HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 2oamUAT. Jut. 1. 1f11L
Use in Poor Blood, Cough and
Worn -Out Condition.
Belpre, pkwlsy. pneumoa & are
greaUy to b. feared at this mama.
To prevent grippe from being foo
leered by etcher pleurisy or pneumo -
bila 1t is Important to drive the last
emcee of IL out d the system.
Our advice Is to take Viotti. our
d.lelous ood liter and iron prepare -
Dee without oil. and get your
stragth and vitality hack quickly.
W. W. Lake of Aberdeen, Miss.,
says: Orlppe lett me weak. rundown
and with a severe cough from which
1 suffered for a long time. I tried
different remedies, but nothing 'wont-
ed 10 do me any good until 1 took
Vino' from which I received great
beeeet. My cough is almost entaely
/one gad 1 am strong and well again."
Try Tined with the certainty that
1< a does sot benefit you we will give
back your moon
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist, t:..det icli. t) t.
IPAC 1-r • Qs
vpjaswee. .e staVune In C nut., Y• rt
and 111*, gnat to e.att 14 u. ]ole.• k.
'.treat. M.cd. tlu1M11...nd \Lens. Vali..
N. Y.
owe twine
Ifec.u.b.-r 11.2".
Raters Limo
Dm. SS.113.
Al'. gyn.g
Der. u. Jae. 1.
Rs•ura 1 holt
Jas. 2. wit
Ussl O•rind
l •.n:.3 MIL 3.1
a line ,.•rent
IAa•.tt 111
A.... tea
tar. •. 1M, 311.31.Irv, 1
J... 3, mit
MM•nwwi r.n, 25c.
ran pirtlrulnn. fr 111 any('.P.R. Ases'•
or write M.O. MUKPHY. IuI-o lot 1'aa.en
Iwo Agent. Tlweere.
JOS. KI011. Leal even,.
Cola Weather
cwu.es ('o111 t.. t art. h m o t
people. Why hove t1, s tumid-
wb.'n 7(141 can prom,
Hot Water:Bottles
fair two years Lar SI 70.
Call end see them. 11'..t,,p..••• t -
ate Chia even if x..11 .1.. 11 •1 lniy.
Alai a a 1•4•• lite of Rubber
Sundries a .d hick Noon, Sup-
Jams A. Campbell
Pim. II
ORNTRA L 1./R1.7(1 ! -ruieE
Nosth .t. ((•111 Ss( ...re. 1:'d..id,
PHO\ E 00
1. 1s an ni..nlot, nrrenailr. If you
Wasik! Carr to talc- the '..11 rnf.ynl.'nt
eL being We can ilw,tgU auras' o1nn.).
huge awns.., •esravrt .)ttrio t ;1i.nubinv.
O.ir wnrkn.en err .err i..oflcisnt
ODA 41001 fttu+ i .
��.i -v> lilbr i
vltssfeaes ld leo *0' 'i of k
Should von h*.. Any pin claim, to
M dos... you "i11 .a v. t.nrr nod
g ooney by ■tten.l.ng to i; ,.t ons,..
For Tired Mother
Saner Kinney Renoeay te rw•ee free
herbs and le perfeetlyr h•rr.yap. It
ere s surfers. freers 0.1115,...,
Irney chert.., er Orevef, towel w111
effect • Snaps euro. If pea haw
bae6.o4. kidney Madder Mehta, w
✓ neenvtiess that 1* caused by enema
Wiese acid, dir:ine•s, sedgy ewerange
snOw the epee, s eesis l end
an aiee, tired n sevoue townie, Grim vary
5541, w erten dark and eb.+y los
feeeu.nt and palatal eslatinen, 85550
Oust endhaene t o erew eller gg.ri5ag
• hew noun; ye„ ere 1A .mane. • it
Kidney Remedy won save yew
sir 9rompl al, $1 par bias
Prim taerst,... sad Ae.4ss.
Manufaslllry Cs. Lae
araillkos-" tow
XIoTo& A10 (NlaW/j.
