HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 11WHY WORRY I
CbOo.re your variety and
oak your grocer for
"Clark's" . y
F r nursing soothes
Na-Dru-C• Laxatives
offer the imnportaatadvant-
age that they do not disturb
Ije rest of the system of
affect the child.
,,.abox atTOW'
I Iruggist'a.
Nailed Drove and themed G
of Crab. Lanni& 1711
Leave your Christmas
with us
Mr. Kenai* Campbell was in Gode-
rloh ooe day last week.
Miss Lena Helidrrson. of \Viegbam.
. pent Buoday at her horse bete.
Mrs. Sibs Gilmore, who had been
sick with pleurisy, is recovering.
Mr. Rory Marl/wield bas gone to
Holyrood, wbere be intends wotkiog
in the words for the winter months.
M1111 Mary Henderson, of Kinks.,
and Mrs. Wee. Johnston, of Lucknow,
visited friends bare tar a few drys last
Mrs. A. Mugford tai reported to to
rerwusly ,Ick. Her health has out
been gond fur irons time.
Mr/. Mtepben Butt shows little or no
o leos of ineproveweeit in be.ltb. Her
condition causes anxie:y
Our school tracheo has resigned.
She was a good teacher and it would
be to the great benefit of the scholars
if she remained.
Metals. Elwyn Long and Kay Moore
have leen hose of 1.te placing • tele-
graph wire between treir respective
6o111.11 for the purpose of lerruiug Everybody l J TV R t' f l.n d plowing, has come to au end. How-
teIegt-•pby. Roy. J. B. Ford, of Underich : Rev. J. ever, we always welcome the sound of
I• will be missionary day on Ben- J. Darrow, Rev. H. Winans anti Rev, the we Miens.
miller circuit sex's Smiley. Rev. R. U. 6iomm. The proceeds taken in et -
J. 112Coueick, M.A., of llulntesville. the door were $1:I$, snaking over $1tAl TO ADVERTISERS.
takes the enviers as .innfillows: -Btu- altogether, counting the bunchy cul•
wilier in the rainy, Zinn church in lesson. -
in order to have an earlier biome of
the nf.rlt.00n and Bethel in the even- rrlarives at Port Albert nn Matwrday, The people of these parte were griev- The Signal each week, we would ask
init. ed to hear of the death of S1i-a. Thome,
Mr. and !Urns W.li. heed mid thecir- 1 advertiser+ to send in their copy for
Certeinh• Mr Benson Cox it bent cedar Mtown a visit on Reed ay th fart Pentland, wbo Lied Friday attrrn,ou, changes of advretirement not Inter
N000 s.1. -e hi. „ate ate meal our..November aiW, at lidwnutun, Aldxr-
lie has recently sailed a 14I.t bsi.Id- w"".k• ta. at, the age of 74 years. Itecearefl. than Monday evening. It will to to
'Mrs. \Wellington Henderson was ale the interest of adverts-erv,•ar .veli es
ing to for rear of I lie stain eitructmr tenses maiden name was Elizabeth
which will contain shed,- kitchen and lutist of sire. W.G. Area one day last VanNorwan. was torn in larn•hitry fecilitat'nK the work of obis oflew, if
bathroom- These iwprnvernent• are week, towushiy, nor Orangeville, rod ht...strict attention Is paid to this re•
going to make the residence one of the Mr. and NIrt.ed ieAM. Treleaven, of childb. 0d days were spent in the quest•
nicest and lutist convenient in the vac- itlplr)', visite,! friend. at Lanes on Sat- VicIoity it Betgrave in Huron
bossy. uM.y Inst. 14,001. las lir year Itii7 .be-\1:ijor-General Cotton. inspectrr-
Some of our cttizena visited in (:ode- corral of \IiliU.a may soon resits and
Tnoae interested in the Temperance was united in nsiliige to Thomas
IndgrtalledwrprcinlulretinR••s'l'urs- tick lar«ly. We ,arse they touu'1 Prntlrnd, tubo preolecrn.ed her lass snrctededbyBriK.•lieu.rallrrwtd.
