HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-12-11, Page 811rt•wnee, Dm 11, 1013
THE storm,
If you have $100
Tharos race... .&rse. Mui a.l. ppr
awe iI atomically .m.
a•+n.ere.1116 meuraw, .....,
6137. )y �6a It wJ =
i 6006 J r.. laws M d6
per 5 Cent.
Map ....b..l•..b racer.. 011, how
..,.a r s �••7 C..L . co«. �.e.�l•
• �.- Y ao wrava� ..•••.
.bad miaow la .s iaq. •'•
. e..a ...e W.
awe a ...anal •Aeearw.d.red Doers•'
*d•• .f ().bw+ur.w we would like
�..p . tL....a raii.fanoo ..d Moll -
Mteeeea •ra•••r.
Paid-up Capital -
Asset. - - - - S5.000,000.00
Tb. Company prew r.b.bl1 advice re-
/paciyn'sPs wi of lease w r.
• .11 se
,neDeb.wr . marled so n.
W. L HORTON, Coderich
Resident Director
tosszinrnrrrrsomossossu d
'Christmas Sifts
1 .,f choice ('lit Flowers are Always
11 and can be procured at
Florist Bruce Street
Florist Street
Our favorites are Ptoses, Car-
netions, Walley, Violets and
Icy fr an the man who is in
the busine,a.
S.8. No. 14, Stanley
The followiter Is the October month-
ly repel of 8.8 No. 14, 8taoley, name.
are in order of merit :-
Fifth clew -Nelson Hood, lis. Al -
Sr. Fourth class -Cecil Jobasloe,
1. E. Warauana. Louisa Mc('lyniont.
Jr. Fourth ewes -Anna Fieb's% IVil-
lie Cooper Tillie Nigh.
Sr. Third ^lass -Margaret Cooper.
Bella Collins. Willie Collin..
Jr. Torr class --A. Parsons, Harold
1'alhwell, W. Persons.
See td class -Norma Hood. F:IIa
Ferber. Chace Cooper.
Jr. M. .,ad clr.s-Wilfrid Rosa. W.
Past I1. class --F. Parlous. Agnes
Sigh, S. Nigh.
Part 1. class -U' rsine Foster. W.
1;`lnrkwate W. Russ.
The best spellers in the monlhl
:welling matches were :-Fifth-Ne-
•••tt Hood : ter. Fourth Laverne' E.
Wasmann; Jr. Fourth -W. R. Cooper;
1c.. 'Mira - aur woe cooper ; Sr. Second
-Norm* Heed ; Jr. second --Wilfrid
Ross : Part 11. -Agnes Nigh.
S.S. No. 4. West Wawsooab
The following fe the report for Oe-
tober of S.S. No. 1. West Waw.ncsh.
Names are given in order of merit:
Entranre class - Della Crenate*,
Gladys "%Vehb. Mary llctenillen. Cecil
Hyde and Gladys Hyde (equal). Gor-
don MacPhersuo, Ewart D1acPberson.
Wilson Wood.. Versa Wo,idb and
Lorne Wocds )equal), Wilfrid McQuil•
Jr. IV. clabs-Cors) Maci)oneld.
Sr. 111. else -Fail Daroin and Jos-
eph Forster tequ*I . Eddie McQuillan.
Jr. III. :lass -Jean McQuillan. Stan-
ley Todd. Evan McQuillan, Willie Mc-
Quillan. Ewara McQuillan. Madeline
sr. II. cher-Beetrice McQuillan.
Lizzie Ihu%er, Lorne Webb.
It. 11. class -.label Woods. Cecil
Forster, Earl Gaunt. Annie Purves
Jean Gaunt. Le'lie Hallam. Charlie
Pt. 11. (-Ica.-Vera Todd. Bobbie
McQuihwu. Percy Hyde, 1;•rolioe
Webb, Cameron McDonald. Viola Ra-
ker, Leslie Purves and Verna Uauut
(equal). Duncan MaclbmJd. Jueephinc
Pt. i class-Rebbie Lyons. Lee. lie
Puree+. Hora••e 5fcieuire, Gordon /tr-
s-ken. Harold Gaunt.
Pritnerclass-Bertie Niceluiltan. Bea-
nie Purves, Alvin !Woods. Jack Hal -
Average attendance. 41
LILI.AN ('LARK. Tearber.