Tam Seseaa s1. sa'Iele MYbea �}!rW Tb
taw tae i
i StislttPrlum
(iota ser It �S$
leaner will le aeoy1.4 ; to se
Unite( litalentbe site ei One
(s.ta stoats la advance.
all te,ire Yes seat n
willies lw o laver 1y neoism.
s tithe wms` a r
*.beessaber . el saIs
Me new address IMM b sea
Order. .saps er resumed War.
Pubaoriei W��eMinsJ eienneeno at
AUVaa71rMcJateaTSL- ail
cmtkm t dt+sal wyl y `e.
werlii.clots tsar lie. be Ibel Iamerase tear
muss ,M 11se for
biet.ered a.ealeWasik Wasik
Ilse. to Glob
and ender. FI,. I. elyeagliestisee.
wont.�~'Vit teallWeaselsillt
, Sew
yards re Ms YUee
to 14.+1, ,'sem. for gale es *. Antilles
for Cent- ea net Menden Ttwr l
Mlle .1.-., wine t miss • • eeatlttlpteess.,
most•, Fifty coats foresail t ereatb.
ivallOaffnLarger 5(0.rlla 0141111•17
a rpee.rtNn. . 1esn
Lasgy.,, .d v.i. V r=
C.n aper Ilan.
so netts Irw tau TwesV-
y ps l erten the nejeet et
wh.kr ter psi/Asian air iad(r(d
*ler aoesdaNM, a he
id l ae advw
Binet sad .horsed sosasdlegly.
1'o t;ueaicero.mama -16. o.-aprration e(
..,r s.rlrrrihar. sill 1's...4 1'. 1. rnu'.l .•1v Invit.
.d towards Mklyr lata erne at as
.f ell korai. wurty and dleln.t4Mr.gr. Ise o.m•
a.arileetiwt will I,. avtsausd M aur, It 0011 -
Wins 01., u..11 sad .Adre.• of the write,. not
innensirIly roe p'Ntrecien. tats. ao io, i1eno,
n(t.v1 faith. New• Iterm..MuM laao6 1145
Sloe.(. sake nut blur lieu, N'.d4wNsy new
of oars our ole.
olaosld bosoms Prise. Minister. Moth-
er the pry el.new -nosily Compact"
might nos grew etsoager than It ie. 1e
the meet of sir William's assuaging
nig Mier, is aeatber knotty point the.
Oinsertstle• powers have to think
about at that heghseing of nit.
sad 1+11V ---
A report ren• aUy towed from 01-
tawa planes the toll of death, from
industrial ooaosrme throughout Dana -
da, during the year of 1912 st 1,2114
std those who received serious in-
juries et 11,780 making • total of 7,000
workers, wbo have beeu injured 1m
commercial enterprises. It is a well
known axiom that sacrifice is more -
eery to growth and thug has tem
shows from the beginning;of creation
until the present day. is it not truer
that art, civilization. religious, politi-
cal and oomwercial growth. have fol-
lasved in the wake of terrible bat-
tler., and wan& but is It not also true
that in this twentieth ceotury that
to very life-saving device known, should
be applied and every law and byll.W
made for the preservation of huwan
life, eh.1uld be enforced to prevent this
ap(ialliili( .l.ti,Chter of our own f1•ah
.1,d blood.
Large iudu.tllid concerns, In cases
of a,,:.I:rut, are in many cases, blamed
for them. but ale they wholly le.pon-
sibir 1s it's it a fact that there is ueg-
ligruce nit the part ttf4tbe employee as
well as the employer. in w.ny case..
If our can conscientiously Lake the
ser loci., of n..t..net's juries, then we
must come to the Lnmclueioti that there
,night to be miner eel eexercised 011 the
part s.f employees themselves which
would. no d: uht, be a great tactor in
prey cling aceirteets.
la tli•
sed Rifts
TH1iKSDAY. JANI'ARY l,rr, 1014
Now that the terwlnatlon of orrice of
the town council is et hood, it is only
fair that credit ought tIbegiven' whet*
credit I. doe, anti the laurel crown
should be placed on the head which is
most deserving. While there is aro
ratan ear body of men who are faultless,
It is only just 10 Ilse mayor and coun-
cil to say, that they have, done well
this year.