1' h II the toad long lonewmeon the way June.nit August she in company -Ur. Thomas R. Henry. of HNrrla-
bli ed to char
Mr. and Mts. Jobe Mangey visited
at Mr. Janne llea/le� a ut Friday
!lies Maegaret McNain, of Lockeow
high school, spent last Suoday at
Tis* people were all sorry to tae the
Mornay weather after toe hoe weather
we were having.
The tussling of the Wotn.n'r testi-
Lute was held at !lire Annie Nelms -
on Demobs, iib.
Mie Edna Pentlrrd wits borne from
ber school at Belfast over Sunday.
e lan Moe Ida Ba-kley Prow Loyal.
Mrs. J. McWhinney visited with
her daughter. Mrs. Fred Quaid. of
Dunlop, Use former part of boat week.
Mrs. !ester Church and children, of
(ioderich, scent legit week with Mrs.
Chinch's sister, Mr,. James John-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell, of
Westfield, visited w ith tis- INttee'r pot -
o nto. Me. end Mrs. J. Barkley, !rot
Tore Union Sur.day ecli of here are
preptr:ng tur.Clt,rirtmr+ tree to be
held in the school on Tuesday. Dec-
ember VIA. ,/,1n excellent pr•ogramuae
Ir well tinder wry. is wr -
al lee May iiba.b&.tu.. DI l'oroMu. ie
vieitieg bet parents hen's.
Miss M t Farrow visited
friends bees fur a iew days last week.
Mimes S. Laaefosd and Nettie and
Kama Sproul were to Qoderieb ooe
day last week.
The funeral of Min Della Mallough.
of Toronto, formerly of Dungannon,
took piece trout McOaw elation
on Tuesday December Kb, to Duugae-
non cemetery.
Owing to the illness of Nin Beatty,
wbo returned noose last Saturday,
the junior depart.neot of our public
reboot was closed a few days last
week. Mr. Benson Case is stow to
cbarge of the room till Christmas.
The Methodist church anniversary
services were held Sunday morning
and evening, December 7th. Rev.
W. Robinson. of London. formerly of
Dungaunun, pe+'retied at loth .err
vices. A bot fowl supper was swerved
in the 'basement of the church. after
which it good programme was given
in the auditorium on Monday evening.
Mite Luta Lyman. soloist of tint
Methodist church, London. and Mr.
Cyril Hayes, me of the best reader.
in the country, &leo of London, were
present. Addressee wens given by
Nov. o insun, o London :
Mr. awd al.. 0. H. Taylor wee vieit.-
ing their dattabt.r. Mts.WIIITaylor. of
N tldssay.
V r. Golden Merriam', ref Ooderieb,
*pest a few days visibielt Isis aunt. Mn.
W na. Campbell
Moe Jennie Barkley. of Asbfleld. ie
speeding the week with her slater, Mrs.
Albert Campbell.
The We.tlletd church have in■tilled
the Rine -Knight Oauline lights,
which we hope will prove sirceer.lul.
Mr. Tbotuas Reid and family return-
ed borne from the %veet on Friday.
Mr. Harry Manwering, of tat. Helene.
has started work at Mr. Junes tSaun-
der's hall.
Mr. Thomas Andenoo delivered a
Ane driving 160400 to Mr. Janes !Osw-
alt at l.ucknow on Turrdey.
Quite + 'minter from herr attended
the funeral of the late Mee. Thomas
Pentland, of Dnnaaenoo. on Friday.
Mrs..lawes Weisner and Eddie, of
near Lucknoty, who have been viwitiog
the former's daughter. returned borne
with Mr. Webster oil TnsOday last.
The tine weather which prevailed
during the past week and which en-
abled the farmers to Huish their fall
W. ran 1611 your 'rder f,.r
Yes lt.lsinr, Currants. Perls and
III Itlucrry Need,.
Y011 nil find our *tock- flesh
sed complete.
