HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-18, Page 7Goo het :hem to ell retire , end i.illy cid. 1 _atoll son 110o sac 25c SOc 25c Sac lac i is the [ •Molle r thi. i!pea e t.1 3.50 want• - went. grit, 40c. rices ie at E Ono on Monday Mr Robert \.b'iel•l. Friday. He with bis st.- t hie eel" t*bfirid..er- nuan lirlb n tittered tont yell III Aube wale in the lay Ming a ran not role - day. se elytday- se thieve/k. 0.1 1 11OS en's eds. oft SAVE, because- No. 63 A savings account is an insurance against the unexpected. }lead Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NISBET, 1 IS AGENT FOR, All kinds of Insurance OFFICE NRXT CANADIAN RANK OFOOMMERCE, GO DER It'11 Peters.: Orrice St: Hoven 160. P..0. Box Ili 1 1 Skates Sharpened 15c per pair EAST ST. GAI AGE Next Town Nall pf1ONE 243 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS j ret yt VMS Or TMa FJTATa or y:LK.tneTH lit K/.•%Ix. LATA Or TOO Ton ■ 01I .'. •e H. I. rag I'OCNTT Or Hutton. Ileum henry Moen p• Da it onto runGeo. V. t [O 1 DeV. c. MIA •.a. -retain r;. ne hnving test ■11 per.o deign anent the •+ ate of the .•4. lets S,112.. Wb 1rr1:• D 1 r wbodied on or &bent the rM h fp e(trpreruber. A.11. 1543. are renelred ea er war. the ;Ihdo ofJuraty. A.D. ts11.. to Ole tisk Winton' J K. Holm +. of that told town of Qrrerid,. Ph) part el r • ...tett-meat moo leo test M bs t hetwiff my and upon the mil nano theist] Pint -Wee eYl premed to dimtrtm.te the nest. t i e1 &1d fade Moog 1 M .or.ou • emitted is • kg Mart only to the eialemi whisk win .aa 1 isle not ee. And �t�he sold a of the Wit. of to. o. -tete in Ycoedit of wao.e cMlm ter ata �-ate to any coeditor he dun hot then beye}.d nstlor. A.11. IDIS rated At. 1 ah day Of November Wirt- lam11 11l'DLF:1' RiIIME$. of the tow.. of In the Just, of Heron. noileitor f •r the taco #..e ret.". 113" GODERICN i I Children's Aid Gifts The t;htldew's Aid society seknowl- edges with thanks • bale of children's clothing fees the Mbmeser brash at th. Wamun's Mk■1LMrt aseisty em the Nil. deeult. The garments wore I must! made by members et W.M.B.he and were ddiv.red by Mrs. J. b Mille for distributIos W Mr. G. M Elliott, comity secretary, Uoderiob. Also • dooatiotl of good weerebis clothing from Mrs. A. D. McLear, of uoderieh, and a gift of 116 !rout Huron lodge No. 412, 1.0.0.F.. tioderlcb. Mr. James Outt, secretary of Ibe Blyth branch tie the Children's Aid society, sends • contribution of 1111 front the Blyth branch of the Wouneu'a Insti- tut:. Mrs. Whilty Dead Thele died at Mitchell on the a)tb tilt. Maria Hawkins, widow of the I•te Moose Wbitty, at the age of 72 siren' and six months. Her death removes another of the old and much reepectd citizens of the Huron district. Her husband predeceased her by a little over one year. The surviviontmem- bers of the family are : Ohat los, (trend Trunk freight agent, Mitchell ; Leo. Grand Truuk beggigeman, Godericb ; James, in the United States, and one daughter, Mrs. Richard Harris, of Kin- cardine. Deceased was a member of the Roman Catholic church which she attended regale, ly when gable. THE SIGNAL GODB1RICH ONTARIO INFO y- I RypsRTwON• At 'untie/rt.r. . rata Thuds e. I Dsosbef lath. Freon., Imbel Young4 ti'iref M•. mud Mr, K. aged IS moat ler. Death of Dr. John McIver From the Kincardine Reporter we take the following account of the death of Dr. John McIver, of Peck. Michigan, brother-in-law of Mr. T. '1'. Leckie, of this town :- The death of Dr. John Nle Iwar occurr- ed ccursed in Kincardine on Friday, Novem- ber 