Theta is a modern tendency to be-
little anyone who is in public office
and he upon whom the public gaze bag
wuirtituos to sweat a crown of Lhorur,
instead of the laurel wreath which be
The council may have bad their
shortcoming*. lint many great Lu-
pr,.vewente have teen made dnring
the peat year. Ai a prominent citizen
r.warked iheother day. the hydras bas
been installed, the trlspboue wires
around the !)quer. IoW tinder -gismos!,
poet office boxes have been plated hr
dale, eat parte of the ipwn and ever f
effort has been inside -to clear up the
Wert Shirrs/ r..iliiay to the batl,fsction
of the residents of the town. and last
of *Il, what is hoped to be urte of the
gre.trat boons to (1oderich, the estab-
lishment. of a market. ,
In making rhuioea fu; next year,
the electorate should take these i.u-
ptuvrweute into eunudderatton.
The market question is over and Toe
Sign .1 is (l w w say that the council
hiss attrtI -.wooly tool well in dealing
with the matter as it, has done and
that it market i. to be established
bete. The Stgu.l Itis felt that (iode-
rich, bring the county town of this
splendid euuutl• of Huron, wag greatly
io Alneof a market, w bete the rural
populuiion cou'd meet the urbanites
and beside, ex/ hanging their produce,
as is often done in wtny cater, 1x•
change views which is certainly fur
the betterment of any town.
The Signal again ram that it hopes
that thin wa,ket here will be • great
slices. and will do all in ill power to
wake it ow, And wishes that every Citi•
zee of (lode, Icb anti resident of this
county, wbo have the welfare of the
county at heart. will also co operate
with this great (amity journal io this
"• rnroug y misfortune of ill
health, Sir James 1Yhitney she ild be
forced to retire from the lhemlenhl
of Ontario, who would succeed him
?bla 1. w glnewtlrin which undoubtedly
is dist,irbing the Government al tble
New Year season, The remelt Shear
t•f sir Jsni.s in New York has given
added urgency to the problem.
Hon. W. J. Henna, it appears, le
,caking • hid for the position. With-
in the !eat week or two he bee put him -
brit into the limelight by has a•lvocacy
of an attack (belated It is ttue) on the
fish trust, and by his speech la favor
,A A faculty of law at the university of
Toronto. instead of rhepresent OsRoode
Hall system, Mr. Hanna I. doobt el�.s
snaking these and other strenuous e( -
fiats tower is the l'r•emiership, be-
muse he realises that the position is
not at all assure] 1., him. it 1s the
general opinion that the Provincial
$''aeon-iry wield have been the °sly
ons mentioned for the s;trx•ee.lrm had
it not been for the 1'ro idfont eIarge..
That event, however, changed* lot of
Ibings for tie Hon. Mr. Hanes.
Hoa Mr. Seek is said to tae eistlrg
$Sxiorseyeeon the Prrniiteship If it
lei be open to compilation. teak
and Hawn., however. waist, n. asps.
tine no each other, owl. ladlan , oe
el rang le the ri v airy tied aatredjlm
hat 11 ie freely pts/lewd nsltker
noel/ serve trader the other.
Oes solution proposed far the tum.,
my ie that Sir William Meflg�
Docs IT PAY ?
Does it pay to adrstti.e? \(any
merchants .re dilly revoliIng this
question in (Asir minds and the general
opinion want• to be that it doe.. The
nurser. -teal nier•chant Answers this ques-
tion and declares that without u doatbt
it mo -i. assuredly pays to adverb.'.
If it do-. lint I.ny, why do the lirg1
departmental stoles of Toronto, Mon-
treal an/1 the blg cities of the United
Mates ndrertise ell htrgrll ' They
have done it rind have thereby built up
intge and oialsive firms.
