HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-1-1, Page 1X J(appy JYew Year 9.111 Our headers SIXTY -1101.11M1 YSAIt-Ns sass GODERIOH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 191.1 .79'I(appy ,Yew year S to ,411 Our header A. It DEAD WIN. PIM teems. 11 'lige STERLINGBAN OF CANADA Make This Your New Year Resolution '•I will open a bank account and save consistently and per- sistently." Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto General Manager - - A. H WALKER Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager L -vim--r .•- - "Y +r v - rr ' A. G. NISBET IS AGENT FOR; All kinds of Insurance OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE, OODERiCH t Peons: OFFICE 10: Hocss 150. P.O. Box 954 1 J CARD OF THANES ( THE MARKETS IABD UV CHANES To TIM rWrel.a tut liosmwcw Axu ctnxlTr. We will to thank yet• all for your ..atom end el -heal set tasasn,twb pre - n( and lotus, • Happy New Year. BROWN t CU. AUCTION VALES r 'with,. v. January 1-Sxeeut•xs' sale of aluabte Perm property in the trwa•hlp of Wawnwh. M. 41. 4 e uaoe. rebate. for ~store Ttsuru(WADSS. abOtleaser. AUCTION SALE p1 C TOR$' BALE VALI1ARLi FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WA W ANOPH • The rseeatets et the lost w ul and testament glib* late IDWARD MORTI)N w111 offer ter sale by public auction at the Cokes hotel. $.d..-irb. on . SATURDAY, JANL AItY 3rd. WTI, " at i o'clock p w. The Mlouring land. namely' The wed half of lot ramtsr.et.steen in tM• tenth *meowing of theenematp el Wswutoah. In the County of Hurl*oseteinlnr toe honored arr.. mort- ar lore. TW. term Is situated within one mil.• of the village of 0t. Hebm. gee miles from Luekasw, sod e TN land ere moos from lDunganno .lefF" of wit dilated Rod there b • fr Tlera n ala•. net et fnV. failing rty forty by MRsell.• .p.ing passing through be land. Tanner Sale: -Ten per rent of th•- pareWw weir•! lobe paid ondey of sale and thebalenoe wlttlu thirty days thereaft<r. For further Pal r1and meept oan R.therf wd. W. H.o. pot ogr.oto USS and.'-gestt THOMAS MI.Sr. torfortheExecutor* s waclkstarr• C 1 WEST WAWANOSH FIREINSURANCECO. 1 One of the hest in the Pros- I Wee. Fixed ruts of asseestseUt. Dee Stork insured et its full 1 vales whether on the favus oe not. No trouble 1. stake ad jest- 1 R. McILWAiN, I i Nile. Agent for (:oiboree. - -- -r .e• -roes- ---`" ''""r rY tSal%t1 UbliaN P10101 s aL.isrial" il f>.` iiit,i. }..asea Tt i- Ita1.. P O.f •,•• •••d 7YO crtgl The bop( equipped Fowls and Fresh Mesta w Plenty For the Cbristmas Trade Timm Dsv Jan. . tet. Now that the Christmas trade is over, there has been a slight decrease la the meat and. poultry arsrket. How- ever, IL bee been only temporary, and the regular pticss are corning beck again. The local butchers report an ample supply of foul for the Christmas tretie and beef In abundance. The local markot tale week has been nil heft Agit ao4 )is have remained Mae. The previi pr ices are: yw sena. per bleb to a RI 10 3 0 8) 'Rourk'he.t, per bush . Out, per bo.a Peas. per Mol 0 12 • 33 elal tt. 01.. Betray. per bush r 1.l to a JO letaeatnro. per ton Do ,u to 'Lt 00 /lour. family, per cwt 9 al to 1 m nom. patent, per cot " Y) W 3 1n Weis, per ton L w to It •11 hens. Der tar .. l 00 to di 311 Hay. per toe. Dew .e 15 •a1 W la 00 1MN aM Wood. per load a ro to ere Ratter. per Ib.... 0 15 to 0 le Old Chee.e. per Ib rid !sew Cheer ..toot. •. ... toot010 to 0 IP isle••, Imo. we des • 40 to 0 42 Arida.. per bbl 1 tut to 3.n ,New Peleror.. pet bn,uh .. 0 4U to 0 73 ,New erdtny ag.sd, per Owl. 430 t• 350 CsIUr. export. per cwt s m to 530 HH.53< 70 Sheep. pee cwt.. . 