The Signal, 1913-12-18, Page 11S. J. YOUNG
fancy Crockery
.t tame sad varied ae+ortoant
or goods suitable for holiday
Rifts at low prose.
pur stock of Maple and fancy
groceries le now complete fur
the festive season.
Special for Saturday
t'l l:t•:D MS turd SAUS-
So J. Young
h'h•.'i 1: HawItoo Street
Mr. Alex. McLn is spending a few
days vialting la Toronto.
Mies Elie. Harvey, of Kincardine, is
visillog.1 e the000of her aunt, Mn.
tie ndereo°.
Mrs. A. H. Allen, of Edmonton,
parade,Alberta, is visiting her pante, Mr.
and Mrs, T. F. Hertdero.
Mr. James MacDonald. of Mossback,M
Soekatewan, is speeding the winter
months at hie old home byre.
Mies Sadie Campbell. of Winnipeg,ay
sprat a few ds ben as the nowt of
her cousin, Mies Florence MacDonald.
un Wednesday overduethe Itkh
hut, at the borne ar
oft the I,rid.'. p-
ent• Mr, and Mrs, AWr, their youan-
est daughter, Beim*, woe quietly mar-
ried to Mr. Adam Steep, of (indcticb
township. Only the Itutuediate Menden
wepreeeot. The numerous friends
of the happy and popular- young
couple wisp them a happy and pros-
perous voyage over the sea of life.
On Friday evening, the 12th inst.,o
Mrs. John Cocbrse, Jr.. of the town
line io Hay, departed this life alter a
long and palatial 111*.... Her funeral
nn Monday to Baird's cemetery was
largely attended. The sympathy of a
large circle of friends and acquato
sesr is extended to ner bereaved hue
bead and her father sod mother. Mr.
arid Mn. Alex. McBeath and (*mils.
Mr. Wm. Holism, of Toronto, is
slatlog at the home of Mr. Jas. Me-
Milleo, 6th concession.
Mr. Wm. (ioodwln, of Clinton, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Sawn. Mc -
Math, Loh concession.
A very successful pallor social was
held her Friday evening at the bottle
of Mr. and Mr". lt.nbt. Jobnvton. 4th
ronMNion, under the au•ptces of the
\V.F.M.S. of 1 -pion Presbyterian
church. Tbe early part of the even•
inti was taken up with a programme
consisting of reading", recitations and
formic song". Mr. Keith Rose gave
"evert! selections on his fine gr•tu's-
pbone. The programme was followed
by a dainty lunch revved by the ladies
of tbe society.
Tz.rtca.tztit M8x Oto:.(trtr.R. -- A
stetting of the repre.en:alive temper-
ance even of the various sub -divisions
of Goderich te.wnsbip, was held at
Holueaville on rbutsJay, December
11th, to complete the organization to
carry nn the Canals, Temperance Act
campaign. The following afters
were duly elected: J. J. Colwell, pres-
eerident : Rev. R. J. McCormick. secre-
tary; John Yeo, (reasurer; chairman
of subdivisions - Rob -rt Davison,
No. 1; Thomas Cox. -
Wallis, No. 3; George Cooper. No. 4;
W. H. Lobo, No. 5: Win. Findlay,
No. 0 At the clove .if an enthusiastic
and interesting meeting for following
reeulutioo was uneniwausly pursed
"We. the representatives of Goderich
Towoahip teinperence men, recom-
mend to all the municipalities of the
count)' that particular care be token
to elect temperance men to represent
theta et the county ootneo•il."
Mr. Peter ItcDo mall returned helm.
last !
frost Port Stealer nn A+tutday
Meawa W. J.
Arthte BdRott
Carrie have returned home from there
Mrs. Owens Wmea and see, Har-
old. of Bayfield, vl.ited at Mn John
(ox'e last week.
Dont forgot the Christmastree and
lount in Bethel church on
Tuesday evening. December Ord.
