HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-18, Page 3THE SIGNAL OODERICH ONTARIO THE OIIGINAL IND ONLY GENUINE 01WARR OF IM ITA - TIONS PSULD ON THE MERITS Ok IINIRD'S LIMIER BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS anti LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS A11 ordo atteaA b at leaving sew at TB 1110 O chile A. E. TAY Id) tlrlaATrolaD. MEDICAL` UR. W. F. (TALLOW. M. B. a `dko 'eked tb tee' Hodb in► aim Wobble 11IL F. J. It. FORSTER-EYE, EAR. \ll. oo alb York OyetWssb sart d peal uei t•oal Ambit,Var. Noe.ad boat uuld•a Square. sad YwrdIUd tzs• 1 nada.. Saalawd. !labs, M S. Waterloo etas.. trawM..pp.ite Knox Church. Hoo.. f. e tl a. a., to I p. a.- T t. t F m. Teleobo.. Si. u. D118 OWL AND H. E. WHITING 11 HLIIIMANN. motk...p 10110.3 unease'. Yet eklldre.'. dtreser, &cuts. hrenle. awl swrseai dl•1sd.r•. aye. ear. nose • nd l broil. 1•mbago and rheumatic condition*. t Are North .serer . third deer from the ti.laart. LEGAL 1 )ROUDFOOT. HAYS & KiLLOR- 1 AN. barristers, austere. actarle pbtl( praetors la tae Maritime ()cart, eta PrITato hindsto load at lowest rater of latared. Om Han Ade lyase, Oadoriob. W. , It UDIfO r' K. et, E. C. HATS. J. L. 0. CAMERON, K. 0.. BAiIRI8- ilium" TLR, smatter, .stars prki_b. Oases - *west. Ordoelek. mire door from • awe. (IHARLES OARROW. LL.D., BAR- ItIST 1t, attsrsoy. sslbltsr, oto. Gods och, Moor, to lead at Rawest rates. AUCTIONEER. 'THHOMAS OUNDRY 1 AUCr1UNAMR box 67.Osbrleb. At la.tr.otbe .• by mall lett as it ses wW be ptla *t- raded to I(ariaeee telmmee INSURANCE, LOANS. RTC. p20,000 waa``' .0Duito. b(ON. eantss.r Hamilton blob Gobbets. W R. ROBERTSON. tt ' INSURANCf AOLNT. VIM *00 IMO?Oote : Britbi C.asdlas and £0 ND r bbl ups rmaaa arrrroos Laram' Leann, Thesod Ilaaraata• llaht esobleat, sod emssaswt' aY s• • U.a • sads .& .s *. stream. 'nose Ise. Jury 's Verdict Asks For Governmenf Probe Fifth Session of Wreck Inquiry Concluded on Saturday - Many Recommendations Made by Jury A/fer T?bo and Hall Hours' Deliberation - Heavy Traffic Done Here After the testimony of lirewitnenws i with the ace p:uryiog and most la - bad been heard, the inquiry into the navigable loss of life. death of the wreck victims, which has leo would recommend that the Gov - been in progress since November 13th, ' ernment be asked to issue • commis - concluded last Saturday, making the sion of emuiry, to include the above unattere, also the queetionn of.con- 'traction, power, equipment, in.pec- tton. loading, manning stud life-saving fifth session. The Ove r -anions were November 13th, 21et and 'Etch and Dec- ember 1st and 13th. Coroner blunter presided at each ets:ieu ; Crown Amor- appliances on lake freighter,. uey Stager conducted the taking of the it's wish to add that it appeals in evidence, nottl►el'as•dian Mercantile evidence before us, and during the Marine Assoeietion was repreeented progenies of this Inquest, that a steel by Mr. J. L. Killoran. freighter in clear and not excessively The inquest adjourned on Saturday heavy weather approached Gnderich about 3.:11 p.m. and the jury took and remained out►ttle for several hours, about two and one-half bouts to bring de.iring to enter, bot oveicg to dim - in their verdict. It was: - ruttier elect would be reteoved by its V. find that Thomas Stone came to completion, as suggested above, was obliged to leave aryl on for protection across the like to an rfllcieutly equip- ped harbor there. We regret that it is so difficult in disasters of this n:ature to identify the bodice; of the loot. and we recommend that a more ancient and stringent method be scholia( d by vessel owners to keep • proper list of all persona on their vesicle. rhe Jury wan composed of Messrs. J. W. Santee' (foreman). Was. T. Jen- nings, Isaac Salkeld, Harry Salkeld, Rosiest Andrew', George, Andrews, Itolert \I Ilwain and Chris. John- ston. TUE EVIDENCE. At the lot sersiun the principal evidence hinged up.m the testimony of the captains of the two boat', Tur- ret Capeand-J. A. McKee, which were both over 44 hours late arriving here on Tuesday, December 0 h, in conse- quence of the second big storm on the preceding Sunday. Cap'. Reginald Bassett, je., of the Mesmer McKee was called. 