HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-18, Page 95
Christmas Presents
tiii , , Americas
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For e�� f
J ' �,nll
(fig, s,
Christmas is celebrated bv the Hindus in bare
feet. But who wants to celebrate Christmas like
a Hindoo? Equip yourself with f.,o;wear appro-
priate to the season.
We have in
latest styles ,
in Gents' and
• c4,1:001C11 : ()WrARI"
I i
Unofficial IMsrvsnt$n Stopped Woody ereparetlaws Miry Mad* to Give TMs i
Fight at Ternpice I at Universities Farmers' Market
Rear t.dmiral Fletcher, commander To turn oat annually three or four Following are the latett 901-41:1:72•2ten°
of the American naval forces 1n !lest hundred uslrsnity students through- for farm produce
ran waters. os Friday ordered the out Canada a: trained officers of the Market, Toronto:-
Gsadlu mUltla is the object of a pall wheat, bushel $81
.31 .40
Toronto: -
rebels nod Frderals fighting at Tam scheme developed by Hon. Sam Oats se t3
! t miss threatening to Hughes minister of militia, to welch Barley 70 .00
open spun them with t. • guns of the • D .00
gunboat 1': besting If his order was not 210°1100.00%. Lord 8tratbc8.. o[ about Rye 20 . W
and b7 Major R. W. !won►rd• peas f 00 10.00
obeyed. Both sides compiled will the chairman of the National Trsnseon- Straw loose .. ••
order. ttnental Commission, of about halt • Hay, new. No. 1 11.00 17.00
This information iecetlun was sed In mllllon dollars. These two donations do. No. 3 14. ` 10.00
s despatch Ceceden, at Washington British
Mi by are to start the project at McGill and gigs, new lxld W 70
Ser Lionel Carden, the Braise Mlalr Queen's Universities. Student rest- do. fresh .100 .41
ler, from Iter -Admiral Sir cruiser
deuces. armories and parade grounds do. storage .32
Craduck of the British cruller Bur are be created 1° oonnectlon with gutter. choice. dairy••• •.0 .31
wick, which 1e lying off Tampico. the military trsluing course• do creamery .14 .18
Rear -Admiral Pletcher ordered for- Lord gtrrthooni s girt will not be Fowl, dressed, Ib..20
elgnen to take refuge on board .hips, available until the plans at McGill are Duets .13.21
or to congregate on the waterfront, completed. For Major Leonard's gift Turkeys, 't0 .11
where they would be under the pro-
� for Queen's of • site and buildings, Geese 10 30
tectbn of his guns. several scree to the southwest of the Spring chickens .1/ .20
The fighting which raged about campus are being secured. Dorms- Spring ducks .1f .10
Tampico was particularly fierce, some cartes, drill ball and armories vette Live chickens .........14 lel
reports statin( that more than one gymnastic equipment will be erected dn• duckling .14 .14
tt ousand men had been killed or teem. The whole Is to be completely do. turkey. .13 10
wounded. The Federals hold the cin- furnished. There will also be a large du- bens .14
ire of the town and the waterfront, parade ground. The militia depart- Potatoes, new, gag, ,1.10 1.16
while the rubel attack was made from mat will provide the drill ball and Cabbages. down .60 .7$
►Song the railroad tracks and the armories. lettuce, dozen .30
river. There are many British, Wr-
Onions, bag 3.56 .00
man and American resldentr In the Carrots. pelt . Sb .00
town, which is a centre of the oil POSTAL STRIKE DEFERRED `-�-
faduslry. During the early stages of Terence Orcin Prices
the fight the international fleet mark- pain
Will Het lacrosse , following wholesale prices' ars
ed off a neutral none and warned the Pay, However quoted at the Toronto Board or Trade:
combatants not to fire in that direc-
tion. TDe rebel. were finally driven ! !•here le to be no general strike Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Nor. 13Yec.
back este heavy losses. of the 17.000 Government employes of track. bay ports; No. 2 Nor., 11%a,
Britain In the post, telegraph and track• bay ports- Winter storage.
ART TREASURE RECOVERED ' telephone :ervtce during the Christ- Godertch, 1c more•
mu holidays, as had been expected. Manitoba Ostsi o.C.i,C.W.'s, bay
Famous Mona Liza Stolen by an for the Secretary of the National Com- bay ports;
�trre. of Postal Workers ,Unions an- ports. Wheat -No. 2 winter. tee
Italian Out of Revenge
_ i
Mona Lisa," Leonardo da Vinci's
great painting, which was stolen from
1 vtaMAY. Dec. l/► III! •
Oro o ceue there has both a generous contrtbu- Buckwheat
I WIII Provo It to You Frog
Bettors _ ,~ t ort.. et >.m_awa SIA
STEM ms► lAmr�ie��a�
fief :e.T�
w=ltelt, Lim se seL the ems alt atbes11
L • (aider; L Pi
w W W ereatwms flee of sett is yea. .,,�' r . - - -+•� '
-�.es- OP 'MOW AND Mau M --OM • OD 11111M1/0 elm•
fl. 0. letlTiai.. slew( nes Wool Man M. Peet ttifems* ted. 11. fi A.