Mr. John Ellie to.rk in the winter
fair at Guelph last week.
Mies Margaret Clark is visiting bar
sister, Mrs. Marvin McDowell.
Mr. and Mn. A. (). W. Hardisty at-
tended Use winter fair a( Guelph last
Miss Jost. Woodroof !Ntie,
spent • few days last week with her
sister, Mrs. Hardbty.
Mrs- Wm. Crozier and eon Clifford,
of Crewe, spent part of last week vie-
iting with Mrs. ()rosier's parents, Mr.
and Mrs., Wm. Campbell.
Mr. John Ferguson has arrived
home from Montreal, were he has been
employed for the peat 18 months.
The foundry has closed down for s
month, •when he expects to return
again. as
Mr, Elwin Munro harrived home,
after spending the pt six years in the
west, looking bale and hearty.
The home of Mr. Wm. Pa was
the goons of a very pretty wedd
when their second daughter. Olive,cam
bee the bride of Mr. ()Wenn.()Wenn.lox.
Thev will reside on tbe groom's farm
on the Maitland block .ad art life
with the best wishes of tbeir many
friends for theit future happiness and
I•migehy D salt Win at the Huron County Busi-
ness Men's Asso-
iesei--- Lent Week
The county court and general see
Moos (rf the peace opneed as the court
bots ,base as Tuesday aher•0000 of
last week, iiia Hu.or Judge Doyle pee -
Whop. 'there was a leslte•by docket W
be dealt with and it larded a coweider-
able time.
The first ease disposed of was Me-
Oorbie vs. Lang, s dispute over wages.
U. L. K. gooey rspeseented ties o•
tIB, and Mr. Wm. Proudfoot,C.,
M.N.P.. appeared for the defendant.
The jury gave a verdict of 11126 for the
plaintiff. Both pl&Jotiff and defend-
ant live la the township of Colborne.
It appeared (bat D. IleCorbie, wbo
is • retired farmer. went to live for
some thus with W. Long. also • farm-
er. While MoCorbie lived wt.b
Long be did 'woe conies and at the
g hisstay.
work and Lonbe g
olrlmed wages
cheinsed board. The jury allowed Mc-
Oorbie $76 for his work sod $nu for
ineoeys he had loaned Long. form-
James Buie*, of Clinton,
reeve of Hayfield, wise
acquitted by Judge 1 ho
defy afternoon of &subordination of per-
jury charge alleged to buve keen com-
mitted here Ou August 2ttLb last. The
accused was ably defended by one of
the leading briwinal Iawyety, Mr. L.
E. [Macey, while Crown Attorney
Seager prosecuted. Tbe judge
that there seas no corroboration of
evidence and threw the case out of
It was alleged on the occasion of o
lacrosse watch here lot August teat
two young wen uuder'21 years of age.
turn. 8. Grant nod Norman Levi, ret
Clinton. secured liquor at local hotels
and 11 was further alleged that Burr s
got these young men to sweat that
they only got soft drinks to protect Lbe
local hotel keepers. Burns deoied the
charge and the evidence was not con-
sidered sufficient by the judge to war-
rant , conviction. (join f andLevi
were found guilty of pert 1 and
lowed W go on suspended sentence.
Druggist Oodee*b, (Hit,
13 ► r l C
Csr.forn;a, Florida and the bunny
at 1
low ' eronto 2 e0 ..fie. DAILY
•r „e w n. .sga.o0 ora.
I'„m Dan tori ()brrrvert.. Iter, Standard
8L purr Test rt rteepb.R
Ina .r. FIM Ciro l'aaahr, t.alwtst oar.
L•s.. to•°Me 10.20 sot- 1 oA0.r
Arr .. venc.avee Rio p....
l'omi..rte•et Leary U4yrvatb . Car.
1it.n,•..A lesvieg (mar, T.etrlst ifis.elog
.'v Isola. Ca,. 11,.4 (lar Poacher.
('oi.o,.t Par.
