HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-18, Page 10to TNVasDAY, Dar. 14 MS. X11 Your Wif.': Work is just u trying and important as your own and perhaps more tedious—but Is Ila strength ad pea? Women who are nervous and fretful and easily fatigued prtxnpt- ly gain strength and natural en- ergy by taking Scoft', Emulsion after mealsbecause it is essentially nourishment—not a.,drug that ' stupefies or alcohol that stimulates --the is pure, rich medical nourishment in every drop which nature appropriates to enrich the blood and upbuild the latent forces of the body. Probably nothing is more popular with physicians for just such con- ditions than Scott's rasnlsion. Atoid substitutes called "wines", **extracts" or •'active principles"— they are not cod liver oil. Issedat en the tintless Scxtt's AT AMT DRIJ* STORE 1344 THANKS TO C U.S T41 ER -S. We ate taking Ibis method to thank our Customers for 1 heir lib. ens patronage. We wish you • very MERRY CtIRISTI1AS and PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS tisomghout the coming year A000tinuance of your patronage is solicited. Frei, and Choice. OUR 1110170:—Always Pure, JOHN SPAHR. Plume lid Hamilton Ht. TIM t>IGNAI. : OODERICH ONTARIO i uh Edmund Clarence Stedman •'a�i:lrA •1J ,'4 eetly, c eir_ bedsea A oq// NOS/ Carob ach` Ch bell %�� \a, • What lire thew 1 . isi That;gathee✓aneaathe r•)/w-pane Where" the winter frost all tfy- has lain? /1/1 They repoullesa eeIves w •i fain would �t Within, anh t o d laugur a hrutmas'c�,'�,�, 'Jna fi iy1tbillla l , �S +c,`swih; p ✓ "-mYMa � etre made: of tibia mockila mist es! 1•041 • �Cas'�s, jaeh Chnstmas Ubde-the holly bough, erethe appy childrenthrong and shout, hat sr hadow ms to nit about? y 4mo, lien who to died ,g eons were sere tau Christmas -tide? IIinQ itnes! Cease, cease; my hymes! MacEwan's COAL $est Scranton Hard Coal -all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates--tbe highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Domestic Lump Coal — most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Ch e s t n u t and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan estate Teleebo.e iSS We buys s1IU ea hand • few FiRST-CLASS RANGES and HEATERS wilt, wear* (011ie. off and a ill mot tae reploned. also anything stmt • eataingne shows at very doge p ires. (Jell and see them. GM see prices tis rt,r M RING PIRATING MAC TRIO WIRING MPTA I. WORE ROOFING i''Asps attassiee mild to alt ..s C1 I Excellent S,s'viee to Et John and Halifax I Fo lowing last time arid ,ander shipmentVrr'IfToronto to lit. John end Halifax, via O.radian Pae.nr, of fording • xeellent service to and frons 1'an:ula's %Inter Porte : 1. -ave Toronto (union statlnni hint 1.111. daily, art ire at Moitres17.iu twee Mont prat 7.ffi p.m., arrive St. .lobo 11.60 vat. azul Halifax 10.2,tp..n. Observatba parlor and dining oar Tor- , unto to Along real, standard o depilog iron Lot veal to tit. J ,lin and Ilnhf.i:. Mining rms. Montreal to Mhos brook,. (dirner'Delved front w,v.n p.m') and Msltawamkeng to Trot.. I Equally got d service returning as lollowa: - Leave Halifax 9la)a.n'. tinily St. John i.'si p,m.,arrfve Stunt real 14.3) este • leave -Montreal 1),I5 a.m., art ivr nt Tot -unlit seven p.m. Standard 'slre•pi,tg rare Halifax and lit. John to Mow reel diteiug tar r1nto In Matttwamkeng and Sher- brooke to llootren1 (breakfast served routing into M 11 ontreal I. bservit in 1,11Mr ear 81111 dipirg r II .Iottireal 10 