1 OD me 4 O. TaaIIt lb 8011. sS lo ib Hideo. D,hskIet. f M 43 4e N 0 LORI OR FOUND pwuNn.-oN-SATsaDAY i - ember 1exh. between On 'with and Dan- rtnnen. • mutt. Apply at THE: SIGNAL OF- FICE. O$T.--.SOMEWHERE BETWEEN Dungannon and Uoderich, • white cmehat h .d bag containing a .nm of money. 'hider klpoly leave at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. PUBLIC NOTICE The berm..e formerly uowdotted by the I.tte J. P. ANrew. will In future be carried w ig themTATF:of J. F. ANICREWE . 0041 T RKSSMAKING.- THE UNDER - e t Mr hoose. Angles: street Mlflr 0T4.W a FOt SAL/ OR TO ROT L _ FMR *AL1. -TWO *TOItY ROURI w Keay, drool eaaaalela tut new. W seeders kntbree furaassr Sad •treats Pram : beeemehl► reparsr►0sm ptiarss5S0 M IM sod esemal tut with seri Amor te W. R PINDER. its and most. up-to-date shop in town. First -clam barbers only int• plover'. Ibis shop will stand the goy- S moment sanitary inspection. 1 ltasors and *beatside work d ret put one on in first- '1 rhes .espy. W. (4. LUMBY Jj GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'bores meet all trains. Private .alb have prompt and e.sshi attention. First -eters Messy Drib at all tames. Asaawahle priooa Tim DAVIS LIVERY T. M. DA ViE Flopeist north St,'bone Na sl KR REAL ESTATE FOB SA LK. We Mva for axle about thirty town Iota. priors neerhet ham 100 upward.. also three Meana .ter d w01 a but 'oar OB/OOI'. iAY/ s Rs aNOP LJOU. 8E3 FUR SAL -Alf KIGH11' ROI ACED HOURS set Vleserle stoat sod ems sena renamed been am olessee ; stable ea .om hoggi as. stoat : both h /recwrt ell modere ..t{b m eewaett..Wsal..s mow aMl- les l - IT. .t ICI.Low.Mk if., Oed•rtrb. flat. 1t-tt RIISiDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM *AUL - The maidens*. with bur lel'. a.rw.erty Loewe se the A .M.D. Allam property. tosser n masa sod street& Geed brkk k..a.. two .pita., le gold•... repair : radars e.iveisee.a (lro.sds plana with variety Onetime IP.a•. O.e of the best pew velelfd(pa. Reasonable tones. 4..,/. VOR SALE. -FI Vg ACRES OF r ldad, part .f let L L R W.. Celberne uwmypewst)et Herren. Oa the peps are • Tress dwelling Mom sed • wet Skip; RI et .r .i . Clem to ..M.4, mak new. lvsO t..Tb.1 rem N. MI east be ted hem A. A. WIWAMI, l.i hr isms. 7741 ARM FOR SALL-TOE EAST *sue kat see set b some Lestom IDlvteriysoe et .f Ash rat se •from. om rem a frame hem e • .seal «.demi_ lrci, gorrupspisar First Acclamation n Twenly-five Years Stormy Scenes in Colborne To? nsbip Council are Over and Reeve and all the Councillors ore Pltecfed without Opposition -West Shore Railway a Dead Issue Reeve -Samuel Bisset. Councillors -Jae. Chisholm. Gordon Young, Levi Snyder, Isaac Hethering- ton. Hae the hatchet been hu 1 led In Col- borne township'l Fromthe viewpoint of an enbia-et spectator the prevail- ing sin• i.ornt at t he nomination trivet int@ on Monday In the township hall at Cat low Nuuld indicate that the per- iod hes been reached when the spirit 11 aware and goodwill shall be a pee - 1 •oulnating trat..te of Colborne muni - ^(:)al t",heir•. A Reeve end C<,u.tcil •lrrted by AC. Iatswt Inn I It. is twenty . at 1-dst sincr the township pe -sed through a siieilar experience, an ineidenl su ter m the pa.t that the oldest oaten -.yrs-. eL the utreting were not able to 51x.Ihe date. When not ninetlons eloped at 2 o'clock Township Clerk Mcllwain an- nounced the following nonrinatiooa For Reeve, 8. Bisset, J. N. Kerni- glI.n. For Councillor+, Levi Snyder, John Wil..nn, Alex. Clutton, Chat.. Robert- son, James Cbleholm, Gordon Young, Jar. Wat.00, Isaac Hetherington. DROP PERSONALITIES Robert lacIlwain, the municipal clerk, was voted chairman of the meeting. Before introducing the fleet epeakrr be urged that all should en- deavor to eliminate from their re- marks anything which was of a per- sonal nature. He believed it was time thet ell differences of opinions should be set aside and the way cleared for a ELECTION CARDS ELE(TiON CAiID To lux R..TsraYRwa olr ins Tow,, or UOnkRIC/ Lad'e.