Ik1ro It MArnta to you that of all the
sae.., wtsen and children who die each
yowl 1n Canada one in eeven is a victim of
It..16.L# MATraa that one in every three
of then is cut off no the full glow of life,
wee plana and hopes and loves that moat
be ratio up'
Dons IT MArrxa thnt a few persons have
)(eine] hale , and within a few short years
ease. rataed thousands of these unhappy
ones and can save them all if ooly there' is
a little room help and a little more money!
Porhai,s it doew.'t matter. It is all very
ateroating hut at is no immediate concern
1114```"�����ttrr 1F114.; t.0 Ir Ll ArrtlitiFriaelsrtt ,s/
entering •,..inet.oiy eye's home and tarry-
ing oil their loved oties, Coeeumptlel
c•+1110 cos. sur horse anti laid iia hand on
the iso^ ion love the Meat in all the world !
Worth I•r \!arras then if you saw your
h.ahand, wife, chilli or friend dying for lack
of s little hit_ of the money some other fellow
was throwing away!
Woe! a 1T NArra.when Christ ma* cam
if these aere nothing for you to do but .wit
on the edge of the lied and stroke the white
ha.sd on the ,,overlet and realise that thu
was the last Christmas!
This is how much it matters in thqua••ds
Of homes u1 C.cn.ula this year and will con-
tinue to matter until enough i,eoitle like you
tem U.e bund -i. and feel how cru•hing it is
It oohs matter- "it 1. the roni.t important
Hoeg in the life of some unfortunate
meteor- what you do with the attached
• To help the MarksM Pre Hca
pail (0,1 e++« rnl,e • n. n..tiw w• is-.
)•r. An in no ,• ore. 1 pfedtp enclose
the raw. oli
Add.e.r - .. ..
Lrr, will pro. ide o.alraNawme. foie • wast
..ill pa v lowads& s four wa-
On will endow ., hal ler • Hear.
'� M...... Ow weal a .era a prewaaewt
ow r. l IA.MI d alae Hite to .wa.rr(te
e .. !resister ant wawa . eed-
t.aeN..r," may ......16, w. 1 Geer. .g. ..1 apnea
A,. , 7.c...... •. 1 a I..wr. bra Tn.. %.rani 1 M-
tee.y. Aw.. 00...11: (..g ai .. Tonne.
MacEWateS '
hest Scranton Hard
Coal --all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates- -the highest
quality of Coal that
.an be bought for
(he purpose.
Umpire Dome s t i c
Lump Coal -- most
satisfactory Soft Coal
and fireplaces.
ranges, stoves
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and kindling.
ter MacENan Estate ,. ►s I. V. ew�iti
S.S. No. 3. West Wawanesb
The following is the report of B.S.
No. :3, Wert Wawaoostl. it is arrang-
ed in order of merit ; Wanton regular -
icy of attendance. punctuality, behav
i,•r. daily work and weekly examina-
N . class -Lottie Johnston.
8r. iV. class -John Cranston. Mil-
dred Fitspatrick. Gordon Cameros
Ruth Fowler, Annie Durnin. Willie
Thompson. Aht.ie Smith. Jame, Dur-
nin. Tommy �Vebeter. Harvey Wen -
Jr. III. class -Harris Putdon. Lorne
Durnin, John Tbotop,00, Wilbert
Durnin. Joe Thompson.
Jr. II. claw --Lizzie Wilson. Mary
Je motod, Willie Ciao:ote *death"
Webster. Clayton Smith. '11
8r. Pt. 11. claw --Elmer Purdor.. Roe•
sell Thoumpeon
. -
Jr. Pt. 1l. cl.ue Rebecca Thomp-
son. Margaret D•)rnin.
Pt. I. clap -Lucy Thompson.
The section err invited to altend an
examination in the ie-hool on Friday
atterotwn. t,eceniber ILoh.
A. U. ik,RR.t!tt z. Teacher.
Last Session of County
Council Held this Year
S.S. No. t4. Staaley
The following is the November
monthly report of S.8. No. 14. Stan -
ler names are in order of merit :-
'Fifth class -Nelson Hood.
8r. Fourth clari-C. Jobnstos,
Louisa McClymont. L. E. iVaeru.on.
