 to 35.04; rough. $7.60 to 17.70; pegs. 10.10 to ,14.50:. balk a 'ales, 1270 00 17.10. sh«p-Nwve, 34.60 to 10.00; wee. tern, 14.10 to 11.00; yeerNnga. 31.70 to 17.00; lambs. native, $6.00 to 31.11; western, $1.60 to $.11. The Seed Markel Tomato m r:heats are paying to farmers per bushel as follows: A1.1te. Lao. 1 $.10 to $9.00 do. No. 3 , 7.10 5.00 do. No. 1 6.04 7.00 Red Clover. No. 1 7.71 1.10 do. No. 1 . 7.00 7.10 Timothy. No. 1 2.76 2.35 de. Na 1 2.00 2.10 Baled P4.y and threw Teresa) ameba/de .re baying on trask. Tomato. at the s..ewtag Baled bar. No 1 914.60 to 111.00 Matra 11e. 1 13.10 14.00 No. 3 11.06 12.06 Pie. 1 5.00 1.06 Dated Waw 5.06 0. ee Knee e.Aal. Cattle Q.ttle-.IN•dy : Prime, unehaaged. Veale--Aettve sad steady; 36 10 311.,0. 80O --wavy sad wised. 31.11: ,st'Iu s, W Ara. Wit to p.16: reaps. 37.31 to 17.41 • .last. M te 50.71; darks, 35 to 1+.11. blahs sad sheep. heej spy Hares s.d Mew C1.BN. A reaaway law crura with the 1 earh.e .t W.11.[1, ea Oa rues sear w Ne. T1t. hs. ' llir.- Chrome tabs.beee. ler. aM stat. said wrestled 1..asldhw Ors d 1hs herds' ass 1 TaOfaeAT, JAN. L Mss s WOMAN COM NBT WALI She Wee So m-R..tored $. Health by Lydia E. Pori► Leelds Vegetable Peatwster, Mia. - •'A year ems I wee very week aad the totter .old 1 had • aeri.asmasa.. aunt I ked letk``- dews plat ache wad hearing that I esti sot silt le a choir or walk across the door and 1 was in severe palm all the tdetss. 1 feM disetmtrged as I had .bloo everything 1 Lydhirdi of sad ia se better. I ttWt Composted sed sew I ma straw end 1 �aML.Dl2, Be Pst.rich. Ikaadwba Aaotberweswa eayn Perris. IIL-"I bad such backaches would feel d� steed en .y feet I sad bed each a heavy est lob of frigheeling in tby t tide. I had web terrible doll headaches every day and they would make me feel so drowsy and sleepy all the time, yet I maid not sleep at night. "After I bad takes Lyda ILPlekba.'s Vegetable Compound a week I began to improve. M bsek.. was Lew and that heavy i• my side went away. I ebto take the Com- pound dad am reed. " You may publish this if _yea wink." -list Cosi a L Gummi% R.R. N., 4, Box Alli Peoria, I6. Such letters prove the value mf Lydia woman's Uig. Why Compound for Way tfsa't yes try it? THE DEATH TOLL Accidents in Canadian Iwdtotries is Large. W Appalling A lucent derrfrom Ottawa say* tbat Ibe-toll Of death from indoats led accident, lhlougbout Canada during Um year 1012, as shown in it report Jost publirhed, vont the lives of rot less then 1,2211 workmen, while, 5,780 re- ceived retious injuries,. Thn. 7,000 worles. in Canadair iminstriel aunty tort with fatal nr serious, erridente while in lbw di.ebate, of their duty during the twelve. months. Fire at Belfast Lu.know. Dee. 2ft-A leg brick home, owned by Genrllr Nixon. et Brlfert. was tota.ly deettoeed by dna but. night . Twt, mew w ion were keep- ing -trach" these had their Christ - mar Day pie. -sat et sadly marl rd by the accident. The came of the fire ie not definitely known, but it is rup- ree/el to have been trout au overb.ated stove. adway's eady elief !hest Ilea 4311 .li it., 7t.w Tart. R:leet •'fly aIto so tell Kq .Mt rut Wra. eeaa. 1 ..Ileo to tt.• dort..r. trot Ito f.11.1 ti bele bee tar. tYe bore a. time. to 1 • rt. a d So 1 bream* 117 euecant* .ed e;,:. trad- w•Y• x8 -ad 1011.4 sod rms. 1 ate b.r .e- c..dlot la il..way. a 1..118 and .he west bort te wort tee deet[" COLDS D COUGHS Apgar tee Liter 'a Ibe tbroo sed chest Man t4 Surfer. .-.rt, end r Idre,. Aloe 1.dwq'. P111. f. .•r► do.-. ea trill freely retort. the beer1.. For a ...Moe reit late a Nur new 1•dw.r'• P111. .N a tt...te.ald et Liter with . to■t.tao.t.t r4 -er,..t.