Plow wad without Dost or ebllgatios to M reef uses hese T satiesst.
-4,.v:nca._..» --- fief•- eadlle._.»
A prolonged interview took_glesce„Jot- to Ife, outside.
tween a delegation of the ieffirkeell and Ontario Osts-34c to 3414c, outside;
Herbert Samuel. the Postdtaster- Slic to 38%c. track. Toronto.
the Louvre in Paris. more than two General, wbo reiterated his refusal to Cora -New, No. 3 yellow, 77c all
years ago has been found in Florence. consider their demand for increased rail, Toronto freight.
The British Government is said to poky. Mr. Stuart. the men's Secretary. Peas -No. 2, 91Ic to $1.00, car lots,
have offered $5.000,000 for this picture declared the Poetmaster-Generel's re- outside.
at one time. The mystery of Rs ab- ply to be t.bsolutely unacceptable to Buckwheat -No. 2, glic to 70c, out -
*traction from the Louvre caused • the men. and said the Stole question side.
. great sensation in art circles through- would now have to be refer -ed to the Rye -No. 1. 64c to 66c, outside.
I out the world. Seth:mai Joist Committee of the Barlery-For good malting barley,
!Thie discovery of the whereabouts unions. flaMutti told the men's leaders 64c to 66e. outside; 'feed, 47c to 48c,
of the famous painting was made when that if • strike were to occur at outside.
the picture was offered by an Italian Cluistmas time the oountry would de- Rolled Oats -Per bag of tO pounds,
resident of Paris to a- antiquary of mend that measures should he taken $1.12%; In smaller lots, $2.22%; per
Florence. He was arrested and meld to render the recurrence of such • barrel. e4.70; wholesale. Windsor. to
his name was Vincenzo Perugia. and thing impossible. This was taken to Montreal.
I that for three years he was employed mean that strikers would be refused 11111feed-Manitobe bran, $22.60 to
st the Louvre. further employment and thus a blow $23.60, bags, track, Toronto; shorts.
iPerugia posed as a patriot He de- would be dealt at the unions. $23 to $2 . . . to; On-
' clares he stole the masterpiece out ----- tario bran, $22.50 to $23. In bags;
of spite against France. as he wanted FOR CHEAPER FOODSTUFFS shorts. $24 to $24.50; middlings, $26
' to restore It to his native country to $26.60.
as compensation for all the works of
art stolen by Napoleon from Italy.
For Selling 40 sets of Our Chrlstosaa or Fancy
Postal Cards. 6 in a set for 10c.
FOR BOYS - Ever vestly Flub light, Nickle-pieted Hockey
Skate..., T.- 1 Mott with nine Tools. lidechasieel
Train with Tel der, Conch and Track, and many others.
FOR oiRLs -:lold-plated Extension Weevils., Mewled
111 gain. romple•e, dainty Gun lists! Watch,
Lady Ann Doll Carriage and many others.
FOR EtOYS AND GIRLS 62°ving P;ctunt Mathias
e plete with dim MI
9end us your name and address today, pl Only written, end
we o ill send cards hy return omit. along with big illustrated cat-
alogue of free premiums for hoys and girls. When sold, return us
the money and we will rood premium poet paid.
Toronto Novelties Co., Dept. 373, Toronto, Opt.
Danger Signals --
w omBn-s
Hot ' fainting Wella. headache. baring -de
feeling and ills of a kindred nature -are nature's danger signata.
The female dlsturbanea or irregularity back of these calls for belp,
should have Immediate care and attention. Otherwise the delicate
female constitution soon brooks down.
P, -I• Dr. *tercets Favorite
he mese then 40 beg bees lsadfsg R. health tsetsethe sY W tdlets-
suds et weenes year atter rearthreeglwt Its beg OW.
This wesderfsfy seess.fs1 remedy fmp.er strewth is the attire sgMse-
pardew wt.!** tiers= distisetly hmiab.._ Nerves we retreated. The •stair'.
host..w comes, W ran -dews ks . w tenses the very
w rn
'nether of a family -+n will gain strength
40 years kgs demensaat.d its .(..rive.... -is lipid or bans.