24tb. i)eceased carne here from hi. home iu Peck, !Michigan. about Ithree works ago to search u( better health. He has been ailing from a (-implication of cheesier* which has 1 cheesier* baffled medical akin for the peat year. sod which proved fatal. Deceased I was born in Roes-shire,'cotlend, and I came to Canada with his par.nta when • child. Hie father, the IwteAalcolu. McIver, was one of the p,oneer farm- ! en of Huron township on the ninth concession. where the sul•ject of this sketch spent his early day.. Being of pudIous 'find, John 1.Mclyrr Hued hlmsef1 Inc se boor re scifi ils weak. gar, a' n ber of years be taught school at Ripley. Mer be studied medicine Iand graduating, he prac:ird in De- troit and Peck. He marled a Kin- esrdioe girl, Mire Maggie Leckie. She witb one daughter is lett to mourn his lose. Two sisters, the Mischa Mc- Iver. Bruce avenue, also survive him. He was a member of Elk I:Idge No. 263. A.F. & A.M., of Peck, end he was interred with Masonic humors thereon Mande) afternoon. Northern Light lodge conJucting the esevire. which MUSIC 1311M. mummies Ttse hatowtmb*s order al service In the local cbuy.M for the Christ mas season. In the majority 91 oases the musical ssrvi al ill o gi gives s mi t Sunday meed repeagd op attar Christman Mt_OAORHN'R CHURCH Christmas Day:+1am•-Holy �M- muotos ; 1 I a. m. - Nofrsisg Prayer ,end Holy .tar -Pee rrel Vobtrtary-Yaeteral Sy in phosilaDde 1 O Coote All Ye tlaltbful"Baroreri }IrmoVeneto.... ...... Ooote Psalm lit . • M asPali Psalm tie Te Demi. JYbilata... U••• e hisolia GloOerely ▪ r a 'Mibi Garrett Hymu ."Hark the Herald Aaysl- Sermon Her. J. B. F Anthem --"The Fent More,* or it Newton daoctus ..• Plummer Hymn ••Hrlghteet and y Beet of the Hous of the Morning" Gloria in ExceIais.. OI Can Nenc DioultUs. Oregoran Rev. J. B. Fotherioghare, rector; Mr. A. Roy Adams, choirmaster end organist. NORTH 8T. METHODIST CHURCH Morning, Anthem •'Cafut on the Listening Ear of Night' Tenor Selo -"In Bethlehem" Mr. A. 0. Styles Evening, ',bijou's*. Cir•ol... ,... "Silvery Stars" Anthem "First Christmas Morn" Anthew........"By B• Rev. W. K. Hager, pastor; Mr. Geo. H. King, organist and choir- master. Y. er PATTI/N. --In Colborne. tp Ile•day ()member 1:.. Ann Cora Paten. widow of tae late John Patton. aced to yew.. - FOR SALE • DOR SALE.--BRED-TO-LAY BAft- ir MRD took esekenN. Ap/b to H. , K. REV ELL Adam. the Kilolitre of the •.iM - PUBLIC NOTICE f1rhu-1„e . fwreerlymedn•'led by the le le J. r. Andr•.•.11110 hien he rare tr en shit 1•f a. EST AT): of J. r. ANDslaws. ANTIIID WANTED.-NTORAGK ROOM FOR .apple. and aprlablem Apply to �KRICAN ROAD MACRINSco. ebtt FARM HELP ANrDQ DOM BBTIrC IICH\•.►Nst ee4 iswJ. airing CQUIL. �aaY Ik e b St wri to WILLIAM fi..o.lafoa (jeweswwmt ga,phyawe•t Ave. a.. How... oar. Order. left with M. D. "Moor et Hisee. Oat, will t.oatre �ortsfr.11 at rano WEST WAWANOSH FIREINSURAXCECO• 1 tine of the beat In the Purr - "lc' . Fixed rate of a5teaw0r"t. i Liar Plock Insured at its full vskie whether on the farm or SITUATIONS VACANT. WAN out -{-1 APPRENTICE to:lih.,fett Yiw erryrHrH�OUirimiv klieg" T1:va.oaT Der. is. 111119 T RECOMMEND STOREHOUSE TM following is the presentation of the grand Jury's report at the o ty I court and geiet"1 .essbos d the panus . _ We. the grand Jurors, visited the gaol and found everythieg quite sells - factory. \Ve would reoausserd a proper building for Koenig wood aid cosi. We alae found the oourt hells well kept ; the esr'eteker dessetllee pettier for the same. We also visited the