HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 1010 Tstunimme, Dm 11, Held THE dlUEAL : GODRRUCH ONTARIO Jelly Moulds FREE These wands are made of aluminum, which every well - Waned woman knows is the world's best material for cooking rastsils. They are also in the fashionable individual sires. Every up-to-date hostess will want a set. And can have a set FREE. Sibt diffenput artistic designs • JIM Ira to your grocer and yar- dman* three packages of Shirrifra Jelly r.wd•r. This grocer will SM. yes three .f these jelly No aids extra charge. Or he will 3r:. sin different asodds with sin package. Six packages are jest a trios ►saortrent of lavers - ala ailment demon. Aod six digmrv.t a.eeNs giros you the opportunity to nave tis different de- signs of baetifirl individual ;ethos. This FREE GIFT is merely ow peek way of ietrodu.iag Shirrdr Jelly - this •dessert de- tioious. In other cities wbere we have tried ibis plan it has proved • huge success. It wiIJ surely re. peat bare. But the eller is limited. Only good for a abort time. Your grocer is probably playing Sbirrie's Jelly and the moulds in his window to -day. CaU or phone hint at once. 10 cents a package. 3 for 26 cents. 6 Ior 60 cent. Especially delicious when served in combination with fresh or canoed fruits. cos Murrtfh THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1914 The Signal and Toronto Weeldy Globe$1,60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) The Signal and Toronto Daily Star The Signal and Toronto Daily World The Signal and Toronto Daily News The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire The Signal and Farmer's Advocate . . The Signal and Canadian Farm • The Signal and Farm and Dairy New r.6o Renewal.... 1.85 The Signal and The. Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.5o The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Preis 1.6o The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.6o The Signal and London DailyFree Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness3.50 The Signal and LI .ntreal Weekiy WitnessI. q5 1.85 1.75 2.25 3.25 2.30 1.6o 2.35 1.85 The Signal and, World Wide The Signal and Presbyterian The Signal and Westminster 2.25 ...•2.25 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.23 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Torolttco),.40 The Signal and McLeaa's Magazine 2.25 ▪ Tete Sgfeta►l seal Rothe ;or _rnal (-l'oroitto) • , • 1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (tVinnipetr) t.so pries are L,- .1 Ir.•..r.. u O.n 4.14 t,r (I•ra: Hritain The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine ,;.25 The Signal and Woman's Hcxne Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2. so The Signal anis The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 itlolading postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $1.00 vaPOWSII0s ad Thr Weedy of G Signal. For a ib 'hanti The Pewees Advocaat Geis bee Steel =Leg Saes --making the price of the three papers $2.05. The siignat sod The Weekly ser. of s The Toren, Daily Sts I>E, ss Ices stead . seie The Weekly Gabe Sete less ;,,thee sees... 6e t 1t --•the four papers for $ t6o. If she publi..+tion you want is not in above list, let s know. We can supply almost any well-known eauadfan publication. Send aU scriptions through local agent or by • pnsentice oe express order (not by bank cheque) to [ A. E. BRADWIN PHSLISNSR Tat SIGNAL Gedericfr Ontario DINT IN sign ! ---- -- HINDUS CAN ENTER a C Anne% 1. Net Peereed Witter Situation Asquith's speech at the the Natiesal !Abend Feder - W an white was entrieli • it was ezp.ot•* to throw t at the 6uestba of bow tar the a0tiatlote tor • aettlemeat et bole tele Dy agreement had b.ea •eo e estn1. dlsappolated thus. who were •aagyia• Wot a peaceful thaw `t abod be d•o•tvtag myself," h• said, 1t 1 said tact I saw at Oh moistest • prospect of agreement But 1 meant odour waft those wive fray tam. has been or is being wast*" Ta. Prt..d.sI.. rd tet chore was nu founilatice dor the sent• meat that on this or w otter natter the Os & t was divided. With reseed to a imesibk settlement by amsass% he held tt should b• carried ea bwss4 the resole of el.oto,al or ParBiMner tarp vWsaltudes. otherwise the Mph Ineetloa would Habitue to De the botbell of part/ letilice. ti) to. taint, taury of both Woad and the United ntgdoen as a whale. it