• r e le -..Nr .4 hM wear. 1.11., at tree is ace. 1. t►. a.erNer Ihe robe w1Il w eves. 13.DWAT • 00.. Y.atnal. Cat. ricCal l's Patterns Perri it (-lowes LOOKING AHEAD The outlook for the coming Season is most encouraging and we have planned accordingly with bigger stocks and many improvements in our store to meet the demands of our steadily increasing trade. The large business done during the past season in our House Furnishings and Ready -to -Wear Departments warrants us in devoting still greater attention to these departments and they will be found most up-to-date in every respect. A Guid New Year to Ane\ an' Aw M- � Millar's Scotch Store gni" He Walked It One bright moonlight night, a abort Llam ego, a local young an, who had a sweetheart lady friend living in Clin- ton, went down to that "burg" to pay hie weekly devotions. The young lady was pretty and fain to look upon ano while in her presence the Ocde- r ch swain forgot that time wee flying. To hie great sorrow be soon after dis- covered that the last train had gone. He had to to at work early to the morolog. and he was In a had fix. As the moon was shining its brightest be thought be would"beat 1t" , so tramped the entire distance arriving here early the next morning. Rheunto Cures Rheumatism No metier grow long •landing your care may be don't despair, get a hottle of Rbeumo today. F. J. Rutland spells it with • guarantee to benefit you. Rbeumo ie woadetiul in its quick ac- tion, the plan ceases, the muscles and bones are rid of sureness and stiffness and very noon • Rbeumo patient is able to have the same et.tength and vitality t:f youth. Rbeumu builds blood so rich end thick that uric acid cannot possibly exist. Rheums coats only 51.00 fora large bottle from F. J. Rutland or direct, all chargee prepaid fro.n B. V. Marion Co., Brigeburg, Ott. ST. PETER'S SEPERATE SCHOOL. The following is the result of the Christina, exeminatleme. The t.sa.ea4 are arranged in order of merit: Form IV. Sr. -M. Spain, M. Kell, A. Thoraval, H. Webb, H. Kidd .•. (haft. H. Phelan, H. Austin, V. Plage, G. JeKrey, J. Mos.. 0. Farr. Form 111. Sr. -M. Bowler. R. Merlin, P. Bullard, V. Dodge. N. Woollcombe, J. Farr, L Farr. H. Baechler. Form III. Jr. -J. Kidd, M. Webb, C. Baecbler, A. Fine, V. Jeffrey. G. Spahr, A. Moser, J. Hunter, H. Rob- inson. PROMOTIONS To Sr. 11.-K. Clearvoont, P. McCar- thy, Lynn, 11. MnKny J. Lyne, J. Jeffrey. To Jr. II. -J. Ryon 0. McKay J. Webb, S. B•echier. U. Foley. M. Weiss. To Jr. 11.-M. Austin, L .Jeffrey. N. Clearmont, M. Thoraval, M. Me. Inioeh, M. Rya.. M. GtlMo, F. Webb. P. McDougal. To Mr. I. -1t. Woollcombe, &Kobin- son E. McCarthy 0. Hunter A. Dodge, P. Webb, E. Jeffrey, A. McCarthy. . Lumber and Building Material for sale to Mesa quantities THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co. are now prepared to supply all kinds of build- ing material, having a large stock of all kinds of lumber on hand, including Ontario White Pine, Shingles and Lath. Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch Finish a specialty. Call and see our samples of Birch Finish. Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH • "A Perfect WonsanWobk Planned To Warn, to Comfort and Conunand" Nature Nevar Wendedws.arr le bei of or ma, ken 'berm." Wanes M wanes sailer asedisetly kemode el "het _ to staamk=6.11 irheed asidegJ•wsw;eea6rlAits. For a por.oeagheall=dl6e 1r1M r myopias' sodded M se good as DR. MRCVS FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION es a seething and dreagibeshie aer• Me 'Wawa** e aereaus- einem i�bMt. Memos and l•'"` aol bar aless`at near `�bi�s�� a is1.6.1.. swim Ia.. voisolibig deep dsrwdmgr, /;aq Y .reisskPI"Doel=min. .114111.4.1141. AND OPENING ----SALE h w We have teased the well-known stand formerly occupied by John Butler in the same block two doors west. Our new store will be opened on Saturday, January 3rd, Iy4. We want you to attend this sale. This sale will be one of the biggest we ever had. We could not mention our prices, but we assure you ou will save dollars. Buy your winter outfittings at this sale. Come one. come all. Tell your friends about thts sale. Wishing Everybody a Happy New Year M. ROBINS Clothier and Gents' Furnisher OPEN EVENINGS r . God rich J