Perhaps the 1)5.t answer to this
quesilott le, that the Maxwell Motor
Cu, spent Si 1,010 f..radvert(siog in one
dtiy by Oaring ads. in &I leading
tialliw nt,the ['muse Staten and (be
IVitlys Overland Motor Co. spent
1),(1)0 in adveo tieing last year. The
heeds of these flru,s are shrewd tate/-
news men and they cut Isis�y would tool
spend thio money 11 it did cwt tiling
MODELS OF excit cLENte
Of all the exchanges which r•
into The Signal once -•'and their name
is legipn -'-it may he truly said, lb.t
the Christmas edition. of the King-
ston daily papery, The Standard and
The Whig surpa..6 anything publ*brd
in O,.tatip. They are models of ex-
cellence and are crrtaiuly a great
credit to the city they reverent.
Sallow Complexion
indicates indigestion, eon.Upatlon
or liver tnnit,e. l•'1(i ;MILLM will re-
gulate yo•tr system ■nd build up the
nerve forces ..o that you cru .Trey an.l
enjoy life. At all dealers 2., and all
mot., or The Fig Pill C•• , St. Tho -tis..
Sold in (ioderlch by E. R. Wigle drug-
Wentero,r Still Likes ',bis High Class
. Family lemma/
Mr. Tho.. N Sihib, lt*dvers. N'shat-
cbewan writes The Signal as :allows:
Knelt -teed you will find another dollar
for the ienewel of my subscription to
The Signal.
Th• editors may change but The Sig-
nal always remains thesaurus interest-
ing paper, giving the west w well as
thereat a good idea of many ehnufres
and happenings that take place is the
old hour., town and dietrier, and even
beta w jtson- how the \Vest Shore
railway is now running.
Make Sure of a
Steady Income
Put your savings and surplus
profits into the be* dividend
paying security. The
er Cent.
of the Standard &hawse
on ...cured by.Pgld.
up rale( $2, 0 ,000.00w.dAs-
ens $1.000,000.00. Thon ds.
bamboos sewers yea a dependable
incense eft S% per eas5M. psd
half -yearly. pussies* es their
se eAre.de.d
nee ..Affil♦
We Is HOS a ON. Goilarielk
'��r 'trifle
W wan; onus ams
HMI was a time whoa
Wallington b.d emery
b hese .weeded to be
a bread new mains 1a
the leanetaf weeld a
marvelous being" who
could champ stones tato
bread gad serpents tats
. fowl; thee all at owe
be lied himself 1a the
throes of bankruptcy.
He bad exhausted Ids
rewires* and was for
the ante Wes hopelessly tasolv*nt.
Day by day his little handful Of re -
mantling change vanished In steadily
diminishing ratio u kis meals be-
came cheaper and further apart, u. -
dl finally he had but a time lett. This
cots be resolved to save for some last
and most desperate extremity, and he
even determined to fast for days be
tore parting with 1t. And fast for
days he did. while oft times the days
Dame much too fast.
When Christmas eve came he had
not tasted food for three days. He
telt that he eosM endure It no
longer, that the last and moat desper-
ate extremity bad arrived and that
;now lea must tttpend his dime. fie
aa. p1'ao .deyp i}audlttttAM viols
'he felt someone 'touch his arm and
turned about.
Beside him there stood • gaunt man
with cavernous cheeks, feverish, w11d
1sh eyes, and • stomach thgt curved
the wrong way. The apparition ad-
dressed him In • croaking voice.
"For God's sake, stranger. buy me
rssmething to eat. I am penniless and
upon the verge of committing crime.
1 have wort out my shoes looking for
work, and while 1 have • Jeb promised
me It w111 be a week before it 1s open.
:And meanwhile I am starving, friend.
Marring. In the name of Christianity
•spare me enough for a meal out of
your plenty."
Wallington stared Into the evening
dusk u he Angered Ms last and
smoothly worn dime. He knew well
mooch what this other man was suf•
tering, for had he not been In the
same stage twenty -tour hours before!
Aad to give a man a dime 1n such •
case was so grossly Inadequate. Yet
what could he do' He turned about.