11e write] *at he carpe down the 1 ike on Sun- day, December 7th, and could not see this h arbor, no turned and tried Sind Beach. Ar he could not get in there. he went down to Sarnia. Ile held that the breakwater sbould be made higber and the intervening basin sIotld be eularged and deepened. Witness said it was only • question of money to snake Goderich a harbor of refuge. At the present time be con- sidered the breakwater no use to the harbor when a northwest wind was Wowing. Capt. P. D. McCarthy, of the Turret (',pe, whose res.*" was also 48 hours late getting here on Tuesday. was the gerund witness examined. On account of Sunday's stoma he eh sped a course from Thunder Bay to Sand Beaeb. lie said the snow was . had he could not stand it but steers l fur the 8r. ('lair river. He kept out in deep water to avoid running ashore. "There was no harbor on the hake be could enter in a bad snow storm," be said. Under the condition., it was the safest to make for the river. thou -Oat the Sailor. Goderich was not a sate harbor to enter in a storm. It was not proper- ly equipped. Tbere were many things which should be done. «intended the m•riner. "Te gavernment hasspent so much money. it would be folly to go other places to make a good hat bee,' argued ('apt. AfeCAri hy. Ile said toe breakwater ehoul.l be completed now and the opening 1e- tween Ibe pieta made wider-. Ile held that them tin light on the hill should be made into a red and white fl fah light to distingui-h it from the town lights. It's no goal at *11," raid the wit- ness, when asked about the fog signal. ••When 1 ere the .Impreveurente made all over the lakes. there tee.ta to 1e very little. done here for the amount of baldness which is done herr," concluded Capt. McCarthy. Capt. Edward Robinson, of the sterner 0. R. Crowe, OVA a son of t'. t. Win. Robinson, the present 11 thous* keeper, testified that Goulr- eb was not in an sense a harbor of rearm, but he thought it could be made as good as the ports en Like Itrie. The suggestion as made by Capt. McCarthy. witness considered were necessary. Ile hell tbet the harbor here was not rquipped as other places. if these improvements were mode. (hie harbor would be a fairly good harbor. he thought. Oap'.Frank Johnston..of the. steam- er S. N. Parent, raid list Goderich jp relive at all. In the pre.rn eon inn br ditlergbl' elm harbor here was useless. ••You might he able lapel isle (lode - tick in • .term." said the crown at- torney, laying eters. op the "might.' his death by drowning in Like Huron by Ihe wrecking of the steel freighter John A. Stellate. on the t)tb or 10th of November, 1913, caused by a atone of unusual vrlocisy item the north- east shifting to Northwest at:.nnpwn- fed by snow ; the atom traching the upper part of lake Huron et about 2 p.m. The evidence produced before us ghee to show the following facts: Mot this stores wrecked the following ,lc.I freIghtera on Lake Hui oo: Steamers Price. Regina, J. A. 91cGean. 1Vrzford, Carruthrra, Argue. 11ydrus and Scut. That the lose. in lives will 191 and in pr)perty 112,51I0,I1111. That the steel freighter -WVg sfw+d left ben dock at -.Sault St. Marie, Coterie., easily Satin - day morning, the ftth of November. bound for Godeiich, and some of the other freighters which were lost lei the ricer S•. Cher on the morning of the 9.h of November. Tbat storm signal were ordered up on ?Lid ay montane, 76huf Novemler, and wane Least dis- played until the morning ef the Itch of November. such signals indicating a heavy gale from the northwest. That a btorm ef severity occurred on the night of the 7th and during put of the 8 h of November but abated to shout. 