BOLD NY DLLI.sasfl.I NWidro ee )�-*M1}tiCdt�)i<�Li
CeereC.,r..r�.. ee � C .t rA.{•�f .awl..
eche/es Ne r
sod Weidman.* Idelnaftk
had beweh. /.Pr-m"rt tele -wy es Gari ea Oaatg•
i( -
J. 1-1. McClinton
Ontario Government Tackles H Igh
Toronto Cattle Market
Cost of living Problem Representative prices are: -
For the purpose of bringing the pro- Export cattle, choice....$8 .50 1018.75
1.00 1$1.0o. Send in your subscription now.
ducer and consumer closer together
One Man Killed and Three Injured In and helping the farmer to get his out- u • . 7.76
Wreck Near Oshawa put marketed without undue loss to do. gopd 4.76
- the middlemen, the Ontario Depart- 6.00
A serious wreck occurred last Fri- ment or Agriculture has added • new do. common
do. medium
day on the Orsnd Trunk main line branch to Its Oritaillaati011 that 1,111 Butch°r °°", ch°1°°••• • 6.26
devote Its energies to promoting co- 4°. medium 6.00
about two miles east of Oshawa 4.60
operation and scientific marketing.. do. common
Junction station The branch will be known as the Butcher bulls, choice6.26
A heavy freight train cousisting of ce..0porauon and market, Branch, and . 6 . 26
about twenty-two cars ot cattle and 4.10
1:s 1.1
on the grade and before the train- hes been appointed director. Stockers, choice
men were able to place their torpedo The Ontario Government hopes by do. light
signals the Montreal EnPrelle crashed this means to effect a considerable
head-on Into the caboose, completely saving to the consumer in the price Milkers, choice each10.00
wrecking it and several other cars. of all farm products end to strike an do. COM. and nied56.0
Henry C. Held, a cattle buyer of effehtual blow at the high cost Of ilv- Springers U.*,
Fisherville was almost instantly killed tag. Celveit. veal 10.00
and James Stephenson of Hastings . I do. rough 6.60
and Wm. Walker of Hagersville, both CHURCH UNION DPr-LITED Sheep, ewes. light...-6.26
drovers, were badly injured. Engineer I do. heavy 4.76
John Muir of Belleville was slightly Comprehensive Survey of the Cowttry ' do. bucks . • 3. 60
Necessary to Ascertain Facts Lembs, choice
do culls
I do. bucks, 7k lower per head.
Canada Is to have a religious sur- Hogs. fed and watered. 11.40 .00
vey taken se the first educational 8.16 .00
method of reducing the oppoeitien to .0
do. f.o.b
a . weighed off earsCU .00
church union. Arrangements for the
survey will be made by Rev. Plitt
edged Gaudier. Presbyterian; Rev. Dr. I EOM BONI. Cattle
Moore. Methodist, and Rev. Dir. Day, Cattle--Prline steers. $3.86 to 33.75;
Congregationalist. The Presbyterian shipping, $8 to 31.10; butchers. $7 to
committee held • threes -day meeting 31.26; cows. P.M to $7; bulls. 36 to
In Toronto, the outcome of the de- 37; heifer,. 14 to 37.76; stock heifer*.
liberations being a decision to defer 35 to $6.76; stockers and feeders,
asking the General Assembly to thUfy 36.60 W 47; fresh cows end springers,
church union for at least a year from active, 32 to $3 higher; 3U to $10.
Side of Canadian Oats next June. Following this meeting Voids -64 to 312.
the church union sub -committees of Hoge -Heavy end mixed. 37.10:
arms bone" hall a million ki„,b,i, tha three churehes met and decided Yorkers. 37100 to 33; ells. 37.26 to 33;
Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce
epos the survey which will show roughs. 3716 to 37.31: Stags. $4 to 37;
or Canadian oats that will cents to
1 what districts are insufficiently served dairies. 37.71 to 37.00.
Minneapolis and pay the six per cent.
Import duty under the now tariff law, 'sail witoro lbw, ta oeerlaPPing.
thereby recording the largest business , Sheep and Lausbe--Lambs. 36.60 to
37.16; yearilsgs. 34.60 W 34.76; week -
of te• use since Canadian oats first 1 TWO 001ITIIITS DICED= ors. 14 to 36-21; 1Wee. 33 to 34.76;
began to trickle across the boundary
Christmas season is here
again. We take this titne
to thank our many custom-
ers for their patronage dur-
ing the past and trust that
thc same may continue.
Wc are in a position this
year to give you the best
groceries that money can
buy. Quality is always our
first consideration.
injured when he jumped at the last
Travers Stays In Prison
It is understood tbat the Hon. C. J.