('lose before him was • restaurant
"Isere he had spent hundreds of dol-
lars In his palmy days and whoa* pro-
prietor he knew well. Yet he owed a
bill there for his last big after theater
dlneer party of many months ago, and
he had had the courage even In
his serol-tarvatlon to go la and sak
for more credit. Yet now It stmt be
done, for here was a human being
starving upon the streets. Wal-
lington shuddered. it was plainly his
duty to fill this man's stomach, and
for the last time he w, ,ild exert those
powers of persuasion which once spa
rrma Mandy and
Ti poorest folks you ever
Lived in poorest house
In town,
Where the tenon 'us all tore down.
Arid no front -door steps at a11 -
let a' old hos 'Oast the wall;
And no door -knob on the door
Outside. -My! but they 'us poor!
Wes no winder -shutters on,
And some of the winder. goae.
And where they 'us broke they'd par's
1st brown paper 'croft the platy.
Tell you! when 11's winter there.
And the snow tet ever'wber..
Little Mandy's Ma she say
'Spec' they'll frees* to death some day
Waast my Ma. and Me-wb.a we
Be'n to church• and's goln' to be
Owlemas perky sopa,-we went
These -like th. Comalties riot.
And Illr! Whoa we
le the doer,
Wm no carpet on
the floor.
And no fire - and
heals -and -bead
Little Mandy's tuck-
ed lnbed
Aad her Ma teilsd
tray Ma she
Clot no coffee but tat
And tried mush--
and's all they had
Sees. her health
broke down so
Nen Ma bug gad hold.me where
Little Maady's layln' there;
And she klu her, too, and nee
Mandy kiss my Ma again.
And my Ma she tolled her we
Coin' to have a Chris'mus-Trp.
At the Sunday School. 'at's tee
All the children, and ter her.
Little Mandy think -mea ibe
Say, "What 1s a Chris'mss-Tree "
Nen my Ma abs glved her Ma
Somepta' 'at 1 saw.
ea • time few men had been able to
resist. He took the stranger by the
arm. "Come with me," he command -
They entered the restaurant sad
Wallington walked straight up to the
proprietor. "Bob." said he, "I ow*
you a pretty stiff bill, but I am going
to go to work In a week and then I
will begin varies you off. Now I want
See to do ere'a lest favor.' TOwe 708
about forty dollars, and a ooepb of
dollars more weal make much Mer-
inos to yo.. it is Christmas eve and
my (dead over then M starving. Now
I want yogi to All him up to the elfin
on good, solid tool and charms It to
toe. 1 will not ark you for any livor
aside if you will do this last wag."
Tb. proprietor looked at Ids told pa-
trols thoughtfully.
"Al! right." b mamma! at
length. 'Reiag'e its Cheintions eve
I'!1 tabs a chasm ea jus even W you
are down and net. Ten your friend to
or4sr what be teats.- Re Wallington
gad the stranger sat dews together
and Wallington. watched bis eampma-
dna 111 btmesif sate Mass men
let tit with his a� wain1
right way, the req gsato {Ill N.
sad tato to sr[at light ..a-
hem his aye., the feeged sato
"My 1l.sd," amid the straws,. -1
isss3 met have .adored 11 amebic day
-Jet d nems Ism have .ower harm
Vint it M la go two days withal*
and lit tds'w I tto your tabs vim Widen MI ~1. year
toast remambsr tfmt Mo is ma tomb
east Moir bort yen the ageing ifs
is Miming ovary m._* 1 1 that you
sat. Eby, Chriatiaa.-
wa•stw use net tla b.glt. "Good.
by, strums•. sad good last to fare 11
Vas $ mslo Mita Sop r late
bola miss r Mere you a Irt.- Theft
is via im*" Mob Immo
;:146.0411114116••• worth at span
And say elle meat
tab tt,--asd
She tot waked her
keep her hand
Wits close .but, sad
nen .he kiss
Her hand--ebut 1st
Ike it is.
Nen we coined away
. And nen
Whoa its Cbrts'mos
Bre again,
And all of m chll-
dertss he
At the Church and
End all alt our toys and tbtaga
Lt old Santy Clam he brings
SAN puts on the Tri; -wit. where
'Ae big Tree 'us standln' there.
Aad the things 'm all tasked down.