1.; miles an hour on the 1$b. That early on the morning (I the nth of November the barometer was rising, indicating clearing weath- er. That relying on the barometric indication and his (ur. observation of the probabilities Capt. Stephen of the steel freighter Kaministepee left (lode - rich harbor upward bound on the morning et the 9th of November. meet- ing the Wexford at .about 1lt.311 the mine morning *bout 30 mules north- west of (ioderich making good weath- er. It is prohaWe that lie vessels hum t he 8r. Clair s icer alto acted upon hero- melsic indication,. and upon the fact that the stem had apparently passel, and so disregarded the storm signal still being displayed from the 7tb. A represrntativeof the Meteorologi- cal department at Toronto stated in his evidence that it was well known to that department at las.:p) p. m. on the 8:b of November that a storm n[ uouaual velocity was about to na: b Lake Huron almost immediately. but no intimation of thin was sent out, re- liance being placed on the co flouts' display of the storm signal put up on the 7th and continua d up as above st a ted. It in probable that had the knowl- edge possessed by the weather bureau at 10.3.) p.m. on tbe 8, h of November been pent Out by telephone for hail wireless means leen available or to doing) at least some of those vessels would have been prevented front go- ing out into the storm then impend- ing. Considering the appalling lows of lore and property on that occasion ; that Goderich is nominally a h4rlsor of refuge and the Only available harbor as such on Ihe east side of the lake. which vessels can have recourse in strew of weather, and that if complet• rd stud equipped 4s a harbor of refuge, as are all such harbors in the roiled !Mates porta. some nt the said vessels might have found afety in it. Ortn•ideiing the vast amount of lake trafRc along this part of Like Huron exceeding (as we are informed) that elsewhere on any part of the lireat Lakes; and that I:oderich is the second largest grain receiving port on the upper lake.: and considering all the circumstances appearing before or, we strongly recommend and believe that the Government should witbout delay and at any coat compete and equip Oodericb hlMwor as a mobfwillitar refuge ;first, by fully °empleting the break well now begun : Pernod. by in- stalling up-to-date lights and ■ tog signal at the entrance of the break• wall. the present fog whi. Ile being %S- teely) inadequate in character, in .gnlpment, being Irtprcpeily placed and of no value whatever; third, by dredging to tbe eeo►msry depth the outbid* basin formed by the break - well so that ships may have some sea - room after the stress of .nterieg to mano*evts sod steady themselves before trying to enter the pier,. Without thew neo.erary •dd,l1 toe* Onderieh harbor will not withstand the expenditere on it already made as a harbor of refuge will continue to be no real harbor of refuge affording, we- ce.sary shelter for shipplog : while It le shown before ase by the evidence of mostezprrleneod and abbe mtoter neer- Intro oe the bakre that. if equipped ae • harbors of refuge. on the United Stale, ride are. Oode' ieh will ire c hat- ter available as a refuge we et her shipping in any ordinary y fresh which Towels ate accustomed to seek shelter. Ws are also of the opinion that had there been wit Awe eeqq pm he vessel* and on hi ed,i cl being tint heights of Ooderleht, h R lthe hinbeet point m n this chore of Lek* Hato*. news of the approach. log sores keewn to the weath- er harems at 10.110 p. as. on thw Sib of November weld, accordion to the 4mi/eeee. have been seat to vestals whether ow lake or M harbor and mo. *hied these 10 either retoolssd Is her. her as to have sought ebelar. 1. Ilene N have saved them from des$reethio XicitlLl.OP MUTUAL FIRSIN II U R A N CI C Orrara sad lactated awn ptep.ear Ue t o1s-1. JsIy'Prom. Meows iSea-a. Osatortb PAL: a w i~amJi. u. rWow. l ; Joh, • _ XVIIIIA Herb moot t1 Je bS 0.,Mea Yalnetm £ Si: J. w. v.., WYaa.rtilo; R S.ht. D a rise t• William 13.s..y. neas eta ; as lat.eahrAlabama. rm .r spa ull.s.s oat oat lb* OW& f M. WAttanWlilkiirt • MU1Dt Or KAI/11AOlt I,CHNSI O. Seth Quick soy Permanent Strength 1f you are run down or tired nut, f you takeeold easlly,beve eo appetite. we losing Aegis or bare other evldes.oe .