was 1n this spirit, .ol4 Mr. Le - Vthat he tools upon himself to s not a conferrer d Patty err. but a free and tn- rs• •of views .ogg..tloes. hiarso roam to Bagalr rsiputipg toc•ptaac. et.tis* levitation by tap leaders of the t>gpdNoa, There was no wooed wWwer. he deine.4. for the leased mads by the Oa[+aevWvee for a general .leeteoa. Th. Government was d.ea.mas.d to Env. hoee rule to erelong a.4 tte�aa.s Itot pang to be Mg1t1wQ or .rrvstol 107 Memaces or chit war. The Primo Mtat.Nr also dfaa„o1at, fel those who had been a�.otty Ioao prono+tneemwt levee��••oot of a crne* ot the w d. 1Paedkitr. for arnameets. H. sad every one ut 5.ts colleagues in the go'vornm.at, he .ala, lamented as Much e• any man in the u..mibly the huge diversifies all over the weld of 'tetanal wealth Into poebrodeettq ohannals, but tie Dilakt/-'s were charged with a seisms trait, end 1n its .ps tormano. 1t was their duty to Sic hrtaian a vildLnt watch on what the Peet of the nations were , doleg and le oo•.tantly ready. O.NAD♦'8 OLDEST IA' WYER Mr Aentlllue Irving Panel Away - Old Tupper F.u.d iibed 11r A.m111us Irving. treaegrer of the Lt+w Society of Upper Canada, Can- Foldest lawyer aadsalaat Mason, on Thursday at We Toronto w He wan 61 years old. Norman Blamer*. a well known real senate agent ot Montr.s1. was tn.taAt- •killlr ed by falling to theatre, wtndow of h1. omee. Be' . er was accidentally killed forty - firs years ago in thalami' tanner. Thoma. L L/ndop. a, resident of 9t. Thomas for sizty-alx pears, died eller a long Illness. aged 14 years. Ron. Jules E. lama. eft-?udgs of tae Four days' Wawa.r court of 7.0tit toed at Ms City In s ?Ota year altar Four days' Wawa. Obrl.toeher Sawyer, of Dorset, was two lined dead m the lake shore after two day.' abases fres lids home. He less ah. or the oldest tad best known mad , teepee= et the Hunevtll• t M ifaa V-Uan.e, ons of the Malt - Iwo or tae Hamtltee hardware Arm bi Wood. Valleno. & 0... died brat Maida/. kr. G. H. Mel* ,rt. aa -MZ. for Mstth Perth. sod termer Demmer Spee► 1r le the Hoes. of OosaMs. died et se Marys, on Monday. • tlederleh Mestere Dead Sellers Dederick was f' aournlag on tkr =on of the tlnsnal of !N I Weed .amen Oho were I ng the big storm and were !untied fn 2fa�sd ry. lour were from t5. etalM- br Osrnttiers and ate from the Me- llen. Daring the !unseal all the. Mora wore closed with desire Meade ►ad ell civic Aag. As ' -4 at The lIrd Mglm•nthl Batd bsnola presmston. • Mysterious Dlagemeares.es Professor G. Y. Chews. Me !Ma[ tar tiereStseea's Bsome ay, ler elle artery a award of See iss oovry of Prvetrasop . lt. Iznik who, ityst•rtoualy disar.( lest west peller reetieem beat ten Wasti aRaon. i roll. r Olsen Asitsfa o wvetaer�tllaw of the anent' woo ry m the way fres Ohio, to 7bnetw whither hie trig eeS been called by her moan is 11M6sa ' Nth* Cn1vbtions es Oek1011Meeg As tb. er'eeelt of the sweet et two. sspottrtaettnanwest to Od aI ts6ei the her he- wgreauthorities w1r'. Haid again 6 rlttta- a1 .rigged beers et "Med la that trews. Ile bled �:ee� 'e» Meg t. �' 6a' wad tl♦a6 nee tat 1h♦ wen est•fMM. Pipeeig iers eear6.d says w1Raa.. DeaaCam aged twang K 1seat. •..sestand ha4 d JeseOk severe ., 1 iS Mead, orae less ....I. t, lateen ty' a bolts threat whim 45. tee were, Me upon by two u•haowa siimmerkee- a•ar Lyses Part to the Moa ee Sandwick. Their asamtl..te weds, r their .•cap. SI: rears Per Petr4.ld. Rohn (Medea. the yMmstg Iewasblp terser, who hl0ed thetas • Agit Seeded galla is a ahem of seansitionner lit fledegeh wed wee seelebeed le de years fa the. ltlas.se■ NtltaWary. homesWhile Pram ef. esy� >aasvfae•a Jr6a• eat .men .bot b ogee • pep lames Woo •Yeshse Ise solasad t� seSo c. d. Sam Munn 1rlaMM' et �O-•ma+ a j e Cblet Justice Heater sit British Colombia has Teo a sweeping d•- cistoa eu•etemning as Illegal all the /'ederel orders 1• Council which have hitherto kept Hledud out of British Columbia. Tito only grounds oa which a Hindu may bow be secluded are tease of Idiocy. disease, crime, or mendicancymerely grunteds which apply amine British -born uitiseas en- tering Cassells& eastern ports. There la now nothing to prevent entire ship iaab of Hindus eateries British otataaalw. DAol$G BAD WINTI E bloomy Outlook In West According to Labor 0415.1.1 Seventeen thousand three hundred ass ars out of .aptoyment to Wta- n!ese, according to a statement mad. by