house of mange and found everyytbitsg in excellent: shape. The cleennlineee of the dace wee admiby •11. The ioeiatae ewes to perfectly happy and contente•I. We think and would recommend that Mr. and Mrs. Mutch receive more than thanks for their work over and above what they now get. The presentment war signed by Mr. James ti. toner as foremen._ Annual Entertainment. The annual entertainment of Vic, torte street Methodist Sioday ttchooi will be held in the auditorium of the church out Mo'day eveuieg. Deecespber 2.:od. when • choice pro- gramiue consisting of dialogues, red- tatious, songs, lDstruluentale and 'speeches will be rendered bythesebol- are of the school. At the cose of the programme prevents will be distribet. e3 to the children. The public are in vited to attend and spend a Pleasant evening. Admission : Adults, 15 cents; children. 111 cents. Address and Presentation At the prayer meeting at Victoria street Methodist church on Wednes- day night. Mus. D. Buchanan was sue - prima with an address and the presenta- tion of it life membership in tbe Wo- )uen's Missinnary society. also a life ntembnt'e pin, the occasion being Mrs. Buchanan'. birthday. Mee. ti. M. El- liott read the address. and Mies Mamie Smith and Mies Jean Aldus.. two of the youngest members of the society, made the presentation. This is ,.lie second presentation of a lite member- ship this year. KNOX CHURCH Morning -Organ-Le Qibemin du Fara- d's ...Blumenthal Hymu........ "Hark the Glad Sound" Hymo. . •'0 Come Ail Ye Faithful" Offertory -• Cantiyue De Noel........ D'ad Adams Cbriswnas ('arol .-. ...•'0 Little Town of Bethlehem" Hymn li Came Up un the Midnight Clear" Sermon -"The Word Made Flesh" ��... Rev. Geo. E. Roes eodel Recitatives and Chorus -"There Were Shepherds Abiding," "And the Angel Said." •'And Sudettaly There \Vas With the AngeL;" Mie McColl -Soloist Cborua „ "Hark the Herald Angels Sing Hyutn .... „ "Joy to the World" Anthem :.“Let Us Now Go to Bethlehem" ...SOblat-Miss Warrener Hymn . ,... ...• war said by W. Bro. \l. J. Mscpher- .."As With Gladness Men of Old" son. The wife and other members of I offeitory.._...Marchof the Magi Hing" the family will have the synnp+thy ret Quart ette-•'Lovely Night"....Misses their many faieed* in their bereave- McColl and Cummings, Messrs. went. I H. Blackstone and J. F. Thomson I Anthem-"'1'be First Christmas Morn" H mn CARD OF THANKS. -THE MAN- I y Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" yeatentoftbsLyrioThe••trededretoexpev �,-Halle`' rh lJhont....••.Hwadtsl their apprerlatlon for th • Morrill patronage ex- Org J tended to rlw.m during Ise pert year by the Achcir of Al hoys under Mr. F. O. people of (ioderieh ■od tete thin °Mlortuelly Brandt's direction will asaiet the choir. Serneon.... "Munson, or the Man Who Got His Heart's Desire•' Her. Geo. E. Rose, pastor: Mr. J. B. Hunter. choiru:sou r. A iloliday Assortment ie what is needed wbes selecting something for presentation. A Choke Bit of Jewellery will ell the bi1L Your wants were in spied when buying the elegant stock of \V ATCH ES DIAMONDS AND JIiW ELLERY $l'NDRlE,4 on Mie here for holiday crabs. Come and see. e. . . naw M.t• ,ear men. Rat of opparlue- Proprlete•. t • h Ulh+•nr•ntnnsrter re e.-•. )' st-1t AUCTION SALES sine!. Taoatc. -_- Jasrwry o -F aiol H f HIWd1i r, ►M Dewda. too, Inridlew eMn p y WANTED. - A HOUSEKEEPER Hrlwrm : widownoobje•"'lon to a child. her•ebeld Anti only. Small Wetly. Kef«- eses Melted. Apt y atSIGN AI. trillion• t �O ELGIN AVENUE, [' toed wink LOST OR FOUND A L'ND.