•radOeoWmeo•--lam back again In municipal Wattle• area have dea1nrd to stand. e. • candidate for the ogles of throve. .1e a o/tiami and bwlnea. roan of the town of llode rich it al way. ha.. been my elm to work In the Intereate of the town whether In the oseoell or sot. 1f y,.0 elect sou on Monday. January .Ah. It shall be my snits tion tor...mime to work for the advancement, orUoderlcb in the town coun- cil and also hi the @purity council. Thanking you for past rave, and wishing you tets com- pliment. of the saar,n. 1 •o, Sin aeeel. your •. ROBSRT ELLi(1TT. /J1O THE ELECTORS OF THE 1 TOWN OF U/DSRN'd Ladle. and O. ntlemen.-- Having been nomtn- sled a.r txudidat, for the council of 1714 I lave decided to .rand. it being impossible fo@ me to call onyo•. per.onally I Wee 'ht. means of ad - testing your support and Influenza. Hail had nine year■' experience In public matte.. 1 thank 1 its places me In a qualified patties should you see your say clear to pine your coned• nos In me by electing este • member of your coutwit for 1744. WIt.hine you the oonipllmente of tk. eea.00. I tgaialo. Yours reopeetfullT P. J. RYAN. TO 1 THE ELECTORS OF GODE- 1 H1CR -- LADIES ASO ()rwrl2M ux. - Having beep mien - looted foe another year at the "wood board. I am a candidate for the position. and I take lhle norm. of .e1ki.Int your support at the polle neat Monday. I treat that my services at Use board during the past year have been to your sail-factloa. and tf eteoad w1 endeater will be to arms you duper the coating year to the bed possible advantage. Your. faithfully. ALKX. YuUNt:. rpo 1 THE ELECTORS OF GODE- J. RiCH LADrg1 Axe U.NTIJtwcR. Havfng s.rvad you 'warns at thermoset burro In the pep year. ►ad betas rw-aomin•ted for 1711. I re- .psestully ea Goa renewal of your - windows. 1 Mn trout W advance the town'. walfan barley • emeddwsble (atone' to 11. and I rope bare .Nota ea honest desire to M what 1- Met Mtau sod. 1 *s my services will w -nous you la roe - lattsr a WMi.L yea ell a Weer New Tar. JAROB J. MOOkIt. OUR 'VOTE ' .r. AND INFLUENCE repel luny 'solicited torr FRANK A. ELLIOTT the People. Candidate. for There t)ousdllor for 5744. MO 1 THE ELECTORS OF GOUE- 1 RICH LADIES AND OSNitisr*N.-1 r SESAII .•S- ddu. lar lbs venison of Reeve foe the easiest year. add shell be gratified to have your 5t► port at sae gel. en Monday next. 1 hare tried to serve your hammer aa• r • tows emeeetl- ler.nd et the toasty oSUSo4L and hsps to be elde to de stroll, .51 darn., 1011• if pea gee at w .lest me. Falthfell MAMA. f RE-ELECT COUNCILLOR J. C. LAiTHWAITE for M4 1'remre•w• r.'msmy. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE os0saell he the dlaetiem eft WM. PROUDFOOT, JR. M Css.ier of the Ten. et Oslmieb Sit IMS T111E ELECTORS b itli V- & AND /ARIIs PROP eI slsl s ,,r. bt 5 ase il}R77w lam (i.de4i iR M sM bMst.itib the 1 Sate gs sd oleei N mt asssmd teas* iw yy 7"-t1"-= let sm THoMs 0a Y. OedsaM f 1 C. A b*s11 more profitable diecnesinn of ma eters of deep imnortencs to all Iatepayrts. Mr. Ha -1 Bisset, •Mt hie opening remark., 1 ,.bed on county matters• referring tJthe prnpn,ednew ochorol in- spectorate, 