PutIculer. finis J(M K1D1'. o'.P.IL
Apse. or writs X. a MURPHY. D.P.A..,. Tomato
Subjects taught apart instructora
az DOA14 0
Students swirled to positions. Ceiste
in session from Sept, yid. CMalsgsa
free- Enter any tam
l s -
J. W. Westervelt L W.Wceetesrvvdtsr11r-
MaCISI 17 or►rtw�r •
)Ir'. Stephen Hutt is very low. Mn.
A. Mugford is sbounewhet improved.
She can sit rep • hide each day now.
Mr. Oliver Long and his wile and
(Amity are bonze toms
tie neaand end
intrad stating with
Jantee Long for wrote time.
Oreat preprretions are Icing made
for euooesvtul ('hri-uu .s a err at Zion
North and Bethel Thur he. on Tuesday
and Wednes.lay rveoiog-, tespectiveiy.
of next week.
The rpeclat .ally service of the adult
organix d Bible cisfore and in the in-
terest of the Sunday sch..'Is of the
neighbnlMod. nes Monday evening,
was a great .ucce-r. The Henn,iller
Methodist 'Atm h wen t•.11. The super-
intendent. of the cation. Sunday
.shoals gave exerlient sddieseee •d
two or 'hr.e usinnt'r. Rev. A. '1'.
Na. -it ami R -v. A. W. Brown address-
ed the tattle, ing suitably to the occa-
sion. The stinging by the men's choir
came in for a voed deal of Apprecia-
tir chore's
ion. well
do c. Many seirtnderinif war►ed what
a fine ..rvice It was.
The young people are enjoying the
skating these days.
Mr. Nat. :Saunders, of Mafeking, is
on the sick list at present_
Mr. Woo. McQooid. of the sixth con-
ceseion, died Moeda afternoon.
Mr. Graham. of Stratford, is visit-
ing at the hours of Mr. George Irwin.
Mies Heine% of HolyTrood. esu visit-
ing her brother, Mr. F. G. Haloes, for
a few days.
Mrs. J. 1deClttre, of Ooderich, visited
her son, Mr. Wm. McClure, lot a few
days last week.
Mies Pearl McKenzie is home for the
holiday., baying attended the model
school at. Clinton.
Rev. J. W. Robinson. wbo spent a
few days in Dungauoom, has returned
to his borne in L )orlon,
The poultry establishment closed
down list week, the two gentleoeo
in charge herring returned to London.
Rev. 8. V. R. Pentland, of Watford,
wbo attended the funeral of his moth-
er last week, returned home on Mon
8evenl from here attended a con-
cert given by Mr. Heroll Jarvis at
Westfield on Tuesday evening of last
Mr. and Mrs. i(nbert Wilson and
daughter, of Goderich, visited at the
home of Mr. D. Sproul one day last
Miss E. Case, teacher of the junior
department ot the Fordwhpublic
school. bas accepted a position
1914 in the junior department of Dun-
gaunoo public echool.
Robert Thompson. of Brussel',
brought an actino against the Cana -
titan 11'eatber and Mattress Company,
of To.00u to recover en account for
a quantity of featbees delivered by
bite. They were alleged not "aloe up
to tepreseutatioos. Mr. Wm. Proud -
foot, K.C., M.P.P.. represented the
plaintiff and Mr. Cbarles Darrow ap-
peared for the defendants. The action
was dlemiseed with costs.
There were several more cases on
the list, but they were adjourned until
later dates.
leerdness Cannot be Cured
Articles on Prohibition
Paper No. 7
1n our last paper we gar some of
our views winst prohibition, from
what we called a selfish standpoint
because they were our objeclioae, in
so tar as prohibition affected our per-
sooai liberty. This week, we will en-
deavor to show wow of the hares that
prohibition produces.