( lowered vitality, try oar MaeLeod's ',system ResoTator nodes ourIM guaran- tee to rebid the rries pa be esedy Isle to give entire eatlafaettoo. It aide lye9tloe. tones up the nee VOWS *retells midi gheequiet and per- matsest ese.Ite. Ooe a bottle. Mm est rd by M Medieln. W, 6odeeteb, Ott For sale by S. R. hdw --a NUTiUE.- leen L d L AOENUY imausiy.l s.w.d ' Steeel „wat M• ;1.8°V441.614141111 wlbtpt ' reit! '' be Brophey Bros. OODIPIO11 The Leslie( ai Medan aid Embalmers Ordeat alfa Mum Welt de tier. "Yes, If you were fool enough to try an,werrd the witness. Mr. G. L. Parsons, supe) intendent of the Goderich $levator & Tren.it Mteetlfled that about 11,101,009 is of grain were bundled hen yearly. Ile said (lodrtich 'stood sec - odd in gloss receipts and first in do- mestic business of upper lake ports "rif.n, the port of Midland, came first," he said. Ile said that his firm has handled 8,400,000 hurlaele and the Western Canada, Flour Milia lha. bad handled about 3,0I10.(L4) this year, makinga total of 11.500.000 bushel's hanled through tbe port of Oodericb. CORONER'S REMARKS Coroner Hunter summed up the evidence and then stated that the in - (nest had been called to find out how, and by what means Thomas Stone. fliemao of the steamer McOean over whose body the Inquest has been held, came to bI. death. '•l'nfortunately" he said, "then was not a survivor left to tell the tale." Ile thought the mown attorney bad put all the evi- dence possible before the jury. lIe said Oodericb had been known nominally as a -harbor of refuge and that all the mariners examined as wit- nesses did not consider it such and were of Ibe opinion that the Improve- ments too ld be repidlyg completed. Ile ?wondered a wireless telegraph appatatus here would be very useful. Ile bold that it was unfortunate that Canadian vessel owners did not keep better t.t.h on 1 he crew list as the United Staten boat owners dirt. Ile raid this was illustrated by the fact that only five holies were identified Out of 17 bodies recovered from Can- adian vessels. FORMER BANKER SHOT He Was Manager of Plum Coulee Branch of the Bank of Montreal Mr.- H. M. Arnold, the murdered Bank of Montreal manager at Plum Couke, Manitoba, oaf at one time connected with the Goderich branch of the Bank of Montreal, leaving here twelve yrars ago. He was born ir. Sasser, New Bruna- wick, and during his residence in Goderich made a boat of Itiend.. He was an Anglican and an active mem- ber of that denomination. Hix year, ago he married his first wife, Miss tVehatrr, a daughter of tbe collector of customs at Belleville. After two years of married life lie lost, his wife and d d not marry again till • year ago when be led Mims Glace Todd, of Winnipeg, to the salter. He wan well liked and respected. "He was one of the cleanest living chaps I knew," was the opinion expressed by one of the de- ceased's old managers. A son of M. jor Antold, of Sussex, be was clrne- ly related to General Williams, of 'Kars fame. Besides his tuber nod mother and one sister in Susscx, he leaves a brother, also a Winker, to survive him. At various tiniest be was • member of the Bank of Mon- treal branches id Ilamiltsn. Goderich, Picton, Ht. Johns and St. John, taking up the sub -agency at Plum Coulee in May, 1912. Although vsveral days have elapsed since the Bank of Montreal at Plum Coulee was routed and Manager Arnold killed. the desperados who per- petrated the crirne have not yet been apprehended. The belief still exists that the men are hiding in Winnipeg or vicinity, and the search for Jack Krafchenko, inspected by the police, is kept up. Officers of the Winnipeg morality department turned out at twa o'clock Saturday morning and searched the resorts in Tran,cone, but found