4b..district representative rugger". d for Hu, -on euunty and aos- wr.e.l eeveral gne.ti•rns pert•Iniug to theerect:on of the piers uo the Salt - ford Inidye. TELEPHONE MATTERS Mr. Bisset. said, "rhe only time we diffrted was when we rune to the telephone que•tio4 end when it came 10 a division 11 wag three on one side Sed leu rot the rubes and we mete in the minority." He briefly at(Dunrisrd recent eff•eta whirl) bad been made to hi'OR.flout a art Irwer:t and in the tuiJrt ut bis remarks Amerman. Robert - eon asked why the Zest ober had not b•en accepteJ, wording his question In such a way that Mr. Beset Iii( nut understand. ••I don '< want to grc you in.s'angle" explained hi, quest loner, hot "yon eauet." Mete the ready retort by Mr. Bi.set• it wee then brought out that the reason the rimmed hid not accepted the offer fur settlement was twenties. it wee not good gh. Re- ferring to the law coat.. of he LOW ship t he speaker sad he had objected to an account for legal advice to J. N. Kernighan which the municipality was e•kei to pity over. Concluding be announced his intention of standing for re-election a. Reeve. J. N. Kernighan, nominated for the reeveehip, declared that the High Court, cotta in connection with the telephone legal artium would not -have to be reset by the townsbip. In con- nection with the Weat %Vswanosh care hr admit led it mistake had been made and .t."toed that neither in this case would the township he asked to bear the expert's.. Regarding 1 he $5 account to which Mr. Iii.s.-t refer' ed, Mr. Keroigh.n raid lh.t when thio '110 THE ML4,l;rIistS 05 (.04)E- 1 RICH LADIES *No ODxiums,.-Having been nom - hutted f ra seat al tae council of Iit4, I re- spectrnlly est for your aupport. Ravine had a ?umber of rens exp-r,nce in municipal nd having a pen.ona Interest 1'n the prosperity of oar town, 1 bel.evo I can give you LI'hfnl end .11 Sent se. Tce. with sloe ,•...o•.'. beer al -he-. Your...tit•-er•-Iv. HtvitY J. MORRIS- fT1O THE ELECTORS. LADIES awn O1Nrt.sw8R.-H•ving been fav- ored •y -ar ago with your senerou- @support at the Dolls. 1 hate tried to advance the Interest, of the town in all way. during my teen of offlee at the council board. 1 .tu again a oaodid.te and t..k. thu mean. of a.klus your continued "Wa@support aL 40. polar l fur•1 • bappl and prpep.rpu. year, 1 am. Yours slooerely, J. H. Md`WNTON. TO THE ELECTORS 1 wi-le to tbant you lar the mark .1 opeill- N done. bestowed upon mein my re-election by .arla..arlon a. Deputy Re.'ve. 1 bops to he able donor the menial year to serve you ell h adv. nage w.lh ■1 the town couatdl and at the count y boons Yours teep.of1.117. W. F. CLARK. 1110 THE ELE(TO11S LADIES Ain 'ucxn.xw.o. Having been nominal .d fur cows. Ilk r ut the town of (Jodie - rich. for the year 1914, I rake tat. mean. of aol- iciting your rote zed Influenc- la my behalf. Whaled you all . prospe oat New Year. 1 am. DIdMn4T yea,.. i). WIL8ZN. (.10 THE ELECTORS OF GODE- J1L RICH -- LAMBS AND UixrtaNex. -After two year.' sat low at the town couutll. I .m agate • au. delete. and as Ido mit intend to make • per- sonal sans►.. 1 take this meet. of maim her your support at the pal. next Monday. l bare mooldar!doro4.* et mg dieemal. and. It e l1meers alit woe 15315 be glad W hod my heereutt Their Use tewu'a »rs.oamest. .. ...• "tato... • IfW. M gut. ors.- PUBLIC NOTICE V,OTICI.-THE ANNUAL EMIT- it EIT1\ tag o[ 1i' Oodeelcw Tewa alp T.Lpbeae * y4m will be held In pelma.' ilea Hilmar vele. w VFSESE. J•au•ry Mi. mel. at, 1 gels* •hasp to' hs rosea'. frroomrestf 1be tosmed dsswysle a rows ofkler say Mbar redoes t oat M M br 1 rimer the meetttst. 