W. Hammond. past pr.sld.st of the Balldies Trades Council. to a labor 1ata.rtaghi. arrived at ale figures by a coastdersUaa of ods untoeleta pow td1e. He says 21.000 w111 b. 1d1. by Christmas. There ars to WfFalpg over We. ten 'Atomised trade volunists. Over Arty par cent of these are Idle, Mr, iiemaond said. Vater are stalely XX5.1skilled in the beading trades. . Hammond further .sited that several Western cities are feeding their unemployed leader mwictpal or• notable *smog thew being over and Brendon. BATTLESHIP LAUNCHED The Warrens can Stere C riewe t Peel to Take Her Around tee World Th. British super -Dreadnought bat- tleship Waraplte," so Improvement on the Queen Elisabeth, was launched at M^0*port. England. Elbe is to D. Istria entirely by oil engines. and has a for the storage ot 4.006 of liquid fuel, su.kilent to enable to go around the wore . m The sram•nt of the Winplte will =1of alght 111 -tach guns led 1 mitt -airship ens. 86. was laid down on October 11, 1312, and her Si{tnogted Dost when completed is ,ase m GUN I►oa ♦ILMIN Deadly Quick -firer Tried Out by Avis - tor at Ilsley A new automatic machine gun for air craft was given exhaustive tests at Bliley le the. presence of • d1•• Unguished gathering of British army odious and foreign military attaches. The new gun resembles • large Mk' la appearance , wjlghs only twenty - Devon pounds and b capable of Hiring eight hundred rounds a minute. With the gun mounted on a Grahame -White aeroplane, Lieutenant Stelltngwell scorrd eleven hits to fourteen shots, from an altitude of 600 feet, on a target of twenty feet e : re. Oenenl Booth's Trip [need A drunken man waa the last to shake the hand of Oeoral Bramwell Booth as the S•lvatloe had left New York tor England. The General had • reunion witb his brother Ballington from whom .be has been atreag.d for many yam, the result of the con- toreno, between the two laden be- ing an agreement that the Volunteers of America and the Salvation Array work head to hand for the salvation of ata. Ts. two oreanina tis. , bow - over, will not consolidate. Viceroy Making Trouble la a speech at Madras, Barn H Pto•roy of India. d•sotleaN • lloeth African laws and expensed gapth/ with passive rw•Istases o0 �e part of the Mans in Natal. H. else deaaad•d en impartial Inquiry $5. th. "invidious aad unjust laws." jnadoa reg r4. the Vle.roy'a weeds es uateetoaab ledismetlon aad fears Oat the ladle= fe ♦trios will be ..- eesra/ed to vfolwt mistimes. Meter ..e M Cltsrn jlatn l.ChayMlst . Somatota.y coma,. 1/sI11s Oaatiktee has approved the and dwMded to an fee• r d•NSsa for a aso�ssastl M OaasStal , wets to M Awesseleentfier Dm* Palk '` Nina to bolted ter James Tahoe a Nage Mr Aimee Whiney% medical demi bey* MstaMel that he asst Wm F oog p1.t• goat ea the one snags at �aga�Isg Ills formerstsad he 1Seretr has tett7'dye j�la�srtfM�Whet Mkept seen*. He will thaw•w,y f some thaw f e so he those!! a wend de Urinary 1a Maw'. booth erred elm meetly team the W= isallesly .M Masai pa•baar is the As laveselwtles 1. tang meethe Often was the Henan ispaed mere i1. boas telt Lisasw. who wee 'WOW et •Ittaaa. et Lea= ba.Nu.tted asia. Adams aosit ppeesented him a Mlnr tasl�W eawd.is5.s at over a tbwpad Idlers te 66 ole Heels* 0 the polo *Marten basdr,4 Grand Truett ars le reeelve sebetaatfal to their eateries as tete st chs aMw Waves iodine kftilliZiMR sad , Itta eke Uttar refelad LI 4e '.ees aisW a 1 I J, J J.-. PORTLAND Vries Ielwper► of oo& ti CEMENT . , • Ti- •- Vit' '- a t V. For a farmer's silo, a county road, or a railroad bridge, CANADA Pot1and CEMENT can be depended upon to make concrete that will last for gen- etations.-There is only one grade -the best that science and skilless teaks. Tha label on every bag is your guarsnbe of satisfaction. Canada gent Company Limited, Montreal Mery era Ca„ad. Cssanst b lrr Tape MCWnw't-limo /e ate bona Ii., art .r J9r hit s..... IhtNES FOR BEGGAR, Nor a Neapolitan Get S2dMM For ; Solving • Riddle. "On May 1s1 every year I have a golden head." For forty years the worthy people of Naples, including the molt learned of learned folic. endeavored to solve the riddle of this enigmatic inscription on a marble column, which an eccenMe Frenchman at the beginning of too nioeteenth century had erected is one of the chief streets of the city. On May 1st for a number of years after the erection of the