In the first place. prohibition pro-
duces a contempt fur law. No loan,
worthy of the name of now, will per -
suit an association composed Of what
he considered ignored, misguided.
fanatical people. to dictate to him.
what be is to eat or drink! Human
nature is naturally avhumeri to t. Ates
you cannot doings
tun to fit in with any sump-
tuary law you may wish to plass
on the statute book. The late
Dean Farrar, a man greatly beloved
and admired by s11 wbo knew him,
was n total abstainer, as an example
to his weaker brother. But he never
would support prohibitory legislation
of any kind, because, as he put it,
there b. something. an iudedoable
something in human nodule that the
forbidding of a thing may, and very
frequently doe., produce an appetite
for the vety thing forbidden that may
bare never before existed ! We pot-
pies to write snwewbat tersely, and
eoofioe ourselves to statement of facts.
so we will not elaborate on this point.
Argument may he islet with argu-
ment, sod supposition with supposi-
tion. but facts are incontrovertible.
And we suhtuit that this feature of
prohibition is an incontrovertible fact.
We object to prohibition, because it
lowers the standard of character
where men come into contact with it.
As we quoted previously from Mir
Ricbatd Cartwright, wbo wrote de-
liberately, that "not a few of tbe
greatiesteeenedads.i bane known. and
toy experience bas been extensive.
have been vet y ardent temperance
advocates." Why this should be is
not hard to wet.
alcoholic beverages is unnatural,
scriptural and therefore its influence
cannot he good. It turns roan into
sneak", hypocrite'. liars, .od even
pet juret'. Many would be surprised
if tney were told it acts injuriously nn
the purity of the lite. We will bur-
nish statistics, at a Tater date, to prove
this. Guess in drinking not the only men and women commit, eltbougn
to listen to swine eel-toons one wows(
be tempted to think so.
We object to prohibition, of the
kind the Scott Act would introduce in
the eouoty of Huron. because it is so
manifestly unfair. Why in Crusade
should we have clews legislation?
Wby should we have a law tbataffects
the pooroman, and does not affect the
rich, nor even the moderately well to
do? This injustice alone should cause
every poor man to vote Against it ; one
would think. Wby should Smith, be-
cause, by accident, he bas money
enough to buy a case of whiskey, have
di he wants to drunk, and Jones be-
cause he by accident can only &Qord
to buy a ease at a time, he deprived
of it ? Does the possession of the
means render Smith a person more
worthy of trust than Jones, does it
render Smith was likely to abuse the
*mesa aesaskeriesestotarmenees
HavinSpuirebawd the hen-
" Pen former!y eoaduetd' by
1 . Barlow Holum*. we por-
Prtes detain* In
Coal, Wood
I,itt►s, Closest
Tiro Lte.
We will basdM Scranton
and IAblgb Valley Coal. two
linea whisk are eseageelsoi as
the best. Ws • W to fit.'
the et Ooderseh and
'fain _w berets.. .4se .
be from aB neem fir. Mto
emN..ats shad emy Others
i,• wM .mytbkyt is oar
All wale. bet with ler.
: sash sena
Thews Ile. TS
Yards at A. T. Its. MM
r year aaa______ 0, they con n.t rjjeaeh tie'
��cele - tenant• b mused b1 an Is•
ef ti. suboor lining .t tM.
Ws tubs 1• tana,nsa
"yeasAaeawW.g round of lm..erfeet bar•
s evil wins Itis settrw closed, Seaboard L
tate mat. sal ttaM• the laflamn.ado° sass be
teles sat awl this ube restored w to oerssa1
Marisa will be de•t� foe ;
s0, tree out of too aro mooed Y
wyeb yymaltisg but u. Lflame•l condition oL
A .esa.
t We 11 give Ooe rtesdred Dollars tor any
car ot�p���•.I•!erd by comfit) that mo-
no( be ouesd by aau'e Catarrh Cure. send tor
dreulan'. free.
r.1. CHiLNZY L Co., Toledo, 0.
bz d
to Bstt'e rs�fly Ylu" tor constipation.
maim var. There is only ods
sad that is h con-t.-
Foto( 1. HONOR burr
Nov. 11 History, V. Kudob T3, A.