-ON hens wba nem. A pelf et TBE • RN ALOMilt ! t ND. -ON VICTORI! STREET. • on Haterday. • pore eontaintee a .um of ,ne„r,, 4 revel one, have .ape. l.y prerina popeety and waling for ad. Apply at THE tlwSAi.Orr1CI . FOR SALE ON TO SENT Ij OR BALK --TWO-STORY HOUSE ✓ en Keay* .e(eet. containing Heat room.. nae mad -ten bathroom. fnrn■tm •red electric llghta : therootrhl replied from cellar to rant :1.0 bet sod emaibw.awith .anefruit. APit) to W. R *1NDRft - TUmtD le. Deo. IR. Auction sale rf farms rank and tp.ptente0l• at lot ,t. ITII L k O aU. sire-uA[L Duras. preprielR' COT, ..e41 neer. AUCTION SALE H11 the vacancies caused by the resig- AUCTitJN MALI neuou of Miss Nellie Gorham of Gen- Inc en- IncElAEL DINERN Victoria school. Miss Ella Gold- (will .ell by public auttklon at lot :h. L It . on tborpe will .oeceed Miss Oturdy 51. J TCF.4DAY. DECEHRKRr7rd. Central school and Miss Sturdy. of Godericb township, is to succeed Miss Miners at Victoria ,cbool. The ap- plicants have not accepted yet, but a the will 'there Two Teachers Appointed At r special iteetln of the public school board. held on Thursday last in Use hoard rooms of the Victoria school, two new teachers were appointed to I FARM gruel: AND INPLE3IENTB I nal *cbool and Miss Victoria Miners Of oomtsenel' r at 1 o'clock R in.. the fotiowing *took sad implements : Extra good draught Team . and a year- old : extra gond draught Tram. 4 year. old. .111 melte me 1b..: general pa. taro hone 7 yea. ■ sjd : extra goer! road ]tare. a )rear. old : adult (bw• dor In April; 135 Her. C.IIN Doe. Yawn - HarrbBinder. ,-h cut. se good a. new; (wavy Waggoe, net of gh. with pl•Iforge: fatter. Boggy. net heavy Hamm.. um dowble defrbit Marne... 2 rt• .Ingle driving Horner, di.o Hsrtow. eel D.amond Harrow-, t'ro•t & Wool noable Plow. walkirg flow. Wheelbarrow. Hager Polo, water '1 ant hay Rack. erste' Pos. Beek in roma retwfr: 111••••••r-li.arrl. tutu Box. MOS Stocr. he WAS Wave tooth REAL iOITATB FOR MALI.. ea t • goantity of Womb lid Furniture, a'month y We hare for axle anent thirty town late. of May rad straw. Doublet ew. Fork.. Bl m- • rwogtng from $bI upwar.l-..1.o thaw 1.4. Chains said ruaremn. ether saline. p tor .4otberimrelllnlMsad.f.w haw*. 1tMOON -AU mime of t1.1.nd miner. ends: Pitt ()FOOT. 5Al'y t ItILWR&N. OsM- ev«ttr•t.rsenat.s.sontasreed it will beinven sett on reruhhingapproved Jaist eme.. A d4000st elan Inst. at the rots of s per cent allowed for sada on R F'ORSALB- AN SIGHT credit animist.. omt omOuri - MMd7yMED}tUt.PE en y1Nerla crest awA d tM�threna•.yrltl be sok'. +- the proprietor ban N O bbat Oseitvg me Mase o Sailven i M. DINKI htor T.it.NDR\. A wife all melees eeerewhae! Maine est 1 AMR1or.eer. k adjust- 1 BALL -TD pp PR PROPERTY FOR VALttast s FARM PRtbPERTT IN egg BALL -T1s wmideere, wok ter too. t N P OF a'.AWANOBQ ere"' pasr••►y. Alae sem raster (.ewer . . .;�ia, r« fttetMr a.tao. •Itgfl-t• I.IAr\Y.u.ae•irw. uw. ri-It Ex BCL-1�RS• SA LE ILL 1 � ■sty ansae■.. t1. A.idoD. *Has property. t �i net. ,'o trouble to make S • uI. rata. 0. MCILWAIN, I t tl Alk. TOWNSHIP .kgent f Celborse. .urea ors - he�.e. ewe .1994110i;,..181 are -alar ie Tke execateea of the cr or , wart C.brews nal Kasten ►rftte�p•4 net will mod 1M•msat - w"w����� laet.