Jr. Fourth claire-Anna Fisher. W.
R. Cooper. Tillie Nigh.
Sr. Third Haw -Maggie Oocper.
Bella l'ollins, W. H. C line.
Jr. Third class -Harrill Ratbwell.
A. R Parsons, W. R. Parsons.
Sr second clap -Norma Hood, Ella
Fisher. Grace Fairbairn.
Jr. Second elms -W. J. Ross, W.
Harvey. May Promote
. Second Part class -F. Parsons.
Agnes Neill. '. J. Nigh.
First Part class-D:lrsina Fest
W. Workman. W. Ross.
The best spellers lc the ntontbl
spelling matebee were :- Sr. Fourth
and Flttb-Louie. Met'Iymomt : Jr.
Fourth -Willie C'noper; Sr. Third --
Maggie Cooper; Jr. Third -Harold
Rathweli : Mr. Second --Grace Peer-
halrn ; Jr. Second --Wilfrid Ross
Second Part -Sylvester Nigh.
1 esph � +la.el, rifilriet,.g,r •
Council Diisapp►obes of Government's Proposal of Sending
Insane to House of Refuge--- Wil! Not Sanction
New School Inspectorate -Retiring
Warden Kindly Remembered
Th. last wawa of the meaty .stis-
eil foe the year 1914 wee eAe�nslnd.4
on Friday �Wbile iuse a 41 Friday
session from Tuesday M r4day
there was considereble Maisie. trams
acted and the om.stiog shed upas
wual by '•cao.ins" the warden. wbo is
retiring from office this Year- He bee
served the count] well during bb
teonreof office *ad bis resignation is
being received with regret.
('omas. Meanings and Bisset mcn•ed
that this couaril hear tbe 'erne.- of
two electric. tights on tube Maitland
bridge at Jaltfoid. one I,ib mitre
his motion
and one et the swat sod Bu T
was referred to the Road
commit tee.
The report of the Education commit-
tee was pne,e/nted with (bun. John
Mulvey in the chair.
Clause tbree was Amended to read
Ibat Ihei council dors not &grove of
e.t•hliehin . Dew loins sebout inspec-
torate welt Bruce county, as advoewt-
ed M' 141. J. Waugh. M.A.. chief in-
spector of public sod lrpnrate
schools for t ►r. t m io
The report of the County Property
committee was read and considered
with Coen. Beset in the chair. It was
Mr. John Challenger. of the Ameri-
can Road Machine ('oanpenv, address•
rd t Le council .an the w ort of gond
!roads machinery aced -extended an invi-
tation to the council to visit the com-
pany'. plant.
Councillor Brown asked the County
Property commenter I'ow the grant
for electric ligbting around ti,. cone
house was expended
as cba4rwaa of that comwittee gave a
satisfactory &sower.
The ipp.ort of the House of Refuge
eotnmitlee wap tra.wr•1-.
The report of the Road and Bridge
committee was read cod passed.
Following are the name6 of the pupils
of bt Josepb'ssebool. Kingsbridge•whn
took honor* un the November ezami
nations :
Fifth class -W Long `t:. T.
tl, J. ',nag 76, B. O'Loughlin 73.
Hillis 73.
Fneirth rias --W. Hackett 79, 0
)•Kepis e. M. .1. Dalton 7:w
Thins claim -F Hackett M. M. Lens
7, M. Foley 73. M.1. Hussey 75 L Joys
3, B. Myelin 73
Recoed elem. -A. O'Connor Dolt. K.
O'Reilly f1s, 111. Mertle RI, W Mc-
ttwrtley 7e. M. O'Voneer 75, V O'Reilly
72, R. Guest 71, J. C. Keene 71. 0.
Garrey 70,
Part 11. i-P.Lemg , J.O'Re411y
79, R Dalt c7sj 111}
The Kaiser will take the 7ahov e
gani.nn &,U7 until the people have
rooted down.
ett atitrziaiet
re •
recommended to the council by this
The matter of appointing a Dew in-
spectoe came up and oo motion of
Coun. Livingston and Routley the
committee re•comrueoded that so ac-
tion he taken.
