HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 12THE SIG!?AL : GODERICR ONTARIO ' ! Tot'mianrv. Diu 11. 1013 to - IS ri ru4RTtt Ysaf A Do Holiday Mtoiiiftt at the Christmas Store E' the Everything/has been displayed t is task from end to end with Christmas pleasant suggestions - full of Helpful Hints for holiday shoppers. with but onetall�-to make f ll and the t and peasant as we can. The useful and the prices .revery ainate in oderateour and your Chrpis�tmas dollars agora these of this xpk ofit holiday tsthins saeasy P big exposition of gift things is that the useful has such a prominent pierce in it. , Satin Petticoats Another gift that is perhaps r little out of the ordinary but one that will he sure to be appreciated. We are *bowie* a lmiodeet of use of the tut useaufaetutere. The styles are MMI oew end absolutely correct for tea present ,node of dregs. Practical) all eiders shown. Prices start at 101.20..ca th $5 0.0 rod run up to each .V See our display of Infants' Goods We make a special feature of infant: dresses and aeeiueoriee, sad ars making a display of an lines that are particularly suitable for holiday gats. You may find just the thing you have been looking for. for somehody a baby, if :oot.ielask to be shown these really y The Giving of Linens Linens are always In order for Christ - mac ttivtog and no housekeeper ever has too any. No lover of Linens should odes seeing this great display of beauti- ful Linens we have gathered together fur this holiday selUsg. (food Linens are ose of our bobbies, and we have a col- lection that 'mode anythinh� othave Wee shown. if your 'tboug 6 shim ren Linen ward you really should pt miss seeing them. You will Ami some of interest in this beautiful Linen showing. Guest Towelling at per 35 if invested here. A Ch Special S ecial from the Coat Department The Coat Department offers these special inducements for Christmas buyers. They are worth your attention if ou have any thought of Coat buying at all. For the little one or the grown-up, what could be better than a stylish winter coat as a holiday gift. Small Girls' Coat $3.90 Coats for Ladies' $12.50 Infants Coats $2.25 Tbls is • apeeialVbr11tmaapurr end at it we have grouped a doses or more garments the actual valor• of which are ball as much nlaagain. They would 'ell in the rennin, wi yi se $16.ling hO o make $12.50 �� we twake a special prises Your choice of lot Infante and small children'a bear skin and tang' cloth Coats. Real nobhy little garment+•. beautifully made. Special Christmas $2.25 price. each only A special collection of Coate for gills up to 10 and l- years of arse. Good assortment of values and fancy -cloths. Regular vas ill to $7.0ti, Special Christina. $390 price• foe this lot. Each only e Home one of our - • •*He will be Pleased with a Tie if it is one of Reid's $engalines Reid'. Beegatioes are the quel- ,tr standard to turn's Ties the mnwry °set You ,can no 1stike selecting ode of them, tot any man. All the popular and wanted shades opened up for Cbrist - :►Cifmae'ellioR• Each its a gilt box ark,- if desired, at only.. JJVv� An Endless Array of Fancy Neckwear Ottr showing of fancy Neck- wear is decidedly attractive. Many new, and attractive styles are fe:•- ttired. The e.aortment is large en °ugh to give almost unlimited Take down Comforters for Christmas No house wife hut. would ap- preciate one ot our Eiderdown Cntnfotters as a Christina. gift. They ate imported from nne of the hest American mukets. The cover- ings arm of highAntAi t er t and Satins in pleasing com- bination,.The down filling is of best quality. Colors and design., suit able for ary bedroom. At 00 each $a.00. $7.5O and. 510. { Pure white wading filled Com- forters. covered with sijkene in at- tractive patterns and color combinations at, each • cboice.but the variety is so great there are very few duplicates. Each article at 50e or over in a hendantue box if desired. Velvet and laces bows and fancy tier. an slowed. 