Brandt till, J. Bogie 78, D. Howie and
J. Kelly 77. Wiggins 90.
Dec. 4 -Literature, A. g
J. M scEw1 n 1 D0. Pinder, 8.tMcNal-
J. \I+cEwan ell,
1 H. Mummy 8'l, G. Porter 80, C.
Hood 78, H. McLeod, P. Beatt.:e, J.
Kelly 76.
Dec. 11--Algehrs, O. Pinder 110, V.
Kudob, E. Rutledge, M. Walter, L.
Bates 90. 1. Adam', W. Washington
89, B. Longmire 88. A. MacIwan 87,
J. J.Bogie 86, L. Jobnetton. E. Brophy.
E. Lee N4, R. Worsen Et N. Roberts,
0. Seeks 79, H. McLeod, M. Pridham
I. Cott, J. MacEwen, E. Wilson 75.
Nov. 28 -Grammar, J. Bowler 89. A.
Mclean RL, K.uunnadge79. A.MeKen-
Mr, George Draper left !rat Friday Dec. 4 --Arithmetic. J. Bowler, 76.
for Brantford. his sister, Mrs. Won. 1 Dec. b -German, A. MCKeneie 88, (i.
Leigh. befog very ill.
Newton :t7 L Nacklin N3
Mrs, Norman Colcloulth, ;of Wide-
rieh. vetted her parrot•, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Brindle . last week.
Bair. Elliott Drennan end Master
Willie afrOonald, of diode -rich, are
guests at Mev. Jan. l)rennan's.
Mr. and Mee. Walther Murray enter.
their friends at •
t�seed enjoyable of dance lasso Friday
night. concert in
Dont forget about the big
tit. Andrews Presbyterian church on
Ch• istmss eve. Something extra good
is promlaed.
Muco syoinathy will he felt by the
friends of Mn. John H. Oriott0. a
faewser pseb+u s*Dert Aibee•t, in .tba
death hoe bustlatrd, woks* OSNitrrel
at Crosby Beach. Minnesota. where
they have made tbeir bonne for sow.
time Mr. Oriotous was 65 years of
see : wits born is Woly
married to Catberiae Mer. Oristow
rble rya Msy
Iltb, iN92. i1, Mimeo. Albert- e
is well knows Wowed I that rt. a-
bet• .5.117 alto wee it se�e,rMr. sed
it . After thele home la )fro Greetna made their
To -
monde. Pee.eneylvael., for more then
to. Seam, whore ttse Beam rd was a
highly respected resident rt at -
=or on the Letd0 lsyb•rt�
they they et the poetto Ton neo and
• tlesnal store. Awswsrlso the oil
Waleef onottry, they lett Peet
bas. po powwhets they bane
ows. The b. dossed
was •maw eft Mils Mesh, s gess bus-
hes* swat a fslsclad jp4esd. Noah was
fist N owl was vary owl
Aso, •
week. Iiia bolabla Mow ad� Mas taw
wee wet 'pot sough to withstand sae
.boost tor assts Aso and his aarwgtb
Utb. awl be
weellmhd en ilowiwb•r
Isewilemt was wok be W.od-
asarelnpy Ree. Joseph J. Diem
las 11 Wives to seems bis
arstlb, •
Dec. 11 -History. A. McLean 99. J.
O. Bowler 93, G. McKenzie, E. Sal -
P. Sullivan 81, K. Iia kirk 90.
, ottuknuieL VORM
Nov. 28. -Arithmetic, F. Baeebler
11111 L. Austin 91, V. Sut erisnol 75.
Colt O.