•aw etrwre.la••s• p4ntad wet► f M tM Mt• ,� heir.. taunt the bon. pe.e� gDw'AIiDl10RTt►N - -------- �rtlrytI�{ Msh, sesnoroW terra'. P. J. leaI offer for ale sr 'ebbe mama u Ow �•�-� QTY-„�„�••,••"•Y�r w �� kTAAt: Seldellek. ;i tf I vow betel Dodeetrk. en FI V K ACRES Bedford Sdsvias • Pirlor s `aIitM hire •10p.1' teed -at at my. Iodate ghoe 15 town. i aro-clam barbers only en. - p;rrrl. Thin .ber win liana the env - f1 I. mere . uuuide wnrft ow req *(.rues and shears ret y >tiot- tr4asoap.. R LQt1fRt LIOK $AL.Lrc,- it• J�i�W.bye�eat�t�e. iris estaa :..TM weal a + e Mima'rlf?ieeil�s.r+ mid •'"'w ""v ' of tewMrr .e .n. M, t M aaMatl 5 r of 1.94&111 t ono -e. NIM mgtNrdsg ear hrwnd stat wean 1 M'smt( lr► le Wasted within one mile of the {.M1.rr� /era t 7 wm" et. Rwles', gee min. from Lionise.. (` IIrina .. A. �t1.LIAl1)e. i .,3. rbgg mllwm h�se D+.pwwe+• The load i1 awl tty wens wt n .r e1m•r.d I r ARM FOR MALE. -THE EAMT ••d try a fr.ww ten sire'. the p,e any � �a. =I. w wg .. '4'gh /M Mad. MVR falhK 1 1 •Tm ti•• .f t"L�M d I r "eJ.. Tb. per D.ew.r OF I BATT ADA Y JeY V `3rd. telt. it is expected th t lb will• was no otber business done at the meeting. Mrs. Ps ton Dead Almost a century old, at the ripe old age of 1X0 yearn. Ann Cora Patton. relict of the late John Patton, died at her lata residence in Colborne town- ship on Monday last. Old ate was the emote. sf death. The deceased lady was born near Belfast, inland. and value to Canada about H6 years ago. irhortly after ber arrival, she married 111r. Patton and need since in Col- borne. Rhe was a Presbyterian in re- ligion and highly reverted try all who knew ber. 1 he funeral took. Iplace= Wednesday to Colborne celn- %eery and Rev. James Hamilton oMei- aced. The deceased leaves live chil- dyeo,Jarnea and John, of Colborne: Storm et Sault Ste. Aerie, and two daughters. Mrs. Edward Sbaw and Mrs. Perry Stewart. of Colborne. THE Star Theatre Hear tbe local talent at the `star Theatre. See the pictures they are put- ting on. Three Feature pictures • week, splendid drama end comedies which :wears you of a fist -class entertainment et all tinges. tB sena totem r Knotiare es Int beep - -- OW fit fewee P ems rent f tin Y �y r~ Mtlwe•fter.male a g farthetialtetalsoi r urltMa eller n a -sols is "At gariteniae. and wean New ef ado aepi1 r JeM HA m is Kltr ■ RathmMd. et. Helen pert edam. « is MS Local Talent Wanted Any person wishing to take part will oblige by calling at Box Office in the evening or drop a card to the proprietor. J. A. CULVER Proprietor IMPERIAL CAFE Why not • box of CHOCOLATES for your Cbristitas Uift? J. S. DAV EY Jeweller •tod Optician Corner Colborne Nt. and Syr. u. 1 \Ve have a full assortment of Gift Packages. Chccolstes in bulk and Christmas tree Novel- ties. TRY OUR HUME-MADE CANDY Wiah.og one and all • Very Merry Christmas -and- A - Happy New Year William Holland Dead At the age of t%) yes'+. Wrn. Hol- land. a biytlely rrspeeted resident of (inertklt tor the past 1: years' died at ibis beam. Brt»e..street,• en Wed��-- day'Dornia& atf�r Ili: mnY '61'a&ftlt five otonth., death being doe to mus- cular heart tremble. The deceased was bore in Wbithy and went with his parents when he was about five years of age to Ilse township of Ash- field, where he resided until he moved to 00i/oriels. He was engaged while here in the grocery Waleson and estah- lirhed • reputation of In .grtty. He wee highly rerpeeted by all who knew him. 15. a _ -11-18 Mr. Redland was . Methodist In re- MIDI/NCB r p gt1D CK AND FARM PROP I u11,14-0:0,1 'MDRY. yt. U. CA11Qu cwt !ran and *Heeded North street Meth- D iGItI I McMt« r it la. �a Meth - ice y0a sal g• -i Mee W phial wM U. W. lodge No. � and wee w DKN 1 church. He was • member of eM��.eararsi� awls mound ON Mq•ru•e' - - the .O U fetal wad nWNW.dei n•• s o erne m If Comet satire In politica. About 1M y�sr.