nothing. Krafchenko has many friends in Winnipeg, who, it is believ- ed, would conceal his presenc u. An- other rumor is to the effect that two men anaweliug to the description of the suspects were seen near St. ('laude a day or two atter the murder. A despatch in the daily papers later says that John Krafchenko, for whom a warrant is out in connection with the murder of Mr. M. M. Arnold, manager of the Bank of Montreal at Plum Coulee last week, was arrested Wednesday ntort:ing in a house on College *vent*, Winnipeg, and taken to the police station. Krafchenko was eaptmed without blocdshed. The police received a lip Hutt be was within the place, and forty of them surrounded the house early Wednesday forenoon and effect- ed the arrest without difficulty. Kraf- rheltko wan taken to the police station in an automobile, which also contained the chief and deputy chief. He made no resistance. - - Rheumatism, Lumbago and Lame Back can be cured by the great fruit. kidney and liver remedy, 1710 PILLS Brantb,Vd. Met* A• ta.13, 1911, Your medicine, Fig Pills, has worked wonders for Inc. The rbeumatic pains have entirely left me and f owe every- thing to your remedy. You are at liberty to publish lbt-. 11. II. GAMMA!. At all dealers 25 and 50 emits or mailed b The Fig Pell Co.. St. Thome., Ont. Soi In Godeticb by K. R. Wilde Druggist. Demonstration Cows Ar. your dalty cows making good profits. It in neces.ary to find Our, for st the femoro National Dairy show held in (:Merggeer the last week In October, the an oriel.. had gathered sine demonstrn on cows to prove tot we thing how way It to is lose good money feeling poor rows. All feed was weighed, all the milk wan weighed and tested, the results of each day were placa.tde.l in bold figures above each cow. Those two furnish the ex tremes for one day. A erten-year-ohs grade Jersey consuming al eaten worth of feed produced only 13 rents worth of fat. This mews that she Incurred es aloof eight rents for that am that the ford coat of one pound et EA wee iS emits. that the feed cost *1100 pomade of milk was SS 38, and Not for every dollar's worth of feed glees to her ebe yielded oely Rl rests worth of product. Claw to her was • Noes -year-old Oweettwy that on the tame day ems stoned only fit coots worth of bed; but settee what sbe did with N. *be proldes4 two sod a q. ter oaf t watt* Wi mods *swig ,fpMq 11'tttf ta►AY. Dec. Is. 191E 1 i AcCal1's Patterns l D 'M ILLAR u SON Perrin (loves Lasi Call for Christmas Shopping The last few days have arrived for Christmas Shopping and although the busy days of the last few weeks have cleared many of the most desirable Gift Goods, a splendid selection of all that is ap- propriate still remains. Christmas Table Linens Fancy Linen Special display this week of all Fancy Linens of which you will find excep- tional values, parts ularly in Table Liners Sets which are so popular as Christmas Gifts. Imported direct from "Old Ireland," newest designs, Cloths 2121 yards and one dozen 23 -inch Napkins W match 36.00, 50.50 to 515.00 a net. Fancy Bedroom Towels Beautiful assortment of the Famous Old Bleach tlgured Huck Towels in rich designs, hem- stitched or scalloped end. Per pair 51.00, to 52.50. Lunch Sets One of our special Lunch Bets consisting of one round scalloped Lunch Cloth and one -ball dozen scalloped Napkins to match. The set 53.28. Gloves Gloves All nizely boxed with greeting card to enclose. Alt "Perrin's cele- brated Gloves... Adonis rral Kid Glo:es, all color', per pair 51.00. EdlanLyne real Kid Gloves, per pair. 51.45 Cape Glover, black tae, grey, ser pair 51.00 Fut-lined Gloves and Milts. Children's Kit'. Gloves, per pair 75o. Fancy Scarfs Exceptional variety of fancy beaded Scarfs In .11 the newest designs, nicely boxed. From 51.25 each. • r Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs in endless variety to suit all tastes at from 3o each to 51.00. For ladle*, gents and children. Shawls Shawls tVbat would be more appreciated than a nice shawl