Aad the okllderna, all Is town,
Get their promatta-sb.a we see
key's a little Chrtsae.s-Trp.,
Wile behind the big Tree --so
We can't see 1111 men, you keowr
AM Ws all ist loaded dews
the puutlest things L towel
AM the taaeber
smile and say:
'This here Tree 1st'i
hid away
It's merited 'Little
Mamdy's Tree!'
Little Maadyl
Wiese is ober
Ma n.body •ay a
Stillest plass yes
.ser hoard!
Tin a man tiptoe n
Tsseh.rs' etlu a•
wafting there,
Ilia tar rasa ike wflapn•s, ow
tot the Tnatesr Imam, you Imam.
Isla M tiptoe hook gad go
Out the Mg doer- imt as Moot
Lift Ysib. t10 An atm't
.demur-rmd Ma lay "elm weal
1,tst though .mob year *aril ba
"LIMN mows Arts lua►Tnas
Ar paw bildren"--toy Ma say,--•
armiina. lay they .sees
Mane's Tree '50 be
tirr tket• the ether Trish! arats•*N.ml Old 6
OUR stock of Ladies' furs of all
styles is exceptionally large
and we have decided to take a
quick lou and this week have remarked
several hundred pieces to prices that will
appeal to every prospective buyer.
Grey Wolf Sets, $.00
Large Grey Wolf Pillow Meth
(twister style) with Satin Used
1. bad oe (laps ht. match. ated withltsaree
tall* trimmed. Retluler
$I100 set, for
Japan Mink Muffs 4h
Pillow, ship., beet select Ja 1.n
and China Mink skins. dark and
very full. Regular SEIM rare, at
................... . sass.. �s.a+s i
Ladies' Muskrat Coats
&'left matched siting and
Coat full length or f length, h
lining of puer•anteed sattp. No
band.otner Fur Coat of musk- 1,
rat on the market Our reenter
pi top S80.00, Special.... $S*.Oo
Sale of Remnants
Rods of Dress floods, Prints.
Suitings, all esde of from 2 to
yards. markeu at clearing ,'rise.
One large tableful srark•'d le
plsie Reuses at about half -pries
or less.
Northern Sable Muffs
Bolster style Muth. large and
beautifully satin lined, .kine of
No. 1 quality. Regular 58.00
and WOU for N.Mp
Black Coney Fox
Largs *fes black Stoles, spies.
dkk style and in appearance 'd-
ee equal to our hest Week
Regular 80.00, Special
sale sass... sass... . . si.00
Ladies' Cloth Coats
Unreserved clearing wale of
many h.ndsnmr styles, .one
silk lined. Clearing at Jji
and• • �.pp
Men's Wool Lined
Kid Gloves
All clearing. Regular a1
Men's Fur Coats
Blank No, 1 Alga D.��!{'!�► _w�^IuU�u,
Umondian Ones Omit..
salgaeL.. lamb Oenl.�1iO. o
Adam could truly sing there's
only one girl for me.
Thousands can truly join in the
chorus and sing, there is only one shoe
for me. And that is the HARTT.
J. H. McClinton
A larger and better Christmas trade than last
year. Considering the conditions of trade in general,
we are very much pleased.
We anticipate larger and better trade through-
out 1914.
We thank you for the past year's business.
We believe we can give you better value and
better service than ever before.
We have just completed twenty years studying
your hardware requirements. -Surely- it is to your
advantage to deal with us.
We buy in the largest and _besl_tnarkeis, -.
We start the New Year by a monster Granite -
ware and Cutlery Sale.
By thanes we got vied
of ala .t Ml..Newsre that
wee to be sold bienneo of bay-
ing k of wet Ila
bought at our awn
prise. New weal taw that
draaiteware is set danslSd
by once getting weft
win fill
11itbWe laced a I net hem large Imps ase a soot ot later than Nov
yet. To mesas resin for it we w111 pet oe w
rale for at least to. Jaya. All our thsilary ata fibs___ so that for
10.3 yon ears have Ws worth, or for SIM OM worth ,oris sheat 20 per
met. oft all lines of Cutlery sad illmawarm
We Wish All a
Happy and Prosperous New Year
The Dowell Endure G., Limited
Ties best Pima to Bey Msa/tr.p,h