rnrl�ille. Tickets, tet vationa, etc,, from any ('.1'.ft. .,leaf. tt:3tn Cost of Living The depart'tient of labor i, dex ,num- ber of whtdesale priers .Ired at I:ht.l for Not emltere+•omperrd with 1318 in (h•Io11,• ,.1111 1,11J.1t int Novt titter, 1912. Ttie increase vas due to ad cacres 111 the in tees of grains and fod- der., rattle, larl, sheep, doles Pro- duct, (mom ially eyga)an,F fresh ergs, - 'Allies. These loco eases, however were solve% Ilat olf.et by de(liun in 11 glucose, honey, raw cotton mid ,ilk, :oke, iron pipe. linseed oil, resin and taw ribber. The level was higher • year ago in annuls and meats. daily p:ttducts, textus s, hi•1rs,batiste,., boots and shoe,. lunthe,. miscellnnet us' bui!ditg nate, ials,furoaure and,rrock• ery. A lower let el than last year a1• - reared in grains and fodder', Hob and suint oily. hruits and v.gel,ablw weir aligefttly higher. hit wise( l'..nes is- grt.ce, les is ere somewhat lower than test year. t he feature of the n;,nth lit reit 1 price• nas the advance in eggs, nit the movement was tits° ur- waYd in hotter. polatoe., coal, milk end runner. liner, vers and 11, 11.011 a Ivaiced in sonic hrci.lili,i, but frith p tel- and lard decline) in u melt er of had hit) cities. The Farmer's Christmas Stocking From east to west denim* 11113. IL. t ,anadl.tt farmer, as a a ule, hiss had g god w awe h, production. with w kern demand fur his output. The people .•f the fatal helm" will, thcrrf•ue, not have an empty Christmas stocking, and one of the that things to go into it is the handsome, UMI -:rage, annual UAris•ivas number of The Fatwer's Advocate nod Home Magazine, of London, a bleb this year has sun•Iy set its standard of vat iet y and erection,. h'gherthan ever. las wealth of attl- h a relating to Dominion minute agrl- eniture and beauty of illustration•, the immesh, a marvel 1tat quite In keeping with the paper, whit b stands in a dis- tinct class by itself, and it now enter - nit noon its forty-ninth year oI pub- lication, ulelication, wit h eve, y promise (il being more useful than tvrr to Its great and growing 'Ill 11 II5tIi5'. The bleiphing pa, ty accre on the Colored tient cover it a tare work of art that will delight ever) body. The fact t bit !missed is in the ivutld's rye today as perhaps Ilea•,, befotr, buds the charm of time- I:nesa to 1 he I...pular Al tide by Mr. Chauncey (1. •l.trvr•, lea •'rho Achiev- ing Sores 1.1 It•tIstuf." Kvet yone will :11111 regrih' al/6010 liter llcArlhur's ('1 , Istuiaa Talk and Mable O: gond \V1 ight'a la ill'ant nrtic't : “Song! Iliidq—'I Ira 1" ., nu't• and His \Vire," The iitndt:ett:ry miitia is n unique, one. dealing with the n inertia's Sgt i- I cut: oral letnoitoh•gv of 1hu hest -read la ok in the world. 'rhe est rrpitdue• tions in hlnek and w bite include *ever - al of the wast Id's I t et modern paint- ing.. Theis ate in all over ►illy situs i tt;t:tying-•. 'Fit' pnbli.hers and editota of The Farmer's Advorntc •are) to he congtatul sled upon their arhieee- meal, and its Ieade,a upon nceising lit h a plahlieation. adwaYls early eliei 7. L. Radar** of army, tfa, WHIN: '•1 End atn.,nI r rb.nenatl-m •1a week.. mad _ - those d.rtoy Mit d1•1 n,.t ret soca nlMf. A frie•.1 1u.i-1•.1 on !nip Irl Inc 1t. It. R. std •ret Further Decrease in tabor Disputes -« ref^ 2..t"•+. In twro•y wlontn dirt IV 1 ret •r,pnr■tl, n 1 .+sold taro l' 5.- %115 55 . Arrnnd'ng to a bulletin issued by °ere sial tau boas,. sod 1a the derailintentof spate the,.