5 endless assort meet at each 25o. Imported lace Cotters, sew and attractive designs. at each $3 �M(� 25o. 50o. $1.00 up to.. •00 Lace Collar and l'uffe sets in white or ecru shades, handsome sigde- ns you will not see etse- wbere. At per set 50o to • Ladies knitted silk Ties with or without tassel, also every wanted shade in plain silk poplin. All 25c at the popular price of �assa�a'�t� The Children are in Love with our Dolls hont let Santa Claus disappoint them. See that he the brings them one of our beauties. They are the prettiest Dolls an c Dolls as that darling benicelytown dressed, upr many to theday. big Beauty with got wn for little st1: or''satin See i"Brown Eyed Susan" at soc These brown eyed'4ittons and fair haired it'. la are just the cutebt Doll youd eventime. if you look for a long Every child Woo -eel t hest: wants a them. Each in box, (heaped rutnpleue, only.. Our Big Beauty at $t.00 This is the D411 of Dolls. The one that every child wants. Twenty-two inches high. strong head, natural wavy hair, full jointed. No !tetter ,to he $1 had noywhere Each only Sweater Coats These popular garments make ac - re untie gifts for the school girl ot lady. Our stock is a product of the heft Canadian tfmpo� ed e have some very nubbyIgarments as wmil. We sell Sweater ('oats at eact'. .50 $I.st 132 Lilt. s.i.50 and 54 Dressing Gowns and Bath Robes These may be among the un- „soa) yeas odas none the isse,nioat acceptable Christmas flint'. 'ewe bare received from the manufacturer some very handsome garments that are being eleven this n a ekifo nll ne r the first time. They ta sootily. correct in eget! dei ietdn . material is high grade and they come in red. grey., �n hge.cardinal and heliotrope. Prievts, eech $t. l'3„ a3.00 ���QQ77• $0.50. $7.:,0 nod Beaded Bags One of the daintiest Kitt• we e real hand - have for • Indy are Thew are genuine French Bend Beare. ioesally good F slily. 'fibre are nnd o o alike and gnsli�y. ase �bnw abrwt a d,nen distinct stvls$. Any one would make a Priem t acc'dtabl' gift for • lady tosng.'sil. • $2 50 to 10.00 fo Sweater Coats for children W ahnw some really good IOW - menu. for boys andirl'. either to *lip on over the head or to button is tenet. Jeal the thing fon isehool esti/ wear. Prue.. sO . 1 7h . KID GLOVES yard. 15e, 25c, Idle ma' Plain ns, fancy c,Me. go e limy new designs, 'Lac. mss. Guest Towel', MI Irish Unen, hemstitched or satlloped edgesan, each lee, Yue, 33: and JV Fancy Gift Towels, pore Linen. at each 23e, 33c. 60e. 75r, $1.00 $1.25 and .... ,. innumerable Fancy Linen •rtiel.a. .00 A Gilt Yea Are Always Sore Will be Acceptable You are always safe giving a lady Kid Gloves for an extra pair or two never comes amiss. We sell only qualities we can guarantee and cheerfully exchange any that are imperfect or in- ferior in any way. Any of the following. each in presentation box if desired:- At $tat. Our real French Kid Glove in black and all the popular. shades. A full range of ase•,in nor heavy leather walking glove. t:Very pair guaranteed per- fect In every tray. a At $1.30. A IittMtrade French Kid Glove in glace finish or an extra quality P.K. sewn suede or heavy cape teselter glove very desirable for street wear. These glovea are made 1r,m the choicest skins and are un- Si equalled value. Per pair .00 From a Multitude of Godd Things in Handkerchiefs we Have Picked These Specials At $1.23 A fins French Kid Glove of excellent (pointy. All Glove in black add the leading abadee for fall and winter wear. This Glove is in • world's standard and for value cannot be $1 Lb At per stair .25 Initialed Handkerchiefs a li Ladies' Initialed andkprebief g l- DdciJe gua1. t t rs.mla ic, hemstitched and initialed. 114 ly special at each.. ..... Gide' Colored Haadlsartesef• 5c Girls' fanny colored Haoe.kerehiefe. highly 50 finished mersilka. Neat patterns. Special each Boys' Haedkercbids. 3 for tsc Ber7itwbv'M Bandkerebietr, white ground with envy sputa qualit•eF Wane. ,,.,er srgatr Polka dot. Heavy q y for 2541IYI0 !nitres. ('brit.