'1V. also have a nice line d
Call 1,1 Phone 146 Hamilton Mt.
%1'4 II.t,• ,u, opn delivery
tt'e . Nr, y at this season and
at all -.,naw very adequate
ane of .011 toilet articles ■r :
Tb'• 1• a rood time to bre
bin I..oi y our at.Vk'1e at i
►..e rod if yon need mea geed'
•resere too Aso.+ rgl/l1'titlr
ear mem tient.
Mr. and :ire. Charles Alton were at
Gnderich on Saturday Ivo
Mr. and Mrs. G. %V. Lane visited
day earns. t at the rm{e ,•ate r borne .o erre u g e a sent
Benwller, to consider the wetter ••fsome ware un the rood. 1'br.'s ri tit, with h.11 daughter, Celia and her ton. waw yrrlwntral with w gold locket
ctintinuitig .r._ lodge. It - l -x t hoes• 1t* it too shoes ►o be reins• B grand -daughter, Alive Leura- Irwin. and ett.,in prior to his removes! to Oak -
Thr pleasant, NVN U the pair
have allowed a number of farmer* in
some, hot new heart and hSlee were, arrived there in good health and enjoy-
. vicinity to It«t a supply of anew!
.bele has Leen a slackness of ettrnd• 1 f h Werk, left fur l� rtR�� p'�ay a visit to her
once of 1410 which has discouraged: sun asst snare -•'tel siM l'eelthes►ti� y-in..a.a with
.girl, who killed her
play•rmete with an axe, hs■ been een-
teoced to ten years in Alberta peni-
-The (iraetd Trunk will ask p.rlia-
ment 10 wrMtien the Ieeur of four per
eenr delrn•ore stock to the amount
of S1u,ttUQtgU.
ill pirret M • ft torn out and the and straw cu•. It is •veru on.bm•
oontiouaute arid uwlulness of the king to -re rnen ploughing on
lodge was decided upon. D.rrwtxr Lt but each it the rase to -
Their was it weary crowd, if a mod• fist
(•ratrly •isrd one. at the box *tics*! While Mr. Jack Mack was letting
held at Z on chinch on Tumidity nl►tht' down the Inoue ..f w toarn not far front
Coder theobo:rmanship u1 the pastor here the men at work h4rrly escaped
a splendid plvgi:vnnstruf Irrdingt stn! ►•eing hurt. While taking down the
vocal and Matt nu,rutwl tau-ic wail int bent the other three followed also.
gicru. The lunches in the pests} luxes le was t.lruort miraculous that 110 wen
were much raj••) pa and there was j e11caprd LrinK hurt.
much nogIiiueut Ica seeking and enter-
taining the bitty whose box the gender i;LYTH
tan paid bit Ze) coots for. Drub - lees. \i n. Thomas Code i. serious! ill.
the e.oty, would have 1w.•n Much lam- I7
er if the night bad not been so 1.1*ck. ; Miss Peat -I T+Ines i, Iwwe from
Pet hap. it was for darkest night oft Stratford.
the tall • , Mie* Edith Jackson Is visiting her
! sister at R.igdeu.
Air. J. Wheatley shipp-hi. stallion
Mr. Il. Leal*, of LEtRdcan, bar taken to Lawrence last week.
es fir -soon at Y. Boyle'. bin ber sbop. Ur. Harvey Bur has gone to Clin-
\Ir. M' Mallett, of Sttatfotd, is. ton r,. Hr. he 6■. rreur.nl w position.
spending fete week, at hi. home, Mrs. Htemiltnn, of Auburn, was the
lx B 1 guest of Mrs. \Vsie. Phillipe last week.
hoe+•.Mr. John Henderson. of Hawick,
Mr. Frank Hancock, of M Mistime' vts.ted carr Miser. Yor•yta tut ark.
`tisk* tcbewau, i, vis.tiog with bels -I Mies Janet Hood left last week 4+
Live. in tomo. vieit her brother* at Saginaw, litchi -
• Clara Davi.. of Ingersoll. is g..„
vivitiug her preens.. Mr. and Mrs' Mr. Walter ('ooar, who his been
Daniel Davis. working in the west for a few ntontbr.
