HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 9THE SIGNAL : O4DBRUCH : ONTARIO FOOTWEAR FOR Christmas Presents 7//// <q/ fil �/ , f r/ - �iI%J r r Cf�rs t � l/t � r For 4 I 1 •♦ 9 6414ItArttiltitiltIll ✓/ ��1Ien ►e (filittf Christmas is celebrated by the Hindus in bare feet. But who wants to celebrate Christmas like a I lindoo? Equip yourself with footwear appro- priate to the season. We have in stock the latest styles in Gents' and Ladies' SHOES SLIPPERS and DANCING PUMPS "1 HE HART'" and "THE VASSAR' are al way S u f-tc-date CALL IN iTEfANSSOII IS SAFE BUT NOT ON NIS SNIP; Word has reached Ottawa from vtlb- jalrear 8tefansaoa that his vessel, the )rarluk, 1s safely frosen In the lee pack some place within the Arctic Girds. but the loader of the •xpedttlou himself la ou shore with six others of kis party. They wast asbore t0 lust and the Karluk was blown out .1 sight In a tog on October 30th. There are twenty-five men on the ves- sel but they have plenty of provisions and are believed to be in no danger. J. H. McClinton COMPROMISE PUN AGffP1fD BY ASQIAItl, W HM Cabinet Prepared to Moet Careen Half Way and rerbids Further importation of Anne Th. Brills! Cabinet. by o•fopoa- ppm alaatloa prohibiting tatloa of erns •ad ammunition IoW lrelaad. for the ant time grasped the n atal of tb. revolution In Ulster. which it had hitherto tgoored. Almost simultaneously with the pub' of the proclamation, Prem e' =made the loages% step ds the conciliation of the Illsterltes that the Government has taken, by an - bouncing his acceptance of the prin- dples for a bests of ogreemeat which S ir Edward Canon suggested In his last speech. These prtnclples am: !fret, that the settlement must not b. humiliating or degrading to Ulster. Second. Ulster's treatment must not be different or exceptional from of t�. meted out to the other parts United Kingdom. Third, Ulster must retain full pro. tectlon of the Imperial Parliament. Fourth. the borne rule bill must not be such as W lead to ultimate separ- ation of Ulster from Great Britain. Thus the government extends to the signers of the Ulster covenant the olive branch. The proclamation prohibiting the importation of arts and ammunition tato Ireland. Instead of reviving the Irish Crimes Act. which was *e odious to the old-time home rulers. &saint whom It was directed, merely Invokes the Customs Consolldatlon Act of MMMt, Prominent Belfast Unionists said that any attempt to deprtve the Ulster volunteers of their weapons would meth an uprising In the Nor- thern Irish province, but these threats were made before Mr. Asquith de- livered his pronouncement which was made la • speech at Manchester. The Premier said to part: "I am hopeful that --,discussion, freely and frankly carried out on the lines 1In- dicated at Ladybank. and on the linos Sir Edward Caren tndtcet•d, may Med to • cessation of the long em- bittered controversy and a settlement which will command the consent and good -will of all parties concerned. I agree with Sir Edward Carson that we have to consider carefully sad sympathetically the ease of the Irish ltslnoitt7; but equally we must keep to mind the case of the majority, who, atter a struggle extending over more than a lite time, now see their goal actually to sight" AGED PHYSICIAN DEAD Was Father of Hen. Sydney Fisher— Death Prom Tetanus Dr. Arthur Fisher, father of Hon. Sydney Fisher. and one of the fret pbyMdaaa W Introduce homorpathy In Montreal, died et his home in that etty. Mr. Thomas Oowdy. for many years • resident of Guelph, and a director In a number of well known companies Med as the result of a tall. Mn. Agnes !layette,. who celebrated her 100th birthday last June, died et the Home for Incurables, Toronto. Alex Rsaume of Windsor, developed tetanus after cutting his hand slightly read died to terrible agony. widow of Mrs. Belinda Wallace. $ms. N. Clarke Wallace. died at Wood - last Friday. Captain Tom Wal - ince. M.P., is a son. Captain J. I). Varcoe. well known around Lindsay as mister of the little steamer "The Maple Leaf' Med snd- deay in Toronto from scwte`apopl xy.. Kenneth Barnhart. secretary and treasurer of the big Marshall Field Company, Chicago. U dead. aged 14. B. was a native of Street/villa Ont. Jtohn 8. Paton, traveller for Nesbit O Add. Toronto, was found dead to bed of heart failure at the Alesandrs Va. Emily McDougall Relator,Ottawa widow of the late Hon. David Reeeor, Ned to Toronto, aged M. W.HERN �,. Christmas season .is here again. We take this time to thank our many custom- ers for their patronage dur- ing the past and trust that the same may continue. We are in a position this year to give you the best groceries, that money can y. Quality is always our first consideration. Our China assortment is largtr than ever. We can supply you with most suitable Christmas Gitt'. Don't forget to give us a call and we guarantee to give you satisfaction. a W. HERN Carew &mere sad Hamilton Street Mee 41 MORE LABOR UNREST Tourieray. Dec. 11. lett NLL BESIEGE CAPITAL litesdVt: srltheM•Nh•r+t'wReb seat •f .tss Whale subdued praotiesuy tb.. hmariners half 01 Medea e die rel le turning his etteatioa toward ptabltshM meat ce a goverPnt widek wtU be eatlral7v►n�M i diet Mexico City. al they will be to posidedea motional capital bytalsan and anticipate no melees redolence =*aa the part of the minima there. Ssv1. Federal generals in Cblbsahtsa. a.�o of the most important tittles In Ike pantry seat word to Villa an- a..aidng the surrender et the place. They lmnedlately started 10 li e . to ld Ike United elates, feartni UNIT 1m shot if they tell into villa's bands. With them went every parson n the city who could Imes. the eava ode atambertng several thousand per. pas. most of whom ogrrlad with them what goods were bio. Wbelesal* emoutions of Fedsn$t are nrted atter every capture by the victorious Villa. BANK MANAGER MURDERED --- IMAM Postal Employes Refect Small Increase Offered Them Tae threatened strike at Christmas be the British post and telegraph em- p07es, numbering nearly 100.000 men, iso y will be averted, but the move - `pt will be only postponed. as a re- eial a conference at Leicester of Misname representing 22,000 mem- of the various organisations. The delmates adopted a resolution the report of the Govern - 1 Oeountsston favoring a slight increase 1n the salaries of the em= CllCll. At the same time they pledged . to push their original do, red for a 16 per cont increase of 'wages, throughout the service after Isavins tbo strike proposal to be do redid upon by • general vote. ASK TOR PROTECTION Hindus In Canada Wire teed Han ding* Per Assists/tee The Hindu colony of Vittoria had peat • cablegram to Lord Hardlaget Vt eroy of India. asking that tb Government of India protect t .1 rights se was the case In South Africa; in connection with any changes to be Mad* In the Canadian Immigration tact. They say that the racial color bar which discriminates against them OM, a stigma on all the Htndustanls, t1ch needs to be removed Shot by Robber WM Took Garth -- Police After *„Meet H. M. Arnold. manager of the Beek of Montreal. Plum Coulee, Msa.. was shot and instantly killed b7 i dis- guised robber, who got a way with leek reported to amount to $4.400 The robber escaped in a livery sato. As Arnold'. body was found 1n the lane In rear of the bank, it 1s thought that he was bold up In the beak, and that he followed the robber atter the latter had got what cash was in sight. Tho police are coovinoed that the rob►er and murderer is Joan Krst- Moko. an ex -convict, wbo let Win- nipeg only a short time ago. 0 Theyp William Dyck, e auto under arrest upon his return to omembor aprominent Buss x, N.B.mtsmily and bad been in the service of the Bank of Montreal .t Hamilton, °ode- rloh. Pluton. Ont., It John's. Nad.. Brandon and Plum Coulee. BYE -ELECTION PROTESTED Charges Made That Corrupt Practice, Prevailed In South Brune A petition ehargtng that the election o+f Mr. Reuben Truax as member et the House of Commons for South Bruce was procured by bribery and other cor- rupt practices and praying that he be unseated and dtsqu•ltffedd for maven years from running or voting at a Federal election, and that the seat be awarded to Wellington D. Cargill. the Conservative candidate, or de- clared vacant has been fled at O.- goode Hall. The petition is spade by James T. Crawford, • farmer living near Walkerton. and James A Gar- land, a farmer and a member of the Township Council of Brant. Another rlre at Bow Paris Thirtythre• horses and six head obi battle perished in a fire believed td laess4tary origin. at Dew Park . sear Brantford early saturda7 Morning, the second bad blase within is few swathe. Besides the horses and cattle, valor seeding and farm machinery, as SO n hay and stock. wedestroyed, the total lose. it is estimated, ww111 around tM.000. Sir John Olbesn's Suaemeser It L stated to Ottawa that Sir WU- Meredith will seemed Sir Join as llwteneat-governor of Oa- wkes the latter's extended term Ores expires In September nest y also reported that Hoa. Meredith. Salm •t the eoart will seemed kis bee r as Melee. sad that eaather Mother y.reailk. L.O.. et Lomita will t►a lar eeGet... `losses,. Reuel. Sidled Annlvereore xeat.s'o°ts4 couple of lhaave rs.ehed their malvereary Mr. Venders barn at ill Ma hi his pele y�hee 1. SaNMdeed +asartdae7 ads great ulies TaleSradioed Ike Grows la 1I'*d. • NEW RAILWAY PROJECTED Ali -Red -Line Plans Routs Per to the North The All -Red -Lino Railway has en- tered an application with the Govern- merit for permtselon to build a tram- oontlneatsl line from Cape St Charism on the Atlantic coast to the head of Dean's Channel on the Pacific. What capital the new scheme has d154 who the wicker. is not o am own. J. K. Dowsle7, *elicitor, o[, Prescott. Ont, 1s named as the own pants legal agent. The line of the A11 -Red route whlob U part of a scheme to circle the earth with a transportation line in the British Empire, is much farther north than any of the other sea -to -ma Can- adian routes. DUBLIN STRIKE CONTINUES THE HOCKEY \SEASON is approaching Get your !hates .4 the finest quality from FRED HUNT HAMILTON sr. atom., Yandwaer. Plast - lag, Restl.g. itleet rie Wit asg and Fixtures Negotiators Fall to Agee Upon Terme of Settlement The attempt to reach a settlement of the Dublin strike, which has been In progress tor fifteen weeks, felled. A conference, composed o employes and employers, assisted by labor leaden from Britain, sat for twenty boon at Dublin threshing out every point, but broke down on the workers' demand tor Complete to Instatement of the str kers.Tale the Mlzeontive of the employers would not eoaced.. Th. employers offered to reinstate so per cent. of the strikers. le p.oamler 1st. the tansies lea Ota.d. martnbd igi o _a et grata. for whisk they r4 1n aided oast r far Kelly Deansa.. of d to, mstrted to Mn. Lett)* d }t L�stbhbsrg. Va. ',MU b•.. ws15ssmg 1s a hospital tae. y saftis to be worth ge D.111 of Bnndoa wee alp of the ht Show of Chieaxe, ruse ow} Olenearafesk r1M TM Wsrtmen's Compass/Mien Ant. tee dsa by Sty WIlffera =ft so `res dlel.a•d without ... by the oatarto .oate7e e sad ete.emass.. .t lit. ?vasty -seven Ma wens hut. to O�rree .tteh swept thtosgh the ss et 11e Areadfa Hotel. a Q^s Wilms buss ie Beetea-TM Peablield enemies - alumsowl eastsa seet wbag Ile Owe Wee j1.sMMe lire Ile KILLED IN AN AUTO Horse Leaped Into Meehan. Oruehlag 'laminae Man is Death INi JAIL AND DVT AGAIN wlfreglet Leader NM Allowed to Neesh Pert as Free Wonsan When you gra to a dealer's store to hear a be sine you hear an Phonograph If you do not hear an Educe you do ted bear a phew- bairn( There is only one Edison and only one riog his name. The Edison Phonograph s 11%671Mit grown personal achievement. He invented it and be pa- t it. He is responible for its clear, Ideas musical Record.—the Blue unbreakable, playing four minutes and lasting a lifetime. He has produrA the indestructible diamond reproducing point, that never meads changing. He has recently peffected this new cabinet model—a thing of beauty in itself and a marvel of musical perfection. Hear this new model. Hear the sew Blue Aasberol Records. eta- bt.einte_ev�erything worth whit in'the Geld of .bags and instru- mental music. Edisss AwiM.1a Yl PCS �iw Ursa Phe•atlrapi+. Gad R.00rd. are ,eM b JAMES F. THOMSON FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS For Selling 40 sets of Our Christmas or'Fancy Postal Cards. 6 in a set for [Oc. FOR BOYS —liver frosty Flash -light. N ctcle•p'atrd Hockey 6kate., T.M.1 Hoz with using- Toole, Mcchantoal Troia wtib Tender. Conch and Track, and many °theta FOR GIRLS—'loll•{•Iwretl Bx'ensl: n 11 arelet, firming Meetine complete, dainty Uun Mesal Watch, Lady Ann Dol Oarrlsge and many ether. FOR BOYS AND CURLS Moving Picture Machine complete with Altus end rli-its Send us ly ten. and we will send c n your y r i name mall. along with bignillustratted d tabetter of free premiums for boys and he money and we will send premium p..When inks, return w .t paid. Toronto Novelties Co.. Dept. 373, Toronto, Ont. The Signa well be sent 10 any addss Canada to Jan. 1st, Igls, forreonlyin $i.00. Send in your subscription now. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhuret was roc ae�e�tiQ off Devonport, as the deem - ship Ms4estic, on which she returned from America. was approaching Pi/ - mouth. 11ty a clever ruse, the pollee Wok, Mrs. Pankhurst Into custody without disturbance. completely ° twitting "General" Mn. Flora Drummond'/ Militant bodyguard, who were maimed at Plymouth to protect that? loader from arrest. Sbe was released again on Gaturda1. (saving weakened hermit greatly by a hunger and thirst strike. BIG TUNNEL CONTRACT Ten Mites of Tunnel to be Delves In the Rookies The tunnel -driving arm .1 James A. Mellwee and eons, of De.vM, have agreed to drive ten miles et tunnel for the Canadian Pacteo 14t1wa7 to the Province of Britlmh Constable for the sum a eight million dollars. Wort will start Jan. 1. and must be com- pleted within three years. The coo - tract 1. said to be the largest tunas) job ever let in America. Tuns. Reis axed tea. *bo lived =Outside of Hamlltoa was ajar taslaatly killed while ridsag to an atetosoWle *ben a Lot driven b Arthur Bedell. aged ttlastasa, Spartly tato the oar. strtking Mr. ea t.1d Mittbrine 'beet t Is safd'teLv.` soother rig. was plao.d seder the technical Marge of male' ter. B7 a jj peculiar o0 . was lust returning from visit. at Mr. Retd•s home. In manufactures are particularly grow- ing ttrw- Increasing Oe0 from $29.041.$01 in 1131 The Tem Bye.aleetlow. to In 111111- (NlettBW�O1sL.a dtor nld� �iW.ra1 ! Mimes Strike in B.s i WNN file somtaatloi of Dr A. W, IjW N 100.�000 imams 1B Swath ?Pr.herae, Man., mond. sad *Ism wwee `w•"o4 ars Ms ilmash da Gm uameatee Ooa.er?etLtve Spread of the GreatWMssm Ik Mr. r. arta..rtke. The strike ot'71g1aSaM w Lanark Dr. A. E. Haase. the dla at Ila MIM drth b U. CoI. 3. M. 11 tt w set auahsrlwd b 1 _t Conservative sad M lb. sa obi. j >revemt has Ms+.las.d Rewires. 1ad•pMdest were , rp7 ra ly somiaated. i t da Geraleg t. Oteade Increase In Canada's Trade Figures just compiled tor the twelve .months *adios Oat. 1 slin[. teat AB* tettr 'titian of flimedb weir $t;111,ss7,161. This 1s en increase for the corresponding period of 1110. only four years ago. of nearly tour hundred million dollars. Our exports *wit For *1,005,500 The firm of Westinghouse, A Kerr & Compa..y, New York lave brought a suit for sl against the Grand Trunk lista Company, beosese the latter eaaseajo4 a •srtrect wltb them to belle a ssfta��t saw �� et Tomato. Child alma Ten Veen Rathlees 011la Steens. a tairtee.- year-el4 gin of Wewaka, Slsaketeho esus, fossa gdlty of beadles to death bee elghtyearotd eempasles. Yalta JMargs. 1■ the woods near their biow was seatsaee4 le tea jean la Om sonteattar7 at Prise* Albert e wawa, kayo tip a tea ►slaws _ye l� the M t[ 7�tp�1 I Tito st' tee hand tamalea of Japreee tale number 11 settling la eix moSt�he �a� 111IS srMss. ekildr'ee. Deaths from t• 05tes10 Mnews' .. months of 11111 Th• sovlxetl•a seams op the Osod Lakes •laid, esledally. l.st Pvlidat m At At a 18 at Cshuses *8*1 P.t sodded slat eN Dmmfmi alM _ . t will epee ea 1aimery 1Nh. Oaltl. 11.8 1.. a � The Largest Yet That is what our Holiday trade will be if you make your selection from BROPHEY BRO'S. Stock of FURNITURE We have at present a full line of Leather and Rexine Rockers and Students' Chairs— the largest in years. Also a new line of Ratan Rockers and Chairs, Couches. odd Parlor Furniture. etc. . . Any of these articles would be a very acceptable Gift for anyone to re • 4c.eivs. Or perhaps Lou anticipate a nice China Cabinet, Dinit'l Ta-bhr, a -set -' ' Leather Diners. . . Or perhaps you have been building on a nice Parlor Suite for your wife : if so, we have them in Silks and Veronas— three and five -piece Suites. . . Odd Dressers and Stands in /-cut Oak, Mahogany and Empire finish—from the cheapest to the best al- ways in stock. . . Our line of Felt Mate tresses are in great demand by the tired ones who desire rest and comfort. . . In fact, we keep in stock every line necessary to Turnish the home from cellar to garret. Call and iLpect our stock. No trouble to show goods at the OLD RELIABLE Brophey Bros. UsJertellers mad Eeh►elG.ers moo •ad Day calls promptly -needed M Bute F bees 110 Resideaee Plan 117