for an elderly lady. We have the kird that the old folks like to wear. From 51.00 each. Neckwear Neckwear Handwrite showing of the daintest Neckwear in the latest creations. From 250. Hand Bags Hand Bags No more useful gift thaw a nice Hand Bag. We bave collected together the hest styles ever shown to town in a design to suit al tastes. Froin 250 to 55.00. Dolls Teddy Bears We have not forgotten the little folks. Smartly dressed Dolls and cunning Teddy Beare which will delight and Amuse the kiidies. From 25o to 52.00 each. Special values in ladies' Coats for the remainder of the year. ' If you have any coat buying to do now is your golden opportunity, not many left but. every one must be sold. McCall's Patterns McCall's Quarterly McCall's Aagazine Please shop in the morning it possible rbsee 56 Miller's Scotch Store ibm 54 -shad lltlle tt A profit of lee cents. Her pound of fat! cost under 11 cents to produce. while every dollar's worth of feed gave three dollars' worth of product. It has been desuo,stratsd to Cana- dian farmers over and over again that similar conditions exist In each prov- ince. Juet as soon as the keeping of dairy records becomes general. the profits from feeding cows may be.ex- pected to increase rapidly. The dais division, Ottawa, gladly ruppliei feed record forms and a heel reword book ; apply for them today, and make sure, by systematic res, that each cow in your herd makes a good profit on her year's work. -Read every adv. :in The Signal this week. O II i A SURE CURE FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS " Teo Days' Treadaent Freta ORANGE LILY Is a certain mare few a t dseerdors st wattsea. It Is locally ale Is absorbed late the suffering Wane. The egad sable. smatter seaseelled t.mean ale pet aro' biablood s sad wrist 't1• dredab.a to powdered aortooM no Utak t»atmrt snwsi booed as etrtet-, attortsin a keatlY r - sf tN ldizt t bomb bob but steal a mare of at< throb or boutta boobies. Iacledtwf 111a/S4 sad palati weuatruatlau. wosnre.a hmae et eke wale r*a inc.,Pl51.10 per twat .Ake Y .a•11110Not ter nam smooth • treat., .5591. A rte* Trfat Trattamat.' ;I.excel fer 11 days, w.rth 0O.' re east Pana to any aifrtng Mita. i►tte *Calf [. CURRAN. Wladaor, owl 0 wern.n who) .111 .one me Aar Ea.le.a 1 stamps asd address. For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere Direct From Factory to You Save $5 to $40 on any bed you buy 1hWl a hl se May las* est asiaa away dos, bane S hese Is oar vim t Too write for isa' fed/ Ilbobtioi Ube naw fee the rt•at1 ee whekovieri Vallee Hautes, lid teem sed lest .sir N. booboo. «4110104 .f boom sad On sen ewe at traberr 4m+ totalled stall y0 e.tA +eas.. rt. *.Na_, uaebaa 1sem .sad eaUmaa !stab oat 0. abide p.s Deed, 11 the bolo Pse feoew, POE a Mal WV trawl pelma .d a6 detvw the ..sda sr W AID) b your .0.10. brtulb sew .ad ..mads p6•41.t flare set WI -- Ws so ext laths. Seery porol oder wk see doe 1• wide\ to f N we e .4oeb w r los Sad nap dr duet r _J.trra or wwb _ wa e.e•raam lo sus It th 413 a need Wo mow. On roam R,stlealy Wises th• r yob dale sad pews we • shako of am whet. Pwtprt at Weer peter Ora it you wars bwta4 «best.. 1. sacrad res. We Allow 191,. w.a td der s.f OM S lea 360 Days for w RW, Pse bar. If yare ..t 30 Days p` Your Final Trial • .1..e. Approval $1,000 Guarantee Bond Protects You in Every Purchase Roth ol• w rob. r .ew•Prd b • ers._al.e bad of 11101 urns\ r pour Is.61s..a owl awn as M warkaasYp sad maI..lat, Net trio. tiro . will hay Parry on ow i .-. wl W. ant w ion Post .uoddsas• b•..ma w 1.6214 t• s.a nee. ale rode 521• orWk. bat ,«weal Tam risk setblas la Iela9, S .51 es W osr Oeo+- asulw mattwas m Iw bald pew srtaw M dttpos19sah alae ram aro Mit asebilled with the twows•isa Wo OSA .r .r•tnt Mie-4Nbar WSW SA lame l ea.m we .ad QUALITY Oasts we has.. setae* tae bustrosea1 Adie belay tat on eeid-g_a end end et a bid wake at Ws" ,ries. Tsui OM It Ile Met 1st/ plilR ear mils. Quality Beds __ r•___•.t,__ MANUIrAczusls>111•