0. . 1"111T Me. . WEST HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The datedor1 annual mostlso of the *1* - Tut. of the w est Hron Aeieal ural Society M • 1 be ad 1n the Tows Hall, Otederleit. ea Thunder. the .fteemtb day et bumpy. N14. at 1 &'tdoot P m . • Nr election of eleven sad se- oal b..dana . Meeh.,are those who sub - seethe p.m r N14 or who have Saar ret-1ael t.e "1"1171411 lit MLR& ale.m J 1411litMLSR. 5.eretyr OMakeb, Dee Nth. 11141 mfl AnNNUAL MBrdriNO '1'M ase mrtfo et the Mstipsp Eutaw 1'o • los. _ Omppteat win bo bead is 4.. Tbws mitt. w Wettish .set Frld•y. Joshes 1R 4M4. r Ba. 5 Aark -- The b -4.m_ d tes seesteag le le ,'sMlte tM din. a .' Sad ..dl low tle 14.5 Zsiltie elsomdug et Or hea .54 *a trod a ehhrrt►►lt ehett monde d andd Mho Coeseeney. The s tmisd W0011* ,wk.. ' sf14Wru1sai J L MeL 14.N. .l .TRIOS. It Ye • A NNUAL MEtiTI140 any. ...slag of the areae .rt be head le the r rut ea rlty JJ aSlkh tire ed the res se ere 'M rwoomedsa to Wroseellter. Dee lilt J. N. 1C10011112Alf, Mayor nerd, who wee . e -sleeted by eoclamatton for 1114 He bee served In the rapacity of Mayr roe the past :Wu year's. expense was inwu. red he was employ- ed by the tuwnrhtp and "if the town- ship of Colborne is too small I'll pay it uny.elf." At this juncture the speak- er became rogegeo in a dispute with Mr. Bisset ecru the latter referred to Mr. kctuigbaii r .hurtm to have him disqualilie d. Mr. Krruighan explained that he had 1utestigated. [earing that the acre of Mr. Bieaet would be d.squali. fled if it were towed thy: Mr. -Hiwet wag not eligibly for the position of reeve. Another matter in connection with the awarding ut a county contract Mr. Kernigban exp.ained to the Watts. faction tit Mr. BBnset. Before be eat down Mr. Kell nlgbau stud that he war willl)g to step ...side for this year if the council candidata-a would do the saute and thereby .ave the expense of an election. THE COUNCILLORS Alex. Clutt on. a member of last seat'. council, ..nuke barfly ou the *'ii k et:com ode -it Motto; the pawl L.vrlvr.IVuth. He Irlott•a•.1 to the telephone question, thq rxiwndilure oil 1oa1 iu.41 .,unreel, and advocated the beeurn.K-ul IL,wrwlel)<r ft -out the Government. for Lhr waking of Letter highway,. It acclaim alioi. weir ac- cortl,d nim be was pi roe' ed to terve o. councillortor another year. LOT'S OF TROT: BLE: John Wilton. in his adore", re- flected Ibat CIA hos t a toy. twirl p bed so touch troul•lr. He said be 11.4 been told that any candidate having it rural telephuue in bit. home would have no support .fr the pntn.ns of the usuniripal.yotrm, and that (.ba llama law applied to a user of the Seipel 'phone : be would be opposed by the opposite taction. "1 can conscientious- ly speak my tnind," he said, "I belong to neither.' "You're safe," was a response from the audience. "You cant couprouu'e those two com- panies," declated 711r. Wiliam, "you bare n bylaw throe and you have to carry it out." A DEAD ISSUE. The West Shore Railway was viewed as a dead haws@ by the *peeler. He believed that tttonger action should hove been taken at au rattier date. ••1 think we rhould try and have peace now, hut 1 would like to offer some advice." be concluded. Don't go near lhe town of Goderich for advice, lecture that advice weans law." Gordon Young was the next epeaker. At the outset he slated that the town- ship should he congratulated because it had no Iawruit on its bands. The council, he sod, had agreed on every question except the telephone and he was glad that there were there against two or the municipality would he in worse trouble now then it experienced last year. Air. Shipley. a Toronto lawyer, had arlviwed the pulsing of a n ew bylaw. Had tbi. been done al the minority wished. the present Set- tlement 5r.ld nos have been -he" owe. come. Ref.renr WAS made 10 the . Wawaaaeliiraio.