\Workmen are engaged in laying tilt has tetntrl .t hotter.
and toveriag in lir clerk, which ruwj Mr. K. R. Skon attended she pro
in Ex -..-ter North. entreat trait ami McUeuiturwl .how
Rey. U." W. „in. preached prep i.e. in Toronto lost week.
glory *tritium in tete ('.vee Presbyter- rr. J. H. - Rio..r and cA1Mrt•s. of
1*.i church on Tu,.r-dNy evening. 'Moons rosea,. visited relatiee. here
Id r. Tally. who visited recent!.' with during the p•sa work.
U.. and Mir. Amor. left Bloods) ford Mr. A. W. Rnbineon r • ree.ented
lir /Southern Stress, where be will' Blyth public llbrs.v at able district
spend the wa,tr,• `w.eLing held in Mlrat i.wd.
lag\I.-.. Johu.:uo, who has been .sit. Wti \'held i4-nn.tt, who ail' rb..et-
spe ter Chicago, weeks
wth be , and well I I Imes for Pwri.. Feasts•. 'sited
spend wvrrwe weep wits bar daughter, I at her hoot hair during 1 be west
Mrs. O. L. \Vanes' \I -■ IMroLIuy Tierney was .» las
steer! M-th.slitU ser Fleenor -sick I•st lest week •n • uw*Ale to sit-
ing 14. hold 1h.ir 31.1 outlive, sa,y u( t-sid tate tollegsate insulate at (11..
the shush. when Rev. J.J. W. Bead.t,M•
of \iuchell will be the piercing tit the M,.. E. J Moser. who has ,e'.4 4 in
day. wwtrru ('suede 10. "'Pia' years
Breve; W. J. Heitman. Rena. M. P11if•!sae tees e"..‘"111amr»g ami
Ft..ul try, of L shoe n Reeve W. U. tel -ads anti , rlativee is Ins. socias
Smile,. and Deputy Reeve Wrarlr)'• Mrs. Uestrv{e Mprswsfnrd. who Isar.
Of Mtruheo, were car li,wlrrtch lest vera here, vi.Iti•'g her pw.rnte. Mr- awd
attending c es it Mt.' J ebn P.4""• bar rrtnror 1 re. her
Tbe ladies. Build ..f 1'.ivitt Menwr• loose at Grand Conies . Seekateke
lel church held their ann.'s' bacon: in e •n.
the oMrabowtae on Fr,d.,y Th -.e .7It s. e+erwrwwl that Lena. Jasgb
an afterrrwn gra and .tile of sou. k 4. al
t" will h. a rsrldidats kw 1/411.1"end in Ibe evening glean was a ..+ata• at the next ennwseip+l ..1 sisN► �sr
years eau he was reeve and Wee one
oaf trip bro. chief usageetrete• the ,4
lags ever had.
0d her visit very much. However, int
her homeward journ..y;rbe was afflict ed
with a paralytic stroke et the bows
of Rev. W. A. 8with, o: Edmonton,
on Friday. November 4th, and despite
the p.tier:t uur.ing and .It medical
skill could do the patient, without le -
gaining conreionaor.-. arlerU slued On
Friday. November 3ttb, and departed
to her bewvenly hosier. The remains
arrived here on Thera lay morning
and were .nterKl in Dungannon eeul-
etety Friday atternooe, at two o'clock.
Deceased was .lw.y. kind and genial
She was w life-long Christian, the
beautifying Influences of which were
spread over a ebar■rter vire is and
pure. She was a faithful m«neber of
the Metbodiet church mod ..rte of the
must highly esteemed residents of ibis
community. Thom wbo were nearest
to her will long for a mother with
unutterable lousing. Th. .nrviving
mlewterra of the fondly ate B*ntuel J.,
of Arhfleld : Rev. Y V. IL, of Wwt-
f.nd : Milford. of Calgary , Mrs.