Concerning the publicity expenses,
firs Ezecutive committee having gone
over the returns as submitted by the
secretary and treasurer of the publici-
ty aasociatimetIud!bat the expenditure
bee exceeded the greet by $4S Ori. It
recommended that a further .wouot
of $31) he granted to the association to
cover this deficit.
Th. Drtecipal item of business trans-
acted by the House of Refuge cow•
woittee was to recommend the passing
of . bylaw to inerea.e the salaries of
the officials of that institution.
The committee recommended re In-
terest nn estate. of inmate., not used
upon their care, that tbe bank interest
he Allowed on the unexpended bel
A bylaw wu !rased increasing the
selarees of the keeper. inspector and
mattock of the house of refuge.
'lbs keeper. Mr. Robert Mutrb, who
has been receiving $3001 per annum,
will now get grub). Mr,. Mutcb, the
matron gets $1100 increase. now reciey-
ing 04111, and the inspector. 31r. Jobn
Torrance has been granted a raise of
$'rs now making his eatery led011 per
in reference to a clause in the re-
vert of the House of Refuge commit ter.
this council Mroegly disapprove- of the
proposition of returning to that insti-
tution tbe quiet and harmless lunatics
who are toted, or suppt"ed 'o he cur-
ed. and who were formerly residents of
at be esesity. tierwse the rel f leo-
hied, se b. -.d to are meal*reHerb*
wards of tae presence. *Mere *Ore
shin bas [leen made for their cni'e
and maintenance of indigents : Sec-
ondly. on the grounds hat additiootel
east to tbecounty affording accommod-
ation and cue of such unfortunates and
the danger of t be recurrence of danger -
lunacy That the hosts of refuge
is doing a splendid chatitable work
Ara it is et present and it i, feared that
it such a proposal is carried out. it
Wight be dsngerdue and rienwralizing
to all such institutions. These resolu-
tions were moved by Coun.. Leckie
end Nurninga.
The reports of committees were re -
earl ed and adopted.
The committee reported re the ap-
peal Ciotti the order made by Mr. Jus-
wtice Kelly. It would recommend that
a rea,luteon he'passed at tine .elision
of the county eonacil asking that
legislation coveting the disputed
point regarding pedlars licensee on
county bounden...attd that each coun-
ty be given jurisdiction on its own
hou.daa its.
The e.'mmittee would recommend
that in •iew of the Great Lakes disas-
ter Obit • motion be paseed at this
season to tsrmmorialize the Dominion
government to continue the work of
eatending tic breakwater at Goderich
asspeedily as possible to make it a
harbor of refuge. This enoticn was
!roved by Cone. Mutiniege and sec-
ot.ded by Coen : antelon.
t• sms• ii bol b. Supps.
• s laser say rims. 1171
Tklleobose N • n
Large Iliem osb nada to Church, Clarity
.ad Emple}ws
' ltss lite and work of the late W. H.
MoLm.s, for eo many yem a highly
resident of Hassidim', and
a es-"reeidewt of Uoderiob, won
for biim a reputation that will ohm
doves Iwugh the ogee for human.
Lacs std Oboist las choract.r, bat his
last will and testament. mewed by
Hamm. Oldshalas, logia h Mtiipss cos.
b.rti.tere, Osmtltoa, and awsetsnoad
T srsda soraleapt, holism spoke of
the shorteahttb as+ 1 le teals of bis
obeinetML The Ymodien nnaes says, a
prominent Asp* weber my last )1te.
as earnest adm ale of all Ibat was
good and righteous, a elan wits se-
UUm bis outepokeo doctrines. W. H.
MOLArss was not a man who is death
would forget wbat had bras his inter-
nterest all Ms lite, and the bequests of his
will, whllo out of the nature toocea.ios
surprise to those who were well ac-
quainted with him, will prove to those
wbo knew him sot so well, Ibwt his
whole desire was to do bis utmost for
the cause of his Maker.
Mr. McLaren left an estate valued
at in the neigbborbood of 11150,000,
figuring his real estate noldinge et
tbeir warned value.
His Ant bequest la 117000 tntbe Aged
•nd Infirm Ministers' fund of the Pres-
byterian church.
The next is 13100 to the Widows
and Orphans fund of Use mune church.