Dec. 4 -Stenography,
Wells 94, 1. Au+ti 91, FBa00bier 84,
14. McCluskey 88, W. Sutheriend
H. Griffin 7h.
Dec. 11 -Commercial Ls'', Bell,
E. Warrior 96. 11. Griffith, 0. Wel
81, L. Price 8-: J. P. Harley 78.
nom 11. B
; rmallo -HriWb Histoiy„hon'.
heel. 4-Lib•ratoret if EMU. 3s
Yolow110. K. Pridham lett, J. Nairn 84,
L4. Nairn. ii. Boyd, N. Goren 82. L.
Cowan N0 H. Hartwell 711. R. Stod-
dart 76
Poem Ill. A
First Troop of Godench Boy Scoots do
Well in Competition
The first troop of Goderich Boy
Scouts, .coring MIB points out of a poe-
sible WO, cams fourth in the provin-
cial contests for Boy Scoots which
have cloned recently.
The first Brantford troop. winning
tint place, captured the Globe .shield.
Twelve teams figured in the Awards
and their score. were :
b , Firstl onk•
First Brantford,
town, 4.57 ; First Toronto. 431 : First
Ooderich, 401); Fitt -fltth Toronto,
313: Seventh Hamilton, 3.17: First
Dundas, 301: Fcrtyeixtb Toronto.
LIN; Thirty-fifth Toronto, 214; pint
Guelpb, 272: Fifteenth Toronto, 27d;
First %Marton, 262.
Tmva.DAY, Dtst'. lel, 111118 11
Buy Useful Gifts
At the Hardware Store
Taste.quality and price r•cowasod our line. .i table
cutlery. Webbave the largest assortment of table cutlery in
town, and our pricer are tight.
Safety Razors
Noth ng is more useful to a wan that, a real gond
safety tau . We have a full assortment i'this a� to line
ranging in rice from
Carpet Sweepers
Just. the thing for mother. Besulifulindeeigo : made
of the richest woods; hand polished and with nickeled
tittiogs. The " BISSELL " Is indeed a handsome piece of
furniture. Nothing more suitable for a Christina.
For Boys and Girls
SLEDS -A large and very fine -line of Skates.
Every size and kind for boys and girls.
22 Cal. Stevens RIFLES - - $2.50 to $7.50
GAMES -All ki 3 - - 13c to $ 1.00
Ttie ba.t tdaoe
w buy
Howell Hardware Co.
of bow / so••
A Time llonored Custom
from time immem-
orial have hand-
some and com-
win, of Tenets, Mnwly et Asda iaa'
`1st fix the Beni for 1914
Take Care of Your Hair
While You Have Hair
to Take Care of
?Inn. SI-UUi•rat°TM, M. Rogerson
IM, M. Clark. J. Oneve7, M. Jarman,.t'
Ne, S. Beoes 84, C. Alias. N. 1'. Jour.,
O. N. McDowell Nt. L. (cars*" O.
Tlehboese, M. M. Young 78. M. A�tee
76. ii►
Deo 4 -Chemistry, O. O. Mae wan
eR, W. D.w.ev 91. I. Ganey R7. B.
811.011 Currie 77, Aller 78. J . Ryas
Dee. 11 -British lstory. M. John-
ston 711.
use of whiskey than Lune". or does the
poeeessioo of money tender him one
whose wishes roust be coheioered ?
We stale a fact when we brand the
Scott Act in this regard as an en-
tropy ; and an iusult to e11 those who
do not happen to possess it certain
amount of money. It it's -vroog for
Jones to buy a glass, it is 14 times as
wrong for Smith to buy a bottle : on
the assumption that one bottle woods
14 drink..
We object to ptohibitlon under the
gui+e of the Scott Act, bemuse itdrivee
drinking alcoholic beverages' out of
the hotel into the borne. There's no
getting out cf it. This again is an in-
eootrovertible fact. It removes drink-
ing from the hotel to the borne. One
would think that all those dear people
who are shouting -Sate the boy"
*mull shriek with horror from the
bare idea of dssiog anything that
would iutroduce. IN ANY DEGREE.
drinking in the home where the toys
and the Ririe are supposed to live !
A man cep go into a botrl nod drink
and hie children never see it or know
it. ilut how long will It be before
both boy. nod girls will know he
drinks 1t in the bonne, and possibly
sample it for themselves If it ie kept
in the home? .kod kept it will be as
sun as the sun ebioes. For, one mon
incontrovertible (aa, as prohibitory
�legiidtion 'arteries, so dose tbe noan-
etrctureand naturally the oonsrwp-
tion of spirituous drink increase.
We object to prohibition on the
groat -4.4d the eealnle folly of al
*utdt4ng to'Robot*,time ase of aleat
Um law •notions the wanufseture.
solo and importation of. 1 f one pauses
to deliberate upon this phase of tbs.
Scott Act, It is almost inconceivable.
Here M an article, perfectly harrulese.
perfectly good, the use of which. is
actually enjotoed in Holy Scripture
which for prretleally all time has bees
used by the good of every clime. the
rano tact the sale, lbs impor-
tance and the ors" of wbieb. it is still
menet bused by the laws of the country
and It Is proposed to forbid its use. by
a portiors of the eommooity, by ae-
oaber portion f One cannot coneelve
a more grOteeque absurdity in hhtida.,
Goa. If we all nr • very tarps m.jor•
Ity. think aleobolic leverages are bed
tree stop the manufacture. stop the
importation, .top the sale in every
way Do as the Chlsro.e have dose to
opium. But do let be act rationally,
test e,. sol .et as fools, but as wine
Ow tense onatr•overtible fact, is the
weeds el est far ab»r : Ragu1414ns et
epintite le beyond statute taw. The
appetites ham their place sed function
MN. their r.Rnlstboe must he determin-
ed by the i..m seem et moral tempos -
AURO!f (
John Rwwsnwl. W. Jaeb.oe.
President. 1lterttary. .
It'a a safe ten to one bet that tbe
young moo wbo uses Parisian Sege
As en occasional Bair dressing wilt
never grow bald.
There's • reason. of enure., and it; e
a very good and sum tient one.
Dandruff germs cavae falling hair
and failing hair means thinner hair
and In lee tine baldness,
Parisian Sage prevents baldness". by
destanytna,the cause, of haltlnes.-toe
Nate persistent roesbrswe dandrsl
If you have dendtuM or itching
.hale it meats t hat (laodr18 germ me
.upping the vitality frons the routs of
your hair. (let rid of all hair ttoubies
by wing Parisian Sage. neither
1t le not a dye, ,wind you
does it contain poisonous wager of Mad
et even sulphurit le a scientific
preparation that abolishes dandruff.
=sfArps falling hair and soalp itch, and
se Bair grow lustrowr sad luzur-
Powe IV. PART 1.
Nov. $N---Uteratore, F. A. Hrnith 94
A. H. MacKay901. A. L. Wark Irl,
1. ns Mk R. W. Rise 78.
Dee. 4-PbyMcs, F. A. Smith 90, M.
I. Tom M. M. 1. T>• M. F.
Dee- 11-Algebr'ti
A. Smith 97.
Nev. 14 --Modern History. J. lie -
Glisten M.
Des. 4-P,sseb Aweless. C. M. Oiaet
3. P. Howls,
-The Memel le twelve pars ibis
Many young women as well as erten
Pre growlers bald and for the same
Use delightful, refreshing Parisian
Sage It emu -She* the hair root.. if
Use roots are not dead. and brings 10
every neer a head of glorious hair -
redtant and faeesinetlag. Large bottle
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counters. Resehat yob get Partelen
R. IL Wigle guarantees it.
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Edison Phonograph
NM alar
aepaigr.•sunt .1n --ms dei
r tri be • le
i•we•rim is sow (S.s rr 1i•
r r.• lYif 1111
�swlr-1 w
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r aw ai -J.daa ells- iw.. h a
sine Phinegrephs sod Pe...eb ea nli 67
J. F. THOMSON, Goderich