�r I..W�s�r t�.ve w ass We s k••w• yret ■ .go he mauled Miro Lydia Mor- TMOII •A OUNUit\ Clageor• MAI 1 ri., who et:rvlem him. Two brothers I�ODEAICH �I 'BUS LINE Two 'hetes meet .11 trades. Prtrwte Mi have pampa and careful well... Fleet• Mse "'re e��t. al .M tinea Emieseprisma 711E DAVIS LIVERY T. Ig. DA via RotaProprietor Thies No. •1 nlIBIRARLIC RE$IDRNCR FOR " ISIi,n.. se tom. tmerf� S: , �eI'�,TiF sore . no �r s..wt : ` rFI' /a-tke rww of I kr M smt1t�.derw�!emgg I mme M aq rrers•�,Yrtt. O.esrrid.. Bow. IL Asstiwosr' nPPOR'i41Rn'T FOR INVESTORS � = el~s�tr ��� I a wee lar ear we pert 'sem. orbieled WOWribs pe. Wader wad emeweewSI beemegt- Viral �tr io,s. u+.....r • ills �kristnc lifts) of choice Cut Flowers are always tsoet eee.Ot•ble .ad sae be pre. mired tress GEO. STEWART Pietist Orme Serest Oar favorite* are Roses, Car - *edam, Valley, Vivien' ■1•d Orchids. rat: the ■w who le le the MOM 111111 mottle hi. Mas -Jame.. of Onderieh, and Thorn's Nt -, Warren. of Penosyl. tante. The fun.rel will he enedneted Fri- day rhernon% to Dneg•nnnu name - tory. Rev. W. K. Hager will eAkiate. iReed Peelers Perhaps the prwtlsst pesters erst Mows a Meal hill (heard. are now die- = ► g1 yed sad shawl" the berth of �tiYa M eatable at rsfkbhsw. ReosA. any el this memo of the yam that pestsr k aamd. highly Isreetlsg i ee IIsi The peeps.* are ..emeses ley the heat .ragapare , W the R eoekws assosl.tI•wb.woofers eive Wan fed 1. t 'Wes maid Mar Itt1 girds rod t be Vatted t#•ees at the preeemt elm.. -1bis■d_ peters ea Ohristesaa er- amen sestiengt S H. T. EDWARDS 'Poone :'111) Prop. 1 dNbttterN/b/b tV rNiesdtereset ttVi/b There's Only One Thing to It! TF the weather does not lend to this festive season the cheer which should prevail OUR STORE WILL Filled bang full of pleasing things for this pleasant of all pleasant seasons. Seeing is believing. C_ - WISHING YOU ONE AND ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS ' Pg1O. k tel W. J. POWELL THE NUASe 1 1 �•�/Vb rVN b/b/bb Extra Speci ' . -action LYRIC kTRE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, DECEMBER 22, 23, 24 Having secured at great expense WARWICK'S ORIGINAL SINGING and TALKING PICTURES inchsding the only Singing Motion Pictures ever made of the world famous Scotch comedian, " HARRY LAUDER," in " ntop Your Tickling Jock" sad others. Alio featuring "GEORGE LASHWOOD." Intersational Favorite, in „ Harem '• and others. These Pietnrwp are direct from Hipprlreme. Patilion. alai Patties Theatre*. London. England, anti can only b.. ►Pen and bei d here. This •ttraetion i* put on in addition to our Special Picture Programme, w bi-h w iU include : - TWO SPECIAL FEATURES entitled Father and Son,also The Night before Christmas Admission, for the Three Nights Only: Adults. 16c.: Ch.ldren, lO i 10e.- • CHRISTMAS PICTURES In Sepia,, Carbon Photos, Marines, Heads and Figures, Old Colored English Prints All in the most artistic Frames to harmonise with the picture From 20c up to $75.00. Nothing i• mote Appreciated orses such Iseting pleasure as • beautiful picture we have • Ierge .'.w r tweet Most�toeL with prices to suit all puree.. Mao a sites hue of Statrary,China. Brass Goods, Leather Travelling Cases. Ladies' Taney Bach Combs and Hair Ornaments Silver sad Bead Bass, Card Cases. Christmas Cards and Booklets Th.. is the idea) pi... to .elect your Christmas promote. It takes the lead. _eta- s.= -=.._._c --.--- Hand Colored Landscapes, „1 Smifh's Art Store Nest Town 1.101