The congregat ion of Knox chinas,
Hamilton. of which be waa A promin-
ent meneuer,wllltemir* $l000aeawb-
ucviption to the debt of the chute!,
should the debt be wiped off withht
six month. of the death of Mr. Mc-
Laren. It is understood the debt
amounts to about 110000.
The coogregatiou of Calvin P.reeby-
tet•ian church, which is • brancb u(
Knox chiercb, will reeve 11(100 tar
the erection of a new rhurch, wed
the funds toward the I raiding have
peached $10,tx1U. Tim property is at
present valued at about 15000, so lbat
the congregation will only balm to
raise 1130011 to get the 0115x) donated by
Mr. McLaren.
The executive of the Presbyterian
church extension union, of Hamilton.
is given 111000 towards the payment
of the debt on the Laidlaw MeraorW
chutcb, whicb was huilt entirely by
the union. Mr. McLaren was vice-
ia -president of the union.
Toward the canvass of the Yong
Women's Christian association which
is going nn at the present time, a be-
quest of 111000 is made. This announce-
ment was made at the noon -day ben-
quet on Tburday.
To etch person employed At McL.r-
en's Limited three years prior to Mr.
McLarem's death. • bequest of le31)
is made.
The widow and J. Alexander McLar-
ene brother in Toronto. have been ap-
pointed trustees to carry on the busi-
ness wbich tore hie Daus*.
An annuity has been set aside foe
the widow and his onlydaughter. Mop
Marjorie McLaren.
At the death of the widow the prop-
erty will revert to led daughter and
her children.
If the daughter. At death, leaves no
ismer. the deceased bas made a provis-
ion by dividing the eseue inti two
elveres. The children of J. Alezaader
McLaren receive one share. The oth-
er is to the board of education of
Hamilton for the improvement of
play -grounds for the cbildr•n. He
has suggested that tbe capilal he in-
vested fu *chord debenture, and tic
interest used in carrying out hie
w ishe,.
This large estate is male upas fol-
lows: -Real estate. $43.7:10; mort-
gagee, 111(A); honk debts and proteis-
aory notes, 1110r212.2) : life iasnrenee,
86313.50; deposit in hank, 0.1118.t43:
stock in McLaren'. Limited. 71Yu
shat.., 1178,500: stock in (iotdoo-Dev-
lee On.. Limited, SIAOD; Hoek in Can-
ed* Consolidated Rubber Co., ed144:
household furniture, $5111
it notified the council that the gov-
ernment untended to transfer from
the asylums to the home of refuge all
the insane sent from this county. who
are in their opinion quiet and harm -
Re the estates of Joeeph Jordan and
Mrs. McKenzie, it recommended that
the inspector be empewrred to turn
over any balances to the county solic-
itor to be paid by parties entitled
There being A quantity of gravel left
over from the taro of Ibat loetitutfott
the committee decided to replace the
old loard weld arottod the building
with a new cement ,valk. which was
done at a cost of 032.
It repr.rted that an addition to the
barn hal been completer!. mho painted
and the rewent work blocked ort to
correspond with the other pert of the
building. This wort was done et a
cost of 0001.
Thr jab i. *sell ked atsilloRm.Ori*ea..
en comfortably boosted. was efebodied
is the report r the (`uuety Property
committee It further reported : That
the pure►adeg of underwear. shoes.
rte , us needed for rim pri.osers, be
left 1. the bands of the chairman.
le regard to tee issp.ctot's report
no use wiring I what was reported nn-
. atiafeeto7ryl the eommitte• recon,-
tae*ded that the tenders he called for.
so that the work tumid he awarded at
the wit meeting is January.
Everything wes seti.tactory around
IM court bower. in the opinion rat Ibis
eorosalttee. and it recommended that
additional desire be bought for the
oilre of the twenty crown altora.y.
The report of the Katmai', commit -
to weetroeetrsd On motion of Onus.
Olsst and Winter the committee rec-
*mtme*ded that the massif grant $1110
1c. $ . Greet lakes ellandoe frond
T .