Doherty. Minister of Justice, has de-
cided not to grunt, for the present
at least. the petition of • deputation
which waited on him asking for the
roles", on parole ot W. R. Travers,
the former head of tbe Farmers' Bank.
from Kingston Penitentiary. It was
urged that T was suffering
seriously in health.
Our China assortment is AI --
larger than ever. We can
supply you with most suitable Christmas Gifts.
.Don't forget to give us a call and %se guarantee
to give you satisfaction.
Great S.M. had Malalan inset ream 43 "e
106.00 1111k
The Largest Yet
That is what our Holiday trade will be
if you make your selection from
Stock of
after the Underwood Mll went into Ileo$11 Lanark gad Moodeneld Return
vow 0 Perlin Vetoes
the Census Department, est of 1144,112
foreign -born males of eottue age to
Canada, ooly 114.964 or It IS ow seat -
had at the MR.\ a the taking or um
within Canada. end thus acquired the
right to vote.
: Government Supporters
oa ltve stock at the West liked Megket,
Following ars the latest quotations
Cattle et Montreal
v Prim beeves. 7%e hi Itic; Ckrlet-
being hold for 11c. medium,
le to 311e: large bona. 1%o to
=tag ri South Lutartilie 8.44:
Hem et Commove. Dr.
Rama. the straight Coseereative
=a.raa 131 voter ahead of Col.
ladegendeat Omer -
Satire madam, IrliDe Mr Hawke.
resolved tali 70 votes ta Mole
Tidies sad Wm kis deposit.
la Meedinahl. Manitoba, Mr. Alen
Of Marty WO a ereem of tbat 1,1
%Ma be vas returned a roar ago ,
onapirtty ever Dr. A. W. dyke
be about M.
build -
7 the
Is approaching
Oat your Skates of the
aeon vital! y from
Woman Suffrage le B.C.
Premier McBride refused tbe
quest of the United Sutras* Illeffieties
of British Columbia f the !strode*
tion of • woman guff bill by thal
Government. He ed that the
questioo would lave to be beetegbt sr *
both reached Ottawa of
RAW* that there is the
Of truth he the stories
to the elteet thet assort
eadendloa ger,/
Istalted in the eemander being
lett so shore vtift• the
sailed OIL The elleials ae-
die meet oesus=ra 4111 Mare
ha ea a 1 trig.
by a private member.
The essoust paid to the Preview*
last *seal year ems $964.444, a de.
ensue or ewer arts a.. twat. as 001Ih
pared with 1111
Wising awl
The wino.. around Berns show be
sires of reffiestug Sitis pries Of silk
ea mead of Me inn boreal. TIM
threats. to skip their milt te Tayside.
At tke Ostarie Mister Tab at
MOW es Meat eat am la lir
viCeallattatte el the Caesdlea Nor -
OHS NW MO III at bat
, WHIMS Imatai. arm made as
Sea batinatiesal ram
la IMP Tart azdamasiren
laws vs
*Wig MO
Oboe% iks to glee.
lambs, k to 81eo
We have at present a full line of Leather
and Rexine Rockers and Students' Chairs -
the largest in years. Also a new line of Ratan
Rockers and Chairs, Couches, odd Parlor
Furniture, etc. . . Any of these articles
would be a very acceptable Gift for anyOne tO re •
China Cabinet, Dining Table, or a set of
Leather Diners. . . Or perhaps you have
wife ; if so, we have them in Silks and Veronas-
three and five -piece Suites. . . Odd Dressers
and Stands in 1,‘ -cut Oak, Mahogany and
Enipire finish -from the cheapest to the best al-
ways in stock. . . Our line of Felt Mat-
tresses are in great demand by the tired ones
who desire rest and comfort. . . in fact, we
keep in stock every line necessary to furnish the
home from cellar to garret.
Oattlo-Deleves, 04.64 to 32.60; Texas
Mows. W $1.011; coos sae hatt-
ers. WIG 411.10; stockers aad feed-
Illogs--Light, $7.44 to 37.71%; mixed
lirt belt of sales. $7.1111 to TIM.
jiaes. 36.60 to $4.76; Iambs. native.
114.40 to ha.
tabliabsiest of Mersa Collage, Lea
erected toy tbe Modesto
fireball Amber et Deviates
voted esaildelise tbe Goverment
oft•r Make Dosser II•elared
pi now sis trt.
Call and inspect our stock. No trouble to
show goods at the OLD RELIABLE
Brophey Bros.
Usilertakers sad Embalmers
Night end Day mills prosepdy ellemial 1s
SW, Pima 1110 assidasee noes 1111