Brydge.. et Manton. Albert.: Mrs.
lie.n.ge Irwin ,t,.A Mrs. Wm. Henry,
of A.haeld, earl Miss Celia. at Inners.
One !ember. Simeon Van N.woman. of
Relgrev., .I.o ewevi..• The *yi-
prtby r.1 the engine cemstwsi,y ie 51.
r eod.d to those made de.. I. te by the
irteparab4. ken of a I..wed .w.
- A rodeo • nosy w -a Mutate
ah.,v.. W iartem
Be Res. MU/Me Alms
e t ears sae are r
lets 's'eu r
sum ��•s.etea�tstw.►s
sma....a. 4 :0011
to. saw sews as .se.
"o sti r M •sa men Ina*
▪ * .4 -ma
• ab
ea Mai Mat haIle rm.
Mr. ('. 13. Snell has pnrehased Are
Iota In it block nurtle of M .ie street
Metbodt►t churteb. two fto.oin. Male
street and three f tinting Andrew
street. OtLIbsss he veld i•wnrdiately
proceed to IwUd three or lout new
34.mer. (Madmen k Stwnlnrry re-
ceived word fr..o, Mr. M. U. Hanes, of
Frvdesleton, Ohio. to procure hint • Parisian Sage Starts Hair
b -s...
er, and be sou ski *sera hi. .
fwwaily tort.,4 o» Dreenrb.•r 30.10Grdei ig: mod Itraviblei
Lake over the Exeter Manrfwesur:n.t
Company. Umited. Its Abundance
Tb. ,,.. Ialwxs of M r Win. Dans--
fbld, Lake nosed, Meephrn. met at hie
bowieTbursday evening end pr-sen•-
eJ t0 N . Dunsfard mind woo r Mind-
. resse qui •rter-ertt oak table on the ere
of their auoveeg to Exeter. 'obe p.w
eotatioe was accompanied by au ed-
Main street MNhodlrt church meet
the following drkgare. 1., the rnles)..a,-
• ry 0onmenior .t (iodericb last
week :-Rev{ X. O. Powell and N.s.n.
B. W. F. Beam and R M. Primo,.
Garen Presbyterian choir eh test Ri►-
Hoar filighbory, and Mr. Ilene y
M Men . Ar lellineds wbo sem on the eve
of pureeiseIU4 jtw►n y In Tu. oat" and
I mutes ka the city. bail for Use pre.-
mit ei tr, rets.. hi in Kuser, and
Iran pp►ctlae*J an interset in the R.e.-
Tsykr fleeing mW t who Noe beautiful
Wane of the late U. A. Mom nn Andrew
street for which he paid ahwst tlalbt
The feoees•el took puna from Loewe
no IN Way to Kirbto.n moot rry of Moe.
Hese? 1Jerspe. Rhe was oar of the ,M-
art residents of Unborn* towwsblp, and .cwt udbt corsntrre „pry whet e.
had bene renewed to hes lea floes K. K. Wyk grommets., it.
Amnia resew w broken hi} Nix ann.
wall ging dagghter. Vide one !deer - Mr. and Men Wm. Vietebw, .f
Boos atsi im its. wevi . her--ne ' lose, srtehraded then wade% wealth'''.
elect end AIM.. of Cehwrwwii bathes, -Me, GrewWe autimis wMNrbt r'serlrl-
.tt t ""el I Ae11sm, art .wsRenteaas
,l*r .af the (lean r oink railway.
J«Iib. of MHw11et11 J.sepb. oaf she was Injured .t the In. Uaillarlwer
des, 1 Maw wed Kate. at home. wad Nafril.a mute than w lain" M•► 1.
S amoa sod Mrs. Fletcher. of tighten. dead,
.-(Aa11►we•le. Wirt sed ether. sees ow-
-Mown htie e1lrw' presorted Ion Rev. Pettieer MIIry sol (Maws
Mars Jim us et Ue�
.ve.1 swabP1 M tees flee.a Ie ha hi eltsix
Part Eris nos ate at M yeses of sew-Erisp..IM,
Mei ea e IMe�er. t i s etroogee M UMW
trlllrw il.