Thy committee that the
of reel regoired for eoenty
be 80.1111 hewn Meeamre. He.
ilsk Media end tic Peter Ilse -
rarest Rams* in .gsel geastitt... The
.re.r to be for rag sod cannel mai.V.M1 per toes: Nora mid nut o0.1,
117 72 per ton
RDVGdTiON 001111 t'ES-
Rsfw.lsg to the esmosualsatioe
from 116 Marys s.tleglese lestl.t 4 re
art l.ml Ism tar Memo musty pulpits
sit //mms-r
Mr. the Ywsatten w-
itiantvpsees Hiatt Ws be ante0111 as
west >• kir tes 1. rs ,...Seam and te
taridlMt lira w ethers. s«abn I.
e�•`�" 4 • Mercer. well M Impertemt mauler
The committee met at Winghem in
June. The engineer reported that he
had 1st the coot ract for changing the
cbanbrl at Glen's bridge and the abut-
ment, would have to be protected
which will co+t about $700.
The tender of Messrs. McKinnon
Bios. of $3311. for repairing the ap-
proach to Lower is ingbaw village
bridge. had been accepted.
The contract for widening the
Prairie road south of Wioghant was
let to Mr. J. J. Mcl'a.tgbey, of Monis,,
at 27 cents a cubic herd. to be reckoned
on the estimate of Engineer Rogers.
It will coat the townships of East
Wawanoih and Morris $551.40 end
Hilton cotfbty $33)(41).
In compliance with the resolution
of the council, the committee examin-
ed the river at Wingham and ix satis-
fied that it would be useless to at-
tempt to enlarge the giver bed to pte-
veut the flood water.
Corltett'e hridge between Stephen
and McGillivray townships and a
bridge between t'aborne end Biddulph
townships have been built. The tend-
er of Mr. R, Hutcheson at $4.:^al per
cubic yard for tbe Corbett hridge was
accepted And the otber hridge called
Drought hridge was built by the
Stretford Bridge Company, whose
tender of $1200 was accepted.
Re Deckle's bridge. in the township
of West Wewenosh, the committee had
decided to build a new bridge sixteen
feet wide. 23 feet *pan and raise the
structure 2,1 feet. provided the county
of Brace pay one-half and the town-
ship of Nest Wawanosh pay $73 to-
wards this county's share.
At the call of the warden of the
county of Vellington, the warden of
Huron and Messrs. Livingston, Rees
and Bailie met to examine a bridge
knee wn es ,Millet's bridge. The issue
was to build this bridge. After a con-
feretree the !natter war left in abeyance
until the December meeting of lbs
Concerning the motion of Cools.
Munciege mod Bisset that two lights
be placed on the Sanford bridge,
the committee repotted that no
action be taken in this matte
The committee has completed all
Use tltbst h&Jlrailteit leteNila lblay es
with the exception of Deckle's bridge,
which will be completed within a few
The report of the Fluent* committee
•bowed that the accounts paid amount-
ed to $14,t0 70 .The Surd Regiment
Mend. which is Matrons is entitled. to
be paid 1.106 by the county.
The but bu.isese of the council was
the presentation of • geld -headed cane
to Wardee Me1ay, who 1. retiring.
Ooun. Meanings reed an appropriate
addr.s., eulogising the warden fur his
good work deriwg Isis tonere of office,
and the presentation was made by
Court* Bander. amid Haman The
warden made a fitting reply.
Document Feta with Neeesrory Deponit
Alines Many Charges
The expected protest against the re-
turn of Mr. R. E. Thus:, the UIwc*l
elected in the &firth Brom bye -elec-
tion on October 9lkb loot, waw Med et
Oagoode hell, Toronto. on Friday last,
accompanied by the necessary 111000
The petition aska that the sertsber-
.kct be unreeled fwd declared diel. -
titled to vote or retreat a federal elms-
l.♦tion for the nezt:oven years. The pe-
tition is lodged os behalf of James T.
Crawford, a farmer li•iaagg soar Walk-
erton. and James A. Oariaad, a mese-
bee of Besot town.bip roamed. It
asks that the seat he awarded to the
Conocovatir. eandidete, Wellington
D. Cargill. or be declared vacant.
There are some 110 chooses, 21
of which ant 14 1a t.r'tltgstl$/t 7111+-
-Truaz personally. Amon, chaise it M
asserted !bat Mr. Truax and tats agents
were guilty of giving an leading
money 10 Inderm orreries to vote for
biro tr refrain from voting, of 'demot-
ing mosey to be in hrittory and
encrypt pre !lest, making gift., of
promising p dt bo 1wfie.nes .et-
ers. or pre villi g'•emit; drink mod ra-
ft eoluseniw lir elsaorv, of hiriig w
blase eald !cleaning r.ilwmy ttet.te
to take mime to Ole polls.
it is charged that mosey was freely
need Ie bribing *Ireton, that num
•eereyying from 113 to ,IW ware mid to
individuals to secede retro for Mr.
True x.
Break Wiskey s Grip
toe Your Lovell On..
Drunkards will tell you with tears r71
sincerity that they do sot want to
drink. The rravisg corniest from the
Inflamed men.b,a nes of tb. stomach
Idris them to it.
t Altura will soothe the trembling
nsrv,. •od remove the ensuing that
is raising ynnr home and stealing as
otberwi.e kind husband it father Iroam
Tour It root...ay $1.00 per hoz anti
it It does not rues or benefit. after a
trial the money will be refunded.
Alours No. 1 Is tasteless and atm he
gives aeeretly is tes, mita* or food.
Altura No. 2 is takes retsstaeily by
theses willing In help tbes.etr.s.
Mews can sow be obtained at out
steer. Ask for has booklet{ Mang all
Ofd atO Mrs Atoms a trial.
IL Witt* eimmest. es ietlsin
The Han
rustskeer sew Cho hely bra.
Who saver be. tram may
le balled err Wear pea.
her yea byokay tower
Bees balls, pew bevepsrd brat se meek.
Tbs awe bMktra who
Arad ysi era wedeel nus lest weak
To tasty deur per mama
She 14.5 deaarok5Hedo.
lobo add= tide ea the Imo ;
eba erre vsets.s dem bur bah
7. wet flea *.pbwd brae►
AM yet. mutein h .sots pile w..e,
alis. Mader out earo...4
iesv s+s mretee se tea en.er o care
/-veddin s ped. brills
T.. Ws we've Asti M as ler "web
Mosses* dab ea the weft
Au. aware 051516 la the abaft l
Rea las lee Yee .our. heel
That nava Ibe..w lmew.settthd
Th.t we Mil eget IaMO,
hue d1rwlibelenf. lis• ems* 11119e1ti,
wwisem wbow het salty
Everything in full swing in this establishment
for Christmas buying
Very simple to find Gifts suitable for anyone,
CblWrwbl Banks . from en Mural, SI in- Wic petters book at ie, to Mackie,.
Cress'Boy: Books, Alger Hooks Mc, H.nty Books 116e. folie and 11.11, "`trout
Books" 25e, Olen, lie. and Scout Annual Riau.
Girls' Boobs. L. r. Mead and other popular authors, Abe, fink, 7:M mid
111.00. Girl'. Own Annual, 161,75.
Copyright Books. Everything worth while published 01to the
present. from 111.10 to 111.30.
Bibb., Prayer Books, Hymn Hooke, for all t•bu.cbes.
Christmas C'aede, Artistic Wender", Reale. Tags, etc., .5.. Iii
For exclusive good. our show windows will give you an ink hII es to
wbat M amide the more.
You are invited to Dome and look. No obligation to put chit.,,
The Colonial Book Store
Oeo. Porter, Prop., Ooderlch
The Very Thing!
The Christmas gift ,that will appeal to every
member of the family -will add, to the joy of the
Christmas day in the pleasure of picture taking and
will perpetuate that day by preserving its memories.
KODAKS, $y.00 and up.
BROWNIE' CAMERA $1.00 to $I2.00
They work hike Kedaks
Expert Photographer - Goderich
SLIppERs �„,;,,m,s
What better remembrance can
you give your friend than a pair of
dainty slippers ?
You not only offer them many
days of comfort and satisfaction
but also. leach them that slippers
are sources of pleasure and con-
tentment. And every morning
through all the year they will think
kindly of you.
To meet the extra demand
this season we have made an un-
usual effort to show a variety of
holiday noveltiesthrtt cannot be ex-
celled. Our prices will be found
most reasonable.
Downing & i acV icaribose IMO nrnel
L-` 'f .t a iii tet.
Per Sabo by LeadtnR DnEggiets laverywbots
W.V..mt11a.sal.r. 0~ 941
tie M
ewe er jar•
DIP leo die