-masa . silo- etep•- wb Feb -hod bertr 'taken- to reefer • [MIs "Invasion" from the aeIabhoring town- ship, mete outlined. it Is proposed to extend s drain into the fleet block of Annual Nominations Held in Town Hall Ma por, Deputy R 'eve, Water and Light Commissioner and Four Public School Trustees Re-elected by Ac- clamation -Sip Council Contest and Seventeen Nominees -Fight for Reeve May Be Warm. The annual tuunicip.1 nominations held in tate town bell 04* Monday night 1 Wt weir IuoIe or Ir.r excuIsug but they p&vrrd off without any great dire 'lenitive or doubler fo. the police or public officers. Mr. Andrew Porter, manager of the Stirling Bank, acted as chutru.an aftrt Mr, L. L. Knox had received the nomination'. Good otder war prererv.d. '1 bey were four ' ees for Mayor but as liner were out willing to stand, lteyi r Heid, who has served the town WWI for two v ears u re-elected by ac- chuuatiuu. For the rtevesh'p, there were also four nominees batt two being out of the flrld, the contest will to between B. C. punning• and Robt. Elliott. There were two non.Mere for dep- uty reeve but as one bar withdrawn, O'.,Clal k wee elected by acclamation. Seventeen reamer turtle received as probable councillor,. Six of these or declined to accept °Mee and it will bean eleven sided contest All the old councillor.', with the exception of Cozen. V shatter, will again seek office. The eleven candidates are i Alex. Yung, J. J. Moser, W. B. Graham, Frank Elliott. Harty J. Morrie, J. 0. Irithwaite, J. I;1. MoCkntor. P. J. Hyatt, E. 0. Wigle, Wm. Proudfoot, jr., J. B. Wilson. For water and Tight commissioner, Mr. A. 8. Cbrysral was re-elected by Iteciaut•uiott end four school musters also went in in the 'emeriti/inner. They are: K. J. Acheson, Alex. Saunders, W. Chigoe and A. Le. McLean. All the nominerebud until Tuesday night to qualify. The Dominations as received by the clerk acting as deputy returning offi- cer were: - For Mayor -C. A. Reid, proposed by A. 8. Chrystal and W. F. clerk (acebllnetiesel. Dr. A. C uutevetrJ. Mosel and B. C. Munnings. A. J Cooper -O. L. Parsons and J. W. Fraser. Ur. J. B. Whitely ---Robs Elliott and J. S. IDk.ter. For lttueee-Rnbt Elliott. by John Newcotiebe. O. P. McCarthy. B. C. Jllniniogs-A. 8. Chrystal. II. E. W. R.Nsusaoa-9' L. Parson., J. W. Ctaigie. J. W. Vanatter-G. L. Parsons, Ja,nee Mitchell. For Deputy Reeve -Robert Elliott by D. P. McCarthy, James Newcombe. Dr. W. F. Clark. It. J. Mrgaw, G. L. Parsons, acclamation. Water and Light Commissionrt A. S. Chrystal by B. C. Manning., W. F. Clark I+celatnation l. For Councillorw-J Metre Connolly by Wiliam' Blake, W. R. Pinder. Alexander Yourg-W. R. Pinder, Alex. Devi(1son. J. J. M .set --David Sproul, George Wil lis ms. W. B. Otahaw-A. 8. Chrystal, B. C. Runnings. Frank Elliott -D. P. McCarthy, John Newcombe,. Harry •J. Morris-Wut. \Nateon. Thome.. FIlssiwonr. R. J. Meg.w -L. E. Doherty, H. E. Htdigens. E. R Wigle -Robert Elliott, David Sproul. Wtliiam Protidfnot, jr.