+ we.o i R h e u m at i s m nosy s. a. n Inde disputes h, Canada .how•tn, dur,n Nocemler, fl : - g 1n comparison with ti t, t r tarts aaN• ert t a 5 1 k1 1 rce1)0,, e. g 11, a favorable I Apply the Ralf.? ettter,ally 0 the part r.r a r. y e a will whet there •were nine in existence, ( 1Ll . "'rat will afro b. drrl.-I from Hadwa '. end alto with 1\oveinber, 191_►. 111 y t m u.tr attroejive are .1..'"•...5.t171. .n 5.171 nllarly •nitryl to this AI..4•e, whir• th. which month twenty -flue vete recons- mt. are .w.tI.i SHR nr rnntnr/M. tn.. Re. tel. Thele was, however, au increase t, arta An Ott. 1t a■ admirable InbrlrwQ in tI:e number of working days Inst 1 1tADWA1 t co.. Nv■ire■1, C■a cver the previous month, the Hgurra being 14O,0t) for Norm's -1% 191:1, and 70,79) during Oc:ober, it i• worthy of note that of the 141,090 wnritirg days lest doting November 07.:d00 were lost as a result of two disputes in fititis1, 1'n1unit/in, real miners 011 Vancouver It land and 'agreed con. t(list ion Inbnrere on the retitle Great E*stet4 . ,railway. Thee disputes wire deHN- i'e:y settled during November, leav- ing four in existence at the a not of the ni•nth es compared with eleven at the et.d of Nov( miter, 1912. —The Signalralenders for 1914 are now ready for distribution. Itenew your aubecriptinn, or ie. -cone a new rulecriber, and secure OLP. I De Son of Prisms. There is hardly a festival in the calen- dar which has such • hold on the hearts of old and young alike as Christmas Day. The ring of the car bells and the voices upon the streets seem to babe on a more cheery tone, and the spirit of the time seem. to throw a glamour over places and things which ortls aArs dlt evot ell M fg. Is 1* is with plane•• so tt 1s with people They, too. not only seem to change, but the transformation does take place In millions of hearts to • greater or less degree. Tie spirit of Christmas even affects people who for the rest of the year aro devoid of sentiment and of feeling for their fel. lows The most latenett.g atheism « Clkristmastide are those which w111 sever apptfar In prlat—tree stories of mem and *omen whose thoughts have bene only of their own sent* alms mid pleasure., but have bees •wake toed. If osly for a day or two, from Aber nasal self -complacency, moved by Dome fore* of which they are ally haltton•ctons to do some act of kind sees to maker the day happier for someone cess fortunate than them selves in a worldly way—The Chet. tis. Herald The Christmas Spirit tut don't you see that there Is • Santa Clans, He Mal • Ran is a ht oo•t, and a reindeer sleigh sad all that. bit ha is the Spirit et Christmas, w't wt ?breve persear,ed that mad ua4 a s•Int of Nu sad 'seamed legends about blm—for tba ehildres, bit whoa we're s• longer Mathis -ea sad deal belles. la him, we still have that Christmas sptrtt---.mid l . sat thin Inset pre••sta sad makes as rel toward atm asetkir sad askew tart•% ter VIII it fa—• J. O'illgaf*s (*Walla {j liStofl•$. It 1s interesting to trace the origin of festival customs to those connected with Druidical superstitions of classic observances, •rid It will surprise many to learn haat present-day sports very closely resemble the celebrations ob- served leserved of old In honor of Saturn or Bacchus. Thsaiisaaav .Stattass.11al. • WIN& ic- eurred In the winter solstice, were a season of great festivity and rloleyag, honored by many prtvtleges ad en. *tnpttons The @pant of gaiety bad free Marten% and even quarrels were suspended, to bo resumed attar 151 holidays As a maalfeatatlo• of tk• gratitude felt at the renewed prospects of 1Ae , retuning marts of the ewe, gifts vara exchanged and special house wee* sung. Thee latter were really the Roman representativee of tke modern carol. At the Saturnalia hi Row f.s.t ed. sang end danced. as we do at Christmas. A rater or kisg was ap- pointed, who eolored certain peerees- :tree. He presided over the sports Of the season Probably be 1. the aa- ewtor bf the Ford of ttslsrs* Ipso to- welled • stellar power la mars re oast Hews Merrlmeat wsa a matter est 'seem camera, and the }Drees spirit of sa- tire dt,trieta is sow aarrewet te hum fly parties it Is the tweet that 'abs the whole world kla, amid 11 1. • ples•aat remlader that. after a11, bivory re pests Itself. IMt IlNossetl. Tse presents yslr tarot is stye to .ribs- srbe !oe't tarsal M to 700 amp est se Wise& , HAVE YOU made pros i- son for employment dor. Ing the Fall and \.Inter month. or do you w[.h•tesdy remunerative wort the year Arose! f Write o. and .eenre our Agent'. tirall.. We offer the boot. In the basins.,'. Pay w -wkly, free octet, extlu:lve ten holy. OVER 000 ACRES tinier culacnllon. };.tabu -he' over thirty-five )e••'•. A rrpatteloe for both-rr.ede .tock and ..1. dealing. A aalmmm can mate mon. y .riling for •s we want nn energetic, reliable MAR for liederich and vicinity. For terms write l'ELHAM NURSERY CO.. •1 oronto. 01. N. A -Free catalogue on reqs.,.. • r i It's all Nonsense For you to spend your valuable time scouring the town for • , Christmas Gifts When we can show you every- thing in the line of . , , Men's and Boys' Clothing Our Combination Umbrella -Walk - Ing -Sticks are dirt cheap at =.5.00 each. A FINE ASSORTN1ENT OF Sweaters Socks Collars Necktl 's Mufflers to choose your Christmas Boxes from --AT— McLean Bros. The Square, Goderieh SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carbartt (heraIIs, Staltibdd's Uad.rwear, Fitwdl Hats, Arrow DraMd Collars ad Col s. PRACTICAL GIFTS PLEASE Carving Sets Large •assortment to thoose from, V2.0o � 84.00 Silver Ware Rogers 1847, Conl- munity ani others. Qual- ity counts. Full table set knives, forks and spoons in a box. 80,5o Pocket Knives \II sirss and kind, 10c las $_►,INP, - •r,.. . , • r -iti Ladies' Embroid= ery Scissors Great variety, 20c to $1.00. Alluminum Ware livery housewife take a pride in her kitchen and nothing pleases her more than the possession of attractive, and, at the same time, useful uten- sils. Cut Glass Beautiful, useful and reasonable, CIIRISTMAS GI THAT ARE VSEFVL THINGS FOR THE CHILDREN Skates SPRING AND ROCKILY, 30C TO 16.00. WL SLLL AUTOMOBILE SKATLS, FAMOUS roe THLIR SUPERB QUALITY, SPLLNDIO APPLARANCL AND PILRFLCT SERVICL. Clark Iadeslrretibls root Warmer AN IDLAL GIFT. WiLL ENABLE ANYONE TO DRIVE IN TIM MOST SEVERE WEATHER IN PERFECT COM- FORT. GILLETTE Safety Razors Would you please hus- band, brother or friend ? He will appreciate a Gil- lette, $5.00 to $6,00. Hockey Sticks Just the thing for a boy, 15c to 75c. Tool Sets We have on hind complete range of tools and can suit you both as to quality and price. A Vacuum Cleaner Wins life-long appre- ciation. Electric Fixtures Reading Lamps, ICut Glass Stand Lamps, Shades, Electric Irons. Brass (foods ,Jardineres, Trays, Dinner Gongs' and Candlesticks. What Would be a Nicer Gift Than a Happy Thought Raage or a Radiant Home Heater PHONE:STORE ?.Z CHAS. C. LEE PHONE: HOUSE •a2 i