column people came and peered at it, think- ing that its head would at least he covered with gold, but no miraeI happened, and at lot the people. got tired of puzzling over the riddle and came to the conclusion that it was but a joke on the part of the Frenchman. Then it occurred to the authorities that probably the Frenchman had buried the treasure under the col. ' nen. They had it taken down. but nodiiog but earth was found and n. ee umn was re -erected. Then came a happy idea on the part of Annibale Tooci, a beggar as lazy and as ragged as only Neapoli- tan beggars can be, who early one scorning pawed the column and Mood and stared at the inscription. It was a lovely Bummer morning, mad the sun, in • cloudless sky, ease • hong shadow of tete column on the M"I h ie it!" said the H. told nobody that he HH.yed ho had found the solution of a ay4•zy which had puzzled men for so manyeats, but on the following Arlt of May he came to the spot wall a pick and shovel. H. waited email the dock of the neighboring of Ban Vito struck ds, beganhe to dig et the *see initiated by the end of the column's shadow. He had not dug very deep Wore be came on $ leather satchel of French workmanship, which be quickly seised, concealed beneath his shirt, and retired to • lonely oourtyard to examine. Bresthlesely he opened the satchel and found within the sum of $16,000. After all, the inscription was true, and the eccentric Frenchman had not lied. Although a beggar, Annib0U Toed was • prudent man. He wen. away tea tl•.atna, ►•ugy„ e. small 6qa, and i sed on his property. aletvatipg his own vines and olives, Mali' his death a t - veers ago. e • eireirvieWithoorweeemotreemensaeowiltetetse Lumber and Building Material for sale In large: quantities THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co. are now prepared to supply all kinds of build- ing material, having a large stock of all kinds of lumber on hand, including Ontario White Pine, Shingles and Lath. Hardwood Flooring and Inside Birch Finish ,1 specialty. Call and see our samples of Birch Finish. Soft and Hardwood slabs for sale by the cord. - The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH Aged People sometimes ferret that peer teeth mad • improper mastkatios prevent.ulhletl nourish - meat from ordinary food ad berdeas the digestive organa, butt if every tau er woman pat / 6ily would fully realize the bountiful. saataltiag aserisa. ..^teat in Sco:t's Emulsion they would take It aner every seal SCotts Emulsion detains the renowned body-building fats of pure: roil liver oil, so medically predigested that it distributes energy priwer and strength all thru the body :ALM simplifies tete stomach's wort. To people in def lining k rare we say with unmistakable earnestness --Scott's Emulsion will add years to your life and life to lour years. AVOID ALCOHOLIC lablargriVirme tem vermastrapt- "MINSMonnoft Dlrect.- From Factory to You Save $5 to $40 on any bed you buy Woes st leer teem yam AM graft Mae devre„ eewrsee the peals or .wesessWawa as sea pea M 4 eemeer es. l'o'g aad Mallen ant O.► woos erseeliaie beam the fariaq is pear leo• sat fawn an a etrotw .t ser wAW ssmp.t. at lower mime Mom Ir Wm arra bevies illseurbers la eeriest lets. We Allow 30 Tri�ys W r1"• Miry dais' trial at ear arta,, rest bar. if foe w art there ibb eatkaea realm u. ■eel st ear .rp.,r• sod we Mara pools ..mer =OM le o6 nor5* .ter see hoe ghisheed g = neriine sari �a�� ebs.ttu. ot lama sed w- eir• eaa.aw. out is atdar a. 5 5. 0. I Y tea Priam s a moon gam an we Mor the ewesad • •oar Ttal'a int PliMeArte M- irot flew nese. Merle low ga ear Maw new for tr.ralae r ear elm era e, whisk to 'Z vie Z"'` en all hot Ili ems. w _..An nual• anis It Apia w nand Ma .Muir. 360 Your na& Approval $1,000 Guarantee Bond Protects You in Every Purchase atob sine we mein is emend y . eit teem wale!(. peer taserwM ad orb se ~wr jyp amt saar5t bet eke tel w oral 1.Ny aim ma ase ..,•r.a t W. aim to tits sow Mahn.o bo.aee s. ISMS s see row. apt cm* oar srtWt► hat sewr.l .. rut ..Nae h edam rove varve. of air .easw- 1s.rtirMn is w bees pew aim* doll emesis M w We � rolls ....ae611�ratt ta tae aamr1ita�. rlaewe. aad 4 i A . l T r 0M8 sr. k~aewe .meas rm l.M au Write to -day ter was cetaleg.e sad mil lea a Bra anter et fe sly pias. TWO dad k be lest bap yea otnr sae. Quality Beds Limited," MANUFACTURERS Welland, Ontario