-H. E. Hod - gene, G. I.. Persons. J. L. Wilson -W. T. Pellow,Tbutaas K. Burrows. H. C. Dunlop -(i. L Parsons, H. E. Hndgene. J. C. Leithwaite- H. J. Morrie, H. E. Htslxens. B. J. Saults -.t, . W. Cretan., W. E. Velli. J. W. Vanatler-W, Ra Pirsdlr., B_. J. H. McClinton -W. B. Graham, J. W. I. smatter. F. C. Bingham -J. W.Craigie. G. L. Parsons. P. J. Ryan -F. A. Elliott, J. W. . Vaoauer. THE SPEECHES Reeve Munoiogs moved and Coup. List hwaile.ecouded a motion for Mr. Andrew Porte: to •ct as chairman. In opening theghairman stated that the Mayor and (Reeve should have 15 minutes for apse h.a, the sitting coup - cit 10 minnte., and new aapiraots 5 , minutes. He called upon Mayor Reid. His Worship. in openings. touched upon the laying of the telephone wires undergrouod. As to local improve - (Dente, be said that verylittle had been dune, but there wouhave been nothing done If enterprinni cit - items had not came forward with their money and bought debentures. The speaker referred hriefy to the 0 P. R. proposition, for which the council had been criticised many times not only through the press. hub on the Nres4. He stated that thecnonrll had met the 0. P. R., bot is justice to the tows it had frit that it could not grant the eoncesebus asked for, with the M- ONK 18.1 t►e dirpst• had been cal rigid to the railway tosamlesion and It would be fought to finish by the onnnell. Speaking .boot the West Rises. railway. he said that the council would not strip at the tnvestigatloa but 'eery 4t to the at -(entrees de- p.rtnlwat. as the ma e11 waa hosed to hove Josue". (Applause.) The market question watt revived ..d he stated It bad bees established Non()); TO CREDITORS Iw ries Rnv1Ts or Jain Cl•MMINI. Laity Om Tv. (ITT M <•RN'..at to RIK .TAT' or lid. ;Rota wn.nw. I,►< KM'S!, Maim ie heI'.by etre. per.rar.t to 1 Geo, V.. Sap 1*. sect 15, that au Iar...n. Myra caln.. het the'mate Plane Cumming due of the y of C'►leer., In tar Male of Illlna4, widow, who died en the Marta day of AplL A.D. lett are nq.lrad to.sajpr drltver rd to the uenkrood. witdtafor r Al►ce cam mow et the shy et Chimp'. Is the .teak et IWrele. witW4Mtri: of the ewalm et the mod Jose Coemaitig.deemerod. error hefess the Nth day et J•owy A.D. 4Wd. soil Mstb3Mre et their Palma, aid the estate w the 'smartly. W any. MM by there. and te after .eek tart w uoned 4.tei the •a* ad.lnieeseHa will presses t. /Ltrlb 4. the sewere of the said de nme.d the perigee.' retitled thereto hay. log'amid Baty be 4h• e' Pep of whisk he 1 thea ha.. rumored make. mid the weld •dm n latawt* w0 net be Mahle aro the sorts, or 1 part thereof, to soy prase 1r persue.e et w Pekoe meting shall est here been received at data .1suede dw4MYon (' A Jjatad . Ugh day et December. A.D. 1141 RI. °ARN(W. r$ Dederick, Oat. fbllr•I ter 1.e ALIt.i M. CAA [Net. . artir • T. ANTED W ANT1D.-•11TORA0* ROOM FOR AM1i c: holo sig lied at ir r ARM ELP AND DOMMSTIO s • TANTE OA sties. eiro f4,..mmimste 0.4., reeled P4 IL e. _NN but we yet he was not vet y sangusas over its Success The assisting of several local hadn't. sial concerns was, in hi* opinion. the proper thing for any town to bele tis rectories. He stated -and he was solr, for it --that the Goderich Planing Milli Co: had withdrawn theirpruposi- tion. He thought that i was thriving and progressive firm, and should hairs been given insistence. The only reauau he would like to fill the Mayor's chair for 1914 was because he would like to sir t he \Vest Shore railway twine brought In a successful &deb es he had iwen mixed up in it from the beginning. BOIL THE WATER. Dr. A. C. Hunter said that he bad no desire for the mayorality hest he would like to draw attention to the public health of the- town. He strongly urged that the intake eppipe should he extended beyond the hrrak- waler. "In many care.," be said, "the steamers are typhoid carriers."' He ad- vised that all water for personal con- sumption he boiled. The next nominee, Mr. A. J. Coop- er. declined to speak and the fourth nominee. 1)r. J. H. Whitely, was not present. ON HYDRO At the req•test of Mayor Reid, Mr. J.H. Caster, the hydro engineer, spoke briefly on the installation, the Dost end the benefits to he derived from hydro. "As to the Matter of service, he said that in Toronto the com(Dis- Kinn bad a te.Ling I•Mnstory where all lamps, tort -r., and other supplies were tested and the brand or kind proving antisfactory was recommend- ed to tuunic'paliLies. As to tater haunted that the Hydra Commission la ea simply the bead of the municipalities and it set the rate which the towns were to charge their con-umer.. "Only the users of the hydro pay for the electricity, "he affirmed. He thought charging by floor space was one of the best systems of charging in the world. "We sell you" he remarked, "power ss cheap as pos- sible. The axaslssstirsios saris %ewe. and 4I1ie. to souse nlllnb as possible. "The prier for power," he said, was *$i per horse pe•wrr. He Ansvp•ered wally quest toile to the coat of hydro. eta. The idea of the Hydt o -Electric Cotn- mi•sion was to ptwv.nt accidents by ioepect ion of all houses. He said that inspeetots would inspect house* and would gladly do en, but would not ee- forsr it unless' abeolnlety necessary to public safety. He concluded by Saying re power ueed the cheaper it gut. THE REEVg$HIP There were fr•or nominee. for the reeveship. Reeve B. C. Munniage , wag the that epe'eker. Like Mayor Reid, he gave a heist review of the work done by the council and bow he ad^ horn inetrumental in bringing &bout many improvements. ' could not do much in the council tbis year. as there Yrs& no looney to do any- thing with." be said. He would like to see many sewers hulls for Local improvements but funds bad been lacking. Ah ".,the ruaritet quer, len, he woe of the opinion that it should he e.tab- liahed as near the town hall as pos- sible. Ex -(kaon. Robs. Elliott took chief delight In scoring the actloes of the • council ■red h.jldtoip .up itwvweMtrrw• nines iii ridicule. He occupied con- ■ideraM. Lime bet did nigger. wan?aoystltirl ,r,r,that hbe loft tore' gg would suggest that some ries f for the market be secured and t hen voted up- on as he cnnaidered the electors should decide thil metier, not the council. Councillor Vanetter stated that he did not wish the reeresbip, and was withdrawing from the cooneil this year owing to lack of time. He paid a fitting tribute to the Reeve and thought he had served Ihaloan wisely and well during hi. tenure of office and the people would make no mistake In again electing hint. The speaker also affirmed the Mayor hod .eryed the town to the hest of his ability, Mr. Manning. in a quiet and gentle- manlike manner then replied M»d to Mr. DEPUTY REEVE: Dr. %V F. Clark, the deputy reeve of last year, made a short adders* on the work, which he. ea part of the council, bad smmnmplisbed. Hemin- plitoented the Hydro Electric - mieoion on elft lights on the Square. 11e would like to are a military armory wnablighed here. He was much In favor of the market question and thought that every town should have an up-to-date market. 'elf the markets are no good, wby do trot towns do away with them y he asked. H. had been Iastrnmet,W Fs bosh., a grant of V100 made by the county eopnell to the Guelph tat stoek slow end this year, for the Bret ti..,. lbs prise bad Men won by a resident of Hero. eooaly. ``-- THE Ot)i1NO1L[ R Passing oe to the .Doreen. Orem. Yawata, 'wisp Brat Palled epee said, OaWm e Dass L 4