Lustrous Hair
For Women
No Poisoncus Sugar of Lead
or Sulphur in Delightful,
Refreshing Parisian Sage
1f you haven't enjoyed 141.. marvel-
lous ieurnt dee 'red tr.au amid tef, ear -
Ing PerlrMn S.ge. the wlodrrn heir
grower, beautifier and dandruff testi-
MIT, you have ,,rinseeti a teal trr0L
livery woman should .res P.ri.ian
a.Ke mot only to banish d.ttdreff and
other bead tro•d4ee. but to prevent.
falling bait, ba deme., era3M'• and
f..drd hair. Parisian M.gr {..rte W.
and lustre into •..v ,..sun'. halt. 11
keep• the scalp and bale trnler►wlrtely
clean. and comae tee balr to some in
tbirtk wad sibmidan..
l'rr•tria 14 Mage be swot • dye. i t dem
not santain w particle ..f polemicists
lead to Jts-olor the hair or any blew -
low Ingredient.
Get a beetle today. It only .Atte
half it (sonar .nd 1. alk) at drug eters
]tow L. lattaer. ?feii 1Nt6 et.. fir- Tnrr
ren. arta. ••t .•.Mt a tale. 1 .wed oar
beetle er )w W.r.y'■ R•W, Relies wit It
•...art4 r'4&i.. t bare alto Nora It ort•
40. • ern fat mete ►anal. t red It 0144
•1st nest far .ers: anapests ay • bnalrea
base ad. sad rm•reme.* It to say frh.*a•'
7w a.►rd is far b.) ..serer Irritant ks.re..
sea ta.wa.w tie b., re.aroc.ttr last ..e e.
a-* r Crwalela. lob n se ter l� el -
tot Md . aemit a sw4U w5N wait It ea
Mr eat at Ir tats seta MM M tetalaN.
were *AM a.asny be 1e tis ..•err of ars 42
oars* eas.er.
KADI AT a CO.. tlrtreal. Caa
Tnoseoav, Det. I1, len 11
[It's all Nonsense
For you to spend your valuable
time scouring the town for
Christmas Gifts 11
When we can show you every-
thing in 'Le line of ,
Men's and Pi -is'
Our Combination Umbrella -Walk-
ing -Sticks are dirt cheap at $5.00
to choose your Christmas Boxes from
- -AT -
McLean Broom.
The Square. Godericb
Car!artt Overalls, Starields Underwear, Fitwdl Hats,
Arrest Breed Cohere and Clefs.
Carving Sets
Large :assortment to
c noose from, $''. OU ,', $4. tat l
Silver Ware
Rollers 1847, Com-
munity and others. Qual-
ity counts" Full table
set knives, Corks and
spoons in a box. 416.0
,Pocket wk ai vefi
All sizes and kinds,
10c to 32.00.
Ladies' Embroid-
ery Scissors
Great variety', 20c to
Alluminum Ware
Every housewife takes
a ptide in her kitchen
and nothing pleases Her
more than the possession
of attractive, and, at the
same time, useful uten-
Cut Glass
Beautiful, useful and
111210 OUR
Folk ,
Gillette Safety Razors
TO 06.00.
Clark Illltdestrvetihle Foot Warner
Spring and hot.kr: .
Zi0c to Sei.fwl•
We sell automobile
skates. famous for their
superb quality, splendid
appearance and perfect
service. --
Hockey Sticks
just .the Lbw fun
boy, 13e to St. M"
Tool Sets
We have on hand a
complete range of tools
and can suit you both as
to quality and price.
A Vacuum Cleaner
Wins life-long appre-
Electric Fixtures
Re dint; Lamps, Cut
Glass Stand Lamps,
Shade , Electric irons.
Brass Hoods
Jardineres, Tray
Dinner Gongs and
What Would be a Nicer Gift Than a Happy Thought Range or a Radiant Home Heater