HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-18, Page 8Though your salary or Income will no doubt increase. so will OF CANADA, your expenses—and many l tnd that the Latter more than keep pace with the former. Now is the time to start a R eat� —and the Savings Department of the Union Bank of is the place to keep it. Deposit the extra you have on hand now—you can open an account with any aunt. down to one dollar—and draw interestonit. PRACTICAL CIIRISTMAS PRESENTS 1 THE KIND THAT GIVE PLEASURE SATISFACTION COMFORT long after others are forgotten Nothing is too good for the house and nothing more appropriate than a nice piece of Furniture. Here are a few suggestions that will help to solve the girt problem and add to the home comforts. At THOMSON'S Music Store. One of the most importa:.t thinks at ('hristmaa time ie MUSIC, the one thins; to add tefinratent and charm to the Iautily thele In waking * ..ur purcha r . ret ernls•r we h .ve all kinds of Instruments from a Plano to a Jew s Harp. tieintzman & Co. Pianos and Players Victor Victrolas and Disc Records Edison Phonographs and Cylinder Records Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Accordeons Harmonicas, etc. In Stationery Department we have a large and heautifu hoe of Papeterie'. Folders. Cards. Booklet*, Fountain Pens, Bibles Testaments. Birthday Books, Psalm and Hymn Hooks. . All our goods are nice And fresh and new at TfOMSOD'S MUSIC STORE tet 1 Hark! the merry chimes are wasted' rA >•' ® us that this is Christmas morn - And ft's time that we were tislng,l M �_ s► cy� though the hour isn't,late. •i* ij► Still, the kldiets will be IkOkIng. social ,•'"m to overhaul his stocking. �' • And there's scads of things we're LL � got to do that really cannot welt Tet, before we kick tke clothes off (quite determined not to dose off). Let's Indulge In dreamy musing on this Joyous Christmastide; tat us. while the bells are pealing. get up some real Christmas feeling. 1 Fill ourselves with sweet emotions that are not quite cut and dried. The, the minutes fast are gliding. but. consarn 'em. let 'em glide. 'hank of these long weeks of waiting. all the glad anticipating Of the gay and festive season that at last. at last Is here; 'Never resting, never stopping In our mad career of shopping. Searching over the Ideal, not too cheap and not too dear; Crushed and elbowed In the reeking crowds, that like ourselves are as.klry Just the very thing of all things that their loved ones tbost desired. Limp and draggled then emerging from the pushing. struggling, surging Mob, with parcels overladen, reaching home at last, dog tired. Those experiences may be best described as "most all -fired." Tet no antiquated stoic showed endur _ { ante more heroic Than we've manifested through the ,.• • � `•J' � A LL weary ordeal of that time; 'N. have stood the stress of barter with the courage of a martyr; •� Now we and sweet compensation llst'ning to the Christmas chime. Whose clear cadence. soft and mellow, seems to whisper to a fellow That the worst L nearly over, that we soon may breathe again. 'Soon may and surcease of sorrow. and that, maybe by tomorrow Or the next day, may be lifted something of this mental strain. R'bat a blessed sense of rest may soothe the tissues of our brain. ;We have done with haste and flurry, no occasion now to worry, Inst some sensitive relation may have been quite overlooked. tiAU the Usta of names are checked and all the walls with green are decked, and Now within a few short hours the Christmas dinner will be cooked. Mall to -Christmas! happy season! There is some substantial reason To be gleeful at thy advent—the beginning of the end. pis thea comest wreathed with holly, we can certainly be Jolly, Welcome thee with feast and wassail, and in general unbend. 'For we know that we have rent for thee the last cent we can spend! The Christmas sit that will appeal to every member of the family ---will add to the joy of the Christmas day in the pleasure of picture taking and will perpetuate that day by preserving its memories. KODAKS, $7.00 and up. BROWNIE CAMERA • $1.00 to $12.00 R. R. SALLOWS Expert Photographer - Goderich every housekeeper and the best Cleaner on the market, your ll choice of finish, strictly high grade. Ohiliren's Rockers. Toy Beta, oval-shaped 'fables. Barked Chair•, very et roux and neat, different c.d.n., Doll Carriages and Cradle,. large variety of child's Go-carts. Now the door bell will cease ringing to the people who were bringing An endless string of packages from morn to dewy eve; •• We no longer will be running to con - teal those things with cunning. .';'`i LL e� s • And we'll lose our wonted air of having something up our sleeve. There will be a deuced litter. when the gewgaws gleam and glitter. Of waste paper, string and cotton. from the kitchen to the ball; But, with consciences elastic, we will grow enthusiastic And "wonder how they guessed.' as on the donors' necks we tall. Looking blissful over dewdads that we didn't want at a11. Ab. this blessed thing of giving! It is half the Joy of living To watch the looks of gratitude and pleasure and surprise That, at least to outward seeming. ate upon loved faces beaming-. As the loved one open. his parcel and digs out his gaudy ties. 'And the gentle wife and mother her emotion tries to smother ( When conducted by her husband. to some secret corner, where. A. a proof of fond affection, he has hid from her detection, t His gift to her, a cosy, costly, well -upholstered chair (of whose comforts, in the future, you may bet he'll get his .bat i flow this Christmas spirit moves us to • sense that It behoves us To keep Poverty's bare platter and 1 all Destitution's cup --- Iletag turk and pie and gladness to the homes of empty sadness! TO help out sweet Christmas char- ity harity who would not loosen up? 1Dut it'. highly aggravating set to say exasperating. When we've given most nobly and without thought of seat. To find out, es we expected, that the modest are neglected And our princely benefaction hasn't found Its way to print. (Certainly we didn't ask It, but a num mlgkt take & hist). Odd Parlor Chairs Fancy corner and reception chain in variety of latest models. Large Easy Chairs end rockers. deep. comfortable, spring seat., tutted back and arms; leather rockers, a large vat• iety. Odd Parlor Pieces centre 'whirs, tardisere stands, fancy screens. i•t• the niece' lot of dainty parlor pieces we h...• shown. Fancy Mirrors framed. just the think for bath -room, Ie. f -t etc. Resole to see them. and couches, the most useful pieces of furniture for the home, oak and mahogany finishes, well upholstered. There is nothing nicer for a Christmas present than a Nor dheimer or- dheimer Piano. We sell them. Pictures \\'e have;probably the l.uge.t and lar," attractive line of framed picture. .uitable for gilt• its town at very reasonable price.. Our •tee is filled with beautiful things for the borne, which. after a1L are the gifts giver. You are welcome to come and look. If you see suythiug you like select it now. whenever you say. of a th uKhttul \\'e will deliver Itut away with sad reflection! This is ten time for dejection. Merry Christmas. happy Christmas, es we solid, kaa come at tastf *11 the many tribulation.. all the trials aad mottoes That have crowded thick uses to for the het six weeks, are pert. Not a protest shall be uttered. the the Mese with toys is cluttered And the kids are alt pantiles to the sow of hors aid drum, k..titiytung sed terms vetciactJie spriest of their rejoicing. We will have eo Whet' Ibe1 ealio Xtellarbsoss b 1! same. (later tome our nervous system at some eon -storm). We take this opportunity to v► ish you All a Merry Christmas and to express our appreciation of the custom of the many who assisted us in making our business a success during 191 3 Just a few days left to do your 'Christmas shopping. What about your Christmas pudding ? We have all the necessary requirements to make the repast complete. Fresh Fruits, Oranges, Bananas, Cranberries, Nuts and Confectionery We solicit your trade. Quality and prices guaranteed C. M. ROBERTSON LOOK ! LISTEN! Blackstones' Christmas Specials Christmas Mixed Nub, speeial t lbs. foe the (Almonds, Filberts, Walnut., Peanut. et•' Christ nuts Mixed Candy, special ! lhs. for'fie IChoeotaus, Cream.. etc CHRISTMAS ORANGES REGULAR ROe for 1800 I IRtilGULAIR •0o foe 40o REGULAR 40s fee 800 1 RIO Lan lion for 20o To assure yourself see our window display The finest seleetton of Posey pukes,' d Otoeotates for Chs i.tmas gifts In tows, at moderate pio.s. See ew Pc and IOc Cltrt.tntms Mee.ttisa BLACKSTONES', West Street =link the aver tf we're able to 'remail a wel4wreed table, ' •,� ! ;.A Where the plump wkttobasomod tact we woos its savor through+ the roes, said waSrag comes em ssoklag, amd t�o� ormikes .o sad to the Jekfag, :. •.i:..• r • sod tae bot that harbors tfes yy�� es seed derrast vitt gbeeb, Lot us M pnlbsadb enteral that we bas at least a ~al. Orassf.l flee the pipes tablets that oenoet our (btl.taes cheer: HeM 1t as amass our soseMs taes seta left to dor purses, Ds 'beaked fat those dose 1 mms set toss who bold us Isar. (Aad meat sop .U.iy thsaKol CbrMass *moo bat otos a roam 10 011111011. ail wteasm gs,ssm...saset Qssttmme r stet cab a bot MrwmtLte tet set sane.>> 1 tea • -i4'. esleodmr, bat the slaw lir pit .ey .f m .ssit.g My. sew etoalmg . tet bstgbs-st ..eial aroma Wm. woe visited tet soot alb Mead basica sabot H. spmag, .a• basso stats. aids, Aim limos Y /smaastm, bon .atmis get sloana,t b rat M Oft ovary psoas* to ret est eget of abmramlmr mad MOW fro Oho clout at Nooses foto elks. IMoat of Saga, tae sigh lanai/ yeas iwwv sad No esaamao rmagM+ Si lilt to fttmlr smarty MS as Me, hos tet void, sad to sows mosmeo busaalty their rlobtfol •ralpb. 1te w.tbed *IN HM ti lbw loss Sony bras& leo to ret 4lty aad Ossify is the thought aeabtsd all boast 15O. tie law 4 woman vitt Hr syspmahotls sal p.olmttw regard. M r y.1 to r. bee tress ivory form of ..elGom tabid by tie past seta N. took 10 ollblyas to Ills arms std twin od aa, lis b yet to main Meow. No at 1s ovary weimamisg bona ism HM pow to Nis Sk#aogM Ilrera No le rot to who loon t.. mala No end et tet ..10. No sew ler freta..a ebb ItIsmalf sad . Vatfmr to one lbNoo .owes. b ret 1a iambs ovary mos a firs!► bt1 1Maa sod .t out wltb w�oIa atwaes, Very often we mon so old tried whose looks have teaagsd as that w. hardly know them. Soma took bettor sad souse look old and vesoesd foe. W. always feel badly to sss m blood going down blit is appsmemaee for looks wont for so soba +s flossdays; and ws ee joy tombs teased for 1. let hoops mesa 01 keeping young ass its fie Isitbass ret *_fa tbe awes dand.lea.w tr.ty lino a titres bad baba wawa igs' da �So 1 dvibe �elm1115= b.M atI/. rossita. lbaro aloillt mfor K ye. do a� ore is mgt. to 1. J. U.Ir iditol oe es oast post gatae.e orMt wept yew bat ir. floral b only Et a aa�lrgeeo for sale in large quantities THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co. are now pupas to supply ail kinds of build- ing stock of all s fan a large Ontario White Of lumber On 1>taan • including Pine. Shingles and Lath. Hardwood Flooring and ire Birch Finish a specialty. Call and ser our samples of Birch Finish' Solt and Hardwood slabs Mr ads by the cord.