•• special... • s Ladies Embroidered HasdaKbiefs. a for age Ladies' Swiss Embrnktery Handkerchiefs. i osesa of neat and attrataive o IDS. l or t.em*titcbed edt.es. Christmas 2 for 21110 Pile HakreidMud Handkerchiefs est These Hasdk-rehteh are of good q,ulitl pure lawn and five Swiss muslin. The designs ere the newest and the work of a high reorderly Don'. of patterns to select froom. ♦t each leitlelsd Hamlbet1Aiele ae Leslie: or gentlemen's l*Itialed Handker etl Handker- chiefs. Irish =elsllenvalues at each neatly so Neck Scarf Special Kskt'd silk Neck Sear/ with a vy fringe, r m . w full standard width and irrtgtb• Rfoend lethen $I.sn le ieebasS SS . blast. An eneepti ueliy fortunate peeehaee els' able* us re take ehls nnusuel creferies of these eery ueefel arrielee. Rech in • repel 11 Me bee tog giving. Raab All standard .50 Wool or fur linen gloves for ladies of gentlemen. in grey or tan shades, at per pair 51.50 to .50 Ladle.' fine leather glover. P.K. sewn. silk lined throughout. A very handsome glove !or street wear, at per pair $2.00 a�stttt- ouch es Doilies. Teat Clothe, etrwc4'�to Lunch theta, consisting of Cloth and 1 doses Napkins to match, each 't up in a bandanas' box. at ti MO, I. skin, s3 (lo to Linen Cloths and Napkins Our Table Damasks are imported direct from the British mater'. Matched seta and cloths in practically all sizes and dinner and tea napkins. Thee Thi• is one ot the beet and choirs• lot of Tilde Damask we bare ever put nn our eountera. The designs are new and the gtswli,y beyond question. Napkin.. $1.00 to $5.00 pet down. Clothe. 1.50 to $5.00 eacb. Two Tollrel Specials Two fortunate purchases of guest Towels enables us to make this special offering. at 23c. heal linen gue,.t Towel's. hemstitched rode. fine husk -e - buck. neat designs. Regular 25c 300 to :tae. Special.. Extrrtl, q•trility pure linen guest Towels. Veryneer/designer. One that i. usually "olfor more money. 35L Special for Christmas selling Luncheon Sets $400 These ioneheno frets are made from a Ane quality Irish Datua,k. A round Cloth end half down Napkins in each sat. The edges are scalloped and the designs decidedly new end ont of the ordinary. A Quality that will always launder nicely and glue eseelierst wear. most phasing gib. Tb. $400 prim �`t��/�/� Very Handsome Towels Another proper linen gift will to one ora pair of the very bandeome hark -is -hack and damask 'Towels that we tip inert the other day. These Towels are the best we have �,ener ablwn. W. bates seer real seri ns thee es" "exult box If gleets ieb seise $h e� Cert wlsh. e••Y .iwgly at •sail $1.00. $1.05 arra.... A Christmas Millinery �,�� =sale in m{INsaee7 emltlntrw teas Sum week. W e argot i /Mesh that sA w St 01 ninth. ♦ te.wseusata pass's•• Amin. and erfnttr�mltt$a ferns M over- saneted whnlinido hewn takes thew purse oeseible. Children's Hats $z. Fitters or Ste'r'n it'ir j�: Ma se. es wtth'$1 45 • May q to �. . snub ssly •.• &mere*, etc., The Home Gift A Bissell's Sweeper No more welcome gift can go into a home than a genuine Bissells Carpet Sweeper. We have opened up a fresh stock for this holiday selling. It em- braces all the best sellers in the Bis- sell'sLineS. With proper care a Bissell's Sweeper wili tist•ajeitfe time ed. in mahogany or oak, with all latest improvements. Each $2.50 to $4.25 prices fixed by ille makers. .00 0 Dutch Tea Room Tea Served Friday, December 19th The young /ladies of the Arthur °trete of Knox Cit.nreh are going to take px mermen of pkrt of nor upstairs Friday. December Ski. They p -ie ' fit- ting up a Dutch Tea Rona amid aervlsg Pia and light refreshments from Win to 7.50 p.m. Remember the dater Friday. December 19. 3.30 to 7.30 p.m. The Whim of the Ardour (bode of Kites I*sieh will be proceeds going to the foods of the Mete. .00 0 is charge. the Store open evenings commenting Thursday. December lath The stere will he opus ermines for the seseeuiswee of shoppers who Aad it isnposeibls to an• up town In the day time. Ladles' T Ham $ ibm tw �petRe nom aro � � �> Them sed t Mej Ilse 1M 45 -Ilee at style and resdpier roe,* e HODGENS BROS. 7=7"074: